X - Tameside Strategic Partnership

X - Tameside Strategic Partnership

X - Tameside Strategic Partnership


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Contents<br />

1. Executive summary PAGE 4<br />

2. Introduction 8<br />

3. Drinking styles 12<br />

4. Growth in Consumption and Availability 14<br />

5. Thematic overview: Safer Stronger Communities 17<br />

6. Thematic overview: Children and Young People 27<br />

7. Thematic overview: Healthier Communities and Older People 33<br />

8. Thematic overview: Economic Development 42<br />

9. National Strategy Outcomes 45<br />

Appendices; 1. Next steps in the National Alcohol Strategy 2007 46<br />

2. Review of the Literature 47<br />

3. LAA Matrix of Cross Cutting Themes 48<br />

4. Alcohol Strategies Key Activities 57

1. Executive Summary<br />

1. Background<br />

This strategy is the second multiagency Alcohol Strategy for the<br />

borough. The strategy has been revised on production of a new<br />

national alcohol strategy. From April 2008 the production of a local<br />

alcohol strategy will be compulsory. Crime and Disorder <strong>Partnership</strong>s<br />

will be required to lead on the development and review of a local<br />

strategy. Government Offices for the Regions will be responsible<br />

for ensuring this is met and a form of self-evaluation may also be<br />

developed. This strategy aims to further develop local interventions that<br />

have been developed since the fi rst strategy was launched in 2003; to<br />

continue in reducing alcohol related harms in addition to refl ecting key<br />

national developments.<br />

The <strong>Tameside</strong> Local Area Agreement recognises the impact of alcohol<br />

upon all of the four thematic blocks of the LAA namely; safer stronger<br />

communities; healthier communities and older people; economic<br />

development and children and young people and the majority of<br />

the LAA indicators. In view of this an Alcohol subgroup has been<br />

established which comprises of representatives from each of the LAA<br />

thematic partnerships.<br />

The LAA Alcohol subgroup will be responsible for ensuring alcohol<br />

is mainstreamed into the work of the LAA, to highlight alcohol as<br />

a factor in achieving LAA indicators and to monitor and review the<br />

implementation of the Alcohol Strategy and related indicators and<br />

sub indicators. The strategy was initially developed with support from<br />

the LAA Alcohol subgroup followed by a period of consultation with<br />

stakeholders and local <strong>Partnership</strong>s.<br />

Each of the four themes of the alcohol strategy has an action plan,<br />

which builds on existing and developing areas of work. Each action<br />

plan will be progressed over the next three years and will be constantly<br />

reviewed though both the LAA Alcohol subgroup and other existing<br />

partnership groups such as the Violent Crime Steering Group and<br />

Alcohol Treatment Service Improvement Group. This strategy will be<br />

reviewed at one yearly interval by the LAA Alcohol subgroup, or upon<br />

any signifi cant changes in legislation or Government policies and<br />

strategies. This review process will include consultation with partner<br />

agencies.<br />

2. Introduction<br />

Alcohol is consumed by 90% 1 of the adult population and plays a<br />

signifi cant part of our social, economic and cultural life, however<br />

increases in alcohol related harms to both individuals and society is<br />

of signifi cant concern both nationally and locally. Both nationally and<br />

locally the encouragement of drinking safely and sensibly is a priority.<br />

Alcohol related harm impacts on individuals and society in the following<br />

ways:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

An estimated 23,000 alcohol related incidents take place in Britain<br />

each week<br />

An estimated 60 deaths a day in England are alcohol related<br />

1 in 11 children in the UK are living with parents who misuse<br />

alcohol<br />

1 in 3 fi re deaths are alcohol related, each serious dwelling fi re<br />

has an economic cost of £25,000<br />

Up to 70% of men who assault their partners do so under the<br />

infl uence of alcohol<br />

70% of accident and emergency admissions at peak times are<br />

alcohol related<br />

1<br />

National Alcohol Strategy 2004<br />


●<br />

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●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

50% of the rough sleeper population are alcohol reliant<br />

After drinking 1 in 7 16-24 year olds have had unprotected sex<br />

61% of the population perceive alcohol related violence as<br />

worsening<br />

Alcohol is implicated in 1 in 3 suicides in older people<br />

Up to 40% of all violent crime is alcohol related<br />

Alcohol fi gures in 30% of all fatal car accidents where men are the<br />

victims<br />

38% of convicted offenders thought that alcohol was a predictive<br />

factor in their risk of reoffending<br />

Up to 17 million working days are lost each year through alcoholrelated<br />

work absence<br />

Alcohol is estimated to contribute to over half of youth related<br />

arson incidents<br />

6. To reduce young people’s consumption of alcohol and associated<br />

negative consequences on health and crime and disorder<br />

7. To prevent neglect, emotional and physical harm to children as a<br />

result of their parents drinking<br />

8. To reduce alcohol related harm upon the local economy and<br />

workplaces<br />

9. To establish an effective alcohol data collection and monitoring<br />

system in relation to the impact alcohol has on health, crime,<br />

disorder and anti social behaviour<br />

10. To reduce the number of alcohol related fi re deaths and incidents<br />

in the home<br />

11. To reduce alcohol related road traffi c collisions and road deaths<br />

12. To research the links between alcohol consumption and<br />

homelessness<br />

3. <strong>Tameside</strong> Alcohol Strategy 2007-2010<br />

The aim of the strategy is: to reduce alcohol related harms through<br />

partnership working and to promote sensible drinking.<br />

Key Priorities:<br />

The <strong>Tameside</strong> Alcohol Strategy addresses the following key priorities:<br />

1. To reduce alcohol related crime, disorder and anti social behaviour<br />

2. To reduce the negative impact of alcohol upon the health of<br />

individuals and communities<br />

3. To reduce the impact alcohol misuse has on families and<br />

communities<br />

4. To improve the range, accessibility and quality of alcohol<br />

treatment services<br />

5. To protect people of all ages from all alcohol-related harm through<br />

the education of alcohol sensible drinking and safety messages<br />

5<br />

Key Themes:<br />

The four themes of the strategy and action plans are:<br />

1. Safer, Stronger Communities<br />

2. Children and Young People<br />

3. Healthier Communities and Older People<br />

4. Economic Development<br />

4. Safer, Stronger Communities<br />

Alcohol related crime, disorder and anti social behaviour is not only<br />

a huge burden on public resources (estimated as 7.3 bn a year 2 ),<br />

but also a huge impact upon communities. Alcohol consumption<br />

has an impact upon levels of violent crime, domestic violence, anti<br />

social behaviour, criminal damage, rape and sexual assaults, arson,<br />

accidents, road traffi c collisions and fi res.<br />

Local research on domestic violence, found that 70% 3 of respondents<br />

2<br />

National Alcohol Strategy 2004<br />

3<br />

Despair to repair 2001- <strong>Tameside</strong> Domestic 2 National Alcohol Strategy 2004

indicated that their partners were under the infl uence of alcohol before<br />

the attacks. Violent crime is associated with alcohol consumption; the<br />

hotspot for public order offences coincides with the nighttime economy<br />

in both Ashton and Stalybridge with a peak in offences committed at<br />

weekends at 4am. National estimates indicate that 1 in 3 fi re 4 deaths<br />

are alcohol related this is refl ected locally with increases in the number<br />

of alcohol related fi res in ‘hazardous drinkers’.<br />

Key activities for Safer Stronger Communities action plan:<br />

● Develop local data collection and monitoring system of alcohol<br />

related crime, disorder and anti social behaviour<br />

● Concerted local effort on enforcement and prevention of drink<br />

driving, particularly with identifi ed high risk groups<br />

● Develop a local implementation plan for new alcohol related<br />

powers of the Violent Crime Act 2006<br />

● Review approaches of under age sales enforcement<br />

● Develop a challenge 21 scheme or equivalent<br />

● Develop a local system of alcohol screening and interventions<br />

within criminal justice system<br />

● Create opportunities to develop targeted fi re and alcohol safety<br />

awareness campaigns and interventions<br />

Key indicators for the Safer Stronger Communities action<br />

plan:<br />

● Proportion of alcohol related fi res and fi re deaths<br />

● Proportion of police alcohol markers and related hotspots<br />

● Proportion of drink driving offences<br />

● Test purchasing operations and prosecutions<br />

● Proportion of alcohol related violent offences<br />

5. Children and Young People<br />

Young people are beginning to consume alcohol with their friends at<br />

4<br />

Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service annual plan.<br />

6<br />

an earlier age from the age of 11 (previously age 13 5 ). Those that are<br />

consuming alcohol are now consuming double the units and on a more<br />

frequent basis.<br />

Recent surveys indicate that the majority of young people in <strong>Tameside</strong><br />

have started drinking with their friends by the age of 13 (75%) with<br />

48% are consuming alcohol frequently -at least once a week. Recent<br />

North West research highlights young people in <strong>Tameside</strong> to be ‘binge<br />

drinkers’ with many consuming in excess of the adult sensible drinking<br />

guidelines.<br />

In addition 29% while under the infl uence of alcohol have indicated that<br />

they are aggressive and violent; 16% have broken the law and 11%<br />

had unprotected sex. Referrals into the anti social behaviour team for<br />

young people consuming alcohol has doubled over the last 12 months 6 .<br />

Key activities for Children and Young People action plan:<br />

● Develop local systems of disseminating sensible drinking<br />

guidance to parents<br />

● Develop targeted early alcohol interventions with young people at<br />

risk<br />

● Develop systems of referral from hospital to alcohol treatment<br />

services<br />

● Review underage sales enforcement<br />

Key indicators for Children and Young People action plan:<br />

● Proportion of year 10’s say they drink alcohol frequently (once a<br />

week)<br />

● The age young people started to drink with friends<br />

● Proportion of parents sent a alcohol related incident letter from<br />

ASBO team<br />

● Proportion of young people referred to Branching Out from the<br />

hospital<br />

● Proportion of test purchasing failures<br />

5<br />

Safe Sensible Social National Alcohol Strategy 2007<br />

6<br />

Health Related Attitudes Year 10 Survey, <strong>Tameside</strong> 2006

6. Healthier Communities and Older People<br />

Alcohol has a major impact upon the health and wellbeing of<br />

individuals and costs the Health service £1.7bn a year 7 . It is predicted<br />

that alcohol related health harms are currently underestimated and<br />

in the future will contribute signifi cantly to premature death rates in<br />

addition to the progression of cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis<br />

and strokes. Consumption levels overall have doubled over the last<br />

ten years and this will only add to increasing future health problems<br />

within communities. The prevalence of hospitalised admission (for<br />

alcohol specifi c conditions and all conditions attributable to alcohol)<br />

and the number of months of life lost attributable to alcohol amongst<br />

both males and females have all witnessed increases in <strong>Tameside</strong>.<br />

Referrals into local treatment services have increased year on year.<br />

Alcohol harms among older people is often described as a neglected<br />

area. The number of older people exceeding the sensible drinking<br />

guidelines has increased. Such excessive drinking puts older people at<br />

risk of stroke; depression, falls and can contribute towards dementia.<br />

Key activities for Healthier Communities and Older People<br />

action plan:<br />

● Develop a multiagency screening and brief alcohol interventions<br />

training programme<br />

● Develop an alcohol hospital liaison service<br />

● Investigate the potential for alcohol projects to be developed<br />

within priority neighbourhoods<br />

● Review the accessibility of local alcohol treatment<br />

● Promote sensible drinking guidelines within health promotion<br />

campaigns<br />

7<br />

National Alcohol Strategy 2004<br />

7<br />

Key indicators for Healthier Communities and Older People<br />

action plan:<br />

● Referrals into alcohol treatment agencies<br />

● Proportion of alcohol related falls in over 65’s<br />

● Proportion of people able to recall sensible drinking guidelines<br />

● Proportion of people able to estimate their own alcohol<br />

consumption in units<br />

● Hospital admissions for alcohol specifi c conditions<br />

● Proportion of people who know where to get advice and support<br />

7. Economic Development<br />

Alcohol consumption affects workers productivity, and can affect the<br />

health, safety and welfare of staff. Alcohol can have an impact on<br />

the workplace in many ways; excessive drinking in leisure time can<br />

impact on productivity and long term performance; drinking before<br />

a shift, during lunch breaks or even work hours to binge drinking at<br />

after work activities. The Government estimate the national annual<br />

cost of performance and productivity lost as a result of alcohol misuse<br />

is calculated as 6.4bn. Up to 17m working days are lost each year<br />

through alcohol-related absence 8 .<br />

Consultation with local businesses has indicated that 40% of local<br />

businesses are considering developing a workplace alcohol or<br />

substance misuse policy 9 .<br />

Key activities for Economic Development action plan:<br />

● Encourage the development of alcohol workplace policies<br />

● Develop a workplace sensible drinking project<br />

● Develop joint activities between job centre plus and treatment<br />

agencies<br />

Key indicator for Economic Development action plan:<br />

● Proportion of businesses with a workplace alcohol policy<br />

8<br />

Safe Sensible Social National Alcohol Strategy 2007<br />

9<br />

Business Survey, <strong>Tameside</strong> 2003

2. Introduction<br />

Alcohol is consumed by 90% of the adult population and plays a<br />

signifi cant part of our social, economic and cultural life, however<br />

increases in alcohol related harms to both individuals and society is of<br />

signifi cant concern both nationally and locally.<br />

Alcohol related harm impacts on individuals and society in the following<br />

ways:<br />

Safe. Sensible. Social. National<br />

Alcohol Strategy 2007<br />

The Government’s Strategy Unit calculated the cost of these<br />

alcohol related harms at 20bn per annum. To tackle these harms<br />

the Government launched the fi rst National Alcohol Harm Reduction<br />

Strategy in 2004. The strategy grouped alcohol related harms into four<br />

key areas:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

An estimated 23,000 alcohol related incidents take place in Britain<br />

each week<br />

An estimated 60 deaths a day in England are alcohol related<br />

1 in 11 children in the UK are living with parents who misuse<br />

alcohol<br />

1 in 3 fi re deaths are alcohol related, each serious dwelling fi re<br />

has an economic cost of £25,000<br />

Up to 70% of men who assault their partners do so under the<br />

infl uence of alcohol<br />

70% of accident and emergency admissions at peak times<br />

(weekends) are alcohol related<br />

50% of the rough sleeper population are alcohol reliant<br />

After drinking 1 in 7 16-24 year olds have had unprotected sex<br />

61% of the population perceive alcohol related violence as<br />

worsening<br />

Alcohol is implicated in 1 in 3 suicides in older people<br />

Up to 40% of all violent crime is alcohol related<br />

Alcohol fi gures in 30% of all fatal car accidents where men are the<br />

victims<br />

Up to 17 million working days are lost each year through alcoholrelated<br />

work absence<br />

Alcohol is estimated to contribute to over half of youth related<br />

arson incidents 10<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Harms to family and society<br />

