35 - 41 - Swansea University

35 - 41 - Swansea University

35 - 41 - Swansea University


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Department of Adult Continuing Education<br />

Adran Addysg Barhaus Oedolion<br />

FREE for eligible<br />

students or<br />

£690 per year<br />

No formal<br />

qualifications<br />

required<br />

Nid oes angen<br />

cymwysterau<br />

ffurfiol<br />


i fyfyrwyr<br />

cymwys neu £690<br />

y flwyddyn<br />

BA Part-time Degree Programme in Humanities, History or English<br />

Rhaglen Radd BA Rhan-amser Dyniaethau, Hanes neu Saesneg<br />

OCTOBER 2013 | Hydref 2013<br />

Available on <strong>Swansea</strong> Campus and at community venues in: <strong>Swansea</strong>, Neath Port Talbot, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire<br />

Ar gael ar Gampws Abertawe ac mewn lleoliadau cymunedol yn: Abertawe, Castell-nedd Port Talbot, Sir Gaerfyrddin a Sir Benfro

Contents<br />

Cynnwys<br />

My studies with <strong>Swansea</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong> have given me a<br />

totally new outlook on life<br />

04 - Welcome<br />

24 - Betws Primary School, Ammanford<br />

04 - Croeso<br />

24 - Ysgol Gynradd Betws, Rhydaman<br />

05 - Where can I Study?<br />

25 - Felinfoel Community Education Centre, Llanelli<br />

05 - Ble Alla I Astudio?<br />

25 - Canolfan Addysg Gymunedol Felinfoel, Llanelli<br />

06 - Subjects Available<br />

08 - Information Events<br />

10 - Academic Study Support<br />

12 - Course Fees<br />

Pembrokeshire Courses<br />

26 - The Bloomfield Centre, Narberth<br />

27 - Pembroke Dock Community Learning Centre<br />

06 - Pynciau Sydd<br />

09 - Digwyddiadau Gwybodaeth<br />

11 - Cymorth Astudio Academaidd<br />

13 - Ffioedd Cwrs<br />

Cyrsiau Sir Benfro<br />

26 - Canolfan Bloomfield, Arberth<br />

27 - Canolfan Dysgu Cymunedol Doc Penfro<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> Courses<br />

28 - Pembrokeshire College, Haverfordwest<br />

29 - Fishguard Community Learning Centre<br />

Cyrsiau Abertawe<br />

28 - Coleg Sir Benfro, Hwlffordd<br />

29 - Canolfan Dysgu Cymunedol Abergwaun<br />

14 - <strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> Campus<br />

14 - Campws Prifysgol Abertawe<br />

16 - <strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Hendrefoelan Campus<br />

30 - Celebrating 40 Years<br />

16 - Campws Hendrefoelan, Prifysgol Abertawe<br />

31 - Dathlu 40 Mlynedd<br />

17 - Forge Fach Community Resource Centre, Clydach<br />

32 - Sharing our Success<br />

17 - Canolfan Adnoddau Cymunedol Forge Fach, Clydach<br />

33 - Rhannu Ein Llwyddiant<br />

18 - The Phoenix Centre, Townhill<br />

<strong>35</strong> - Level One Module Descriptions<br />

18 - Canolfan Phoenix, Townhill<br />

<strong>35</strong> - Disgrifiadau Cyrsiau Lefel 1<br />

Neath Port Talbot Courses<br />

19 - DOVE Workshop, Banwen<br />

20 - Glynneath Training Centre, Glynneath<br />

21 - Neath Port Talbot College, Neath<br />

38 - Level Two/Three Module Descriptions<br />

42 - Library and Information Services<br />

43 - Student Support<br />

46 - Other Information<br />

48 - Application Form<br />

Cyrsiau Castell-Nedd Talbot<br />

19 - Gweithdy DOVE, Banwen<br />

20 - Canolfan Hyfforddi Glyn-nedd, Glyn-nedd<br />

21 - Coleg Castell-nedd Port Talbot, Castell-nedd<br />

38 - Disgrifiadau Modiwlau Lefel Dau/Tri<br />

42 - Gwasanaethau Llyfrgell a Gwybodaeth<br />

43 - Cymorth Myfyrwyr<br />

47 - Gwybodaeth Arall<br />

50 - Ffurflen Gais<br />

22 - Community Development Centre, Sandfields<br />

Carmarthenshire Courses<br />

If you require this publication in an alternative format,<br />

please telephone 01792 295499<br />

22 - Canolfan Datblygu Cymunedol, Traethmelyn<br />

Cyrsiau Sir Gaerfyrddin<br />

Os ydych angen y cyhoeddiad hwn mewn fformat<br />

gwahanol, ffoniwch 01792 295499<br />

23 - The Black Mountain Centre, Brynaman<br />

23 - Canolfan y Mynydd Du, Brynaman<br />

2 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Welcome / Croeso<br />

Where can I Study? / Ble Alla I Astudio?<br />

Welcome to the Department of Adult Continuing Education<br />

(DACE) where staff are firm advocates of lifelong learning<br />

and committed to providing flexible and appropriate<br />

learning opportunities for adult students.<br />

The BA Part-time Degree Programme in Humanities, History<br />

or English is offered on campus at Singleton Park and in<br />

various community venues in <strong>Swansea</strong>, Neath Port Talbot,<br />

Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire.<br />

The programme is specifically designed for those who choose<br />

to study on a part-time basis because of work, family or other<br />

commitments. Our students come from many different walks<br />

of life and during the last 22 years, over 450 people have<br />

graduated from the programme gaining a qualification that can<br />

aid their career and provide a sense of achievement and selffulfilment.<br />

The flexibility and structure of the degree programme<br />

has enabled them to study and achieve their goals while still<br />

continuing with their busy everyday lives.<br />

Programme Structure<br />

You can study part-time for a degree in Humanities, History or<br />

English. A wide range of courses are available in a variety of<br />

subjects which allow you to tailor your studies to your own needs<br />

and interests.<br />

You can choose two subjects to study each year throughout the<br />

programme and can also mix and match your choice of venues.<br />

The majority of classes are delivered via the traditional face-toface<br />

method.<br />

Classes in Pembrokeshire are often taught via a videoconferenced<br />

link from <strong>Swansea</strong>; an exciting and on-going<br />

development. At all classes, a variety of teaching methods are<br />

used from small seminars to discussion groups and workshops.<br />

Tutor Expertise<br />

At DACE, we have an excellent group of tutors who, in addition<br />

to being experts in their own disciplines, are also committed to the<br />

education of adults and to widening access in general.<br />

They have a fundamental role in enthusing students and it is largely<br />

due to their expertise that students are able to keep on-track, stay<br />

motivated and achieve to their full ability.<br />

Croeso i’r Adran Addysg Barhaus Oedolion lle mae’r staff<br />

yn gefnogwyr brwd dysgu gydol oes, ac wedi ymrwymo<br />

i ddarparu cyfleoedd dysgu hyblyg ac addas i fyfyrwyr<br />

mewn oed.<br />

Cynigir y Radd BA Ran-amser yn y Dyniaethau, Hanes, a<br />

Saesneg ar y campws ym Mharc Singleton ac mewn nifer o<br />

leoliadau cymunedol yn Abertawe, Castell-nedd Port Talbot,<br />

Sir Gaerfyrddin a Sir Benfro.<br />

Mae’r rhaglen wedi’i dylunio’n benodol ar gyfer y rhai sy’n<br />

dewis astudio ar sail rhan amser oherwydd ymrwymiadau<br />

gwaith, ymrwymiadau teuluol, neu ymrwymiadau eraill. Daw<br />

ein myfyrwyr o lawer o wahanol gefndiroedd, ac yn ystod y<br />

22 blynedd diwethaf, mae dros 450 o unigolion wedi graddio<br />

o’r rhaglen, gan ennill cymhwyster a allai fod o gymorth yn<br />

eu gyrfâu, ac a allai hyrwyddo teimlad o gyrhaeddiad a<br />

hunangyflawniad. Mae hyblygrwydd a strwythur y rhaglen radd<br />

wedi’u galluogi i astudio ac i gyflawni eu hamcanion tra bod eu<br />

bywydau prysur yn parhau fel arfer.<br />

Strwythur y Rhaglen<br />

Gellwch astudio am radd ran amser yn y Dyniaethau, Hanes,<br />

neu Saesneg. Mae ystod eang o gyrsiau ar gael mewn<br />

amrywiaeth o bynciau sy’n caniatáu i chi deilwra’ch astudio i’ch<br />

anghenion a’ch diddordebau’ch hunan.<br />

Gallwch ddewis dau bwnc i’w hastudio bob blwyddyn trwy<br />

gydol y rhaglen, a gallwch ddewis a chyfuno lleoliadau i<br />

ddiwallu’ch anghenion.<br />

Cyflwynir y rhan fwyaf o’r cyrsiau trwy’r dull traddodiadol<br />

wyneb yn wyneb. Yn aml, dysgir dosbarthiadau yn Sir Benfro<br />

trwy gyswllt fideo-gynadledda o Abertawe; datblygiad<br />

cyffrous a pharhaus. Defnyddir ystod o ddulliau dysgu yn yr<br />

holl ddosbarthiadau - o seminarau bychain i grwpiau trafod a<br />

gweithdai.<br />

Arbenigedd y Tiwtoriaid<br />

Mae gyda ni grŵp ardderchog o diwtoriaid yn AABO sydd, yn<br />

ogystal â bod yn arbenigwyr yn eu meysydd pwnc eu hunain, wedi<br />

ymrwymo i ddysgu oedolion ac i ehangu mynediad yn gyffredinol.<br />

Mae eu rôl o ran ysbrydoli myfyrwyr yn sylfaenol, a’u harbenigedd<br />

sydd yn gyfrifol, yn bennaf, am sicrhau bod myfyrwyr yn gallu dal<br />

ati, cynnal eu cymhelliad, a chyflawni hyd eithaf eu gallu.<br />

Students can study on the BA Part-time Degree Programme in Humanities, History or English in any one of the fifteen locations across<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong>, Neath Port Talbot, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire.<br />

Gall myfyrwyr astudio’r rhaglen BA Rhan Amser yn y Dyniaethau, Hanes, neu Saesneg mewn unrhyw un o’r pymtheg lleoliad ar draws<br />

Abertawe, Castell-nedd Port Talbot, Sir Gâr a Sir Benfro.<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong><br />

4<br />

Abertawe<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1 <strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

1 DOVE Workshop,<br />

1 The Black Mountain<br />

1<br />

Campus, Singleton Park<br />

Banwen<br />

Centre, Brynaman<br />

2<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

2<br />

Glynneath Training Centre,<br />

2<br />

Betws Primary School,<br />

2<br />

Hendrefoelan Campus<br />

Glynneath<br />

Ammanford<br />

3<br />

4<br />

The Phoenix Centre,<br />

Townhill<br />

Forge Fach Community<br />

Centre, Clydach<br />

Neath Port Talbot<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Castell-nedd Port Talbot<br />

1<br />

4<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

Neath Port Talbot College,<br />

Queen Street, Neath<br />

Community Development<br />

Centre, Sandfields,<br />

Port Talbot<br />

Carmarthenshire<br />

3<br />

When can I study? / Ble Alla I Astudio?<br />

All courses at Hendrefoelan Campus, Clydach, Townhill,<br />

Banwen, Glynneath, Neath, Port Talbot, Brynaman, Betws,<br />

and Llanelli will start week commencing 23rd September,<br />

2013.<br />

All courses at Singleton Park Campus will start week<br />

commencing 30th September, 2013.<br />

All courses at Narberth, Pembroke Dock, Haverfordwest and<br />

Fishguard will start week commencing 30th September, 2013.<br />

Bydd yr holl gyrsiau ar Gampws Hendrefoelan ac yng<br />

Nghlydach, Townhill, Banwen, Glyn-nedd, Castell-nedd,<br />

Brynaman, Betws a Llanelli yn cychwyn yn ystod yr wythnos<br />

sy’n dechrau 23 Medi 2013.<br />

Bydd yr holl gyrsiau ar Gampws Parc Singleton yn cychwyn<br />

yn ystod yr wythnos sy’n dechrau 30 Medi 2013.<br />

Bydd yr holl gyrsiau yn Arberth, Doc Penfro, Hwlffordd ac<br />

Abergwaun yncychwyn yn ystod yr wythnos sy’n dechrau 30<br />

Medi 2013.<br />

Felinfoel Community<br />

Education Centre, Llanelli<br />

Sir Gaerfyrddin<br />

Pembrokeshire<br />

3<br />

4<br />

The Bloomfield Centre,<br />

Narberth<br />

Pembroke Dock Community<br />

Learning Centre, Pembroke<br />

Dock<br />

Pembrokeshire College,<br />

Haverfordwest<br />

Fishguard Community<br />

Learning Centre, Fishguard<br />

Sir Benfro<br />

Professor C olin Trotman<br />

Head of Department<br />

Dr Lynne Jenkins<br />

Part-time Degree Manager<br />

Yr Athro C olin Trotman<br />

Pennaeth yr Adran<br />

Dr Lynne Jenkins<br />

Rheolwr y Radd Ran-amser<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

Campws Prifysgol<br />

1 Gweithdy DOVE, Banwen 1 Canolfan y Mynydd Du,<br />

Abertawe, Parc Singleton<br />

Brynaman<br />

2<br />

Canolfan Hyfforddi<br />

Campws Hendrefoelan,<br />

Glyn-nedd, Glyn-nedd<br />

2<br />

Ysgol Gynradd Betws,<br />

Prifysgol Abertawe<br />

Rhydaman<br />

3<br />

Coleg Castell-nedd Port<br />

Canolfan Phoenix,<br />

Talbot, Heol y Frenhines, 3 Canolfan Addysg<br />

Townhill<br />

Castell-nedd<br />

Gymunedol Felin-foel,<br />

Llanelli<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4 Canolfan Gymunedol Forge 4 Canolfan Datblygu<br />

Fach, Clydach<br />

Cymunedol, Traethmelyn,<br />

4<br />

Castell-nedd<br />

Canolfan Bloomfield,<br />

Arberth<br />

Canolfan Addysg<br />

Gymunedol, Doc Penfro<br />

Coleg Sir Benfro,<br />

Hwlffordd<br />

Canolfan Addysg<br />

Gymunedol Abergwaun<br />

4 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Subjects Available at Level One, Two and Three / Pynciau Sydd Ar Gael Ar Lefel Un, Dau a Thri<br />

Key / Allwedd:<br />

Level One Subjects / Pynciau Lefel Un<br />

Level Two and Three Subjects / Pynciau Lefelau Dau a Thri<br />

Subject / Pwnc <strong>Swansea</strong> / Abertawe Neath Port Talbot / Castell-nedd Port Talbot<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong><br />

Campus<br />

Campws<br />

Abertawe<br />

Hendrefoelan<br />

Campus<br />

Campws<br />

Hendrefoelan<br />

Clydach<br />

Clydach<br />

Townhill<br />

Townhill<br />

Banwen<br />

Banwen<br />

Glynneath<br />

Glyn-nedd<br />

Neath<br />

Castellnedd<br />

Sandfields<br />

Traethmelyn<br />

Ancient History / Hanes<br />

yr Henfyd<br />

Counselling / Cwnsela<br />

English / Saesneg<br />

History / Hanes<br />

Philosophy / Athroniaeth<br />

Psychology / Seicoleg<br />

Science / Gwyddoniaeth<br />

Social Policy / Polisi<br />

Cymdeithasol<br />

Sociology /<br />

Cymdeithaseg<br />

Subject / Pwnc Carmarthenshire / Sir Gaerfyrddin Pembrokeshire / Sir Benfro<br />

Brynaman<br />

Brynaman<br />

Betws<br />

Betws<br />

Felinfoel<br />

Felinfoel<br />

Narberth<br />

Arberth<br />

Pembroke<br />

Doc Penfro<br />

H’West<br />

Hwlffordd<br />

Fishguard<br />

Abergwaun<br />

Ancient History / Hanes<br />

yr Henfyd<br />

Counselling / Cwnsela<br />

English / Saesneg<br />

History / Hanes<br />

Philosophy / Athroniaeth<br />

Psychology / Seicoleg<br />

Science / Gwyddoniaeth<br />

Social Policy / Polisi<br />

Cymdeithasol<br />

Sociology /<br />

Cymdeithaseg<br />

6 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Information Events - Dates for your diary in July / August 2013 Digwyddiadau Gwybodaeth - dyddiadau i’ch dyddiadur yng Ngorffennaf / Awst 2013<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong><br />

Carmarthenshire<br />

Abertawe<br />

Sir Gaerfyrddin<br />

Wednesday 10th July 11am - 1pm<br />

The Phoenix Centre<br />

Paradise Park, Powys Avenue, Townhill, <strong>Swansea</strong> SA1 6PH<br />

Wednesday 3rd July 3pm - 5pm<br />

Ammanford Library<br />

3 Wind Street, Ammanford, Carmarthenshire SA18 3DN<br />

Dydd Mercher, 10 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Canolfan Phoenix<br />

Parc Paradwys, Rhodfa Powys, Townhill, Abertawe SA1 6PH<br />

Mercher 3 Gorffennaf 3pm - 5pm<br />

Llyfrgell Rhydaman<br />

3 Stryd y Gwynt, Rhydaman, Sir Gaerfyrddin SA18 3DN<br />

Thursday 18th July 11am - 1pm<br />

Clydach Library<br />

High Street, Clydach, <strong>Swansea</strong> SA6 5LN<br />

Thursday 11th July 11am - 1pm<br />

Felinfoel Resource Centre<br />

Ynys Wen, Felinfoel, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire SA14 8BE<br />

Dydd Iau, 18 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Llyfrgell Clydach<br />

