1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook

1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook 1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook

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conformal mapping, potential problems, contour integration, residue theory, application to the evaluation of real integrals and inversion of Laplace transforms. Curvilinear coordinates: revison of potential theory; general coordinate systems, coordinate surfaces, curves and vectors, orthogonal systems; grad, div, curl and Laplacian in orthogonal systems. Linear algebra: background, transmission matrices, vector spaces, solution of linear equations; the eigenvalue problem, the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, numerical evaluation using power method, characteristic impedance, propogation function; systems of linear differential equations, solution of first order systems by reducing to an eigenvalue problem, the phase plane, equilibrium, quadratic forms and matrices, Liapunov's direct method, linerisation of non-linear sytems. Recommended reading SM494 - Mathematicsfor Electrical Engineering. Department of Mathematics, Swinburne University of Technology, 1993 Kreyszig, E. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 7th ed, New York, Wiley, 1993 Rade, L. and Westergren, B. Beta Mathematics Handbook: Concepts, Theorems, Methods, Algorithms, Fomulae, Graphs, Tables. 2nd edn, Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1990 Spiegel, M.R. 7beory and Problems of Complex Variables with An Introduction to Conformal Mapping and its Applications. 2nd edn, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1974. SM499 Engineering Mathematics 4 credit points 2 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequisites: W99 Assessmat: examination tests and assignments A fourth year subject in the Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) Obiedives To introduce the mathematical concepts of approximation and the finite element method. Content Concepts of finite element methods; approximation, basis functions, quadrature, weighted residual methods, ordinary and partial differential equations. Recommended reading Davies, A.J., The Finite Element Method. A First Approach. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1980 Easton, A.K., Robb, P.J. and Singh, M., Approximation and the Finite Element Method 1995 SM584 Multivariate Statistical Methods 10 credit points 3 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequisite: SM484 Assessment: tests/examinution and assignments A third year subject in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics and Computer Science) 0 b jedives Extend hypothesis testing to multivariate data; Introduce methods of data classification. Content Joint distributions and the analysis of bivariate data. Some theory of estimation. Point and interval estimators. Properties of estimators. Method of moments and method of maximum likelihood. The multivariate normal distribution, multivariate means, Hotelling's T 2 statistic, the multivariate analysis of variance, Wilk's lambda. An introduction to principal components analysis and factor analysis. Classification methods: cluster analysis, linear discriminant analysis. Computer packages such as Minitab and SAS will be used. Recommended readina Aldenderfer, M.S. and lashg geld, R.K., Cluster Analysis. Beverly Hills, Sage, 1984 Dillon, W.R. and Goldstein, M., Multivariate Analysis. New York, Wiley, 1984 Everitt, B.S. and Dunn, G., Advanced Method of Data Exploration and Modelling. London, Heinemann, 1983 Johnson, R.A. and Wichern, D.W., Applied Multivariate Statisticid Analysis. 3rd edn, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall, 1992 Kruskal, J.B. and Wish, M., Multidimensional Scaling. Beverly Hills, Sage, 1978 SM585 Sample Survey Design 10 credit points 3 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequin'te: M484 Assessmar tests/examinution and assignments A third year subject in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics and Computer Science) Obiedives Introduce basic methods for sample design and analysis. Develop skills in writing questionnaire items. Content The basic designs for sample surveys: simple random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling and cluster sampling. Estimators for the mean, total and proportion for simple random samples and stratified samples; variance estimation. The design effect; sample size determination; EPSEM samples. Ratio estimation; Cluster sampling, multi-stage sampling, PPS sampling; variance estimation. Practical issues and methods; questionnaire design; pilot surveys, mail, interviewer-based and telephone surveys; nonsampling errors; weighting. Recommended reading Cochran, W.G., Sampling T~hiques. New York, Wiley, 1977 Jolliffe, F.R., Sunny Design and Analysis. Chichester, Ellis Horwood, 1986 Kalton, G., Introduction to Surwy Sampling. Beverly Hills, Sage, 1983 Stuart, A,, Basic Ideas of Sciatiftc Sampling. London, 3rd edn, Griffin, 1968 Sudman, S., Applied Sampling. New York, Academic Press, 1976 Swinburne Univenity of Technology 1997 Handbook 51 3

