EEG and Brain Connectivity: A Tutorial - Bio-Medical Instruments, Inc.

EEG and Brain Connectivity: A Tutorial - Bio-Medical Instruments, Inc.

EEG and Brain Connectivity: A Tutorial - Bio-Medical Instruments, Inc.


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that the total population of synaptic generators of the <strong>EEG</strong> are the<br />

summation of : 1- a synchronous generator (M) compartment <strong>and</strong>, 2- an<br />

asynchronous generator (N) compartment in which the relative contribution<br />

to the amplitude of the <strong>EEG</strong> is A = M N . This means that synchronous<br />

generators contribute much more to the amplitude of <strong>EEG</strong> than<br />

asynchronous generators. For example, assume 10 5 total generators in<br />

which 10% of the generators are synchronous or M = 1 x 10 4 <strong>and</strong> N = 9 x<br />

10 4 4<br />

4<br />

then <strong>EEG</strong> amplitude = 10 9x 10 , or in other words, a 10% change in<br />

the number of synchronous generators results in a 33 fold increase in <strong>EEG</strong><br />

amplitude (Lopez da Silva, 1994). Blood flow studies of intelligence often<br />

report less blood flow changes in high I.Q. groups compared to lower I.Q.<br />

subjects (Haier et al, 1992; Haier <strong>and</strong> Benbow, 1995; Jausovec <strong>and</strong><br />

Jausovec, 2003). Cerebral blood flow is generally related to the total<br />

number of active neurons integrated over time, e.g., 1 – 20 minutes<br />

(Yarowsky et al, 1983: 1985; Herscovitch, 1994). In contrast, <strong>EEG</strong><br />

amplitude as described above is influenced by the number of synchronous<br />

generators much more than by the total number of generators <strong>and</strong> this may<br />

be why high I.Q. subjects while generating more synchronous source current<br />

than low I.Q. subjects often fail to show greater cerebral blood flow<br />

(Thatcher et al, 2006).<br />

3- What is Volume Conduction <strong>and</strong> <strong>Connectivity</strong>?<br />

The <strong>EEG</strong> has a dual personality. One personality are the electrical<br />

fields of the brain which operate at the speed of light where dipoles<br />

distributed in space turn on <strong>and</strong> off <strong>and</strong> oscillate at different amplitudes <strong>and</strong><br />

frequencies. Paul Nunez’s book “Electrical Fields of the <strong>Brain</strong>”, Oxford<br />

Univ. Press, 1981 is an excellent text especially in regard to the electrical<br />

personality of the <strong>EEG</strong>. The other personality of the <strong>EEG</strong> is the source of<br />

the electrical activity which is an excitable medium, much like a forest fire<br />

in which the fuel at the leading edge of the fire results in a traveling wave<br />

with ashes left behind representing a long duration refractory period.<br />

Hodkin <strong>and</strong> Huxley wrote the fundamental excitable medium equations of<br />

the brain in 1952 for which they later received the Nobel prize. The<br />

excitable medium of the brain are the axons, synapses, dendritic membranes<br />

<strong>and</strong> ionic channels that behave like “kindling” at the leading edge of a<br />

confluence of different fuels <strong>and</strong> excitations. As mentioned previously, the<br />

majority of the cortex about 80% is excitatory with recurrent loop<br />

connections yet there is no epilepsy in a healthy brain. How is such<br />

stability possible with such an abundance of positive feedback? The answer

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