Heol Fawr, Clydach, Abertawe SA6 5LN<br />

Dydd Iau, 11 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Canolfan Adnoddau Felin-foel<br />

Ynys Wen, Felin-foel, Llanelli, Sir Gaerfyrddin SA14 8BE<br />

Tuesday 6th August 10am - 7pm<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> Central Library<br />

Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, <strong>Swansea</strong> SA1 3SN<br />

Tuesday 16th July 11am - 1pm<br />

The Black Mountain Centre<br />

Cwmgarw Road, Brynaman, Carmarthenshire SA18 1BU<br />

Dydd Mawrth 6 Awst 10am - 7pm<br />

Llyfrgell Ganolog Abertawe<br />

Y Ganolfan Ddinesig, Heol Ystumllwynarth, Abertawe SA1 3SN<br />

Dydd Mawrth 16 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Canolfan y Mynydd Du<br />

Heol Cwmgarw, Brynaman, Sir Gaerfyrddin SA18 1BU<br />

Saturday 10th August 10am - 4pm<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> Central Library<br />

Civic Centre, Oystermouth Road, <strong>Swansea</strong> SA1 3SN<br />

Thursday 25th July 11am - 1pm<br />

Llanelli Library<br />

Vaughan Street, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire SA15 3AS<br />

Sadwrn 10 Awst 10am - 4pm<br />

Llyfrgell Ganolog Abertawe<br />

Y Ganolfan Ddinesig, Heol Ystumllwynarth, Abertawe SA1 3SN<br />

Dydd Iau, 25 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Llyfrgell Llanelli<br />

Stryd Vaughan, Llanelli, Sir Gaerfyrddin SA15 3AS<br />

Neath Port Talbot<br />

Pembrokeshire<br />

Castell Nedd Port Talbot<br />

Sir Benfro<br />

Wednesday 3rd July 11am - 1pm<br />

Port Talbot Library<br />

1st Floor, Aberafan Shopping Centre, Port Talbot SA13 1PB<br />

Tuesday 9th July 11am - 1pm<br />

Pembroke Dock Library<br />

Water Street, Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire SA72 6DW<br />

Mercher 3 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Llyfrgell Port Talbot<br />

Llawr Cyntaf, Canolfan Siopa Aberafan, Port Talbot SA13 1PB<br />

Dydd Mawrth 9 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Llyfrgell Doc Penfro<br />

Stryd y Dŵr, Doc Penfro, Sir Benfro SA72 6DW<br />

Wednesday 3rd July 5pm - 7pm<br />

Glynneath Training Centre<br />

Oddfellows Street, Glynneath, Neath SA11 5DB<br />

Friday 12th July 10am - 12pm<br />

Sandfields Library<br />

Morrison Road, Sandfields, Port Talbot SA12 6TG<br />

Wednesday 17th July 11am - 1pm<br />

DOVE Workshop Café<br />

Roman Road, Banwen, Neath SA10 9LW<br />

Thursday 25th July 11am - 1pm<br />

Neath Library<br />

Victoria Gardens, Neath SA11 3BA<br />

Thursday 11th July 11am - 1pm<br />

Fishguard Library<br />

Town Hall, Market Square, Fishguard, Pembrokeshire<br />

SA65 9HA<br />

Thursday 18th July 11am - 1pm<br />

Haverfordwest Library<br />

Off Dew Street, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA61 1SU<br />

Tuesday 23rd July 11am - 1pm<br />

The Bloomfield Centre<br />

Redstone Road, Narberth, Pembrokeshire SA67 7ES<br />

Mercher 3 Gorffennaf 5pm - 7pm<br />

Canolfan Hyfforddi Glyn-nedd<br />

Stryd Oddfellows, Glyn-nedd, Castell-nedd SA11 5DB<br />

Dydd Gwener, 12 Gorffennaf 10am - 12pm<br />

Llyfrgell Traethmelyn<br />

Heol Treforys, Traethmelyn, Port Talbot SA12 6TG<br />

Dydd Mercher, 17 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Caffe Gweithdy DOVE<br />

Ffordd Rufeinig, Banwen, Castell-nedd SA10 9LW<br />

Dydd Iau, 25 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Llyfrgell Castell-nedd<br />

Gerddi Victoria, Catell-nedd SA11 3BA<br />

Dydd Iau, 11 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Llyfrgell Abergwaun<br />

Neuadd y Dref, Sgwâr y Farchnad, Abergwaun, Sir Benfro<br />

SA65 9HA<br />

Dydd Iau, 18 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Llyfrgell Hwlffordd<br />

Oddi ar Stryd Dewi, Hwlffordd, Sir Benfro SA61 1SU<br />

Dydd Mawrth 23 Gorffennaf 11am - 1pm<br />

Canolfan Bloomfield<br />

Heol Redstone, Arberth, Sir Benfro SA67 7ES<br />

This is an excellent course for students who left school without qualifications<br />

enabling them to achieve them at a later date.<br />

Mae hwn yn gwrs rhagorol ar gyfer myfyrwyr a adawodd yr ysgol heb gymwysterau,<br />

gan ei fod yn eu galluogi i’w cyflawni yn ddiweddarach.<br />

8 For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk 9

Academic Study Support - Help with your return to learning<br />

At DACE we recognise that adult students come from all walks of life and that<br />

they need to have flexibility in the way that they study.<br />

Whatever your individual situation - whether you are keen to update your writing skills or want to develop<br />

new learning strategies to support your part-time degree studies, we have something to offer you.<br />

New students often require support and encouragement before embarking upon the part-time degree.<br />

The FREE Academic Support Sessions outlined below help prepare students for the demands of higher education. Sessions also include<br />

time for students to find out more about how library staff can help them with their research and assignment preparation.<br />

All part-time degree students have access to a variety of learning resources and details of these will be issued at enrolment.<br />

New part-time degree students are strongly recommended to attend these sessions.<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong><br />

South Wales Miners’ Library, Hendrefoelan Campus, Gower Road, <strong>Swansea</strong> SA2 7NB (Jenni Jenkins)<br />

FREE<br />

Academic Support<br />

Sessions -<br />

September 2013<br />

Cymorth Astudio Academaidd - Yn eich Helpu i Ddechrau Dysgu Eto<br />

Yn AABO rydym yn cydnabod bod myfyrwyr sy’n oedolion yn dod o bob math o<br />

gefndir a bod angen hyblygrwydd arnynt yn y ffordd maen nhw’n astudio.<br />

Beth bynnag yw’ch sefyllfa unigol - boed yn awyddus i ddiweddaru’ch sgiliau ysgrifennu, neu’n dymuno<br />

datblygu strategaethau dysgu newydd i gefnogi’ch astudiaethau rhan amser - mae gennym rywbeth i’w<br />

gynnig i chi.<br />

Sesiynau<br />

Cymorth Academaidd<br />


Medi 2013<br />

Yn aml, bydd angen cymorth ac anogaeth ar fyfyrwyr newydd cyn iddynt gychwyn ar y radd ran-amser. Mae’r Sesiynau Cymorth<br />

Academaidd Rhad ac am Dddim isod yn helpu paratoi myfyrwyr ar gyfer gofynion addysg uwch. Mae’r sesiynau’n cynnwys amser i<br />

fyfyrwyr ddarganfod mwy am sut y gall staff y llyfrgell eu helpu gyda’u gwaith ymchwil a pharatoi aseiniadau.<br />

Mae pob myfyriwr gradd ran amser yn cael mynediad at amrywiaeth o adnoddau dysgu, a darperir manylion am y rhain wrth i chi<br />

gofrestru. Cynghorir myfyrwyr newydd y radd ran-amser yn gryf iawn i fynychu’r sesiynau hyn.<br />

Abertawe<br />

Llyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru, Campws Hendrefoelan, Ffordd Gŵyr, Abertawe SA2 7NB (Jenni Jenkins)<br />

Monday 9th September *<br />

Wednesday 11th September<br />

Saturday 14th September<br />

6pm - 8pm<br />

10am - 12pm<br />

10am - 1pm<br />

Dydd Llun 9 Medi *<br />

Dydd Mercher 11 Medi<br />

Dydd Sadwrn 14 Medi<br />

6pm - 8pm<br />

10am - 12pm<br />

10am - 1pm<br />

*(Introduction to the Library Session)<br />

*(Cyflwyniad i’r Llyfrgell)<br />

Neath<br />

Castell-nedd<br />

Community Development Centre, Bevin Avenue, Sandfields, Port Talbot SA12 6JW (Carole Butler)<br />

Canolfan Datblygu NSA, Rhodfa Bevin, Traethmelyn, Port Talbot SA12 6JW (Carole Butler)<br />

Monday 9th September *<br />

Thursday 12th September<br />

1pm - 3pm<br />

6pm - 8pm<br />

Dydd Llun 9 Medi *<br />

Dydd Mercher 11 Medi<br />

1pm - 3pm<br />

6pm - 8pm<br />

*(Introduction to the Library Session)<br />

*(Cyflwyniad i’r Llyfrgell)<br />

Carmarthenshire<br />

Sir Gaerfyrddin<br />

Felinfoel Community Education Centre, Tanrhodyn Road, Felinfoel, Llanelli SA15 4LN (Kerri Mawer)<br />

Canolfan Addysg Gymunedol Felin-foel, Heol Tanrhodyn, Felin-foel, Llanelli SA15 4LN (Kerri Mawer)<br />

Tuesday 10th September<br />

Thursday 12th September*<br />

10am - 12pm<br />

6pm - 8pm<br />

Dydd Mawrth 10 Medi<br />

Dydd Iau 12 Medi*<br />

10am - 12pm<br />

6pm - 8pm<br />

*(Introduction to the Library Session)<br />

*(Cyflwyniad i’r Llyfrgell)<br />

Pembrokeshire<br />

Sir Benfro<br />

Pembroke Dock Community Learning Centre, Albion Square, Pembroke Dock SA72 6XF (Judie Jancovich)<br />

Canolfan Addysg Gymunedol Doc Penfro, Sgwâr Albion, Doc Penfro SA72 6XF (Judie Jancovich)<br />

Tuesday 10th September*<br />

Thursday 12th September<br />

10am - 12pm<br />

6pm - 8pm<br />

Dydd Mawrth 10 Medi*<br />

Dydd Iau 12 Medi<br />

10am - 12pm<br />

6pm - 8pm<br />

*(Introduction to the Library Session)<br />

*(Cyflwyniad i’r Llyfrgell)<br />

10 For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk 11

Course Fees<br />

Ffioedd Cwrs<br />

What will it cost?<br />

Tuition Fees for the 2013-2014 Academic Session are £345 per<br />

30 credit course. Tuition Fees can be paid in two instalments by<br />

Direct Debit (November 2013 and February 2014) or in full at<br />

enrolment.<br />

What help is available?<br />

Part Time Fee Grant<br />

The Government has introduced a new package of support for<br />

part-time students who are studying at least 50% or more of an<br />

equivalent full time course. The support consists of:<br />

• A fee grant of up to £690.00.<br />

• A course grant of up to £1,155.00 (towards travel, books etc.)<br />

You do not need to repay the support for any academic year you<br />

complete. The amount you receive will depend on your income<br />

and that of your partner and the number of dependents.<br />

• You will qualify for the maximum support if your income is<br />

less than £16,865.00 or if you are in receipt of incomeassessed<br />

benefits (e.g. Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit)<br />

• Partial support will be available if your income is over<br />

£16,865 but less than £25,4<strong>35</strong><br />

You may also be able to get extra help on top of the Fee Grant or<br />

Course Grant if you have adult or children that depend financially<br />

upon you. This extra help includes:<br />

• Adult Dependants’ Grant (ADG)<br />

• Childcare Grant (CCG)<br />

• Parents’ Learning Allowance (PLA)<br />

• If you have a disability, you may be eligible for the Disabled<br />

Students’ Allowance. The allowance is paid by your Local<br />

Education Authority to help with additional costs with your<br />

course, it is not dependent on income and is non-repayble.<br />

You will need to contact your Local Education Authority for<br />

more information.<br />

Important<br />

If you are an International student your Tuition Fees will be £2,625<br />

per 30 credit course. You will not be eligible for the Part Time Fee<br />

Grant and funding from other sources may be limited.<br />

All Part-time degree students are encouraged to complete their<br />

studies within six years of commencing as funding is only<br />

available for six years and any additional periods of study will<br />

need to be funded privately.<br />

For further details on all of the above, please contact Mrs Janice<br />

Brown on 01792 295499.<br />

Faint fydd y gost?<br />

Bydd ffioedd dysgu Sesiwn Academaidd 2013-2014 yn £345<br />

am bob cwrs 30 credyd. Gellir talu’r ffioedd dysgu mewn<br />

dau randaliad trwy Ddebyd Uniongyrchol (Tachwedd 2013 a<br />

Chwefror 2014) neu dalu’n llawn wrth gofrestru.<br />

Pa gymorth sydd ar gael?<br />

Grant Ffioedd Cyrsiau Rhan Amser<br />

Mae’r Llywodraeth wedi cyflwyno pecyn cymorth newydd i<br />

fyfyrwyr rhan amser sy’n astudio 50% neu fwy o gwrs cyfwerth â<br />

llawn amser. Mae’r pecyn cymorth yn cynnwys:<br />

• Grant ffioedd o hyd at £690.<br />

• Grant Cwrs, hyd at £1,155.00 (tuag at gostau teithio, llyfrau,<br />

ac ati.)<br />

Ni fydd yn rhaid i chi ad-dalu’r cymhorthdal a gewch ar gyfer<br />

unrhyw flwyddyn academaidd y byddwch yn ei chwblhau.<br />

Bydd y swm a gewch yn dibynnu ar eich incwm chi, incwm eich<br />

partner, a faint o ddibynyddion sydd gennych.<br />

• Byddwch yn gymwys i gael y cymorth mwyaf os yw eich<br />

incwm yn is na £16,865.00, neu os ydych yn derbyn budddaliadau<br />

sydd wedi’u hasesu ar sail incwm (e.e. Budd-dal Tai,<br />

Budd-dal Treth Gyngor).<br />

• Fe gewch gymorth rhannol os yw eich incwm dros £16,865<br />

ond yn llai na £25,4<strong>35</strong><br />

Efallai y gallwch gael cymorth ychwanegol hefyd, ar ben y<br />

Grant Ffioedd neu’r Grant Cwrs, os oes oedolion neu blant yn<br />

ddibynnol arnoch yn ariannol. Mae’r cymorth ychwanegol hwn<br />

yn cynnwys:<br />

ychwanegol ar gyfer eu cwrs. Cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Cyngor<br />

a Chymorth Ariannol, Gwasanaethau Myfyrwyr, ar 01792<br />

513225.<br />

• Os oes gennych anabledd, mae’n bosibl y byddwch yn<br />

gymwys i dderbyn y Lwfans Myfyriwr Anabl. Telir y lwfans<br />

hwn gan eich Awdurdod Addysg Lleol i helpu i dalu costau<br />

ychwanegol ar gyfer eich cwrs. Nid yw’n dibynnu ar eich<br />

incwm, ac nid oes rhaid ei ad-dalu. Bydd angen i chi gysylltu<br />

â’ch Awdurdod Addysg Lleol am ragor o wybodaeth.<br />

Pwysig<br />

Os ydych yn fyfyriwr rhyngwladol, byddwch yn talu £2,625<br />

am bob cwrs 30 credyd. Ni fyddwch yn gymwys i gael y Grant<br />

Ffioedd Cyrsiau Rhan Amser a gall y cymorth sydd ar gael o<br />

ffynonellau eraill fod yn gyfyngedig.<br />

Anogir holl fyfyrwyr y radd ran-amser i gwblhau eu<br />

hastudiaethau o fewn chwe blynedd ar ôl cychwyn, oherwydd<br />

bod y cymorth ariannol ar gael am gyfnod o chwe blynedd yn<br />

unig, a bydd angen ariannu unrhyw gyfnod astudio ychwanegol<br />

yn breifat.<br />

Am fanylion pellach am yr uchod, cysylltwch â Mrs Janice Brown<br />

ar 01792 295499.<br />

Please consult your Local Authority for further details or visit<br />

Student Finance Wales website: www.studentfinancewales.co.uk<br />

(SFW Tel: 0845 602 8845).<br />

• Grant Oedolion Dibynnol<br />

• Grant Gofal Plant<br />

• Lwfans Dysgu i Rieni<br />

Application forms will be available from August 2013.<br />

Please Note: Students who already have a first degree are not<br />

eligible for the Part Time Package.<br />

For further information<br />

Additional help that may be available:-<br />

• You may be entitled to a <strong>University</strong> Bursary that can offer<br />

reduced fees. Eligible students will be awarded a bursary<br />

of up to 50% of the total tuition fees – this will be offset<br />

directly against your fee total.<br />

• <strong>University</strong> Financial Contingency Funds are available for lowincome<br />

students who need extra financial support for their<br />

course. Please contact the Money Advice and Support Centre,<br />

Student Services on 01792 513225.<br />

For more information<br />

please contact<br />

Janice Brown on<br />

01792 295499<br />

Cysylltwch â’ch Awdurdod Lleol i gael manylion pellach, neu ewch<br />

i wefan Cyllid Myfyrwyr Cymru www.studentfinancewales.co.uk<br />

(Ffôn: 0845 602 8845).<br />

Bydd ffurflenni cais ar gael o fis Awst 2013.<br />

Sylwer: Ni fydd myfyrwyr sydd eisoes wedi cael gradd yn<br />

gymwys i gael y pecyn cymorth cyrsiau rhan amser.<br />

Am Fanylion<br />

Cymorth ychwanegol a all fod ar gael:-<br />

• Efallai y gallwch hawlio Bwrsariaeth y Brifysgol, sy’n gallu<br />

cynnig ffioedd dysgu is. Caiff myfyrwyr cymwys fwrsariaeth o<br />

hyd at 50% o’r holl ffioedd dysgu - defnyddir hyn yn<br />

uniongyrchol i leihau’ch ffioedd.<br />

• Mae Cronfa Ariannol Wrth Gefn y Brifysgol ar gael i fyfyrwyr<br />

sydd ag incwm isel ac y mae arnynt angen cymorth ariannol<br />

Am Fanylion pellach am<br />

yr uchod, cysylltwch â<br />

Janice Brown ar<br />

01792 295499<br />

12 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> Campus<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> Campus<br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> Campus, Singleton Park, <strong>Swansea</strong> SA2 8PP<br />

