1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook

1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook

1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook


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with advertising, marketing, research, promotion<br />

agencies, etc. in the product management process;<br />

to explore the international aspects of product<br />

management.<br />

to understand the importance of successful working<br />

relations within the organisation, particularly with sales,<br />

production, supply and research and development, in<br />

the product development process.<br />

Recommended reading<br />

Crawford, C. M. New Products Management. 3rd edn,<br />

Homewood, Illinois, Irwin, 1991<br />

BM331 Services Marketing and Management<br />

3 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequisite: for marketing<br />

major BM222 Marketing Planning and BQ227 Marketing<br />

Research 2 OR for marketing minor BM222 Marketing Planning<br />

Assessment: examination, assignments, chs presentation<br />

A subject in the Bachelor of Business<br />

This subject is a mandatory requirement for a major<br />

sequence in marketing.<br />

0 bjectives<br />

The services business is the fastest growing sector nationally<br />

as well as globally. This subject explores the major<br />

differences between the marketing of services as distinct<br />

from product marketing, and aims at providing students<br />

with special skills required to develop and implement<br />

marketing strategies in service businesses.<br />

Content<br />

distinctive aspects of service marketing;<br />

market research in services environment;<br />

service encouter management<br />

understanding and developing design for existing and<br />

new servlces<br />

communication and services;<br />

demand management;<br />

understanding the meaning of quality and its determinants<br />

relationship marketing;<br />

managing service culture;<br />

implementing the service strategy;<br />

international services and its future;<br />

Recommended reading<br />

Palmer, A,, Principles of Services Marketing, London, New<br />

York,McGraw-Hill , 1994.<br />

BM333 Communications Strategy<br />

3 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequisite: BM222<br />

Marketing Planning and BQ226 Marketing Research 1<br />

Assessment: examination, assignment, class presentations<br />

This subject is an elective subject for Bachelor of Business.<br />

0 b jedives<br />

This is not a course about how to create advertisements.<br />

Rather it draws together the various marketing units and<br />

looks at:<br />

the various strategies employed when communicating<br />

with customers; and<br />

provides students with the necessary skills to develop<br />

and evaluate effective communication strategies<br />

Content<br />

To~ics include:<br />

the communication process;<br />

planning the communication budget;<br />

inside an advertising agency;<br />

advertising media issues;<br />

public relations and publicity;<br />

sales promotion;<br />

direct marketing;<br />

international advertising;<br />

evaluating the effectiveness of the communication<br />

strategy.<br />

Recommended reading<br />

Belch, G.E. and Belch, M.A.Introduction to Advertising and<br />

Promotion: An Integrated Marketing Communications Penpective.<br />

3rd edn, Chicago, Ill, Irwin, 1995<br />

BM336 European Business Studies<br />

3 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequisite: BM223<br />

International Marketing Assessment: final test, assignments<br />

A subject in the Bachelor of Business<br />

Ob jedives<br />

The objective of this subject is to enable students to advance<br />

and apply their marketing knowledge to a number of<br />

European national markets, and to do so within the context<br />

of Australia's relative capacity to market products to these<br />

regions.<br />

Content<br />

The subject explores the differences and similarities that<br />

exist between some of the European business cultures and<br />

business environments and our own, and their practical<br />

meaning for a marketer. Students are encouraged to apply<br />

their newly acquired knowledge in examining the options in<br />

marketing Australian products or services in Europe. In<br />

particular, they are required to select the market which<br />

would have the highest sales potential for their product/<br />

service and choose the optimal market entry mode. The<br />

countries to be covered will be selected from a pool of six<br />

countries: Germany, Great Britain, France, Hungary, Italy<br />

and Poland. The emphasis is on understanding the business<br />

culture and environmental elements of the European<br />

countries selected as an essential precondition to the<br />

successful marketing of Australian products to European<br />

markets.<br />

European Business Studies aims to develop a number of<br />

practical international marketing skills of critical<br />

significance for graduates' international business careers.<br />

Recommended reading<br />

Mole, J. When in Rome: A Business Guide to Culture and<br />

Customers in Twelve European Countries, New York, Amacorn,<br />

1991<br />

Randlesome, C. et al. Business Cultures in Europe, Oxford,<br />

Butterworth and Heinemann, 1993<br />

<strong>Swinburne</strong> Univeniiy of Technology <strong>1997</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> 299

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