Lightness and Brightness and Other Confusions

Lightness and Brightness and Other Confusions

Lightness and Brightness and Other Confusions


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MAURICE MERLEAU-PONTY 20 proceeds in the same direction. He widens, defines<br />

<strong>and</strong> reconstructs the concept of the world of meanings that Heidegger<br />

tries to describe with his concept being-in-the-world (Heidegger 1986, p 313).<br />

To human beings perception is the direct access to the world. We exist in the<br />

world before being able to reflect upon it. The human world is created in<br />

interaction <strong>and</strong> communication between the body <strong>and</strong> the surrounding world,<br />

<strong>and</strong> knowledge must be constituted as interplay with the world. Merleau-<br />

Ponty wants to show that I think of necessity must be based upon I perceive –<br />

percipio precedes cogito. (Merleau-Ponty 2002, pp 250–252). He describes<br />

the coherence of consciousness <strong>and</strong> nature: the perceived world establishes<br />

the development of the human <strong>and</strong> social world, which forms a significant<br />

connected whole of cultural, social <strong>and</strong> political contents <strong>and</strong> expressions. It<br />

can change <strong>and</strong> be reinterpreted, but can never totally be taken in or controlled<br />

by the individual. It is implicitly present in all perceptions. (Merleau-<br />

Ponty 2002, p 403–408).<br />

KARL POPPER 21 in a similar way describes the human <strong>and</strong> social world with<br />

what he calls World 3, the content of which is the totality of thoughts, theories<br />

<strong>and</strong> formulations in culture: scientific theories, poetry, art, etc. (Popper<br />

1997, p 61). According to Popper, World 3 has a (more or less) independent<br />

existence of established tradition of objective knowledge that cannot easily be<br />

influenced by individuals. (Popper’s World 1 <strong>and</strong> World 2 describe direct<br />

perception of the world <strong>and</strong> a personal inner world respectively). (Popper<br />

1997, p 62).<br />

To Descartes <strong>and</strong> Locke objects are entirely objects <strong>and</strong> consciousness entirely<br />

consciousness, <strong>and</strong> the surrounding world, in principle, what it appears<br />

to be. Merleau-Ponty (<strong>and</strong> Popper) present more ambivalent relations between<br />

human consciousness <strong>and</strong> the external world; to man the world is<br />

neither entirely nature nor entirely consciousness. None of them outweighs<br />

the other: neither nature (nor culture), nor consciousness. (Merleau-Ponty<br />

2002, pp 96–98).<br />

From a scientific perspective <strong>and</strong> without any connection to philosophical<br />

considerations Arne Valberg points out that many properties that we normally<br />

attribute to the external world (like contrasts, movement <strong>and</strong> depth)<br />

rely heavily on perception. In the light of these facts he finds it underst<strong>and</strong>able<br />

that there are philosophers regarding all vision as an illusion. He also<br />

remarks that it is almost impossible to distinguish between ‘neural’ <strong>and</strong> ‘cognitive’<br />

levels of perceptual patterns (Valberg 2005, p 28); vision is even to a<br />

natural scientist as Valberg (as to Merleau-Ponty) neither entirely nature nor<br />

entirely consciousness. What Merleau-Ponty, from a philosophical perspective,<br />

<strong>and</strong> Valberg, from a scientific point of view, claim is that human experi-<br />

20<br />

French philosopher, 1908–1961<br />

21<br />

Austrian-British philosopher, 1902–1994<br />


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