01792 602211 u adult.education@swansea.ac.uk u www.swansea.ac.uk/dace<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on campus<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir Hardie Building and<br />

will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Levels Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Monday<br />

• Rome and Egypt (Ken Griffin/Richard Byles)<br />

• Introduction to Sociology: Understanding Every Day Life (Sally Richardson)<br />

• Counselling: Introduction to the Therapeutic Relationship (TBC)<br />

Tuesday<br />

• Philosophy and Literature (Jenni Jenkins/Brian Breeze)<br />

• Lyric, Poetry and Tragic Drama (Dr Alexia Bowler/Dr Adele Jones/Gareth Evans)<br />

• A Nation Transformed: Britain in the Nineteenth Century (Lesley Hulonce)*<br />

Wednesday<br />

• Introduction to Psychology (2) (Ros Lajevardi)<br />

• Empire, Welfare, Europe: The Changing Face of British Society, 1900-2000 (Terry Davies)*<br />

Thursday<br />

• Introduction to 20th Century British and Irish Drama (Liza Penn-Thomas)<br />

• Science, Spirituality and Health (Dr Penny Sartori)<br />

Monday<br />

• Weimar Germany and the Third Reich (Gwenda Phillips)<br />

• Philosophy of Mind (Jenni Jenkins/Brian Breeze)<br />

Tuesday<br />

• Crime and Deviance (Sally Richardson)<br />

• Women and Family in the Ancient World (Dr Nick Barley)<br />

• Popular Culture, Citizenship, Consumerism and the New Right (Dr Anthea Symonds)<br />

Wednesday<br />

• The Art of the Essay (Dr Adele Jones/Dr Alexia Bowler/Alan Kellerman)<br />

• Biological Psychology (Dr Rhian Worth)<br />

• The Modern American Presidency (Jeff Newnham)<br />

Thursday<br />

• Women’s Theories in Psychotherapy: From Anna Freud to Lucy Irigary (Julia Cutmore)<br />

• The Way We Live Now: Victorian Culture and Literature (Dr Alyce von Rothkirch)*<br />

• History of Science and Medicine in Britain 1500-1948 (Terry Davies)<br />

*(This module will be video-linked from <strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> to Pembrokeshire College and Fishguard Community Education Centre)<br />

*(This module will be video-linked from <strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> to Pembrokeshire College)<br />

14 For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk 15

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong>, Hendrefoelan Campus<br />

Forge Fach Community Resource Centre, Clydach<br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

South Wales Miners’ Library, Hendrefoelan Campus, Gower Road, <strong>Swansea</strong> SA2 7NB<br />

01792 518603/518693 u miners@swansea.ac.uk u www.swansea.ac.uk/iss/swml<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

South Wales Miners’ Library is designed to meet the needs of all part-time students. Staff provide a flexible and<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

efficient service in a relaxed environment. There is good parking and tea/coffee facilities for students’ use.<br />

Hebron Road, Clydach, <strong>Swansea</strong> SA6 5EJ<br />

01792 845566 u enquiries@forgefach.org.uk u www.forgefach.org.uk<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

The Forge Fach Community Resource Centre offers a range of facilities including a café and a nursery, a fully<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

equipped IT suite, a multi-purpose hall and training and conference rooms. There is off-road parking available.<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Saturday 9.30am - 11.30am<br />

• Introduction to Sociology: Understanding Every Day Life (Sally Richardson)<br />

Saturday 12.00pm - 2.00pm<br />

• Introduction to Psychology (2) (Carole Butler)<br />

Tuesday 5.00pm - 7.00pm<br />

• Europe: The Medieval Experience (Colin James)<br />

Thursday 10.00am - 12.00pm<br />

• The Sociology of Development (Sally Richardson)<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

The Part-time Degree Programme for adult learners is an<br />

absolutely fabulous opportunity for people like myself, a<br />

working mother of two, to undertake the HE study they<br />

missed out on earlier in their lives. The evening lecture<br />

structure is brilliant.<br />

Thursday 1.00pm - 3.00pm<br />

• Race and Ethnicity (Sally Richardson)<br />

Thursday 5.30pm - 7.30pm<br />

• The Soviet Union from Lenin to Gorbachev (Gwenda Phillips)<br />

16 For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk 17

The Phoenix Centre, Townhill<br />

Dove Workshop, Banwen<br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

Paradise Park, Powys Avenue, Townhill, <strong>Swansea</strong> SA1 6PH<br />

01792 479800 u bookings@phoenixcdt.co.uk u www.hcdt.co.uk/news/gtwp_linkspage.php<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

The Phoenix Centre is a purpose-built community enterprise centre at Paradise Park, Townhill. Teaching rooms are<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

well-equipped and comfortable and the Centre has an excellent community café and community crèche which<br />

students can use.<br />

Roman Road, Banwen, Neath SA10 9LW<br />

01639 700024 u info@doveworkshopuk.org u www.doveworkshopuk.org<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

DOVE Workshop is an Adult Education Centre based at the top of Dulais Valley. There are excellent facilities at the<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

centre including two computer laboratories, day nursery, café and a branch of the South Wales Miners’ Library.<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Wednesday 9.30am - 11.30am<br />

• Introduction to Psychology (2) (Ros Lajevardi)<br />

Wednesday 12.00pm - 2.00pm<br />

• Introduction to Sociology: Understanding Every Day Life (Carole Roberts)<br />

Wednesday 9.45am - 11.45am<br />

• Introduction to Psychology (2) (Dr Rhian Worth)<br />

Wednesday 12.45pm - 2.45pm<br />

• The Crusades (Colin James)<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Wednesday 9.30am - 11.30am<br />

• God, Belief and Society (Ian James)<br />

Wednesday 12.30pm - 2.30pm<br />

• Social Psychology (Ros Lajevardi)<br />

Wednesday 9.45am - 11.45am<br />

• Poverty, Charity and the Workhouse (Terry Davies)<br />

Wednesday 12.30pm - 2.30pm<br />

• Criminal Psychology (Carole Butler)<br />

18 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Glynneath Training Centre<br />

Neath Port Talbot College, Neath<br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

Oddfellows Street, Glynneath, Neath SA11 5DB<br />

01639 721772 u glynneathtc@googlemail.com u www.glynneathtc.org.uk<br />

The<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong><br />

Glynneath<br />

<strong>University</strong><br />

Training<br />

campus<br />

Centre<br />

is<br />

has<br />

situated<br />

a relaxed<br />

at Singleton<br />

atmosphere<br />

Park.<br />

where<br />

Refreshments<br />

staff are well<br />

and<br />

qualified,<br />

light snacks<br />

friendly<br />

are<br />

and<br />

available<br />

welcoming.<br />

on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

The Centre is adjacent to the Co-operative Store in the centre of Glynneath and has excellent facilities, including two<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

computer suites, a Cyber Café and a bilingual Nursery. There are also tea and coffee making facilities for students’<br />

use. Parking is available.<br />

Queen Street Centre, 28 Queen Street, Neath SA11 1DL<br />

01639 648110 u qsc@nptc.ac.uk u www.nptc.ac.uk<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

The Queen Street Centre is situated in the middle of Neath town centre. It is well-equipped and is comfortable with<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

a relaxed atmosphere. There are tea and coffee making facilities for students’ use. Parking is available nearby for a<br />

small charge.<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Monday 6.00pm - 8.00pm<br />

• Science, Spirituality and Health (Dr Penny Sartori)<br />

Wednesday 5.00pm - 7.00pm<br />

• Counselling in Context (Carole Butler)<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Thursday 9.30am - 11.30am<br />

• Introduction to Psychology (2) (Cerri Goodfellow)<br />

Thursday 12.00pm - 2.00pm<br />

• The American Experience: Columbus to Capitalism (Jeff Newnham)<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Monday 6.00pm - 8.00pm<br />

• Women’s Theories in Psychotherapy: From Anna Freud to Lucy Irigary (Julia Cutmore)<br />

Wednesday 7.00pm - 9.00pm<br />

• Child Psychology (Carole Butler)<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Thursday 1.00pm - 3.00pm<br />

• Criminal Psychology (Carole Butler)<br />

Friday 1.30pm - 3.30pm<br />

• From the Tudors to the Early 20th Century with Particular Reference to Wales (Lynda Bryant)<br />

20 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Community Development Centre, Sandfields, Port Talbot<br />

The Black Mountain Centre, Brynaman<br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

Bevin Avenue, Sandfields, Port Talbot SA12 7RX<br />

01639 870068 u liz.haines-williams@nsasr.co.uk u www.nsasr.co.uk/nsabase.html<br />

The<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong><br />

Community<br />

<strong>University</strong><br />

Development<br />

campus<br />

Centre<br />

is situated<br />

is a multi-agency<br />

at Singleton<br />

facility<br />

Park. Refreshments<br />

housed in the<br />

and<br />

Sandfields<br />

light snacks<br />

Estate.<br />

are<br />

The<br />

available<br />

Centre works<br />

on<br />

in<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

partnership with a number of organisations to both facilitate and deliver adult community learning activities in an<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

accessible, informal environment. A range of courses are delivered at the Development Centre, making education<br />

accessible to the local community. There is good parking and tea/coffee making facilities for students’ use.<br />

Cwmgarw Road, Brynaman, Carmarthenshire SA18 1BU<br />

01269 823400 u admin@brynaman.org.uk u www.brynaman.org.uk<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

The Black Mountain Centre offers a range of facilities throughout the year. The staff at the Centre are friendly and<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

the teaching rooms are comfortable and well-equipped. There is off road parking available.<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Friday 10.00am - 12.00pm<br />

• The Craft of the Novel (Kerri Mawer)<br />

Friday 1.00pm - 3.00pm<br />

• The Sociology of Development (Ian James)<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Tuesday 9.45am - 11.45am<br />

• The Craft of the Novel (Peter Thabit Jones)<br />

Tuesday 12.30pm - 2.30pm<br />

• Empire, Welfare, Europe: The Changing Face of British Society, 1900-2000 (Huw Williams)<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Friday 9.30am - 11.30am<br />

• God Belief and Society (Ian James)<br />

Friday 1.00pm - 3.00pm<br />

• The (Auto) Biographical ‘I’ (Peter Thabit Jones)<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Tuesday 10.00am - 12.00pm<br />

• History of Childhood from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century (Gwenda Phillips)<br />

Tuesday 12.30pm - 2.30pm<br />

• Through the Back of the Wardrobe: Writers and Childhood (Peter Thabit Jones)<br />

22 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Betws Primary School, Ammanford<br />

Felinfoel Community Education Centre<br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

Heol Betws, Betws, SA18 2HE<br />

01269 592986 u admin@betws.ysgolccc.org.uk u www.betws.amdro.org.uk<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

Betws Primary School is an extremely attractive well equipped venue. It is on the outskirts of Ammanford. We are<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

part of an adult education programme there. The centre has tea and coffee making facilities. Parking is available at<br />

the school and also on nearby roads.<br />

Tanrhodyn Road, Felinfoel, Llanelli, Carmarthenshire SA15 14LN<br />

01554 744<strong>35</strong>5 u lpdavies@carmarthenshire.gov.uk<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

The<br />

campus<br />

Felinfoel<br />

and<br />

Community<br />

there is ample<br />

Education<br />

parking<br />

Centre<br />

for students<br />

is located<br />

studying<br />

a mile from<br />

in the<br />

the<br />

evening.<br />

cerntre<br />

Classes<br />

of Llanelli<br />

will<br />

where<br />

be held<br />

the staff<br />

in the<br />

are<br />

Keir<br />

friendly,<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

welcoming and helpful The Centre has an IT suite and offers a range of adult education classes. There are tea and<br />

coffee making facilities for students’ use and there is good parking.<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Tuesday 6.30pm - 8.30pm<br />

• Introduction to Psychology (2) (Cerri Goodfellow)<br />

Thursday 6.15pm - 8.15pm<br />

• Counselling in Context (Cheryl Norman)<br />

Monday 9.30am - 11.30am<br />

• Welsh History:1914 to the Present Day (Terry Davies)<br />

Tuesday 12.00pm - 2.00pm<br />

• Understanding Drama (Kerri Mawer)<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Tuesday 6.00pm - 8.00pm<br />

• Counselling, Psychotherapy and the Construct of Self (Julia Cutmore)<br />

Thursday 6.00pm - 8.00pm<br />

• Abnormal/Atypical Psychology (Carole Butler)<br />

Monday 9.30am - 11.30am<br />

• Welsh Drama (Peter Thabit Jones)<br />

Monday 12.00pm - 2.00pm<br />

• Singing Light: The Poetry and Prose of Dylan Thomas (Peter Thabit Jones)<br />

24 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


The Bloomfield Centre, Narberth<br />

Pembroke Dock Community Learning Centre<br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

Redstone Road, Narberth, Pembrokeshire SA67 7ES<br />

01834 860293 u janine.perkins@pembrokeshire.gov.uk u www.bloomfield.narberth.co.uk<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

Bloomfield House Community Centre offers a wide range of educational and leisure courses and sports and fitness<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

facilities. Refreshments are available and are provided in-house for students’ use. The Centre also has a day nursery<br />

and an after-school club. There is off-road parking available.<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Tuesday 10.00am - 12.00pm<br />

• Introduction to Psychology (2) (Wendy Ore)<br />

Tuesday 1.00pm - 3.00pm<br />

• The Sociology of Development (Jane Elliott)<br />

Albion Square, Pembroke Dock, Pembrokeshire SA72 6XF<br />

01646 682668 u PembrokeDock.Learning@Pembrokeshire.gov.uk u<br />

www.sir-benfro.gov.uk/learningpembrokeshire<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

Pembroke Dock Community Learning Centre is a well-established resource offering a wide variety of part-time<br />

courses for adults. It has a warm, relaxed atmosphere where the staff are friendly and welcoming. The Centre is<br />

located a few minutes walk away from the main shopping area in Pembroke Dock and has excellent facilities,<br />

including an IT suite. There is ample parking and tea and coffee making facilities for students’ use.<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Monday 4.30pm - 6.30pm<br />

• Tracing the Roots of Social Policy (Anne Kelly)<br />

Tuesday 4.15pm - 6.15pm<br />

• Introduction to Psychology (2) (Wendy Ore)<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Tuesday 10.00am - 12.00pm<br />

• Educating Rita and her Brother: Different but Equal? (Jane Elliott)<br />

Tuesday 1.00pm - 3.00pm<br />

• Social Psychology (Ros Lajevardi)<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Tuesday 4.30pm - 6.30pm<br />

• Social Psychology (Ros Lajevardi)<br />

Thursday 4.30pm - 6.30pm<br />

• Community and Social Policy (Anne Kelly)<br />

26 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Pembrokeshire College, Haverfordwest<br />

Fishguard Community Learning Centre<br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

See course<br />

descriptions<br />

on pages<br />

<strong>35</strong> - <strong>41</strong><br />

Pembrokeshire College, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire SA61 1SZ<br />

Tel. No. 01437 753000 u e-mail admissions@pembrokeshire.ac.uk u www.pembrokeshire.ac.uk<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

Pembrokeshire College is situated in a modern, purpose-built campus in Haverfordwest. The College has excellent<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

facilities and equipment. There are vending machines providing hot and cold drinks, confectionery and savoury<br />

snacks.The video-conference suite is located to the rear of the main college building at the top of the main car park.<br />

Ysgol Bro Gwaun, Fishguard, Pembrokeshire SA65 9DT<br />

01348 872488 u Fishguard.Learning@Pembrokeshire.gov.uk u<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> campus is situated at Singleton Park. Refreshments and light snacks are available on<br />

www.sir-benfro.gov.uk/learningpembrokeshire<br />

campus and there is ample parking for students studying in the evening. Classes will be held in the Keir<br />

Hardie Building and will take place on Monday to Thursday from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm.<br />

Fishguard Community Learning Centre is located on the Ysgol Bro Gwaun Campus in Fishguard and offers facilities<br />

including 2 training rooms, a video conferencing room, an IT training suite, a fully equipped coffee bar and lounge<br />

area and off road parking.<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Tuesday 6.30pm - 8.30pm<br />

• A Nation Transformed: Britain in the Nineteenth Century (Lesley Hulonce)*<br />

Wednesday 6.30pm - 8.30pm<br />

• Empire, Welfare, Europe: The Changing Face of British Society, 1900-2000 (Terry Davies)*<br />

• Counselling in Context (Janet Haggar)<br />

Thursday 6.30pm - 8.30pm<br />

Level One Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Tuesday 6.30pm - 8.30pm<br />

• A Nation Transformed: Britain in the Nineteenth Century (Lesley Hulonce)*<br />

Wednesday 6.30pm - 8.30pm<br />

• Empire, Welfare, Europe: The Changing Face of British Society, 1900-2000 (Terry Davies)*<br />

