ENGINEERING - Royal Australian Navy

ENGINEERING - Royal Australian Navy

ENGINEERING - Royal Australian Navy


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NAVY<br />

<strong>ENGINEERING</strong><br />

ISSUE 2 FEBRUARY 2002<br />


N AV Y E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E T I N F EB R U A RY 20 02<br />

1<br />

E D I TO R I A LBOA R D<br />

C h a i rm a n<br />

Captain Craig G. Kerr, RAN<br />

M e m b e rs<br />

Engineering Advisory Council (EAC)<br />

E d i to r<br />

Lieutenant Commander Ray Cairney, RAN<br />

Published by<br />

Defence Publishing Service<br />

D i s c l a i m e r<br />

The views expressed in this Bulletin are the personal views<br />

of the authors, and unless otherwise stated, do not in any<br />

way reflect <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Navy</strong> Policy<br />

D e a d l i n e<br />

Issue 3 June 2002 Contributions by April 2002<br />

Issue 4 January 2003 Contributions by November 2002<br />

C o n t ributions should be sent to<br />

The Editor<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering Bulletin<br />

CP4–7–135<br />

Campbell Park ACT 2600<br />

Telephone: (02) 6266 3443<br />

Fax: (02) 6266 2388<br />

E-mail: navyengineeringbulletin@defence.gov.au<br />

D i st ri b u t i o n<br />

To be added to the distribution list contact the Editor.<br />


Foreword 2<br />

CNE Introduction 3<br />

A Word from the Editor’s Desk 5<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering – A Vision for the Future 6<br />

Our Challenges and Opportunities 7<br />

Re-invigorating Engineering in the RAN 10<br />

Engineering Opportunities 13<br />

Engineering and Maritime Doctrine 14<br />

Project HELP: Healthy Engineering and Logistic Policy 17<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering Doctrine Project 18<br />

Investigation into the Catastrophic Failure of the Port High<br />

Pressure Main Air Compressor 19<br />

Fleet Intermediate Maintenance Activity 22<br />

Engineering Division Annual Report 2001 24<br />

Revised Policy for Technical Sailor Promotion to Commissioned Rank 25<br />

Officer Promotions 29<br />

Graduating Weapons Engineering Application Course (WEAC) 30<br />

Sailor Promotions 31<br />

Life on an MHC as a Technical Sailor 32<br />

Fleet Intermediate Maintenance Activity – HMAS Waterhen (FIMA-W) 35<br />

ANZAC Greenies in the Arabian Gulf 37<br />

Battle Force Electronic Mail 41<br />

Seakeeping Characteristics of Patrol Boats 42<br />

What is a Hydrographic Ship? 45<br />

Maritime Systems Division Contract Quality Assurance Program<br />

and the Integrated QA Contract Support Database 47<br />

Why is the Workforce Upside Down? 51<br />

An Engineer’s Lament 53<br />

Qualifications and Licenses – aren’t they the same thing? 54<br />

Signature Aspects of Marine Gas Turbine Propulsion 57<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering Professional Development Program 61<br />

The Electronic Technical Certificate of Competence 62<br />

The Maintenance Engineering Society of Australia Inc. 64

2 N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B U L L ET IN F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />




Foreword<br />

In February 2001, a number of our ships and a submarine were<br />

scheduled to participate in EX TASMANEX with units from the New<br />

Zealand <strong>Navy</strong>. Our performance in that exercise was significantly<br />

degraded due a significant number of engineering casualties that<br />

occurred before and after the exercise commenced.<br />

In fact, serious problems with the<br />

fuel pumps on HMAS SUCCESS<br />

meant that she had to be<br />

w i th d raw n from the exercise<br />

before leaving Sydney. This<br />

situation caused me considerable<br />

chagrin. I could handle the<br />

inevitable jibes of the Kiwis, but<br />

I was very concerned about the<br />

reliability of the Fleet. I shared<br />

for these unforseen events, a<br />

large number of changes were<br />

made in a very short time; some<br />

large, some small, but almost all<br />

involved engineering effort.<br />

I am very pleased to report that<br />

as the operational tempo has<br />

increased, the Fleet engineering<br />

reliability has been very good.<br />

. . . the whole <strong>Navy</strong> moved<br />

from an exercise mentality to<br />

a fully operational mode, due<br />

to the ‘unauthorised boat<br />

arrivals’ in the north and our<br />

government’s response to the<br />

‘war against terrorism’.<br />

beyond the capacity of uniformed<br />

people. The engineers in FIMA<br />

continue to provide consistent<br />

high quality support to the Fleet<br />

and have deployed in support<br />

of operations in KANIMBL A<br />

and MANOORA.<br />

The year 2001 reconfirmed in<br />

my mind ‘that engineers make it<br />

happen’ and I want you to know<br />

that your efforts have been<br />

appreciated. I commend the<br />

“Naval Engineering Bulletin” to<br />

you. I trust that the knowledge<br />

and wisdom herein is used to<br />

ensure that the Fleet is kept<br />

ready to fight and win at any time.<br />

Yours sincerely,<br />

my concerns with the Chief Staff<br />

Officer Engineering and the Force<br />

Element Group Commanders.<br />

The result was that a number<br />

of key engineering problems in<br />

several FEGs were identified and<br />

prioritised. The engineers (and<br />

people of other specialisations)<br />

w i thin the Maritime Headqu a rte rs ,<br />

the Force Element Groups and<br />

the DMO, set about solving them<br />

to improve the reliability of our<br />

platforms. The second thing that<br />

occurred was that the whole <strong>Navy</strong><br />

moved from an exercise mentality<br />

to a fully operational mode, due<br />

to the ‘unauthorised boat ar rivals’<br />

in the north and our gove rn m e n t ’ s<br />

response to the ‘war against<br />

terrorism’. In preparing our ships<br />

A major contributing factor has<br />

been the energy and effort<br />

expended by engineers and<br />

technicians across the <strong>Navy</strong>.<br />

Marine and electronics<br />

technicians at sea have kept<br />

watches, done the maintenance,<br />

monitored systems, fixed defects<br />

and kept the machinery and<br />

weapons at a high s tate of<br />

readiness for long periods of time.<br />

Fleet engineering staff have<br />

c o n d u c ted wo rkups and eva l u a t i o n s<br />

tirelessly and offered support and<br />

assistance when and where<br />

required. DMO and SYSCOM<br />

engineers have provided the<br />

wherewithal to modify the ships<br />

and managed the contractors to<br />

do the maintenance that was<br />

G.F. SMITH AO<br />

Rear Admiral RAN<br />

Maritime Commander Australia

N AVY E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E TI N F EB R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

3<br />

CNE Introduction<br />

In our last issue of the Bulletin, I expressed my concern that the<br />

contribution that engineering expertise and experience is making<br />

within <strong>Navy</strong> has been declining for a number of years, and as a<br />

result the status of engineering in <strong>Navy</strong> needs significant improvement.<br />

Since being appointed Chief Naval Engineer (CNE), I have sought to<br />

determine the issues facing <strong>Navy</strong> Engineering.<br />



I have held discussions with many<br />

engineer offi c e rs, sailors and<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> civilian engineers ,<br />

i n te rv i ewed many junior offi c e rs ,<br />

p a rt i c u l a rly those consideri n g<br />

resignation, and had discussions<br />

w i th CN, the Mari t i m e<br />

Commander and with Indust ry.<br />

I have addressed cours e s<br />

including WEAC / M E AC, ATT and<br />

I T T, and have visited FIMA East ,<br />

We st and Darwin. The Engineeri n g<br />

fo rum and wo rkshop held in<br />

D a rwin in July 2001 exa m i n e d<br />

p roblems curre n t ly facing Nav y<br />

E n g i n e e ring. Consequ e n t ly, I feel I<br />

h ave a good understanding of th e<br />

m a ny issues facing Nav y<br />

E n g i n e e ring and now the time has<br />

come to ta ckle th e m .<br />

In my introductory remar ks to the<br />

first issue of the N aval<br />

Engineering Bulletin I outlined my<br />

responsibilities and objectives as<br />

CNE. One of my objectives was to<br />

refine the engineering processes<br />

within <strong>Navy</strong>, so I have initiated<br />

Project HELP – Healthy<br />

Engineering & Logistics Policy<br />

to correct deficiencies in<br />

engineering and logistics policy,<br />

and refine and document the<br />

processes. The Engineering<br />

aspect has commenced and the<br />

first phase, now complete, was<br />

to define the role of CNE. This<br />

position has been defined as the<br />

Head of the Corps for <strong>Navy</strong><br />

engineers and technicians both<br />

uniform and civilian, and as the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Technical Regulatory<br />

Authority. Further details of<br />

Project HELP are explained in<br />

an article in this Bulletin.<br />

Another of my objectives was t o<br />

review <strong>Navy</strong>’s requirement of its<br />

engineering personnel and how<br />

they may best contribute to<br />

<strong>Navy</strong>’s capability. During the last<br />

few years <strong>Navy</strong> has undergone<br />

significant organisational and<br />

procedural changes that have<br />

impacted on the delivery of <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Engineering. When combined with<br />

changes in technology and the<br />

engineering profession, <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Engineering may now not meet<br />

the needs of our <strong>Navy</strong> operating<br />

more complex, minimum manned<br />

ships in a commercial support<br />

environment. I am also aware<br />

that these changes are having an<br />

adverse impact on the morale of<br />

<strong>Navy</strong>’s engineering personnel in<br />

part because their role and the<br />

vision for their future is not clear.<br />

The Darwin Engineering Seminar<br />

highlighted the need to document<br />

how engineers contribute to the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> mission. So with CN’s<br />

approval, I have initiated another<br />

project to examine how <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Engineering will evolve to meet<br />

this challenge. The project is<br />

being undertaken in two stages.<br />

The first stage will develop an<br />

issues paper that presents<br />

options for the way ahead.<br />

The second stage will use the<br />

agreed outcomes of the first<br />

stage to develop a public<br />

document – <strong>Navy</strong> Engineering<br />

Doctrine. This document will<br />

describe the future role,<br />

capability and requirements of<br />

Just remember, particularly<br />

in this time of increased<br />

operational tempo, that<br />

every day – engineers make<br />

it happen!<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering, to better utilise<br />

our engineering assets and for<br />

engineering personnel to<br />

understand how they contribute<br />

to <strong>Navy</strong>’s mission. The project is<br />

being undertaken by Commander<br />

Mathew Hudson RANR and<br />

Mr Athol Yates. Further details<br />

are found later in this Bulletin.<br />

I know that many of you are most<br />

concerned at the loss of the<br />

engineering Two Star and now<br />

the lack of engineering<br />

representation on CNSAC. While<br />

I will continue to lobby for both of<br />

these, it should be noted that<br />

engineering is not self serving –<br />

it is an integral part of supporting<br />

the <strong>Navy</strong> Mission. So it is<br />

important that your CNSAC<br />

representative is well briefed on<br />

the engineering aspects of the<br />

agenda items for each meeting.<br />

Shortly after the first issue of the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering Bulletin hit the

4 N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B UL L ET IN F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />



sea lanes, I received a phone call<br />

from the Commanding Officer<br />

of one of our major sur face<br />

combatants saying how much he<br />

enjoyed reading it. The feedback<br />

from the engineering community<br />

has been equally positive. I was<br />

most impressed at the standard<br />

of the articles and I thank the<br />

contributors for their ef forts<br />

without which we wouldn’t have<br />

a Bulletin. To encourage the<br />

submission of articles, prizes<br />

are awarded for the best ones.<br />

My congratulations go out to<br />

Mr Peter Clark, LCDR Mark<br />

Warren and CPO Vic Young who<br />

won prizes for their contributions<br />

to the first edition.<br />

I would also like to thank LCDR<br />

Ray Cairney for editing this issue<br />

between postings. You will<br />

observe a number of changes in<br />

this issue to align it with Brand<br />

<strong>Navy</strong>, including the name of the<br />

Bulletin and its ‘look and feel’.<br />

In conclusion, the reinvigoration<br />

of <strong>Navy</strong> Engineering has<br />

commenced and I ask for your<br />

support to HELP and the <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Engineering Doctrine. Just<br />

remember, particularly in this<br />

time of increased operational<br />

tempo, that every day –<br />

Engineers make it happen!<br />

About the author Commodore Kenneth W.<br />

Joseph was born 16 April 1954 in Sydney.<br />

He joined the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> Naval<br />

College in 1971. He then attended the<br />

University of New South Wales in 1973,<br />

graduating in 1976 with a Bachelor of<br />

Electrical Engineering Degree. This was<br />

followed by engineering courses with the<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Navy</strong> and with the United States<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> in 1977/78.<br />

He served in the destr oyer, HMAS PERTH<br />

from 1978–80,where he managed the<br />

ASW and Gunnery systems. As a young<br />

Lieutenant in 1981/82 he served on the<br />

staff of the Director Naval Weapons<br />

Design, primarily concerned with the<br />

design and manufacture of the <strong>Australian</strong><br />

indigenous sonar known as “MULLOKA “.<br />

From 1982–85 he served as the Resident<br />

Naval Engineer at the sonar manufacturer’s<br />

plant.<br />

In 1985 he returned to sea as the<br />

Weapons Electrical Engineering Of ficer<br />

of HMAS PERTH which won awards for<br />

Gunnery and Missile system excellence<br />

and the effectiveness of ASW,AIO and<br />

Communications systems. In 1987 he<br />

was posted ashore as the Of ficer in Charge<br />

of the Trials Unit at the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong><br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Trials and Assessing Unit. His<br />

responsibilities included the trials and<br />

acceptance recommendations of all ne w,<br />

modified or overhauled ships, aircraft and<br />

other operational systems.<br />

In 1991, he was posted to the Naval<br />

Postgraduate School in Monterey,<br />

California to pursue a Mas ter of Science<br />

degree in Management. His thesis<br />

addressed Operational Test and Evaluation<br />

(OT&E), and he graduated With Distinction<br />

in 1992. On returning to Australia in<br />

February 1993 he ser ved with the Director<br />

Naval Engineering Requirements – War fare<br />

Systems where he progressed policies on<br />

OT&E and Operational Softwar e<br />

Engineering Management.<br />

In November 1993, he was posted as the<br />

Engineering and Support Director for the<br />

Offshore Patrol Combatant Project, wher e<br />

he was responsible for the management of<br />

the ship design and proposed Integrated<br />

Logistic Support during the Project Design<br />

Phase. In February 1995, he was promoted<br />

to Captain and appointed as the Director<br />

Capability Development and Analysis in<br />

Force Development (Sea). The appointment<br />

as the Minehunter Coastal Project Director<br />

followed in December 1996 where he<br />

achieved the successful delivery of the<br />

first two ships. He was promoted to<br />

Commodore in December 1999 and<br />

posted as the inaugural Director General<br />

Naval Systems in March 2000. He was<br />

appointed as the Chief Naval Engineer in<br />

September 2000.

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L L E TI N F E B R U A RY 2 00 2<br />

5<br />

A Word from the<br />

Editor’s Desk<br />



Well folks, the first issue is a tough act to follow. Tom and Angela’s<br />

efforts resulted in a very good publication. As you can see below,<br />

we have had some feedback with a couple of Letters to the Editor.<br />

Continue to let me know how we are going: good, bad or indifferent.<br />

To reiterate, one of the aims of<br />

the bulletin is to provide an<br />

avenue to all areas of the <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Engineering community to be<br />

enlightened on a range of<br />

engineering and related issues.<br />

It also provides the opportunity<br />

for engineers and technicians,<br />

both service and civilian, to put<br />

their thoughts and good ideas on<br />

paper and have them published.<br />

So keep the submissions coming.<br />

Thankfully, with this issue of the<br />

Bulletin I faced a similar problem<br />

to that of the previous Editor with<br />

more articles than I could fit into<br />

the limited space. Once again<br />

there is a need for balance and<br />

several articles missed out on<br />

that score. More articles from<br />

sailors across all disciplines are<br />

needed, and more from fleet<br />

units. Also important is brevity.<br />

A twelve-page article won’t make<br />

it. A seven-page article (including<br />

graphics) will struggle.<br />

In the second half of 2001,<br />

a lot of work went on in various<br />

areas aimed at reinvigorating<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering. In this vein,<br />

the first part of this issue is<br />

somewhat dedicated to<br />

articulating the direction that<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering is headed wit h<br />

several articles centred around,<br />

or the result of the engineering<br />

gatherings that took place when<br />

a number of Fleet units were in<br />

Darwin in July 2001. It appears<br />

that the future of <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Engineering could be bright if<br />

we take charge of it.<br />

I have also included in this issue<br />

a brief flier on the Maintenance<br />

Engineering Society of Australia<br />

(MESA) as a way of highlighting<br />

the existence of engineering<br />

interest groups. I intend making<br />

such adds a regular feature of<br />

the bulletin.<br />

Lieutenant Commander<br />

Ray Cairney<br />

Editor<br />


I would like to congratulate you,<br />

your editorial team and all who<br />

contributed to the renewed<br />

Naval Engineering Bulletin.<br />

Well done. I enjoyed reading the<br />

whole magazine and think it adds<br />

considerably to our subs tance<br />

and identity as an engineering<br />

body.<br />

I would part i c u l a rly like to<br />

c o n gra t u l a te LCDR Mark Wa rre n<br />

on his th o u g h t - p rovoking paper,<br />

‘The Impending Extinction of th e<br />

Naval Engineer’. His line of logic<br />

is sound, we are on a cours e<br />

that will incre a s i n gly te st th e<br />

value of our contribution and<br />

I am not convinced we have a<br />

sound case in re b u t tal. But,<br />

I would conte st Mark’s line of<br />

logic along another line of logic<br />

that says Naval Engineer Offi c e rs<br />

who apply engineering skills do<br />

m a ke a real, defining diffe re n c e<br />

to our ability to opera te our<br />

s ystems at optimum<br />

p e rfo rmance at sea, and th e s e<br />

a re people who will always be<br />

valued and never discarded. If<br />

you are uncertain about what<br />

e n g i n e e ring skills means, sta rt<br />

by looking at the IEAu st<br />

d e s c ription qu o ted by Mark and<br />

think about what the te rm<br />

applied-science means. I have no<br />

doubt th e re is the opport u n i t y<br />

and need for applied-science<br />

e n g i n e e ring at sea.<br />

I would also congratulate Mark<br />

on striking at the false belief that<br />

more complex technology<br />

requires more complex technical<br />

training. He is quite right, the<br />

reverse is actually more correct,<br />

and few people around <strong>Navy</strong><br />

have thought this through and<br />

understood the relationship.<br />

Leaving aside what it might mean<br />

for operators, in the technical<br />

world it means for sophisticated<br />

systems we require fewer people,<br />

but those few people require<br />

different skills, they need<br />

systems-performance and<br />

diagnosis type technical skills.<br />

There are many complex matters<br />

involved in deciding our future as<br />

engineers and technicians, but<br />

we might start with the question:<br />

do we as a <strong>Navy</strong> want to ‘fight<br />

and win at sea’ or do we want to<br />

‘fight, fix and win at sea’?<br />

Andrew Cawley<br />

CAPT, RAN<br />

I was greatly impressed by the<br />

content of the first issue of the<br />

Naval Engineering Bulletin.<br />

As an instructor with Scientific<br />

Management Associates<br />

delivering training to <strong>Navy</strong><br />

personnel, the material presented<br />

in your publication provides very<br />

valuable assistance in making<br />

linkages between training<br />

material and the workplace.<br />

A good example of the above is<br />

the article by Mr Peter Clark<br />

(Electric Propulsion for Sur face<br />

Combatants). This provided very<br />

useful contextual information on<br />

the relevance of DC motor theor y<br />

in the module on DC Machines<br />

and for the comparison of the<br />

various propulsion systems.<br />

Mark Burt<br />

Shoal Water, WA

6 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL L E T I N F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />


<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering –<br />

A Vision for the Future<br />

Our Challenges and Opportunities<br />


I want to tell you a fairy story.<br />

Once upon a time,<br />

The year is 2013. The new Air<br />

Wa rfa re Dest royer HMAS<br />

AU ST RALIA has just been<br />

commissioned, on time and on<br />

b u d get. (I told you this was a<br />

fa i ry sto ry ! ) The Chief of Nav y<br />

has just left the Commissioning<br />

fe stivities and is enjoying a<br />

quiet brandy in the back of his<br />

limo on the way to the airp o rt .<br />

Vice Ad m i ral Paul Field, th e<br />

n ewly appointed Chief of Nav y<br />

and the fi rst to be an Engineer,<br />

is re flecting. Engineering had<br />

come a long way since we lost<br />

the Engineering Ad m i ral in<br />

2000, when engineers we re<br />

p e rc e i ved to be too narrow, ri s k<br />

ave rse and not adding value. It<br />

had been a concerted effo rt by<br />

the Engineering Community to<br />

think st ra te g i c a l ly and re fo c u s<br />

th e m s e lves on the future, to<br />

adapt to ch a n ge and in fact to<br />

d ri ve it so that the opport u n i t i e s<br />

of ch a n ge we re realised. To not<br />

j u st continue on as th ey had<br />

a l ways done and let ch a n ge ru n<br />

right over them. The Chief of<br />

D e fence Fo rce and the Ministe r<br />

n ow understood that an<br />

Engineer was ideal for th e<br />

L e a d e rship and Capability<br />

M a n a gement role of Chief of<br />

Nav y.<br />

He re fl e c ted on th e<br />

Commissioning. HMAS<br />

AU ST RALIA was a marvel of<br />

a u tomation, all electri c<br />

p ropulsion, multiple re d u n d a n c y,<br />

Au st ralian phased array ra d a r,<br />

and large ly Au st ralian Command<br />

and Control system. It virt u a l ly<br />

ran itself, but the people we re<br />

n e c e s s a ry. The flexibility of th e<br />

s u rface combatant was vital and<br />

the addition of people in th e<br />

s ystem was found essential to<br />

this task. A mista ke Air Fo rc e<br />

had learned in AIR 6000 when<br />

th ey went for the pilot-less air<br />

combat Unmanned Areal Ve h i c l e .<br />

In full battle confi g u ration the Air<br />

Wa rfa re Dest royer could opera te<br />

w i th as little as 60 people, I<br />

mean why send more people into<br />

h a rm’s way than you have to. Yo u<br />

see most of the crew was an<br />

i n s u rance item, for when human<br />

j u d gement and initiative we re<br />

re qu i red. It was realised ye a rs<br />

ago that the hard engineeri n g<br />

wasn’t done on board, but<br />

a s h o re. Howeve r, the experi e n c e<br />

gained by going to sea wa s<br />

recognised so she usually carri e d<br />

over 100 most of the time.<br />

And just like the now fully<br />

capable Collins class, Australia<br />

was the parent <strong>Navy</strong> for the Air<br />

Warfare Destroyer. Sure it had<br />

American weapons and other<br />

equipment, that weren’t cost<br />

effective to be developed in<br />

Australia, but these were built<br />

and supported in Australia. The<br />

change from the fully imported<br />

Guided Missile Destroyers<br />

(DDGs) and Guided Missile<br />

Frigates (FFGs) had been hard<br />

on the Engineering Community.<br />

They had been used to just<br />

maintaining the configuration,<br />

keeping them going, with most<br />

of the effort needed to enhance<br />

the configuration coming from<br />

overseas. Now as a parent <strong>Navy</strong>,<br />

most of <strong>Navy</strong>’s engineering<br />

effort was going into improving<br />

the performance of our ships.<br />

And the people, they were a<br />

good bunch. For sailors, the<br />

critical rank was still Petty<br />

Officer – the Supertechs as<br />

they were known, and they were<br />

highly sought after jobs. These<br />

were the guys who could make<br />

the ship’s systems sing and<br />

were vital in a crisis. They were<br />

educated to advanced Diploma<br />

level, well trained with extensive<br />

sea and shore experience, and<br />

the job at sea paid really well,<br />

and then there was the<br />

possibility of making Chief and<br />

really raking it in, with maybe<br />

even a Bachelor’s Degree in the<br />

offering. <strong>Navy</strong> had learned that<br />

if you trained a little,<br />

experienced a little, provided<br />

job satisfaction and always<br />

maintained the incentive to<br />

keep developing, then you<br />

didn’t need a huge bunch of<br />

juniors and so could af ford to<br />

pay people more.<br />

For officers, well their primar y<br />

job was not at sea. Sure there<br />

was the Chief Engineer on<br />

HMAS AUSTRALIA.She was<br />

responsible for optimising her<br />

systems and providing the<br />

engineering judgement, and it<br />

was a great job highly sor t<br />

after, but the sea job wasn’t the<br />

focus of her career. In a parent<br />

<strong>Navy</strong>, an engineer could<br />

contribute far more ashore, but<br />

the sea going experience was<br />

essential. That was the real<br />

difference between her and the<br />

public service and industr y<br />

engineers.<br />

And thinking of Defence<br />

Industry. The partnership with<br />

Industry had really paid off. No

N AVY E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E TI N F EB R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

7<br />

longer was <strong>Navy</strong> in competition<br />

with Industry. The Air Warfare<br />

Destroyer design, development<br />

and support activities were a<br />

joint effort. Industry was<br />

working with <strong>Navy</strong> and <strong>Navy</strong> was<br />

working with Industry, because<br />

that’s where the real<br />

engineering gains were to be<br />

had. Sailors and Of ficers<br />

worked with Industry, providing<br />

their at sea experience and<br />

gaining the in depth technical<br />

knowledge and skills that made<br />

them better engineers and<br />

technicians. Separate <strong>Navy</strong><br />

engineering support no longer<br />

existed, nor was it needed.<br />

O ffi c e rs and sailors in th e<br />

o p e rational readiness fo rce, as<br />

d i stinct from the Canberra<br />

based st ra te g i c a l ly fo c u s e d<br />

fo l ks, we re managed by th e<br />

Fo rce Element Group based Sea<br />

Readiness Centres, th a t<br />

m a n a ged each person’s pers o n a l<br />

d evelopment individually. Also<br />

th e re wasn’t a stovepipe in<br />

e n g i n e e ring, in fact engineeri n g<br />

wasn’t a separa te bra n ch any<br />

m o re. It was more of a<br />

p ro fessional qu a l i fication: more<br />

about career flexibility and<br />

p e rsonal choice. If you wa n te d<br />

to re a ch the top you had to be<br />

b ro a d ly experienced, with<br />

e n g i n e e ring providing a good<br />

basis for wa rfi g h ter training and<br />

u l t i m a te ly command. Howeve r,<br />

th e re was still a career fo r<br />

s p e c i a l i st engineers who’ve<br />

a c c o mplished their maste rs of<br />

e n g i n e e ring and some even at<br />

the PhD level. Their career wa s<br />

l i m i ted in rank but th ey we re<br />

paid we l l !<br />

As he slowly dozed off in the<br />

back of the limo, he thought of<br />

how he could be the first <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Engineer to make Chief of the<br />

Defence Force!<br />

And they all lived happily ever<br />

after . . .<br />

Yes my story is a fairy tale – but<br />

it is also a vision. However it is<br />

just one vision. Our job over the<br />

next few days is to determine our<br />

shared vision of <strong>Navy</strong> Engineering<br />

in the future. The one we want to<br />

drive towards. I will set the scene<br />

for the next few days, by outlining<br />

what I see as our challenges and<br />

opportunities for the future. But<br />

first what is CNE?<br />

W H AT IS CNE?<br />

CNE is the professional head of<br />

Engineering in <strong>Navy</strong> and the<br />

Head of Corps for the Engineering<br />

Branch. He is responsible for<br />

providing CN with specialist<br />

advice on engineering, defining<br />

<strong>Navy</strong>’s engineering requirements<br />

and advising on engineering<br />

personnel matters. I see CNE as<br />

the owner of the engineering<br />

process in <strong>Navy</strong>. He is to ensure<br />

our engineering processes are<br />

efficient, effective, well<br />

documented and understood by<br />

those in <strong>Navy</strong>, those in the<br />

enabling groups and by Industry.<br />

He is responsible for:<br />

• Defining <strong>Navy</strong>’s Engineering<br />

Requirements.<br />

• RAN Material Standards<br />

• Technical Regulatory Framework<br />

• Engineering Policy & to ensure<br />

we are consistent across <strong>Navy</strong><br />

• Review and analysis of<br />

engineering in <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Just because I was appointed as<br />

CNE doesn’t mean I instantly<br />

know the solutions to all<br />

engineering issues. That is why<br />

we have the Engineering Advisor y<br />

Groups and Engineering Advisor y<br />

Council.<br />

OUR CH A L L E NGES –<br />



Our Challenges for the future<br />

are in three broad areas; our<br />

changing environment, our<br />

changing profession and our<br />

contribution to the <strong>Navy</strong> Mission.<br />

Our Changing Environment<br />

Our environment has changed<br />

significantly in recent years,<br />

particularly in areas of<br />

Technology, our Acquisition and<br />



As VADM Field finished his<br />

Brandy and replaced his glass,<br />

he thought of the effort of the<br />

past years to get to the<br />

situation of today. He reflected<br />

on the engineers who never<br />

rose above Commodore in their<br />

efforts to turn <strong>Navy</strong> Engineering<br />

around, but it had wor ked and<br />

everyone was benefiting.<br />

Engineering was alive and well,<br />

and has a certain future.<br />

He is the Head of Corps for the<br />

Engineering Branch, responsible<br />

for both service and civilian,<br />

officers and sailors. This includes<br />

participation in promotion boards<br />

and offering career and<br />

professional development and<br />

posting advice. He is chairman of<br />

the Engineering Advisory Council<br />

and responsible for promotion of<br />

engineering in <strong>Navy</strong>.

