Design games as a tool, a mindset and a structure Kirsikka Vaajakallio

Design games as a tool, a mindset and a structure Kirsikka Vaajakallio

Design games as a tool, a mindset and a structure Kirsikka Vaajakallio


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utilized card b<strong>as</strong>ed approaches in software development processes, to let<br />

participants discuss each other’s needs within relatively egalitarian atmosphere.<br />

Games have also been used incre<strong>as</strong>ingly in relation to education,<br />

either in forms of computer <strong>games</strong> <strong>and</strong> video <strong>games</strong>, or in more traditional<br />

forms of board <strong>games</strong>. As an example, Warmerdam et al. (2007) have been<br />

developing a serious game, SimPort, which is an extensive management<br />

game for building an international port. In regard to computer <strong>games</strong>, the<br />

authors recall considering players’ computer skills: where<strong>as</strong> many children<br />

are “native” computer users, many adults may still be considered <strong>as</strong> digital<br />

immigrants <strong>and</strong> may need simple <strong>and</strong> intuitive user interfaces (ibid.).<br />

A more marketing-oriented perspective h<strong>as</strong> been taken by Hohman<br />

(2007) in his book Innovation Games – creating breakthrough products<br />

through collaborative play, in which he presents several e<strong>as</strong>y-to-adopt<br />

game-like methods, which, according to him, make meetings more productive,<br />

innovative, <strong>and</strong> fun. The <strong>games</strong> he discusses employ playful attitude,<br />

but instead of game pieces they use pen <strong>and</strong> paper to create design<br />

representations; thus these are e<strong>as</strong>y <strong>and</strong> cheap to produce. The focus is<br />

on envisioning customers’ needs <strong>and</strong> preferences <strong>and</strong> on guiding roadmap<br />

creation, strategy decisions, etc., accordingly. A similar approach is<br />

taken by Gray et al. (2010) in their book Gamestorming – A Playbook for<br />

Innovators, Rulebreakers, <strong>and</strong> Changemakers, where they give h<strong>and</strong>s-on<br />

examples how to create own innovation <strong>games</strong>. Like Hohman, they also<br />

utilise post-its <strong>and</strong> line drawings <strong>as</strong> their main medium, unlike design<br />

<strong>games</strong> that mainly trust on fine-tuned predesigned game material.<br />

Schrage’s (2000) book Serious Play: How the World’s Best Companies<br />

Simulate to Innovate looks at innovation <strong>and</strong> also highlights the importance<br />

of various prototypes, models <strong>and</strong> simulations to lure people into<br />

what if considerations <strong>and</strong> to allow them to step outside their every-day<br />

roles. Hence, it h<strong>as</strong> some similarities with the qualities of design <strong>games</strong>,<br />

although in his book serious play merely denotes a “philosophy of innovation”,<br />

which sees playing with prototypes <strong>as</strong> a central factor for<br />

successful innovation, but one that is not connected to <strong>games</strong>. Schrage’s<br />

(ibid.) argumentation <strong>and</strong> examples are in line with the tradition of industrial<br />

design, where mock-ups <strong>and</strong> prototypes have been utilised,<br />

among other things, to make mental models explicit <strong>and</strong> invite people<br />

to play with the alternatives without specific rules or other game-like<br />

characteristics.<br />

The above examples aim at giving an overview of various game applications<br />

to broaden the perception of the different uses <strong>and</strong> interpretations<br />

of <strong>games</strong>. One approach in which I find a possible source for<br />

improving underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the particularity of design <strong>games</strong> are simulations<br />

<strong>games</strong>, which have a rather long history in the organizational<br />

change context. I will next give some brief examples of their descriptions,<br />

<strong>and</strong> compare them with design <strong>games</strong>.<br />


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