• Poets and Poetry (Robert Nisbet)<br />

Level Two and Three Modules Each module is worth a total of 30 credits<br />

Tuesday 6.00pm - 8.00pm<br />

• Weimar Germany and the Third Reich (Terry Davies)<br />

Thursday 6.30pm - 8.30pm<br />

• The Way We Live Now: Victorian Culture and Literature (Dr Alyce von Rothkirch)*<br />

• The Normans: A Medieval Dynasty (Colin James)<br />

*(This module will be video-linked from <strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong>)<br />

28 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Celebrating 40 years of the South Wales Miners’ Library<br />

Dathlu 40 Mlwyddiant Llyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru<br />

Books from over 60 Miners’ Institute and<br />

Welfare Hall Libraries across South Wales<br />

form the heart of the SWML.<br />

Mae llyfrau o fwy na 60 o lyfrgelloedd<br />

Sefydliadau’r Glowyr a Neuaddau Lles ar draws<br />

De Cymru’n sylfaen Llyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru.<br />

Promoting your learning, preserving our past<br />

Supporting regeneration through education<br />

Hybu’ch dysgu, diogelu’n gorffennol<br />

Cefnogi adfywio trwy addysg<br />

Opened on the 20th October 1973, the South Wales Miners’<br />

Library has developed as an internationally respected centre<br />

for the research of the historical, cultural, social, educational<br />

and political aspects of the South Wales Coalfield.<br />

Its unique collection, consisting of rare and important books,<br />

pamphlets, banners, posters, oral history recordings and<br />

newspaper articles, attracts visitors from all over the world,<br />

including academic researchers, students, family history<br />

enthusiasts, local historians and the media. The Library has<br />

many touring exhibitions which have generated great interest<br />

in the remarkable history of industrial South Wales.<br />

For the past 40 years, the SWML has been instrumental in<br />

supporting the regeneration work undertaken by DACE in<br />

providing community based education.<br />

From the NUM day release courses which were taught until<br />

the early 1990s, to the pioneering Community <strong>University</strong> of<br />

the Valleys and successful Part-Time Degree scheme, which is<br />

currently offered in community venues across <strong>Swansea</strong>, Neath<br />

Port Talbot, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire, the South<br />

Wales Miners’ Library has worked closely with staff in DACE<br />

to provide innovative and appropriate library and information<br />

services to all.<br />

In 1989, a branch of the South Wales Miners’ Library was<br />

opened at the DOVE Workshop in Banwen offering <strong>University</strong><br />

library and information services in a community setting. It is<br />

an initiative that still flourishes today.<br />

To mark the 40th anniversary of the South Wales Miners’<br />

Library, a commemorative book will be published in October.<br />

The Library will also hold a series of free lectures which will<br />

reflect the history and future aspirations of the Library.<br />

For more information, please contact the<br />

South Wales Miners’ Library:<br />

www.swansea.ac.uk/iss/swml<br />

Email: miners@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Tel: 01792 518603/518693<br />

Agorwyd Llyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru ar 20 Hydref 1973, ac<br />

mae wedi datblygu’n ganolfan o fri rhyngwladol ar gyfer<br />

ymchwil i agweddau hanesyddol, diwylliannol, cymdeithasol,<br />

addysgol, a gwleidyddol Maes Glo De Cymru.<br />

Mae ei chasgliad unigryw o lyfrau prin a phwysig, pamffledi,<br />

baneri, posteri, recordiadau hanes llafar, ac erthyglau papur<br />

newydd yn denu ymwelwyr o ledled y byd, gan gynnwys<br />

ymchwilwyr academaidd, myfyrwyr, haneswyr teulu brwd,<br />

haneswyr lleol, a’r cyfryngau. Mae gan y Llyfrgell lawer o<br />

arddangosfeydd teithio sydd wedi ennyn llawer o ddiddordeb<br />

yn hanes nodedig De Cymru ddiwydiannol.<br />

Ers 40 mlynedd, mae Llyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru wedi bod â<br />

rhan wrth gefnogi’r gwaith adfywio a wneir gan AABO trwy<br />

ddarparu addysg gymunedol.<br />

O gyrsiau rhyddhad undydd Undeb Cenedlaethol y Glowyr<br />

a addysgwyd tan yn gynnar yn y 1990au, i Brifysgol<br />

Gymunedol arloesol y Cymoedd a’r cynllun Gradd Ran<br />

Amser llwyddiannus a gynigir ar hyn o bryd mewn lleoliadau<br />

cymunedol ar draws Abertawe, Castell-nedd Port Talbot,<br />

Sir Gaerfyrddin a Sir Benfro, mae Llyfrgell Glowyr De<br />

Cymru wedi cydweithio’n agos â staff AABO i ddarparu<br />

gwasanaethau llyfrgell a gwybodaeth arloesol ac addas i<br />

bawb.<br />

Yn 1989, agorwyd cangen o Lyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru yng<br />

Ngweithdy DOVE ym Manwen, gan gynnig gwasanaethau<br />

llyfrgell a gwybodaeth Prifysgol mewn lleoliad cymunedol.<br />

Mae’n fenter sy’n parhau i ffynnu hyd heddiw.<br />

I ddathlu 40 mlwyddiant Llyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru,<br />

cyhoeddir llyfr dathliadol ym mis Hydref.Bydd y Llyfrgell<br />

yn cynnal cyfres o ddarlithoedd am ddim hefyd, fydd yn<br />

adlewyrchu hanes y Llyfrgell a’i dyheadau ar gyfer y dyfodol.<br />

Am ragor o wybodaeth cysylltwch â Llyfrgell<br />

Glowyr De Cymru:<br />

www.swansea.ac.uk/iss/swml<br />

E-bost: miners@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

Ffôn: 01792 518603/518693<br />

30 For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk 31

Sharing Our Success<br />

Rhannu Ein Llwyddiant<br />

Learner Awards<br />

Over many years, several Part-time Degree<br />

students have received special recognition for<br />

their outstanding learning achievements. Their<br />

inspirational stories demonstrate their dedication<br />

to their studies.<br />

Such commitment has resulted in students being<br />

the successful recipients of Adult Learner Awards.<br />

We, at DACE, are delighted to share this success<br />

with you. Mark Hall, from Llandybie, who is<br />

soon to graduate with a BA (Honours) Degree in<br />

History, was the successful recipient of two Higher<br />

Education Learner of the Year Awards at the<br />

Neath Port Talbot and Carmarthenshire Learner<br />

Awards 2012. Mark first became a student when<br />

he started a Welsh language course following his<br />

return to Wales in 2005 to care for his mother.<br />

The inspiration and support that he received from<br />

tutors encouraged him to seize the opportunity<br />

to improve his qualifications. Shortly afterwards<br />

Mark enrolled on the Part-time Degree delivered<br />

by DACE. Alongside his degree studies, Mark is<br />

a carer for his wife and had to co-ordinate care to<br />

enable him to attend class.<br />

Congratulating Mark on his achievement, Head of<br />

the Department of Adult Continuing Education at<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong> Professor Colin Trotman said:<br />

“I am delighted that Mark has received recognition<br />

for his studies. He is an inspirational student and<br />

has successfully balanced his carer responsibility<br />

and study load, He is to be congratulated on<br />

gaining these esteemed awards. We are all very<br />

proud of his achievements.”<br />

Gwobrau i Ddysgwyr<br />

Dros y blynyddoedd, mae sawl myfyriwr ar y Radd<br />

Ran Amser wedi derbyn cydnabyddiaeth arbennig<br />

am eu cyraeddiadau dysgu eithriadol. Mae eu<br />

hanesion ysbrydoledig yn dangos eu hymroddiad<br />

i astudio. Gyda’r fath ymroddiad, mae rhai<br />

myfyrwyr wedi ennill Gwobrau Dysgwyr Mewn<br />

Oed. Rydym ni, yn AABO, yn falch o rannu’r<br />

llwyddiant hwn gyda chi.<br />

Mark Hall, o Landybïe, a fydd yn graddio’n fuan<br />

gyda BA (Anrhydedd) mewn Hanes, oedd enillydd<br />

dwy Wobr Dysgwr Addysg Uwch y Flwyddyn yn<br />

Seremoni Gwobrwyo Dysgwyr Castell-nedd Port<br />

Talbot a Sir Gaerfyrddin yn 2012.<br />

Dechreuodd Mark astudio trwy wneud cwrs<br />

Cymraeg pan ddaeth yn ôl i Gymru yn 2005<br />

i ofalu am ei fam. Roedd yr ysbrydoliaeth a’r<br />

gefnogaeth a gafodd gan ei diwtoriaid wedi’i<br />

annog i achub ar y cyfle i wella ei gymwysterau.<br />

Yn fuan wedyn, cofrestrodd Mark ar y Radd<br />

Ran Amser a gyflwynir gan AABO. Yn ogystal<br />

ag astudio am radd, mae Mark yn gofalu am ei<br />

wraig, a bu raid iddo gydlynu gofal amgen er<br />

mwyn gallu mynychu’r dosbarthiadau.<br />

Wrth longyfarch Mark ar ei gyflawniad,<br />

dywedodd yr Athro Colin Trotman, Pennaeth yr<br />

Adran Addysg Barhaus Oedolion ym Mhrifysgol<br />

Abertawe: “Dwi’n hynod o falch bod Mark<br />

wedi’i gydnabod am ei astudio. Mae’n fyfyriwr<br />

ysbrydoledig, ac mae wedi llwyddo i gydbwyso<br />

ei yrfa a’i waith astudio. Dylid llongyfarch iddo<br />

ar ennill y wobr fawreddog hon. Rydym i gyd yn<br />

falch iawn o’i gyflawniadau.”<br />

Graduate Success Story<br />

DACE students come from all walks of life and<br />

have many inspiring stories to tell about their<br />

studies on the Part-time BA Humanities Degree<br />

Programme. Denise Lewis graduated with a First<br />

Class Honours Humanities Degree in 2012.<br />

Denise, from Crynant, left school without any<br />

qualifications. Whilst working in a local factory,<br />

she undertook a range of courses at the Dulais<br />

Opportunities for Voluntary Enterprise (DOVE)<br />

Workshop and Glynneath Training Centre. These<br />

included DACE Pathways courses. Denise always<br />

had a desire to gain a qualification and applied<br />

for the Part-time BA Humanities Degree in 1998<br />

but she was too nervous to attend the interview.<br />

Eight years later and after much encouragement<br />

from DOVE and DACE staff, Denise enrolled on<br />

the Part-time BA Humanities Degree programme.<br />

Denise has worked as a Development Officer<br />

for the Cwmdulais Uchaf Communities First team<br />

based at the DOVE Workshop for over ten years.<br />

She said “Achieving my degree was something<br />

I never thought I could do. The Part-time Degree<br />

programme was a very positive experience and<br />

studying at community venues such as DOVE<br />

gave me the flexibility to study whilst balancing<br />

my work and family life. I thoroughly enjoyed my<br />

experience of the Part-time Degree, the lecturers<br />

and lectures were inspirational. I studied the<br />

degree for personal development reasons and I<br />

would like to continue learning, so I might consider<br />

taking a Masters degree in the future. I would like<br />

to thank my family, colleagues, friends and staff<br />

at the South Wales Miners’ Library and DACE,<br />

who patiently supported and encouraged me<br />

throughout my studies and played a huge part in<br />

helping me achieve my degree.”<br />

Llwyddiant Graddedig<br />

Mae myfyrwyr AABO yn dod o gefndiroedd amrywiol<br />

iawn, ac mae ganddynt sawl stori ysbrydoledig am<br />

eu hastudio ar y Rhaglen Radd BA Ran Amser yn y<br />

Dyniaethau. Graddiodd Denise Lewis gyda Gradd<br />

Anrhydedd Dosbarth Cyntaf yn y Dyniaethau yn<br />

2012.<br />

Roedd Denise, o Greunant, wedi gadael yr ysgol heb<br />

unrhyw gymwysterau. Tra’r oedd yn gweithio mewn<br />

ffatri leol, astudiodd nifer o gyrsiau yng ngweithdy<br />

Cyfleoedd Menter Wirfoddol Dulais (DOVE) ac yng<br />

Nghanolfan Hyfforddi Glyn-nedd. Roedd y rhain yn<br />

cynnwys cyrsiau Llwybr AABO. Roedd Denise wastad<br />

wedi bod ag awydd ennill cymhwyster, ac ymgeisiodd<br />

am y Radd BA Ran Amser yn y Dyniaethau ym 1998,<br />

ond roedd yn rhy ofnus i ddod i’r cyfweliad. Wyth<br />

mlynedd yn hwyrach, a chyda llawer o anogaeth<br />

oddi wrth staff y Gweithdy ac AABO, cofrestrodd<br />

Denise ar y Rhaglen Radd BA yn y Dyniaethau. Mae<br />

Denise wedi gweithio’n Swyddog Datblygu gyda thîm<br />

Cymunedau’n Gyntaf Cwmdulais Uchaf yn y Gweithdy<br />

ers dros ddeng mlynedd. Dywedodd, “Roedd ennill<br />

gradd yn rhywbeth nad oeddwn erioed wedi credu y<br />

gallwn ei wneud. Roedd y Rhaglen Radd Ran Amser<br />

yn brofiad cadarnhaol iawn, ac roedd astudio mewn<br />

lleoliadau cymunedol megis y Gweithdy yn caniatáu’r<br />

hyblygrwydd i astudio tra roedd fy ngwaith a fy<br />

mywyd teuluol yn parhau. Roeddwn i wedi mwynhau<br />

astudio’r Radd Ran Amser yn fawr iawn. Roedd y<br />

darlithwyr a’r darlithoedd yn ysbrydoledig. Astudiais<br />

y radd am resymau datblygiad personol, a hoffwn<br />

barhau i ddysgu, felly mae’n bosibl y byddaf yn<br />

ystyried gwneud gradd Meistr yn y dyfodol. Hoffwn<br />

ddiolch i fy nheulu, fy nghydweithwyr, fy ffrindiau, a<br />

staff Llyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru ac AABO, oedd wedi<br />

fy nghefnogi’n amyneddgar, a f’annog trwy gydol<br />

fy astudio. Chwaraeon nhw ran fawr wrth fy helpu i<br />

ennill fy ngradd.”<br />

Tutor Profile<br />

<strong>Swansea</strong> Poet, Peter Thabit Jones, began teaching at DACE 20<br />

years ago and has been a tutor for the Part-time Humanities Degree<br />

since 2003. Peter has taught on a wide range of community based<br />

courses. He has written a number of Part-time degree English<br />

Literature modules such as ‘Singing light: The Poetry and Prose<br />

of Dylan Thomas’ and ‘Wonderland and Beyond: Ten Children’s<br />

Writers’.<br />

Peter is an award-winning poet and playwright, who has numerous<br />

publications to his name. He is also the founder and Editor of ‘The<br />

Seventh Quarry’, a poetry magazine published in <strong>Swansea</strong>. During<br />

March 2008, Peter toured America for six weeks with the late<br />

Aeronwy Thomas, poet and daughter of Dylan Thomas, where he<br />

participated in many poetry readings and workshops at Universities<br />

and Poetry Centres from New York to California. In May of that year,<br />

Peter and Aeronwy were commissioned by the Welsh Assembly<br />

Government in New York to write the first-ever ‘Dylan Thomas<br />

Walking Tour of Greenwich Village, New York’. The Tour is currently<br />

available as a guided tour via New York Fun Tours and will be<br />

published as a tourist pocket-book in America in early 2014. Peter<br />

will be visiting New York, Boston, and California for the launch<br />

and will be giving several talks on Dylan Thomas. Peter is also the<br />

co-organiser of the Dylan Thomas International/Multilingual Creative<br />

Writing Competition, which includes Dylan Thomas’ grand-daughter<br />

as one of the judges. During 2014, Peter will be organising a<br />

Dylan Thomas Trail of Quotations for display inside the National<br />

Waterfront Museum, <strong>Swansea</strong> and will also be giving talks on Dylan<br />

Thomas at the museum during the Dylan Thomas Centenary.<br />

“During my teaching on the programme I have seen many students<br />

getting used to the commitment of returning to the classroom,<br />

to the shining achievement of knowing they have at<br />

last achieved their degree. I am full of<br />

admiration for the way that students<br />

balance their commitments, be it family,<br />

work, health or other, with their studies.<br />

Over the years I have taught people<br />

who need extra support during their<br />

studies because of a disability and I<br />

am always amazed by their diligence.<br />

Many of our students become good<br />

friends and create a network beyond<br />

the classroom and that is so rewarding<br />

to see. They are all in the same boat<br />

sailing towards the dream of a personal<br />

degree”.<br />

Proffil Tiwtor<br />

Dechreuodd Peter Thabit Jones, bardd o Abertawe, ddysgu yn AABO<br />

20 mlynedd yn ôl, ac mae wedi bod yn diwtor ar y Radd Ran Amser<br />

yn y Dyniaethau ers 2003. Mae Peter wedi addysgu ar ystod eang o<br />

gyrsiau cymunedol. Mae wedi ysgrifennu sawl modiwl Llenyddiaeth<br />

Saesneg ar gyfer y Radd Ran Amser, megis ‘Singing light: The Poetry<br />

and Prose of Dylan Thomas’ a ‘Wonderland and Beyond: Ten Children’s<br />

Writers’.<br />

Mae Peter wedi ennill gwobrau am ei farddoniaeth a’i ddramâu,<br />

ac mae’n awdur nifer o gyhoeddiadau. Efe hefyd yw sylfaenydd<br />

a Golygydd ‘The Seventh Quarry’, cylchgrawn barddoniaeth a<br />

gyhoeddir yn Abertawe. Yn ystod mis Mawrth 2008, aeth Peter ar<br />

daith o gwmpas America gyda’r diweddar Aeronwy Thomas, bardd,<br />

a merch Dylan Thomas. Cymerodd ran mewn nifer o ddarlleniadau<br />

barddoniaeth a gweithdai mewn prifysgolion a Chanolfannau<br />

Barddoniaeth o Efrog Newydd i Galiffornia. Ym mis Mai o’r un<br />

flwyddyn, comisiynwyd Peter ac Aeronwy gan swyddfa Efrog Newydd<br />

Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru i ysgrifennu ‘Taith Gerdded Dylan<br />