SM588 Industrial Applications of Operations Research 10 credit points 3 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequisite: nil Assessment: assignments and examination A third year subject in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics and Computer Science) 0 b jectives Introduce students to various application areas where operations research is applied; Involve students in independent research; Give students experience in preparing and giving a seminar; Give students experience in writing a professional paper. Content Production, scheduling, distribution, inventory control, and transportation. Computer packages such as SAS/OR may be used. Recommended reading Gaither, N., Production and Operations Management - A Problem Solving and Decision Making Approach. 4th edn, Chicago, The Dryden Press, 1990 Gilmour, P.,The Management of Distribution: An Australian Framework. 2nd edn, Melbourne, Longman Cheshire, 1987 Journal of the Operational Research Society Mercer, A., Cantley, M. and Rand, G., Operational Distribution Research. London, Taylor and Francis, 1978 Ravindran, A., Phillips, D.T. and Solberg, J.J., Operations Research, Principles and Practice. 2nd edn, New York, Wiley, 1987 Winston, W.L., Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms. 3rd edn, Belrnont, Calif., Wadswonh, 1994 SM608 Industry Based Learning 50 credit points Hawthorn Prerequisite: satisfactory completion of all subjects in the first four semesters of the Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics and Computer Science) or approved equivalent. A third year subject in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics and Computer Science) Content A six-month period of industry based learning occurring as part of the third year of the course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science. Students are supervised by a member of the academic staff and are required to submit a -. v report to their employer and to their supervisor. S - SM609 Mathematics Project 10 credit points Hawthorn Assessment: written reports and verbal presentation Prerequisite: satisfactory completion of all second year subjects in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics and Computer Science) A fourth year subject in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics and Computer Science) Objectives To provide students with the experience of interacting within their own project team as well as with the industry in which the project is undertaken. Allow students to use some of the knowledge gained through their coursework to solve a real problem. Content In this subject students work in groups under the supervision of a staff member and apply the acquired knowledge from the course to a practical or research problem. The subject is assessed by presentation and a written report which is given to the client/organisation. Recommended reading Staff members in charge of project groups will guide students and recommend appropriate materials and texts according to the requirements of the projects. SM688 Mathematical Programming 10 credit points 3 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequisite: SM487 Assessment: assignments and examination A fourth year subject in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics and Computer Science) Objectives Provide students with skills in solving some types of problems in operations research. Extend students ability to model problems. Content Linear and integer programming, duality, parametric programming, non linear programming, geometric programming. Computer packages such as SAVOR may be used. Recommended reading Journal of the Operational Research Society Ravindran, A., Phillips, D.T. and Solberg, J.J., Operations Research, Principles and Practice. 2nd edn, New York, Wiley, 1987 Winston, W.L., Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms. 3rd edn, Belmont, Calif., Wadswonh, 1994 SM708 Industry Based Learning 50 credit points Hawthorn Prerequisite: SM608. A fourth year subject in the Bachelor of Applied Science (Mathematics and Computer Science) and (Management Science of Computing) Content A six-month period of industry based learning occurring as part of the fourth year of the course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science and following on directly from SM608. Students are supervised by a member of the academic staff and are required to submit a report to their employer and to their supervisor. SM732 Survey Research Methods 12.5 credit points 4 hours per wek Hawthorn Prwequisites: SM750, 94751 Assessment: assignment and test A first year subject in the Graduate Certficate and Graduate Diploma of Applied Science (Social Statistics) Content This subject aims to enable students to identify and understand some of the methodologies used in survey

conformal mapping, potential problems, contour<br />

integration, residue theory, application to the evaluation of<br />

real integrals and inversion of Laplace transforms.<br />

Curvilinear coordinates: revison of potential theory; general<br />

coordinate systems, coordinate surfaces, curves and vectors,<br />

orthogonal systems; grad, div, curl and Laplacian in<br />

orthogonal systems.<br />

Linear algebra: background, transmission matrices, vector<br />

spaces, solution of linear equations; the eigenvalue problem,<br />

the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, numerical evaluation using<br />

power method, characteristic impedance, propogation<br />

function; systems of linear differential equations, solution of<br />

first order systems by reducing to an eigenvalue problem,<br />

the phase plane, equilibrium, quadratic forms and matrices,<br />

Liapunov's direct method, linerisation of non-linear sytems.<br />

Recommended reading<br />

SM494 - Mathematicsfor Electrical Engineering. Department of<br />

Mathematics, <strong>Swinburne</strong> University of Technology, 1993<br />

Kreyszig, E. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 7th ed, New<br />