8 N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B UL L ET IN F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />



Industry policy and the way<br />

Government expects us to<br />

manage our assets and<br />

expenditure. We are a parent<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> now and Industry needs to<br />

be able to support our assets<br />

here in Australia, but this also<br />

gives us a more strategic<br />

approach to our Defence industry<br />

base. Society is changing also.<br />

We have different demographics<br />

and employment trends towards<br />

a job rather than a career in a<br />

single organisation<br />

Our Changing Pro fession<br />

Our profession as engineers and<br />

technicians is changing. I am<br />

concerned that the contribution<br />

that engineering expertise and<br />

experience is making within <strong>Navy</strong><br />

has been declining for a number<br />

of years, and as a result the<br />

status of engineering in <strong>Navy</strong><br />

needs significant improvement.<br />

Our status has declined and<br />

engineering advice does not carry<br />

the weight it once did. We are<br />

perceived as not adding value,<br />

of being narrowly focused on<br />

technical issues, being risk<br />

averse and seeking gold-plated<br />

solutions. Our political naivety<br />

will need to be dealt with to<br />

ensure our differing priorities<br />

and long term perspective is<br />

considered and paid heed to.<br />

Engineers add value to<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> by optimising our<br />

capability and managing risk.<br />

We get the most out of what<br />

we have: equipment, people<br />

and money – afloat,<br />

submerged and ashore.<br />

We are not specialists like<br />

doctors, dentists and legal<br />

personnel, and yet we are not<br />

mainstream and our careers are<br />

limited. There is a lack of clear<br />

direction and a unified approach.<br />

Our Contribution to the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Mission<br />

What do we as engineers and<br />

technicians have to offer?<br />

The skills which technical<br />

personnel consider they have<br />

and non-techos may not:<br />

• Technical Understanding of why it<br />

works and how it works, resulting<br />

in sound judgments being made<br />

on technical matters.<br />

• Problem Solving Ability based on<br />

logical and analytical thinking<br />

that result in practical solutions<br />

and a consultative approach.<br />

• Systems Engineering Approach,<br />

which includes the ability to take<br />

a strategic view of the situation<br />

and identify causal relationships<br />

and not be impetuous,<br />

• Special Engineering and<br />

Management Skills, including an<br />

understanding of whole of life<br />

management, mathematics,<br />

statistics and being able to<br />

define measurable per formance<br />

and quality indicators.<br />

• Facilitate delivery of capability.<br />

Engineers add value, they make<br />

it happen.<br />

In every disaster there is an<br />

opportunity!<br />


Fu t u re Role in Nav y<br />

Engineers add value to the <strong>Navy</strong><br />

by optimising our capability and<br />

managing risk. We get the most<br />

out of what we have: equipment,<br />

people and money – afloat,<br />

submerged and ashore. We take<br />

a Systems Engineering approach,<br />

and the New <strong>Navy</strong> has reinforced<br />

the importance of systems<br />

engineering both as a way of<br />

thinking and as an engineering<br />

discipline. We, as engineers and<br />

technicians, are best placed t o<br />

ensure our assets are fit for<br />

purpose. We are safety and<br />

quality assurance focused.<br />

However as we are increasingly<br />

called upon to manage risk our<br />

decisions need to be credible.<br />

We should aim to be part of<br />

and integral to the overall<br />

management of the new multidisciplinary<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> – a team that<br />

will be all the more powerful<br />

for that approach as we focus<br />

our knowledge.

N AV Y E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E T I N F EB R U A RY 20 02<br />

9<br />

Our Pro fe s s i o n<br />

We need to clearly define our role<br />

both at sea and ashore, for<br />

officers, sailors and civilians.<br />

We need to develop, articulate<br />

and implement career structures<br />

to deliver the engineering<br />

expertise the <strong>Navy</strong> requires in the<br />

future, with options that include<br />

lateral recruiting, divorcing skill<br />

from rank and marrying skill and<br />

remuneration. We also need to<br />

ensure that our knowledge<br />

remains current, with wellconsidered<br />

Professional<br />

Development and Career<br />

Management programs that<br />

consider the needs of <strong>Navy</strong> and<br />

the individual. Programs that<br />

incorporate dedicated full time<br />

civil schooling, short courses,<br />

seminars, professional<br />

accreditation and possibly a<br />

formal mentoring program.<br />

A DA P T I NG TO CH A NG E<br />

While engineering in <strong>Navy</strong> today<br />

is different to when I was a<br />

Lieutenant at sea in a DDG, it is<br />

just part of an evolution of<br />

engineering that has seen the<br />

change from sail to steam, from<br />

paddlewheels to screw propellers<br />

and the change from lar ge calibre<br />

guns to missiles. Being a parent<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> of high tech equipment<br />

offers new challenges. We will<br />

need to make changes to<br />

manning, employment, skill<br />

requirements, training, logistic<br />

support and management.<br />

ships and AWD. We need to<br />

adapt to these changes and be<br />

proactive or the changes will ride<br />

right over us.<br />


There is some great work going<br />

on in DNPR(E&L), DGNPT, MHQ,<br />

DMO and in ships. These include<br />

reviews, papers, projects and<br />

other initiatives. However this<br />

wo rk lacks focus and coord i n a t i o n .<br />

What are we all aiming for here?<br />

CO NC LU S I O N<br />

We have th ree choices. We<br />

could do nothing, but this is<br />

not an option, as things will<br />

o n ly get wo rse. We could<br />

re t u rn to the “Good Old Days ” ,<br />

but this also is not an option<br />

even if we could define when<br />

th ey we re or what th ey<br />

we re like .<br />

. . . engineering . . . has seen<br />

the change from sail to<br />

steam, from paddlewheels<br />

to screw propellers and the<br />

change from large calibre<br />

guns to missiles<br />

I believe we need a strategic and<br />

unified approach to the future<br />

I am not being a merchant of<br />

gloom and doom. I just want you<br />

all to realise that we need to<br />

change. We need a vision for the<br />

way ahead and strategies to<br />

enable us to get there.<br />

How do we do it? Who does it?<br />

And by when? This will require<br />

a cooperative and coordinated<br />

approach across <strong>Navy</strong>. That is<br />

our task for this seminar and<br />

workshop.<br />

It’s 2013. The Chief Naval<br />

Engineer, CAPT Paul Field<br />

picked up his briefcase and had<br />

a look around his shabby office<br />

in the basement of Maritime<br />

Headquarters for the last time.<br />

As CNE he was the last<br />

remaining uniformed engineer.<br />

He stood there reflecting. The<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> was in a mess. Ships tied<br />

up for lack of personnel,<br />

delayed projects, the Air<br />

Warfare Destroyer had never<br />

left the drawing board, ships<br />

always breaking down, and poor<br />

morale of those who were left.<br />

Our fully contractor maintained<br />

ships had resulted in total<br />

industry domination, with high<br />

prices, poor quality of work and<br />

poorly maintained ships. He<br />

reflected on how we got here.<br />

Uniformed techos had failed to<br />

adapt to change, failed to take<br />

the initiative and make sure the<br />

changes happened with their<br />

input. They had quickly become<br />

irrelevant, had little influence<br />

and were just ignored. We had<br />

lost all our good people and<br />

then things just went downhill<br />

rapidly. It was most depressing.<br />

He thought of his next job with<br />

the all civilian Defence Materiel<br />

Organisation. At least he would<br />

try to make a good contract<br />

manager. As the last one out,<br />

he switched off the lights.<br />

Not such a good vision of the<br />

future and not one we want.<br />



Instead of yearning for the past<br />

or focusing too much on our<br />

older assets, we need to focus<br />

more on being a g reat parent<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> of ANZAC, Collins, MHC,<br />

RPBs and eventually new support<br />

I’ll close with another vision of<br />

the future, another fairy story . . .

1 0 N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B UL L E T IN F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />


RAN, ADNPR (ME)<br />

Re-invigorating<br />

Engineering in the RAN<br />


A series of meetings, workshops and forums were held in Darwin over<br />

the period 23–26 Jul 2001. The object of these activities was to<br />

examine problems currently facing the RAN’s Engineering community<br />

and to develop a future direction for Engineering in the RAN. Time was<br />

also allocated for key personnel to give presentations on items of<br />

particular interest to technical personnel.<br />

Whilst the forum was well<br />

attended by Technical Senior<br />

Sailors and Engineer Officers, the<br />

lack of attendance by Technical<br />

Junior Sailors and ‘other branch’<br />

personnel was disappointing.<br />

The Workshop sessions were<br />

particularly useful and will remain<br />

a feature of future gatherings.<br />

Heads of Departments are asked<br />

to encourage their teams, at all<br />

levels, to be part of the “think<br />

tank” that can and will have an<br />

impact on the future direction of<br />

Engineering in the <strong>Navy</strong>. More<br />

detailed proceedings of the<br />

Darwin gathering are available<br />

from WO AT Bruce Tunnah at<br />

DNPR (E&L).<br />

P R E S E N TAT I O N S<br />

A number of presentations<br />

were given in the lead up to the<br />

Workshop sessions. Commodore<br />

Ken Joseph, RAN, Chief Naval<br />

Engineer (CNE) set the scene<br />

for the forum with a light hearted<br />

vision as to how things might<br />

look for the RAN in the year<br />

2013. An extract from his<br />

presentation is included as<br />

one of the articles in this issue of<br />

the Bulletin. CNE applauded the<br />

concept of running the workshops<br />

and encouraged attendees to get<br />

involved and to think laterally<br />

when developing solutions to<br />

the workshop questions.<br />

Other presentations included<br />

those from:<br />

• Captain Paul Field, RAN, on<br />

Maritime Doctrine,<br />

• Commander Menno Zwerwer,<br />

RAN, regarding Safety and<br />

Certification,<br />

• Mr Graeme Stacey from BHP<br />

Shipping who described the<br />

engineering management of<br />

Shipping in the commercial<br />

environment,<br />

• Commodore Trevor Ruting, RAN,<br />

and Mr Ian O’Hara, regarding the<br />

Defence Materiel Organisation<br />

(DMO) and the Centre for<br />

Maritime Engineering (CME)<br />

• Lieutenant Barney Kristensen,<br />

RAN ,regarding the roles and<br />

functions of the Personnel<br />

Training Advisory Centres (PTACs).<br />

• Commander Bronko Ogrizek,<br />

RAN, on initiatives to enhance<br />

the skills of our technical<br />

personnel within the Submarine<br />

Engineering community<br />

• Commander Jacqui King, RAN,<br />

centred on the integration of the<br />

Explosive Ordnance Engineer<br />

(EOE) stream into the WEE<br />

stream.<br />

• Commander Geoff Cannon, RAN,<br />

regarding issues being dealt with<br />

at the RAN’s Combat Dat a<br />

Systems Centre (CDSC).<br />

• Commander Darryl Varcoe, RAN,<br />

who raised the issue of<br />

machinery space rounds, their<br />

relevance and application to<br />

today’s modern power plant<br />

systems and the manpower<br />

overhead they consume.<br />

• Lieutenant Commander Clyde<br />

Wheatland, RANR regarding<br />

manning issues relating to the<br />

Replacement Patrol Boat (RPB),<br />

• Warrant Officer MT Peter Lyngcoln<br />

on evolving contract concepts for<br />

the support of the Landing Craft<br />

Heavy (LCH) post Life of Type<br />

Extension (LOTE), and<br />

• Captain Craig Kerr, RAN, Director<br />

of Naval Professional<br />

Requirements (Engineering and<br />

Logistics), set the scene for the<br />

workshops. Human Resources<br />

Management Plans were<br />

described, and a shor t<br />

demonstration was given on how<br />

the workforce is structured.<br />



Warrant Officer ATA Bruce Tunnah<br />

chaired the TSAG. A complete<br />

version of the minutes is<br />

available from WO Tunnah at<br />

DNPR(E&L). The key issues<br />

included recognising the<br />

importance of the TSAG as the<br />

engineering forum where senior<br />

sailors have the opportunity to<br />

provide input to how engineering<br />

is conducted in the RAN and the<br />

need to formulate agenda items<br />

early. WO Murray McCauliffe from<br />

the Initial Training Facility (ITF)<br />

provided an overview of ‘Sea<br />

Eagle 4’, which is a project<br />

initiated from CN’s Office with the<br />

aim if changing the structure of<br />

Recruit Training. Other items<br />

included a brief on Skills<br />

Development Centres (SDC) by<br />

WO Dave Bates, the Electronic<br />

Technician Certificate of

N AV Y E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL ET I N F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />

1 1<br />

Competence (ETCC), and<br />

cultivating MTCC qualified CPOs<br />

in Minor War Vessels.<br />

WO R K S H O P S<br />

Several workshops were<br />

conducted with the aim of<br />

resolving a number of issues.<br />

The workshop approach was used<br />

in preference to an open forum,<br />

which had not been particularly<br />

fruitful in the past. The workshops<br />

were well attended and attendees<br />

were quite passionate about<br />

some of the issues raised.<br />

Workshops where facilitated by<br />

Commander Scott Muller and<br />

conducted by group leaders<br />

as follows:<br />


H ow can the st u c t u re and<br />

c o mposition of ET/MT te ch n i c a l<br />

t raining be ta i l o red to bette r<br />

meet <strong>Navy</strong>’s re qu i rement ove r<br />

the next ten ye a rs ?<br />

The group decided to focus on<br />

three main themes as a means to<br />

identify the recommended<br />

refinement to the current training<br />

continuum. Firstly there is a need<br />

to adjust aspects of Initial<br />

Technical Training (ITT) and<br />

Advanced Technical training (ATT)<br />

to ensure that the training is<br />

applicable for the job, and that<br />

it meets the career<br />

aspirations/expectations of our<br />

sailors. Secondly, we need to<br />

provide an avenue for lateral<br />

entry and flexible employment<br />

of qualified and/or experienced<br />

personnel and finally, there is<br />

a need to explore alternative<br />

methods of entry that recognise<br />

the diversity and academic<br />

potential of personnel entering<br />

the technical training continuum.<br />

Actions Ari s i n g<br />

• DNPR(E&L) is raising Terms of<br />

Reference for an Occupational<br />

Analysis of the ET and MT<br />

Categories; and<br />

• Training Authority Logistics (TA<br />

LOG) is investigating ways of<br />

refocussing and condensing the<br />

Initial Technical Traing period<br />

significantly, with the aim of<br />

offering technical top up courses<br />

at the completion of a sailor’s<br />

first sea posting.<br />


H ow can we imp rove th e<br />

st ru c t u re of engineeri n g<br />

o p e ra tor qu a l i fi c a t i o n s /<br />

recognition of RAN qu a l i f c a t i o n s<br />

to national sta n d a rd s ?<br />

This group discussed the<br />

following key elements: Operator<br />

Qualification Structure,<br />

Recognition of RAN Qualifications<br />

to National Standards,<br />

Remuneration, Requirement<br />

for MT(E) to gain operator<br />

qu a l i fications, and Training ability.<br />

Actions Ari s i n g<br />

• Restructure as suggested in the<br />

Smith report;<br />

• Each Force Element Group (FEG)<br />

is to confirm watch keeping<br />

positions and the qualifications<br />

required;<br />

• Each FEG to redefine<br />

requirements for MWC; and<br />

• DNPR (E&L) to continue<br />

alignment with National<br />

Standards.<br />


What are the key elements<br />

re qu i red within the next 12<br />

m o n ths to set the fo u n d a t i o n s<br />

for the engineering community<br />

to support the RAN in the<br />

f u t u re command, contro l<br />

communication and comp u te rs<br />

(C4) Enviro n m e n t ?<br />

Following key elements from Plan<br />

Green in relation to C4 support,<br />

the group determined that the<br />

Engineering Community needs to<br />

put in place a consolidated<br />

maintenance approach for C4<br />

systems and suitable<br />

management practices for ad-hoc<br />

C4 implementation. More<br />

importantly, Engineers need to<br />

become involved in the<br />

development of C4 architecture<br />

and standards.<br />


Simulation – To what exte n t<br />

should the <strong>Navy</strong> embra c e<br />

simulation for te chnical<br />

o p e ra tor training over the<br />

next 10 ye a rs ?<br />

The team answered: ‘To the<br />

extent that we train our people<br />

ashore/alongside so that they<br />

are qualified in all respects –<br />

except for some specific seagoing<br />

competencies requiring HOD<br />

endorsement. In addition,<br />

simulation/stimulation should be<br />

provided to allow for continuation<br />

training at sea (including tactical<br />

training/simulation).’ Key<br />

considerations arising from this<br />

issue include the idea that where<br />

feasible, Ship fits should be<br />

replicated and that simulator<br />

cells should also incorporate the<br />

body responsible for sponsoring<br />

operator documentation.<br />

The simulator should be capable<br />

of real time performance and<br />

the requirement for simulator<br />

training needs to properly<br />

specified and written into<br />

contracts for new acquisition.<br />

Actions Ari s i n g<br />

• ANZAC SMO will consider the<br />

above recommendations in<br />

formulating the statement of<br />

requirements for the ANZAC<br />

Trainer, which will be situated in<br />



RAN maintenance policy st ra te g y<br />

This group discussed the present<br />

day maintenance philosophy and<br />

alterative methods.<br />

Actions Arising:<br />

• A corporate maintenance<br />

philosophy is required to set<br />

priorities for FEGs. DNPR (E&L)<br />

will approach the FEG<br />

Management cell on this subject;<br />

and<br />

• A number of initiatives are<br />

already under way in the ANZAC,<br />

FFG and Submarine (SM) System<br />

Program Offices (SPOs) in such<br />

areas as reliability centred<br />

maintenance.<br />


Recognition of the value of<br />

e n g i n e e ring in ach i eving nava l<br />

c a p a b i l i t y<br />

The need for better education of<br />

the wider <strong>Navy</strong> community about<br />

what engineers can do for you.

1 2 N AVY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L LE T I N F EB R U A RY 2 0 0 2<br />




Actions Arising:<br />

• Adopt a promotional campaign<br />

such as the newly commenced<br />

Naval Engineering Bulletin;<br />

• All members saw the need to<br />

have permanent seat at CNSAC;<br />

• An increased representation is<br />

needed on all new procurement<br />

projects; and<br />

• An enhancement is required for<br />

the MEO designate course either<br />

join in the CO/XO desig or further<br />

develop the MEO desig course.<br />


C a reer Management – What fi ve<br />

st ra tegies can te chnical care e r<br />

m a n a ge rs implement over th e<br />

next 12 months to fa c i l i ta te<br />

p ro fessional deve l o p m e n t ,<br />

st reamline postings, ach i eve<br />

c a reer aspirations of individuals<br />

and still meet the re qu i re m e n t s<br />

of the Nav y ?<br />

This group focused on the<br />

Career Professional development<br />

problems facing the Engineering<br />

community.<br />

Actions Arising:<br />

• Selective Directorate of Sailors<br />

Career Management (DSCM)<br />

staffing increases;<br />

• (Workforce) Structures and<br />

Postings. Provide greater shore<br />

balance between Perth and<br />

Sydney, improve career planning,<br />

post to 160% billets at sea to<br />

cater for training inef fective,<br />

amend sea/shore ratios to reflect<br />

training requirements and reintroduce<br />

‘swap draft’ lists in<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> News. DNPR(E&L) and <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Workforce Planning are working<br />

on this area of concern;<br />

• Leadership and the engagement<br />

of the immediate supervisors into<br />

career management. This subject<br />

will be covered in the DNPR(E&L)<br />

road shows;<br />

• Remove time in rank for<br />

promotion, with promotion based<br />

solely on competence and<br />

performance. This subject is<br />

being considered by DNPR(E&L);<br />

• Lateral recruiting and<br />

continuation of recent FIMA<br />

related initiatives such as Skills<br />

Development Centres; and<br />

• Reduction of current over training<br />

to better match expectation to<br />

reality. Fleet Intermediate<br />

Maintenance Agency (FIMA)/<br />

Engineering Faculty (EF) HMAS<br />

CERBERUS and DNPR (E&L) are<br />

working on this issue.<br />

. . . it is now time to get<br />

on with the business of<br />

engineering by taking the<br />

initiative and driving change<br />

for the best outcomes.<br />


What th ree st ra tegies can th e<br />

RAN put in place to incre a s e<br />

re tention in the engineeri n g<br />

f ra te rn i t y ?<br />

The wo rkshop group re c o m m e n d e d<br />

creating challenging, meaningful<br />

and rewarding employment<br />

for all Engineering personnel<br />

and providing personalised and<br />

decisive Technical HR<br />

Management. The group also<br />

recommended a review of<br />

financial and non-financial<br />

recognition of engineering<br />

personnel.<br />

Actions Ari s i n g<br />

• These three points will be<br />

included as part of the study<br />

into Occupational Assessment,<br />

requested by DNPR(E&L), for<br />

the technical branches.<br />


Closing Re m a rks – St ra te g i c<br />

v i ew for engineeri n g<br />

CDRE Joseph closed the<br />

proceedings with another<br />

‘Fairy Tale’ with a much gloomier<br />

outlook that would result if the<br />

engineering community sat still<br />

and let change drive engineering<br />

into oblivion. He summarised by<br />

saying that as a community,<br />

we’ve heard the vision, that the<br />

presentations and workshops<br />

have given us an immediate<br />

focus and that it is now time to<br />

get on with the business of<br />

engineering by taking the<br />

initiative and driving change for<br />

the best outcomes.

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E TI N F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />

1 3<br />

Engineering Opportunities<br />


An opportunity exists for ME Officers to undertake a short-term<br />

(three-week) secondment to a merchant vessel as part of the on board<br />

engineering team. This experience will be of most benefit to Officers<br />

with a minimum of MEOCC qualification who are (or will be) occupying<br />

MEO/DMEO positions or engineering/logistic support roles ashore.<br />

The range of experience to be<br />

gained includes:<br />

• Personnel management<br />

techniques and existing<br />

conditions of service in<br />

commercial shipping.<br />

• Differences in merchant ship vs<br />

RAN operations (engineering and<br />

whole ship) in a minimum<br />

manned environment.<br />

• The commercial shipping<br />

approach to preventative and<br />

corrective maintenance.<br />

• The challenges of technical<br />

regulation under classification<br />

society and statutory regimes.<br />

• The use and control of shore<br />

based maintenance contractors<br />

by ship’s engineers.<br />

• The challenge of operating a ship<br />

under a Quality Management<br />

System (based on mandatory<br />

International Ship Management<br />

Code).<br />

• Having the ship take control of<br />

the ship’s own repair budgets.<br />

• Determination and management<br />

of on board spares inventory by<br />

the on board engineers.<br />

• Use of various Condition<br />

Monitoring Maintenance<br />

techniques on board.<br />


Successful vo l u n te e rs will be<br />

wo rking alongside the Merch a n t<br />

Engineer Offi c e rs in operating and<br />

m a i n taining the ship systems.<br />

You will have the opportunity to<br />

o b s e rve all engineering and<br />

b ri d ge operations, with the Chief<br />

Engineer and Master of the ve s s e l<br />

available to field qu e stions on<br />

all aspects of commercial<br />

ship management.<br />

The secondment is aimed at<br />

broadening the Officer’s skill and<br />

insight into engineering in general<br />

with a specific focus on marine<br />

engineering. It is also expected to<br />

provide ideas that may be useful<br />

in improving the way RAN<br />

engineering is done at sea and in<br />

shore support.<br />

Secondment to Ship<br />

S u p e ri n tendant for Commerc i a l<br />

Ship Re fi t / D o ck i n g<br />

Further to the seagoing<br />

secondment above there is a<br />

possibility of arranging<br />

secondment of RAN Marine<br />

Engineer Officers to work with a<br />

Commercial Ship Superintendent<br />

in the management of a docking<br />

availability.<br />

This secondment will be most<br />

appropriate for Of ficers involved<br />

in maintenance management and<br />

planning within the Sus tainment<br />

Management Offices (SMO) and<br />

Ship Repair Contracting Of fices<br />

(SRCO).<br />

The aim will be to prov i d e<br />

e x p o s u re to commercial pra c t i c e s<br />

used for wo rk packa ge pro d u c t i o n ,<br />

c o n t racting and management of<br />

p hysical wo rk in conjunction with<br />

the ship’s engineers. It is hoped<br />

that exposure to diffe rent ideas<br />

and methods will pro m o te<br />

i mp rovement of current RA N<br />

p rocesses for underta k i n g<br />

m a i n tenance ava i l a b i l i t i e s .<br />

S U M M A RY<br />

One seagoing secondment has<br />

already been undertaken on a<br />

BHP vessel operating on the<br />

<strong>Australian</strong> coast during 2000,<br />

with a second commencing in<br />

late Nov 2001. A ship<br />

superintendent attachment during<br />

a refit activity in mid 2001 has<br />

also occurred. All attachments<br />

have proven both beneficial to<br />

the parent unit and to the<br />

individual concerned.<br />

Head Maritime Systems (HMS),<br />

Rear Admiral Scarce, has<br />

endorsed the concept of<br />

additional seagoing and docking<br />

attachments.<br />

Further enquiries or expressions<br />

of interest should be directed to<br />

• LCDR Richard Ar thur<br />

on (02) 9359 6067 or<br />

richard.arthur@defence.gov.au, or<br />

• CMDR Peter Marshall<br />

on (02) 9359 6050 or<br />

peter.marshall6@defence.gov.au,<br />

in the Amphibious and Afloat<br />

Support Sustainment<br />

Management Office (AASSMO).

1 4 N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B UL L E T IN F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />


Engineering and<br />

Maritime Doctrine<br />

The following paper is a precis of a presentation given by Capt Field<br />

at the EAG Meeting in Darwin in July 2001. In the paper he seeks to<br />

draw a link between engineering activity as we know it and maritime<br />

doctrine. He concludes that engineering activity underpins and<br />

supports <strong>Australian</strong> maritime doctrine. He further concludes that an<br />

understanding of maritime doctrine is essential to the future direction<br />

of engineering in the RAN. CAPT Field wishes to acknowledge the efforts<br />

of Capt James Goldrick in producing ‘<strong>Australian</strong> Maritime Doctrine’ on<br />

which he has leant heavily in the preparation of this paper.<br />

I N T RO D U C T I O N<br />

CN summed it up in his forward<br />

to the work ‘<strong>Australian</strong> Maritime<br />

Doctrine’ when he stated:<br />

“<strong>Australian</strong> Maritime Doctrine is<br />

the RAN’s keystone work . . .<br />

it is a guide to understanding<br />

what the RAN contributes to<br />

Australia’s national security and<br />

how it does this.”<br />

We engineers must also ensur e<br />

that people understand what and<br />

how we contribute to the RAN, if<br />

we are to remain relevant to the<br />

RAN in the future. One way of<br />

doing that is to show that what<br />

we do underpins and supports<br />

<strong>Australian</strong> Maritime Doctrine.<br />

A I M<br />

The aim of this paper is to<br />

explore the linkage between<br />

engineering in the RAN and<br />

‘<strong>Australian</strong> Maritime Doctrine’.<br />


At the highest level, Maritime<br />

Doctrine describes the military<br />

options that the N avy and<br />

associated maritime forces can<br />

provide to government when<br />

dealing with situations in our<br />

area of strategic interest. At a<br />

lower level, it shows how we<br />

might go about putting those<br />

options into effect and what<br />

factors are critical for a<br />

successful outcome.<br />

Maritime Doctrine describes the<br />

types of operations that our <strong>Navy</strong><br />

might be called upon to engage<br />

in. It describes our current force<br />

structure, how we are organised<br />

to conduct operations, and how<br />

those operations can be<br />

supported for a successful<br />

outcome. It also describes the<br />

limitations and constraints that<br />

we as a medium power <strong>Navy</strong><br />

must work within. 1<br />

So What? – I am an Engineer<br />

Maritime Doctrine describes<br />

the framework in which we work<br />

and contribute as engineers.<br />

If we understand Maritime<br />

Doctrine, then we as engineers<br />

are better able to see the value<br />

of the contribution we are<br />

making toward the delivery of<br />

combat power in the <strong>Australian</strong><br />

maritime context.<br />

It could be argued that eve ry th i n g<br />

that engineers do; contri b u tes to<br />

Au st ralia’s exe rcise of Mari t i m e<br />

Power within the fra m ewo rk of<br />

M a ritime Doctrine. To bette r<br />

u n d e rstand the role of engineers<br />

and our contribution within th e<br />

f ra m ewo rk of Au st ralian Mari t i m e<br />

D o c t rine, it is useful to look at th e<br />

ch a ra c te ri stics of Maritime Powe r.<br />

The characteristics of Maritime<br />

Power are as follows:<br />

Mobility in Mass, Readiness,<br />

Access, Flexibility, Adaptability,<br />

Reach, Poise and persistence,<br />

Resilience<br />

Mobility in Mass<br />

The mobility of warships pr ovides<br />

many options for political and<br />

strategic decision-makers across<br />

a wide range of contingencies.<br />

Mobility is the ability to place a<br />

warship to our advantage,<br />

possibly a long distance from<br />

Australia. This is not new and five<br />

RAN ships are currently operating<br />

in two separate operations<br />

demonstrating their mobility and<br />

flexibility to the Nor th and in<br />

the Gulf.<br />

So how do we as engineers<br />

contribute to mobility? Mobility is<br />

possible because of the reliable<br />

performance of main propulsion<br />

systems and the availability and<br />

accuracy of communications,<br />

sensor and weapons systems.<br />

M u ch engineering effo rt is<br />

expended in ensuring that th e<br />

RAN’s platfo rms are mobile.<br />

Sometimes it is ta ken for gra n te d<br />

l i ke the availability of domest i c<br />

e l e c t ri c i t y, wa ter or te l e p h o n e s ,<br />

but we know that behind th e<br />

scenes th e re are many engineers<br />

doing what is necessary to<br />

m a i n tain and imp rove the serv i c e s<br />

and keep the ships at sea.

