Design games as a tool, a mindset and a structure Kirsikka Vaajakallio

Design games as a tool, a mindset and a structure Kirsikka Vaajakallio

Design games as a tool, a mindset and a structure Kirsikka Vaajakallio


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three terms throughout the dissertation. I refer to these different <strong>as</strong>pects<br />

<strong>as</strong> “play-qualities” to indicate that they belong within the “sphere” of<br />

play, <strong>games</strong> <strong>and</strong> performance in general, where<strong>as</strong> only some of them are<br />

identified <strong>as</strong> meaningful parts of design <strong>games</strong>.<br />

Given that these terms are so elusive, I find it essential to look at the<br />

diverse ways in which they are used in the existing literature <strong>and</strong> in my<br />

own experiments before framing my own view or drawing conclusions<br />

about the terms. Similarly, I will explore <strong>and</strong> clarify the term “design<br />

<strong>games</strong>” <strong>and</strong> formulate a more precise definition of its meaning in relation<br />

to co-design gatherings at the end of this study.<br />

Given the fact that scholars have yet to adequately define design<br />

<strong>games</strong>, I doubt that I will be able to present a solid definition that would<br />

cover all types of design <strong>games</strong>, not to mention <strong>games</strong> in general. Instead,<br />

I will introduce different interpretations to gradually build an underst<strong>and</strong>ing<br />

of design <strong>games</strong> <strong>as</strong> they emerge <strong>and</strong> guide co-design gatherings.<br />

In addition to the lack of a clear definition, the literature on design<br />

<strong>games</strong> is fragmented <strong>and</strong> lacking a well-<strong>structure</strong>d framework that would<br />

give coherent ground for designing new design <strong>games</strong>, analysing them<br />

<strong>and</strong> discussing them. Given this starting point for the study, this research<br />

project h<strong>as</strong> two aims:<br />

To explore <strong>and</strong> develop a practical <strong>and</strong> theoretical framework for<br />

design <strong>games</strong>-driven co-design. Such a framework should be applicable<br />

in the early design process where the search for novel<br />

design opportunities is not restricted to the material world but,<br />

instead, extends into services. In saying that I want to develop a<br />

practical <strong>and</strong> theoretical framework, I mean that I want to provide<br />

useful information both for academics <strong>and</strong> practitioners alike. It<br />

will be built on a theoretical background that stems from design<br />

research, co-design <strong>and</strong> selected perspectives on play, <strong>games</strong> <strong>and</strong><br />

performance. The word “practical” does not mean e<strong>as</strong>y-to-follow<br />

guidelines, since those are beyond the scope of this dissertation;<br />

rather, it denotes the empirical grounds from which the framework<br />

stems.<br />

1<br />

To develop a set of design <strong>games</strong> that highlights the different <strong>as</strong>pects<br />

of co-design <strong>and</strong> illustrates the implications of the framework.<br />

The set will give empirical grounds for underst<strong>and</strong>ing design<br />

<strong>games</strong> in co-design <strong>and</strong> offer practical examples. The design<br />

<strong>games</strong> will also be developed to test the different <strong>as</strong>pects of design<br />

<strong>games</strong> <strong>and</strong>, hence, they will shed light on different application contexts,<br />

material settings, people’s roles in co-design gatherings <strong>and</strong><br />

play-qualities that influence the co-design gatherings <strong>and</strong> their<br />

possible outcomes.<br />

2<br />


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