Health harms<br />

Crime and antisocial behaviour<br />

Loss of productivity and profi tability<br />

The strategy aimed to scope out and quantify the impact of alcohol<br />

related harm upon the nation as well as identifying key activities to<br />

minimise the impact of the four key alcohol related harms.<br />

Safe. Sensible. Social. The next steps in the National Alcohol Strategy,<br />

was launched in June 2007. The new strategy seeks to build on the<br />

foundations laid and the lessons learnt since the fi rst strategy was<br />

launched in 2004. It outlines further national and local action to achieve<br />

long-term reductions in alcohol related ill health and crime. The new<br />

strategy promises to:<br />

1. To ensure that licensing and enforcement powers that have been<br />

introduced since the fi rst strategy are being used widely and<br />

effectively;<br />

2. That more focus is given to drinkers who cause most alcohol<br />

related harm such as under 18’s, binge drinkers and harmful<br />

drinkers;<br />

3. That we all work together to promote sensible drinking.<br />

10<br />

National Alcohol Strategy 2004<br />


The long-term goal of the Government is:<br />

To minimise the health harms, violence and antisocial<br />

behaviour associated with alcohol, while ensuring that<br />

people are able to enjoy alcohol safely and responsibly.<br />

The next steps for the national alcohol strategy are as follows:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Sharpened criminal justice for drunken behaviour<br />

A review of NHS spending<br />

More help for people who want to drink less<br />

Toughened enforcement of underage sales<br />

Development of trusted guidance for parents and young people<br />

Public information campaigns to promote a new sensible drinking<br />

culture<br />

Public consultation on alcohol pricing and promotion<br />

Local alcohol strategies to be made compulsory<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> Alcohol Strategy<br />

2007-2010<br />

Local stakeholders and partnerships have been well aware of the<br />

increasing issue of alcohol related harm and has been focused in<br />

developing harm reduction activities to counteract alcohol related<br />

crime, disorder and health across the borough. <strong>Tameside</strong> launched<br />

its fi rst multiagency alcohol strategy in November 2003 before the<br />

development of the National Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy in<br />

March 2004. The local strategy was a compilation of audit fi ndings,<br />

local issues and recommendations. This second strategy develops<br />

further the alcohol related work of local partners whilst incorporating<br />

new national developments and changes in local priorities.<br />

Tackling alcohol related harms is a challenge for all and requires<br />

multiagency enforcement, intervention and prevention measures.<br />

Alcohol issues cut across education, transport, environmental<br />

services, town centre management, policing, health and treatment.<br />

Consequently the alcohol strategy and action plan has been developed<br />

with consultation from the following agencies and partnerships:<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> Metropolitan Borough Council<br />

Greater Manchester Police<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> Victim and Witness Support<br />

Greater Manchester Fire Service<br />

Greater Manchester Probation Service<br />

Pennine Care Trust<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> & Glossop Primary Care Trust<br />

Turning Point<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> Crime and Disorder <strong>Partnership</strong> Government Offi ce North West<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> Local Safeguarding Children’s Board Health <strong>Partnership</strong> Board<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> <strong>Strategic</strong> <strong>Partnership</strong><br />

Lifeline<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> Children and Young People’s <strong>Partnership</strong><br />


Purpose of the Strategy: to reduce alcohol related harms<br />

through partnership working and to promote sensible<br />

drinking.<br />

Key Priorities<br />

The <strong>Tameside</strong> Alcohol Strategy addresses the following key priorities:<br />

1. To reduce alcohol related crime, disorder and anti social behaviour<br />

2. To reduce the negative impact of alcohol upon the health of<br />

individuals and communities<br />

3. To reduce alcohol related falls, illness, injuries and deaths<br />

4. To improve the range, accessibility and quality of alcohol<br />

treatment services<br />

5. To protect people of all ages from all alcohol-related harm through<br />

the education of alcohol sensible drinking and safety messages<br />

6. To reduce young people’s consumption of alcohol and associated<br />

negative consequences on health and crime and disorder<br />

7. To prevent neglect, emotional and physical harm to children as a<br />

result of their parents drinking<br />

8. To reduce alcohol related harm upon the local economy and<br />

workplaces<br />

9. To establish an effective alcohol data collection and monitoring<br />

system in relation to the impact alcohol has on health, crime,<br />

disorder and anti social behaviour<br />

10. To reduce the number of alcohol related fi re deaths and incidents<br />

in the home<br />

11. To reduce alcohol related road traffi c collisions and road deaths<br />

12. To research the links between alcohol consumption and<br />

homelessness<br />

Key Themes<br />

The four themes of the strategy and action plans are:<br />

1. Safer, Stronger Communities<br />

2. Children and Young People<br />

3. Healthier Communities and Older People<br />

4. Economic Development<br />


Links to <strong>Tameside</strong> Local Area<br />

Agreement<br />

The <strong>Tameside</strong> Local Area Agreement Steering Group identifi ed some<br />

cross cutting themes which the LAA should focus on, one of these was<br />

identifi ed as: reducing the problems caused by alcohol consumption<br />

(see appendix 1).<br />

To support this an Alcohol LAA subgroup has been formed, this group<br />

is responsible for ensuring alcohol is mainstreamed into the work of the<br />

LAA, to highlight alcohol as a factor in achieving LAA indicators such<br />

as reducing violent crime, school exclusions, fear of crime, teenage<br />

pregnancies and to monitor the impact of the Alcohol Strategy and<br />

related indicators and sub indicators. A representative from each LAA<br />

theme groups form the group’s membership.<br />

Within the main LAA agreement a direct alcohol related indicator<br />

‘the proportion of alcohol related falls in older people (65+) has been<br />

included within the healthier communities and older people block. An<br />

additional subset of alcohol indicators has been developed through<br />

the LAA. The alcohol subgroup and the local strategic partnership will<br />

monitor these.<br />

Links to existing strategies<br />

The ten-year Community Strategy (2003) of which is delivered by<br />

the LAA identifi ed six key priorities namely a safer environment, an<br />

attractive borough, a healthy population, a learning community and a<br />

prosperous society. Alcohol impacts upon these priorities, for example<br />

alcohol consumption levels has a direct impact upon the health of the<br />

population, alcohol related crimes such as violent crime and the fear of<br />

alcohol related crimes have an impact upon how safe residents feel,<br />

however alcohol related businesses in the add to the economy and<br />

achieving a prosperous society.<br />

Alcohol misuse is a priority within the current Crime and Disorder<br />

strategy. The strategy identifi es alcohol misuse as a key risk factor in<br />

offending behaviour for the majority of criminal offences, from assaults,<br />

domestic violence and public order to arson and child abuse.<br />

In addition, the crime and disorder audit identifi ed that alcohol related<br />

harm is also a key priority for the people of <strong>Tameside</strong>. Alcohol related<br />

priorities for the current Crime and Disorder strategy included:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

To develop alcohol treatment services within the Borough<br />

Implement an education strategy related to health promotion and<br />

harm reduction for alcohol through schools and communities<br />

Identify funding for addressing alcohol misuse<br />

To use the full range of existing and new enforcement powers to<br />

tackle alcohol related nuisance<br />

Support businesses to develop work place policies around alcohol<br />

misuse<br />

Encourage Licensees to join Pub and Club Watch schemes<br />

These priorities will be forwarded within this Alcohol Strategy.<br />

Alcohol consumption and related harms can impact on numerous<br />

other local priorities and consequently impacts upon various strategies<br />

for the borough. The strategy is in line with other local strategies and<br />

action plans such as:<br />

Local Area Agreement 2007 Violent Crime Strategy 2007<br />

Opportunity Strategy 2006 Community Strategy 2003<br />

Anti Social Behaviour Strategy 2007 Crime and Disorder Strategy 2005<br />

Health and Inequalities Strategy 2006 Domestic Violence Strategy 2005<br />

Supporting People Strategy 2005 Licensing Policy 2005<br />

Teenage Pregnancy Strategy<br />

DAAT action plans<br />

Homelessness Strategy 2008-13<br />


Equality Impact Assessment<br />

It is accepted that alcohol related harms could affect anyone<br />

irrespective of gender, sexuality, age, class, religion or ethnicity.<br />

Alcohol related harm could affect people either directly or indirectly, for<br />

example even if a person decides not to drink alcohol, family members,<br />

friends or strangers drinking behaviour can still impact upon them.<br />

There are differences within communities regarding the pattern and<br />

level of consumption of alcohol. Age, ethnicity/race, disability, sexual<br />

orientation and gender also affects whether a person decides to drink<br />

and the level and patterns of that drinking.<br />

To comply with the requirements of the Race Relations Amendment<br />

Act 2000 and the Equality Standard for Local Government, the<br />

impact on promoting diversity and on preventing discrimination<br />

was considered whilst drawing up this strategy. An equality impact<br />

assessment was undertaken with the previous alcohol action plan and<br />

its recommendations will now form part of this new strategy and action<br />

plan.<br />

WHAM! BAM! PRAM!<br />

“My mates said I<br />

was asking for it”<br />


“He didn't look<br />

pi$$ed”<br />

“I didn't think I'd<br />

go that far....<br />

I wanted to wait”<br />

For support and advice on alcohol and drug issues contact Branching Out on: 0161 343 6481<br />

or contact the FRANK helpline on 0800 77 66 00, www.talktofrank.com<br />

www.ruthinking.co.uk<br />

3. Drinking Styles<br />

Research indicates that some patterns of drinking are more likely to<br />

lead to alcohol related harms, for example binge and chronic drinking<br />

(these are examples and alcohol related harms may be experienced<br />

by others drinking hazardously or vulnerable groups such as street<br />

drinkers).<br />

Sensible Drinking<br />

One Unit<br />

½ Pint 3.5%<br />

Strength Beer,<br />

Lager or Cider<br />

One Unit<br />

Half a<br />

175ml<br />

Glass of Wine<br />

One Unit<br />

One 25ml<br />

Measure<br />

of Spirits<br />

One Unit<br />

One 25ml<br />

Glass<br />

of Sherry<br />

One Unit<br />

One 25ml<br />

Measure<br />

of Aperitifs<br />

Current daily guidelines for sensible drinking<br />

2-3 Units 3-4 Units<br />

Females Males<br />

At least 24hrs alcohol free a week<br />

Sensible drinking<br />

The Government has set daily sensible drinking guidelines (previously<br />

weekly guidelines) to assist in reducing alcohol related harms drinkers.<br />

Consumption of alcohol is measured in units; in the UK a unit is<br />

defi ned as eight grams of alcohol. This is equivalent to: half a pint of<br />

ordinary strength beer, a small glass of wine (125ml at 9% strength) or<br />

one measure of spirits.<br />

Standard health advice is that:<br />

● Men should not drink more than 4 units per day (21 units per<br />

week)<br />

● Women should not drink more than 3 units per day (14 units per<br />

week)<br />


●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Pregnant women nothing or no more than 1-2 units a week<br />

Any heavy drinking should be followed by 2 alcohol free days<br />

Consistent drinking at the upper level i.e. men 21, women 14 units<br />

a week is not recommended<br />

Drinking double the daily amounts i.e. women 6 or men 8 in one<br />

session is classed as binge drinking<br />

Binge drinking<br />

Binge drinking is drinking more than twice the daily limits on one<br />

occasion. In the UK around six million people drink heavily on single<br />

occasions, around a fi fth of men and a tenth of women. Young people<br />

aged under 25 more likely to drink to get drunk and drink more than<br />

the daily limits in one single session. Binge drinkers are more likely to<br />

have an accident, be admitted to A & E, be a victim or perpetrator of<br />

violence. It is predicted that approximately 5.9m adults drink above this<br />

limit 11 .<br />

Hazardous drinking<br />

Hazardous drinking is defi ned as regularly drinking above recognised<br />

sensible levels at which alcohol is likely to damage health (22 to 50<br />

units per week for men and 15-35 for women). These drinkers are<br />

more likely to be over 30 years old. They are at increased risk of health<br />

disorders and premature death and are also more likely to commit the<br />

offences of domestic violence, drink driving and have work related<br />

absence. It is predicted that around a quarter of the population drink<br />

above the former weekly guidelines 12 .<br />

Harmful drinking<br />

Harmful drinking is drinking at levels that lead to signifi cant harm<br />

to physical and mental health and at levels that may be causing<br />

substantial harm to others. Harmful drinking is defi ned as drinking over<br />

50 units for a man and 35 units for a woman.Examples include liver<br />

damage or cirrhosis, dependence on alcohol and substantial stress or<br />

11-12<br />

National Alcohol Strategy 2004<br />

13<br />

aggression in the family 13 .<br />

Underage drinking<br />

There has been growing concern in the UK about the increased levels<br />

of alcohol consumption among young people. The numbers of young<br />

people drinking underage has not increased however the level of<br />

consumption has increased, the amount of alcohol consumed by girls<br />

aged between 11-13 has increased by 82.6% between 2000-2006,<br />

while for boys the number has gone up by 43.4% during the same<br />

period 14 . Young people on average are now consuming alcohol with<br />

their friends at the age of 11, only two years ago the average age was<br />

13. There is no safe drinking limit for young people (under 18).<br />

Alcohol and poly drug use<br />

There is growing evidence of a change in people’s drug and alcohol<br />

use. This profi le has been described as ACCE where a mixture of<br />

alcohol, cocaine, cannabis and ecstasy is being used. Cocaine use<br />

itself has risen in the 16-24-age range. Cocaine use sometimes<br />

accompanies binge drinking and can result in erratic and violent<br />

behaviour. A mixture of cocaine and alcohol is the most common twodrug<br />

combination that results in drug-related death 15 .<br />

13-15<br />

National Alcohol Strategy 2004

4. Growth in consumption and<br />

availability<br />

Around a quarter of the population drink above former recommended<br />

weekly guidelines and some 7 million above recommended daily<br />

guidelines. Levels of consumption are continuing to increase; over the<br />

last ten years level of consumption has doubled in both adults and<br />

young people. If present trends continue, the UK will rise to near the<br />

top of the consumption league (European countries) within the next<br />

ten years. Since the introduction of the Licensing Act 2003 there has<br />

been a growth in the availability of alcohol. <strong>Tameside</strong> currently has 679<br />

licensed premises.<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Supermarkets, Shops & Off Licences 195<br />