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L L E TI N FE B R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

1 5<br />

Re a d i n e s s<br />

Ships can be made ready and<br />

rapidly deployed for a<br />

contingency. Some recent<br />

examples include our response to<br />

border protection issues and the<br />

War Against Terrorism. Being on<br />

scene early can help prevent<br />

escalation and prevent widening<br />

of a conflict.<br />

From an engineering perspective<br />

we contribute to every step of<br />

making ships ‘ready’. This begins<br />

at the maintenance planning<br />

stage and is an inherently<br />

engineering biased activity.<br />

Readiness from an engineering<br />

perspective includes the<br />

maintenance period, harbour<br />

and sea trials, personnel<br />

qualification training, work up<br />

and operational readiness<br />

evaluations. From there,<br />

readiness is maintained through<br />

an ongoing commitment to<br />

m a i n tenance, system perfo rm a n c e<br />

and defect re c t i fi c a t i o n .<br />

It has taken a significant<br />

engineering effort to prepar e<br />


and ADELAIDE for their<br />

deployment to the Gulf.<br />

Engineering effort has been<br />

expended to prepare, install, test,<br />

modify and accept equipment<br />

unique to that particular<br />

operation. It has taken<br />

engineering effort to train the<br />

people and prepare systems to<br />

ensure that they per form to<br />

specification for the duration of<br />

the deployment.<br />

Ac c e s s<br />

Warships leave no footprint in the<br />

water and so can operate over<br />

70% of the ear th’s surface<br />

without violating a countries<br />

national space. This provides<br />

government with a wide range of<br />

options in terms of diplomatic<br />

presence, without actually having<br />

people on the ground.<br />

Engineering effort is critical to the<br />

RAN’s ability to have a presence<br />

in or near an area of strategic<br />

interest. The reliability and<br />

performance of engineering<br />

If we understand Maritime<br />

Doctrine, then we as<br />

engineers are better able<br />

to see the value of the<br />

contribution we are making<br />

toward the delivery of combat<br />

power in the <strong>Australian</strong><br />

maritime context.<br />

propulsion plant, water making<br />

facilities and power generation<br />

equipment, allow the ship t o<br />

stay at sea for long periods.<br />

Communications and sensor<br />

systems allow the Command to<br />

gather intelligence, communicate<br />

with higher authorities and<br />

receive direction from a long<br />

distance.<br />

F l e x i b i l i t y<br />

Warships are immediately<br />

responsive to government<br />

direction in a subtle way. They<br />

can simply ‘be there’ as a<br />

presence, such as when HMAS<br />

DARWIN deployed off the coas t<br />

of East Timor, long before any<br />

decision was made to commit<br />

land forces. Warships can be<br />

deployed and withdrawn at will.<br />

High capacity communications<br />

now permit a high deg ree of<br />

responsiveness to parent<br />

Commands and the Government.<br />

Flexibility is dependent on the<br />

reliability of engineering systems.<br />

Unreliable systems would greatly<br />

reduce the range of options<br />

available. For example, a major<br />

failure of a warship propulsion<br />

system in the area of strategic<br />

interest may cause extreme<br />

political embarrassment.<br />

Ad a p ta b i l i t y<br />

Warships can transition from<br />

peacetime state to the highest<br />

degree of battle readiness<br />

without giving any external<br />

indication of their increased<br />

readiness. Organising warships<br />

into task groups allows defence<br />

against higher level threats and<br />

the ability to apply a higher level<br />

of stress to others.<br />

Engineering systems underpin<br />

battle readiness. The engineering<br />

team has already achieved a high<br />

level of readiness to leave the<br />

wharf safely, weapons systems<br />

and higher order responses to<br />

battle damage are tested during<br />

o p e rational readiness eva l u a t i o n s .<br />

Engineers then maintain that<br />

level of readiness for the duration<br />

of the ship’s operation.<br />

Re a ch<br />

Reach is defined as the<br />

distance from homeport at<br />

which operations may be<br />

carried out. Warships carry<br />

much of their logistic suppor t<br />

with them, allowing them to<br />

conduct sustained operations.<br />

This can be enhanced by the<br />

use of replenishment vessels.<br />

The arrest of illegal fishing<br />

vessels in the Southern Ocean<br />

in 1997 and 1998 is a good<br />

example of ‘reach’.<br />

The design of engineering<br />

systems allows for a wide range<br />

of operations in dif ferent<br />

environments. The effect of those<br />

environments on engineering<br />

systems must be appreciated. For<br />

example, the effect of sea water<br />

temperature on engineering<br />

systems is very dif ferent in the<br />

Gulf than in the Southern Ocean.<br />

The role of engineers is to<br />

understand the impact that<br />

different environments have on<br />

propulsion and weapons systems.<br />

Fuel economy is also a factor in

1 6 N AVY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L LE T I N F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 2<br />




determining reach. At the tactical<br />

level, this might cause the<br />

engineer to provide advice to the<br />

Command in respect of the most<br />

economical arrangement of plant<br />

and machinery.<br />

Poise and Pe rs i ste n c e<br />

Most warships are almost wholly<br />

self contained and can operate<br />

without recourse to the shore for<br />

periods of weeks or even months.<br />

Frigates operating in support of<br />

border protection to the north are<br />

routinely spending more than<br />

60 days at sea. The poise and<br />

p e rs i stence of wa rships is ve ry<br />

useful for gove rnments atte mp t i n g<br />

to re s o lve complex and<br />

ambiguous situations such as<br />

m a ritime border pro tection issues.<br />

Poise and pers i stence can be<br />

enhanced when te chnical skills<br />

and logistic support are ava i l a b l e<br />

to repair equipment in the area of<br />

o p e rations. This poses inte re st i n g<br />

qu e stions. Do we need to have<br />

the skills onboard or can we have<br />

a centre of expertise available to<br />

the maintainer from ashore? Is it<br />

not possible to design a wa rs h i p<br />

w i th adequ a te redundancy to<br />

a l l ow it to gra c e f u l ly degrade ove r<br />

the period of the mission?<br />

M a ritime Doctrine poses issues<br />

that may cause engineers to seek<br />

d i ffe rent ways to opera te and<br />

m a i n tain engineering syste m s .<br />

Re s i l i e n c e<br />

Warships are resilient. They are<br />

designed and their crews are<br />

trained to control and alleviat e<br />

the effects of damage. All ships<br />

are characterised by a deg ree of<br />

redundancy in their equipment<br />

and manning. Even major defects<br />

or damage may not mean that a<br />

unit ceases to be able to make a<br />

contribution to the force as a<br />

whole.<br />

The MEO and WEEO and their<br />

teams have a key role in the<br />

management of action damage<br />

and the restoration of systems.<br />

Is this a valid role in the future<br />

though, given the destructive<br />

power of modern weapons?<br />



The elements of Maritime<br />

Doctrine do not change muc h<br />

with time. They are as applicable<br />

now, as they were in the time of<br />

Nelson. We have simply adapted<br />

them to better understand the<br />

reason for our <strong>Navy</strong>’s being in an<br />

<strong>Australian</strong> context.<br />

This brief perusal of the elements<br />

of Maritime Doctrine shows that<br />

there is a close linkage between<br />

engineering activity and each of<br />

the doctrinal elements. This is<br />

not surprising as engineering<br />

underpins and supports all of the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong>’s operational activity.<br />

This is useful for engineers, as<br />

like the providers of domestic<br />

power, water and telephones,<br />

we are apt to be ta ken for gra n te d<br />

in the minds of war planners and<br />

Commanders. Maritime Doctrine<br />

provides an adequate framework<br />

that links engineers to the<br />

reasons why we have a <strong>Navy</strong>.<br />

The future of engineering is<br />

dynamic. Environmental and<br />

legislative issues, personnel<br />

attitudes and expectations;<br />

all impact on the way we employ<br />

technology. As surely as paddles<br />

gave way to sail, gas turbines will<br />

give way to all electric drives;<br />

and missiles will give way to<br />

high-energy weapons. People may<br />

disappear from ships altogether,<br />

to be replaced by a shoreside<br />

(or spacebased) technical<br />

support centre.<br />

CO NC LU S I O N<br />

An understanding of Maritime<br />

Doctrine provides a fundamental<br />

guide to engineers, as the<br />

principles of Maritime Doctrine<br />

are unlikely to change at the<br />

same pace as technology.<br />

Engineers have a vital role to<br />

play, now and in the future in the<br />

support of RAN activity. Maritime<br />

Doctrine, therefore, provides<br />

engineers with a reminder of their<br />

contribution today and a<br />

touchstone for adapting to the<br />

changes of the future.<br />

About the author CAPT Field joined the<br />

RAN as a Cadet Midshipman at the RANC<br />

and is a graduate of UNSW with Bachelor s<br />

and Masters degrees. He has served in a<br />

variety of shore and sea appointments and<br />

has completed both the RANSC and JSSC.<br />

CAPT Field was the MEO of HMAS DARWIN<br />

and ADELAIDE and is af fectionately known<br />

as the father of FCIMS for which he seeks<br />

understanding and forgiveness. He has<br />

served in the Maritime Command for nearly<br />

three years, first as the Fleet Marine<br />

Engineer Officer and now as Chief Staff<br />

Officer Engineering.<br />

References 1. As engineers this might<br />

mean working with foreign sourced<br />

equipment, accepting limitations on spares<br />

and training, limited sources of knowledge<br />

and expertise. It may also drive us to<br />

greater ingenuity and a closer relationship<br />

to <strong>Australian</strong> industry to maximise use of<br />

limited resources.

N AV Y EN G I N E E R I N G B U LL ET I N F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />

1 7<br />

Project HELP<br />



As CNE outlined in his introduction a project has commenced to correct<br />

deficiencies in engineering and logistics policy. The project is called<br />

project HELP. The following summarises current progress on correcting<br />

deficiencies in engineering policy.<br />

A review has been conducted of<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> policy on technical<br />

regulation provided in DI(N) LOG<br />

47-3 and its implementation.<br />

This review found that:<br />

• the existing policy is in<br />

accordance with the draft ADF<br />

policy and accords with bes t<br />

practice in industry and the<br />

public sector,<br />

• there was a broad acceptance of<br />

both the policy and the need for<br />

the policy in the RAN and<br />

organisations supporting the<br />

RAN, but<br />

• there was a very large variance in<br />

the implementation of the policy<br />

and very poor under standing of<br />

the policy across all areas, and<br />

• due to poor imp l e m e n tation and<br />

l a ck of understanding, the policy<br />

is not being imp l e m e n ted corre c t ly<br />

and as a result the aim, which is<br />

to control ri s ks during design<br />

c o n st ruction and maintenance, is<br />

not being ach i eved.<br />

To correct these deficiencies<br />

a comprehensive Technical<br />

Regulatory System (TRS) needs<br />

to be implemented that pr ovides<br />

instructions and guidance on<br />

how the policy is to be achieved.<br />

Work has commenced to develop<br />

and document a TRS. The existing<br />

DI(N) LOG 47-3 requires revision<br />

to reflect changes t o<br />

organisational arrangements<br />

across the ADF and to provide<br />

further detail on the elements<br />

of a technical regulatory system.<br />

Both the Army and Air Force have<br />

implemented comprehensive<br />

systems to support their<br />

technical regulatory policy.<br />

Where possible a joint approach<br />

will be implemented and this may<br />

require minor changes to <strong>Navy</strong><br />

implementation.<br />

The current focus is on fully<br />

defining the scope of a TRS with<br />

the aim of providing a solid<br />

foundation to commence<br />

development of the full system in<br />

2002. Based on Army and Air<br />

Force experience it takes over two<br />

years to develop a TRS. Because<br />

of the risks to <strong>Navy</strong> the intent is<br />

to have the key documentation in<br />

place by the end of 2002.<br />

For further details contact CNE<br />

on (02) 6266 3020.<br />

Some readers may have noticed<br />

an omission in this article thus<br />

far. The L in HELP stands for<br />

logistics but there is no mention<br />

of logistics. While this is the<br />

Engineering Bulletin you are<br />

probably interested in what is<br />

being done to improve the<br />

related support discipline of<br />

Logistics – Watch this space in<br />

future Bulletins!<br />

E NG I N E E R I NG ADV I S O RY<br />

CO U NC I L<br />

To ensure CNE has appropriate<br />

advice to manage and<br />

reinvigorate engineering in the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> he has reinstituted the<br />

Engineering Advisory Council<br />

(EAC). The EAC is to be the<br />

executive steering committee<br />

responsible for advising CNE on<br />

his two primary functions of Head<br />

of Corps and Technical<br />

Regulatory Authority. The tasks of<br />

the EAC will include the oversight<br />

of project HELP and the<br />

development of <strong>Navy</strong> Engineering<br />

doctrine projects that are<br />

discussed in this Bulletin. The<br />

membership of the EAC has been<br />

deliberately kept to a small<br />

number of senior engineering<br />

positions:<br />

• CNE: Chair<br />

• CAPT M Adams: DMO<br />

representative<br />

• CAPT P Field: MHQ representative<br />

• Mr G MacDonald: Civilian<br />

Engineers and Technicians<br />

• CAPT A Cawley: Training matters<br />

• CAPT C Kerr: Engineering<br />

personnel<br />

• CAPT T Barter: Technical<br />

Regulation<br />

• WO B Tunnah: Chair of the<br />

Technical Sailor Advisory<br />

Committee.<br />

These are your representatives<br />

and if you feel there are issues<br />

that the EAC needs to consider<br />

you can raise them directly with<br />

the appropriate representative.<br />

But before you start poking the<br />

chest of an EAC member you<br />

might consider if this is the<br />

correct way to raise the issue.<br />

The EAC is not a venue to by<br />

pass the command chain or the<br />

divisional system.<br />

The EAC receives input from the<br />

WEAGs, MEAGs, AEAGs and<br />

TSAGs. These forums should be<br />

used where possible<br />

Technical issues should be raised<br />

using the appropriate process ie<br />

TM179, TM187, documentation<br />

change proposals.<br />

What is a Te chnical<br />

Re g u l a to ry System?<br />

A system to control the risks<br />

during design, construction and<br />

maintenance that effect fitness<br />

for service, safety and the<br />

environment.<br />

H ow does a Te chnical<br />

Re g u l a to ry System wo rk?<br />

By ensuring <strong>Navy</strong> systems are<br />

designed, constructed and<br />

maintained; to approved<br />

standards, by authorised<br />

organisations who comprise<br />

competent and authorised<br />

individuals; and whose work is<br />

certified correct.<br />




Extract from earlier company s tatement:<br />

“Petrobras has established an innovative<br />

programme of cost cutting on its P36<br />

production facility, the project successfully<br />

rejected the established constricting and<br />

negative influences of prescriptive<br />

engineering, onerous quality requirements<br />

and outdated concepts of inspection and<br />

client control . . .”

1 8 N AV Y E N G I N E E R I N G B U L LE T IN F EB R U A RY 20 0 2<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering<br />

Doctrine Project<br />

During the last fifteen years the RAN has undergone significant<br />

organisational and procedural changes that have impacted on the<br />

delivery of engineering. The skills and application of engineering is<br />

largely based on past practice. As a result, the structure, training,<br />

administration and employment of engineering personnel may not<br />

be optimally aligned with the realities of a <strong>Navy</strong> operating smaller,<br />

minimum manned ships in a commercial support environment.<br />

The platforms and systems now<br />

in service are not generally<br />

supported by other Navies and<br />

access to deep engineering<br />

expertise and experience has<br />

been declining for a number of<br />

years. The capabilities outlined in<br />

the recent White Paper and <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Plan Blue may also have an<br />

impact on <strong>Navy</strong>’s requirement for<br />

in-house engineering expertise<br />

As promulgated in CN’s all ship<br />

all shore message HAA/VAA/WAA<br />

292300Z NOV 01 a project has<br />

commenced to examine how<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering should evolve<br />

to meet these challenges.<br />

The project is being conducted in<br />

two parts. The first part will<br />

develop an issues paper that will<br />

present options on:<br />

• the role of <strong>Navy</strong> Engineering<br />

• how <strong>Navy</strong> Engineering should<br />

best support the maritime<br />

doctrine, and<br />

• the issues to be addressed to<br />

ensure <strong>Navy</strong> has the necessary<br />

engineering support it requires<br />

into the foreseeable future.<br />

This paper will specifically identify<br />

for the short term (5yrs) and the<br />

longer term (15yrs) the:<br />

• d riving inte rnal and exte rnal trends,<br />

• images of the future for <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Engineering,<br />

• the key groups and their<br />

interests, perceptions and actions<br />

regarding <strong>Navy</strong> engineering,<br />

• the realistic options or models for<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering for the future,<br />

and<br />

• similarities between <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Engineering and non-defence<br />

engineering sectors.<br />

The second stage will use the<br />

agreed outcomes of the first<br />

stage to develop a public<br />

document – the <strong>Navy</strong> Engineering<br />

Doctrine. This document will<br />

describe the future role,<br />

capability and requirements of<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> engineering, to better utilise<br />

our engineering assets and for<br />

engineering personnel to<br />

understand how they contribute<br />

to <strong>Navy</strong>’s mission.<br />

The project is being undertaken<br />

by Mr Athol Yates who is<br />

supported by CMDR Mathew<br />

Hudson RANR.<br />

Mr Yates is an engineer who has<br />

been employed as a senior policy<br />

analyst in public policy by The<br />

Institution of Engineers, Australia<br />

and has conducted extensive<br />

research into engineering in<br />

support of Government activities.<br />

He has published a number of<br />

papers on these topics. A recent<br />

paper ‘Government As An<br />

Informed Buyer, Yates, Athol for<br />

The Institution of Engineers,’<br />

Australia is highly relevant<br />

because most of the issues <strong>Navy</strong><br />

engineering faces have parallels<br />

in other areas of Government.<br />

As many of you will know, Mat<br />

Hudson was the previous Fleet<br />

Weapons Electrical Engineer<br />

Officer and recently transferred to<br />

the RANR. He has a great deal of<br />

experience in the issues facing<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering.<br />

After an initial research period,<br />

Mr Yates and CMDR Hudson will<br />

consult widely in <strong>Navy</strong>, across<br />

the ADF and in the private and<br />

public sector. The aim is to have<br />

an issues paper by second<br />

quarter 2002.<br />

The scope of this project and the<br />

term ‘<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering’ includes<br />

the total <strong>Navy</strong> technical<br />

community uniform and civilian,<br />

technicians and professional<br />

engineers. We want your opinion.<br />

Not just from the <strong>Navy</strong><br />

engineering community but the<br />

opinion of those outside this<br />

group. Submissions are invited<br />

and should be for warded to<br />

tech.help@defence.gov.au<br />

For further details contact<br />

CNE on (02) 6266 3020.

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L L E TI N FE B R U A RY 2 00 2<br />

1 9<br />

Investigation into the<br />

Catastrophic Failure of the<br />

Port High Pressure Main<br />

Air Compressor<br />

09 OCTOBER 2001<br />



The Port High Pressure Main Air Compressor (Port MAC) experienced<br />

a catastrophic failure early 09 October 2001. This article outlines the<br />

events leading to that failure and the subsequent investigation.<br />

The Port MAC was overhauled<br />

during a Maintenance Availability<br />

that extended from 19 March –<br />

27 July 01. Subsequent to the<br />

overhaul the system was set to<br />

work by the contractor, and<br />

Ship’s Staff in-accordance, wit h<br />

Fleet In Service Trials (FIST)<br />

procedures. The Sea Training<br />

Group also sur veyed the Port<br />

MAC during the Light of<br />

Examination (LOE) and a series<br />

of spectrographic oil analyses<br />

were conducted. The total<br />

running hours since the overhaul<br />

were 170 hours.<br />

The conclusions from the<br />

investigation show that the failure<br />

mode was:<br />

• The Port MAC first stage piston<br />

gudgeon pin securing device<br />

(circlip) did not have adequate<br />

mating surface area;<br />

• The circlip fretted and cracked its<br />

housing, dislodged, and became<br />

bound with the first stage<br />

cylinder liner; and<br />

• The connecting rod imposed<br />

sufficient forces to score the liner<br />

and disintegrated the piston<br />

assembly.<br />

The Port MAC, even with this<br />

significant damage, continued<br />

to run with the second stage<br />

piston imparting a system<br />

pressure of 15 bar. The standby<br />

compressor was required to<br />

regain system pressure.<br />

The conclusion indicates that the<br />

cause of the failure can be<br />

attributed to the failure of the<br />

retaining circlip.<br />


The Port MAC is a HAMWORTHY<br />

MODEL 2TM6 that has a free air<br />

delivery of 285m3/hr. It has a<br />

first stage air pressure of 4 bar<br />

and a second stage air pressure<br />

of 25 bar. The control circuit for<br />

the air compressor starts the unit<br />

when the pressure in either the<br />

Port or Starboard air receivers<br />

drops below 17 bar, and stops<br />

the unit when the pressure in the<br />

receivers increases to 28 bar. The<br />

MACs can be configured in ‘lead’<br />

or ‘lag’ configuration that allows<br />

either the Port or STBD unit to<br />

act as the primary unit, the other<br />

unit as the standby unit to<br />

automatically engage if the air<br />

pressure in the air receivers<br />

cannot be sustained by the<br />

primary unit. This would normally<br />

only occur during heavy periods<br />

of manoeuvring. The MACs have<br />

the capacity to provide an<br />

adequate system pressure under<br />

normal operating conditions with<br />

an average duty cycle equivalent<br />

to 15 minutes in every hour.<br />



The Port and S tarboard MACs<br />

were overhauled and set to work<br />

during the Maintenance<br />

Availability. Both compressors<br />

were set to work after closing<br />

inspections conducted by the<br />

contractor, Quality Assurance<br />

staff, MHQ fleet staff, and ship<br />

staff. The compressors were set<br />

to work utilising the Fleet In<br />

Service Trials (FIST)<br />

commissioning documentation<br />

and equipment handbook.<br />

The compressors were ‘run in’,<br />

and oil tests dispatched for<br />

spectrographic oil analysis.<br />

The 23 August 2001 oil analysis<br />

report indicated that the port<br />

MAC lubrication oil had high<br />

sodium content. The lubricating<br />

oil was changed out on 31<br />

August 01. Oil was drained from<br />

the compressor, the sump was<br />

cleaned out and an inspection of<br />

the crankcase and all moving<br />

components conducted. Deemed<br />

satisfactory, the compressor was<br />

filled with oil, reassembled and<br />

re-commissioned. A further two<br />

oil samples were despatched to<br />

the oil test laborator y. These<br />

results indicated that, the sodium<br />

levels were acceptable, wear<br />

metals were consistent with<br />

normal running in, and that there<br />

was no uncharacteristic wear<br />

occurring within the compressor.<br />

I NC I D E N T<br />

The MACs were configured in Port<br />

lead, and STBD lag. During the<br />

middle watch (0001–0400)

2 0 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL LE T I N FE B R U A RY 2 00 2<br />


PISTON<br />





09 October 2001 at approx i m a te ly<br />

0200 watchkeepers noticed that<br />

the Port MAC was not delivering<br />

the required air pressure, and<br />

that the Starboard MAC was<br />

running to supplement the<br />

required system pressure. The<br />

Port MAC had been continuously<br />

operating for approximately<br />

30 minutes. Inspection of the<br />

compressor parameters using<br />

fitted gauges indicated that there<br />

was no air compression at the<br />

first stage and air compression<br />

of 17 bar at the second.<br />

The initial assumption was that<br />

the compressor was not<br />

unloading correctly as there was<br />

no abnormal noise or vibration of<br />

the unit. The compressor was<br />

then restarted, however the unit<br />

sounded ‘flat’, and was shut<br />

down again. Subsequently the<br />

electrically operated solenoid<br />

unloading valves were tested<br />

and the control circuit was prove d<br />

to be functioning corre c t ly. The<br />

c o mp ressor was then shutdow n<br />

awaiting further inve st i ga t i o n .<br />


The initial inspection of the unit<br />

was conducted to ascertain why<br />

the fi rst sta ge (LP cylinder) wa s<br />

not loading. The control syste m<br />

was proven electri c a l ly and<br />

m e ch a n i c a l ly and dete rmined to<br />

be operating corre c t ly. The<br />

d e l i ve ry va lve cove rs to the fi rst<br />

sta ge cylinder head we re re m ove d<br />

to allow inspection of th e<br />

unloading va lve, however upon<br />

re m oval the fi rst sta ge piston wa s<br />

found to be shatte red. The<br />

c o mp ressor was then st ri p p e d<br />

d own to assess the full extent of<br />

the damage incurred and to try to<br />

identify the root cause.<br />


The Port MAC was photog raphed<br />

and then inspected by the<br />

Engineer and the CPOMT Artificer<br />

prior to any further disassembly.<br />

To ensure that the opening<br />

(disassembly) was conducted in<br />

a controlled and effective<br />

manner, the key personnel to<br />

The fra c t u red pieces all show<br />

signs of rapid and violent<br />

s h e a ring commensura te with<br />

sudden and heavy imp a c t<br />

loading.<br />

conduct the opening were<br />

briefed and a quarantine area<br />

established. All removed<br />

components were placed in the<br />

quarantine area and clearly<br />

identified. All ‘pieces’ that were<br />

removed from the compressor<br />

were placed in a bucket to group<br />

them as they were identified.<br />

Figure 1 and Figure 2 illustrate<br />

the extent of damage incur red by<br />

the first stage piston. The pieces<br />

of the piston and the conrod<br />

assembly were inspected for any<br />

fatigue wear patterns/fretting/or<br />

cracking. The cylinder sleeve and<br />

mating surfaces all appeared to<br />

be well lubricated and there was<br />

no readily apparent binding/<br />

localised heat marks/welding<br />

or scraping marks.<br />

The fra c t u red pieces all show<br />

signs of rapid and violent<br />

s h e a ring commensura te with<br />

sudden and heavy imp a c t<br />

loading. The fra c t u red pieces we re<br />

all re c ove red in the sump dire c t ly<br />

b e l ow the conrod assembly.<br />

The conrod assembly was intact<br />

as is shown in Figure 2. Note<br />

that there was suf ficient piston<br />

material remaining to allow a<br />

relatively balanced and uniform<br />

movement of the conrod in the<br />

cylinder sleeve. The fact that the<br />

compressor continued to operate<br />

with a reduced output af ter the<br />

collapse of the fir st stage piston<br />

indicated that the crankshaft is<br />

still running true.<br />

Condition of the first stage big<br />

end bearing shell indicated<br />

adequate lubrication and no<br />

evidence of overheating. The<br />

condition of the crankshaft,<br />

bearings, lubricating oil supply,<br />

and housing was assessed to<br />

ascertain if there was a mode of<br />

failure implicating misalignment,<br />

fatigue, poor oil supply, or<br />

bearing failure. While there is a<br />

considerable loading of<br />

embedded metal particles in the<br />

white metal bearing material, the<br />

contamination is consistent with<br />

a catastrophic failure resulting in<br />

large amounts of metal fragments<br />

being transported throughout the<br />

lubricating oil system. Figures 3<br />

and 4 show the big end bearings<br />

and the sustained damage.<br />

The bearing shells and housings<br />

showed no signs of misalignment,<br />

joint face fretting, fretting of the<br />

bearing back, excessive nip or<br />

crush, joint face bruising, or<br />

gradual (long-term) abrasion.<br />

The bearings exhibited evidence<br />

that there was ample lubricating<br />

oil supply, that they were<br />

operating satisfactorily and that<br />

the metal particulate foreign<br />

damage was sustained in a<br />

relatively short timeframe. Note<br />

that the flash and the overlay are<br />

still intact, and that the wear<br />

patterns are uniform and well<br />

within the expected appearance<br />

for relatively new bearings.<br />

The first stage cylinder liner<br />

inspection shows that hone<br />

markings remain evident on the<br />

working surface. This is indicative<br />

of very few running hours and<br />

relatively light loadings. There is<br />

no indication of localised<br />

overheating on the liner, nor any<br />

sign of metal transfer. There are<br />

however, two 3mm-deep, 10mmwide<br />

vertical scores that aligned<br />

to the gudgeon pin and circlip<br />

position. The distance between<br />

these two groves is consistent<br />

with the width of the circlip ends.