Thomas o gwmpas Pentref Greenwich, Efrog Newydd’, y daith gyntaf<br />

o’i math. Ar hyn o bryd, mae’r Daith ar gael ar ffurf taith dywys trwy<br />

‘New York Fun Tours’, ac fe’i cyhoeddir ar ffurf llyfr poced i dwristiaid<br />

yn yr Amerig yn gynnar yn 2014. Bydd Peter yn ymweld ag Efrog<br />

Newydd, Boston, a Chaliffornia am y lansiad, a bydd yn traddodi sawl<br />

darlith ar Dylan Thomas. Peter hefyd yw cyd-drefnydd Cystadleuaeth<br />

Ysgrifennu Creadigol Rhyngwladol/ Amlieithog Dylan Thomas, ac mae<br />

wyres Dylan Thomas yn un o’r beirniaid. Yn ystod 2014, bydd Peter<br />

yn trefnu Llwybr Dyfyniadau Dylan Thomas i’w ddangos yn Amgueddfa<br />

Genedlaethol y Glannau yn Abertawe, a bydd hefyd yn traddodi<br />

darlithoedd ar Dylan Thomas yn ystod canmlwyddiant genedigaeth y<br />

bardd.<br />

“Yn ystod fy nghyfnod yn dysgu ar y rhaglen, dwi wedi gweld llawer<br />

o fyfyrwyr yn mynd o ymgyfarwyddo â dychwelyd i’r ystafell<br />

dosbarth i’r cyflawniad disglair o ennill<br />

eu graddau. Dwi’n llawn edmygedd am<br />

y ffordd y mae myfyrwyr yn cydbwyso eu<br />

hymrwymiadau o ran eu teulu, eu gwaith,<br />

eu hiechyd ac yn y blaen, ag astudio.<br />

Dros y blynyddoedd, dwi wedi dysgu pobl<br />

sydd ag angen cymorth ychwanegol<br />

oherwydd anabledd, ac mae eu<br />

dyfalbarhad wastad yn fy synnu. Daeth<br />

llawer o fyfyrwyr yn gyfeillion da, gan<br />

greu rhwydwaith y tu hwnt i’r dosbarth;<br />

mae mor wobrwyol i weld hynny’n<br />

digwydd. Maent i gyd yn yr un cwch yn<br />

hwylio tuag at wireddu’r freuddwyd o<br />

radd bersonol.”<br />

32 For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk 33

Level One Module Descriptions<br />

The American Experience: From Columbus to Capitalism<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAL190 (20 credits) and DAL197 (10 credits)<br />

This module examines the key issues in American History from the<br />

beginnings of American life through European exploration and<br />

discovery to a study of colonial and antebellum America; Key<br />

issues such as slavery, native resistance, immigration, migration<br />

westward and the causes and consequences of both the American<br />

Revolution and the Civil War. An all-encompassing perspective of<br />

some of the major issues of the past of arguably the world’s only<br />

21st century super-power.<br />

Counselling in Context<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAF137, DAF139 and DAF140 (All 10 credits)<br />

The course will provide an overview of the major theoretical<br />

approaches of Counselling (humanistic, psychodynamic,<br />

behavioural, cognitive and integrative). It will also place the<br />

theories and practice of counselling within the context of<br />

contemporary society and cultural change.<br />

Counselling: Introduction to the Therapeutic Relationship<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAF1020, DAF1021 and DAF1022 (All 10 credit<br />

modules)<br />

This module explores what is meant by the terms ‘counselling’<br />

and ‘therapeutic relationship’. The students will be introduced<br />

to the skills and theoretical concepts underpinning humanistic<br />

counselling and will examine qualities associated with a helping<br />

relationship.<br />

practical influences involved, and how the identity of the Crusade<br />

became altered from a military campaign with religious intention<br />

to a political method of dealing with matters that upset the Latin<br />

Church’s conscionable comfort.<br />

Empire, Welfare, Europe: The Changing Face of British<br />

Society, 1900-2000<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAL161 (20 credits) and DAL162 (10 credits)<br />

This module will take a broad view of major changes and<br />

developments in British Society in the twentieth century. Among<br />

the topics featured will be Edwardian Britain, World War One,<br />

the inter-war years and the Great Depression, World War Two<br />

and its immediate aftermath, the Swinging Sixties, Thatcher’s<br />

Britain and the contemporary scene.<br />

Europe: The Medieval Experience<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAL1000 (20 credits) and DAL1001 (10 credits)<br />

The module will first study the character of Europe following<br />

the fall of the Roman Empire, examining the Byzantine, Islamic<br />

and Carolingian empires that succeeded it. It will then consider<br />

the economic and social revival of Europe in the 11th–13th<br />

centuries, also examining the recovery of political order through<br />

the revival of the monarchy, and will look at military expansion<br />

in Spain, southern Italy and the Holy Land. In addition, a study<br />

of the religious, intellectual and artistic revivals of the 11th–13th<br />

centuries will be made. Later changes in the economic, social and<br />

political institutions of the 14th and 15th centuries will then be<br />

examined, together with a consideration of the crisis in religious<br />

leadership and intellectual ferment.<br />

The Craft of the Novel<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAQ101 (20 credits) and DAQ102 (10 credits)<br />

This course will focus upon the development and craft of the<br />

novel and will include a study of influential novelists as well as an<br />

opportunity to undertake creative writing exercises. The syllabus<br />

will cover: a brief history of the novel; genres within the novel<br />

form; narration and point of view; plot construction; structure;<br />

themes; plot problems and solutions; plot and sub-plot; use of<br />

symbols and metaphors; characterisation; use of setting; the art<br />

of description; dialogue, and considerations on what makes a<br />

successful novel.<br />

The Crusades<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAL184 (20 credits) and DAL168 (10 credits)<br />

The module will study the causes and consequences of the<br />

Crusades from the end of the eleventh century to the close of<br />

the thirteenth century, and it will examine the state of the Latin,<br />

Greek and Muslim worlds in the period before the call for the First<br />

Crusade. The Crusades themselves will be studied together with<br />

a consideration of the religious, political, moral, financial and<br />

Introduction to 20th Century British and Irish Drama<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAD1022 (20 credits) and DAD1023 (10 credits)<br />

This module provides an introduction to 20th Century British<br />

and Irish Drama. Main plays of the period are discussed in their<br />

socio-political and cultural contexts. Theatre semiotics will provide<br />

the theoretical framework for analyzing drama text and potential<br />

performances.<br />

Introduction to Psychology (2)<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAM118, DAM119 and DAM120 (All 10 credits)<br />

This is an introduction to the subject of psychology. This module<br />

will cover the history of and the major perspectives used in the<br />

field; e.g. the behavioural and biological perspectives. The<br />

module will examine the scientific nature of the subject and how<br />

psychology is used to explain topics such as attitudes, memories,<br />

language and thought.<br />

34 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Level One Module Descriptions<br />

Level One Module Descriptions<br />

Introduction to Sociology: Understanding Every Day Life<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAM133 (20 Credits) and DAM134 (10 Credits)<br />

This module will provide students with an understanding of the<br />

subject matter of Sociology and its application to the social world<br />

within which they live, drawing upon sociological research into<br />

areas such as dimensions of inequality, crime, education and/or<br />

the family. There will be a consideration of sociology as a ‘way of<br />

seeing’ through an exploration of sociological theory: consensus,<br />

conflict, interactionist and postmodern schools of thought.<br />

Lyric Poetry and Tragic Drama<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAD1011, DAD1012 and DAD1013 (All 10 credits)<br />

An introduction to two of the major genres of English literature.<br />

The course on Lyric Poetry will look at a wide range of poems<br />

contained in the course text – The Norton Anthology of English<br />

Poetry (Fifth edition). The course on Tragic Drama will involve the<br />

study of three major texts: Sophocles, Oedipus Rex (translation by<br />

Robert Fagles in Penguin Classics, Sophocles The Theban Plays);<br />

Shakespeare: Hamlet; and Ibsen: Ghosts.<br />

A Nation Transformed - Britain in the Nineteenth Century<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAL181 (20 credits) and DAL182 (10 credits)<br />

This course will examine Britain in the Nineteenth Century<br />

politically, socially, economically, and philosophically. It will<br />

look at selected topics to reflect how Britain was undergoing<br />

transformation. These will include the effects of the French<br />

Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, the effects of the Industrial<br />

Revolution, Whig Reform, Chartism, Darwin and Evolution, and<br />

the careers of Palmerston, Disraeli and Gladstone. We will also<br />

look at Imperialism, Liberalism and the emergence of Socialism.<br />

Poets and Poetry<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAD113 (20 credits) and DAD195 (10 credits)<br />

The course will explore the practice of poetry and the notion of<br />

the poet’s vocation. There will be a full study of the craft (metre,<br />

poetic devices and forms). There will be introductions to the<br />

works of poets, such as Wales’s R.S. Thomas, Dylan Thomas,<br />

America’s Sylvia Plath and Vince Clemente. Women’s poetry and<br />

poetry movements will be considered. Poetry criticism will be a<br />

component of several poetry workshops.<br />

Philosophy and Literature (Brian Breeze/Jenni Jenkins)<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAJ123, DAJ124 and DAJ125 (All 10 credits)<br />

This module explores the relation between philosophy and<br />

literature and is particularly concerned with the way literary texts<br />

increase our understanding of philosophical issues. The topics<br />

discussed include the nature of moral understanding and the<br />

meaning of human life, the role of feeling and imagination in<br />

moral thinking and the relation between religion and morality.<br />

Rome and Egypt<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAL1009, DAL1010 and DAL1011 (All 10 credits)<br />

This course will examine aspects of life of two of the most<br />

important civilisations in the history of man. The first part offers an<br />

introduction to the Roman world during one of the most dynamic<br />

and formative periods in Roman history. In little over a century<br />

Rome was transformed from an Italian city to mistress of the<br />

Mediterranean world and the foundations of an empire were laid.<br />

This was achieved with political, social, and military institutions<br />

which remained essentially those of a city state. The module<br />

analyses how this was accomplished.<br />

The second part of the course is concerned with the development<br />

and nature of Egyptian civilisation down to the death of Ramesses<br />

II. This culture, of extraordinary richness, is the best documented<br />

of all ancient civilisations before the rise of the Classical period.<br />

The relative abundance of surviving data allows a vivid insight<br />

into the world of the Pharaonic culture.<br />

Science, Spirituality and Health<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAH1<strong>35</strong> (20 credits) and DAH136 (10 credits)<br />

This module will consider ways in which individuals can be<br />

empowered to take responsibility for their own health by<br />

embracing both the spiritual and physical aspects of life in<br />

conjunction with modern medicine. It will also discuss how new<br />

research and technological developments may suggest that<br />

anomalous experiences are giving us greater insight into the<br />

understanding of consciousness.<br />

The Sociology of Development<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAM111 (20 credits) and DAM112 (10 credits)<br />

The aim of this course is to introduce students to Sociology as<br />

an academic area. It will attempt to show how Sociology tries to<br />

understand the social world and people as social beings. It will<br />

ask, and try to answer, such questions as how does society work,<br />

how do we explain socio-economic inequality, are human beings<br />

solely formed by genetic inheritance or by socialisation. Amongst<br />

the topics studied will be the family, education, and contemporary<br />

cultural trends.<br />

Tracing the Roots of Social Policy<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAM121 (20 credits) and DAM122 (10 credits)<br />

The subject of social policy is concerned with the relationship<br />

between the State and the individual. The objective of this course<br />

is to trace the historical roots of social policy in order<br />

to understand the present.<br />

Understanding Drama<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAB165, DAB166 and DAB167 (All 10 credits)<br />

This course will provide an introduction to the study of drama as a<br />

literary form through looking at the various elements of a dramatic<br />

text such as characterisation, dialogue, structure and the following<br />

of stage conventions. In addition, we will study the way that the<br />

written play can be transformed in performance.<br />

Welsh History: 1914 to the Present Day<br />

Level 1 Codes: DAL1002, DAL1003 and DAL1004 (All 10 credits)<br />

This course examines Wales from 1914 to the present day.<br />

Particular attention will be paid to the Great War (1914-1918),<br />

the 1930s and how the Depression affected Wales. The Second<br />

World War and the resultant social change will then be looked<br />

at. Events will also be examined that have seen Wales move to<br />

devolution with the resultant changing relationship to Westminster.<br />

36 For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk 37

Level Two and Three Module Descriptions<br />

Level Two and Three Module Descriptions<br />

Abnormal/Atypical Psychology<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAM240 (20 credits) and DAM2<strong>41</strong> (10 credits)<br />

Child Psychology<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAM228 (20 credits) and DAM229 (10 credits)<br />

Criminal Psychology<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAM218 (20 credits) and DAM219 (10 credits)<br />

History of Childhood from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAL233 (20 credits) and DAL234 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAM340 (20 credits) and DAM3<strong>41</strong> (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAM328 (20 credits) and DAM329 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAM318 (20 credits) and DAM319 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAL331 (20 credits) and DAL332 (10 credits)<br />

This course will look at psychopathology and abnormal behaviour<br />

and will cover a range of disorders, from depression to obsessioncompulsion<br />

to eating disorders plus many more. It will also look<br />

at the various treatments used for these disorders from both a<br />

psychological and medical perspective.<br />

The Art of the Essay<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAD259 (20 credits) and DAD260 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAD361 (20 credits) and DAD362 (10 credits)<br />

This module will explore the art of the essay form, from its<br />

beginnings with Michel de Montaigne, through the rise of the<br />

English essay and its incarnations to its current state. This survey<br />

module will look at a variety of essayists and their work and<br />

explore the variety of issues within these essays. Additionally the<br />

module will consider the essay’s form and function, as well as<br />

relevant literary style and technique.<br />

The (Auto) Biographical ‘I’<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAD200, DAD201 and DAD202 (All 10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAD301, DAD302 and DAD303 (All 10 credits)<br />

The course will explore the history of autobiography and<br />

biography into distinct and popular forms. There will be a<br />

detailed consideration of the requirements and craft of selfportrayal<br />

and the creation of someone else’s life. It will investigate<br />

the different types of autobiographical writing, such as ‘novel<br />

length’ prose, confessions, the diary, the journal, poetry and<br />

drama. It will analyse the various ways of capturing biographical<br />

subjects, such as television and books, and the way biographers<br />

can control and shape the facts of famous lives.<br />

Biological Psychology<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAM224 (20 credits) and DAM225 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAM324 (20 credits) and DAM325 (10 credits)<br />

This course looks at childhood development from a psychological<br />

perspective. Starting with the stage theories, the course will go on<br />

to examine specific aspects of development in detail. Such topics<br />

will include personality development, social development and<br />

language development. The latter part of this course will examine<br />

the act of play and its role in learning. Finally the development of<br />

attachment will be considered, with specific focus on the phases<br />

of attachment.<br />

Community and Social Policy<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAM216 (20 credits) and DAM217 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAM316 (20 credits) and DAM317 (10 credits)<br />

In recent years issues of community have become central to<br />

British social policies. This course aims to unravel the relationship<br />

between ideas of community and social policies. We look at the<br />

social historical construction of various communities and at the<br />

powerful image of ideas of community. We trace this relationship<br />

through policies on housing, employment, family relationships,<br />

community care for vulnerable people, and most importantly for<br />

current strategies on tackling social exclusion.<br />

Counselling, Psychotherapy and the Construct of Self<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAF208 (20 credits) and DAF209 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAF302 (20 credits) and DAF303 (10 credits)<br />

This module will offer opportunities to explore the concept of<br />

self through three different theoretical perspectives: Gestalt,<br />

Psychodynamic and Person -Centred approaches. Students will<br />

relate theoretical perspectives to practise in communication skills<br />

and professional, helping environments.<br />

Crime and Deviance<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAM206 (20 credits) and DAM207 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAM306 (20 credits) and DAM307 (10 credits)<br />

Over recent years the study of crime and the causes of crime<br />

has become increasingly significant within our society. This<br />

module examines crime from a psychological perspective and<br />

enables students to gain an insight into the fascinating field of<br />

Criminological Psychology.<br />

The syllabus consists of an examination of the causes of crime<br />

and criminal behaviour. It will investigate the relationship between<br />

psychology and the field of law enforcement, and will raise the<br />

question of whether crime can be predicted and prevented.<br />

Educating Rita and Her Brother: Different but Equal?<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAM200 (20 credits) and DAM201 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAM300 (20 credits) and DAM301 (10 credits)<br />

This is a two-module course (20 and 10 credits modules) which<br />

introduces students to the study of gender and education. During<br />

the first module of this course, we explore girls’ and boys’<br />

experiences of schooling. We begin by looking at the historical<br />

differences between boys’ and girls’ schooling. We look at<br />

theories of gender difference, feminist perspectives and theories<br />

of masculinities. We look at research focusing on both boys’ and<br />

girls’ experiences of schooling. This is followed by an exploration<br />

of the educational experiences of girls and boys from ethnic<br />

minorities. Questions raised include ‘how important is gender<br />

in structuring pupils’ experiences of schooling?’ and ‘what is the<br />

relationship between gender, class and ethnicity?’<br />

From the Tudors to the Early 20th Century<br />

with Particular Reference to Wales<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAL249 (20 credits) and DAL250 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAL347 (20 credits) and DAL348 (10 credits)<br />

