Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing: User's Guide

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing: User's Guide

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing: User's Guide


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Exercise 2<br />

Samantha loved her birthday. It was on Halloween! This year she invited her entire class.<br />

Her birthday cake was going to be a giant orange cake shaped like a jack-o’-lantern. They were<br />

going to play “Pin the Sheet on the Ghost” and eat candied apples! But what costume should she<br />

wear? She thought and thought. Her birthday got closer. Finally, her birthday was the next day. She<br />

still had no ideas!<br />

Her mother and father helped her think. Did she want to be a princess? A clown? A fairy? No, none<br />

of those ideas was just right. Finally, when Samantha was getting very sad, her cat Collette jumped<br />

in her lap.<br />

Suddenly Samantha knew what she would be! And at her birthday party the next day, Samantha did<br />

indeed have the best costume. Her costume had two little black ears, white fuzzy whiskers, and a<br />

long black tail! What was she?<br />

Exercise 3<br />

How you dress can say quite a bit about you. This fact couldn’t be more pertinent than when you<br />

begin a job search. Remember, the person interviewing you is trying to get to know as much about<br />

you as possible in a very short amount of time, sometimes in one-half hour or less. He or she is<br />

looking closely at every detail about you to help him or her make the final decision about whether<br />

you will be right for the job. Your style of dress doesn’t make your career, but it helps.<br />

Generally, if you have a question about an outfit, don’t wear it. In most cases a more traditional<br />

“look” is the wisest choice. A clean, crisp appearance is always better than sporting the latest<br />

fashion craze.<br />

Whether you choose a skirt, dress, or pants (for women, of course!) or a coat and tie or suit (for<br />

men), make sure that these clothes are freshly cleaned and pressed and that the colors are flattering<br />

to you. A fresh, uncluttered appearance might well give the indication that you perform fresh,<br />

uncluttered work. This theory might sound silly or strange, but think how many times you have<br />

judged someone by how he or she is dressed (“Oh, he was just wearing old tennis shoes and ugly<br />

shorts!”). So, next time you head out the door to meet someone important, stop by the mirror and<br />

give yourself the once-over!<br />


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