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E TI N F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />

2 1<br />

The forward gudgeon pin circlip<br />

was located in the sump. It is<br />

suspected that the circlip used<br />

in the overhaul did not have<br />

sufficient surface contact, and<br />

that the design deviates<br />

significantly from the original<br />

equipment manufacturer (OEM)<br />

intended circlip. The circlip had<br />

been deformed (see Figure 5)<br />

and shows that it had minimum<br />

surface contact with the<br />

gudgeon pin.<br />

Metal around the circlip boss<br />

area on the liner side of the<br />

circlip has been displaced.<br />

The nature of the metal removal<br />

suggests that the boss area of<br />

the piston has been fretted and<br />

cracked away allowing the circlip<br />

to dislodge. The gudgeon pin also<br />

shows evidence of fretting against<br />

the circlip (see Figure 6).<br />

The aft gudgeon pin is still in<br />

situ. There is no evidence of<br />

fretting with the gudgeon pin and<br />

the cylinder boss area remains<br />

intact. The circlip used for the<br />

aft retaining mechanism on the<br />

g u d geon pin had an incre a s e d<br />

s u rface area contact comp a red to<br />

the one used on the fo rwa rd end.<br />

This allowed increased re ta i n i n g<br />

c o n tact with the gudgeon pin.<br />

Metal particulate impact damage<br />

was noted on the crown and side<br />

of the second s tage piston.<br />

forward gudgeon pin. The<br />

hypothesised mode of failure is<br />

as follows:<br />

• The forward circlip frets against<br />

the piston boss area from<br />

repeated impact from the<br />

gudgeon pin;<br />

• The boss area on the cylinder<br />

breaks away allowing the circlip<br />

to dislodge;<br />

• The forward circlip binds with the<br />

cylinder liner, jamming the first<br />

stage piston;<br />

• The conrod continues to drive<br />

into the cylinder shattering the<br />

first stage piston;<br />

• The shattered piston drops<br />

into the sump, however the<br />

compressor continues to run at a<br />

reduced output level (15 bar);<br />

and<br />

• The drop in output is noted and<br />

the compressor shut down for<br />

investigation.<br />

CO NC LU S I O N S<br />

The Port MAC was rebuilt during<br />

the Maintenance Availability and<br />

set to work. The maintenance and<br />

operation of the MAC could not<br />

be attributed to the failure of<br />

the MAC. The spectrographic oil<br />

analyses conducted prior to the<br />

failure indicate that there was<br />

no abnormal wear or lubricating<br />

oil problems.<br />

The conclusions from th e<br />

i nve st i gation are that the Po rt<br />

M AC suffe red a cata st ro p h i c<br />

The Port MAC, even with this<br />

significant damage, continued<br />

to run with the second stage<br />

piston imparting a system<br />

pressure of 15 bar. The standby<br />

compressor was required to<br />

regain system pressure.<br />

The conclusions indicate that<br />

the cause of the failure can be<br />

attributed to the failure of the<br />

forward retaining circlip on the<br />

first stage piston.<br />





The fi rst sta ge piston gudge o n<br />

pin securing device (circ l i p )<br />

did not have adequ a te mating<br />

s u rface area.<br />

Fragments of metal were found<br />

in close proximity to this area<br />

however the size and type of<br />

fragments indicate that this<br />

damage was most probably<br />

sustained through carry over<br />

from the fir st stage failure.<br />


The root cause and primary<br />

failure has been attributed to the<br />

fa i l u re. The fi rst sta ge pisto n<br />

g u d geon pin securing dev i c e<br />

( c i rclip) did not have adequ a te<br />

mating surface area. The circ l i p<br />

f re t ted and cra cked its housing,<br />

d i s l o d ged, and became bound<br />

w i th the fi rst sta ge cylinder<br />

l i n e r. The connecting ro d<br />

i mposed sufficient fo rces to<br />

s c o re the liner and shatter th e<br />

p i ston assembly.<br />


2 2 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL LE T I N FE B R U A RY 2 00 2<br />



Fleet Intermediate<br />

Maintenance Activity<br />

This article is the next in the series on “What does MHQ’s Engineering<br />

Division do?” In the previous edition of the Bulletin, CMDR Damien Allan<br />

outlined the work of the Fleet Marine Engineering and Fleet Hull<br />

Engineering sections. This article aims to give the reader an insight into<br />

the goings on at the Fleet Intermediate Maintenance Activity (FIMA).<br />



As technology changes along with<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> culture, we are seeing an<br />

ever-increasing trend of smaller<br />

ship’s companies and increased<br />

requirement for ships to be<br />

available for sea. This has<br />

established a requirement to<br />

provide increased uniformed<br />

maintenance support, particularly<br />

at the Intermediate Level. This<br />

support includes, but is not<br />

limited to, maintenance,<br />

personnel interchanges or<br />

substitutes and training.<br />

It is important that Intermediate<br />

Level Maintenance (ILM)<br />

resources are used efficiently<br />

and effectively. FIMA is the<br />

organisation responsible for this<br />

resource management role.<br />

FIMA is primarily comprised of<br />

five Fleet Maintenance Activity<br />

Elements. These elements are<br />

physically located in Cairns,<br />

Darwin, Perth (Garden Island),<br />

Sydney (Garden Island) and at<br />

HMAS WATERHEN (Sydney’s<br />

North Shore), and each element<br />

services the intermediate<br />

maintenance needs of their local<br />

areas. FIMA is controlled centrally<br />

by Commander Fleet<br />

Maintenance (CFM) and the FIMA<br />

National Administration Office<br />

(FNAO) located within building<br />

103 at Garden Island in Sydney.<br />

THE PLAY E R S<br />

FIMA National Ad m i n i st ra t i o n<br />

O ffi c e<br />

FNAO as part of the Maritime<br />

Command Engineering Division<br />

(ENGDIV), provides business<br />

management, Quality Assurance,<br />

Management Information System<br />

support and Library support<br />

to all FIMA Units. Also FNAO<br />

hosts the FIMA Web site at<br />

fima.defence.gov.au. This site<br />

provides an insight to the other<br />

FIMA units.<br />

FIMA CA I R N S<br />

The primary role of FIMA Cairns is<br />

the maintenance support of the<br />

Cairns Based Fleet Units<br />

(CBFUs), in particular<br />

FREMANTLE Class Patrol Boats<br />

(FCPB) and Landing Craft –<br />

Heavy (LCH) with only a minor<br />

maintenance involvement in the<br />

Hydrographic Ships and Sur vey<br />

Motor Launches. In providing this<br />

maintenance support, FIMA<br />

provides a valuable service to the<br />

Maritime Commander in keeping<br />

the Northern Fleet operational.<br />

FIMA DA RW I N<br />

The primary function of FIMA<br />

Darwin is to provide a high level<br />

of maintenance support to the<br />

Darwin based FCPBs and LCHs.<br />

FIMA Darwin also provides<br />

support to visiting Ships and a<br />

base and workshop facility for the<br />

Deployed FIMA Assistance Group<br />

(DFAG) when in the Darwin area.<br />

The relocation of the FCPBs from<br />

Sydney and Perth to Darwin<br />

Naval Base was completed in<br />

November 2001. Thirty billets

N AV Y E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E T I N F EB R U A RY 20 02<br />

2 3<br />

where transferred to the Darwin<br />

area in support of the relocation.<br />


FIMA Perth provides workshop<br />

and specialist assistance to ships<br />

and submarines home-por ted at<br />

Fleet Base West (FBW).<br />

Maintenance on ships that are<br />

away from homeport or abroad is<br />

carried out by a DFAG. An AMP<br />

was conducted on HMAS<br />

FIMA WAT E R H E N<br />

FIMA Waterhen is ideally<br />

positioned to support Mine<br />

Warfare and Clearance Diving<br />

Group (MCDGRP) assets. The<br />

organisation is developing an<br />

in-depth level of technical<br />

expertise, primarily with HUON<br />

Class Mine Hunters Coastal<br />

systems and equipment. This is<br />

achieved by working closely with<br />

the Mine Warfare Faculty and<br />

FIMA as a whole achieves<br />

outstanding results in providing<br />

a timely and effective technical<br />

service to fleet units where and<br />

when needed.<br />


M a n a ger Ve rsus the Engineer<br />

C o n ve rs a t i o n<br />

A man is flying in a hot air<br />

balloon and realises he is lost.<br />

He reduces height and spots a<br />

man down below. He lowers the<br />

balloon further and shouts,<br />

“Excuse me, can you help me?<br />

I promised my friend I would<br />

meet him half an hour ago,<br />

but I don’t know where I am.”<br />

The man below says, “Yes.<br />

You are in a hot air balloon,<br />

hovering approximately 20 to 30<br />

feet above this field. You are<br />

between 40 and 42 degrees N.<br />

latitude, and between 58 and<br />

60 degrees W, longitude.<br />

DECHAINEUX in Manila in the<br />

Philippines in August 2001 and<br />

an LM2500 Gas Turbine was<br />

changed out in HMAS ADELAIDE<br />

during Exercise KAKADU V in<br />

July/August 2001. The FIMA<br />

Perth Skills Development Centre<br />

(SDC) commenced in April 2001.<br />

The scheme will enable Seamen<br />

Technical Sailors to progress their<br />

Trade Competency Logs while<br />

ashore and has been established<br />

to reduce the overall training<br />

burden on Fleet units. The Centre<br />

has been tremendously<br />

successful in improving our<br />

technical sailors hand skills.<br />

FIMA SY D N E Y<br />

The main focus of FIMA Sydney is<br />

the support of ships based at<br />

Fleet Base East (FBE). Over the<br />

past year FIMA Sydney has<br />

implemented a Skills<br />

Development Centre (SDC) like<br />

FIMA Perth, and has also<br />

introduced the <strong>Navy</strong> Youth<br />

Program, which is an exciting new<br />

way of attracting young people to<br />

consider a career in the <strong>Navy</strong>.<br />

The Program involves a twelveweek<br />

course centred on work<br />

experience in FIMA Sydney.<br />

During the course, there will be<br />

opportunities for the participants<br />

to visit ships and other<br />

establishments.<br />

the Mine Warfare and Clearance<br />

Diving Sustainment Management<br />

Office (MCDSMO) and their<br />

In-Service Support (ISS)<br />

contractors.<br />


All FIMA units including the DFAG<br />

have provided stalwart support to<br />

a variety of activities including<br />

Operations STABILIZE, TANAGER,<br />


RELEX and Operation TEE-BONE<br />

in the Southern Ocean. Support<br />

to major exercises such as<br />

KAKADU and Fleet Concentration<br />

Periods in the Darwin area<br />

remain prominent items on the<br />

FIMA calendar. FIMA as a whole<br />

achieves outstanding results in<br />

providing a timely and ef fective<br />

technical service to fleet units<br />


“You must be an engineer,” says<br />

the balloonist.<br />

“I am” replies the man. “How did<br />

you know?”<br />

“Well” says the balloonist,<br />

“everything you have told me is<br />

technically correct, but I have no<br />

idea what to make of your<br />

information, and the fact is I am<br />

still lost.”<br />

The man below says, “You must<br />

be a manager.”<br />

“I am” replies the balloonist,<br />

“But how did you know?”<br />

“Well,” says the man, “you don’t<br />

know where you are, or where<br />

you are going. You have made a<br />

promise, which you have no idea<br />

how to keep, and you expect me<br />

to solve your problem. The fact<br />

is you are in the exact same<br />

position you were in before<br />

we met, but now it is somehow<br />

my fault”.

2 4 N AV Y EN G I N E E R I N G B U L L ET IN F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />


Engineering Division<br />

Annual Report 2001<br />

The Engineering Division in the Maritime Command is a flexible,<br />

responsive and innovative component of the Maritime Command that<br />

is focussed on providing a quality service to Fleet units and the FEGs.<br />

The Engineering Division supports the Sea Training Group and provides<br />

a wide range of specialist and general engineering services to the Fleet.<br />

It comprises the Fleet Headquarters Staff, the Mobile Operational<br />

Technical Units and the FIMA National organisation, with units in<br />


Base and Garden Island Sydney.<br />

The Chief Staff Officer<br />

E n g i n e e ring, CAPT Paul Field OA M ,<br />

is the Maritime Commander’s<br />

principal advisor on engineering<br />

matters. He is also responsible<br />

for the management of the Fleet<br />

technical charge qualification<br />

program and to the Chief of Staff<br />

for the corporate governance of<br />

the Engineering Division.<br />

This year has been exciting and<br />

challenging. During EX<br />

TASMANEX, several Fleet units<br />

suffered defects that adversely<br />

affected the conduct of the<br />

exercise. Engineering Division<br />

have since worked closely with<br />

the FEGs to improve the reliability<br />

of the Fleet. Key issues included<br />

resolving main engine problems<br />

in HMAS SUCCESS, solving<br />

electrical power problems in<br />

ANZAC Class ships and improving<br />

the retention of electrical<br />

technical sailors in FFGs. The<br />

measure of our success this year,<br />

however, has been the reliable<br />

performance of our ships during<br />

OP RELEX and OP SLIPPER, with<br />

few defects that have significantly<br />

affected operations.<br />

Operations at sea are well<br />

supported from the shore by the<br />

FIMA organization, who have<br />

enjoyed a very good year. The<br />

Skills Development Centres have<br />

improved the competence of our<br />

technical sailors, prior to their<br />

first sea posting. FIMA is doing<br />

high quality work at low cost and<br />

is becoming the service provider<br />

of choice to the DMO. The <strong>Navy</strong><br />

Youth Program, a new work<br />

experience program at FIMA<br />

S y d n ey, has enjoyed early success<br />

with over half of the participants<br />

planning to join the <strong>Navy</strong>. The<br />

FIMA Sydney diesel re-build team<br />

has been reformed and has<br />

successfully overhauled diesel<br />

engines in HMAS NEWCASTLE<br />


FIMA has actively suppor ted Fleet<br />

units ‘where and when needed’.<br />

This year, FIMA sailors steamed<br />

an illegal fishing vessel back to<br />

Australia from South Africa,<br />

deployed to Darwin to support<br />

EXERCISE KAKADU and have<br />

deployed in HMAS KANIMBLA,<br />

as part of Australia’s contribution<br />

to the ‘War Against Terrorism’.<br />

In 2002, Fleet Engineering Staff<br />

will be fully committed to the<br />

work up of Fleet units. FIMA is set<br />

to expand the <strong>Navy</strong> Youth<br />

Program with two new courses<br />

and will maintain and expand the<br />

suite of technical services offered<br />

to the Fleet. Engineering Division<br />

will improve the measurement<br />

and reporting of its output and<br />

provide quantitative and<br />

qualitative measures of the wor th<br />

of FIMA. With an eye on the<br />

future, FIMA Cairns and FIMA<br />

Darwin will need to begin to<br />

prepare for the introduction of a<br />

new Class of Patrol Vessel and<br />

FIMA Sydney and Perth and the<br />

MOTUs, need to find the best way<br />

to adapt and contribute to the<br />

FCIMS support environment.<br />

The Engineering Division has<br />

accomplished a lot this year.<br />

Next year, we are focussed on<br />

leveraging off our impr ovements<br />

to provide a better service to the<br />

Fleet. Our challenges are to<br />

maintain the momentum,<br />

continuously improve the quality<br />

of our services and prepare for<br />

the future.

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E TI N F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />

2 5<br />

Revised Policy for<br />

Technical Sailor Promotion<br />

to Commissioned Rank<br />



This article aims to provide an update on the policy regarding the<br />

Engineer Officer Scheme. It is not a formal policy document but a<br />

view of where the policy on Engineer Officers is likely to be in the<br />

very near future.<br />

In June 1998 the Engineering<br />

Advisory Council (EAC) gave inprinciple<br />

endorsement to the<br />

introduction of an Electronic<br />

Technical equivalent of the<br />

Marine Technical Charge<br />

Certificate (MTCC) and Aviation<br />

Maintenance Certificate of<br />

Competence (AMCC). At the<br />

same meeting the Chief Naval<br />

Engineer also endorsed the<br />

establishment of an Advanced<br />

Diploma (in a relevant technology<br />

discipline) (ADT) as the indicative<br />

minimum educational<br />

qualification for ME/WE/AE CQ.<br />

With these two decisions in place<br />

there was then the opportunity to<br />

establish a common qualification<br />

framework for promotion to<br />

commissioned rank across the<br />

three engineering disciplines.<br />

In November 2000, the Ad va n c e d<br />

Diploma (Te chnical) st ream wa s<br />

i n t roduced to provide CC qu a l i fi e d<br />

Senior Sailors with an avenue to<br />

p ro gress to Engineer Offi c e r<br />

w i thout the need to underta ke a<br />

four year engineering degre e .<br />

The introduction of the ETCC was<br />

announced in June 2001 with the<br />

Defence Instruction [DI(N) PERS<br />

75-43)] being issued in mid<br />

October 2001.<br />


S CHEME (EOS)<br />

All of the current and previous<br />

schemes through which in-service<br />

candidates were able to seek<br />

promotion to commissioned rank<br />

as an Engineer Of ficer (EO) have<br />

now been rolled into a single<br />

scheme known as ‘The Engineer<br />

Officer Scheme’ (EOS). The<br />

substantial change is the<br />

introduction of the Advanced<br />

Diploma (Technical) AD(T) stream<br />

which strives to recognise the<br />

experience, technical charge<br />

qualification and competence of<br />

technical senior sailors. The EOS<br />

does not include the Warrant<br />

Officer Entry Scheme, as officers<br />

entering through this scheme are<br />

Prescribed Duties officers vice<br />

EOs. There is more detail on the<br />

Warrant Officer Entry Scheme<br />

later in this article.<br />

The existing avenues of Engineer<br />

Officer Sailor Entry (SE)degree<br />

streams (RMIT/ADFA/<br />

Undergraduate) are not af fected<br />

by the introduction of the AD(T)<br />

stream and remain open to all<br />

technical and non-technical<br />

sailors. The <strong>Australian</strong> Maritime<br />

College in Launceston remains an<br />

option for eligible Marine<br />

Technical sailors.<br />

All of the current and<br />

previous schemes through<br />

which in-service candidates<br />

were able to seek promotion<br />

to commissioned rank as an<br />

EO have now been rolled into<br />

a single scheme known as<br />

‘ The Engineer Officer<br />

Scheme’ (EOS).<br />

All EOS candidates now attend<br />

a common EOS Selection Board<br />

with membership comprising:<br />

• CAPT GL EN 1 (Chairman)<br />

• SORMIT 2 (Member)<br />

• a DNOP representative (Member)<br />

• a <strong>Navy</strong> psychologist (Member)<br />

The EOS comprises two streams<br />

differentiated by the possession,<br />

or not, of the MTCC/ETCC/AMCC.<br />

As the ETCC has only been<br />

introduced recently, there is a<br />

population of ET sailors for whom<br />

this method of dif ferentiation<br />

does not readily apply. However,<br />

as detailed in DI(N) PERS 75-43,<br />

the ETCC will become a

2 6 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL L E T IN F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />

mandatory prerequisite to sit on<br />

Officer Selection Board for AD(T)<br />

studies commencing from 01<br />

January 2003, while ET personnel<br />

sitting Officer Selection Boards<br />

for studies commencing prior to<br />

01 January 2003 are exempt the<br />

requirement to hold the ETCC<br />

provided they are fully qualified<br />

for promotion to CPO.<br />

Notes 1. When DNPR(E&L) is a CAPT GL<br />

EN, it is preferred that person chairs the<br />

board.<br />

2. SORMIT has been chosen as it is<br />

assumed most candidates will be applying<br />

for RMIT. NPTC-C advice will be sought for<br />

candidates applying for ADFA or other<br />

institutions.<br />



All non-te chnical sailors and<br />

AT/ET/MT sailors from AB to PO<br />

( w i thout CC) will continue to be<br />

s e l e c ted for appointment as<br />

o ffi c e rs in accordance with th e<br />

ge n e ral provisions of ABR 10 ,<br />

C h a p ter 10 Annex B (the next<br />

amendment will see this Annex<br />

re-titled ‘Engineer Offi c e r<br />

S cheme’). Successful candidate s<br />

then comp l e te a fo u r- ye a r<br />

B a chelor of Engineering in<br />

one of the re qu i red engineeri n g<br />

disciplines. In view of th e<br />

s u b stantial pers o n n e l<br />

i n f ra st ru c t u re already in place,<br />

n o n -A D FA degree studies will<br />

continue to be conducte d<br />

p ri m a ri ly at RMIT.<br />

Candidates wishing to study at<br />

ADFA will be required to<br />

undertake the same<br />

examinations and follow the<br />

same procedures as RMIT<br />

candidates, however, eligibility for<br />

entry to UNSW will be confirmed<br />

through NPTC-C rather than Staff<br />

Officer RMIT. Ex Leading Seamen<br />

attending ADFA will be assigned<br />

as part of the Advanced Student<br />

Squadron while ex Able Seamen<br />

will join the undergraduate cadet<br />

body. However, the academic<br />

studies will be the same.<br />

Successful candidates will be<br />

subject to Bi-annual Academic<br />

Review.<br />

Officer training will be conducted<br />

in accordance with extant<br />

instructions for personnel<br />

undertaking degree studies.<br />

After successful completion of<br />

degree studies personnel will be<br />

posted to undertake the<br />

appropriate application course.<br />

At this point they will join the<br />

normal EO Charge Qualification<br />

(CQ) training/c a reer pro gre s s i o n ,<br />

sta rting with a Cert i fi c a te of<br />

C o mp e tence and later pro gre s s i n g<br />

to Charge Qualifi c a t i o n .<br />


OF CO M P E T E NC E<br />

All AT/ET/MT sailors with a CC,<br />

by virtue of their accumulated<br />

training and experience only<br />

require an Advanced Diploma<br />

(in the relevant discipline) to<br />

enable them to enter the EO<br />

charge program. Notwithstanding<br />

the AD(T) Stream being the<br />

normal avenue for CC qualified<br />

senior sailors progressing to<br />

commissioned rank, they remain<br />

eligible to undertake degree<br />

studies at RMIT/ADFA and are<br />

not compelled to undertake only<br />

advanced diploma studies.<br />

Sailors will continue to apply for<br />

acceptance as Officer Candidates<br />

(OCs) in accordance with the<br />

general requirements of ABR 10,<br />

Chapter 10 Annex A, with the<br />

exception that the educational<br />

requirement of Academic Level<br />

Technical (AL T) will be removed.<br />

In its place will be the<br />

requirement for personnel to<br />

provide written evidence of<br />

acceptance to undertake an<br />

approved course of study at a<br />

TAFE or university before<br />

appearing at an Of ficer Selection<br />

Board (OSB). Initially each<br />

curriculum will need to be<br />

approved by DNPR(E&L),<br />

however, with time a<br />

comprehensive list of approved<br />

courses will be produced. The<br />

course/s must allow the OC to<br />

complete the Advanced Diploma<br />

within 18 months full time study.<br />

OCs who demonstrate superior<br />

performance during AD(T) studies<br />

(credit average or better) may,<br />

subject to RAN requirements, be<br />

offered the opportunity to<br />

articulate their studies into a full<br />

Engineering Degree.<br />

Sailors who successfully<br />

complete their Advanced Diploma<br />

will be appointed as of ficers and<br />

will progress to officer training at<br />

HMAS CRESWELL, which will be<br />

followed by Application courses<br />

in the appropriate disciplines.<br />

RPL may be available on some<br />

application courses outlined in<br />

the following paragraphs.<br />

Ex-MT sailors who hold a CC<br />

qu a l i fication norm a l ly will not be<br />

re qu i red to underta ke the Mari n e<br />

E n g i n e e ring Application Course as<br />

these people are considered to<br />

possess substantial and comp l e te<br />

Ex-MT sailors who hold a<br />

CC qu a l i fication norm a l ly will<br />

not be re qu i red to underta ke<br />

the Marine Engineeri n g<br />

Application Cours e . . .<br />

p ropulsion system knowl e d ge.<br />

Ex-MT personnel with o u t<br />

a p p ro p ri a te platfo rm experi e n c e<br />

will be re qu i red to underta ke<br />

M E AC and components of th e<br />

a s s o c i a ted AMEO task book at<br />

the discretion of DNOP in<br />

c o n s u l tation with the FMEO.<br />

Ex-ET sailors normally will be<br />

required to undertake the<br />

Weapons Electrical Engineering<br />

Application Course (WEEAC) and<br />

progress their associated AWEEO<br />

study guide to achieve WEE<br />

Certificate of Competence<br />

(WEECC) on completion of

N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B U LL ET I N F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />

2 7<br />

Advanced Diploma studies.<br />

These ex-ET sailors normally do<br />

not possess the full suite of<br />

combat system knowledge to<br />

proficiently under take DWEEO<br />

duties. However, they may apply<br />

for recognition of prior learning<br />

for elements of the WEAC. They<br />

may also seek exemptions from<br />

sections of the AWEEO Study<br />

Guide, but all must sit and pass<br />

the oral board to achieve their<br />

Certificate of Competence in<br />

order to pursue a career in the<br />

WEE Charge Program.<br />

Prescribed Duties of ficers and<br />

are allocated a Primar y<br />

Qualification in accordance with<br />

their former sailor category<br />

(e.g. GL MT, GL ET).<br />

WOE officers without an<br />

Advanced Diploma will have<br />

their career options limited,<br />

as they are not permitted to be<br />

posted to an EO char ge position.<br />

Competitive WOE officers<br />

may be offered the<br />

opportunity of completing<br />

an Advanced Diploma on a<br />

full-time basis . . .<br />

Ex-AT CC qualified sailors may not<br />

be required to complete all<br />

components of the Air<br />

Engineering Officer Application<br />

Course (AEOAC) prior to<br />

undertaking the duties of Deputy<br />

AEO, but they will be required to<br />

obtain the AEOCC.<br />


S CH E M E<br />

The general provisions of the<br />

WOE Scheme are detailed in ABR<br />

10 Chapter 9, however, further<br />

discussion with particular<br />

reference to technical WOs is<br />

included here for clarity. WOE<br />

officers are commissioned as<br />

A full career option requires the<br />

completion of an AD(T) or degree<br />

and subsequent career<br />

requirements identical to EOS –<br />

Post CC. Competitive WOE<br />

officers may be offered the<br />

opportunity of completing an<br />

Advanced Diploma on a full-time<br />

basis to meet the full<br />

requirements of a Charge<br />

Engineer position. Alternatively,<br />

individual WOE officers may<br />

complete an AD(T) in their own<br />

time utilising existing RAN<br />

Educational Support Schemes.<br />

RPL may be available from the<br />

tertiary institution on an<br />

individual basis.<br />

They may, however, be liable for<br />

service as Deputy Engineering<br />

Officers (or equivalent) to meet<br />

operational requirements,<br />

providing they possess an<br />

Engineer Officer’s Certificate of<br />

Competence. (In most cases for<br />

WOE officers, the MTCC, ETCC<br />

and AMCC may be directly<br />

articulated to the MEOCC,<br />

WEECC and AEOCC respectively.<br />

Some personnel may require a<br />

short spell at sea as a bridging<br />

opportunity, and some may need<br />

to complete a Harbour<br />

Watchkeeping Certificate.)<br />

TABLE 1<br />

Seniority on Appointment<br />

Seniority on Seniority on Appointment following Advanced<br />

Engineering Officer’s Scheme Entry Type Appointment following Degree Studies Diploma (Te chnical) St u d i e s<br />

Warrant Officer Entry LEUT O/3 N/A N/A<br />

Ex WO Technical remaining in current discipline LEUT O/4 LEUT O/2<br />

Ex WO Technical changed to another Engineering discipline LEUT O/3 N/A<br />

Ex WO Non-Technical LEUT O/3 N/A<br />

Ex CPO Technical remaining in current discipline LEUT O/3 LEUT O/1<br />

Ex CPO Technical with CC changed to another Engineering Discipline LEUT O/2 N/A<br />

Ex CPO Non-Technical LEUT O/1 N/A<br />

Ex PO Technical remaining in current discipline LEUT O/2 LEUT O/P<br />

Ex PO Technical with CC changed to another Engineering Discipline LEUT O/1 N/A<br />

Ex PO Non-Technical LEUT O/P N/A<br />

LS with no Post Secondary Qualifications SBLT O/1 N/A<br />

AB with no Post Secondary Qualifications SBLT O/P N/A

2 8 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL LE T IN F E B R U A RY 2 00 2<br />


There are currently a wide variety<br />

of Advanced Diplomas being<br />

offered by a range of educational<br />

service providers. Due to the<br />

different career paths resulting<br />

from the transition from<br />

SAILSTRUC to CBTA, and the<br />

differing entry requirements of<br />

individual training providers it has<br />

not yet been possible to provide<br />

definitive guidelines for Advanced<br />

Diploma eligibility. The future<br />

intention is to compile a register<br />

of suitable courses in the vicinity<br />

of major fleet bases and<br />

facilities. In the interim,<br />

candidates must approach an<br />

institution of their choice and<br />

then seek DNPR(E&L) approval<br />

for the proposed course of study.<br />





Rank and seniority on<br />

appointment are determined on<br />

the basis of the sailor’s rank and<br />

post secondary qualifications<br />

held on the day immediately<br />

preceding appointment. Although<br />

provisional rank is recognised,<br />

due to the methodology of civil<br />

accreditation of naval training,<br />

post secondary qualifications are<br />

based on those applicable to<br />

substantive sailor rank held.<br />

Personnel undertaking degree<br />

studies do not accrue seniority in<br />

the rank on appointment. Once<br />

they successfully complete the<br />

degree they will be promoted as<br />

per the schedule in Table 1.<br />

Personnel who initially under take<br />

Advanced Diploma studies<br />

remain in their rank until the<br />

Advanced Diploma has been<br />

awarded, however, they do<br />

accrue seniority as a sailor.<br />

They are promoted to the rank<br />

of Lieutenant on award of the<br />

Diploma. Should these people<br />

subsequently proceed to degree<br />

studies, their seniority as a<br />

Lieutenant will be adjusted on<br />

completion of degree studies to<br />

align with that of the degree<br />

streamed CC qualified sailor<br />

entering the EOS from the same<br />

sailor rank.<br />

Recent policy development has<br />

identified the need to recognise<br />

the previous technical experience<br />

of CC qualified senior sailors who<br />

opt for degree studies in an<br />

engineering discipline other than<br />

that which they were originally<br />

trained; for example an ex MT CC<br />

qualified sailor under taking an<br />

Aerospace Engineering degree.<br />

Recognition will take the form of<br />

additional seniority as indicated<br />

in Table 1.<br />

S U M M A RY<br />

The policies outlined in this<br />

article provide a unified<br />

framework for in-service<br />

candidate entry to the officer<br />

corp as Engineer Of ficers.<br />

Figure 1 shows the career paths<br />

available to all successful OC<br />

applicants in the EO stream and<br />

Table 1 details rank and seniority<br />

on appointment for EOS.