In this module, students will look at Britain from Tudor times to the<br />

present day with particular refence to Wales. It will reflect on how<br />

Wales fits into the overall picture.<br />

This course will consider the place children occupied in society<br />

and how people have thought about children and childhood from<br />

antiquity through the twentieth century in Europe. We will look at<br />

child-rearing practices, the concept and practice of parenting and<br />

the problems of childhood disease and mortality. We will examine<br />

the education and working lives of children and the development<br />

of private and state-based programmes for improving their lot.<br />

In addition, we will consider the ways in which the experiences<br />

of childhood have been recalled, and the problems faced by<br />

historians attempting to reconstruct the history of the child.<br />

History of Science and Medicine in Britain 1500-1948<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAL225 (20 credits) and DAL226 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAL323 (20 credits) and DAL324 (10 credits)<br />

This course will explore the exciting and revolutionary<br />

developments in the history of science and medicine in Britain<br />

during the period 1500 to 1948. During the course we will<br />

study: alchemical beliefs; theories of the universe and evolution;<br />

the Black Death and cholera; the rise of anatomy and surgery;<br />

germ theory; workhouse infirmaries and battlefield surgery. The<br />

course will also discuss the current key debates in this increasingly<br />

popular subject area.<br />

The Modern American Presidency<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAL222 (20 credits) and DAL223 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAL319 (20 credits) and DAL320 (10 credits)<br />

This module examines the changes that took place after<br />

1933 in the scope and domain of the executive branch of the<br />

American government as a result of the crises caused by the<br />

Great Depression and World War II. F.D. Roosevelt and his<br />

successors expanded the role of their office in both domestic and<br />

international contexts in the decades after the 1932 election.<br />

At the same time, the module will seek to assess the importance<br />

of leadership and personality in political office in a modern<br />

democracy. Students will have an opportunity to write an<br />

extended essay on a topic of their own choice as one assignment.<br />

This course will examine the biological causes behind behaviour,<br />

focusing on aggression, emotional behaviour, psychological<br />

disorders and brain damage. There will be an investigation into<br />

the workings of the sensory systems; both visual and non-visual.<br />

The development of the senses will be considered, as will the<br />

various perceptual disorders. The latter part of the course will<br />

focus on learning and memory, with emphasis on the workings of<br />

the memory, and its implications on how we learn. This section<br />

will also focus on the impact of damage to the brain on the<br />

workings of the memory.<br />

This module aims to introduce students to current perspectives<br />

and debates on crime and deviance. In particular, it will focus on<br />

issues of: How much crime? Has crime increased? The role of the<br />

mass media and its influence on societal reactions to crime and<br />

deviance will be discussed.<br />

God, Belief and Society<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAM242 (20 credits) and DAD243 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAM342 (20 credits) and DAD343 (10 credits)<br />

Religion has had a powerful influence over people’s lives for<br />

thousands of years. This module examines the role of religion in<br />

society and, in particular, in contemporary societies. The first part<br />

of the module focuses on classical theorists and their contributions<br />

to our understanding of the role of religion in society, in particular,<br />

Marx, Weber and Durkheim. The remaining part of the module<br />

examines contemporary issues associated with religious belief,<br />

for example, liberalism, fundamentalism, secularization, new<br />

religious movements, religious identity and science and religion.<br />

The Normans: A Medieval Dynasty<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAL243 (20 credits) and DAL244 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAL3<strong>41</strong> (20 credits) and DAL342 (10 credits)<br />

The module will study the Normans, whose impact on medieval<br />

Europe was significant and extensive. The course will first trace<br />

the founding of the duchy of Normandy early in the tenth century,<br />

and will then consider the Norman character through warfare,<br />

intellect and culture, particularly in respect of the conquest and<br />

settlement of England. Also, the Norman identity in southern<br />

Europe will be examined with particular reference to their<br />

challenge to the might of Byzantium and Islam, culminating<br />

38 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Level Two and Three Module Descriptions<br />

Level Two and Three Module Descriptions<br />

in the establishment of the kingdom of Sicily. Finally, the module<br />

will consider the Norman presence on the First Crusade, which<br />

led to the formation of the Christian principality of Antioch.<br />

Philosophy of Mind<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAJ206 (20 credits) and DAJ207 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAJ309 (20 credits) and DAJ310 (10 credits)<br />

Race and Ethnicity<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAM222 (20 credits) and DAM223 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAM322 (20 credits) and DAM323 (10 credits)<br />

This module will introduce students to current perspectives on race<br />

and ethnicity and will focus on issues such as race as a form of<br />

social differentiation and issues of cultural identify and diversity<br />

among enthic groups.<br />

Through the Back of the Wardrobe: Writers and Childhood<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAD217 (20 credits) and DAD218 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAD318 (20 credits) and DAD319 (10 credits)<br />

This course will consider the creation and presentation of<br />

childhood by various writers, such as Wordsworth and Maya<br />

Angelou. It will also consider what impacts on our views of<br />

childhood: films, television and literature itself.<br />

Women’s Theories in Psychotherapy:<br />

From Anna Freud to Lucy Irigary<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAF220 (20 credits) and DAF221 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAF308 (20 credits) and DAF309 (10 credits)<br />

Traditionally the field of psychotherapy has focused its ideas on<br />

the theories of male psychotherapists. This module will explore<br />

the less hear voices of the women theorist and evaluate their<br />

contribution to the field of psychotherapy as a whole.<br />

In this course we examine some of the fundamental issues<br />

connected with personal identity from philosophers through the<br />

ages. We will explore the unity of consciousness and ask does<br />

being a person require self awareness. Are we psychologically<br />

free or are we restrained by mental laws in the way that we are<br />

physically restrained by the laws of nature? We will also consider<br />

our interactions with other people and the privacy of our own<br />

mind.<br />

Singing Light: The Poetry and Prose of Dylan Thomas<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAD240 (20 credits) and DAD2<strong>41</strong> (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAD342 (20 credits) and DAD343 (10 credits)<br />

Wales’ Dylan Thomas is a major writer whose short and tragic life<br />

is now legendary. This course will consider the themes and craft of<br />

his poetry and prose, and explore the real man behind the myth.<br />

Welsh Drama<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAD238 (20 credits) and DAD239 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAD340 (20 credits) and DAD3<strong>41</strong> (10 credits)<br />

The course will outline the significant developments in Welsh<br />

Drama, alongside the larger cultural issues, and examine classic<br />

plays, such as Gwyn Thomas’ ‘THE KEEP’ and Dylan Thomas’<br />

‘UNDER MILK WOOD’, and contemporary drama by new writers.<br />

Popular Culture, Citizenship, Consumerism<br />

and the New Right<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAM230 (20 credits) and DAM231 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAM330 (20 credits) and DAM331 (10 credits)<br />

The cultural, political, economic and social changes in Britain<br />

during the period of the 1980s and early 1990s. The period<br />

of the New Right until the advent of New Labour in 1997.<br />

The significance of social policies and the development of<br />

consumerism and individualism which radically challenged the<br />

social democratic consensus of the post-war welfare state. The<br />

analytical concepts of writers such as Gramsci and Foucault<br />

and the postmodernists’ theorists are employed to seek an<br />

understanding of these changes. Against this background, a<br />

critical examination of the ways in which these changes were<br />

reflected and constructed in the popular culture, especially in films<br />

such as The Full Monty, Brassed Off and the period reconstruction<br />

of the Merchant Ivory films. The advent of a British-Asian<br />

film genre in films such Bhaji on the Beach and My Beautiful<br />

Launderette is also studied as well as the radical films of Mike<br />

Leigh and Ken Loach.<br />

Poverty, Charity and the Workhouse<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAL2<strong>35</strong> (20 credits) and DAL236 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAL333 (20 credits) and DAL334 (10 credits)<br />

This course examines the history of poverty and pauperism<br />

from the late-sixteenth century to the emergence of the welfare<br />

state. It looks particularly at how central and local government,<br />

and private individuals sought to ameliorate the worst effects<br />

of poverty. It also explores how the solutions arrived at were<br />

often based on contemporary perceptions of the deserving<br />

and the undeserving poor. Key areas of discussion will be the<br />

deterrent role of the workhouse and the influence of the Charity<br />

Organization Society on philanthropy in Britain.<br />

Social Psychology<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAM210, DAM211 and DAM212 (All 10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAM310, DAM311 and DAM312 (All 10 credits)<br />

This course will provide a clear and critical appreciation of<br />

contemporary Social Psychology. The modules will provide indepth<br />

coverage of the key approaches in Social Psychology, and<br />

an understanding of the application of psychological theory in<br />

range of social contexts.<br />

The Soviet Union from Lenin to Gorbachev<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAL220 (20 credits) and DAL221 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAL317 (20 credits) and DAL318 (10 credits)<br />

This course will examine the rise, consolidation, decay and finally<br />

the fall of one of the most astonishing experiments in social and<br />

political engineering the modern world has witnessed. It will<br />

analyse the causes and course of the liberal and communist<br />

revolutions in 1917 and try to explain the contradictory outcome<br />

- a mixture of idealism, brutality and practical restructuring. The<br />

reasons for, and character of, Stalinism will be discussed. The<br />

course will cover social and economic problems, but will stress<br />

domestic politics without neglecting foreign affairs.<br />

The Way We Live Now: Victorian Culture and Literature<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAD257 (20 credits) and DAD258 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAD<strong>35</strong>9 (20 credits) and DAD360 (10 credits)<br />

This module introduces students to Victorian thought, culture,<br />

social issues by means of key fictional and non-fictional texts.<br />

Students will gain a real sense of the important cultural and social<br />

issues of the day and how they are represented by the era’s<br />

fiction.<br />

Weimar Germany and the Third Reich<br />

Level 2 Codes: DAL205 (20 credits) and DAL206 (10 credits)<br />

Level 3 Codes: DAL302 (20 credits) and DAL303 (10 credits)<br />

This course will deal with the history of Germany in the interwar<br />

period and will focus on the emergence and collapse of the<br />

Weimar Republic, the development of National Socialism, the<br />

establishment of the Third Reich and various aspects of life in<br />

the Nazi state. It will have a strong ideological element in that<br />

the roots of National Socialism will be examined along with the<br />

particular contributions made by Hitler and other leaders of the<br />

NSDAP.<br />

Women and Family in the Ancient World<br />

Level 2 Codes: To be confirmed<br />

Level 3 Codes: To be confirmed<br />

This module will examine the perception, roles, and study of<br />

women and family life in the ancient world; it aims to give<br />

students a general understanding of the topic across antiquity<br />

with detailed understanding of specific issues related to individual<br />

texts and people. The core material will focus on the textual,<br />

archaeological, and iconographical evidence for women and<br />

family life in antiquity, with topics for study including education,<br />

law, politics, medicine, religion and dress.<br />

40 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Library and Information Services<br />

Gwasanaethau Llyfrgell a Gwybodaeth<br />

Student Support<br />

Cymorth Myfyrwyr<br />

As a part-time degree student, The South Wales Miners’<br />

Library, located on Hendrefoelan Campus, is your first<br />

point of contact.<br />

With an extensive collection of books, journals and audio-visual<br />

materials, specifically selected for DACE courses, The South Wales<br />

Miners’ Library is designed to meet your study needs.<br />

Most items can be loaned for a period of four weeks in the first<br />

instance and, unlike other libraries, we do not charge overdue<br />

fines on any of our materials! We pride ourselves in providing<br />

a friendly, flexible and efficient library experience in a relaxed<br />

environment. We offer a range of library and information services<br />

specifically designed for students studying part time or at a<br />

distance. These include:<br />

• Ordering of materials (for example, books can be sent between<br />

The South Wales Miners’ Library, our branch library in<br />

Banwen, and the Library & Information Centre without charge)<br />

• Postal loans<br />

• Photocopying and scanning service (subject to copyright<br />

regulations)<br />

• Advice and guidance on using the libraries at <strong>Swansea</strong><br />

<strong>University</strong><br />

• Answering queries by phone, email or in person<br />

• Telephone and on-line book renewals<br />

• Book-box provision for community based classes<br />

• PC, photocopying and scanning facilities<br />

• A quiet and studious study area<br />

• Help with accessing your computer account and electronic<br />

resources from home<br />

• Help to locate material for your assignment/project<br />

If you have any questions or require further information about<br />

the support provided by Information Services & Systems, please<br />

visit or contact The South Wales Miners’ Library, Hendrefoelan<br />

Campus, Gower Road, <strong>Swansea</strong>, SA2 7NB on 01792<br />

518603/518693. Email - miners@swan.ac.uk. Alternatively,<br />

browse our website at www.swan.ac.uk/iss/swml<br />

We look forward to seeing you.<br />

Sian Williams<br />

Librarian, South Wales Miners’ Library<br />

Fel myfyriwr ar y radd ran-amser, Llyfrgell Glowyr De<br />

Cymru, ar Gampws Hendrefoelan, yw eich pwynt cyswllt<br />

cyntaf.<br />

Mae Llyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru wedi’i gynllunio i ddiwallu eich<br />

anghenion astudio, ac mae ganddo gasgliad helaeth o lyfrau,<br />

cyfnodolion a deunyddiau clyweled wedi’u dewis yn benodol ar<br />

gyfer cyrsiau AABO.<br />

Gellir benthyca eitemau am hyd at bedair wythnos yn y lle cyntaf,<br />

ac yn wahanol i lyfrgelloedd eraill, ni fyddwn yn eich dirwyo am<br />

ddychwelyd unrhyw rai o’n deunyddiau yn hwyr! Yr ydym yn<br />

ymfalchïo yn y gwasanaeth llyfrgell cyfeillgar, hyblyg ac effeithlon<br />

a gynigwn mewn amgylchedd hamddenol. Yr ydym yn cynnig<br />

ystod o wasanaethau llyfrgell a gwybodaeth a gynlluniwyd yn<br />

benodol at ddefnydd myfyrwyr rhan-amser neu fyfyrwyr sy’n<br />

astudio o bell. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys:<br />

• Archebu deunyddiau (er enghraifft, gellir anfon llyfrau rhwng<br />

Llyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru, cangen ein llyfrgell ym Manwen,<br />

a’r Ganolfan Llyfrgell a Gwybodaeth yn rhad ac am ddim)<br />

• Benthyciadau trwy’r post<br />

• Gwasanaethau llungopïo a sganio (o fewn y rheolau hawlfraint)<br />

• Cyngor ac arweiniad ar ddefnyddio llyfrgelloedd Prifysgol<br />

Abertawe<br />

• Ateb ymholiadau dros y ffôn, trwy e-bost neu wyneb yn wyneb<br />

• Adnewyddu benthyciadau llyfr dros y ffôn neu ar-lein<br />

• Gwasanaeth blychau llyfrau ar gyfer dosbarthiadau cymunedol<br />

• Cyfrifiaduron a chyfleusterau llungopïo a sganio<br />

• Man astudio tawel a myfyrgar<br />

• Cymorth i ddefnyddio eich cyfrif cyfrifiadurol a’r adnoddau<br />

electronig o gartref<br />

• Cymorth i ddod o hyd i ddeunyddiau ar gyfer eich aseiniad/<br />

prosiect<br />

Os bydd gennych unrhyw gwestiynau, neu os bydd arnoch<br />

angen unrhyw wybodaeth bellach am y cymorth a gynigir gan y<br />

Gwasanaethau Gwybodaeth a Systemau, cewch ymweld â, neu<br />

gysylltu â, Llyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru, Campws Hendrefoelan,<br />

Ffordd Gŵyr, Abertawe, SA2 7NB ar 01792 518603/518693.<br />

E-bost - miners@swan.ac.uk. Fel arall, gellwch bori’n gwefan<br />

www.swan.ac.uk/iss/swml<br />

Edrychwn ymlaen at eich gweld.<br />

Sian Williams<br />

Support for Students with Additional Needs<br />

DACE is committed to widening opportunities for all students<br />

and every effort is made to allow everyone to attend and<br />

enjoy our courses.<br />

The <strong>University</strong> has a well-established Disability Office who will<br />

work with you and DACE to advise on any support-related issues.<br />

It can take considerable time to put support arrangements in<br />

place and we, therefore, ask that if you have a disability, medical<br />

condition, or specific learning difficulty, and you require support,<br />

please contact the Disability Office at the earliest opportunity to<br />

discuss your support needs.<br />

If you are studying an eligible part-time undergraduate course<br />

(including distance learning course) you may be eligible for<br />

Disabled Students’ Allowance. (Please note that a part-time course<br />

would have to last for at least one year and must be at least 50%<br />

of an equivalent full-time course).<br />

Disabled Students’ Allowance is non-means tested and is<br />

available to assist with academic support that you may require<br />

as a result of a disability, medical condition or specific learning<br />

difficulty.<br />

This can include specialist computer equipment, non-medical<br />

support and other course-related costs. If you require more<br />

information about the DSA and/or how to apply, please contact<br />

the Disability Office who will be more than happy to help.<br />

The Disability Office can be contacted on Telephone<br />

01792 602000, Fax 01792 602136, or alternatively you can<br />

email disability@swansea.ac.uk.<br />

More information on the support and services available for<br />

disabled students can also be found on their website at:<br />

www.swan.ac.uk/undergraduate/student-life/health-andwelfare/disability-office/<br />