Pubs, Nightclubs & Bars 298<br />

Registered Members Clubs 81<br />

Hotels, BB & Restaurants 79<br />

Cinemas, Theatres 6<br />

Village & Community Halls 20<br />

The growth of the late night economy venues and the availability of<br />

alcohol in supermarkets and more premises with licensing has had an<br />

impact on the drinking culture. National research has found increases<br />

in levels of individual’s alcohol consumption increases with the level<br />

of availability. <strong>Tameside</strong> is unique in that it has a number of late night<br />

town centres, currently Stalybridge and Ashton are the main two<br />

drinking town centres, however centres such as Denton and Hyde are<br />

growing in terms of licensed premises and late night economy, this<br />

needs to be taken into consideration when planning future town centre<br />

alcohol related actions.<br />

Nationally alcohol sales have increased and the cheapness and<br />

availability of alcohol has also had an impact on the style of drinking<br />

people are now adopting. Increasing numbers of people are drinking in<br />

the home 51% of residents in <strong>Tameside</strong> now drink in the home rather<br />

than in pubs, clubs or restaurants 17 . It is inevitable that the quantities<br />

of alcohol consumed are signifi cantly different than pub measures.<br />

When drinking at home, people are almost always more generous with<br />

their measures, This increase in people drinking in the home could<br />

contribute to the increasing problems with harms to health, domestic<br />

abuse, drink driving, fire related injuries and deaths, and work absence.<br />

It is predicted that this style of drinking will cause or contribute to<br />

serious health problems in less than 10 years.<br />

It is diffi cult to gain a full picture of the local level of alcohol harms. The<br />

diffi culties lie in the process that data is collated; for example how can<br />

we identify the exact number of alcohol related crime or death if alcohol<br />

recorded fi eld is either not available or used. This is an issue that is<br />

being discussed on a national scale to see how improvements could<br />

be made. Whereas qualitative information about alcohol consumption<br />

has to be taken as an estimate as people sometimes either do not<br />

understand unit calculations or underestimate the amounts they are<br />

17<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> PCT Lifestyle Study 2006<br />


drinking. One of the main priorities of this strategy is to improve local<br />

data collection and identifying methods of collection.<br />

Adults Levels of Consumption<br />

Self reported national data suggests that approximately a quarter of<br />

the drinking population drink over the Department of Health sensible<br />

drinking guidelines, with 34% of men and 20% of women drink over the<br />

daily benchmarks on at least one day a week 18 .<br />

Using the above would indicate that in <strong>Tameside</strong> 30,780 men and<br />

13,152 women have an alcohol use disorder, that 17,010 men and<br />

7,398 women are binge drinkers and that 4,860 men 1,644 women are<br />

alcohol dependent.<br />

The North West Public Observatory produce alcohol profiles for local<br />

authority areas based on 22 alcohol indicators; including alcohol<br />

related hospital admissions; estimates of levels of binge, hazardous<br />

and harmful drinking. <strong>Tameside</strong> has been highlighted as high in<br />

estimates of residents drinking to a harmful level.<br />

The Alcohol Needs Assessment Research Project 2006 (published by<br />

the Department of Health) found that of 16-64 year olds:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

38% of men and 16% of women have an alcohol use disorder<br />

21% of men 9% of women are binge drinkers;<br />

6% men and 2% of women are alcohol dependent 19<br />

We can use the profi le of National Statistics using the formula<br />

to estimate local prevalence. This approach does not take into<br />

account potential factors of infl uence, which is the socio-economic,<br />

demographic and deprivation measures of <strong>Tameside</strong> and Glossop<br />

against the national picture, however, in the absence of anything more<br />

robust, this provides us with our best present alcohol-specific guidance.<br />

18<br />

Safe Sensible Social National Alcohol Strategy 2007<br />

19<br />

ANARP 200<br />


The chart shows <strong>Tameside</strong>’s measure for each indicator, as well as the regional<br />

and England averages and range of all local authority values for comparison<br />

purposes.<br />

Recent surveys in <strong>Tameside</strong> have also given us an indication of levels<br />

of consumption locally. In regards to adult consumption the <strong>Tameside</strong><br />

PCT Lifestyle study found those who, within the last seven days,<br />

exceeded the recommended weekly amount are most likely to say they<br />

more often drink at home rather than in pubs, bars, clubs or restaurants<br />

(45%). Although those who, within the last seven days, exceeded the<br />

recommended amount for a single session are most likely to say they<br />

drink more often in pubs, bars, clubs or restaurants than at home.<br />

Self reported data compiled from local workplace assessments<br />

found that just over a quarter drink over the recommended sensible<br />

drinking guidelines, in addition to strong correlations between stress<br />

management and alcohol consumption.<br />

Alcohol Consumption in Young People<br />

Nationally, the level of alcohol consumed by young people has<br />

increased alongside the level of frequency. The average weekly<br />

consumption for young people aged 11-15 years has doubled since<br />

1990 from 5 units to 10 units in 2004. The age that young people begin<br />

to drink alcohol with their friends has dropped from and average of 13<br />

years to 11 years.<br />

(Source: NWPHO, Alcohol profi les, 2007)<br />

Local consultation found that 54% of 15 to 16 year olds reported that<br />

they drink alcohol at least once a week; this is 10% higher than the<br />

regional average of 44% (2007) and has increased by 7% in less than<br />

2 years. 40% of 15-16 year olds say they binge drink, which is 11%<br />

over the regional average. By the age of 13 years 75% of <strong>Tameside</strong><br />

young people had started drinking with their friends with 11% doing so<br />

before the age of 11. Although the percentage of young people stating<br />

that they access alcohol from off licences has decreased signifi cantly, a<br />

higher percentage 73% say they have drunk alcohol in pubs and clubs.<br />


Whilst under the infl uence of alcohol, 29% indicated that they had<br />

become aggressive or violent, 16% had broken the law and 11% had<br />

unprotected sex 20 .<br />

behaviour, arson and road traffi c offences. Over half of all alcoholrelated<br />

violence occurs in or around on licensed premises with 70%<br />

of incidents occurring at the weekends. Other fl ashpoints for alcoholrelated<br />

violence include taxi ranks and takeaways.<br />

When alcohol consumption is seen as a factor in the committing of<br />

an offence the police use an alcohol marker. For 2006/07 967 crimes<br />

in <strong>Tameside</strong> were alcohol related, an increase of over 9% in previous<br />

years.<br />

“ 22 ” WHERE SHOULD THIS GO?<br />

5. Safer, Stronger Communities<br />

Alcohol related crime is a huge burden on public resources, accounting<br />

for up to 40% of all violent crime and 70% of all weekend hospital<br />

admissions. It is estimated to cost up to 7.3 bn per annum 21 .<br />

Alcohol related crime refers to not only crimes that are alcohol-specifi c<br />

such as drunk and disorderly, but also crimes that are committed while<br />

under the infl uence of alcohol, for example, assault, domestic violence,<br />

rape/sexual assaults, public disorder, criminal damage, anti social<br />

20<br />

Survey of Health Related Attitudes and Behaviours in Year 10’s 2006<br />

21<br />

Safe Sensible Social National Alcohol Strategy<br />

17<br />

In regards to alcohol related violent crime, Ashton Town Centre has<br />

historically been the hotspot however; Stalybridge has seen recent<br />

increases in alcohol related violent crime. Both town centres have<br />

a high concentration of licensed premises and incidents peak on<br />

Saturday/Sundays at 4am. This shows a direct correlation with the<br />

nighttime economy in those town centres.<br />

22<br />

Info from <strong>Strategic</strong> Analyst

Nationally 61% of the population perceive alcohol-related violence<br />

as worsening. This has an impact upon levels of fear of crime within<br />

communities. Local consultation (Citizen 2000) has shown an increase<br />

from 2005, with residents feeling very unsafe in their neighbourhood<br />

after dark. 23<br />

Alcohol consumption exacerbates incidents of domestic violence.<br />

National research identifi es that a third of victims reported their<br />

attackers to have been drinking before any attacks. Victims themselves<br />

can also use alcohol as a coping mechanism whilst in the relationship<br />

or may drink with the perpetrator or adopt a similar drinking style.<br />

Local research found 70% of respondents reported that their partner<br />

was under the infl uence of alcohol whenever the abuse occurred. 24<br />

Since MARAC multiagency risk assessment case conferences were<br />

introduced locally in January 2007 the most high-risk DV victims, a<br />

recurring theme is alcohol misuse by perpetrator and/ or victim.<br />


A1 Private Hire 0161 343 5050 Metro Cars 0161 368 8888<br />

A2B 0161 308 3838 Radio Cars 0161 330 2090<br />

Bridge Cars 0161 304 8000 Ring A Car 0161 339 6001<br />

Call A Car 0161 320 7117 Stamford Radio Cars 0161 339 4411<br />

Cavalier Radio Cars 0161 338 4055 Swift Radio Cars 0161 303 8137<br />

Denton Links 0161 336 2020 <strong>Tameside</strong> Cars 0161 368 9585<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> Council is responsible for licensing local taxi services Tel: 0161 301 3021<br />

These firms are private hire operators as at 7/11/2007<br />

There are strong links between the level of alcohol consumption and<br />

levels of anti social behaviour. Examples of alcohol related anti social<br />

behaviour ranges from groups of established street drinkers drinking in<br />

an area, to gatherings of underage drinkers in parks and open spaces,<br />

23<br />

Citizen 2000 Survey - 2006<br />

24<br />

Dispair to Repair Local Research Report 2007<br />

18<br />

and drunken rowdy groups causing nuisance and intimidation on a<br />

night out in town. One of the key aims of the Respect agenda is to<br />

tackle the anti-social effects of binge drinking on British society.<br />

Referrals to the <strong>Tameside</strong> Anti Social Behaviour Team have doubled<br />

since 2005. The team send letters to the parents of young people of<br />

who have been found to be in possession of alcohol or in the presence<br />

of a group in possession of alcohol. In 2006 74 parents were sent<br />

a letter; an additional 53 young people received two warning letters<br />

for confi scation of alcohol. Alcohol related referrals into the Early<br />

Intervention Group and Case Intervention group have also increased. 25<br />

A Home Offi ce survey of offenders’ motivation for a range of crimes<br />

found that the highest number of respondents admitted they offended<br />

because they were drunk were those responsible for criminal damage.<br />

Alcohol consumption is a major cause of accidents and accidental<br />

injury. It is estimated that 40% of road traffic accidents, 30% of fatal<br />

road traffi c accidents and 15% of drownings are alcohol related. The<br />

presence of alcohol in the body has also been shown to increase the<br />

severity of injuries from accidents. 25 THERE ARE TWO ” 25 ”s ON<br />

THIS PAGE ! ! !<br />

The consumption of alcohol has an impact upon road safety, research<br />

shows 80% of pedestrian deaths on Friday and Saturday nights are<br />

alcohol-related; 1 in 7 road deaths are caused by drink driving in<br />

the UK and 3500 people are killed or seriously injured in the UK by<br />

drink drivers. 1 in 3 fi res and fi re deaths are estimated to be alcohol<br />

related. Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue service have attended<br />

an increasing number of serious incidents inclusing dwelling fi res and<br />

road traffi c collisions within <strong>Tameside</strong> which have resulted in death<br />

or serious injury, the majority of these incidents have been alcohol<br />

related. An increasing number of deliberate fi res are also linked to<br />

alcohol consumption.<br />

25<br />

Institute of Alcohol Studies Factsheet 2007

Alcohol can also be a factor in causing homelessness and sometimes<br />

a problem exacerbated by homelessness. Nationally it is estimated<br />

that 50% of the rough sleeper population are alcohol reliant. 26 Alcohol<br />

issues can affect access to housing provision, tenancy sustainment<br />

and can lead to homelessness. The Government’s strategy for tackling<br />

homelessness has been set out in the policy documents Sustainable<br />

Communities: Settled Homes; changing lives. The document outlines<br />

how local authorities are expected to work alongside partner’s<br />

agencies to develop early intervention initiatives and plans to prevent<br />

homelessness. <strong>Tameside</strong> Council will be setting out its updated 5- year<br />

homelessness prevention strategy during 2008, which will begin to link<br />

together issues relating to alcohol misuse and homelessness.<br />

The Supporting People programme is a Government initiative that<br />

provides a robust framework to promote, develop and increase the<br />

opportunities available to vulnerable people to improve their quality<br />

of life through the provision of support services, which enable them<br />

to have greater independence and control in making informed<br />

decisions and lifestyle choices. Supporting People can assist with<br />

and contribute to the joint planning, funding and commissioning<br />

of services for vulnerable groups, which includes people misusing<br />

alcohol. In <strong>Tameside</strong> the Supporting People programme jointly<br />

funds and commissions (with Children’s Services and Community<br />

Safety) a support service for families where one or both parents are<br />

substance misusers. This service is intended to help families maintain<br />

their housing and to avoid homelessness related to alcohol use.<br />

The programme also funds an accommodation-based service for<br />

homeless men aged 35+. This service allows service users to drink<br />

on the premises, within agreed limitations. This is in contrast to most<br />

accommodation based services that attempt, for housing management<br />

purposes, to enforce a no drinking on the premises rule. Housing<br />

management reasons for seeking to restrict residents drinking on the<br />

premises relate to the risk of anti-social behaviour, or other risks such<br />

as falls or setting fi re.<br />

26<br />

National Alcohol Strategy 2007<br />

19<br />

There are no accommodation-based services with a focus on alcohol<br />

users for women or men under age 35.<br />

In 2006/7 3.6% (23) of new users of Supporting People funded<br />

services in <strong>Tameside</strong> were recorded with alcohol as their primary need.<br />