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L L E TI N FE B R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

2 9<br />

Officer Promotions<br />


CMDR ME SM Q Donley, LP 01-Jan-02 Stirling (SM FEG)<br />

CMDR ME Q Dunne, ME 01-Jan-02 Ranlo Singapore<br />

CMDR WEA Q Lawrence, C J 01-Jan-02 816 SQN<br />

CMDR WE Q Mccourt, MG 01-Jan-02 Harman (ACSC)<br />

CMDR WE Q Purcell, MS 01-Jan-02 Harman (ACSC)<br />

CMDR WE Q WInslade, SC 01-Jan-02 Kuttabul (NSC SMO)<br />

LCDR ME Q Arthur, R A 01-Jan-02 Kuttabul (AAS SMO)<br />

LCDR WE Q Barnes, R 01-Jan-02 Kuttabul (TA LOG)<br />

LCDR ME Q Bird, N D 01-Jan-02 Stirling (SRCO-WA)<br />

LCDR ME Q Blackman, M J 01-Jan-02 Stirling (FIMA Perth)<br />

LCDR MT Brown, A W 01-Jan-02 Kuttabul (SRCO-EA)<br />

LCDR AE Capper, C L 01-Jan-02 817 SQN<br />

LCDR ME Q Carmock, M A 01-Jan-02 HS Ship Blue Crew<br />

LCDR WE Q Charles, M R 01-Jan-02 Harman (ANZAC SMO)<br />

LCDR ME SM Q Forgie, A 01-Jan-02 Stirling (TA SM)<br />

LCDR ME Q Gishubl, R M 01-Jan-02 Harman (MHC PROJ)<br />

LCDR ME Q Green, G D 01-Jan-02 Darwin<br />

LCDR ME Q Griffiths, D W 01-Jan-02 Harman (ANZAC PROJ)<br />

LCDR WE O Hutchinson, D W 01-Jan-02 UK RAF Cranwell<br />

LCDR WE Q Kavanagh, D J 01-Jan-02 Adelaide<br />

LCDR WE Q Mills, S J 01 - J a n - 02 C e r b e rus (ANZAC PRO J )<br />

LCDR WE Q Morris, P C 01-Jan-02 MHQ AUST<br />

LCDR WE Q O’Leary, M R 01-Jan-02 Harman (ANZAC PROJ)<br />

LCDR ME Q O’Rourke, D P 01-Jan-02 Warramunga<br />

LCDR AE Q Rowson, A M 01-Jan-02 RAAF Williams<br />

LCDR ME SM Q Sammons, J C 01-Jan-02 Stirling (SM SMO)<br />

LCDR WE Q Soper, P D 01-Jan-02 Harman (MHC PROJ)<br />

LCDR MT Spooner, S W 01-Jan-02 Cairns (PBL CLO)<br />

LCDR ME Q Thompsett, V I 01-Jan-02 Stirling (FIMA Perth)<br />

LCDR WE Q van Vliet, L 01-Jan-02 Harman (DSCM)<br />

LCDR WEA Q Watson, A H 01-Jan-02 UK RNAS Yeovilton<br />

T/LCDR WE Q Price, W M 03-Aug-01 SC FEG<br />

LEUT WE Ashdown, C R 01-Jan-02 Arunta<br />

LEUT WE Bailey, M A 01-Jan-02 Arunta<br />

LEUT WEA Burr, K 01-Jan-02 AVN FEG<br />

LEUT WE Davis, M V 01-Jan-02 Brisbane<br />

LEUT WE Gram, D 01-Jan-02 SC FEG<br />

LEUT AE Holgate, G P 01-Jan-02 AVN FEG<br />

LEUT ME Howe, R E 01-Jan-02 Westralia<br />


LEUT ME Lakey, G T 01-Jan-02 Cerberus<br />

LEUT WE Miskelly, A B 01-Jan-02 Arunta<br />

LEUT WE Robertson, M A 01-Jan-02 Warramunga<br />

LEUT WEA ROSSOTTI, D F 01-Jan-02 DMO<br />

LEUT MT ROWE, R 01-Jan-02 Maritime Command<br />

LEUT ME SHANNON, J D 01-Jan-02 Cerberus<br />


LEUT AE SKINNER, S N 01-Jan-02 816 SQN<br />

LEUT MT WIDDISON, T J 01-Jan-02 Kuttabul<br />

LEUT WE WINTER, A C 01-Jan-02 Melbourne<br />

LEUT WE WREN, S J 01-Jan-02 Darwin<br />

LEUT MT YOUNG, M 01-Jan-02 DMO<br />

P/LEUT (WE) CRONIN, M F 01-Jan-02 Cerberus<br />

P/LEUT (ME) GUERIN, L A 01-Jan-02 Kanimbla<br />

P/LEUT (WE) JONES, C E 01-Jan-02 Newcastle<br />

P/LEUT (ME) Kremer, A J 01-Jan-02 Arunta<br />

P/LEUT (ME) McLoughlin, C W 01-Jan-02 Warramunga<br />

P/LEUT (ME) Neale, S A 01-Jan-02 Warramunga<br />

P/LEUT (ME) Neurauter, C 01-Jan-02 Tobruk<br />

P/LEUT (WE) Nissen, J R 01-Jan-02 ANZAC<br />

P/LEUT (ME) Parsons, T R 01-Jan-02 Success<br />

P/LEUT (ME) Price, G W 01-Jan-02 Westralia<br />

P/LEUT (ME) Smith, B R 01-Jan-02 Success<br />

P/LEUT (WE) Teasdale, R S 01-Jan-02 Warramunga<br />

P/LEUT (WE) Wilkinson, J R 01-Jan-02 ANZAC<br />

SBLT (WEA) Angstmann, M K 01-Jan-02 Kuttabul<br />

SBLT WEA Arney, S G 01-Jan-02 816 SQN<br />

SBLT (ME) Benning, L A 01-Jan-02 Adelaide<br />

SBLT WEA Dantoc, M M D L 01-Jan-02 723 SQN<br />

SBLT WEA Fairs, G A C 01-Jan-02 817 SQN<br />

SBLT (WE) Grosse, D M 01-Jan-02 Canberra<br />

SBLT AE Kyle, C G 01-Jan-02 816 SQN<br />

SBLT (WE) Melville, N J 01-Jan-02 Warramunga<br />

SBLT (WE) Milne, D K 01-Jan-02 Cerberus<br />

SBLT (ME) Milne, R D 01-Jan-02 Sydney<br />

SBLT (WE) Shanny, J P 01-Jan-02 Sydney<br />

SBLT (WE) Speke, M D 01-Jan-02 Sydney<br />

SBLT (WE) Sweet, G L B 01-Jan-02 Adelaide<br />

SBLT (WE) White, B J 01-Jan-02 Darwin

3 0 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL LE T IN F E B R U A RY 2 00 2<br />

Graduating Weapons<br />

Electrical Engineering<br />

Application Course (WEAC )<br />




The Weapons Electrical<br />

Engineering Application Course<br />

prepares junior WE Of ficers for<br />

their initial posting as an AWEEO<br />

in the fleet. WEAC builds on the<br />

theoretical knowledge learned at<br />

university/TAFE by providing the<br />

naval application of engineering<br />

technology and naval engineering<br />

administration. Course member s<br />

come from a wide variety of<br />

backgrounds and academic<br />

institutions including ADFA, direct<br />

entry and undergraduate entry<br />

officers with degrees from civilian<br />

universities, degree stream sailor<br />

changeover officers from ADFA<br />

and RMIT and senior sailor<br />

changeover officers with<br />

Advanced Diploma of Technology.<br />

There are generally two WEE<br />

Application Courses conducted<br />

each year. The earlier course is<br />

usually more heavily attended<br />

with the course commencing in<br />

June/July having fewer students.<br />

We look forward to seeing the<br />

following WEAC 28 graduates in<br />

the Fleet in the near future.<br />

Following is a brief outline of the<br />

graduating WEAC class.<br />

Sub Lieutenant Phil Houen<br />

joined the <strong>Navy</strong> in January 1996<br />

and graduated from ADFA with a<br />

Bachelor of Electrical<br />

Engineering.<br />

“I think of WEAC as putting the<br />

theory into practice.” SBLT Houen<br />

said “There was a lot crammed<br />

into six months. It included two<br />

months for Junior Of ficer’s<br />

Leadership Course and Advanced<br />

NBCD plus a few weeks of touring<br />

various establishments. One of<br />

the strong points of WEAC was<br />

the different experiences that<br />

people brought to the course<br />

and the diffe rent paths th ey<br />

took to get there.”<br />

While SBLT Houen enjoyed his<br />

time on WEAC, he is looking<br />

forward to the experience he will<br />

gain as he continues as AWEEO<br />


Sub Lieutenant Carmen<br />

Edhouse began her career in the<br />

<strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Navy</strong> on 20<br />

January 1997. Carmen, from<br />

Devonport in Tasmania, joined<br />

the <strong>Australian</strong> Defence Force<br />

Academy and completed a<br />

Bachelor of Electrical Engineering<br />

degree.<br />

“My first year was an intense<br />

induction into the military culture,<br />

and was full of many surprises<br />

and opportunities.” Carmen has<br />

told the Bulletin. “At the<br />

beginning of 1998, I spent the<br />

university holidays in HMAS<br />

CANBERRA as part of the training<br />

cruise program undertaken by all<br />

midshipmen in their second year<br />

at ADFA. During the May<br />

semester break I found myself<br />

working at FIMA CAIRNS for two<br />

intriguing and beneficial weeks.”<br />

“Third year became more<br />

academically driven, as well<br />

as completing the military<br />

component of my training.<br />

As part of my engineering degree<br />

I achieved 60 days of engineering<br />

work experience. This was broken<br />

up into two sections, 30 days at<br />

the beginning of third year within<br />

our respective service, and 30<br />

days at the beginning of forth<br />

year in outside industr y.”<br />

Carmen’s work experience<br />

included working with Boeing<br />

Australia at HMAS WATSON<br />

testing the Collins Class<br />

Submarine Combat Data System,<br />

and at the end of 1999,<br />

spending time with United<br />

Defense in Minneapolis,<br />

Minneasota in the MK 45 mod 4<br />

Gun Section.<br />

Having completed WEAC, Carmen<br />

intends making the most of her<br />

current posting as AWEEA in<br />


Sub Lieutenant Dane Newman<br />

joined the RAN in July 1998<br />

having already completed an<br />

Engineering Degree prior to<br />

enlisting. Although he joined as<br />

an Electronic Technician, he was<br />

keen to make use of his studies<br />

and become an Engineer in the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong>. Following a successful<br />

officer selection board in<br />

November 2000, he commenced<br />

the New Entry Officers Course<br />

(NEOC) at HMAS CRESWELL in<br />

January 2001. Towards the end<br />

of NEOC he spent four weeks<br />

onboard HMAS KANIMBLA for the<br />

NEOC training cruise. Dane<br />

commenced WEAC training at<br />

HMAS CERBERUS in July 2001<br />

and soon found himself back<br />

at HMAS CRESWELL where he<br />

completed the Junior Of ficers<br />

Leadership Course and Advanced<br />

NBCD.<br />

“I have enjoyed my time in the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong>, and I have found it<br />

rewarding to be an Of ficer.”<br />

Dane said. “Having spent the last<br />

12 months in training I’m looking<br />

forward to rejoining the Fleet.<br />

I eagerly await the many<br />

challenges and opportunities that<br />

will arise during my time as an<br />


N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L L E TI N FE B R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

3 1<br />

Sailor Promotions<br />


A/CPOET Crabb CPOET Kuttabul<br />

A/CPOET Cross CPOET Kuttabul<br />

A/CPOET Scott CPOET Kanimbla<br />

POATV Burden CPOATV Stirling<br />

POATV Edwards CPOATV Albatross<br />

POATV McGuinness CPOATV 805 SQN<br />

POET Evans CPOET Canberra<br />

POET Foster CPOET Kuttabul<br />


POET Hendrie CPOET HS Ship Red Crew<br />

POET Kirgan CPOET Harman<br />

POET McMillan CPOET Kuttabul<br />

POET Robinson CPOET Coonawarra<br />

POET Strawhan CPOET Kuttabul<br />

POET Weller CPOET Stirling<br />

POET Westerlaken CPOET Waterhen<br />

POMT Gilgen CPOMT Cerberus<br />

POMT Henke CPOMT Adelaide<br />

POMT Miller CPOMT Stirling<br />

POMT Stark CPOMT Jervis Bay<br />


POMT SM Hutchinson CPOMT SM Harman<br />

A/POET Cornelius POET Albatross<br />

LSATA Degraaf POATA 723 SQN<br />

LSATV Levy POATV 817 SQN<br />

LSATV Little POATV 816 SQN<br />

LSET Digweed POET Stirling<br />

LSET Larsen POET Westralia<br />

LSET Marotte POET HS Red Ship Crew<br />

LSET Morotte POET Harman<br />

LSET Wright POET Coonawarra<br />

LSET SM Iverson POET SM Stirling<br />


LSMT Brooker POMT HS Ship White Crew<br />

A/LSET Pulleine LSET Warramunga<br />

ABATA Adams LSATA Tobruk<br />

ABATA Conley LSATA Canberra<br />

ABATA Haywood LSATA Stirling<br />

ABATA Miller LSATA Albatross<br />


ABATA Norton LSATA Sydney<br />

ABATA Whelan LSATA Albatross<br />

ABATA Wratten LSATA 817 SQN<br />

ABATV Coghlan LSATV Canberra<br />

ABATV Griffith LSATV Success<br />

ABATV Haigh LSATV Albatross<br />

ABATV Hajek LSATV Albatross<br />

ABATV Lyons LSATV 816 SQN<br />

ABATV McDonnell LSATV Darwin<br />

ABATV McKendrick LSATV Albatross<br />

ABATV Mitsakis LSATV Albatross<br />

ABATV Richards LSATV Success<br />

ABATV Suhor LSATV 723 SQN/ ALB<br />

ABATV Tallon LSATV 817 SQN<br />

ABATV Tommlinson LSATV 817 SQN<br />

ABET Reynolds LSET Stirling

3 2 N AV Y EN G I N E E R I N G B U L L ET IN F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />


Life on an MHC as a<br />

Technical Sailor<br />

NUSHIP DIAMANTINA is fast approaching the end of an intensive<br />

period of contractor sea trials that commenced in August of this year.<br />

She is the fifth Mine Hunter Coastal (MHC) to be produced at the<br />

<strong>Australian</strong> Defence Industries facility in the NSW city of Newcastle.<br />

During this period, the Technical Department has played an integral<br />

part in the success of the trials, as the contractors relinquished<br />

responsibility for the daily running and operation of the various<br />

machinery and electrical plant as well as the electronic systems.<br />


The Technical Department is sub<br />

divided into two smaller sections,<br />

the Marine Engineering and the<br />

Electronics Department which<br />

comprises of a Chief Petty Officer<br />

Marine Technician, who is<br />

supported by two Petty Of ficers,<br />

four Leading Seaman and four<br />

Able Seaman.<br />

The Marine Technical department<br />

is divided into two primary watch<br />

keeping responsibilities, the<br />

Platform System Manager (PSM)<br />

and the Assistant System<br />

Manager (ASM).<br />

The PSM conducts his wa tch in th e<br />

Machinery Control Room (MCR).<br />

From this position, the PSM is<br />

able to manage the operation of<br />

the two Main Switchboards and<br />

the three-platform system<br />

monitoring consoles each of<br />

which are designated with<br />

specific control and monitoring<br />

functions. Utilisation of the three<br />

consoles provides up to 90% of<br />

Main Engine, auxiliary platform<br />

and Damage Control system<br />

monitoring capability as well as<br />

60% remote control operating<br />

functionality. This requires a<br />

highly motivated and experienced<br />

operator with good system<br />

knowledge and communication<br />

skills.<br />

The ASM’s primary roles are to<br />

conduct visual rounds of all<br />

running machinery verifying<br />

correct operation, maintaining<br />

the auxiliary systems such as<br />

fuel, oil and fresh water and<br />

respond to alarms and<br />

emergencies as directed by<br />

the PSM. A high deg ree of<br />

responsibility is entrusted to<br />

the ASM’s, as they are effectively<br />

the eyes and ears of the PSM.<br />

The Main Propulsion Plant is<br />

driven by a 1600 kW, turbo<br />

charged, four stroke, low<br />

magnetic V8 diesel engine<br />

manufactured in Italy by<br />

Fincantieri. A multi plate clut ch<br />

assembly connects the engine to<br />

a 4 to 1 ratio gear box and<br />

propulsion shaft line. The five<br />

bladed Controllable Pitch<br />

Propeller is capable of being<br />

traversed to 89 degrees thus<br />

reducing drag and noise when<br />

mine hunting.<br />

The Auxiliary Propulsion System<br />

comprises of three hydraulically<br />

operated retractable propullsors<br />

that can be operated from the<br />

MCR, Bridge, Operations Room or<br />

connected to the Mine Hunting<br />

Auto Pilot providing automatic<br />

track keeping and hover mode for<br />

mine hunting operations.<br />

The ships electrical power is<br />

produced by three 365 kW diesel<br />

driven generators manufactured<br />

by Isotta Franschini. A power<br />

management system allows for<br />

automatic starting, paralleling<br />

and connection of stand by<br />

generators should a fault occur in<br />

a running generator. One<br />

generator provides sufficient<br />

power to meet the ships cruising<br />

requirements however a second<br />

generator is necessary should the<br />

Auxiliary Propulsion System be<br />

required due to the starting<br />

current of each propulsor being in<br />

the vicinity of 650 Amps.<br />

The Electronics Department, which<br />

also falls under the domain of th e<br />

C P O M T, comp rises of a Sonar, a<br />

Communications and a We a p o n s<br />

qu a l i fied sailor. Wi th the continual<br />

a d vancement of te chnology and<br />

s ystems onboard an MHC th e<br />

e l e c t ronics sailor tends to<br />

specialise in individual are a s<br />

ra ther than multi-skilling. Some of<br />

the systems the electronics sailor<br />

m a i n tains are outlined in th e<br />

fo l l owing para gra p h s .

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L L E TI N F E B R U A RY 2 00 2<br />

3 3<br />

The 2093 Mine Hunting Variable<br />

Depth Sonar produced and<br />

supported by Thompson Marconi<br />

Sonar is state of the ar t<br />

directional ‘Beam Formed’ sonar.<br />

The array operates at various<br />

frequencies that can virtually take<br />

a picture of the seabed and<br />

surrounding area.<br />

The Tactical Data System,<br />

manufactured by BAE provides<br />

the interface between the<br />

operators and the electronic<br />

Mine Hunting/Sweeping systems.<br />

The system consists of five<br />

Multi Function Control Consoles<br />

that display and control,<br />

electronic inputs and outputs.<br />

These signals are received from<br />

the Sonar, Navigational Aids,<br />

Mine Disposal System and ESM<br />

via the Data Distribution Unit.<br />

Four consoles are located in the<br />

Operations Room with a fifth<br />

position located on the Bridge for<br />

use by the Of ficer of the Watch or<br />

the Surface Plotter. During Mine<br />

Hunting/Sweeping operations<br />

the ship is controlled from the<br />

Operations Room, thus providing<br />

the ship with pinpoint hovering<br />

accuracy.<br />

During Mine Hunting/Sweeping operations<br />

the ship is controlled from the Operations<br />

Room, thus providing the ship with pinpoint<br />

hovering accuracy.<br />

The CEA developed<br />

communications system is<br />

virtually identical in capability to<br />

that of an Anzac Frigate. The ship<br />

is Internet capable and Inmarsat<br />

B and C are carried.<br />

The main sur face/air armament<br />

is the Bofors 30-mm gun, plus<br />

two electronic counter measure<br />

chaff launchers.<br />

The Mine Disposal Vehicle (MDV )<br />

is fi t ted with its own mini sonar<br />

and underwa ter camera<br />

c o n t rolled from the Opera t i o n s<br />

Room via fi b re optics in the te th e r<br />

cable. The MDV Submers i b l e<br />

vehicles deliver a Danish<br />

m a n u fa c t u red mine disposal<br />

e x p l o s i ve ch a rge to the mine.<br />

The sophistication of the various<br />

systems supports multiple<br />

redundancies. These re d u n d a n c i e s<br />

allow for contingencies,<br />

ranging from simple planned<br />

maintenance to action damage,<br />

to occur without inter fering with<br />

the ships assigned tasking.<br />

The planned maintenance re g i m e<br />

is deri ved from a comp u te r-<br />

ge n e ra ted database known as<br />

Anzac Maintenance Planning<br />

S ystem (AMPS). This syste m<br />

p rovides periodical planned<br />

m a i n tenance routines fo r<br />

a p p rox i m a te ly 150 individual fi t te d<br />

s ystems. The administ ra t i ve burd e n<br />

placed on wo rk centre manage rs<br />

responsible for the allocation,<br />

d i st ribution and compilation of th e<br />

routines can at times become<br />

daunting. When fa c to ring in oth e r<br />

a n c i l l a ry ta s ks that he perfo rm s ,<br />

time const raints and minimal<br />

m a np ower due to pri m a ry wa tch<br />

keeping re qu i rements become<br />

m ajor fa c to rs .<br />


3 4 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL LE T IN F E B R U A RY 2 00 2<br />





Although the workload at times<br />

can seem excessive, the state of<br />

the art equipment by its very<br />

nature provides a unique set of<br />

challenges that result in a high<br />

degree of job satisfaction.<br />

These circumstances however<br />

produce a two-fold ef fect in that<br />

because of the technology<br />

employed, the ships rely on a<br />

high degree of contractor suppor t<br />

for maintenance but gain in<br />

diagnostic proficiency.<br />

Consequently the technical<br />

department onboard, as with<br />

other fleet units, has lost or will<br />

lose to varying degrees, the<br />

fundamental core skills gained<br />

during previous service.<br />

Each member of the department<br />

is cross trained, to a degree,<br />

in mechanical and electrical<br />

specialities which fosters an<br />

atmosphere that relies greatly on<br />

team effort which is the situation<br />

onboard DIAMANTINA.<br />

When on task, the Ships<br />

C o mp a ny is inva ri a b ly closed<br />

up in a two wa tch defe n c e<br />

s ystem. This signifi c a n t ly<br />

reduces the off wa tch re st and<br />

re c reation time for the te ch n i c a l<br />

s a i l o rs as th ey are st i l l<br />

responsible for mainte n a n c e ,<br />

and th ey also play a major ro l e<br />

in the damage contro l<br />

o rganisation onboard.<br />

As DIAMANTINA’s Commissioning<br />

d a te draws near, the crew as a<br />

whole are looking fo rwa rd to<br />

becoming an operational HMA<br />

Fleet unit and putting into pra c t i c e<br />

what has been learnt during a<br />

long but fruitful trials peri o d .<br />

About the author CPOMT McCamley joined<br />

the <strong>Navy</strong> in 1977 as an ETP and was<br />

posted to HMAS SWAN after initial<br />

Category Training. In 1985 after serving<br />

three years onboard HMAS JERVIS BAY, he<br />

accepted a posting to HMAS WATERHEN as<br />

commissioning crew of HMAS<br />

RUSHCUTTER. Since then CPOMT<br />

McCamley has had numerous posting t o<br />

various Mine Countermeasure Vessels<br />

culminating in the commissioning cr ew of<br />

HMAS Hawkesbury and the soon to be<br />


N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B U LL ET I N F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />

3 5<br />

Fleet Intermediate<br />

Maintenance Activity –<br />

HMAS Waterhen (FIMA-W)<br />

HMAS WATERHEN, the shore support facility for the Mine Warfare and<br />

Clearance Diving Group (MCDGRP), is a prime piece of real estate on<br />

Sydney Harbour at WAVERTON. The base has been an <strong>Australian</strong><br />

Defence Force asset for many years, and as a result it has seen a great<br />

deal of change. Not only have the personnel and military hardware<br />

constantly changed, but the buildings and infrastructure located upon it<br />

have also been transformed dramatically in recent years. In 1994 a<br />

complete modernisation commenced, and this was completed in<br />

December 1996.<br />

In the early 1960’s WATERHEN<br />

consisted mainly of single-storey,<br />

timber-framed, corrugated iron<br />

and fibro buildings. The<br />

workshops supported the TON<br />

Class Minesweepers. The high<br />

power electrical workshop was at<br />

the northern end, the mechanical<br />

workshop at the southern end,<br />

and the shipwright workshop was<br />

in the middle. The Stokers and<br />

Chippies workshops opened onto<br />

the roadway on the eastern side<br />

allowing for work to be conducted<br />

outside. The Stokers workshop<br />

was very compact, approximately<br />

one fifth of the current facility.<br />

The battery shop was a small<br />

annex, adjacent to the northern<br />

end of the building. Electric<br />

motor rewinding and baking was<br />

carried out in the Greenies<br />

workshop. In the centre of the<br />

workshop was a bench about six<br />

feet long and four feet wide with<br />

hinged sides that when lif ted<br />

formed a giant uckers board.<br />

The uckers bits were made from<br />

the base sections of 40/60 mm<br />

Bofor shell casings and the dice<br />

of 75mm square shoring timber<br />

cut to form cubes and painted in<br />

international uckers colours.<br />

Many a lunch hour gave way to<br />

the sounds of dice throwing and<br />

uckers movement. One of the<br />

best two-handed games seen was<br />

between Dolly Gray and Bud<br />

Nilon in the early 1990’s, before<br />

the building was demolished.<br />

In recent years FIMA WATERHEN<br />

has seen many changes, not<br />

least of which is its name. With<br />

the ama l gamation of the old<br />

F I M A-W and the Mobile<br />

O p e rational Te chnical Un i t – M i n e<br />

Wa rfa re (MOTU-MW) in 2000, an<br />

o rganisation known as the Mine<br />

Wa rfa re Operational Engineeri n g<br />

G roup (MWOEG) was cre a te d .<br />

This name, howeve r, was short -<br />

l i ved and FIMA-W was re - b o rn .<br />

F I M A-W is now a ve ry modern<br />

facility with a wo rk fo rce capable<br />

of providing te chnical support to<br />

the new Coastal Minehunte rs<br />

(MHC) and other MCDGRP assets.<br />

FIMA-W is active in providing<br />

technical training for all<br />

personnel. Sailors are given the<br />

opportunity to under take further<br />

training via a newly implemented<br />

program in which civilian<br />

instructors are utilised on-site to<br />

provide expert instruction,<br />

resulting in a more successful<br />

rate of competency progression.<br />

Most sailors posted to FIMA-W<br />

operate from Building 3 at<br />

WATERHEN. The ground floor<br />

consists of a main wor kshop<br />

dedicated to hull and propulsion<br />


CSC, RAN<br />







3 6 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL LE T I N FE B R U A RY 2 00 2<br />

maintenance, and smaller<br />

workshops for woodwork, ships<br />

husbandry, battery maintenance,<br />

and glass reinforced plastic<br />

repair. The upper floor comprises<br />

an electronics workshop,<br />

engraving room, and<br />

administration and planning cells.<br />

FIMA-W is rather dif ferent from<br />

other FIMA’s in that it provides<br />

technical support to the MCDGRP<br />

Operational Support Department,<br />

often in locations well outside of<br />

the Sydney area. Specifically,<br />

FIMA-W has an Operational<br />

Support Element that provides<br />

technical assistance to MCDGRP<br />

assets such as:<br />

• Forward Support Unit (FSU) –<br />

containerised accommodation,<br />

offices, generators, workshops,<br />

etc<br />

• Mine Warfare Command Support<br />

System (MWCSS) – which<br />

includes mobile communications<br />

and operations centres, in<br />

addition to trailer-mounted<br />

satellite earth stations<br />

FIMA-W is rather different<br />

from other FIMA’s in that<br />

it provides technical support<br />

to the MCDGRP Operational<br />

Support Department, often<br />

in locations well outside of<br />

the Sydney area.<br />

• Mine Sweeping Control Systems<br />

(MSCS) – precise navigation and<br />

route survey equipment and<br />

software<br />

• Mine Warfare Auxiliary Sweep<br />

Group (MWASG) – minesweeping<br />

winches, DYADS, etc<br />

• Motor Survey Drone Unit (MSDU)<br />

– remote controlled craft for<br />

preliminary sweeping of channels<br />

• Recompression Chamber (RCC) –<br />

Dive School at HMAS PENGUIN<br />

FIMA-W is a modern and<br />

technologically advanced<br />

organisation that plays a key role<br />

in the performance of the Mine<br />

Warfare and Clearance Diving<br />

Group. Feel free to visit us some<br />

time when you’re in the area.<br />

About the author LEUT Paul Denneny CSC<br />

joined the RAN in 1977 and served as an<br />

ATC then ETC, reaching the rank of CPO<br />

before accepting the of fer of a<br />

commission. LEUT Denneny has ser ved<br />

in HMAS MELBOURNE (aircraft carrier),<br />

STALWART, DUBBO, HOBART and finally in<br />

PERTH where he gained his WECC. LEUT<br />

Denneny is now the OIC FIMA WATERHEN,<br />

enjoying his time ashore before rejoining<br />

the fleet in November 2002.<br />



N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L L E TI N FE B R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

3 7<br />

ANZAC Greenies<br />

in the Arabian Gulf<br />



“. . . The outstanding reputation that you (HMAS ANZAC) gained during<br />

your operational tour in the Arabian Gulf brings great credit to yourself<br />

and the RAN. That you have been specifically requested by our allies<br />

to remain on station and instruct new arrivals in the finer points of<br />

MIO operations is indicative of the excellent work you have done . . .”<br />

VADM D.J. Shackleton, RAN, Chief of <strong>Navy</strong><br />

27 September 2001<br />


Welcome to HMAS ANZAC’s<br />

Weapons Electrical Engineering<br />

(WEE) Department’s ‘story’ of<br />

experiences in working up to and<br />

serving in the Arabian Gulf as<br />

part of Operations DAMASK X<br />

and SLIPPER between the period<br />

15 June and 24 November 2001.<br />

The focus of this article is on the<br />

operational side of the WEE<br />

Department’s role in such a<br />

deployment. It is important to<br />

understand that ANZAC’s primar y<br />

duty was the enforcing of United<br />

Nations security sanctions<br />

against Iraq with respect to illegal<br />

oil smuggling operations – the<br />

Department’s focus was to<br />

provide the support necessary to<br />

Command to help achieve this.<br />


The preparations for ANZAC’s<br />

long anticipated operational<br />

deployment began with courses<br />

being undertaken for boarding<br />

party, helicopter underwater<br />

escape training and biological<br />

and chemical warfare. With a<br />

complement of 176 people (flight<br />

crew embarked), ANZAC has the<br />

requirement for all departments<br />

to participate in many different<br />

evolutions. Apart from running<br />

and manning the weapons and<br />

fire control side of the combat<br />

system, the WEE department was<br />

required to have members in<br />

boarding party and evolutions<br />

party – 24 hours a day. At the<br />

end of the day these people were<br />

effectively taken out of the<br />

department for the duration of<br />

the time in the Area of Operation<br />

(AO). The end result – a<br />

combination of reduced<br />

equipment operation (based on<br />

tactical requirements) and<br />

additional jobs being taken on by<br />

specific WEE day workers.<br />

The ship’s maintenance period<br />

prior to sailing (Intermediat e<br />

Maintenance Availability 4) saw<br />

the installation of many new<br />

items such as additional INTEL<br />

equipment, automated bridge<br />

voice recording, internal<br />

communications improvements<br />

and modifications to our Rigid<br />

Hull Inflatable Boats (including<br />

the addition of a third RHIB).<br />

Much of this equipment was<br />

installed at short notice and with<br />

little guidance. Notwithstanding,<br />

the equipment was installed and<br />

set to work with ship’s staff<br />

having to learn the new<br />

functionality as time progressed.<br />

It is noted that although this is<br />

not an ideal situation, the<br />

challenges that these situations<br />

bring make such “quick<br />

installations” just that bit more<br />

exciting for the technician.<br />

Noting the lead-time for sto res to<br />

a rri ve in th e a t re, to ensure<br />

continued operability of cri t i c a l<br />

s ystems, ‘insurance spares’ we re<br />

e m b a rked above the norm a l<br />

a l l owance. These we re pri o ri t i s e d<br />

towa rds exte rnal communications<br />

and command and control. It<br />

was inte re sting to note that just<br />

over 65 percent of these spare s<br />

we re actually used whilst on<br />

station in the AO. Other activities<br />

included developing how an<br />

A N Z AC class ship would seal in<br />

response to an NBC th reat. This<br />

was just one of a number of<br />

‘ fi rsts’ for the Class that wo u l d<br />

be ach i eved on this deploy m e n t .<br />

Heat was always a big<br />

c o n s i d e ration to how equ i p m e n t<br />

would fa re. Installation of a<br />

c o m m e rcial air conditioner in<br />

one of the WEE comp a rt m e n t s<br />

to ove rcome the expecte d<br />

summer heat in the No rth e rn<br />

A rabian Gulf was an exa mple of<br />

s u ch considera t i o n s .<br />

Being developed were Force<br />

Protection (USN equivalent of<br />



3 8 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL L E T IN F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />

