Cooperation Strategy Serbia 2010 - 2013 - Deza -

Cooperation Strategy Serbia 2010 - 2013 - Deza - Cooperation Strategy Serbia 2010 - 2013 - Deza -
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SWISS COOPERATION Monitoring of the Portfolio Management by the SCO means verifying: • whether portfolio management supports result achievement in the following dimensions: — approaches and strategies, including crosscutting issues; — relationship management; — aid modalities; — human resources; — learning and knowledge management; — allocation of financial resources — to what extent portfolio management relates to national processes — whether portfolio management is sensitive to risks and context/scenario development Assessing results and Reporting: The monitoring process for the CS is tied to the annual reporting and planning process and is under the responsibility of the SCO. As far as possible country outputs and outcomes are assessed jointly with the main stakeholder groups of the Swiss Cooperation. Project and programme implementing partners are included for the assessment of the Swiss portfolio outputs and outcomes. The monitoring is structured according to the main components of the CS. The key product of the monitoring process is the result statement, i.e. a critical overall assessment both on the extent and how the results are achieved with an emphasis on plausible “output and outcome” and “portfolio to country level” contributions. Reporting on CS monitoring, overall assessment of performance, and steering decisions are done by the means of the Annual Report delivered by the SCO to SDC and SECO head offices. The Monitoring of the CS will be done against the following Result Framework (in synopsis), more detailed result frameworks per component or sub-component of the CS being elaborated separately. 22

SERBIA 2010-2013 Annex 5: Serbia at a Glance Europe & Upper Key Development Indicators Central middle Serbia Asia income ( 2008) Population, mid-year (millions) 7.4 445 823 Surface area (thousand sq. km) 77 23,972 41,497 Population growth (%) -0.3 0.0 0.6 Urban population (% of total population) 56 64 75 Age distribution, 2007 Male 75-79 60-64 45-49 Female GNI (Atlas method, US$ billions) 41.6 2,694 5,750 GNI per capita (Atlas method, US$) 5,650 6,051 6,987 GNI per capita (PPP, international $) 10,220 11,116 11,868 GDP growth (%) 5.6 6.8 5.8 GDP per capita growth (%) 5.7 6.7 5.1 (most recent estimate, 2003–2008) 30-34 15-19 0-4 10 5 0 5 10 percent Poverty headcount ratio at $1.25 a day (PPP, %) .. 5 .. Poverty headcount ratio at $2.00 a day (PPP, %) .. 11 .. Life expectancy at birth (years) 73 69 70 Infant mortality (per 1,000 live births) 7 23 22 Child malnutrition (% of children under 5) .. .. .. Adult literacy, male (% of ages 15 and older) 97 99 94 Adult literacy, female (% of ages 15 and older) 96 96 92 Gross primary enrollment, male (% of age group) 99 98 112 Gross primary enrollment, female (% of age group) 99 96 109 Under -5 mortality rate (per 1,000) 60 50 40 30 20 10 Access to an improved water source (% of population) 99 95 95 Access to improved sanitation facilities (% of population) .. 89 83 0 1990 1995 2000 2006 Serbia Europe & Central Asia Net Aid Flows 19 8 0 19 9 0 2000 2008 (US$ millions) Net ODA and official aid .. .. 1,134 1,586 Top 3 donors (in 2006): European Commission .. .. 471 334 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Aid (% of GNI) .. .. .. .. Aid per capita (US$) .. .. .. .. Long-Term Economic Trends Consumer prices (annual % change) .. .. 70.0 11.7 GDP implicit deflator (annual % change) .. .. 79.3 13.5 Exchange rate (annual average, local per US$) .. .. 44.4 55.7 Terms of trade index (2000 = 100) .. .. .. .. 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 1980–90 1990–2000 2000–08 (average annual growth %) Population, mid-year (millions) 7.7 7.6 7.7 7.4 .. 0.1 -0.5 GDP (US$ millions) .. .. 8,963 50,061 .. -4.7 5.4 (% of GDP) Growth of GDP and GDP per capita (%) 1995 2005 Agriculture .. .. 20.6 10.8 .. .. .. Industry .. .. 31.4 23.7 .. .. .. Manufacturing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Services .. .. 48.1 65.5 .. .. .. Household final consumption expenditure .. .. 88.7 78.1 .. .. .. General gov't final consumption expenditure .. .. 18.9 21.3 .. .. .. Gross capital formation .. .. 8.4 23.4 .. .. .. Exports of goods and services .. .. 23.0 29.7 .. .. .. Imports of goods and services .. .. 39.1 52.4 .. .. .. Gross savings .. .. 3.7 6.2 GDP GDP per capita 23


Monitoring of the Portfolio Management by the<br />

SCO means verifying:<br />

• whether portfolio management supports result<br />

a<strong>ch</strong>ievement in the following dimensions:<br />

— approa<strong>ch</strong>es and strategies, including crosscutting<br />

issues;<br />

— relationship management;<br />

— aid modalities;<br />

— human resources;<br />

— learning and knowledge management;<br />

— allocation of financial resources<br />

— to what extent portfolio management<br />

relates to national processes<br />

— whether portfolio management is sensitive<br />

to risks and context/scenario development<br />

Assessing results and Reporting: The monitoring<br />

process for the CS is tied to the annual<br />

reporting and planning process and is under<br />

the responsibility of the SCO. As far as possible<br />

country outputs and outcomes are assessed jointly<br />

with the main stakeholder groups of the Swiss<br />

<strong>Cooperation</strong>. Project and programme implementing<br />

partners are included for the assessment<br />

of the Swiss portfolio outputs and outcomes.<br />

The monitoring is structured according to the<br />

main components of the CS. The key product<br />

of the monitoring process is the result statement,<br />

i.e. a critical overall assessment both on<br />

the extent and how the results are a<strong>ch</strong>ieved with<br />

an emphasis on plausible “output and outcome”<br />

and “portfolio to country level” contributions.<br />

Reporting on CS monitoring, overall assessment<br />

of performance, and steering decisions are done<br />

by the means of the Annual Report delivered by<br />

the SCO to SDC and SECO head offices.<br />

The Monitoring of the CS will be done against<br />

the following Result Framework (in synopsis),<br />

more detailed result frameworks per component<br />

or sub-component of the CS being elaborated<br />

separately.<br />


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