There is a similar picture in Greater Manchester with 3.6% (1081)<br />

and England at 3.8% (6940). 27 This data probably under records the<br />

true level of need because many services<br />

will record homelessness as the primary<br />

need, with alcohol appearing as one of up<br />

to three secondary needs. The national<br />

supporting people outcomes framework that<br />

was introduced in 2007/8 will measure the<br />

demand and take up of alcohol treatment<br />

services by SP service users. This will give<br />

us more information on the prevalence of<br />

problem alcohol use among SP service users<br />

and possible barriers to access to treatment.<br />

Anecdotal evidence from Supporting People<br />

providers indicates an increase in people with<br />

alcohol related issues among older people<br />

living in sheltered housing. The eligible age<br />

for sheltered housing in most cases is as<br />

young as 50 or 55 (baby boomers), in some<br />

cases service users may have long term drinking problems.<br />

The 2005 Supporting People strategy identifi ed the need for “wet<br />

house” provision in <strong>Tameside</strong>. A similar need was identifi ed in Oldham,<br />

and initial discussions took place between both authorities on jointly<br />

commissioning such a service. This has not been progressed due to<br />

lack of revenue funding. The SP strategy is now under review and a<br />

regional Supported Housing strategy is in development that will include<br />

proposals for cross authority commissioning.<br />

27<br />

Supporting People Team, TMBC 2007

Since the introduction of the fi rst National Alcohol Strategy in 2004,<br />

additional powers have been introduced to deal with and prevent<br />

alcohol related harms. The Licensing Act 2003 signifi cantly reformed<br />

UK licensing laws and made all licensing authorities have a duty to<br />

promote four licensing objectives:<br />

1. The prevention of crime and disorder<br />

2. Public safety<br />

3. The prevention of public nuisance<br />

4. The protection of children from harm<br />

The act allows residents and local businesses more power to complain<br />

about premises and request a review of a license. The act also gives<br />

the police more powers to deal with such problematic premises for<br />

disorder or excessive noise and disturbance. A local Licensing policy<br />

was developed in 2005 and a Licensing committee set up. The current<br />

local Licensing policy will be reviewed in 2008.<br />

The Violent Crime Act 2006 will also give additional powers to the<br />

police and local authorities to deal with alcohol related crime. The act<br />

brings with it powers to:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Introduce Alcohol Disorder Zones to give local authorities and<br />

police powers to designate areas blighted by serious alcoholrelated<br />

crime and disorder, as a last resort, to ensure those<br />

licenses within the zone contribute to cost of the disorder.<br />

Create a new power to allow police to ban those who represent<br />

a risk to alcohol-related crime or disorder arising or taking place<br />

from a particular locality for up to 48 hours<br />

Create a new offence to give police and trading standards powers<br />

to close a licensed premise persistently selling alcohol to youths<br />

for up to 48 hoursIntroduce Drinking Banning Orders, which will<br />

impose restrictions on those who commit offences under the<br />

infl uence of alcohol for up to two years, including banning them<br />

from licensed premises.<br />

The Violent Crime Act and the Licensing policy will allow for more<br />

targeted local enforcement of alcohol related harms.<br />

What we will do<br />

Licensing<br />

We will review the current Licensing policy and its impact<br />

We will continue to develop the borough wide enforcement panel<br />

Alcohol Related Fires<br />

We will train existing and probationary fi re offi cers in alcohol related<br />

issues<br />

We will train Treatment Agency staff and volunteers in fi re safety<br />

We will develop targeted campaigns and projects to reduce alcohol<br />

related fi re related deaths<br />

Respect<br />

We will develop joint alcohol related and respect activities<br />

We will continue to develop the Town Centre Case Intervention Group<br />

We will look at improving referrals from the Anti Social Behaviour Team<br />

to Treatment Services<br />

Domestic Abuse<br />

We will develop systems to help both victims and perpetrators of<br />

domestic violence to access alcohol treatment services<br />

We will develop joint domestic violence and alcohol awareness<br />

campaigns<br />


Enforcement<br />

We will maximise the use of Town Centre Anti Social Behaviour Orders<br />

and existing enforcement procedures<br />

We will improve the use of the alcohol marker and referrals into<br />

treatment agencies<br />

We will develop further the S.T.A.N.D. (Safer <strong>Tameside</strong> Against Night<br />

time Disorder) town centre interventions<br />

Offenders<br />

We will develop an intervention programme for offenders where their<br />

offending behaviour is linked to alcohol<br />

We will improve identifi cation and communication between agencies to<br />

identify troublemakers in town centres<br />

Violent Crime<br />

We will develop a system to respond to the new powers within the<br />

Violent Crime Act<br />

We will review our approach to violent crime and develop an<br />

overarching strategy<br />

We will review the need for a wet house in partnership with Supporting<br />

People Joint Commissioning Group when the Supporting People<br />

strategy is updated and on the publication of the North West strategy.<br />





1. Serving drinks not drunks<br />

2. Always asking for and checking ID<br />

3. Searching to prevent entry of drugs & weapons<br />

4. Preventing glassware & bottles being taken<br />

onto the street<br />

5. Managing Queues effectively<br />

6. Ensure people leave safely<br />

7. Don’t allow glass or bottles to be taken outside<br />

8. Prevent drinking on the street<br />

Homelessness<br />

We will develop an understanding of the issues effecting households<br />

where alcohol misuse has led to homelessness<br />

We will work with Housing Strategy and the Supporting People Team to<br />

develop a day centre for homeless people with an alcohol issue can go<br />

for advice and support<br />

Housing<br />

We will continue to provide training and advice to supported housing<br />

staff on working with alcohol users.<br />

We will agree formal protocols on joint working with supported housing<br />

providers to ensure that service users can access treatment and other<br />

support services.<br />


Safer Stronger Communities Alcohol Related Performance<br />

Measures<br />

Local Area Agreement<br />

● Reduce overall British Crime Survey Comparator recorded crime (PSA1)<br />

● Reduce Violent Crime including Robbery, Less Serious Wounding and Common Assault<br />

● Reduce the number of incidents reported to the Police involving a victim of domestic abuse<br />

● Reduce the proportion of adult and young offenders and prolifi c and other priority offenders who re-offend.<br />

● The Youth Offending Team to achieve a 5% reduction in the (overall) re-offending rate for 2007-08, when compared with 2002 cohort<br />

● Reduce the rate of crime in Ashton St. Peters including Common Assault and Less Serious Wounding<br />

PSA1:<br />

● Wounding (Serious and Other)<br />

● Common Assault and Assault Against the Police<br />

● Robbery of Personal Property<br />

PSA2<br />

● Improve people’s feelings of safety at night in the town centres<br />

PSA3<br />

● By 2010 reduce the number of accidental fi re related deaths in the home by 20% and the number of deliberate fi res by 10%<br />

National Alcohol Strategy 2007<br />

● A reduction in the proportion of victims of violent crime who perceive the offender(s) to be under the infl uence of alcohol.<br />

● A reduction in the public’s perceptions of drunk and rowdy behaviour<br />

● A reduction in the number of more serious violence against the person offences (excluding threats to kill) and other offences against the person<br />

with injury<br />

● A reduction in the number of violent and disorder offences committed within the context of the night time economy<br />


Thematic action plan- Safer Stronger Communities<br />

Priorities<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

To reduce alcohol related crime, disorder and anti social behaviour<br />

To establish an effective alcohol data collection and monitoring system in relation to the impact alcohol has on crime, disorder, anti social<br />

behaviour and health<br />

To reduce the number of alcohol related fi re deaths in the home<br />

To reduce alcohol related road traffi c collisions and road deaths<br />

Indicators<br />

● Proportion of alcohol related fi res and fi re deaths<br />

● Proportion of police alcohol markers and related hotspots<br />

● Proportion of drink driving offences<br />

● Test purchasing operations and prosecutions<br />

● Proportion of alcohol related violent offences<br />

LAA Alcohol sub indicator<br />

● Proportion of alcohol markers and hotspots<br />

Activity Responsible agency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />


To establish a data action plan for recording, collating, analysing and monitoring alcohol related crime, CDRP<br />

●<br />

disorder and anti social behaviour.<br />

There will be concerted local action to enforce the law on drink driving GMP ● ●<br />

Develop mechanisms for delivering alcohol road safety messages within the community and the Road Safety Unit, TMBC<br />

●<br />

workplace<br />

Ensure alcohol road safety messages are included within existing and planned alcohol PSHE<br />

Education, TMBC<br />

●<br />

education<br />

To develop for on/off licence premises: frequent training seminars, development and dissemination of<br />

guidance and policies and the encouragement of involvement within Pub and Club Watch<br />

Environmental Services TMBC<br />

●<br />


Activity Responsible agency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />


Research the local picture regarding levels of homelessness and alcohol Housing ●<br />

Develop joint alcohol and fi re safety community awareness campaigns/projects and targeted<br />

GMF&RS<br />

●<br />

interventions<br />

Encourage the extension and use of Nite Net use in the nighttime economy to practitioners, licensees Violent Crime Steering Group ●<br />

and town centre taxi operators<br />

Develop a targeted safety campaign for females- how to make yourself safer, where to seek help, with Violent Crime Steering Group<br />

●<br />

the inclusion of alcohol messages<br />

Alcohol infl uences crime markers- Renewed drive to obtain adherence by reporting offi cers for GMP<br />

endorsement of crime reports<br />

● ●<br />

●<br />

Develop referral pathways from the police and fi re service to alcohol treatment services PCT ●<br />

Develop alcohol awareness training seminars for police offi cers and PCSOs GMP ●<br />

Develop a local alcohol practitioners pack for use with offenders under probation PCT ●<br />

Ensure alcohol interventions are an integral part of violent crime and domestic violence strategies Community Safety Unit TMBC ●<br />

Improve the collection and monitoring of data on alcohol related offending GMP ●<br />

Provide access to supporting people provision to people with alcohol problems Supporting people ● ●<br />

Referral of all drug and alcohol related incidents identifi ed by GM Fire & Rescue Service to DAAT/ GMF&RS<br />

●<br />

appropriate treatment agency<br />

Investigate the potential for town centre assessment facility with links to assessment, referral and PCT<br />

●<br />

advice.<br />

Train all treatment agency teams in fi re safety advice and fi tting of fi re alarms GMF&RS ●<br />

Develop further links between enforcement agencies and treatment agencies Community Safety Unit ●<br />

Investigate the appropriate alcohol interventions for cases discussed at the MARAC<br />

GMP DV unit<br />

●<br />

DV Coordinator TMBC<br />

Investigate the potential of a specialised alcohol/substance misuse post within the independent DV Coordinator TMBC<br />

●<br />

domestic violence advocacy service developed in the borough<br />

Develop access to supporting people services for people who continue to use alcohol Supporting people ●<br />

Investigate the potential for an alcohol wet house with other cross authorities Supporting people ●<br />

Consult treatment service users regarding access to supporting people services, issues regarding DAAT<br />

●<br />

housing, homelessness, tenancy sustainment and exclusion policies<br />

Re-launch Pub and Club Watch Schemes and STAND banning orders Licensing GMP ●<br />

Develop training access for all social RSL in regards to alcohol awareness, agency provision and DAAT<br />

●<br />

access issues<br />

Promote the replacement of glassware and bottles in high risk premises and the use of bottle bins Licensing, TMBC ●<br />


Activity Responsible agency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />


Draw up an implementation plan for local use of the new powers conferred by the Violent Crime Act Tackling Violent Crime Steering<br />

●<br />

including alcohol disorder zones.<br />

Group<br />

Pursue ASBOs and exclusion orders for violence especially related to night-time economy Community Safety Unit TMBC ● ● ●<br />

Use FPN for drunk and disorderly and on adults knowingly buying alcohol for people under the age of GMP<br />

● ● ●<br />

18.<br />

Environmental Services TMBC<br />

Consider the use of surveillance operations where test-purchasing operations have proved negative Environmental Services TMBC ●<br />

despite local intelligence.<br />

Develop the STAND publicity campaign<br />

GMP<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Include strong messages regarding anti violence and alcohol safety<br />

Ensure STAND campaign materials are distributed across the borough<br />

STAND Meet and Greet operations to include Gtr Mcr Fire and Rescue Service<br />

Evaluate effectiveness of previous STAND campaign<br />

Include sexual health services<br />

Research the local picture regarding levels of homelessness and alcohol Housing ●<br />

Continue joint visits to licensed premises; police, fi re service, SIA and TMBC GMP ●<br />

Ensure alcohol road safety messages are included within existing and planned alcohol PSHE<br />

Education, TMBC<br />

●<br />

education<br />

Investigate the potential for an alcohol arrest referral scheme Community Safety Unit ●<br />

Adoption of Challenge 21 scheme or equivalent within the borough<br />

GMP<br />

Continue visits to known prolifi c domestic violence offenders if alcohol is a factor distribute sensible GMP<br />

●<br />

drinking and alcohol treatment information<br />

Monitor the use of Fixed Penalty Notices<br />

GMP<br />

●<br />

Focus on notices for alcohol related public disorder or violence in town centres. To be used as an<br />

trigger for referral to the Town Centre Case Intervention Group<br />

Monitor use of charges for public order in preference to ‘Breaches of Peace’ or ‘Drunk and Disorderly’ GMP<br />

●<br />

- when arresting<br />

Review licenses as appropriate based on issues raised from residents or responsible authorities Licensing TMBC ●<br />

Create stronger links with PCT to pursue a mobile A&E assessment centre in the town centre at peak PCT<br />

●<br />

time in the year<br />

Cumulative Impact Assessment for Ashton and Stalybridge<br />

Licensing TMBC<br />

●<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> MBC to review licensing policy and determine if the cumulative impact of alcohol related<br />

disorder in the town centres should be included<br />

Targeted work with off licences and supermarkets to prevent underage sales and adults buying for<br />

minors<br />

TMBC Enviro Services ● ● ●<br />


Continue test purchasing at off licences and supermarkets TMBC Enviro Services ● ● ●<br />

