On the Ecology of Mountainous Forests in a Changing Climate: A ...

On the Ecology of Mountainous Forests in a Changing Climate: A ...

On the Ecology of Mountainous Forests in a Changing Climate: A ...


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Appendix 233<br />

BEGIN<br />

WITH sp^ DO<br />

d := Rmax( uDrStress, p.kDrT );<br />

gSMGF := Sqrt( 1.0 - uDrStress/d );<br />

END;<br />

END DroughtGrowthFactor;<br />

PROCEDURE StandCharacteristics( VAR totalTrees, totalBiomass, gLAI: REAL;<br />

VAR cumLA: ARRAY OF REAL; firstSp: SpeciesPtr );<br />

CONST kB1 = 137.0; (* diameter at breast height *)<br />

VAR sp: SpeciesPtr;<br />

cohort: CohortPtr;<br />

gFolA: REAL;<br />

i, iHT: INTEGER;<br />

BEGIN<br />

totalBiomass := 0.0;<br />

totalTrees := 0.0;<br />

(* <strong>in</strong>itialize canopy leaf biomass pr<strong>of</strong>ile *)<br />

FOR i:= 0 TO maxHeight-1 DO cumLA[i] := 0.0 END;<br />

(* calculate stemwood & foliage biomass and leaf area *)<br />

sp := firstSp;<br />

WHILE sp NIL DO<br />

WITH sp^ DO<br />

biomass := 0.0;<br />

nrTrees := 0.0;<br />

cohort := firstCohort;<br />

WHILE cohort NIL DO<br />

nrTrees := nrTrees + FLOAT(cohort^.nrTrees);<br />

WITH cohort^ DO<br />

(* dry stemwood biomass after Soll<strong>in</strong>s et al. (1973), Burger (1945-53),<br />

Woods et al. (1991) *)<br />

gSBio := 0.12 * Exp( 2.4*Ln(D) );<br />

(* dry foliage biomass, leaf area and tree height after Burger (1945-53) *)<br />

gFolW := p.kA1 * Exp( p.kA2*Ln(D) ) * p.kC1;<br />

gFolA := p.kC2 * gFolW / p.kC1;<br />

gH := kB1 + p.kB2*D - p.kB3*D*D;<br />

(* sum leaf area for all trees <strong>of</strong> similar height *)<br />

iHT := TRUNC( gH - kB1 ) DIV 10;<br />

cumLA[iHT] := cumLA[iHT] + gFolA*FLOAT(nrTrees);<br />

(* calculate species-specific biomass *)<br />

biomass := biomass + (gSBio+gFolW)*FLOAT(nrTrees);<br />

END; (* WITH *)<br />

cohort := cohort^.next;<br />

END; (* WHILE *)<br />

totalBiomass := totalBiomass + biomass;<br />

totalTrees := totalTrees + nrTrees;<br />

sp := sp^.next;<br />

END; (* WITH *)<br />

END; (* WHILE *)<br />

(* calculate cumulative leaf area <strong>in</strong>dex and leaf area <strong>in</strong>dex at forest floor*)<br />

FOR i:= maxHeight - 2 TO 0 BY -1 DO<br />

cumLA[i] := cumLA[i] + cumLA [i+1];<br />

cumLA[i+1] := cumLA[i+1] / kPatchSize;<br />

END; (* FOR *)<br />

cumLA[0] := cumLA[0] / kPatchSize;<br />

gLAI := cumLA[0];<br />

END StandCharacteristics;<br />

BEGIN<br />

(* <strong>in</strong>itialize soil nitrogen multiplier parameters (Aber et al. 1979 as modified<br />

by Pastor & Post 1985) *)<br />

kN1[1] := -0.016; kN2[1] := 2.245;<br />

kN1[2] := -0.022; kN2[2] := 30.605;<br />

kN1[3] := -0.016; kN2[3] := 43.973;<br />

END FCPGrFact.<br />

Def<strong>in</strong>ition module FCPMon<br />


(****************************************<br />

Module FCPMon (Version 2.4)<br />

Copyright ©1994 by Harald Bugmann and Swiss<br />

Federal Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology Zürich ETHZ<br />

Version written for:<br />

'Dialog Mach<strong>in</strong>e' DM_V2.2 (User <strong>in</strong>terface)<br />

MacMETH_V3.2.1 (1-Pass Modula-2 implementation)<br />

ModelWorks_V2.2 (Modell<strong>in</strong>g & Simulation)<br />

Purpose Monitor<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> tree-r<strong>in</strong>g chronologies and <strong>of</strong> tree frequency<br />

distributions <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> ForClim-P model; animation <strong>of</strong> tree growth<br />

Programm<strong>in</strong>g<br />

• Design<br />

H. Bugmann 19.4.1991<br />

• Implementation<br />

H. Bugmann 19.4.1991<br />

Swiss Federal Institute <strong>of</strong> Technology Zurich ETHZ

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