Cymorth ar gyfer Myfyrwyr ag Anghenion Ychwanegol<br />

Mae AABO wedi ymroddi i ehangu cyfleoedd i bob myfyriwr,<br />

ac fe ymdrechir yn deg i ganiatáu i bawb fynychu a<br />

mwynhau ein cyrsiau.<br />

Mae gan y Brifysgol Swyddfa Anabledd sydd wedi’i hen sefydlu<br />

a wnaiff weithio gyda chi ac AABO i’ch cynghori ynghylch<br />

unrhyw faterion yn ymwneud â chymorth. Gall rhoi trefniadau<br />

cymorth yn eu lle gymryd cryn amser, ac felly, os oes gennych<br />

anabledd, cyflwr meddygol neu anhawster dysgu penodol, ac<br />

mae angen cymorth arnoch, cysylltwch â’r Swyddfa Anabledd<br />

cyn gynted ag y bo modd i drafod eich anghenion o ran cymorth.<br />

Os ydych yn astudio cwrs israddedig rhan amser cymwys (yn<br />

cynnwys cwrs dysgu o bell), efallai y byddwch yn gymwys i gael<br />

y Lwfans Myfyrwyr Anabl. (Sylwer os gwelwch yn dda y byddai’n<br />

rhaid i gwrs rhan amser bara o leiaf blwyddyn, a rhaid iddo fod<br />

yn gyfwerth ag o leiaf 50% cwrs llawn amser).<br />

Cynigir y Lwfans Myfyrwyr Anabl heb brawf moddion, ac mae ar<br />

gael i’ch cynorthwyo i gael y cymorth academaidd y gallai fod ei<br />

angen arnoch yn sgil anabledd, cyflwr meddygol neu anhawster<br />

dysgu penodol. Gall hyn gynnwys offer cyfrifiadurol arbenigol,<br />

cymorth anfeddygol a chostau eraill sy’n gysylltiedig â chyrsiau.<br />

Am ragor o wybodaeth am y Lwfans Myfyrwyr Anabl a/neu sut<br />

i wneud cais, cysylltwch â staff y Swyddfa Anabledd, a fydd yn<br />

barod iawn i gynorthwyo.<br />

Gallwch gysylltu â’r Swyddfa Anabledd trwy ffonio<br />

01792 602000, trwy anfon ffacs at 01792 602136, neu drwy<br />

e-bost: disability@abertawe.ac.uk.<br />

Mae rhagor o wybodaeth am y cymorth a’r gwasanaethau sydd<br />

ar gael i fyfyrwyr anabl ar gael ar wefan y Swyddfa Anabledd:<br />

www.swan.ac.uk/cy/swyddfa-anableddau/<br />

Llyfrgellydd, Llyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru<br />

Very encouraging tutors<br />

and support staff<br />

42 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Student Support<br />

Cymorth Myfyrwyr<br />

The Wellbeing Service<br />

Supports students experiencing distress arising from<br />

psychological, emotional or mental health issues.<br />

We offer:<br />

• Initial one to one Drop-in Sessions<br />

• Workshops (e.g. presentation anxiety, managing stress)<br />

• Support with mental health issues<br />

• Counselling<br />

• Services are provided free of charge for enrolled students<br />

Confidentiality Statement: Our guiding principle is to hold all<br />

information about you in strict confidence. This means we will<br />

not respond to requests from tutors, family members or friends for<br />

information, not even disclosing your attendance at Wellbeing<br />

Services (unless you wish us to do so). In rare circumstances we<br />

may have to reveal information to others e.g. when there are<br />

issues of personal safety, be it yours or someone else’s. Should<br />

such a need arise you would, whenever possible, be consulted in<br />

advance.<br />

Contact Details: Wellbeing Services are in ground floor of<br />

Horton House, No 23 on the Campus map.<br />

and Employability Week. Students are notified of these events via<br />

student email and by the Part-time Degree team.<br />

Student Union Advice Centre<br />

The SU Advice Service Centre offers FREE, independent and<br />

confidential advice and representation to all <strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

students.We are situated on the back, left hand side of Fulton<br />

House, behind the cost cutter shop just next to the stairs. We are<br />

open Monday-Friday 10am-4pm. We will help you resolve any<br />

academic, financial, personal or housing problems.<br />

Email: advice@swansea-union.co.uk,<br />

Phone: 01792 295821<br />

Website: www.swansea-union.co.uk/advice/advicecentre/e, No<br />

23 on the Campus map.<br />

Drop-in Sessions: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at<br />

2.00pm till 3.30 pm, Fridays at 10.00 am till 11.30 am<br />

Phone us on 01792 295592<br />

or email wellbeing@swansea.ac.uk<br />

www.swan.ac.uk/wellbeing<br />

Y Gwasanaeth Lles<br />

Cefnogi myfyrwyr sy’n gofidio o ganlyniad i broblem<br />

seicolegol, emosiynol neu iechyd meddwl.<br />

Rydym yn cynnig:<br />

• Initial one to one Drop-in Sessions<br />

Sesiynau Galw Heibio Cychwynnol un i un<br />

• Gweithdai (e.e. pryderu am wneud cyflwyniad, rheoli straen)<br />

• Cymorth gyda materion iechyd meddwl<br />

• Cynghori<br />

• Darperir gwasanaethau’n rhad ac am ddim i fyfyrwyr sydd<br />

wedi cofrestru<br />

Datganiad Cyfrinachedd: Yr egwyddor sy’n ein cyfarwyddo yw bod<br />

yr holl wybodaeth fydd gennym amdanoch yn gwbl gyfrinachol.<br />

Golyga hynny na fyddwn yn ymateb i gwestiynau gan diwtoriaid,<br />

teulu na chyfeillion, dim hyd yn oed i ddatgelu eich bod wedi<br />

mynychu sesiwn gyda Gwasanaethau Lles (oni bai eich bod yn<br />

dymuno i ni wneud hynny). Mewn amgylchiadau prin, efallai y bydd<br />

rhaid i ni ddatgelu gwybodaeth i rywun arall e.e. pan fo materion<br />

diogelwch personol yn y fantol, boed eich diogelwch chi neu<br />

ddiogelwch rhywun arall. Pe byddai angen o’r fath yn codi byddwn<br />

yn cysylltu â chi ymlaen llaw lle bo hynny’n bosib<br />

Am ragor o wybodaeth, ewch i www.swansea.ac.uk/careers neu<br />

ffoniwch 01792 513266.<br />

Trwy’r flwyddyn academaidd, cynhelir nifer o ymgyrchoedd ar y<br />

thema o gyflogadwyedd, megis yr Wythnos Mentergarwch Fydeang<br />

a’r Wythnos Cyflogadwyedd. Hysbysir myfyrwyr am y rhain<br />

trwy e-bost a chan dîm y Radd Ran Amser.<br />

Canolfan Gyngor Undeb y Myfyrwyr<br />

Mae Canolfan Gyngor Undeb y Myfyrwyr yn cynnig cyngor<br />

annibynnol a chyfrinachol AM DDIM, a chynrychiolaeth, i holl<br />

fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Abertawe. Lleolir y Ganolfan yng nghefn ochr<br />

chwith Tŷ Fulton, y tu cefn i siop Cost-Cutter, wrth ochr y grisiau.<br />

Rydym ar agor o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener, 10am - 4pm.<br />

Byddwn yn eich helpu i ddatrys unrhyw broblemau academaidd,<br />

ariannol neu bersonol, neu unrhyw broblemau tai.<br />

E-bost: advice@swansea-union.co.uk<br />

Ffôn: 01792 295821<br />

Gwefan: www.swansea-union.co.uk/advice/advicecentre/<br />

Drop-in Sessions: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at<br />

2.00pm till 3.30pm, Fridays at 10.00am till 11.30am<br />

Manylion Cyswllt: Mae Gwasanaethau Lles ar lawr gwaelod<br />

Tŷ Horton, rhif 23 ar fap y campws.<br />

Phone us on 01792 295592<br />

or email wellbeing@swansea.ac.uk<br />

www.swan.ac.uk/wellbeing<br />

Sesiynau Galw Heibio:<br />

Llun, Mawrth ac Iau, 2.00pm tan 3.30pm<br />

Gwener, 10.00am tan 11.30am<br />

Employability and Guidance<br />

Ffoniwch ni ar 01792 295592 neu e-bostiwch<br />

wellbeing@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

www.swan.ac.uk/wellbeing<br />

DACE offers free, confidential and impartial educational and<br />

careers guidance to any prospective or enrolled student. Our<br />

guidance team is very flexible and can meet with students on<br />

campus and in the community throughout the year. Guidance is<br />

available in person, over the telephone or by email. To make an<br />

appointment please contact Jane Lingard on 01792 602211 or at<br />

j.lingard@swansea.ac.uk<br />

During the year, employability sessions are organised for Part-time<br />

Degree students to prepare them for graduate employment<br />

and postgraduate study. Please contact Vanessa Thomas on<br />

01792 602017 v.l.thomas@swansea.ac.uk for more information.<br />

Students can also access the <strong>University</strong>’s Careers and<br />

Employability Service for careers guidance appointments, work<br />

experience placements, employer talks and job vacancies.<br />

Several events take place throughout the year such as the Careers<br />

Fair. Events are advertised by student email and on the Careers<br />

website. For more information please visit www.swansea.ac.uk/<br />

careers or telephone 01792 513266.<br />

Throughout the academic year, several Employability themed<br />

campaigns take place such as Global Entrepreneurship Week<br />

Cyflogadwyedd a Chyfarwyddo<br />

Mae AABO yn cynnig cyngor addysg a gyrfa cyfrinachol a<br />

diduedd, yn rhad ac am ddim, i unrhyw fyfyriwr presennol neu<br />

ddarpar fyfyriwr. Mae ein tîm cynghori yn hyblyg iawn, a gallant<br />

gwrdd â myfyrwyr ar y campws ac yn y gymuned trwy gydol y<br />

flwyddyn. Mae arweiniad ar gael wyneb yn wyneb, dros y ffôn<br />

neu trwy gyfrwng e-bost. I wneud apwyntiad, cysylltwch â Jane<br />

Lingard drwy ffonio 01792 602211 neu anfonwch neges e-bost<br />

at j.lingard@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

Trefnir sesiynau cyflogadwyedd ar gyfer myfyrwyr y Radd<br />

Ran Amser trwy gydol y flwyddyn, i’w paratoi at gyflogaeth<br />

graddedig ac astudiaethau uwchraddedig. Cysylltwch â Vanessa<br />

Thomas ar 01792 602017 neu anfonwch neges e-bost at<br />

v.l.thomas@abertawe.ac.uk am ragor o wybodaeth.<br />

Gall myfyrwyr fanteisio ar wasanaethau Canolfan Gyrfaoedd a<br />

Chyflogadwyedd y Brifysgol hefyd, megis apwyntiadau cyngor<br />

gyrfa, lleoliadau profiad gwaith, sgyrsiau gan gyflogwyr a<br />

manylion swyddi gweigion. Cynhelir nifer o ddigwyddiadau yn<br />

ystod y flwyddyn, megis y Ffair Gyrfaoedd. Caiff myfyrwyr eu<br />

hysbysu am y rhain trwy e-bost ac ar y wefan Gyrfaoedd.<br />

44 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Other Information<br />

Gwybodaeth Arall<br />

As well as the BA Part-time Degree Programme in Humanities,<br />

History or English DACE offers a range of courses and<br />

programmes. Contact us for more information on:<br />

• Community-based Lectures: Lectures across a broad range of<br />

topics which take place at community venues and are intended<br />

to give a ‘flavour’ of a subject area.<br />

• Pathways and Taster Courses: These are short courses with<br />

no formal assessment aimed at introducing students to a range<br />

of subjects and encouraging progression to further studies.<br />

• HE Accredited Modules: Formally assessed, HE credit bearing<br />

modules.<br />

• HE Certificates and Diplomas: Study a combination of HE<br />

accredited modules over a period of two to five years in<br />

many subject areas. The credits achieved can be used towards<br />

a Certificate or Diploma of Higher Education.<br />

• BA Degree Preparation Programme in Humanities:<br />

A preparation course for adults who are considering studying<br />

for a part-time degree.<br />

• Postgraduate Research: For those interested in any aspect of<br />

lifelong learning.<br />

• Higher Education Foundation Certificate in Humanities: The<br />

Higher Education (HE) Foundation Certificate in Humanities is<br />

aimed at adults who are ready to take the first steps into HE.<br />

It is a two-year part-time programme and is designed for those<br />

who might want a longer lead into HE study. The Certificate<br />

starts in September/October 2013 and will be taught at<br />

community venues in <strong>Swansea</strong>, Neath Port Talbot,<br />

Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire.<br />

The programme allows students to develop an overview of<br />

Humanities related subjects, such as Sociology, History,<br />

English Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, Counselling and is<br />

also underpinned by an extensive range of Study Skills and IT<br />

support. The programme is FREE to eligible students.<br />

Disclaimer<br />

Disclaimer: We have endeavoured to ensure that the information<br />

contained within this brochure is accurate at the time of<br />

production.<br />

You may wish to note that your contact details will not be made<br />

available, your names will not be used or included in statistical<br />

analysis and precautions are taken to minimise the risk that you<br />

will be able to be identified from the data.<br />

Unspent Criminal Convictions<br />

If you have declared that you have an unspent criminal conviction,<br />

you will be asked to complete a Conviction form requesting<br />

information about the nature of the conviction/caution which will<br />

be considered by the Department who will decide whether or not<br />

your application can proceed. Criminal records will be taken into<br />

account only when the conviction is relevant.<br />

Unfortunately, it may not be possible to confirm your place at<br />

DACE if it is felt that your conviction would compromise the<br />

<strong>University</strong>’s duty of care to other students and staff. If you are<br />

convicted of a relevant criminal offence after you have started a<br />

course, you must inform us immediately.<br />

Contact Details: Wellbeing Services are in ground floor of<br />

Horton House, No 23 on the Campus map.<br />

Drop-in Sessions: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at<br />

2.00pm till 3.30 pm, Fridays at 10.00 am till 11.30 am<br />

Phone us on 01792 295592<br />

or email wellbeing@swansea.ac.uk<br />

www.swan.ac.uk/wellbeing<br />

The programme is<br />

FREE<br />

to eligible students.<br />

Mae AABO yn cynnig ystod o gyrsiau a rhaglenni, yn ogystal<br />

â’r BA Rhan Amser yn y Dyniaethau, Hanes neu Saesneg.<br />

Cysylltwch â ni am ragor o wybodaeth am:<br />

• Darlithoedd yn y Gymuned: Darlithoedd yn ymdrin ag ystod<br />

eang o bynciau, sy’n digwydd mewn lleoliadau yn y gymuned<br />

ac sydd â’r nod o gynnig ‘blas’ ar bwnc.<br />

• Cyrsiau Llwybrau a Chyrsiau Blasu: Mae’r rhain yn gyrsiau byr<br />

heb asesiadau ffurfiol gyda’r nod o gyflwyno myfyrwyr i ystod<br />

o bynciau a’u hannog i symud ymlaen at astudiaethau pellach.<br />

• Modiwlau Achrededig Addysg Uwch: modiwlau sy’n dwyn<br />

credydau Addysg Uwch, wedi’u hasesu’n ffurfiol.<br />

• Tystysgrifau a Diplomau AU: Astudiwch gyfuniad o fodiwlau<br />

Addysg Uwch achrededig dros gyfnod o ddwy i bum mlynedd<br />

mewn sawl maes pwnc. Gellir defnyddio’r credydau a enillir<br />

tuag at Dystysgrif neu Ddiploma Addysg Uwch.<br />

• Rhaglen Paratoi at BA yn y Dyniaethau: cwrs paratoi i oedolion<br />

sy’n ystyried astudio ar gyfer Gradd ran-amser.<br />

• Gradd BA ran-amser yn y Dyniaethau: Astudiwch yn rhan-amser<br />

ar gyfer gradd yn y Dyniaethau neu radd a enwir mewn<br />

Saesneg neu Hanes mewn amryw leoliadau ar draws<br />

Abertawe, Castell-nedd Port Talbot, Sir Gaerfyrddin a Sir Benfro.<br />

• Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig: I’r rhai sydd â diddordeb mewn unrhyw<br />