Identify locations of discarded bottles:<br />

TMBC Enviro Services<br />

●<br />

Identify hotspot areas for public drinking<br />

Identify which pubs and clubs let people move outside with drinks<br />

Patrollers<br />

Clear up discarded bottles prevent bottles being used as weapons TMBC Enviro Services ●<br />

Set up an intelligence sharing process between the Police and Probation Services concerning known<br />

offenders who have been caught committing acts of crime and disorder in the town centres at night<br />

GMP<br />

●<br />

Increase the percentage of appointments kept at Branching Out of alcohol related referrals made by<br />

the Youth Offending Team<br />

YOT<br />

Branching Out<br />

Activity Responsible agency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />


Continue test purchasing at off licences and supermarkets TMBC Enviro Services ● ● ●<br />

Identify locations of discarded bottles:<br />

Identify hotspot areas for public drinking<br />

Identify which pubs and clubs let people move outside with drinks<br />

TMBC Enviro Services<br />

Patrollers<br />

Clear up discarded bottles prevent bottles being used as weapons TMBC Enviro Services ●<br />

Set up an intelligence sharing process between the Police and Probation Services concerning known<br />

offenders who have been caught committing acts of crime and disorder in the town centres at night<br />

GMP<br />

Increase the percentage of appointments kept at Branching Out of alcohol related referrals made by YOT<br />

●<br />

the Youth Offending Team<br />

Branching Out<br />


●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

WHAM! BAM! PRAM!<br />

“My mates said I<br />

was asking for it”<br />

“He didn't look<br />

pi$$ed”<br />

“I didn't think I'd<br />

go that far....<br />

I wanted to wait”<br />

For support and advice on alcohol and drug issues contact Branching Out on: 0161 343 6481<br />

or contact the FRANK helpline on 0800 77 66 00, www.talktofrank.com<br />

www.ruthinking.co.uk<br />


6. Children and Young People<br />

Alcohol use among children and young people is growing faster than<br />

the use of any other drug in the UK and it causes the most widespread<br />

problems. Nationally the average consumption rate for young people<br />

has doubled since 1990. 28 In addition the consumption of spirits by<br />

young people has also risen. The consumption of alcohol in young<br />

people can be linked to unplanned teenage pregnancies, rises in<br />

sexually transmitted diseases and infections, school exclusions,<br />

underachievement, anti social behaviour, accidents, criminal damage,<br />

crime and health problems. Young people report having more risky sex<br />

when they are under the infl uence of alcohol, especially at an early age<br />

or with someone they have not known for very long (Alcohol Concern<br />

2003). In 2003 The Youth Justice Board found that 16% of school<br />

attendees who had committed crime said that they had been under<br />

the infl uence of alcohol at the time the crime was committed. (Youth<br />

Justice Board).<br />

The number of young people choosing to drink has not changed,<br />

however the level of drinking and the style of drinking have changed.<br />

Young people now drink more in one single session and are drinking<br />

on a more regular basis. Parental acceptance of young people drinking<br />

has also increased; with many believing that supplying alcohol to their<br />

child in the home may make them less likely to develop hazardous<br />

drinking styles. The mean weekly alcohol consumption rate for 11-<br />

15 year olds has risen continually from 5.3 units in 1990 to 10 units<br />

in 2004. Nationally the age that young people start to drink with their<br />

friends has decreased with the national average now the age of 11. 29<br />

The North West Trading Standards Survey 54% of <strong>Tameside</strong> found<br />

that 15-16 year olds drink alcohol at least once a week, this is 10%<br />

higher than the regional average of 44%. This is an increase of 6%<br />

from a survey of school students the previous year. By the age of 13<br />

years 75% of <strong>Tameside</strong> young people had started drinking out with<br />

their friends, 11% before the age of 11. 29% had become aggressive<br />

or violent under the infl uence of alcohol and 16% had broken the law,<br />

11% had unprotected sex. 30 Respondents were more likely to get their<br />

alcohol from a licensed premises or friend.<br />

28<br />

Safe Sensible Social National Alcohol Strategy 2007<br />

29<br />

Alcohol Concern Young People’s Factsheet<br />

27<br />

30<br />

Health Related Attitudes Year 10 Survey 2006

The level of adult alcohol consumption has increased, as well as the<br />

level of alcohol consumption in the home. This has an impact on young<br />

people as recent predictions estimate that 1 in 11 young people in the<br />

UK are now caring for parents with alcohol misuse problems. 31 Within<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> 22.8% of young people on the child protection register are<br />

on the register due to a primary factor of parental alcohol misuse. The<br />

young peoples carers project currently supports 15 young carers of<br />

parents misusing alcohol.<br />

The framework provides a common approach to identifying the needs<br />

of young people for practitioners. Alcohol use can negatively impact<br />

on many of these priority outcomes for young people. In particular<br />

impacting upon the priorities of ‘be healthy- children and young people<br />

live healthy lifestyles, parents provide safe homes and stability and<br />

‘stay safe’ young people are safe from neglect, violence, accidental<br />

injury. Young people’s own alcohol consumption or that of their parents<br />

will impact on young people achieving these priorities.<br />

Factors contributing to regis tration<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

31/03/200430/06/200430/09/2004 31/12/200431/03/200530/06/2005 30/09/2005 31/12/200531/03/200630/06/2006 30/09/2006 31/12/2006<br />

% of children on the CPR through factors of drug misuse<br />

% of children on the CPR through factors of parental alcohol misuse<br />

% of children on the CPR through factors of parental mental health<br />

A Children’s needs assessment framework has been developed in<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> to assist young people achieve the fi ve priority outcomes:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Be Healthy<br />

Stay Safe<br />

Enjoy and Achieve<br />

Make a positive Contribution<br />

Achieve economic well- being<br />

WHERE DOES THIS “ 32 ” GO ?<br />

What we will do<br />

Education<br />

Continue access to alcohol education in school and develop further<br />

links between other PSHE education such as sexual health and<br />

relationships, antisocial behaviour and arson<br />

Develop the school drug policy and referral routes<br />

Create opportunities for alcohol education and awareness raising<br />

within local colleges<br />

Develop further opportunities for alcohol education within primary<br />

schools<br />

Substance misusing parents<br />

We will address the needs of substance misusing parents with the<br />

development action plan based on the recommendations of both the<br />

Hidden Harm report and Turning Point’s Bottling it up report<br />

Develop alcohol consumption awareness raising with parents regarding<br />

the impact their or family members drinking has on their families<br />

Treatment<br />

We will continue to develop the treatment service for young people<br />

Train existing young peoples service staff in screening, support and<br />

referrals<br />

31<br />

Bottling it up, Turning Point 2006<br />

32<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> Safeguarding Children Board<br />


Access to alcohol<br />

We will use the powers under the Licensing Act to revoke licenses of<br />

those that sell alcohol to young people who are underage<br />

Continue with the test-purchasing scheme for alcohol on off licence<br />

premises<br />

We will review enforcement of under age drinking in on licence<br />

premises<br />

Investigate the use of covert actions for targeting licensees that sell<br />

under age<br />

Target education and enforcement at parents who supply alcohol to<br />

underage.<br />

Targeted intervention<br />

Target alcohol interventions at young people at risk of offending due to<br />

their alcohol consumption<br />

Provide tailored alcohol interventions to young people accessing the<br />

Youth Offending Team<br />


Children and Young People’s Related Performance Indicators<br />

Young Peoples DAAT group<br />

● Increase the number of young people receiving alcohol information through referral to EIG or when receiving alcohol confi scation letters from<br />

the ASBO team.<br />

● Reduce the availability of alcohol to young people through retail outlets<br />

● To reduce the number of retail outlets who sell alcohol to underage Young People<br />

● Proportion of young people referred to hospital for alcohol related harm<br />

Children and Young People’s action plan<br />

Priorities<br />

● To prevent neglect, emotional and physical harm to children as a result of their parents drinking<br />

● To protect people of all ages from all alcohol-related harm through the education of alcohol safety and sensible drinking messages<br />

● To reduce young people’s consumption of alcohol and associated negative consequences<br />

LAA Alcohol Sub Indicator<br />

● The proportion of Year 10 pupils sampled that say they drink alcohol regularly (at least once a week).<br />

Indicators<br />

● The age young people start to drink with their riends<br />

● Proportion of young people with alcohol confi scation letters<br />

● Proportion of young people referred to hospital for alcohol<br />

● Proportion of test purchasing failures<br />


Activity Responsible agency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />

Level one- Universal<br />

Develop an interagency action plan based on both recommendations from Hidden Harm and Bottling it Community Safety Unit TMBC ●<br />

up<br />

Develop a alcohol education strategy to include interventions within primary, secondary schools and<br />

Education TMBC<br />

●<br />

colleges to include future planning and evaluation of projects<br />

Inclusion of alcohol issues within education surrounding sex and relationships, anti social behaviour<br />

Education TMBC<br />

●<br />

and risky behaviour<br />

Discuss the dangers of alcohol whilst undertaking Fire Awareness Child Education visits to young<br />

GMF&RS<br />

●<br />

people who have been involved in accidental and deliberate fi re related incidents<br />

Review the implementation of the Schools Drug Policy in relation to alcohol incidents and referrals to<br />

Education TMBC<br />

●<br />

Branching Out<br />

Link up activities between relevant children and young people strategies including sexual health, Community Safety Unit TMBC ●<br />

teenage pregnancies and parenting strategies<br />

Develop mechanisms for delivering alcohol road safety projects within colleges and further education Road Safety Unit, TMBC ●<br />

Continue to promote the use of the interactive Drug/Alcohol Box in community settings Branching Out ●<br />

Activity Responsible agency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />

Level 2- Lower Level Need<br />

Develop interagency training to enable better screening, recognition and improved interventions with<br />

Branching Out<br />

●<br />

young people misusing alcohol<br />

Identify an alcohol champion within the Local Safeguarding children board to lead on family alcohol Environmental Services TMBC ●<br />

misuse issues<br />

Develop training for practitioners working with young people who live with alcohol misusing parents LSCB ●<br />

Raise awareness within the community of the need to reduce alcohol related harm to children and<br />

LSCB<br />

●<br />

young people<br />

Continue to confi scate alcohol from under 18’s, recording and monitoring the amounts and identifying<br />

GMP ● ● ●<br />

hotspot areas<br />

Continue the monitoring of young people’s alcohol consumption through inclusion of questions in the<br />

year 10 annual school survey<br />

Education ● ● ●<br />


Activity Responsible agency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />

Level 3- Additional Need<br />

Further publicity of the Branching Out service to children, parents and young people Branching Out ●<br />

Develop identifi cation and referral pathways from the hospital to Branching Out of young people<br />

Acute Trust<br />

●<br />

admitted for alcohol related incidents<br />

Branching Out<br />

Evaluate short term funded targeted group work to investigate further need<br />

Branching Out<br />

Review alcohol interventions for young people referred to the EIG/ CIG TMBC ●<br />

Develop further the role of the youth service, Connexions and other youth provision in early alcohol<br />

interventions<br />

DAAT<br />

●<br />

Activity Responsible agency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />

Level 4- Higher Level Need<br />

Continually monitor the need for access to Tier 4 alcohol treatment Branching Out ●<br />

Continue to develop the four geographical area approach to supporting young people Branching Out ●<br />

Activity Responsible agency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />

Level 5- Complex Needs<br />

Investigate the possibility of joint work supporting young carers Branching Out ●<br />

Monitor the levels of tier3/4 referrals from PRUs/YOT.<br />

Branching Out<br />

YOT<br />

●<br />



“They said the bruises<br />

would go but the<br />

scar’s there for life”<br />

“It's a long walk<br />

home, I thought I’d<br />

be safer in a car”<br />

“It's so easy to<br />

use a condom –<br />

I wish I had”<br />

For support and advice on alcohol and drug issues contact Branching Out on: 0161 343 6481<br />

or contact the FRANK helpline on 0800 77 66 00, www.talktofrank.com<br />

www.ruthinking.co.uk<br />


7. Healthier Communities and<br />

Older People<br />

Alcohol consumption has a signifi cant impact upon the health and<br />

wellbeing of individuals and costs the Health Service 1.7 bn a year. 33<br />

It is estimated that there are up to 60 alcohol related deaths a day<br />

in England and Wales, three times more than drug related deaths. 34<br />

Health related alcohol harms impacts directly upon services within<br />

Primary Care, Hospitals, Accident and Emergency Departments,<br />

Mental Health and Sexual Health Services.<br />

Alcohol misuse is associated with a number of health harms including<br />

cancer, heart disease, strokes, digestive problems and osteoporosis.<br />

1 in 30 cancer deaths are attributable to alcohol; alcohol is the<br />

second most important cause of high blood pressure and every year;<br />

1200 die from strokes linked to alcohol misuse. Much of this harm is<br />

preventable by developing comprehensive local treatment systems<br />

for hazardous, harmful and dependent drinkers, their families and the<br />

wider community. For example, it is estimated suggests that for every<br />

£1 spent on alcohol treatment, the public sector saves £5.<br />

The Alcohol Needs Assessment Research Project 2006 (published by<br />

the Department of Health) found that of 16-64 year olds:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

38% of men and 16% of women have an alcohol use disorder<br />

21% of men 9% of women are binge drinkers;<br />

6% men and 2% of women are alcohol dependent<br />

We can use the profi le of National Statistics in the above survey<br />

to estimate local prevalence. This approach does not take into<br />

account potential factors of infl uence, which is the socia-economic,<br />

demographic and deprivation measures of <strong>Tameside</strong> and Glossop<br />

against the national picture, however, in the absence of anything more<br />

robust, this provides us with our best present alcohol-specific guidance.<br />

Using the above would indicate that 30,780 men and 13,152 women<br />

have an alcohol use disorder, that 17,010 men and 7,398 women<br />

are binge drinkers and that 4,860 men 1,644 women are alcohol<br />

dependent.<br />

The North West Observatory (2006) developed a set of annual alcohol<br />

regional indicators. In comparison to other North West PCT’s <strong>Tameside</strong><br />

was ranked high on a number of indicators:<br />

Tackling Health Inequalities is a top priority for the Government; it is<br />

focused on narrowing the health gap between disadvantaged groups<br />

and communities. Drinking over the Department of Health’s sensible<br />

drinking guidelines is more common in areas of high deprivation.<br />

Nationally, for women living in the most deprived areas, alcohol related<br />

death rates are 3 times higher than those living in the most deprived<br />

areas. In comparison for men alcohol related death rates for those<br />

living in the most deprived areas were 5 times higher than for those<br />

living in the least deprived areas.<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

