1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook

1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook

1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook


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processing and system analysis, with emphasis on discrete<br />

systems and digital signal processing.<br />

Content<br />

Signals: Types of continuous signals Fourier series and<br />

Fourier transform. Fourier transforms of impulsive and<br />

periodic signals; Band-limited signals; Idealized sampling of<br />

band-limited signals and the sampling theorem; Practical<br />

aspects of sampling and reconstruction.<br />

Discrete time signals: Basic signals and operations on<br />

signals; Discrete Time Fourier Transform.<br />

Systems: Continuous systems, Linearity and Timeinvariance;<br />

Response of LTI systems in time and frequency<br />

domains; Stability and Causality; The Laplace transform and<br />

transfer functions; Rational systems; Discrete LTI systems,<br />

discrete convolution; FIR and IIR systems; Difference<br />

equations and discrete LTI Systems; Solution of difference<br />

equations; Structures for realizing Discrete LTI systems.<br />

The z Transform: The z transform and its properties;<br />

Relation to DTFT; Application to Discrete Time System<br />

Analysis; Rational z transforms and response of pole-zero<br />

systems.<br />

Spectral Analysis: Spectral Analysis of Continuous Signals<br />

and Systems. Power and energy spectral densities;<br />

Measurement of spectra; Frequency response of LTI<br />

systems; Spectra of Discrete signals; Calculation of Spectra;<br />

Frequency response of discrete LTI systems and relation to z<br />

transform; Periodic sequences and the DFT; FFT<br />

calculation of the DFT; Applications of the DFT.<br />

Design of Digital Filters: Ideal filters; Causality and<br />

stability constraints; Rational transfer functions and<br />

approximations to ideal filters. Filter design parameters and<br />

common filter types. Design of FIR filters; Non-recursive<br />

FIR realisations. Linear phase filters. Use of DFT.<br />

Recursive FIR realisations. Design of recursive IIR filters.<br />

Recommended Reading<br />

Oppenheirn A.V., and Schafer R.W., Discrete-time Signal<br />

Processing , Prentice-Hall 1989<br />

Proakis J G. and Manolakis D.G., Introduction to Digital Signal<br />

Processing , Macrnillan 1988<br />

Strum, R. and Kirk D. Fint Principles of Discrete Systems and<br />

Digital Signal Processing , Addison-Wesley 1989<br />

SP510<br />

Scientific Instrumentation A<br />

10 credit points 4 hours per week Hawthorn<br />

Prerequisite: SP3410, SP3430 Assessment: examination<br />

assignments and laboratory reports<br />

A final year subject in the Bachelor of Applied Science<br />

(Medical Biophysics and Instrumentation)<br />

Content<br />

An introduction to artificial neural networks and their<br />

applications to instrumentation.<br />

The artificial neurone. The concept of organising neurones<br />

into nets. The back propagation network. Practicalities<br />

when using networks. Specialist classification networks.<br />

Variations on back propagation networks. Self organising<br />

networks. More biologically plausible networks.<br />

Evolutionary algorithms.<br />

Introduction to Digital Image Processing: the video signal;<br />

frame grabbers; contrast; brightness; spatial and grey-level<br />

resolution; histograms; image profiles; arithmetic and<br />

boolean image operations; look-up-table mapping; histogram<br />

equalisation; thresholding; image convolution;<br />

segmentation; feature extraction/description; 2-d Fourier<br />

transform and frequency domain operations.<br />

SP523<br />

Industry Based Learning<br />

50 credit points Hawthorn Prerequisites: nil<br />

A third year industrial based learning subject of the degree<br />

of Bachelor of Applied Science (Computing and<br />

Instrumentation)<br />

A six-month period of industry based learning occurring as<br />

part of the third year of the course leading to the degree of<br />

Bachelor of Applied Science (Computing and<br />

Instrumentation). Students are supervised by a member of<br />

the academic staff and are required to submit a report to<br />

their employer and to their supervisor. This program is<br />

normally followed end-on by SP623.<br />

SP524 Biophysics (Neurosciences A)<br />

8 credit points 4 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequisites:<br />

SP324 and either SP424 or SP42.5 Assessment: examination,<br />

assignments and practical work<br />

A final year subject in the Bachelor of Applied Science<br />

(Medical Biophysics and Instrumentation)<br />

Content<br />

Neuro anatomy spinal cord organisation, histological<br />

features, brain-stem, pathways, structures, hemispheres,<br />

subcortical structures, gross and histological dissection.<br />

Receptor functions information theory, channel capacity,<br />

information transmission, frequency coding, thresholds,<br />

- A . -<br />

receptive fields, generator potential.<br />

Biophysics of peripheral sensory systems peripheral<br />

receptors, histology, function, CNS connections, spinal cord<br />

mechanisms, spinal afferent pathways - lemniscal and<br />

anterolateral, thalamic organisation and projections, S1 and<br />

S11 somatosensory cortex, dysfunction, testing - SEP.<br />

Pain, spinal and brainstem pathways, endogenous opiates,<br />

gating theory, analgesia - TENS, electrical stimulation,<br />

pharmacological interactions.<br />

Psychophysics scaling, assessment techniques, absolute and<br />

difference thresholds, Weber function, just noticeable<br />

difference, Fechner compression, signal detection, ROC<br />

curves.<br />

Motor control peripheral mechanisms, gamma loop,<br />

coactivation, stiffness regulation, servo mechanisms, motor<br />

cortex, motor potential, control circuits to basal ganglia and<br />

cerebellum, spinal pathways, pathology, skiiled movement,<br />

learning, open and closed loop operation.<br />

<strong>Swinburne</strong> University of Technology <strong>1997</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> 523

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