York, Wiley, 1993<br />

Rade, L. and Westergren, B. Beta Mathematics <strong>Handbook</strong>:<br />

Concepts, Theorems, Methods, Algorithms, Fomulae, Graphs, Tables.<br />

2nd edn, Lund, Studentlitteratur, 1990<br />

Spiegel, M.R. 7beory and Problems of Complex Variables with An<br />

Introduction to Conformal Mapping and its Applications. 2nd edn,<br />

New York, McGraw-Hill, 1974.<br />

SM499 Engineering Mathematics<br />

4 credit points 2 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequisites:<br />

W99 Assessmat: examination tests and assignments<br />

A fourth year subject in the Bachelor of Engineering<br />

(Mechanical)<br />

Obiedives<br />

To introduce the mathematical concepts of approximation<br />

and the finite element method.<br />

Content<br />

Concepts of finite element methods; approximation, basis<br />

functions, quadrature, weighted residual methods, ordinary<br />

and partial differential equations.<br />

Recommended reading<br />

Davies, A.J., The Finite Element Method. A First Approach. Oxford,<br />

Oxford University Press, 1980<br />

Easton, A.K., Robb, P.J. and Singh, M., Approximation and the Finite<br />

Element Method 1995<br />

SM584 Multivariate Statistical Methods<br />

10 credit points 3 hours per week Hawthorn<br />

Prerequisite: SM484 Assessment: tests/examinution and<br />

assignments<br />

A third year subject in the Bachelor of Applied Science<br />

(Mathematics and Computer Science)<br />

0 b jedives<br />

Extend hypothesis testing to multivariate data;<br />

Introduce methods of data classification.<br />

Content<br />

Joint distributions and the analysis of bivariate data. Some<br />

theory of estimation. Point and interval estimators.<br />

Properties of estimators. Method of moments and method of<br />

maximum likelihood.<br />

The multivariate normal distribution, multivariate means,<br />

Hotelling's T 2 statistic, the multivariate analysis of variance,<br />

Wilk's lambda.<br />

An introduction to principal components analysis and factor<br />

analysis.<br />

Classification methods: cluster analysis, linear discriminant<br />

analysis.<br />

Computer packages such as Minitab and SAS will be used.<br />

Recommended readina<br />

Aldenderfer, M.S. and lashg geld, R.K., Cluster Analysis. Beverly<br />

Hills, Sage, 1984<br />

Dillon, W.R. and Goldstein, M., Multivariate Analysis. New York,<br />

Wiley, 1984<br />

Everitt, B.S. and Dunn, G., Advanced Method of Data Exploration<br />

and Modelling. London, Heinemann, 1983<br />

Johnson, R.A. and Wichern, D.W., Applied Multivariate Statisticid<br />

Analysis. 3rd edn, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall, 1992<br />

Kruskal, J.B. and Wish, M., Multidimensional Scaling. Beverly Hills,<br />

Sage, 1978<br />

SM585 Sample Survey Design<br />

10 credit points 3 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequin'te:<br />

M484 Assessmar tests/examinution and assignments<br />

A third year subject in the Bachelor of Applied Science<br />

(Mathematics and Computer Science)<br />

Obiedives<br />

Introduce basic methods for sample design and analysis.<br />

Develop skills in writing questionnaire items.<br />

Content<br />

The basic designs for sample surveys: simple random<br />

sampling, stratified sampling, systematic sampling and<br />

cluster sampling.<br />

Estimators for the mean, total and proportion for simple<br />

random samples and stratified samples; variance estimation.<br />

The design effect; sample size determination; EPSEM<br />

samples.<br />

Ratio estimation;<br />

Cluster sampling, multi-stage sampling, PPS sampling;<br />

variance estimation.<br />

Practical issues and methods; questionnaire design; pilot<br />

surveys, mail, interviewer-based and telephone surveys; nonsampling<br />

errors; weighting.<br />

Recommended reading<br />

Cochran, W.G., Sampling T~hiques. New York, Wiley, 1977<br />

Jolliffe, F.R., Sunny Design and Analysis. Chichester, Ellis Horwood,<br />

1986<br />

Kalton, G., Introduction to Surwy Sampling. Beverly Hills, Sage, 1983<br />

Stuart, A,, Basic Ideas of Sciatiftc Sampling. London, 3rd edn,<br />

Griffin, 1968<br />

Sudman, S., Applied Sampling. New York, Academic Press, 1976<br />

<strong>Swinburne</strong> Univenity of Technology <strong>1997</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> 51 3

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