We a th e rc o ck) routines based<br />

on USN pro c e d u res to pro te c t<br />

p e rsonnel and equipment in<br />

h a r b o u r. Issues pertinent to<br />

the ship’s assessment by<br />

Sea Training Group at th e<br />

O p e rational Level Of Capability<br />

( O LOC), revo lved around how th e<br />

D e p a rtment would opera te with<br />

a significant number of members<br />

ta ken away for boarding part i e s ,<br />

s e c u rity teams, and ongoing<br />

boat evolutions- doing more<br />

w i th less.<br />



Noting the type of deployment<br />

Operation DAMASK X was, a fresh<br />

approach was taken to our<br />

workup by Sea Training Group.<br />

As this was the first time an<br />

ANZAC Class Frigate would be<br />

worked up to the OLOC level,<br />

a tailor made work up was<br />

planned. Of course the most<br />

obvious aspect is that we wer e<br />

training for war not peacetime<br />

operations. Therefore during the<br />

workup there was considerably<br />

more flexibility in finding<br />

innovative solutions. A simulated<br />

Otto Fuel spill was washed off the<br />

deck using a firehose, a piece<br />

of equipment with a ber yllium<br />

hazard was thrown overboard.<br />

In both these cases, the normal<br />

peacetime pollution laws were<br />

overridden (as part of the<br />

simulation) due to the tactical<br />

threat. Both decisions saved<br />

considerable time and ef fort for<br />

the clean up teams leaving them<br />

free to maintain their equipment.<br />

The ability for the Department to<br />

act in a more ‘realistic’ manner<br />

was not only professionally<br />

rewarding, but also motivating.<br />

On the ‘day of the race – the<br />

Operational Readiness Evaluation<br />

(ORE)’, ANZAC was interrogated<br />

by foreign patrol vessels,<br />

conducted a compliant boarding<br />

of WARRAMUNGA, was attacked<br />

by F/A-18s and A4s (air defence<br />

serial) and monitored increasingly<br />

threatening aircraft probes whilst<br />

standing sea fire brigade<br />

exercises, WEE incidents and<br />

WEE casualty control drills wer e<br />

occurring internally. A damage<br />

control exercise triggered by a<br />

The first engineering problem<br />

to face us in the AO was the<br />

extreme heat of the Arabian<br />

summer. The first day in<br />

Bahrain, the mercury was<br />

sitting at 48°C in the shade.<br />

collision with a large Dhow<br />

followed by numerous anti-air<br />

warfare events, non-compliant<br />

boardings of WOLLONGONG,<br />


an another air attack triggered<br />

the final ORE assessed activity.<br />

Other firsts during this<br />

deployment included being the<br />

first RAN vessel to be fully<br />

integrated into a USN task group,<br />

and to perform level 2 noncompliant<br />

boardings. To achieve<br />

this level of interoperability,<br />

adoption of USN intelligence<br />

distribution/secure comms<br />

methods were required. Battle<br />

Force E-mail provided an efficient<br />

secure e-mail capability to the US<br />

forces, while Coalition Wide Area<br />

Network (CWAN) allowed units<br />

to access up to date classified<br />

information using Internet page<br />

presentation.<br />



After successfully completing our<br />

OLOC ORE, ANZAC transited to<br />

the AO to begin the real job.<br />

ANZAC finally entered the AO on<br />

30 July 2001. It has been said<br />

that operational deployments<br />

are 99% boredom and 1%<br />

excitement but at first this didn’t<br />

seem to be true. Even after our<br />

work-up there was still a lot to<br />

be learnt in the AO. First we<br />

attended ‘MIO University’ run<br />

by the United States Coast<br />

Guard boarding specialists.<br />

The boarding parties then got<br />

to test their skill on vessels<br />

awaiting inspection in the UN<br />

holding area. Not knowing what<br />

to expect kept everyone on edge<br />

throughout the fir st patrol (there<br />

were a total of 5 patrols).<br />

The first engineering problem to<br />

face us in the AO was the<br />

extreme heat of the Arabian<br />

summer. The first day in Bahrain,<br />

the mercury was sitting at 48°C<br />

in the shade. Upper deck<br />

ammunition lockers very quickly<br />

exceeded the maximum<br />

temperatures allowed and cooling<br />

was set up earlier and earlier<br />

everyday. Soon the lockers were<br />

being cooled from dawn to dusk<br />

and even then problems existed.<br />

If the hoses were not perfectly set<br />

up they would cool one side<br />

adequately but the other would<br />

still bake. Finally with some<br />

inventive use of cable ties and<br />

foam to help distribute the water,<br />

the problem was controlled.<br />

Within a week on station we<br />

began to realise how busy it<br />

could be for a minimum manned<br />

ship. The WEE department in<br />

ANZAC consists of 29 personnel.<br />

Our contribution to the boarding<br />

parties was three. During periods<br />

of high boarding activity these<br />

people were effectively lost to the<br />

department – hence the reason<br />

why they were chosen as people<br />

we could lose without<br />

replacement. Boardings through<br />

the night and cleaning and<br />

training routines during the day<br />

left little to no time for other<br />

work. This much had been<br />

expected. The load on the rest of<br />

the department was ho wever not<br />

expected. There was a need to<br />

provide security teams to monitor<br />

detained smugglers, steaming<br />

parties to divert smugglers to the

N AVY E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E TI N F EB R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

3 9<br />

. . . in an AO such as the Arabian Gulf there<br />

is still a need to go beyond the concept of<br />

“ we must wait until the spares turn up”.<br />

Lateral thinking, systems engineering and<br />

risk management need to remain as keywords<br />

in a Department’s vocabulary.<br />

United Nations holding area,<br />

health and comfort teams to<br />

check on the conditions of<br />

detained vessels and DC teams<br />

to assist damaged vessels. At<br />

times the Department had almost<br />

a third of our Greenies away<br />

(including the WEEO as I/C of<br />

security and steaming parties).<br />

As part of the minimum manning<br />

concept, evolutions party is<br />

provided from the WEE and<br />

Supply Departments. Boat<br />

operations for much of the night<br />

stretched the capacity of the<br />

evolutions party and in the end<br />

two alternating evolutions parties<br />

were formed to give some respite.<br />

Suppressing the ANZAC beast for<br />

too long, led to only one result,<br />

and that was to order the gun to<br />

fire on an alarm barrage.<br />

Command ensured that the<br />

weapons crews were always<br />

ready by conducting these firing<br />

drills in designated safe areas<br />

with no notice. This was an<br />

excellent way to maintain morale<br />

and ensure system operation in<br />

one very quick evolution.<br />

On the matter of upper deck<br />

maintenance of WEE equipment,<br />

it was noted that anything<br />

exposed on the upper decks<br />

experienced greatly increased<br />

wear due to the high heat,<br />

humidity and salinity. The need<br />

to have weapons loaded and<br />

comms gear hooked up<br />

exacerbated this. There was no<br />

easy solution to this problem.<br />

Careful attention to freshwater<br />

wash downs and use of<br />

protective ‘Denzo’ tape helped.<br />

Another environmental effect was<br />

the poor quality of water in the<br />

Arabian Gulf, which caused<br />

further problems. Air conditioning<br />

systems fed by salt water cooling<br />

steadily degraded over the<br />

deployment leading to reduced<br />






Over time, the excitement wore<br />

off and the operations became<br />

routine. With this came the<br />

problem of how to get planned<br />

maintenance done without<br />

compromising the operations of<br />

the ship. This was particularly<br />

true for maintenance of the<br />

weapons system or maintenance<br />

requiring access to the masts<br />

and the subsequent RADHAZ<br />

restrictions. Port visits provided<br />

some opportunity to perform<br />

planned maintenance however<br />

the necessity to rest personnel<br />

restricted this. Breakdown<br />

maintenance also provided<br />

opportunities. The requirement<br />

to repair equipment immediately<br />

allowed many other less urgent<br />

but still vital planned<br />

maintenance routines to be<br />

conducted. Windows of<br />

opportunity were made available<br />

for maintenance – usually<br />

2200-0400 twice a week.<br />

Weapon systems confidence<br />

became an issue due to the<br />

covert nature of MIO patrol.

4 0 N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B UL L ET IN F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />

reliability on some systems.<br />

A concerted effort by the Stokers<br />

mid way through restored all to a<br />

serviceable condition.<br />

The high usage of equipment<br />

and the conditions re s u l ted in<br />

i n ev i table bre a k d ow n s . 1 H ow th e<br />

d e p a rtment dealt with this wa s<br />

A fter re a ching a peak at th e<br />

a ch i evement of OLOC, th e<br />

p ro ficiency of the Depart m e n t<br />

i n ev i ta b ly declined during th e<br />

long and sometimes bori n g<br />

p a t rols. The opera t i o n a l<br />

e nv i ronment gre a t ly re st ri c te d<br />

the ability to conduct exe rc i s e s ,<br />

h owever it was still possible to<br />



Engineering in an operational<br />

environment is the sharp end of<br />

Naval Engineering, it is what<br />

Engineers and Techos are trained<br />

for and ultimately it is why we<br />

have Greenies at sea. As such,<br />

Operations Damask – Slipper<br />

The <strong>Australian</strong> Government extended ANZAC’s<br />

deployment thus freeing up vessels such as<br />

USS John Paul Jones (one of our sister ships)<br />

that would go on to launch<br />

some of the first strikes on the ‘war against<br />

terrorism’.<br />






u l t i m a te ly the te st of our<br />

O p e rational Engineering. The<br />

c riticality of systems va ried but fo r<br />

m a ny systems th e re simp ly wa s<br />

not the option to do without it.<br />

D e s p i te the high sto res demand<br />

p ri o rity and excellent logist i c s<br />

s u p p o rt from Au st ralia and<br />

RA N LO Bahrain, it was ofte n<br />

n e c e s s a ry to implement safe<br />

i n te rim fi xes. This is an imp o rta n t<br />

moot point – in an AO such as<br />

the Arabian Gulf th e re is still a<br />

need to go beyond the concept of<br />

“ we must wait until the spare s<br />

t u rn up”. Late ral thinking, syste m s<br />

e n g i n e e ring and risk manage m e n t<br />

need to remain as key wo rds in a<br />

D e p a rtment’s vo c a b u l a ry.<br />

conduct useful training. One way<br />

that this was ach i eved wa s<br />

using training lectures. These<br />

we re pre p a red and pre s e n ted<br />

by the Able Seaman of th e<br />

D e p a rtment on topics that are<br />

not norm a l ly their speciality.<br />

As well as providing re f re s h e r<br />

t raining, these lectures we re<br />

e xcellent training mediums fo r<br />

the pre s e n tation skills of th e<br />

Able Seaman and provided a<br />

s e m i - regular meeting place to<br />

discuss the burning issues of<br />

the day and our ach i eve m e n t s<br />

in our operational tasking to<br />

d a te .<br />

The whole ship was shocked<br />

by the te rro ri st atta cks of<br />

S e p tember 11, both by th e<br />

h o rror and by the unknow n<br />

i mplications for us. The<br />

Au st ralian Gove rnment exte n d e d<br />

A N Z AC’s deployment thus fre e i n g<br />

up vessels such as USS John<br />

Paul Jones (one of our siste r<br />

ships) that would go on to<br />

l a u n ch some of the fi rst st ri ke s<br />

on the ‘war aga i n st te rro ri s m ’ .<br />

E x tending the deployment had a<br />

number of implications, not th e<br />

l e a st of which was delaying th e<br />

ship’s planned docking re fit by<br />

six months. This re qu i red a<br />

re n ewed emphasis on<br />

p reve n ta t i ve maintenance to<br />

e n s u re that equipment re m a i n e d<br />

s e rviceable until th e n .<br />

(Enduring Freedom) was a ver y<br />

valuable learning experience for<br />

the entire Department. Although<br />

a great deal of planning went<br />

into the deployment, we<br />

continue to learn from our<br />

experiences and hopefully feed<br />

this back into what should be a<br />

closed loop “control system”<br />

that we can improve the Class<br />

and the way we do business at<br />

sea as Weapons Electrical<br />

Engineering professionals.<br />

Note 1. Notwithstanding the occasional<br />

defect within the Combat Sy stem, the<br />

overall reliability in the hostile environment<br />

of the Middle East was outs tanding for the<br />

duration of the deployment. Availability of<br />

mission critical equipment remained at<br />

95–100% at all times using best<br />

engineering practices.

N AV Y E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL ET I N F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />

4 1<br />

Battle Fo rce Electronic Mail<br />

In the past ye a r, Dire c to ra te of Naval Command, Contro l ,<br />

Communications, Comp u te rs Inte l l i gence, Surveillance and Electro n i c<br />

Wa rfa re (DNC4ISREW) of <strong>Navy</strong> Systems Command has re c e n t ly<br />

undertaken the installation, test and set to work of Battle Force<br />

Electronic Mail (BFEM) on a number of Major Fleet Units (MFUs).<br />

BFEM allows the transmission and reception of e-mail over High<br />

Frequency (HF) radio links. It is being used increasingly as a tool for<br />

interoperability within a taskgroup as it does not rely on expensive<br />

infrastructure associated with satellite communications.<br />



The system is based on NATO<br />

standard STANAG 5066, Profile<br />

for Maritime High Frequency ( H F )<br />

Radio Data Communications, and<br />

is capable of sending e-mail over<br />

a single 3kHz HF link at data<br />

rates of up to 9600bps. BFEM<br />

is currently used by countries<br />

including USA, UK, France,<br />

G e rm a ny, Ita ly, Belgium and Japan.<br />

BFEM, as installed on RAN ships,<br />

c o mp rises of a laptop comp u te r,<br />

an encryption device, a HF<br />

modem and existing ship’s HF<br />

e quipment. The laptop is situate d<br />

in the Operations Room to allow<br />

‘ wa rfi g h ter to wa rfi g h te r ’<br />

communication. It is connected to<br />

the re st of the equipment in th e<br />

COMCEN via copper or fi b re cable.<br />

DNC4ISREW has installed BFEM<br />

on a number of platforms this<br />

year including HMAS ANZAC and<br />

HMAS SYDNEY. Installations for<br />

the more MFUs are planned for<br />

next year. The system has proved<br />

to be functional. The only major<br />

problem has been the lack of use<br />

by some allied units.<br />

About the author Paul Kennedy is an<br />

electronic systems engineer working in<br />

the Communication Systems section of<br />

DNC4ISREW.<br />

As far as the user is concerned,<br />

BFEM appears like a regular<br />

MS Outlook 2000 e-mail sy stem.<br />

Software (Rockwell Collins HF<br />

Messenger) running in the<br />

background on the laptop in<br />

conjunction with the HF Modem<br />

(Harris RF5710A) provides<br />

the MIL-STD-110B high speed<br />

HF waveform.

4 2 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL LE T I N FE B R U A RY 2 0 0 2<br />



Seakeeping Characteristics<br />

of Patrol Boats<br />

Seakeeping describes the motions and seakindliness of a ship in a<br />

seaway. Seakeeping performance is a major factor in operational<br />

effectiveness as good seakeeping qualities allow ships to successfully<br />

execute their missions in adverse conditions.<br />




Excessive ship motions in rough<br />

weather can have considerable<br />

effect on:<br />

• ship speed,<br />

• crew effectiveness and safety,<br />

• ability to under take specific<br />

activities, such as launching and<br />

recovering boats,<br />

• weapon and sensor effectiveness,<br />

• ship serviceability and reliability,<br />

and<br />

• fuel consumption.<br />

Increased operational<br />

effectiveness requires that<br />

modern naval ships, with their<br />

sophisticated systems, be<br />

designed to known operating<br />

capabilities in their intended<br />

operating environment. This<br />

places a greater emphasis on<br />

seakeeping performance as an<br />

essential ship capability that<br />

must be addressed at an early<br />

stage in the ship design process.<br />

The primary peacetime role of<br />

RAN patrol boats is supporting<br />

the Civil Surveillance Program.<br />

This includes surveillance and<br />

surface response in all but<br />

Antarctic Regions of the<br />

<strong>Australian</strong> EEZ. RAN seakeeping<br />

requirements for patrol boat<br />

sized ships have been selected<br />

to exclude operating in Antarctic<br />

regions for any significant<br />

duration as the requirements to<br />

operate in such zones have a<br />

dominant effect on size and<br />

type of ship required. Aside<br />

from supporting the Civil<br />

Surveillance Program, RAN patrol<br />

boats provide support to wider<br />

Defence Policy as it applies to<br />

our region.<br />

To complete these roles<br />

successfully a certain degree of<br />

ship performance is required t o<br />

allow operations to be<br />

maintained without undue<br />

interruption. The response of the<br />

ship in different wave heights will<br />

determine the operating limits of<br />

the ship. In the <strong>Australian</strong> region<br />

the significant wave heights<br />

(H1/3) occur with a frequency as<br />

indicated in Table 1. From this<br />

table it can be seen that to<br />

operate uninterrupted 90% of the<br />

time the ship must be capable of<br />

operating in seas with a<br />

significant wave height of 4.0<br />

metres (Top of Sea State 5).<br />



Recent investigations quantifying<br />

the performance of the current<br />

RAN patrol boat fleet are nearing<br />

completion. This has involved<br />

numerical simulation and sur vey<br />

of crews. Before discussing the<br />

characteristics identified by these<br />

evaluations for the Fremantle<br />

Class Patrol Boat, three factor s<br />

should be noted. The fir st is that<br />

the Fremantle Class Patrol Boat<br />

(FCPB) is a great improvement on<br />

the former Attack Class patrol<br />

boat. Secondly the mission of the<br />

patrol boat has changed since<br />

the Fremantles came into service<br />

in the early 1980s and<br />

consequently the design was not<br />

necessarily intended for the role<br />

it now plays. The third factor to<br />

be noted is that seakeeping<br />

evaluation techniques have<br />

greatly improved in the las t<br />

decade through ongoing<br />

international cooperative research<br />

programs in which the RAN is<br />

involved. This has allowed a<br />

greater understanding of<br />

seakeeping, performance<br />

specification and evaluation in<br />

the design stage.<br />

Seakeeping evaluation in relation<br />

to crew performance has moved<br />

away from individual motion<br />

limits such as roll angle, pitch<br />

angle and heave to consider<br />

performance measures.<br />

Parameters such as Motion<br />

Induced Interruptions (MII) and<br />

Motion Sickness Incidence (MSI)<br />

that are easier to relate to crew<br />

performance are beginning t o<br />

replace the more traditional<br />

limits. MII is defined as the<br />

number of times in a given<br />

period that a person would need<br />

to hold on in order to prevent<br />

sliding or toppling and MSI is<br />

defined as the percentage of<br />

crew likely to vomit when<br />

continuously subjected to<br />

motions for a specified period.<br />

Currently the RAN standard<br />

materiel requirements for<br />

Seakeeping (A016464) states<br />

the limits of these motions to be<br />

1 MII per minute and 20% of<br />

crew vomiting when continuously<br />

exposed to the limiting sea<br />

condition for 4 hours. DSTO is<br />

continuing to calibrate a method<br />

of determining MSI in an<br />

objective manner with actual<br />

sickness incidence on RAN ships.<br />

This may lead to some refinement<br />

of the requirements in this area.<br />

Other performance measures for<br />

a ship include slamming, deck<br />

wetness and propeller<br />


N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L L E TI N FE B R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

4 3<br />


H1/3 [m] Average Cumulative Sea State<br />

Occurrence [%] Probability [%]<br />

6.0 3 100 7 and above<br />


P E R F O R M S<br />

Both the numerical and survey<br />

results indicated that the<br />

Fremantle Class exhibits the<br />

typical performance of a small,<br />

relatively fast monohull however<br />

certain areas of the design could<br />

be improved. The ship is no<br />

longer able to safely complete a<br />

full range of tasks in a significant<br />

wave height of 2.5metres (Top of<br />

Sea State 4). Moving into Sea<br />

State 5, tasks such as launch<br />

and recovery of sea boats<br />

becomes dangerous and even in<br />

the higher range of Sea State 4<br />

some areas of the ship become<br />

particularly uncomfortable. Both<br />

the survey and numerical<br />

analysis indicated junior sailors<br />

spaces and ships of fice and<br />

communications centre are are a s<br />

w h e re many ta s ks become<br />

d i fficult in modera te seas.<br />

These areas suffer the most<br />

f rom ship motions and the<br />

result is increased difficulty when<br />

wo rking in these areas. It is not<br />

s u rp rising to note that th e s e<br />

a reas are fo rwa rd in the ship<br />

w h e re higher acceleration leve l s<br />

a re encounte re d .<br />

From a seakeeping pers p e c t i ve<br />

t ravelling in fo l l owing seas re s u l t s<br />

in the lowe st motions, howeve r,<br />

dynamic stability considera t i o n s<br />

s u ch as avoidance of bro a ch and<br />

s u rf riding must then be<br />

c o n s i d e red. The survey<br />

responses from the commanding<br />

o ffi c e rs indicated that opera t i n g<br />

in modera te beam seas wa s<br />

u n d e s i rable due to the MII<br />

caused by considerable roll.<br />

For this reason bow or ste rn<br />

qu a rte ring is often a bette r<br />

heading. Despite the imp l i c a t i o n s<br />

for slamming and deck we t n e s s<br />

the commanding offi c e rs of th e<br />

FCPB have indicated head seas<br />

is often the most desira b l e<br />

heading as far as crew safety<br />

is concern e d .<br />

The commanding officers have<br />

indicated that when selecting any<br />

heading, crew safety is the<br />

highest priority. Following this,<br />

in head seas, equipment damage<br />

and slamming were of concern,<br />

in beam seas roll and equipment<br />

damage and in following seas,<br />

broaching and surf riding were<br />

in the top three concerns.<br />

The dilemma facing the FCPB is<br />

that roll is the gre a te st concern<br />

when considering the ta s ks to be<br />

c o mp l e ted on board but pitch<br />

and heave motions become<br />

s i g n i ficant for crew during ‘re st ’<br />

p e riods. The result of inadequ a te<br />

re st is increased fatigue and<br />

motion sickness. It was re p o rte d<br />

that a combination of roll, pitch<br />

and heave in bow and ste rn<br />

qu a rte ring seas (which can cre a te<br />

a cork screw effect) will ofte n<br />

reduce the magnitude of any one<br />

c o mponent but usually will gre a t ly<br />

i n c rease sickness incidence.<br />


The survey, completed by 138<br />

crewmembers from eight of the<br />

RAN FCPB fleet, asked the<br />

usual degree of seasickness<br />

experienced. The categories<br />

included:<br />

• Never;<br />

• Mild (headache, more than usual<br />

tiredness);<br />

• Moderate (Sleeplessness, more<br />

than usual irritability, nausea);<br />

and<br />

• Extreme (actual vomiting and<br />

general sea sickness enough to<br />

prevent you from performing your<br />

normal duties).<br />

In response 30% claimed never<br />

to suffer seasickness, 26% mild<br />

doses, 28% moderate and 16%<br />

extreme sea sickness when<br />

seasick on the FCPB.<br />

Frequency of seasickness was<br />

questioned with responses<br />

sought for calm (0-1.25m seas),<br />

moderate (1.25-2.5m seas),<br />

rough (2.5-4.0m seas) and ver y<br />

rough seas (4.0-6.0m seas).<br />

The response could be; not at all,<br />

occasionally, frequently, nearly<br />

always or always.<br />

In calm conditions 6% indicated<br />

they have some degree of<br />

seasickness either occasionally or<br />

frequently whilst the remaining<br />

94% never get seasick. This<br />

decreases to 67% never getting<br />

seasick in moderate seas, 44%<br />

in rough seas and 35% in very<br />

rough seas. In rough conditions<br />

31% frequently to always suffer<br />

seasickness and this increases<br />

to 39% in very rough seas.<br />

Apart from these statistics two<br />

other clear trends came from<br />

the survey. They were that in<br />

moderate seas (Sea State 4)<br />

73% of respondents believed<br />

they took longer to complete<br />

tasks and 76% used more<br />

caution to complete tasks.<br />

These results clearly indicate<br />

that adverse seakeeping<br />

characteristics have a significant<br />

influence over operating<br />

efficiency. In the operating<br />

environment that can be<br />

expected 36% of the time<br />

(ie. Sea State 4), one third of<br />

the crew could be expected to<br />

be suffering some degree of<br />

seasickness and most of the crew<br />

are taking additional time and<br />

caution to complete tasks.

4 4 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL L E T I N F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 2<br />



The impact of seakeeping on the<br />

mission of these patrol boats can<br />

therefore be significant.<br />

It should be noted that one of<br />

the requirements for the new<br />

patrol boats has been stated to<br />

be that the seakeeping<br />

characteristics are to be better<br />

than the FCPB. So how would a<br />

new patrol boat dif fer from the<br />

FCPB to improve seakeeping?<br />


P E R F O R M A NCE THRO U G H<br />

D E S I G N<br />

The following 13 attributes<br />

lead to good seakeeping<br />

characteristics. These are not<br />

the only way of achieving good<br />

seakeeping performance but are<br />

some of the more significant and<br />

simple ways to improve a ship at<br />

the design stage.<br />

1. A larger displacement.<br />

2. A greater waterline length<br />

(within the constraints of the<br />

design) although slamming can<br />

become a problem for some ship<br />

length, speed and wave<br />

combinations.<br />

3. Increased waterplane area<br />

particularly forward is very<br />

beneficial.<br />

4. V shaped sections for ward that<br />

minimise slamming at the keel<br />

and bow flare.<br />

5. An absence of flat sections aft<br />

that causes stern slamming in<br />

relatively small seas.<br />

6. Adequate freeboard to<br />

minimise deck wetness.<br />

Especially forward. There is good<br />

reason for a forecastle and deck<br />

shear!<br />

7. Ensure adequate propeller<br />

submergence to avoid emergence<br />

in waves. This will also increase<br />

propulsive efficiency.<br />

8. Keep manned spaces away<br />

from forward and aft extremities<br />

of ship and preferably as close to<br />

midships (or a little aft of it) as<br />

possible.<br />

9. Keep GM low enough that roll<br />

motions are not too rapid but<br />

stability is maintained. A large<br />

GM will contribute to high lateral<br />

accelerations and motion<br />

induced interruptions.<br />

10. If possible fit roll damping or<br />

stabilisation systems (starting<br />

with bilge keels, then tanks if<br />

maximum operating speed is low<br />

(say 16 knots) and fins if usual<br />

operating speed is high).<br />

11. Flared hull sides can have an<br />

advantage in that beam can be<br />

reduced to minimise powering or<br />

roll stiffness while stability is<br />

maintained at larger heel angles.<br />

12. Motion Induced Interruptions<br />

(MII) increases the higher up in<br />

the ship you are. If possible, have<br />

manned spaces low in the ship<br />

(although this may be contrary to<br />

safety considerations in the case<br />

of collision etc).<br />

to be made early in the design<br />

stage so that the hull can be<br />

defined. If sufficient attention is<br />

not given to this area then<br />

considerable effort may be<br />

required to address problems<br />

during sea trials or befor e<br />

Acceptance Into Naval Service.<br />

Acknowledgements The author takes this<br />

opportunity to thank the cr ew of the RAN<br />

FCPB fleet who participated in the<br />

seakeeping survey. Such feedback should<br />

help to ensure that future RAN patrol craft<br />

are designed with greater attention to<br />

seakeeping performance. This will be<br />

appreciated by future crews and those<br />

planning naval operations.<br />

References 1. A016608, “Seakeeping<br />

Analysis of the Fremantle Class Patrol<br />

Boat”, Revision 1, RAN, August 2001<br />

2. “Seakeeping Survey of the Fremantle<br />

Class Patrol Boat”, Unpublished<br />

3. A016464, “Standard Materiel<br />

Requirements for RAN Ships and<br />

Submarines , Volume 3: Hull System<br />

Requirements, Part 6: Seakeeping”,<br />

Revision 0, RAN, December 2000<br />

4. Hogben, N. et al, “Global Wave<br />

Statistics”, compiled and edited by British<br />

Maritime Technology Limited, Unwin<br />

Brothers Ltd, 1986.<br />

5. Lloyd, A. R. J. M., “Seakeeping – Ship<br />

Behaviour in rough weather”, Ellis Hor wood<br />

Limited, 1989.<br />

6. Kehoe, Capt J. W. et al, “Seakeeping<br />

and Combat System Performance – The<br />

Operators’ Assessment”, Naval Engineers<br />

Journal, May 1983.<br />

7. Bales, N. K., Cieslowski, D. S., “A Guide<br />

to Generic Seakeeping Performance<br />

Assessment”, Naval Engineers Journal,<br />

April 1981.<br />

About the author Bruce McNeice works for<br />

the Director of <strong>Navy</strong> Platform Systems<br />

within <strong>Navy</strong> Systems Branch. He is the<br />

Hydrodynamics Technology Manager and is<br />

responsible for the defining N avy’s<br />

requirements and providing advice on<br />

seakeeping, manoeuvring, propellers, range<br />

calculation and the sea environment.<br />

13. Ensure that rudders and<br />

skegs are adequately sized such<br />

that good directional control of<br />

the boat can be maintained in<br />

following seas and the risk of<br />

broaching may be reduced.<br />

It is recognised that other tradeoffs<br />

may make some of these<br />

aspects to be virtually impossible<br />

to meet. A decision on the<br />

importance of seakeeping needs

N AVY E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E TI N F EB R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