22% prevalence of binge drinking among local adult population<br />

2000-2<br />

Hospital admission for alcohol specifi c conditions amongst males<br />

4.96% and females 2.63% in 2004-5<br />

Prevalence of hospital admission for all conditions attributable to<br />

alcohol amongst males 11.62% and females 6.55% in 2004/5<br />

Average projected estimates of months of life lost for all causes<br />

attributable to alcohol in 2004 for men was 12.75 and women 6.48<br />

33<br />

Safe Sensible Social National Alcohol Strategy 2004<br />

34<br />

Alcohol Cocern Conference Report 2006<br />


In comparison to the above statistics in 2005/6 there were 1999<br />

number of patients in alcohol treatment.<br />

Drinking while pregnant has been evidenced to have signifi cant effects<br />

upon the health of the baby resulting in foetal alcohol effects, but<br />

also this has been associated in infants with increased risk of their<br />

maltreatment and sometimes-violent behaviour in later life, including<br />

delinquent behaviour, sexual violence and suicide (Bellis et al 2006).<br />

The Department of Health 2007 has since changed its advice to<br />

pregnant women to encourage an alcohol free pregnancy.<br />

Currently, levels of alcohol misuse are being highlighted within Public<br />

Health as one of two ‘Sleeping Tigers’ of the future. Due to levels of<br />

alcohol misuse and obesity it has been predicted that the generation<br />

of people born between 1985 and 2005 will be the fi rst generation<br />

of people to experience lower life expectancy compared with their<br />

previous generation.<br />

In response to the concerns regarding the impact alcohol consumption<br />

is having upon the health of the nation; alcohol has been included as<br />

one of six priorities of the Choosing Health White Paper. The Choosing<br />

Health White Paper sets out a number of key principles for supporting<br />

the public to make healthier and more informed choices in regards to<br />

their health.<br />

There are six key priorities for Choosing Health:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Tackling health inequalities<br />

Reducing the number of people who smoke<br />

Tackling obesity<br />

Improving sexual health<br />

Improving mental health and wellbeing<br />

Reducing harm and encouraging sensible drinking<br />

Alcohol and older people<br />

Alcohol misuse among older people is often described as a<br />

neglected area of research in the UK, it is felt that this area has been<br />

underestimated and in need of further research. Research that has<br />

been carried out identifi es that the number of older people exceeding<br />

the sensible drinking guidelines has increased over recent years.<br />

However, older people’s drinking habits seem to be polarised in that<br />

there are two extremes either abstaining, or drinking on a daily basis.<br />

Older people are less likely to be aware of the DoH sensible drinking<br />

guidelines or how to calculate a unit, in addition they are less likely to<br />

be informed about alcohol related harms and health consequences.<br />

Excessive drinking puts older people at risk of CHD, Hypertension<br />

and Stroke, Memory Loss and depression; it may provoke Parkinsons<br />

Disease and can contribute to dementia.<br />

Patterns of drinking in older people can either be developed early on in<br />

life and are continued into older age or alcohol problems are developed<br />

later in life due to a number of causes/risk factors. These causes and<br />

risk factors have been identifi ed as:<br />


●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Bereavement<br />

Mental stress<br />

Physical ill health<br />

Loneliness and isolation<br />

Loss of occupation, function, skills, income<br />

its aims namely ‘to better identify and treat alcohol misuse’. MOCAM<br />

provides clear guidance for compiling the framework for health<br />

interventions for the healthier communities and older people action<br />

plan. It delivers a four-tier system of treatment as shown in fi gure 1<br />

below.<br />

Alcohol consumption adds to the risk of older people having falls.<br />

Alcohol consumption has been identifi ed as one of the three main<br />

causes of falls, which are a signifi cant cause of mortality and ill health<br />

in older people. For people over 75 years of age, falls are the leading<br />

cause of injury and death. A majority of older people (8 out of 10 people<br />

over 65) are on prescribed medication of which are contraindicated 35<br />

with alcohol, therefore if alcohol is consumed with the medication there<br />

is an increase risk of falls, drowsiness, dizziness and depression. Even<br />

consuming one unit of alcohol could increase these risks.<br />

The collection of data in regards to alcohol related falls is currently<br />

being developed in the fi rst month 4 falls were identifi ed as alcohol<br />

related. This will increase as alcohol is included within all potential<br />

referrers to the falls project and awareness has been raised within<br />

practitioners.<br />

Older people are also affected by alcohol use of their siblings or<br />

grandchildren. It is estimated that 500,000 of grandparents who are<br />

raising their grandchildren that 10% of these would be because of<br />

parental substance abuse.<br />

Models of Care for Alcohol Misusers 2006 (DoH) provides best practice<br />

for local health organisations and their partners in delivering a planned<br />

and integrated local treatment system for adult alcohol misusers.<br />

The framework aims to provide guidance in commissioning that is<br />

appropriate for alcohol services. MOCAM has been developed from<br />

the fi rst National Alcohol Reduction Strategy (2004) to achieve one of<br />

35<br />

Alcohol Concern Alcohol and Older People Factsheet<br />


Models of Care for Alcohol Misuse-<strong>Tameside</strong><br />

Tiers Definition What we need Other agencies<br />

involvement<br />

Tier 0 Provision of General community awareness Tier 1 services such as Police,<br />

community campaigns both national and local Health etc<br />

education Development of workplace alcohol<br />

alcohol policies<br />

issues<br />

Tier 1<br />

Tier 2<br />

Provision of<br />

screening<br />

and<br />

assessment<br />

of<br />

hazardous,<br />

harmful and<br />

dependent<br />

drinkers;<br />

information<br />

on sensible<br />

drinking;<br />

Provision of<br />

open access<br />

facilities and<br />

outreach<br />

that provide;<br />

alcohol<br />

specifi c<br />

advice, info<br />

and support,<br />

extended<br />

brief<br />

interventions,<br />

assessment<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Alcohol advice and information<br />

Targeted screening and<br />

assessment for those drinking in<br />

excess of Guidelines on Safer<br />

Drinking (DH)<br />

Brief interventions training to<br />

front line health and community<br />

workers covering identifi cation,<br />

management and referral of<br />

alcohol related harm especially<br />

for PCT staff.<br />

Provision of simple brief<br />

interventions<br />

<strong>Partnership</strong> or shared care<br />

Open access facilities and<br />

outreach targeting alcohol<br />

misusers which provide:<br />

● Alcohol-specifi c information,<br />

advice and support<br />

● Extended brief interventions<br />

and brief treatment to reduce<br />

alcohol-related harm<br />

● Alcohol-specifi c assessment and<br />

referral of those requiring more<br />

structured alcohol treatment<br />

● <strong>Partnership</strong> or “shared care”<br />

with staff from Tier 3 and<br />

Tier 1 provision can be delivered<br />

by a very wide range of agencies<br />

whose main focus is not alcohol<br />

treatment, such as: primary<br />

healthcare services; acute<br />

hospitals, e.g. A&E departments;<br />

medical & psychiatric services;<br />

social service departments;<br />

antenatal clinics; homelessness<br />

services; general hospital wards;<br />

police, e.g. custody cells; probation<br />

services; prison service; education<br />

and vocational services; and<br />

occupational health services.<br />

Tier 2 provision may be delivered<br />

by the following agencies, if they<br />

have the necessary competence:<br />

specialist alcohol services;<br />

primary healthcare services;<br />

acute hospitals, e.g. A&E and<br />

liver units; psychiatric services;<br />

social services; domestic abuse<br />

agencies; homelessness services;<br />

antenatal clinics; probation<br />

services; prison service; and<br />

occupational health services.<br />

What we have already<br />

S.T.A.N.D/think Safe drink Safe<br />

campaigns<br />

General health promotion<br />

Some partners with alcohol<br />

workplace policies<br />

Training developed<br />

Screening and assessment tool<br />

training for young people’s services<br />

Tier 1 & 2 training for adult<br />

services<br />

Hospital Liaison Post<br />

Training is already available for<br />

community and front line health<br />

workers, but take up is very poor.<br />

Choosing Health money will<br />

be invested in an alcohol brief<br />

intervention training programme<br />

performance managed in relation<br />

to training delivered to primary<br />

health care teams and community<br />

based workers.<br />

Alcohol NES service<br />

Screening and assessment tool<br />

training for young people’s services<br />

Tier 1 & 2 training for adult<br />

services<br />

Potential gaps in service<br />

Targeted community sensible<br />

drinking campaign<br />

Alcohol workplace policies<br />

Agreement to attending training<br />

Practitioners Pack<br />

Inclusion of sensible drinking<br />

guidance and assessment of<br />

alcohol consumption within<br />

PCT Connect 4 health, Lifestyle<br />

clubs/clinics & Health Promotion<br />

activities<br />

Agency attendance to training<br />

patchy. This is to be addressed by<br />

a systematic programme of brief<br />

intervention training for primary<br />

carse. Needs of other agencies<br />

also must be addressed.<br />

If referrals increase from primary<br />

care this may stretch NES<br />

capacity.<br />


Tier 3<br />

Tier 4<br />

and referral<br />

of those with<br />

more serious<br />

alcohol<br />

related<br />

Provision of<br />

communitybased<br />

specialised<br />

alcohol<br />

misuse<br />

assessment,<br />

and alcohol<br />

treatment<br />

that is care<br />

co-ordinated<br />

Provision of<br />

residential,<br />

specialised<br />

alcohol<br />

treatments,<br />

which are<br />

care-planned<br />

and coordinated<br />

to ensure<br />

continuity<br />

of care and<br />

aftercare.<br />

4a provision, or joint care of<br />

individuals attending other<br />

services providing Tier 1<br />

provision<br />

● Mutual aid groups, e.g. A.A<br />

● Triage assessment may be<br />

agreed as part of locally agreed<br />

arrangements<br />

● Low threshold prescribing for<br />

assisted withdrawal.<br />

Comprehensive substance misuse<br />

assessment;<br />

● Care planning and review<br />

● Community care assessment<br />

and case management<br />

● A range of evidence-based<br />

prescribing interventions in the<br />

context of a package of care<br />

● A range of structured evidencebased<br />

psychosocial therapies<br />

and support to address alcohol<br />

misuse and address co-existing<br />

conditions<br />

● Structured day programmes and<br />

care-planned day care<br />

● Liaison services, e.g. for acute<br />

medical and psychiatric health<br />

services and social services<br />

● Comprehensive substance<br />

misuse assessment<br />

● Care planning and review<br />

● Care co-ordination<br />

● A range of evidence-based<br />

prescribing interventions, in the<br />

context of a package of care<br />

● A range of structured evidencebased<br />

therapies and support to<br />

address alcohol misuse<br />

● Provision of info, advice, training<br />

and “shared care” to tier ½<br />

services.<br />

Normally delivered in specialised<br />

alcohol treatment services<br />

with their own premises in the<br />

community. Other delivery may be<br />

by outreach. Some may be based<br />

in primary care settings (shared<br />

care and GP led prescribing<br />

services).<br />

The work in the community<br />

settings can be delivered by<br />

statutory, voluntary or independent<br />

services providing care-planned,<br />

structured alcohol treatment.<br />

Specialist statutory, independent or<br />

voluntary sector inpatient facilities<br />

for medically assisted alcohol<br />

withdrawal (detoxifi cation) and<br />

stabilisation.<br />

Those with complex alcohol and<br />

other needs requiring impatient<br />

interventions may require<br />

hospitalisation for their other needs<br />

(e.g. pregnancy, liver problems)<br />

this may be best provided for in the<br />

context of hospital services.<br />

ADS<br />

SMS<br />

Branching Out<br />

SUFFS<br />

Development of an Older Person’s<br />

service<br />

Alcohol detox bed in ward 36<br />

Referrals to Smithfi eld and<br />

Wentworth<br />

Alcohol detox bed in ward 36<br />

Community detox<br />

Unplanned detoxs in medical<br />

wards<br />

Capacity issues for mainstream<br />

treatment services<br />

Links with Derbyshire for treatment<br />

services in Glossop<br />

Young peoples tier 4 service<br />

Link up with hospital detox and<br />

substance misuse service<br />


What we will do:<br />

Early intervention<br />

We will develop ways to identify and support problem drinkers earlier via both primary and secondary health care, housing and social care settings,<br />

and health care settings.<br />

We will develop a system for brief interventions in primary and secondary care<br />

We will ensure high coverage of primary health care workers receiving brief intervention training<br />

We will develop a training programme for other agencies<br />

Treatment services<br />

We will develop a service improvement plan to include activities to improve accessibility<br />

We will develop services to support carers<br />

We will continually review capacity within services<br />

We will develop an alcohol pathway based upon Models of Care requirements<br />

Screening and referral<br />

We will develop ways to introduce screening and referring to appropriate services<br />

Referrals and assessments for older people’s health and social care services will include questions about alcohol consumption<br />

Training<br />

We will provide training for health staff in relation to older people and alcohol issues and brief interventions.<br />

We will provide assessment training for practitioners working with young people<br />

We will provide a systematic programme of brief intervention training for primary health care and community services<br />

Community awareness<br />

We will promote sensible drinking guidance to the community<br />

We will promote sensible drinking guidance and treatment services for older people<br />

We will promote the development of alcohol workplace policies<br />


Healthier Communities and Older People Performance Indicators<br />

National Alcohol Strategy 2007<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

A reduction in chronic and acute ill health caused by alcohol, resulting in fewer alcohol-related accidents and hospital admissions<br />