agwedd o ddysgu gydol oes.<br />

• Tystysgrif Sylfaen Addysg Uwch yn y Dyniaethau: Anelir y<br />

Dystysgrif Sylfaenol (Addysg Uwch) mewn Dyniaethau at oedolion<br />

sy’n barod i fentro i fyd Addysg Uwch am y tro cyntaf. Mae’n<br />

rhaglen rhan amser ddwy flynedd ac fe’i dyluniwyd ar gyfer y sawl<br />

sydd am gael mwy o amser i baratoi at astudio Addysg Uwch.<br />

Bydd y Dystysgrif yn cychwyn ym Medi/ Hydref 2013, ac fe’i<br />

cynigir mewn mannau cyfarfod cymunedol yn Abertawe, Castellnedd<br />

Port Talbot, Sir Gâr a Sir Benfro.<br />

Mae’r rhaglen yn galluogi myfyrwyr i ddatblygu trosolwg o<br />

bynciau sy’n ymwneud â’r Dyniaethau, megis Cymdeithaseg,<br />

Hanes, Llenyddiaeth, Athroniaeth, Seicoleg a Chwnsela, ac fe’i<br />

cefnogir gan ystod eang o Sgiliau Astudio a chymorth TG. Bydd y<br />

rhaglen YN RHAD AC AM DDIM i fyfyrwyr cymwys.<br />

Ymwadiad<br />

ganolog a’i hasiantaethau, a llywodraethau datganoledig, sydd<br />

eu hangen er mwyn eu galluogi i gyflawni eu swyddogaethau<br />

statudol.<br />

Efallai y byddwch am nodi na fyddwn yn datgelu eich manylion<br />

cyswllt, ni chaiff eich enwau eu defnyddio na’u cynnwys mewn<br />

gwaith dadansoddi ystadegol, a chymerir rhagofalon er mwyn<br />

lleihau’r risg y bydd modd eich adnabod ar sail y data.<br />

Collfarnau Heb Ddarfod<br />

Os ydych chi wedi datgelu bod gennych gollfarn heb ddarfod,<br />

gofynnir i chi gwblhau Ffurflen Euogfarn sy’n gofyn am<br />

wybodaeth am natur y gollfarn/rhybudd. Bydd yr adran yn<br />

ystyried yr wybodaeth hon cyn penderfynu a gaiff eich cais fynd<br />

yn ei flaen. Ni chymerir collfarn i ystyriaeth oni bai ei bod yn<br />

berthnasol.<br />

Yn anffodus, mae’n bosib na fydd modd cadarnhau’ch lle yn<br />

AABO os tybir y gall eich euogfarn gyfaddawdu dyletswydd y<br />

Brifysgol i ofalu am fyfyrwyr eraill a staff. Os cewch eich cyhuddo<br />

o dramgwydd troseddol perthnasol ar ôl i chi gychwyn ar eich<br />

cwrs, mae’n rhaid i chi roi gwybod i ni ar unwaith.<br />

eing Services are in ground floor of Horton House, No 23 on the<br />

Campus map.<br />

Drop-in Sessions: Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at<br />

2.00pm till 3.30 pm, Fridays at 10.00 am till 11.30 am<br />

Phone us on 01792 295592<br />

or email wellbeing@swansea.ac.uk<br />

www.swan.ac.uk/wellbeing<br />

Bydd y rhaglen<br />

YN RHAD AC<br />

AM DDIM<br />

i fyfyrwyr cymwys.<br />

DACE reserves the right to alter or cancel course where<br />

circumstances demand. Times and locations may vary and can be<br />

subject to change. Any information you provide to DACE will be<br />

treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act.<br />

Data Protection Notice<br />

Ymwadiad: Rydym wedi ymdrechu i ofalu bod yr wybodaeth yn<br />

y llyfryn hwn yn gywir ar adeg yr argraffu. Mae’r Adran Addysg<br />

Barhaus i Oedolion (AABO) yn cadw’r hawl i newid neu ganslo<br />

cyrsiau lle bo amgylchiadau yn galw am hynny. Gall amseroedd<br />

a lleoliadau newid. Caiff unrhyw wybodaeth y byddwch<br />

yn ei darparu i AABO ei thrin yn unol â’r Ddeddf Diogelu<br />

Gwybodaeth.<br />

Information held by the <strong>University</strong> about you, (such as information<br />

on your registration form) is added to a database, extracts<br />

from which are passed to central government departments and<br />

agencies and devolved administrations, which require it to enable<br />

them to carry out their statutory functions.<br />

Rhybudd Diogelu Data<br />

Caiff gwybodaeth y mae’r Brifysgol yn ei dal amdanoch (megis yr<br />

wybodaeth ar eich ffurflen gofrestru) ei chadw ar gronfa ddata, a<br />

bydd rhannau ohoni yn cael ei phasio i adrannau o’r llywodraeth<br />

46 Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />


Application Form BA (Hons) Part-Time Degree Programme 2013-2014 Application Form BA (Hons) Part-Time Degree Programme 2013-2014<br />

Please note that students will be called for an interview and may be required to supply a written personal statement in<br />

support of their application.<br />

A. Personal Details<br />

Title: Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Rev / Dr / Professor<br />

First name(s) ...........................................................................<br />

Surname ................................................................................<br />

Home address ........................................................................<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

......................................................... Postcode ......................<br />

Date of Birth ......................... Country of Birth .........................<br />

Daytime telephone number (including STD code) ............................<br />

Evening telephone number (including STD code) ............................<br />

Mobile telephone number ........................................................<br />

E-mail address ........................................................................<br />

If you have an unspent criminal conviction, please let us know.<br />

Criminal records will be taken into account only when the<br />

conviction is relevant.<br />

Do you have any unspent criminal convictions: Yes<br />

If Yes, you will be asked to complete a Conviction Form requesting<br />

information about the nature of the conviction/caution. Criminal<br />

records will be taken into account only when the conviction is<br />

relevant.<br />

B. Employment Status (Please tick appropriate box)<br />

In paid employment<br />

Retired: State pension<br />

Retired: Private pension<br />

Registered unemployed<br />

In receipt of other state benefit (e.g. Income support/family credit)<br />

Otherwise Unwaged<br />

C. Module/Venue Choice<br />

Please list the two modules for which you are applying:<br />

Module One ..........................................................................<br />

Venue ....................................................................................<br />

Module Two ...........................................................................<br />

Venue ....................................................................................<br />

Reserve Choice Module ...........................................................<br />

Venue ....................................................................................<br />

N.B. Your reserve course choice will automatically be selected<br />

if any of the modules you have selected are full or have low<br />

numbers.<br />

No<br />

D. Study Skills<br />

If you wish to attend a Study Skills course in September at one of<br />

the following counties, please tick the relevant box:<br />

Campus Neath Port Talbot Carmarthenshire<br />

Pembrokeshire<br />

E. Previous Education (From the age of 11)<br />

Dates ....................................................................................<br />

Name of school/college ..........................................................<br />

From .......................... to ......................................................<br />

From .......................... to ......................................................<br />

From .......................... to ......................................................<br />

Examinations taken (whether passed or failed) or credits gained<br />

1.Examining body ..................................................................<br />

1.Examination ........................................................................<br />

1.Date ...................................................................................<br />

1.Subject ...............................................................................<br />

1.Grade/Result ......................................................................<br />

2.Examining body ..................................................................<br />

2.Examination ........................................................................<br />

2.Date ...................................................................................<br />

2.Subject ...............................................................................<br />

2.Grade/Result ......................................................................<br />

Please list any other courses which you have attended in recent<br />

years which have not involved any examination or credit<br />

(e.g. evening classes or courses at work).<br />

1.Date ...................................................................................<br />

1.Name of course ..................................................................<br />

1.Course Provider ...................................................................<br />

2.Date ...................................................................................<br />

2.Name of course ..................................................................<br />

2.Course Provider ...................................................................<br />

F. Are you a Welsh speaker?<br />

Welsh Speaker Not Welsh Speaker Welsh Learner<br />

G. Nationality on your Passport<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

H. Do you have UK residency status? Yes No<br />

I. What is your Country of Permanent Residence?<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

I. Your UK National Identity is? (UK students only)<br />

British English Irish Scottish Welsh Other<br />

Information Refused Unspecified<br />

J. Your Ethnic Origin is?<br />

White Black or Black British – African<br />

Black or Black British – Caribbean Other Black background<br />

Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British –<br />

Indian Asian or Asian British – Pakistani Chinese<br />

Other Asian Background Mixed – White and Black African<br />

Mixed – White and Black Caribbean Mixed – White and<br />

Asian Other Mixed Background<br />

Other Ethnic background Information Refused<br />

Not known<br />

K. Do you have a disability? Please tick box(es)<br />

No disability Information refused Blind or serious visual<br />

impairment Deaf or serious hearing impairment<br />

Physical impairment or mobility issues Other disability not<br />

mentioned Mental Health condition Longstanding illness<br />

or condition Two or more impairments and/or disabling<br />

medical conditions Social/Communication impairment<br />

A specific learning disability e.g. dyslexia<br />

L. Do you receive Disabled Students’ Allowance?<br />

Yes No<br />

M. Personal interests: Please list your interests/hobbies<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

N. Did you study for the BA Degree Preparation<br />

Programme in Humanities?<br />

Yes<br />

No<br />

O. How did you FIRST hear about the Part-time Degree<br />

Programme? (Please tick the relevant box)<br />

Brochure, please specify how/where you received it<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

BA Part-time Degree Programme in Humanities, History or<br />

English Postcard how/where you received it<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Website, please specify<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Newspaper, please specify<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Venue/Centre, please specify<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Promotional Event, please specify<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Word of mouth, e.g. tutor, colleague, another student,<br />

please specify<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Direct mail, e.g letter or email from department, please specify<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Social Media e.g. Facebook, Twitter<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Other, please specify<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Signature ...............................................................................<br />

Date .....................................................................................<br />

Please return to: Mrs Janice Brown, Part-time Degree Secretary,<br />

Department of Adult Continuing Education, <strong>Swansea</strong> <strong>University</strong>,<br />

Singleton Park, <strong>Swansea</strong>, SA2 8PP.<br />

Tel: 01792 295499<br />

E-mail: j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

48 For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk 49

Ffurflen Gais Rhaglen Radd Ran-Amser BA (Anrhydedd) yn y Dyniaethau 2013-2014 Ffurflen Gais Rhaglen Radd Ran-Amser BA (Anrhydedd) yn y Dyniaethau 2013-2014<br />

Sylwer: caiff myfyrwyr eu galw am gyfweliad, ac mae’n bosibl y gofynnir iddynt ddarparu datganiad personol<br />

ysgrifenedig i gefnogi eu ceisiadau.<br />

A. Manylion personol<br />

Title: Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Rev / Dr / Professor<br />

Enw(au) Cyntaf .......................................................................<br />

Cyfenw .................................................................................<br />

Cyfeiriad Cartref ...................................................................<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

......................................................... Cod Post ......................<br />

Dyddiad Geni ..................... Gwlad Geni .............................<br />

Rhif ffôn yn ystod y dydd (gan gynnwys cod) ................................<br />

Rhif ffôn gyda’r hwyr (gan gynnwys cod) ......................................<br />

Rhif ffôn Symudol ...................................................................<br />

Cyfeiriad e-bost ......................................................................<br />

Os oes euogfarn droseddol heb ddarfod gennych, rhowch wybod<br />

i ni. Ni chymerir collfarn i ystyriaeth oni bai ei bod yn berthnasol.<br />

Oes euogfarn droseddol heb Oes Nac oes<br />

ddarfod gennych:<br />

Os oes, gofynnir i chi lenwi Ffurflen Euogfarn sy’n gofyn am<br />

wybodaeth ynghylch natur yr euogfarn/rhybudd. Ni chymerir<br />

collfarn i ystyriaeth oni bai ei bod yn berthnasol.<br />

B. Statws Cyflogaeth (Ticiwch y blwch addas)<br />

Mewn cyflogaeth<br />

Wedi Ymddeol: Pensiwn preifat<br />

Wedi Ymddeol: Pensiwn y wladwriaeth<br />

Wedi’ch cofrestru’n ddi-waith<br />

Yn derbyn budd-daliadau eraill<br />

(e.e. Cymhorthdal Incwm/credyd teuluol)<br />

C. Dewis Modiwl a Lleoliad<br />

Digyflog arall<br />

Rhestrwch y ddau fodiwl yr ydych yn ymgeisio amdanynt:<br />

Modiwl Un ............................................................................<br />

Lleoliad .................................................................................<br />

Modiwl Dau ..........................................................................<br />

Lleoliad .................................................................................<br />

Modiwl Dewis wrth Gefn .........................................................<br />

Lleoliad .................................................................................<br />

D.S. Caiff eich dewis wrth gefn ei ddewis yn awtomatig os bydd<br />

unrhyw rai o’r modiwl rydych chi wedi eu dewis yn llawn neu os<br />

bydd niferoedd y myfyrwyr arnynt yn isel.<br />

D. Sgiliau Astudio<br />

Os dymunwch fynychu cwrs Sgiliau Astudio ym mis Medi mewn<br />

un o’r siroedd canlynol, ticiwch y blwch perthnasol:<br />

Campws Castell-nedd Port Talbot Sir Gaerfyrddin<br />

Sir Benfro<br />

E. Addysg Flaenorol (Ers 11 oed)<br />

Dyddiadau ............................................................................<br />

Enw’r ysgol neu’r coleg ..........................................................<br />

O .......................... tan ........................................................<br />

O .......................... tan ........................................................<br />

O .......................... tan ........................................................<br />

Arholiadau a safwyd (boed wedi’u pasio neu wedi’u methu) a<br />

chredydau a enillwyd<br />

1.Corff Arholi ........................................................................<br />

1.Arholiad ............................................................................<br />

1.Dyddiad .............................................................................<br />

1.Pwnc ................................................................................<br />

1.Gradd/Canlyniad ...............................................................<br />

2.Corff Arholi ........................................................................<br />

2.Arholiad ............................................................................<br />

2.Dyddiad .............................................................................<br />

2.Pwnc ................................................................................<br />

2.Gradd/Canlyniad ...............................................................<br />

Rhestrwch unrhyw gyrsiau eraill yr ydych wedi’u mynychu yn<br />

ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf sydd heb arwain at arholiad neu<br />

gredydau (er enghraifft dosbarth nos neu gyrsiau yn y gweithle).<br />

1.Dyddiad .............................................................................<br />

1.Enw’r cwrs .........................................................................<br />

1.Darparwr y cwrs .................................................................<br />

2.Dyddiad .............................................................................<br />

2.Enw’r cwrs .........................................................................<br />

2.Darparwr y cwrs .................................................................<br />

F. Ydych chi’n siarad Cymraeg?<br />

Yn siarad Cymraeg<br />

Yn dysgu Cymraeg<br />

Ddim yn siarad Cymraeg<br />

G. Cenedligrwydd ar eich Trwydded Deithio<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

H. Oes gennych statws preswylydd y DU? Oes Nac Oes<br />

I. Ym mha Wlad ydych chi’n Breswylydd Parhaol?<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

I. Beth yw’ch cenedligrwydd yn y DU? (myfyrwyr o’r DU yn unig)<br />

Prydeinig Seisnig Gwyddelig Albanaidd<br />

Cymreig Arall Gwrthod rhoi gwybodaeth<br />

Heb ei nodi<br />

J. Beth yw’ch tarddiad ethnig?<br />

Gwyn Du neu Ddu Prydeinig - Affricanaidd<br />

Du neu Ddu Prydeinig - Caribïaidd Cefndir Du Arall<br />

Asiaidd neu Asiaidd Prydeinig - Bangladeshaidd<br />

Asiaidd neu Asiaidd Prydeinig - Indiaidd<br />

Asiaidd neu Asiaidd Prydeinig - Pacistanaidd Tsieineaidd<br />

Cefndir Asiaidd arall Cymysg - Gwyn a Du Affricanaidd<br />

Cymysg - Gwyn a Du Caribïaidd Cymysg - Gwyn ac Asiaidd<br />

Cefndir Cymysg Arall Cefndir Ethnig Arall<br />

Gwrthod rhoi gwybodaeth Anhysbys<br />

K. A oes gennych anabledd? Ticiwch y blwch neu flychau perthnasol<br />

Dim anabledd Gwrthod rhoi gwybodaeth<br />

Dall neu nam difrifol ar eich golwg<br />

Byddar neu nam difrifol ar eich clyw Nam corfforol neu<br />

broblemau symud Anabledd arall heb ei grybwyll Cyflwr<br />

Iechyd Meddwl Salwch neu gyflwr hirdymor Dau nam (a/<br />

neu gyflwr meddygol anablu) neu fwy Nam Cymdeithasol/<br />

Cyfathrebu Anabledd dysgu penodol e.e. dyslecsia.<br />

L. Ydych chi’n derbyn Lwfans Myfyrwyr Anabl?<br />

Ydw Nac ydw<br />

M. Diddordebau personol: Rhestrwch eich diddordebau / hobïau<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

N. Wnaethoch chi astudio’r rhaglen ‘Paratoi ar gyfer BA yn<br />

y Dyniaethau’?<br />

Do<br />

Naddo<br />

O. Sut glywoch chi GYNTAF am y Rhaglen Radd Ran-amser?<br />

(Ticiwch y blwch perthnasol)<br />

Llyfryn, nodwch sut/ble y cawsoch gopi<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Cerdyn post am y BA Rhan-amser yn y Dyniaethau, Hanes neu<br />

Saesneg - sut/ble y cawsoch e<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Gwefan, rhowch fanylion<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Papur newydd, rhowch fanylion<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Lleoliad/Canolfan, rhowch fanylion<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Digwyddiad Hyrwyddo, rhowch fanylion<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Clywed sôn, e.e. tiwtor, cydweithiwr, myfyriwr arall, rhowch<br />

fanylion<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Post uniongyrchol, e.e. llythyr neu e-bost o’r adran,<br />

rhowch fanylion<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol, e.e. Facebook, Twitter<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Arall, rhowch fanylion<br />

.............................................................................................<br />

Llofnod ..................................................................................<br />

Dyddiad ................................................................................<br />

Dychweler i: Mrs Janice Brown, Ysgrifennydd y Radd Ran-amser,<br />

Adran Addysg Barhaus Oedolion, Prifysgol Abertawe, Parc<br />

Singleton, <strong>Swansea</strong>, SA2 8PP.<br />

Ffôn: 01792 295499<br />

E-bost: j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

50 For more details please contact Janice Brown on 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> or j.p.brown@swansea.ac.uk<br />

Am ragor o fanylion, cysylltwch â Janice Brown ar 01792 295499/2959<strong>35</strong> neu j.p.brown@abertawe.ac.uk 51





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Enquiries: 01792 295499 / 01792 2959<strong>35</strong> | Fax: 01792 295751 | Email: adult.education@swansea.ac.uk<br />

www.swansea.ac.uk/dace<br />

Adran Addysg Barhaus Oedolion Prifysgol Abertawe<br />

Adeilad Glyndŵr, Parc Singleton, Abertawe SA2 8PP<br />

Ymholiadau: 01792 295499 / 01792 2959<strong>35</strong> | Ffacs: 01792 295751 | E-bost: adult.education@abertawe.ac.uk<br />

Find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/dace.swansea<br />

Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/DACE_<strong>Swansea</strong>Uni<br />

Available on <strong>Swansea</strong> Campus and at community venues in: <strong>Swansea</strong>, Neath Port Talbot, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire.<br />

Ar gael ar Gampws Abertawe ac mewn lleoliadau cymunedol yn: Abertawe, Castell-nedd Port Talbot, Sir Gaerfyrddin a Sir Benfro.

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