4 5<br />

What is a Hydrographic<br />

Ship?<br />



Since joining HS Red Crew (formerly posted as NUSHIP LEEUWIN) in<br />

March 1999 I have been asked the question many times: What is a HS?<br />

Sometimes it is asked in a different way; “HS – aren’t they those<br />

catamarans?” or “LEEUWIN – that’s a bit like FLINDERS isn’t it?”<br />

It seems clear to me that most<br />

people in the fleet really don’t<br />

have a clue who we are and what<br />

we do. The purpose of this article<br />

is to provide a brief introduction<br />

to the HS. Af ter all, I intend to<br />

re-join the ‘grey’ <strong>Navy</strong> some and I<br />

am sick of explaining what HS<br />

Red Crew is.<br />

HMA Ships LEEUWIN and<br />

MELVILLE were constructed to<br />

replace the aging Moresby and<br />

Flinders. Those who have seen<br />

Moresby and Flinders will know<br />

that they were substantially<br />

different in size. In many aspects,<br />

the HS are similar to Moresby,<br />

the HS being only slightly smaller<br />

(HS approx 2200 tonnes<br />

although much shorter), diesel<br />

electric (although a completely<br />

different system is employed in<br />

the HS), air capable, carry three<br />

Survey Motor Boats (SMBs –<br />

although these have been<br />

upgraded) and are painted white.<br />

The similarities with Flinders are<br />

fewer; a similar profile (standfast<br />

the flight deck), similar crew size<br />

(48 vice 46) and painted white.<br />

All in all, it is easy to see why<br />

people are confused!<br />

days/year within the current<br />

personnel tempo restrictions<br />

(which limit each crew to<br />

approximately 150 days per<br />

year). Each ship theoretically<br />

does 225 days at sea per year.<br />

So if you ask me today where<br />

am I posted to I will answer<br />

“HS Red Crew currently borne in<br />


is the Leeuwin Class Coordinator<br />

as the senior CO will always be in<br />

that crew.<br />


D E PA RT M E N T<br />

The HS has a Technical<br />

Department of 14. It is headed<br />

by the Engineer Of ficer (LEUT ME<br />

Q) (although there has always<br />

been a WEEO in HS White crew),<br />

a CPOMT (M or E) as DMEO, a<br />


Red) as I/C Systems, a POMT<br />

(E or M) (opposite stream to<br />

DMEO), four LS (a MT(M), MT(E),<br />


and six ABs (3 x MT(M), an<br />

MT(E), ET(AUXSENS) and<br />

ET(GENCOM)). The technical<br />

department can be reduced by<br />

up to three sailors for long<br />

periods if the SMBs are deployed<br />

to a boat camp, leaving a<br />

relatively large ship being<br />

operated and maintained by a<br />

technical department of only<br />

11 personnel.<br />

How do we do it? Well for a start<br />

we utilise the technology inherent<br />

in the ship, and only have one<br />


The other aspect of the HS that<br />

causes confusion (even for us)<br />

is the fact that there are three<br />

crews for the two ships. The<br />

crews are HS Red, White and<br />

Blue. We rotate between the<br />

ships and ashore; approximately<br />

six months on a ship, 3 months<br />

off watch (working in the HS Crew<br />

Facility in Cairns). The reason for<br />

this is to utilise the ship’s<br />

availability for sea of 300

4 6 N AV Y EN G I N E E R I N G B U L L ET IN F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />

watch keeper on watch at any<br />

one time. All machinery can be<br />

monitored from the bridge via the<br />

Integrated Control System (ICS),<br />

which leaves the watch keeper to<br />

conduct compartment rounds<br />

knowing the bridge staff (and<br />

ICS) are watching over the<br />

machinery whilst he is away.<br />

The reduction in watch keeping<br />

personnel leaves the rest of the<br />

department as day workers to<br />

complete preventative and<br />

corrective maintenance.<br />

an auxiliary propulsion unit<br />

should the main moto rs be<br />

u n ava i l a b l e .<br />

The ICS is capable of monito ri n g<br />

and controlling the main<br />

p ropulsion system and most<br />

a u x i l i a ry systems re m o te ly.<br />

This includes systems such as;<br />

ventilation, fi re main, closure of<br />

wa te rtight doors and hatch e s ,<br />

toxic hazard sensors, bilge<br />

s e n s o rs, the perfo rmance of all<br />

DGs etc. The ICS will ensure th a t<br />

s u fficient ge n e ra to rs are on load,<br />

O rganisation (IHO) guidelines<br />

(when used in conjunction with<br />

the TLWSSS for fe a t u re detection).<br />

The three primary and numerous<br />

other sensors (such as<br />

positioning, platform motion and<br />

water conductivity and<br />

temperature) are fed into a<br />

system known as the<br />

Hydrographic Survey System<br />

which allows the raw data<br />

collected to be processed into a<br />

format that can be exported to<br />

the Hydrographic Office.<br />

The ICS is capable of<br />

m o n i to ring and contro l l i n g<br />

the main propulsion syste m<br />

and most auxiliary syste m s<br />

re m o te ly.<br />


CO N T ROL SY ST E M S<br />

The HS has a fully integrated<br />

electric propulsion system. It has<br />

six generators; four Main DGs<br />

(Ruston 6RK215 800kW/<br />

1000kVA/660v/50Hz), a Harbour<br />

DG (Caterpillar 3412, 350kW/<br />

440kVA/415v/50 Hz) and an<br />

Emergency DG (Caterpillar 3306,<br />

160kW/200kVA//415v/50 Hz).<br />

At sea only the Main DGs are<br />

used, ships services being<br />

supplied by transformers off the<br />

main switchboard. The Harbour<br />

or Emergency DGs do not supply<br />

the main propulsion motors or<br />

bow thruster.<br />

The main moto rs are opera te d<br />

by a va riable speed dri ve (VS D )<br />

w h i ch is able to va ry main<br />

m o tor speed from 0 to 12 0 0<br />

rpm (0 to 209 shaft rpm). The<br />

main moto rs are each coupled<br />

to a single reduction ge a r b ox ,<br />

w h i ch dri ve the port and<br />

sta r b o a rd shafts re s p e c t i ve ly.<br />

The ships are also fi t ted with a<br />

p u mp-jet bow th ru ster which<br />

also has a va riable fre qu e n c y<br />

d ri ve (VFD). The bow th ru ste r ’ s<br />

th ru st can be slewed in any<br />

d i rection, so it could be used as<br />

and all mach i n e ry is opera t i n g<br />

w i thin pre - d e te rmined guidelines.<br />

Think of the ICS as a ve ry<br />

reliable wa tch ke e p e r. There are<br />

t wo consoles located on th e<br />

b ri d ge, which are consoles<br />

p ri m a ri ly used at sea, and two<br />

consoles in the MCR (DCC),<br />

w h i ch are used pri m a ri ly fo r<br />

E m e rgency Station, SSD and<br />

d u ring engineering casualties.<br />

S U RVEY SY ST E M<br />

The survey system has three<br />

primary sensors, these are; an<br />

Atlas Fansweep 20 Multibeam<br />

Echo Sounder (MBES), an Atlas<br />

DESO 25 Single Beam Echo<br />

Sounder (SBES) and a Klein<br />

T2000 Towed Light Weight Side<br />

Scan Sonar (TLWSSS).<br />

W h i l st the SBES and TLWSSS do<br />

not re p resent any great leap<br />

fo rwa rd in survey te ch n o l o g y, th e<br />

MBES does. The MBES allows th e<br />

ship to sound not only dire c t ly<br />

b e l ow the ship, but also to sound<br />

p e rpendicular to the direction of<br />

the ship, out to a maximum of<br />

12 times wa ter depth. This allows<br />

for full cove ra ge of bottom and<br />

meets incre a s i n gly st ri n ge n t<br />

I n te rnational Hydro gra p h i c<br />

The three SMBs also have a<br />

similar but ‘lite’ version of the<br />

survey system fitted to the ship,<br />

unfortunately this system has not<br />

met contracted (and IHO)<br />

requirements so is currently not<br />

being used for the gathering of<br />

bathometric data used in charts.<br />


The HS has similar aviation<br />

facilities to the majority of air<br />

capable fleet units. To date<br />

FOCFT have been conducted and<br />

SHOL developed for the AS 350<br />

(Squirrel) and Bell 206 (Kio wa).<br />

The flight deck is capable of<br />

accommodating up to medium<br />

sized helicopters.<br />

SO WHAT IS A HS?<br />

I hope I have given a suffi c i e n t<br />

d e s c ription of the HS so that yo u<br />

can answer that qu e stion. More<br />

‘in depth’ articles will fo l l ow on th e<br />

s p e c i fics of the va rious syste m s .<br />

About the author LCDR David Robertson<br />

joined the RAN as an undergraduate in<br />

1991, graduating from Queensland<br />

University in 1992. He completed his<br />

AMEO time in HMAS TORRENS befor e<br />

being posted as PNR-Cairns. He ser ved as<br />

DMEO HMAS PERTH gaining his Char ge<br />

Qualification in Nov 1998. He was then<br />

posted as EO in NUSHIP LEEUWIN/HS RED<br />

CREW. Following a posting as the Anzac<br />

Class Certification Manager at DNCS-SS,<br />

he is now Staff Officer to DGNAVSYS.

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L L E TI N FE B R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

4 7<br />

Maritime Systems Division<br />

Contract Quality Assurance<br />

P ro gram and the Inte gra te d<br />

QA Contract Support<br />

Database<br />




This article addresses the Contract Quality Assurance (CQA)<br />

development of the CQA Program and the integrated QA Contract<br />

Support Database, with the development of a two-pronged strategy<br />

for implementing CQA across <strong>Navy</strong> Maritime Systems Division (MSD)<br />

Business Units. It is a fact that the quality of performance of contract<br />

deliverables begins well before a contract is signed, and the quality<br />

cycle does not end with the delivery of the contracted item. There are<br />

many CQA activities and improved CQA methodologies that can be<br />

applied throughout the duration of the contract to ensure that the<br />

Commonwealth obtains value for money.<br />

BACKG RO U N D<br />

CQA surveillance and auditing<br />

activities within <strong>Navy</strong> have<br />

h i sto ri c a l ly been focused on<br />

p roduct compliance and th e<br />

c o mpliance of the suppliers ’<br />

quality management syste m .<br />

Supplier comp e tencies and th e<br />

m a n a gement of supplier<br />

p e rfo rmance have not been<br />

a d e qu a te ly addressed in the past .<br />

Also, th e re has been a dist i n c t<br />

l a ck of disciplined manage m e n t<br />

of the quality loop. Fe e d b a ck<br />

i n fo rmation to contract manage rs<br />

on supplier perfo rm a n c e ,<br />

including contract fi e l d<br />

p e rfo rmance data as noted by<br />

D e fence CQA opera t i ves, has not<br />

a l ways been managed and used<br />

e ffi c i e n t ly in fo l l ow on contra c t s .<br />

M u ch of the supplier comp e te n c y<br />

and perfo rmance info rmation wa s<br />

out of date, fra g m e n ted and not<br />

available for wide spread use.<br />

The <strong>Navy</strong> has not had the<br />

b e n e fits of a consiste n t<br />

application of the quality cycle<br />

in its business pro c e s s e s .<br />

Comparing the per formance of<br />

suppliers prior to awarding a<br />

contract was not always<br />

undertaken with full visibility of<br />

the supplier’s capability. That<br />

information was not always<br />

available to a contract manager.<br />

Any qualitative performance<br />

evaluations were subjective in the<br />

main and not always fully<br />

representative of the supplier’s<br />

competency or performance.<br />

The CQA Pro gram began ga th e ri n g<br />

momentum with the Defe n c e<br />

E fficiency Rev i ew (DER) and<br />

CO M LOG(N) Vision 2001. As a<br />

result of the pro j e c ted sav i n g s<br />

i d e n t i fied in the DER, a rev i ew wa s<br />

i n i t i a ted to address the Defe n c e<br />

Quality Assurance (DQA) issues<br />

h i g h l i g h ted in the DER re p o rt. The<br />

th ree main options that the DQA<br />

Rev i ew Team addressed we re:<br />

• that customers be totally<br />

responsible and accountable for<br />

QA expenditure;<br />

• that customers’ unique<br />

requirements be specifically<br />

addressed, ie, that the level,<br />

prioritisation, allocation and<br />

tasking of QA activities be<br />

controlled by customers; and<br />

• that CQA services be integrated<br />

into project management/<br />

procurement and repair<br />

processes.<br />

Fo l l owing the WEST RALIA Board<br />

of Inqu i ry, which identifi e d<br />

d e ficient CQA practices, Mr John<br />

Bishop conducted a rev i ew into<br />

c o n t racting, and fo l l owing on<br />

f rom the recommendations fro m<br />

that rev i ew, a CQA Cell wa s<br />

e stablished within the Logist i c<br />

M a n a gement Group. The initial<br />

activities of the CQA Cell<br />

a ffe c ted all business units in<br />

f u l filling its re fined and fo c u s e d<br />

functions and roles. These<br />

activities included baseline<br />

essentials such as comp e te n c y<br />

and training issues, imp rove m e n t<br />

to quality clauses and opening<br />

the path to imp roved CQA<br />

m a n a gement in contracting in a<br />

team env i ro n m e n t .

4 8 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL L E T IN F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />

These activities expanded into the<br />

established areas of managing<br />

the competency and per formance<br />

of suppliers where it seemed<br />

obvious that a measurement<br />

system was required urgently.<br />

The first development/application<br />

of the measurement system of<br />

c o n t ra c tor comp e tency wa s<br />

i n c o rp o ra ted into the QA<br />

C o n t ract Support Database in<br />

a round 19 9 5 .<br />

While the concept of improved<br />

supplier performance and data<br />

collection began in the middle<br />

1990s, it was not until 1999 that<br />

the opportunity was provided to<br />

implement the CQA Program into<br />

the Collins Class Logistic Office.<br />

This direction provided<br />

implementation of CQA into the<br />

Collins CLO at the time and also<br />

paved the way for the (Phase 2)<br />

QA Contract Support Database<br />

development. To establish the<br />

baselines from which the follow<br />

on development stages could be<br />

built, development teams were<br />

established and managed from<br />

inside the original Repair<br />

Management Support<br />

Organisation where clear thinking<br />

could be exercised and concepts<br />

for improved CQA management<br />

could be developed.<br />


CO N T RAC T I NG<br />

The approach to CQA activities to<br />

provide quality outcomes in<br />

support contracts must be<br />

considered in relation to the<br />

required and necessary level of<br />

auditing and quality suppor t<br />

activities. This approach is<br />

necessary to obtain a satisfactory<br />

confidence level of conformance<br />

and to minimise the risk that<br />

every Contract Authority is<br />

susceptible to. Each contract<br />

manager must apply their own<br />

CQA techniques to provide for<br />

themselves and be satisfy wit h<br />

the desired level of confidence<br />

that the requirements of the<br />

contract are being met and that<br />

the level of risk acquired is<br />

mitigated to a minimum or a<br />

tolerable level.<br />

One of the prime ingredients for<br />

efficient contract management is<br />

to ensure that a pro-active<br />

environment for contract<br />

managers is established. In this<br />

environment supplier capability,<br />

performance and capacity are<br />

known well in advance, where all<br />

contributory elements such as<br />

technical supporting s taff and<br />

quality assurance staff are able<br />

to provide timely support in order<br />

that the contract managers can<br />

make professional judgements.<br />

Suppliers also apply control<br />

techniques throughout their<br />

management processes to<br />

control the processes they use to<br />

achieve desired outcomes.<br />

They also apply CQA techniques<br />

to external processes<br />

(subcontracts). Normal<br />

commercial business practices<br />

dictate that these practices are<br />

kept to a minimum thus<br />

potentially increasing risk to<br />

quality, cost or schedule.<br />

Quality Auditing techniques are<br />

aimed at providing confidence<br />

that both the primary supplier<br />

and their sub suppliers are<br />

competent and capable of<br />

performing the requirements of<br />

the contract. These activities<br />

must also provide an auditable<br />

trail of objective evidence as<br />

required by the Technical<br />

Regulation of <strong>Navy</strong> Materiel DI(N)<br />

LOG 47-3. As stated in both the<br />

Risk Management standard AS<br />

4360 and the ISO 9000 series<br />

standards, the amount of<br />

monitoring and reviewing applied<br />

to a contract is directly related to<br />

the level of risk the contracting<br />

authority is willing to accept and<br />

the level of confidence that will<br />

be gained for conformance t o<br />

contract requirements.<br />



In order to establish an improved<br />

CQA methodology in MSD, a high<br />

level strategy for CQA was<br />

required. The traditional CQA<br />

processes and the associated<br />

CQA management processes<br />

required improvement,<br />

particularly if we wanted to keep<br />

pace with the new initiatives and<br />

reforms within Defence and DMO.<br />

We needed to transition from a<br />

paradigm-riddled environment to<br />

one focused on contract<br />

compliance and supplier<br />

competency and performance<br />

with improved supplier<br />

relationships. This high level<br />

strategy aligns with the strategic<br />

direction as set by Defence and<br />

the reform strategies within DMO,<br />

particularly with improving<br />

customer/supplier relationships,<br />

and, the processes based on<br />

commercial approaches and best<br />

practice by the adoption of a<br />

strategic approach to<br />

relationships with industry.<br />

The first sub strategy was to<br />

i mplement the outcomes of th e<br />

Bishop Rev i ew and the dire c t i o n<br />

set by the Quality Assura n c e<br />

I mp l e m e n tation Team, and th e<br />

second allied sub st ra tegy was to<br />

c o n c e p t u a l ly set the direction fo r<br />

i mp roving CQA perfo rmance ove r<br />

and above the traditional CQA<br />

m e th o d o l o g y. This would enhance<br />

the management of CQA and dri ve<br />

it into an env i ronment of bette r<br />

p ractice for the benefit of th e<br />

c o n t ract manager and th e<br />

s u p p l i e r, and herew i th imp rove th e<br />

c u stomer/supplier re l a t i o n s h i p .<br />

Underpinning the second sub<br />

strategy is the fact that the<br />

quality of performance of the<br />

contract deliverables begins well<br />

before the contract is signed and<br />

the quality cycle not ending with<br />

the delivery of the contracted<br />

item. This includes the realisation<br />

that the focus should be on the<br />

supplier management controls in<br />

the first instance rather than as it<br />

has been in the traditional sense,<br />

on the product. From this flowed<br />

the development of two separate<br />

entities, viz investment in<br />

improved CQA management<br />

methodology and improved<br />

management of supplier<br />

performance data. The elements<br />

of the strategy are given in the<br />

table below in the form of the<br />

changes necessary, managed<br />

and subsequently implemented:

N AV Y E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E T I N F EB R U A RY 20 02<br />

4 9<br />


FROM<br />

Adversarial based relationships between customer and supplier<br />

Punitive auditing environment<br />

Competency based on historical performance in terms<br />

of the deliverables<br />

Fragmented Supplier performance info<br />

Predominant in-contract auditing of product<br />

Isolated & pocketed information on supplier performance<br />

Entrenched product focused auditing paradygms<br />

Supplier performance comparison difficult<br />

Performance evaluation over time difficult<br />

High degree of subjectivity<br />

Non automated environment<br />

Feedback of data non disciplined<br />

CQA Operatives working in isolation from contract managers<br />

TO<br />

Imp roved Supplier Relationships between the customer by sharing of mutual outc o m e s<br />

Mutual Benefits for customer & supplier with a focus on the positives<br />

Qualitative Competency evaluated against the management processes delivering<br />

outcomes required<br />

Quality environment where supplier per formance data is dynamically used<br />

Supplier competency evaluation and Contract focussed auditing<br />

Sharing of supplier per formance information<br />

Top down contract focused auditing of the suppliers management processes<br />

E stablishment of imp roved and auto m a ted supplier perfo rmance comp a rison capability<br />

Trend analysis over time availability<br />

Objective evidence of data optimised<br />

Automatic analysis of data and ready access<br />

Feedback of data disciplined and database updated for instant and timely national<br />

access<br />

CQA Operatives working in a team environment with contract managers in a pro-active<br />

environment<br />


E VA LUAT I O N S<br />

We define supplier competency<br />

as the application of the<br />

management process controls to<br />

processes to produce the<br />

required contracted outcomes.<br />

If this can be measured then we<br />

will have the ability to set<br />

standards, apply comparisons<br />

between suppliers and determine<br />

trends of improvement. Ideally,<br />

the competency evaluations of a<br />

supplier are best carried out precontract<br />

but can also be carried<br />

out at as part of an ongoing audit<br />

program.<br />

Recommendations that have<br />

been provided to suppliers on<br />

ways to imp rove th e i r<br />

m a n a gement processes have<br />

been re c e i ved positive ly to date .<br />

The comp e tency eva l u a t i o n<br />

p rocess provides a win-win fo r<br />

c u stomer and supplier.<br />

Accentuating the positives also<br />

aids in the custo m e r / s u p p l i e r<br />

relationship by imp roving tru st<br />

and communication, and prov i d e s<br />

the supplier with free adve rt i s i n g .<br />

The supplier is provided with a<br />

report comprising a description of<br />

his competency plus a<br />

description of areas of potential<br />

improvements to the supplier’s<br />

management processes as<br />

observed by the evaluation team.<br />

The completed evaluations, being<br />

largely objective in the scoring<br />

metrics, are processed into the<br />

QA Contract Support Database<br />

and scores with per formance and<br />

risk levels automatically<br />

calculated and displayed. This<br />

visibility of the supplier’s<br />

competency, performance,<br />

capabilities and associated risk<br />

levels then becomes an essential<br />

working tool for contract<br />

managers.<br />

Trend analysis allows for<br />

comparisons between any<br />

number of suppliers and enables<br />

contract managers to analyse<br />

and compare suppliers’<br />

performance over a given time<br />

period. The contracting processes<br />

are made more ef ficient and<br />

effective due to better selection<br />

and utilisation of the more<br />

competent suppliers<br />

The developed process is working<br />

well, however there are trade<br />

offs. The range of competency<br />

elements, currently being approx<br />

200, requires a fair amount of<br />

time to evaluate and clearly is<br />

not ideal for all occasions.<br />

Evaluating and maintaining an<br />

information base on small<br />

suppliers under the cur rent<br />

arrangements requires a larger<br />

than necessary investment in<br />

resource and time.<br />

For the next stage in the<br />

evolution cycle we need to raise<br />

development to where the final<br />

result is proportionate to the<br />

investment in evaluation time.<br />

This is a continuing part of our<br />

development agenda.<br />



The database provides visibility to<br />

contract managers and CQA<br />

Operatives of detailed supplier<br />

competency, performance and<br />

related risk levels within a<br />

business unit. Listed here are<br />

some of the more specific<br />

features of the (Phase 2) QA<br />

Contract Support Database<br />

available to operators:<br />

• Designed as CQA operative and<br />

contract manager supplier<br />

information tool.

5 0 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL L E T I N F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />

A good outcome of the<br />

contract is to achieve what<br />

both the supplier and the<br />

customer want, with<br />

schedule, cost and quality.<br />

• Provides supplier performance<br />

and risk identification information<br />

plus audit planning and an<br />

Audit Diary.<br />

• Provides full supplier details and<br />

or equipment search and<br />

maintenance capabilities<br />

• Provides Performance Metrics<br />

capability and supplier trend<br />

analysis profiles/comparisons,<br />

• Facilitates Supplier’s Corrective<br />

Action Requests (CAR) and<br />

History Reports,<br />

• Links to supplier capability<br />

information, capacity data,<br />

competency elements, scoring,<br />

templates, forms, trend analysis,<br />

contract auditing information,<br />

standards, business unit<br />

procedures, MSD procedures and<br />

policies, Certification (QMS), and<br />

Specialisations.<br />

• Provides for Security and the<br />

management by Classes of<br />

supplies, groups and criteria<br />

National access to a common<br />

database is the ideal, and once<br />

achieved, the sharing of known<br />

supplier performance information<br />

will provide all business unit<br />

contract managers with visibility<br />

and accessibility to the same<br />

supplier competency and<br />

performance information. This will<br />

also improve the management of<br />

suppliers across MSD and<br />

improve the efficient and<br />

effective use of CQA resources<br />

across business units.<br />


Within the DMO Company<br />

Scorecard there are nine<br />

categories comprising<br />

Performance, Cost, Earned Value;<br />

Schedule, <strong>Australian</strong> Industr y<br />

Involvement (AII), Contracting,<br />

Intellectual property (IP), Sub/<br />

Prime Relationship, Def/Cont<br />

Relationship, and Quality<br />

The DMO Company Scorecard<br />

database and the QA Contract<br />

Support Database are<br />

fundamentally complementary<br />

tools. The CQA Contract Support<br />

Database provides information<br />

on quality and performance.<br />

This data will be eventually be<br />

linked automatically to the<br />

DMO Company Scorecard.<br />

Currently that data can only be<br />

transferred manually.<br />


A good outcome of the contract is<br />

to ach i eve what both the supplier<br />

and the customer want, with<br />

s chedule, cost and qu a l i t y.<br />

T h roughout the duration of a<br />

c o n t ract the most common<br />

m e thod to obtain confidence in<br />

supplier process manage m e n t<br />

p e rfo rmance is to underta ke<br />

audits focussed in the fi rst<br />

i n stance at the upper level of<br />

c o n t racting, unless other CQA<br />

actions are found necessary and<br />

a p p ro p ri a te. This means th a t<br />

audits are focused on obta i n i n g<br />

c o n fidence of contract comp l i a n c e<br />

at the appro p ri a te level and are<br />

based upon documented objective<br />

evidence. The appro p ri a te meth o d<br />

used here is, in the fi rst insta n c e ,<br />

that the supplier provides all th e<br />

o b j e c t i ve evidence in accord a n c e<br />

w i th the agreed quality plan and<br />

that he has control over all th e<br />

m a n a gement process including his<br />

sub suppliers in the delive ry of th e<br />

re qu i red contra c ted outc o m e s .<br />


The aim of any tool is to prov i d e<br />

the user with the knowl e d ge and<br />

p ower that the suppliers are<br />

c o mp e tent and perfo rming in<br />

a c c o rdance with contra c t<br />

re qu i rements to meet contra c t<br />

o b j e c t i ves and outcomes.<br />

The contract manager re qu i res<br />

the confidence that the supplier<br />

has complied with all contra c t u a l<br />

re qu i rements in relation to his<br />

d e l i ve rables. The appro p ri a te<br />

utilisation of Quality Assura n c e<br />

O p e ra t i ves in a team env i ro n m e n t<br />

to ge ther with planned re g u l a r<br />

c o n t ract auditing, the provision of<br />

advice and fe e d b a ck can and will<br />

reduce many problems associate d<br />

w i th contract outcomes. This must<br />

then lead to the establishment of<br />

c o n fidence that the product and<br />

or service is “fit for purpose” and<br />

d e l i ve red confo rming to<br />

c o n t ra c ted specifi c a t i o n s .<br />


Approximately 50% of SPO<br />

Business Units are now operating<br />

the CQA Program at different<br />

levels of maturity. Currently<br />

implementation is complete in<br />

SSMO and PBSMO and is<br />

ongoing in SRCO-WA, SRCO-EA,<br />


NSC SMO. Given the cur rent LMG<br />

refinement of the Targeted<br />

Assurance and the current<br />

reshaping of the CQA Program<br />

activities, it is expected that MSD<br />

wide implementation will be<br />

completed by the end of 2002.<br />

Acknowledgements I would like to give<br />

special thanks to RADM K. Scarce, RAN,<br />

for having the foresight to promote the<br />

total CQA Program and to Mr John Bishop,<br />

for setting the objectives realised from his<br />

review into contracting in N avy plus his<br />

contribution to the Quality Assurance<br />

Implementation Team. Thanks also to the<br />

RMS CQA Development Team which I had<br />

the privilege of leading, in particular<br />

Mr. Frank Carabott and Mr. Andrew<br />

Presland who were the main team<br />

contributors, with Mr. Serge Busato,<br />

Mr. Rhod Grey and Mr. Ian Granshaw<br />

adding support at various times. The<br />

contribution by Mr. Charles Galea, CAPT<br />

Tony Jenkinson, RAN, LCDR Derek Buxton,<br />

RAN, Mr Simon Lee and Mr Peter W right<br />

cannot be understated as their persistence<br />

leadership and continued support of the<br />

CQA program is critical to its ongoing<br />

success.<br />

About the author Ray Majewski is the<br />

Deputy Director Quality Assurance, which is<br />

part of the Logistic Management Group<br />

within MSD. He previously worked in the<br />

COMLOG(N) organisation as the national<br />

manager of the Repair Management<br />

Services organisation, and prior to that he<br />

wo rked in the Munitions Fa c to ry at St. Marys<br />

as a senior Engineer, managing the FDZC,<br />

Shell & Bomb and Pyrotechnic Production<br />


N AV Y E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E T I N F EB R U A RY 20 02<br />

