Lightness and Brightness and Other Confusions

Lightness and Brightness and Other Confusions

Lightness and Brightness and Other Confusions


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ceptual systems (or conceptual models) but with different bases. (See also<br />

Light <strong>and</strong> Colour – Concepts <strong>and</strong> their use in this volume).<br />

Figure 3 shows levels of human experience. The two inner circles represent<br />

categorical perception <strong>and</strong> the direct experience respectively. The outer<br />

circle represents indirect experience culturally transferred through history,<br />

traditions, customs, trends, scientific theories, art, poetry etc. Categorical<br />

perception is in some respects determined genetically, but for the most part<br />

acquired in early life. The basic experiences of colour, light, space, perception<br />

of contours <strong>and</strong> contrasts, balance, verticality <strong>and</strong> horizontality, etc., are parts<br />

of the categorical perception, the aim of which is to build a comprehensive<br />

mental world: “A reality without well-defined borders is divided up into distinct<br />

units by our perceptual mechanism” (Gärdenfors 2000, p 40. My<br />

transl.) <strong>and</strong> not by verbal language. By natural selection man has been endowed<br />

certain perceptive <strong>and</strong> cognitive tools for survival <strong>and</strong> this is basically<br />

common for us all. We are genetically predetermined to perceive colour <strong>and</strong><br />

light. What we perceive is not discrete colours, lightness <strong>and</strong> brightness but<br />

the relations between them. (Valberg 2005, p 266); the aim of basic colour<br />

perception is perceiving colour distinctions <strong>and</strong> colour similarities.<br />

Interplaying with the physical world humans (<strong>and</strong> other living creatures)<br />

develop perceptual skills that help to catch the spatial meaning of the logical<br />

distribution of light <strong>and</strong> shading, we gradually learn through living how to<br />

recognize <strong>and</strong> underst<strong>and</strong> colour <strong>and</strong> light in the world around. We connect<br />

special perceptual situations in the environment with conceptual meanings.<br />

All concepts are abstract <strong>and</strong> thus they belong to the outer circle. Dependent<br />

on their origin they have indirect or direct relations to the two inner circles.<br />

Concepts used to describe spatial light situations or perceptual light qualities<br />

– spatial light balance, light colour, etc – <strong>and</strong> concepts used in perceptual<br />

colour theory – hue, lightness, chromaticness, colour contrast, etc. 29 – aim<br />

at describing a direct experience. On the other h<strong>and</strong> concepts based on physical<br />

analyses with quantitative measurements <strong>and</strong> instrumental methods<br />

have an indirect relation to perceptual phenomena.<br />

29 The colour terminology refers to the Natural Colour System (NCS) – the Swedish<br />

st<strong>and</strong>ard for colour notation. (Hård, Sivik <strong>and</strong> Tonnquist 1996).<br />


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