1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook

1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook

1997 Swinburne Higher Education Handbook


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for counselling psychology, (b) to consolidate students'<br />

practical understanding of research methodology related<br />

to counselling psychology and (c) to contribute to the<br />

research program of the School.<br />

Students will be assigned a supervisor in the first year of<br />

their enrolment. At the end of this first year of<br />

enrolment each student must submit a written, detailed<br />

research - proposal. -<br />

At the end of the second year of enrolment students<br />

must submit a 4,000 word review of the relevant<br />

background literature. This must be in a form similar to<br />

that of a review article appearing in one of the major<br />

iournals which ~ublishes review articles related to tooics<br />

in counselling psychology (e.g. Journal of Counselling<br />

Psychology, Counsellor <strong>Education</strong> and Supervision,<br />

British Journal of Guidance and Counselling).<br />

At the end of the fourth year of enrolment each student<br />

must submit a report on his or her research in the form<br />

of a 4-5.000 word article in a form suitable for<br />

submission to a nominated journal which publishes<br />

empirical research related to counselling psychology.<br />

This report must be accompanied by a technical<br />

supplement containing detailed results, raw data, and<br />

copies of measures used.<br />

This research report will also be accompanied by the<br />

4000 word literature review. The two sunmissions<br />

comprise the work to be assessed for this subject.<br />

Recommended reading<br />

American Psychological Association Publication Manual. 4th edn,<br />

Washington, DC, The Association, 1994<br />

Sternberg, R.J. The Psychologist's Companion A Guide to Scientific<br />

Writing. 3rd edn, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1993<br />

88701 Management 2 (Resources)<br />

2 hours per week Hawthorn Prerequisite: normally all<br />

subjects taught in the firs termof the course, i%is subject is<br />

compulsoly (conversion students exctpted). Assessment:<br />

assignments, presentations, tests.<br />

A subject in the Master of Business Administration<br />

Obiectives<br />

The basic objective of this subject is to provide a broad<br />

understanding of, and some basic practical skills for, the<br />

effective planning, acquisition and control of human,<br />

financial material and information resources in an<br />

organisation. The technological implications of this subject<br />

will be complemented by study of the place of innovation<br />

and internationalism. Issues addressed will be seen to draw<br />

from, and contribute to, other subjects in the course.<br />

Specific objectives include:<br />

to provide an introduction to the process of planning an<br />

organisation's needs for all categories of resources;<br />

to provide an introduction to the methods of acquiring<br />

the various resources needed;<br />

to provide an introduction to the key concepts involved<br />

in monitoring, reviewing and controlling the use of<br />

resources.<br />

Content<br />

The subject will emphasise the largely integrated nature of<br />

resource management from the point of view of general<br />

management.<br />

Planning resource requirements.<br />

Acquiring resources:<br />

information as a corporate resource;<br />

human -the nature and role of the personnel function<br />

in attracting, retaining and motivating competent<br />

employees;<br />

financial - acquiring an appropriate financial mix<br />

including short term/long term funds, debdequity, local<br />

and foreign currency etc., mechanics of fund raising,<br />

sources of advice etc.;<br />

what is happening in financial markets now;<br />

capital investment - approaches to selection of<br />

investments in plant and equipment, buildings, R&D<br />

and other long term assets;<br />

materials - sourcing materials, parts and other non<br />

capital resources;<br />

Implications of international sourcing of materials,<br />

~ersonnel, information, finance and capital assets both<br />

for domestic use and in overseas operations;<br />

Controlling resource use: key concepts in control of<br />

human, financial and materials resources:<br />

use of financial and non financial indicators<br />

accounting and management reporting systems.<br />

Recommended reading<br />

Brealey, R.A. and Myers, S.C. Principles of Coqorate Finance. 4th<br />

edn, New York, McGraw-Hill, 1991<br />

Butler, J.E. et al. Strategy and Human Resource Management.<br />

Ohio, South Western Publishing Company, 1991<br />

Earl, M.J. Management Strategies for Information Technology. New<br />

York, Prentice Hall, 1989<br />

Emmanuel, C. and Otley, D. Accounting for Management Control.<br />

Berkshire, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1985<br />

Howell, R.A. and Soucy, S.R. 'Capital Investment in the New<br />

Manufacturing Environment', Management Accounting.<br />

November 1987, p 26 32<br />

Howell, R.A. anl~iuc;, S.R. 'Operating Controls in the New<br />

Manufaaurin~ Environment'. Mana~ement " Accountinp. " October<br />

1987, pp. 25-$<br />

Schuler, R.S. et al. Human ResourceMamgement in Australia. 3rd<br />

edn, Sydney, Harper & Row, 1992<br />

Smith, A.N. and Medley, D.B. Information Resource Management.<br />

Cinncinnati, South-Western, 1987<br />

Stern, J.M. and Chew, Jr. D.H. (eds) ?%e Rmlution in Corporate<br />

Finance. Oxford, Blackwell, 1986<br />

Welsch, G.A. et al. Budgeting, Profit Planning and Control. 5th<br />

edn, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, 1988<br />

BB702 Management 3 (Ideas)<br />

2 hoursper week Hawthorn Prerequisite: normally all<br />

subjects taught in the first term of the course. l3is subjects is<br />

compulsoly for all students. Assessment: assisgnments,<br />

presentations, tests.<br />

A subject in the Master of Business Administration<br />

Objectives<br />

The basic objectives of this subject are to develop an attitude<br />

<strong>Swinburne</strong> University of Technology <strong>1997</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> 265

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