Most people will be able to recall the Governments sensible drinking guidelines, and will know the personal risks associated with regular<br />

drinking above the sensible limits<br />

Most people will be able to estimate their own alcohol consumption in units<br />

Most people will be able to know where to go for advice or support<br />

Proportion of people drinking within the Department of Health’s sensible drinking guidelines<br />

Proportion of people who are drinking more than 50 units a week (35 units for women), and of those drinking more than twice the sensible daily<br />

drinking guidelines on a regular basis<br />

Healthier Communities and Older People action plan<br />

Priorities<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

To reduce the level of alcohol related falls, illness, injuries and deaths<br />

To improve the range, accessibility and quality of alcohol treatment services<br />

To protect people of all ages from all alcohol-related harm through the education of alcohol safety and sensible drinking messages<br />

To establish an effective alcohol data collection and monitoring system in relation to the impact alcohol has on crime, disorder, anti social<br />

behaviour and health<br />

Indicators:<br />

LAA Main agreement:<br />

● The proportion of alcohol related falls in older people (65+)<br />

LAA Alcohol subset<br />

● Hospital admissions for alcohol specifi c conditions<br />

● Referrals to Alcohol Treatment Services<br />


Activity<br />

Responsible<br />

agency<br />

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />

TIER 0<br />

Train all primary care staff in alcohol brief interventions PCT ●<br />

Develop and resource an alcohol treatment data system for collection and monitoring of health related harms DAAT & PCT ●<br />

Incorporate alcohol activities within the DAAT diversity post DAAT ●<br />

Investigate the potential of including sensible drinking messages within community cohesion work with communities TMBC<br />

●<br />

within the borough<br />

Investigate the potential of including alcohol within the connect 4 life programme PCT ●<br />

Develop and source funding for community alcohol health awareness campaigns in relation to sensible drinking PCT<br />

●<br />

guidelines<br />

Promote sensible drinking guidance and over 65’s treatment service to older people and practitioners DAAT ●<br />

Develop a training package for practitioners regarding alcohol and older people DAAT ●<br />

Include alcohol activities are incorporated with the work of the priority neighbourhoods. DAAT ●<br />

Support the development of a Greater Manchester Sensible Drinking Campaign TMBC ●<br />

TIER 1<br />

Ensure equality awareness training is carried out with treatment staff DAAT ●<br />

Develop Connect 4 Life to include alcohol within its inclusion criteria and ongoing work programme DAAT ● ● ●<br />

Develop systems for public consultation regarding levels of alcohol consumption PCT & TMBC ●<br />

Inclusion of sensible drinking guidance within health improvement team activities for example Connect 4 Health, PCT<br />

●<br />

Lifestyle clubs/clinics, Fit for life<br />

Encourage the inclusion of alcohol consumption within the Ambulance Service falls assessment criteria DAAT ●<br />

Encourage alcohol consumption is included within social, care and health screening TMBC ●<br />

Investigate the potential to include dentists and pharmacists within alcohol early interventions programmes and PCT<br />

●<br />

community campaigns<br />

Investigate the potential of extending the role of the maternal health worker to include alcohol PCT ●<br />

Develop systems within maternal health to include alcohol within prenatal health promotion and advice/support DAAT ●<br />

Investigate the potential of the inclusion of alcohol activities within the work of POPPS PCT ●<br />

Develop a workplace substance misuse policy for the PCT PCT ●<br />

Develop links between supporting people providers and treatment agencies DAAT ●<br />


Activity<br />

Responsible<br />

agency<br />

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />

TIER 2<br />

Development of GP training of sensible drinking, eligibility criteria and referral routes for Alcohol treatment services PCT ●<br />

Develop referral and monitoring processes from hospital admissions to alcohol treatment services Acute Trust ●<br />

Develop alcohol brief interventions training for acute trust staff PCT ● ●<br />

Continue to investigate links between criminal justice and alcohol interventions PCT & Probation ● ●<br />

Further develop and monitor the alcohol National Enhanced Services (NES) scheme PCT ● ● ●<br />

Investigate the needs of parents and carers, current provision and gaps in service to inform commissioning PCT ●<br />

TIER 3<br />

Continue to monitor and review referral processes to treatment agencies PCT ●<br />

Monitor and review the alcohol treatment service for the over 65’s PCT ●<br />

Develop Service Level Agreements for alcohol treatment services PCT ●<br />

Further develop and review the alcohol hospital liaison service PCT ●<br />

Investigate the accessibility of Treatment Agency provision in relation to the Disability Discrimination Act requirements PCT ●<br />

Continue the work of the alcohol service improvement group and action plan PCT ● ● ●<br />

Implement service user consultation systems for alcohol services PCT ●<br />

Investigate the potential for developing links with local AA, Al anon & Alateen groups DAAT ●<br />

TIER 4<br />

Ensure local abstinence services provide an alcohol service PCT ●<br />

Review and implement the local recommendations from the Greater Manchester Tier 4 services review PCT ●<br />

Provide continued access to inpatient detox PCT ● ● ●<br />

Review procedures in regards to gatekeeping access into tier 4 rehabilitation services from tier 3 PCT ●<br />

Review procedures regards to gatekeeping access into tier 4 residential services from tier 3 PCT ●<br />


8. Economic Development<br />

Alcohol misuse affects workers productivity, and affects the health,<br />

safety and welfare of staff. Alcohol consumption can have an impact on<br />

the workplace in many ways; from excessive drinking in leisure time,<br />

drinking before a shift, during lunch breaks or even work hours to binge<br />

drinking at after work activities. Over 10% of all workplace accidents<br />

have been identifi ed as alcohol related. 36<br />

The Government estimate the national annual cost of performance<br />

and productivity lost as a result of alcohol misuse as 6.4bn. Up to 17m<br />

working days are lost each year through alcohol-related absence. 37<br />

The Health and Safety Commission states that 90% of human<br />

resources directors from top British organisations confi rm that alcohol<br />

is a problem in their workplace. The commission claims alcohol<br />

accounts from 8 to 14 million lost days in this country each year.<br />

Figures collated by Personnel Today say 60% of employers have had<br />

problems with employees’ misuse of alcohol, while an estimated 70%<br />

of people with alcohol problems are in employment. A survey carried<br />

out by YouGov for PRU Health found that each day 200,000 British<br />

workers turn up to work hung over from the night before. With the<br />

national increases in alcohol related health harms, this will increase in<br />

impacts upon the workplace and will in the long-term lead to shorter<br />

working lives.<br />

Certain individual and workplace indicators for problematic alcohol use<br />

have been identifi ed.<br />

A number of approaches have been developed and identifi ed as good<br />

practice in tackling problematic alcohol use in the workplace:<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Policy development<br />

Information and education programme<br />

Health promotion<br />

Assistance and treatment<br />

Although over half of employers have an alcohol workplace policy<br />

(strategy unit 2004) less than one fi fth of employers feel they have<br />

the skills to raise issues with staff and are unsure what services are<br />

available to refer to (Personnel 2001). The <strong>Tameside</strong> business survey<br />

found that 40% of employers would like to implement an alcohol<br />

workplace policy. The inclusion of alcohol issues within workplace<br />

health promotion and access to treatment is an area that needs further<br />

exploration and development both nationally and locally.<br />

In addition to reduced productivity at work, excessive drinking is<br />

associated with unemployment. Costs arising from such increased<br />

unemployment are estimated to be in the region of £1.9 billion a year. 38<br />

36<br />

Insitute of Alcohol Studies 2007<br />

38<br />

Personnel 2001<br />

37<br />

Safe Sensible Social National Alcohol Strategy 2007<br />


What we will do:<br />

Policies<br />

Encourage local partner agencies to develop alcohol (substance)<br />

workplace policies<br />

Support local businesses in developing alcohol (substance) workplace<br />

policies<br />

Training<br />

Develop local workplace alcohol (substance) misuse training regarding<br />

issues, referrals and policy development<br />

Include alcohol interventions within stress management training<br />

Workplace<br />

Increase alcohol input within health promotion initiatives within<br />

workplaces<br />

Increase workplace knowledge of sensible drinking guidelines and<br />

referral agencies<br />

Worklessness<br />

Develop partnerships between alcohol services and job centre plus<br />

and Connexions<br />


Economic Development action plan<br />

Priorities<br />

●<br />

To reduce negative social and economic impact on the community<br />

Indicators<br />

●<br />

Proportion of businesses with a workplace alcohol policy<br />

Activity Responsible agency Year 1 Year 2 Year 3<br />

Develop local workplace alcohol (substance) misuse training regarding issues, referrals and policy development DAAT ●<br />

Include alcohol messages within workplace stress management programmes TMBC, PCT ●<br />

Increase alcohol input within health promotion initiatives within workplaces TMBC, PCT ●<br />

Develop partnerships between alcohol services and job centre plus and Connexions DAAT ●<br />

Develop a substance misuse policy for the Primary Care Trust and associated training PCT ●<br />

Develop a borough wide alcohol campaign via businesses DAAT ●<br />

Investigate the potential of including substance misuse workplace training and issues within Business link<br />

Econ Dev<br />

●<br />

offi cers training/role<br />

Develop further the inclusion of alcohol within the TMBC vielife/wellness strategy and programmed activities<br />

DAAT ●<br />

and lifestyle clinics<br />

Review out of hours access to local alcohol treatment service for those in employment DAAT ●<br />


9. Summary of the <strong>Tameside</strong> Alcohol Strategy 2007-2010<br />

priorities and indicators<br />

Thematic overview Local Priorities Local indicators<br />

Safer Stronger Communities ●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Develop local data collection and monitoring system of alcohol<br />

related crime, disorder and anti social behaviour<br />

Concerted local effort on enforcement and prevention of drink<br />

driving, particularly with identifi ed high risk groups<br />

Develop a local implementation plan for new alcohol related powers<br />

of the Violent Crime Act 2006<br />

Review approaches of under age sales enforcement<br />

Develop a challenge 21 scheme or equivalent<br />

Develop a local system of alcohol screening and interventions<br />

within criminal justice system<br />

Create opportunities to develop targeted fi re and alcohol safety<br />

awareness campaigns and interventions<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Proportion of alcohol related fi res and fi re deaths<br />

Proportion of police alcohol markers and related hotspots<br />

Proportion of drink driving offences<br />

Test purchasing operations and prosecutions<br />

Proportion of alcohol related violent offences<br />

Children and Young People<br />

Healthier Communities and<br />

Older People<br />

Economic Development<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Develop local systems of disseminating sensible drinking guidance<br />

to parents<br />

Develop targeted early alcohol interventions with young people at<br />

risk<br />

Develop systems of referral from hospital to alcohol treatment<br />

services<br />

Review underage sales enforcement<br />

Develop a multiagency screening and brief alcohol interventions<br />

training programme<br />

Develop an alcohol hospital liaison service<br />

Investigate the potential for alcohol projects to be developed within<br />

priority neighbourhoods<br />

Review the accessibility of local alcohol treatment<br />

Promote sensible drinking guidelines within health promotion<br />

Encourage the development of alcohol workplace policies<br />

Develop a workplace sensible drinking project<br />

Develop joint activities between job centre plus and treatment<br />

agencies<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Proportion of year 10’s say they drink alcohol frequently (once a<br />

week)<br />

The age young people started to drink with friends<br />

Proportion of parents sent a alcohol related incident letter from<br />

ASBO team<br />

Proportion of young people referred to Branching Out from the<br />

hospital<br />

Proportion of test purchasing failures<br />

Referrals into alcohol treatment agencies<br />

Proportion of alcohol related falls in over 65’s<br />

Proportion of people able to recall sensible drinking guidelines<br />

Proportion of people able to estimate their own alcohol<br />

Hospital admissions for alcohol specifi c conditions<br />

Proportion of people who know where to get advice and support<br />

Consumption in units<br />

Proportion of businesses with a workplace alcohol policy<br />


Appendix 1 - Safe. Sensible. Social the next steps in the<br />

National Alcohol Strategy 2007<br />


Appendix 2 - review of literature<br />

1. Regional Alcohol Indicators for North West England 2006<br />

2. Alcohol Harm Reduction Strategy for England 2004<br />

3. Safe. Sensible. Social. The next steps of the National Alcohol<br />

Strategy 2007<br />

4. Delivering Choosing Health; Making healthier choices easier,<br />

Department of Health 2005<br />

5. <strong>Tameside</strong> Alcohol Strategy 2003<br />

6. <strong>Tameside</strong> Licensing Policy 2004<br />

7. <strong>Tameside</strong> <strong>Strategic</strong> Assessment 2006<br />

8. Children in need of protection <strong>Tameside</strong> LSCB<br />

9. Wasted, Lives lost to alcohol, Alcohol Concern 2006<br />

10. <strong>Tameside</strong> Anti Social Behaviour Strategy 2005<br />

11. <strong>Tameside</strong> Tackling Violent Crime Strategy 2007<br />

12. <strong>Tameside</strong> Crime and Disorder Reduction Strategy 2005<br />

15. Information Centre, National Statistics: Statistics on Alcohol:<br />

England 2007<br />

16. Public Health Report for <strong>Tameside</strong> and Glossop 2005/06<br />

17. Alcohol Misuse Interventions- guidance on developing a local<br />

programme of improvement DoH 2006<br />

18. Survey of Health Related attitudes and Behaviours in Year 10’s<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong>, Services for Children and Young People 2006<br />

19. North West Trading Standards Alcohol Survey June 2007<br />

20. <strong>Tameside</strong> Local Area Agreement 2007<br />

21. www.alcoholpolicy.net<br />

22. www.homeoffi ce.gov.uk<br />

23. www.respect.gov.uk<br />

24. www.alcoholconcern.co.uk<br />

Despair to repair local research with survivors of domestic abuse 2001<br />

13. <strong>Tameside</strong> Opportunity strategy 2006<br />

14. Institute of Alcohol Studies Factsheets2007<br />


Appendix 3 - LAA- Matrix of cross cutting themes<br />

Safer and Stronger Communities<br />


Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Overall crime<br />

Reduce crime<br />

inequalities - focused<br />

action in hotspot areas<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />

SSC 1.1 Reduce overall British Crime Survey comparator recorded crime (PSA1).<br />

