The Category P Features, Projections, Interpretation

The Category P Features, Projections, Interpretation

The Category P Features, Projections, Interpretation


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the Accusative Case in (56) is due to complex predicate formation proposed to take<br />

place in the Hebrew Directional construction. Moreover, the Case of the nominal is<br />

Accusative (rather than Locative (57c)) not only in the Directional verbal constructions,<br />

but also when a Directional PP is combined with an appropriate nominal, as shown in<br />

(57). Importantly, nominals in Russian do not assign Accusative, but rather Genitive<br />

(57b):<br />

(57) a. ekskursiya v les<br />

trip in forest-Acc<br />

“a trip to [the] forest”<br />

b. ekskursiya Mish-i<br />

trip Misha-Gen<br />

“a trip of Misha”<br />

c. ekskursiya v les-u<br />

trip in forest-Loc<br />

“a trip in [the] forest”<br />

Interestingly, this Case variation is reminiscent of the variation discussed in the<br />

previous chapter (3.3.1): A DP introduced by a P-morpheme of the locative variety,<br />

such as v (‘in’) is Accusative, rather than Locative, in PP-verb constructions, as shown<br />

in (58):<br />

(58) dan verit v Sach-u<br />

Dan believes in Sacha-Acc<br />

“Dan believes in Sacha.”<br />

In chapter 3, this Case-variation is attributed to the difference between the function<br />

of the locative small prepositions in Locative constructions and their function with PPverbs.<br />

In the Locative construction P is a predicate (P R ) assigning inherent Case,<br />

whereas in PP-verb constructions it is a Case-checking device, P C . Recall that the<br />

Russian Directional construction indicates that there is no Directional P-predicate (P R )<br />

in the language. Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that the preposition used as

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