X X<br />

SSC 1.2a Adult Offenders - reduce the proportion of adult offenders who reoffend<br />

X X<br />

SSC 1.2b<br />

Prolifi c and Priority Offenders - reduce the proportion of prolifi c and priority<br />

offenders who reoffend X X<br />

SSC 1.2c<br />

Young Offenders - reduce the proportion of young offenders who reoffend<br />

(within 12 months) X X<br />

SSC 1.3a<br />

Reduce the rate of crime in Ashton St. Peters - Less Serious Wounding &<br />

Common Assault (per 1,000 population) X X<br />

SSC 1.3b<br />

Reduce the rate of crime in Ashton St. Peters - Theft from Vehicles (per 1,000<br />

population) X X<br />

SSC 1.4<br />

Reduce thefts from vehicles per 1,000 population (through targeted action in<br />

hotspot areas) X X<br />

SSC 1.5a Reduce Violent Crime - Less Serious Wounding (per 1,000 population)<br />

X X<br />

SSC 1.5b Reduce Violent Crime - Robbery (per 1,000 population)<br />

X X<br />

SSC 1.6 Reduce criminal damage (through targeted action) - PSA1<br />

X X<br />



Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Reducing the fear of<br />

crime.<br />

Reduce the harm<br />

caused by illegal drugs<br />

Build Respect in<br />

communities and<br />

reduce anti-social<br />

behaviour<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />

SSC 2.1 Increase the % of people who feel safe in their local neighbourhood after dark<br />

X X<br />

SSC 2.2 Increase the % of people who feel safe in their local town centre after dark<br />

X X<br />

SSC 2.3 Increase in the levels of retention in drug treatment for 12 or more weeks<br />

X X<br />

SSC 2.4<br />

SSC 2.5<br />

SSC 2.6<br />

SSC 2.7<br />

SSC 2.8<br />

Reduce the % of people who are worried about people dealing drugs in the<br />

street in their local area X<br />

Increase the % of people who feel informed about what is being done to tackle<br />

anti-social behaviour in their local area X<br />

Reduce the % of people who feel that parents not taking responsibility for the<br />

behaviour of their children is a problem in their local area X<br />

Reduce the % of people who think people not treating other people with respect<br />

and consideration is a problem in their local area X<br />

Reduce the % of people who think anti-social behaviour is a problem in their<br />

local area (using eight types of anti-social behaviour) X X<br />



Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Empower local people<br />

(greater choice /<br />

infl uence over local<br />

decision making /<br />

role in public service<br />

delivery)<br />

SSC 3.1<br />

SSC 3.2<br />

SSC 3.3<br />


Increase the % of people who feel they can infl uence decisions affecting their<br />

local area<br />

Increase the % of people who feel that their neighbourhood is a place where<br />

people from different backgrounds get on well together<br />

Increase the number of people recorded as or reporting that they have engaged<br />

in formal volunteering on an average of at least two hours per week over the<br />

past year<br />

Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Improved quality<br />

of life in the most<br />

disadvantaged<br />

neighbourhoods<br />

SSC 4.1<br />

Increase the percentage of residents reporting an increase in satisfaction with<br />

their neighbourhoods<br />

(in Hattersley, Denton South, Smallshaw/Hurst)<br />

SSC 4.2 Increase the number of homelessness cases prevented per 1,000 households<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />

Improve housing<br />

conditions within the<br />

most deprived areas<br />

Increase domestic<br />

fi re safety and reduce<br />

arson<br />

SSC 4.3 Increase the % of social housing meeting the Decent Homes Standard<br />

SSC 4.4<br />

Increase the number of vulnerable people in the private sector housed in decent<br />

homes (cumulative)<br />

SSC 4.5 Reduce the number of accidental household fi res<br />

X X<br />



Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Improve street<br />

cleanliness and parks<br />

and open spaces<br />

SSC 5.1<br />

SSC 5.2<br />

SSC 5.3<br />

SSC 5.4<br />

Reduce the % of land that has levels of litter and detritus below an acceptable<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />

standard (street cleanliness - BVPI 199a) X X<br />

litter and refuse X X<br />

Increase the % of people who are satisfi ed that open public land is kept clear of<br />

Increase the % of abandoned vehicles removed within 24 hours (from the point<br />

at which the local authority is legally entitled to remove the vehicle - BVPI 218b) X<br />

Increase the number of Green Flag awards for parks and green/open spaces in<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong><br />

SSC 5.5<br />

Increase the number of Green Pennant schemes in parks and green/open<br />

spaces in <strong>Tameside</strong><br />

SSC 5.6 Increase the % of people who are satisfi ed with parks & open spaces<br />

X<br />

SSC 5.7 Reduction in the amount of municipal waste landfi lled<br />

Reduce waste to<br />

landfi ll and increase<br />

recycling<br />

SSC 5.8 Increase the % of waste recycled (BVPI 82a/b)<br />

SSC 5.9<br />

Increase the % of households with access to three different types of kerbside<br />

collection of recyclables<br />


Children & Young People<br />


Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Key Stage 3<br />

GCSE<br />

CYP 1.1<br />

CYP 1.2<br />

CYP 1.3<br />

CYP<br />

1.4<br />


At least 50% of pupils achieve level 5 or above in English (Key Stage 3) in all<br />

schools in <strong>Tameside</strong> by 2008. X<br />

At least 50% of pupils achieve level 5 or above in Maths (Key Stage 3) in all<br />

schools in <strong>Tameside</strong> by 2008. X<br />

At least 50% of pupils achieve level 5 or above in Science (Key Stage 3) in all<br />

schools in <strong>Tameside</strong> by 2008. X<br />

Increase the % of all pupils achieving 5 or more GCSEs at A* - C<br />

X<br />

Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Employment,<br />

Education & Training<br />

(EET)<br />

Level 2 & 3 attainment<br />

(19 and under)<br />

CYP 2.1<br />

CYP 2.2<br />

CYP 2.3<br />

Reduce the % of 16-18 year olds not in education, employment or training<br />

(NEET)<br />

Increase the proportion of young people (19 and under) who achieve Level 2<br />

(NVQ or equivalent)<br />

Increase the proportion of young people (19 and under) who achieve Level 3<br />

(NVQ or equivalent)<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />



Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Obesity/overweight<br />

children<br />

CYP 3.1 Increase the % of young people walking or cycling to school.<br />

X<br />

CYP 3.2<br />

CYP 3.3<br />

CYP 3.4<br />

Teenage Pregnancy CYP 3.5<br />

Reduction in smoking<br />

rates<br />

Increase the % of 5-16 year olds in school sports partnerships engaged in two<br />

hours a week minimum on high quality PE and school sport within and beyond<br />

the curriculum<br />

X<br />

Tackle the underlying determinants of ill health and health inequalities by halting<br />

the year on year rise in obesity among children under 11 by 2010 X<br />

Increase the number of primary and secondary schools in <strong>Tameside</strong> that have<br />

achieved the <strong>Tameside</strong> Healthy Food and Drink in Schools Award. X<br />

Reduction in the under 18 conception rate (per 1,000 population (female) aged<br />

15-17) X X<br />

CYP 3.6 Reduce the proportion of young people who currently smoke (SHRAB)<br />

X X<br />


Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Reduction in school<br />

exclusions<br />

CYP<br />

4.1<br />

Reduction in numbers of exclusions (permanent) in secondary schools<br />

X<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />

Voluntary/community<br />

activities<br />


CYP<br />

4.2<br />

Increase the % of young people (14/15 year olds) who do any volunteering in<br />

their spare time (YOS)<br />

Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Bullying<br />

CYP<br />

5.1<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />

Reduce the proportion of young people (14-15 year olds) who say they have<br />

been bullied in the last year (YOS) X<br />


Healthier Communities & Older People<br />


Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Reduce mortality<br />

inequalities<br />

Reduce smoking<br />

Reduce obesity<br />

HCOP<br />

1.1a<br />

HCOP<br />

1.1b<br />

HCOP 1.2<br />

HCOP 1.3<br />

HCOP<br />

1.4a<br />

HCOP<br />

1.4b<br />

HCOP<br />

1.5a<br />

HCOP<br />

1.5b<br />

HCOP 1.6<br />

Narrow the gap between <strong>Tameside</strong> and England for all age all cause mortality<br />

- MALE X X<br />

Narrow the gap between <strong>Tameside</strong> and England for all age all cause mortality<br />

- FEMALE X X<br />

Narrow the gap between <strong>Tameside</strong> and England for premature mortality (under<br />

75s) from cardio-vascular disease (heart disease, stroke and related diseases) X X<br />

Narrow the gap between the 20% most deprived (IMD) areas in <strong>Tameside</strong> and<br />

the borough average for all cause premature mortality (under 75s) X X<br />

Increase the proportion of smoking quitters (in areas of <strong>Tameside</strong> in the 10%<br />

most deprived (health) in England) - 4 week quitters X X<br />

Increase the proportion of smoking quitters (in areas of <strong>Tameside</strong> in the 10%<br />

most deprived (health) in England) - 52 week quitters X X<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> Connect 4 Life - increase numbers accessing the scheme<br />

X X<br />

<strong>Tameside</strong> Connect 4 Life - increase the % accessing the scheme with an<br />

improved diet and/or physical activity score X X<br />

Increase the % of adults who do 30 minutes or more physical activity of<br />

moderate intensity on 5 or more days a week X<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />



Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />

Supporting People HCOP 2.1 To be developed<br />

Decent Homes HCOP 2.2<br />

Volunteering HCOP 2.3<br />

Raising Income Levels<br />

HCOP<br />

2.4a<br />

HCOP<br />

2.4b<br />

HCOP<br />

2.4c<br />

Living at home HCOP 2.5<br />

Increase the number of energy effi ciency interventions for older people (aged 60<br />

or over) X<br />

Increase the number of older people (aged 60 or over) who undertake voluntary<br />

work in Denton South and Smallshaw<br />

Increase the number of older people (aged 60 or over) that are helped to make<br />

successful new or increased claims - Disability Living Allowance / Attendance<br />

Allowance<br />

Increase the number of older people (aged 60 or over) that are helped make<br />

successful new or increased claims - Pension Credit<br />

Increase the number of older people (aged 60 or over) that are helped to make<br />

successful new or increased claims - Council Tax Benefi t<br />

Increase the number of older people (aged 60 or over) accessing community/<br />

sub-threshold services X<br />


Economic Development<br />


Sub Outcome Code Measure Alcohol Health<br />

ED 1.1<br />

A reduction by 2007-08 of at least one % point in the overall benefi ts claim rate<br />

for those living in the Local Authority wards identifi ed by DWP as having the<br />

worst initial labour market position - Ashton St. Peters<br />

X<br />

Fear of<br />

Crime<br />

Employment &<br />

Economic Inactivity<br />

ED 1.2<br />

ED 1.3<br />

ED 1.4a<br />

ED 1.4b<br />

ED 1.5<br />

A reduction by 2007-08 of at least one % point in the difference between the<br />

overall benefi ts claimant rate for England and the overall rate for the local<br />

authority wards with the worst labour market position - Ashton St. Peters<br />

X<br />

Reduce or maintain the number of those of working age aged 50+ who are in<br />

receipt of DWP working age benefi ts as a proportion of all people claiming DWP<br />

working age benefi ts<br />

X<br />

The number of offenders from <strong>Tameside</strong> or returning to <strong>Tameside</strong> who secure<br />

employment. X X<br />

employment for 4 weeks or more X X<br />

The number of offenders from <strong>Tameside</strong> or returning to <strong>Tameside</strong> who retain<br />

A reduction of those of working age who are in receipt of DWP working age<br />

benefi ts X<br />


Appendix 4 - Alcohol Strategies key activities<br />

Thematic theme National Strategy Local strategy<br />

Safer Stronger<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Communities<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Replacing glassware and bottles in high-risk premises<br />

Expert group to develop interventions for high risk premises<br />

Encourage local enforcement on Drink driving<br />

Prioritise test purchasing<br />

Develop a data collection model for underage sales<br />

Responsible retailing and promotions independent review<br />

Target alcohol related offenders with health and education<br />

interventions<br />

Improve the way alcohol related offenders are dealt with in custody<br />

and in the community<br />

Work with the Prison Service to develop alcohol treatment<br />

programmes<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Develop local data collection and monitoring system of alcohol related<br />

crime, disorder and anti social behaviour<br />

Concerted local effort on enforcement and prevention of drink driving,<br />

particularly identifi ed high risk groups<br />

Develop local implementation plan for Violent Crime Act<br />

Continue test purchasing operations<br />

Develop challenge 21 or equivalent<br />

Develop local system of alcohol interventions within criminal justice<br />

system<br />

Create opportunities to develop targeted fi re and alcohol safety public<br />

awareness campaigns and interventions<br />

Healthier communities<br />

and Older People<br />

Children and Young<br />

People<br />

Economic<br />

Development<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Labelling of alcohol products<br />

Review advice given and develop communications campaign<br />

Support for harmful drinkers<br />

Support the roll out and take up of alcohol targeted identifi cation and<br />

brief advice<br />

National review of the cost to the NHS of alcohol-related harm<br />

Development of guidance for parents and young people<br />

Convene a panel to research evidence of impact of alcohol upon<br />

physical, emotional, health, cognitive development.<br />

Development of a young persons social marketing campaign<br />

Responsible production and sale of alcohol<br />

Extend the scope of National Workplace Initiative<br />

Development of a warning signs website for employees<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

●<br />

Referrals into alcohol treatment agencies<br />

Proportion of alcohol related falls in over 65’s<br />

Most people will be able to recall sensible drinking guidelines<br />

Most people will be able to estimate their own alcohol consumption in<br />

units<br />

Hospital admissions for alcohol specifi c conditions<br />

Most people know where to get advice and support<br />

Develop local systems of disseminating sensible drinking guidance to<br />

parents<br />

Develop further targeted alcohol PSHE input and interventions within<br />

primary and secondary schools<br />

Develop systems of referral from hospital to treatment services<br />

Encourage the development of alcohol workplace policies<br />

Develop a workplace sensible drinking project<br />

Develop activities between job centre plus and treatment agencies<br />


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