5 1<br />

Why is the Workforce<br />

Upside Down?<br />



REQUIREMENTS (<strong>ENGINEERING</strong><br />


Prior to coming to Canberra to work as DNPR(E&L) I really didn’t pay<br />

too much attention to workforce structure and the seemingly mystical<br />

workings of the Manpower Planners. I guess I was just too busy coping<br />

with the realities of personnel shortfalls at the coalface on a day to day<br />

basis to concern myself with the wondrous machinations of “TBIC”<br />

(Those Bastards In Canberra). Well, guess what? Now I am one of<br />

those “Bastards”!<br />

The main focus of DNPR (E&L) is<br />

on Category Sponsorship of the<br />

Technical and Supply Primary<br />

Qualifications and Categories.<br />

A big part of that focus is on<br />

getting the shape of the<br />

workforce structure cor rect within<br />

each individual sub-stream,<br />

because it is the shape of the<br />

workforce structure that forms the<br />

basis of, and is a key factor in<br />

determining the viability of our<br />

workforce systems.<br />

There are a few premises to the<br />

architecture of our current<br />

workforce structures and perhaps<br />

some of these need to be further<br />

challenged:<br />

• Invariably we “grow” our entire<br />

workforce from the bottom up.<br />

That is, if you want to be in the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> you either start at the<br />

recruit school or CRESWELL and<br />

work your way up through the<br />

ranks from there.<br />

• There is currently minimal scope<br />

for lateral recruiting, except,<br />

perhaps, from other Navies.<br />

• Over time, personnel leave the<br />

RAN. As length of time in the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> generally equates to<br />

progression in rank, it follows<br />

that we need a workforce that<br />

has less Warrant Officers than<br />

Chief Petty Officers, less Chief<br />

Petty Officers than Petty Officers,<br />

less Petty Officers than Leading<br />

Seaman and so on down the<br />

ranks. This premise also applies<br />

to the Officer ranks. You end up<br />

with what may be described as a<br />

workforce pyramid. These<br />

“pyramids” generally give you a<br />

sustainable workforce and work<br />

best when there is a large<br />

population in the workforce.<br />

• For technical personnel in the<br />

past, our ships have been<br />

manpower intensive to operate<br />

and to maintain. This has<br />

naturally required a larger<br />

proportion of our workforce to be<br />

at the junior level and a lesser<br />

proportion at the senior level. It<br />

tended to suit the workforce<br />

pyramid requirements fairly well.<br />

The realities of today’s <strong>Navy</strong>,<br />

unfortunately, do not match the<br />

above premises.<br />

• There is a wide range of<br />

educational standards held by<br />

prospective recruits, generally<br />

ranging from Year 10 through to<br />

Bachelor Degree. Having an all-in<br />

grow from the bottom up<br />

workforce does not mat ch this<br />

range of educational qualification<br />

at all and is a clear dis-incentive<br />

for the high achievers.<br />

• Demographic studies tell us that<br />

today’s population are much<br />

more job-mobile than in the past.<br />

Generally, they will change jobs a<br />

number of times in their lifetime.<br />

There is not an expectation of life<br />

long employment in the one<br />

company. Our current inability to<br />

take on experienced people from<br />

the civilian workforce and quickly<br />

employ them in our mid to senior<br />

ranks does not match the<br />

demographic profile of<br />

<strong>Australian</strong>s today. This is denying<br />

the RAN a wide sector of<br />

potential (lateral) recruits.<br />

• For techos, HMAS Brisbane was<br />

probably the last Ship in the RAN<br />

that was manpower intensive<br />

enough at the junior rank level to<br />

support a viable workforce<br />

pyramid . . . Cof fee Bean sniffing<br />

time guys . . . She has just paid<br />

off!! Virtually all current<br />

platforms in the RAN employ<br />

technology and automation that<br />

has greatly reduced the<br />

requirement for “hands-on”<br />

operation. Further, matching<br />

personnel skill sets to the<br />

maintenance requirements has<br />

driven us to require a much<br />

higher proportion of ver y<br />

experienced, specialised<br />

technical senior sailors and a<br />

lesser proportion of junior sailors<br />

with generic skills. This trend is<br />

expected to continue with the<br />

future on going acquisition of<br />

“modern” platforms. ANZAC<br />

actually has more POMTs than<br />

LSMTs in the Scheme of<br />

Complement, which is quite<br />

definitely an “upside down”<br />

workforce structure, and, by the<br />

way, inherently unsustainable.<br />

• The level of technology used<br />

today pushes us towards<br />

specialisation rather than multi<br />

skilling. Unfortunately, when you<br />

generate larger numbers of<br />


5 2 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL LE T I N FE B R U A RY 2 00 2<br />

Our current inability to take on experienced<br />

people from the civilian workforce and<br />

quickly employ them in our mid to senior<br />

ranks does not match the demographic<br />

profile of <strong>Australian</strong>s today.<br />

individual specialisations, the<br />

actual number of people in those<br />

individual specialisations gets<br />

smaller. This is not conducive to<br />

the highly populated, sustainable<br />

workforce pyramids I was talking<br />

about before and is a problem<br />

particularly evident in the ET<br />

world. The current trend in ET<br />

structures in some of our newer<br />

platforms, for example, has<br />

2 x ABETXX, 1 x LSETYY and<br />

1 x POETXX which tells me you<br />

cannot grow either the LSETYY or<br />

the POETXX uniquely from within<br />

that platform. Under current<br />

arrangements we will have to<br />

employ multi skilling and out-ofsub-stream<br />

employment to<br />

develop the skills and experience<br />

we need at the more senior levels<br />

within that platform.<br />

In conjunction with the workforce<br />

planners, part of the job of<br />

DNPR(E&L) has been to examine<br />

the Engineering sub-stream<br />

workforce structures in detail to<br />

identify problem<br />

areas and then set about<br />

rectifying them. It is complex<br />

business. We cannot simply<br />

change the workforce structure<br />

so it “looks good”. There are<br />

many flow on effects, including<br />

training: when, where and how;<br />

billet pre-requisites; time-in-rank;<br />

maintenance requirements;<br />

operating procedural paradigms<br />

(why do we do rounds so often<br />

on fully monitored, automated<br />

equipment?); competencies and<br />

civil recognition of qualifications<br />

to name a few.<br />

In the past year and a half there<br />

has been improvement in our<br />

recruiting and retention<br />

achievements stemming from<br />

“Project Action” and this is<br />

particularly encouraging and<br />

should help us “Staff the <strong>Navy</strong>”.<br />

We need to ensure, however,<br />

that we have the systems in<br />

place that enable our people<br />

to be effective in the workplace<br />

and bring to it valued skills.<br />

Getting the workforce structure<br />

the right way up I believe is<br />

essential to ensuring the long<br />

term viability of the RAN, but<br />

it is only part of the puzzle.<br />

The tricky thing about Category<br />

Sponsorship is you need to see<br />

the entire “picture” in order to<br />

manage it properly. The problem<br />

is the picture is continually<br />

changing and often ill defined.<br />

I look forward to playing a role in<br />

designing and implementing the<br />

workforce for our a future<br />

platforms . . . mmm, if only<br />

anyone knew what that workforce<br />

looked like!!<br />

In subsequent editions of the<br />

NEB DNPR(E&L) will aim to give<br />

you an update on progress in<br />

addressing the challenges I have<br />

alluded to in this article.<br />

It is not all doom and gloom.<br />

There is scope for some good<br />

improvements out there and we<br />

have a number of projects<br />

running now.<br />

. . . and I thought being one of<br />

TBICs was going to be a doddle!!!<br />

P.S. One of the critical tools that<br />

my team uses in evaluating<br />

workforce structures as part of<br />

our role as category sponsor is<br />

the Duty Statement. At the<br />

moment Duty Statements can be<br />

printed from NPEMS and the<br />

data is presented as a completed<br />

Form PE239. Sadly, most Duty<br />

Statements are out of date,<br />

which means that the data that<br />

has already been migrated to<br />

PMKEYS is also out of date.<br />

I implore all managers of <strong>Navy</strong><br />

personnel in all areas of Defence<br />

to review the Duty Statements of<br />

the billets under their control and<br />

submit proposed amendments on<br />

Form PE239 (available on Web<br />

Forms) in accordance with DI(N)<br />

ADMIN 4-3.<br />

About the author CAPT Craig Kerr joined<br />

the <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Australian</strong> <strong>Navy</strong> on the UVEN<br />

scheme from Monash University in 1979.<br />

He has served in numerous RAN warships<br />

and was MEO of HMA Ships DARWIN and<br />

PERTH. His shore postings have covered a<br />

range of areas including Ship repair, refit<br />

and material support, quality assurance<br />

and training delivery. In the training role he<br />

served on the staff at CERBERUS and<br />

RNEC Manadon. Twice on the engineering<br />

staff of MHQ, he more recently served as<br />

FMEO. CAPT Kerr is currently the Director<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Professional Requirements<br />

(Engineering and Logistics). He eager ly<br />

awaits the opportunity to undertake a<br />

“staff” course. (Hint, hint!!)

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L L E TI N FE B R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

5 3<br />

An Engineer’s Lament<br />

Now each of us from time to time has gazed upon the sea,<br />

and watched the mighty warships pulling out to keep this country free.<br />

And most of us have read a book or heard a lusty tale,<br />

about these men who sail these ships through lightning, wind and hail.<br />

But there’s a place within each ship that legends fail to teach.<br />

it’s down below the water line and it takes a living toll<br />

-- a hot metal living hell, that sailors call the “Hole”.<br />

It houses engines, run with steam that makes the shafts go round.<br />

A place of fire, noise and heat that beats your spirits down.<br />

Where boilers are a hellish heart, with blood of angry steam,<br />

are moulded gods without remorse, are nightmares in a dream.<br />

Whose threat from the fire’s roar, is like a living doubt,<br />

that at any moment with such scorn, might escape and crush you out.<br />

Where turbines scream like tortured souls, alone and lost in Hell,<br />

are ordered from above somewhere, they answer every bell.<br />

The men who keep the fires lit and make the engines run,<br />

Are strangers to the light of day and rarely see the sun.<br />

They have no time for man or God, no tolerance for fear,<br />

their aspect pays no living thing a tribute of a tear.<br />

For there’s not much that men can do that these men haven’t done,<br />

beneath the decks, deep in the hole, to make the engines run.<br />

And every hour of every day they keep the watch in Hell,<br />

for if the fires ever fail their ship’s a useless shell.<br />

When ships converge to have a war upon the angry sea,<br />

the men below just grimly smile at what their fate will be.<br />

They’re locked below like men foredoomed, who hear no battle cry,<br />

it’s well assumed that if they’re hit men below will die.<br />

For every day’s a war down there when gauges all read red,<br />

twelve hundred pounds of heated steam can kill you mighty dead.<br />

So if you ever write their song or try to tell their tale,<br />

the very words would make you hear a fired furnace’s wail.<br />

And people as a general rule don’t hear of these men of steel,<br />

so little heard of this place that sailors call the “Hole”.<br />

But I can sing about this place and try to make you see,<br />

the hardened life of the men down there, ’cause one of them is me.<br />

I’ve seen these sweat soaked heroes fight in superheated air,<br />

to keep their ship alive and right, though no one knows they’re there.<br />

And thus they’ll fight for the ages on till warships sail no more,<br />

amid the boiler’s mighty heat and the turbine’s hellish roar.<br />

So when you see a ship pull out to meet a war-like foe,<br />

remember faintly if you can, “The Men Who Sail Below”.<br />

A n o ny m o u s<br />




5 4 N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B UL L ET IN F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />


STAFF OFFICER – <strong>ENGINEERING</strong><br />


DNPR(E&L)<br />

Qualifications and<br />

Licenses – aren’t they<br />

the same thing?<br />


One of the many things DNPR(E&L) is involved in as the ET and MT<br />

Category Sponsor, is the Civil Accreditation of the training you receive<br />

and the qualifications that you may obtain during your time in the <strong>Navy</strong>.<br />

DNPR(E&L) does not obtain the accreditation for the training; that’s<br />

the job of NPTC-C. However, we do keep abreast of the changes in the<br />

civilian world so that we can advise and request NPTC-C to pursue<br />

accreditation on your and our behalf.<br />

As Category Sponsor we get<br />

many enquires and questions<br />

like: ‘Why doesn’t <strong>Navy</strong> train me<br />

to get my A Grade Electrical<br />

License?’, or ‘Why doesn’t AMSA<br />

recognise my Engineroom<br />

Certificate?’. The answers to<br />

these questions are two fold.<br />

1. There is a dif ference between<br />

a Qualification and a License;<br />

and<br />

2. The qualification you hold<br />

does not mean you are entitled<br />

to a license.<br />

I will endeavour to explain these<br />

two issues and what this means<br />

to you.<br />

So, what is the difference<br />

between a qualification and a<br />

license?<br />


A qualification can be obtained<br />

in a few ways, but in general it is<br />

achieved by undertaking a<br />

prescribed course of study<br />

and/or, in the current National<br />

Competency Based Training<br />

regime, by being assessed as<br />

competent. That is, as having<br />

attained a level of skill and<br />

knowledge to meet a defined<br />

competency or suite of<br />

competency standards.<br />

Once a person has been<br />

assessed as competent to a<br />

defined suite of competency<br />

standards they are entitled<br />

to a Qualification.<br />


A license is generally issued<br />

to a person once they have<br />

met the criteria against a<br />

specific regulation. Regulations<br />

are a product of legislation or<br />

an ‘Act of Parliament’. Usually<br />

regulations are generated by an<br />

industry, government body or<br />

community’s concern about<br />

some aspect of one or more<br />

industry’s operations.<br />

Frequently, regulation will relate<br />

to safety issues in areas such<br />

as transport, manufacturing,<br />

health etc. However, it can<br />

apply to other issues such as<br />

financial institutions, protection<br />

of the environment and fair<br />

trade practices.<br />

The ‘Act’ or legislation will<br />

generally establish an authority<br />

or body to administer the<br />

regulations, including the<br />

licensing of any persons or<br />

business to operate within the<br />

regulations. Anyone operating<br />

outside the regulations is<br />

obviously breaking the law.<br />

The ‘Act’ can be either at the<br />

Federal or State level, which then<br />

poses another set of problems.<br />


A frequent misconception is that<br />

training and licensing are the<br />

same thing as most regulatory<br />

bodies issue licences to confirm<br />

a person has been assessed as<br />

having the skills and knowledge<br />

to operate safely. Similarly,<br />

education or training institutions<br />

issue qualifications that also<br />

confirm that a person has been<br />

assessed as having attained a<br />

level of skill, and knowledge.<br />

This then poses the following<br />

question ‘Will a person who has<br />

completed a qualification be<br />

recognised as meeting the needs<br />

of an individual to acquire an<br />

industry license within the<br />

relevant jurisdiction?’<br />

The short answer is ‘no’ as the<br />

licensing and the issuing of<br />

educational qualifications are<br />

serving different although related<br />

purposes. Often regulatory<br />

authorities require additional<br />

requirements beyond a<br />

qualification such as time served<br />

in a particular work context.<br />

While education and training may<br />

have a role in achieving statutory

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L L E TI N F E B R U A RY 2 00 2<br />

5 5<br />

regulations, there are other<br />

aspects of licensing which are<br />

covered by the regulator y<br />

authority that are not relevant to<br />

education and training<br />

organisations. For example;<br />

design attributes, preventative<br />

measures, mandatory operational<br />

procedures, length of time<br />

served, period of time since last<br />

audit, the provision of protective<br />

clothing and equipment,<br />

restrictions on the use of<br />

materials and chemicals, etc.<br />

Similarly, educational<br />

qualifications may address other<br />

aspects of competence beyond<br />

that specifically needed for a<br />

license for example; life skills,<br />

management techniques both<br />

personnel and economic and<br />

aspects of quality which go<br />

beyond safety.<br />

The objectives of education and<br />

training and regulatory authorities<br />

overlap but are not totally<br />

shared. This can be summarised<br />

in Figure 1.<br />

The diagram shows that some<br />

areas of competence overlap.<br />

Those areas of education that do<br />

not overlap would be the skills<br />

and knowledge required by an<br />

organisation, such as <strong>Navy</strong>, to do<br />

a specific job, ie be an MT(E) or<br />

MT(M). Similarly those areas of<br />

licensing that do not overlap<br />

would be items required of the<br />

licensing body ie 12 months<br />

electrical wiring installation work<br />

in residential situations, or in the<br />

case of Marine qualifications<br />

Sea time.<br />



The answer to this question is<br />

simply that you will have to do<br />

some work off your own bat, but<br />

with a little help from the <strong>Navy</strong>.<br />

To get your license involves a few<br />

steps, but the steps depend on<br />

some factors like what<br />

qualification you have and which<br />

State you live in. What ever your<br />

circumstances, the following<br />

steps may help you:<br />

1. Go and see the regulatory<br />

authority in the State in which<br />

you reside to determine where<br />

your shortfalls are and what you<br />

need to do to obtain a license.<br />

Take a copy of all your<br />

qualifications with you.<br />

2. Enrol in TAFE and do (fo r<br />

e xa mple) the AS/NZS 3000:<br />

2000 wiring rules, and any oth e r<br />

c o u rses that may be re qu i re d<br />

a fter you have spoken to th e<br />

re g u l a to ry body. Don’t fo rget to<br />

a p p ly for Defence Assisted St u d y<br />

S cheme (DASS) to help you with<br />

the fees (DI(N) PERS 20-5 re fe rs ) .<br />

3. Depending on the Regulator y<br />

bodies requirements you may<br />

have to work with a contractor for<br />

12 months. If this is the case<br />

then my personal advice is to<br />

approach a civvy contractor and<br />

offer to work for him on<br />

weekends, evenings and whilst<br />

on leave.<br />

4. As part of the licensing,<br />

and due to the introduction of a<br />

National Uniform Electrical<br />

Licensing framework, you may<br />

have to undergo a comprehensive<br />

examination comprising both<br />

practical skill and knowledge<br />

assessment.<br />



S i mp ly <strong>Navy</strong> does not re qu i re<br />

you to know the AS/NZS 3000:<br />

2000 wiring rules. As an MT(E)<br />

you are not re qu i red to wire up a<br />

house, shop or fa c to ry. The<br />

same applies for other ite m s<br />

w h i ch a licensing auth o rity may<br />

need and <strong>Navy</strong> does not.<br />

H oweve r, the qu a l i fications yo u<br />

re c e i ve cover a substa n t i a l<br />

p ro p o rtion of what is needed fo r<br />

you to gain your license. Use th e<br />

DASS system to make up th e<br />

s h o rt falls in tra i n i n g .<br />



BY AMSA ?<br />

Again we are talking about a<br />

re g u l a to ry auth o ri t y. The Au st ra l i a n<br />

M a ritime Safety Au th o rity (AMSA )<br />

is a national auth o rity and is<br />

responsible, on behalf of th e<br />

C o m m o nwe a l th Gove rnment, fo r<br />

the regulation and safety ove rs i g h t<br />

of Au st ralia’s shipping fleet and<br />

m a n a gement of Au st ra l i a ’ s<br />

i n te rnational maritime obliga t i o n s .<br />

One of its roles is to enhance<br />

s a fety th rough the administe ri n g<br />

of the cert i fication (licensing)<br />

of seafa re rs .<br />

The certification of civilian<br />

seafarers is governed by the<br />

Standards of Training,<br />

Certification and Watchkeeping<br />

for Seafarers 1995 (STCW95)<br />

which is a convention<br />

administered by the International<br />

Maritime Organisation, of which<br />

Australia is a member. STCW95<br />

has been enacted in Australia b y<br />

an Act of Federal Parliament.<br />

Work is currently being conducted<br />

between AMSA and DNPR(E&L)<br />

to identify exactly where <strong>Navy</strong><br />

sailors meet the requirements of<br />

STCW95. This is not a simple<br />

task because <strong>Navy</strong> operates<br />

ships very differently from those<br />

in the civilian world. We have<br />

more people onboard, we<br />

watchkeep in the machinery<br />

space or in a central location<br />

(ie CCS, MCR or on the bridge)<br />

we generally don’t load cargo<br />

on and off the ship (there are<br />

some exceptions here) and we<br />

don’t log our seatime.<br />

Part of the ‘licensing’ of a<br />

seafarer is a specific amount of<br />

time at sea, as we don’t log this<br />

very accurately, we know when<br />

we post on a ship and when we<br />

post off, but their may be a lot of<br />

time alongside in that period. As<br />

a result AMSA halve our seatime.<br />

Another area we fall short of is in<br />

the educational area. AMSA<br />

require, for example, an Engineer<br />

Class 2 to have completed a<br />

Diploma of Marine Engineering<br />

from an AMSA approved Training<br />

Provider. <strong>Navy</strong>’s training does not<br />

cover everything in this Diploma<br />

as <strong>Navy</strong> does not require every<br />

MT to know thermodynamics,<br />

stability and other subjects to the<br />

level of a Diploma.

5 6 N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B UL L ET IN F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />

The above can appear to be all<br />

doom and gloom, but this is not<br />

the case, AMSA will and do give<br />

a level of recognition, but it is<br />

dependent on what you have<br />

accomplished during your time in<br />

the <strong>Navy</strong>. They treat the<br />

recognition on a case by case<br />

basis. As mentioned earlier,<br />

DNPR(E&L) is working with AMSA<br />

to simplify and streamline the<br />

recognition process.<br />

DNPR(E&L) may be successful in<br />

gaining a streamlined process<br />

but one factor will always remain;<br />

and that is the sitting of an AMSA<br />

oral examination. Even those<br />

people who obtain a Diploma or<br />

Advanced Diploma from an AMSA<br />

approved Training provider still<br />

have to sit an oral examination,<br />

it is part of the license regime.<br />



Q UA L I F I CATION?<br />

At the AMSA or National level you<br />

could expect to gain recognition<br />

for half your sea time, your<br />

civilian trade qualification should<br />

be recognised, whether it is a<br />

NSW Tradesman’s Certificate or a<br />

MERS Certificate III. They may<br />

recognise aspects of First aid,<br />

Firefighting and Survival at Sea.<br />

AMSA would then expect you to<br />

complete an approved course at<br />

an approved Training Provider<br />

before they would allow you to sit<br />

an oral examination.<br />

If however you wished to apply<br />

for a State based ‘Certificate of<br />

Competence’ then the process is<br />

a lot better. DNPR(E&L) gained a<br />

level of recognition with the<br />

National Marine Safety<br />

Committee (NMSC) last<br />

November. The NMSC consists of<br />

representatives from each of the<br />

State and Territory Marine<br />

Authorities and AMSA. The NMSC<br />

produced a ‘Guideline for<br />

Recognition of <strong>Australian</strong> Defence<br />

Force Marine Qualifications’. This<br />

publication is available at the<br />

NMSC we b s i te (www. n m s c . g ov. a u ) .<br />

The guideline gives the examiner<br />

in each State or Territory<br />

guidance on how much<br />

Recognition of Prior Learning they<br />

should give sailors who hold an<br />

AMOC, MWC or EWC. The<br />

guideline gives almost equivalent<br />

recognition as follows:<br />

• AMOC – Marine Engine Driver<br />

Class 3<br />

• MWC – Marine Engine Driver<br />

Class 2<br />

• EWC – Marine Engine Driver<br />

Class 1<br />

T h e re may be some short falls in<br />

some areas for exa mple Math s<br />

at the Marine Engine Dri ve r<br />

Class 1 level. The guideline also<br />

accepts that you would have<br />

a t tained the re qu i red seatime,<br />

a fter all you would have had to<br />

been at sea to gain an AMOC,<br />

M WC or EWC. It also assumes<br />

you have comp l e ted Fi rst Aid,<br />

Fi re Fighting and Surv i val at Sea<br />

t raining. You will, howeve r, have<br />

to sit an oral examination pri o r<br />

to being awa rded the re l eva n t<br />

C e rt i fi c a te of Comp e te n c y.<br />

This will satisfy the Licensing<br />

re qu i re m e n t .<br />

If the examiner is not confident<br />

with your abilities, he will not<br />

award you with the Certificate of<br />

Competence, he will advise you<br />

on the short falls and how you<br />

can address them before sitting<br />

the oral examination again.<br />

Remember he is taking<br />

responsibility for ensuring you<br />

meet a regulation of an Act of<br />

Parliament.<br />

As you will be sitting an oral<br />

assessment I would suggest you<br />

check out the Uniform Shipping<br />

Laws (USL) Code, Section 2/3.<br />

It is expensive to purchase in its<br />

entirety, but you would only need<br />

sections 1, 2 and/or 3. They are<br />

available from Government<br />

Information Shops. Section 1<br />

covers Introduction, Definitions<br />

and General Requirements and<br />

costs $4.00, Section 2 covers<br />

Qualifications and Manning,<br />

Trading Vessels and costs<br />

$6.95, and section 3 covers<br />

Qualifications and Manning,<br />

Fishing Vessels and its cost<br />

is $9.50.<br />

Please be aware that there is<br />

change afoot to the USL Code by<br />

the introduction of the National<br />

Standard for Commercial Vessels<br />

(NSCV). Part D of this covers<br />

Crew Competencies. The NSCV<br />

has yet to be passed into<br />

legislation by an ‘Act’ of each and<br />

every State, so this may take a<br />

while.<br />


As you can see from the above,<br />

gaining a license, whether it be<br />

for an A Grade Electrician or<br />

Marine Engine Driver, is no mere<br />

formality. It is not something the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> can do for you, as <strong>Navy</strong><br />

cannot give the license, as <strong>Navy</strong><br />

is not the regulatory body.<br />

The qu a l i fications <strong>Navy</strong> does<br />

awa rd you are a step towa rd s<br />

these licenses, but may not cove r<br />

all aspects of what you need.<br />

T h e re fo re, use the DASS system to<br />

‘ top-up’ on the education aspects.<br />

DNPR(E&L) is working towards<br />

making the processes of gaining<br />

licenses as easy as possible, but<br />

when each State licenses in a<br />

different way this makes things<br />

very difficult. Changes are<br />

happening, with things like the<br />

introduction of National Electrical<br />

Licensing but they usually have to<br />

be brought into legislation by an<br />

‘Act’ of State Parliament, and we<br />

all know how long politics takes.<br />

If you would like to discuss any<br />

details of this article then I can<br />

be contacted by email at<br />

rob.allard@defence.gov.au or by<br />

phone on (02) 6266 4110.<br />

About the author Rob Allard spent<br />

22 years in the <strong>Navy</strong> as a MTP and MT,<br />

he paid off in January 1997 as a Warrant<br />

Officer, his last posting was as the DMEO<br />

on HMAS Melbourne, which he regards<br />

as the ultimate job for a sailor. He has<br />

worked in DNPR(E&L) since its inception,<br />

and in DEP(N) before that. He has been<br />

involved with training and employment<br />

issues since he started in DEP(N) in June<br />

1997 and his ultimate goal is to gain as<br />

much recognition for the MT operator<br />

qualifications as possible, as he never got<br />

any when he paid off.

N AVY E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E TI N F EB R U A RY 2 0 02<br />

5 7<br />

Signature Aspects of<br />

Marine Gas Turbine<br />

Propulsion<br />


This article is intended to cover recent developments in propulsion<br />

exhaust suppression and propulsion relevant to any future RAN<br />

Surface Combatant.<br />

There is now considerable<br />

investigation of Infra-Red (IR)<br />

signature being carried out by our<br />

Defence Science and Technology<br />

Organisation, and we expect that<br />

our future ships will have to<br />

perform better in respect of<br />

exhaust temperature.<br />

A simple demonstration of this<br />

need is contained in Figure 1.<br />

The MEKO 200 propulsion<br />

exhaust system is basically<br />

similar to the unmodified “Tribal”<br />

class shown in the illustration (at<br />

least on the port side where the<br />

single turbine exhaust emerges).<br />

It is clear that with improving IR<br />

seeker technology becoming<br />

available to nations in our region,<br />

that this is no longer acceptable.<br />

The Canadian “Tribal” class was<br />

rebuilt with a modified exhaust<br />

system up to the standard of<br />

the “Halifax”.<br />

The RAN FFG class also has no<br />

e d u c to rs for IR suppression,<br />

but in this case, the sta b i l i t y<br />

i mplications of the additional to p<br />

weight may milita te aga i n st th e<br />

adoption of this particular syste m .<br />

The RAN should now consider<br />

the adoption of effective IR<br />

suppression on future Sur face<br />

Combatant designs, since other<br />

pressures might prevent the<br />

subsequent addition of these<br />

features to an existing design,<br />

which lacked these<br />

characteristics as originally built.<br />

It would be possible to add<br />

stacks with these features to<br />

both the ANZAC and FFG class<br />

vessels, assuming that the<br />

additional top weight would be<br />

acceptable, or that appropriate<br />

compensation could be arranged.<br />

The stealth characteristics for<br />

radar could also be improved at<br />

the same time by the substitution<br />

of a sloping flat-sided stack in<br />

place of the cur ved and conical<br />

surfaces used in the present<br />

stacks on these vessels.<br />

It is assumed that the mesh over<br />

the stack openings is sized to act<br />

as a flat radar reflector or<br />

perhaps as an absorber for the<br />

expected range of frequencies.<br />

The most basic problem is the<br />

high exhaust gas temperatures<br />

from the gas turbines used for<br />

sprint propulsion. The type of<br />

stack used on the MEKO 200<br />

provides no means of reducing<br />

the excellent infra-red targeting<br />

provided by the exhaust plume,<br />

and the stack itself becomes a<br />

target during turbine operation.<br />


SY ST E M S<br />

An early user of the stack<br />

arrangement used by the MEKO<br />

200 was the <strong>Royal</strong> Canadian<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> on their “Tribal” class<br />

destroyers. The Canadians<br />

noticed the problem, and<br />

developed a system of ejector<br />

nozzles to combine ambient air<br />

with the hot turbine exhaust to<br />

reduce the temperature of the<br />





5 8 N AVY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L LE T I N F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 2<br />




exhaust plume. The Canadian<br />

design is known as the “DRES<br />

Ball” after the research<br />

organisation that produced it and<br />

its overall shape. The Canadian<br />

stack design includes an external<br />

shield separated from the ducting<br />

to further reduce its temperature<br />

and hence its visibility in the<br />

IR spectrum.<br />

On the Tribal class themselves,<br />

a different solution was chosen,<br />

possibly to reduce weight, and<br />

the rebuilt vessels have heat<br />

absorbent tiles mounted to the<br />

funnel surface to reduce the<br />

IR signature.<br />

US <strong>Navy</strong> ships of th e<br />

“Ti c o n d e ro ga” and “A rleigh Burke ”<br />

classes use a similar but simp l e r<br />

s ystem of ejector nozzles, with less<br />

s e p a ration of the outer casing.<br />

vessels of the DD963 “Spruance”<br />

class, the DDG993 “Kidd” class<br />

the CG47 “Ticonderoga” class<br />

and the DDG51 “Arleigh Burke”<br />

class are all fitted with eductor<br />

diffuser systems similar to that<br />

illustrated here. This operates<br />

by entraining air through the<br />

diffuser rings, as illustrated, and<br />

cools the exhaust from the outer<br />

edge inward.<br />

This provides a cooler exhaust<br />

plume and considerable<br />

reduction in the detection<br />

probability of the turbine exhaust.<br />

It is effective only to about 70<br />

degrees from the horizon, leaving<br />

a vulnerable area above where<br />

the vessel could be tar geted by a<br />

high flying patrol aircraft, or a<br />

missile programmed to climb<br />

and dive as part of its approach<br />

manoeuvres.<br />

is achieved by injecting seawater<br />

into the exhaust stream. There<br />

are two points of injection, the<br />

first just aft of the turbine itself,<br />

and another in the exit pipe just<br />

before the exhaust reaches the<br />

atmosphere. The second set of<br />

injectors is triggered by<br />

temperature sensors in the<br />

exhaust pipe between the tw o<br />

sets of injectors, and the second<br />

spray is only triggered when<br />

required to maintain the<br />

appropriate temperature at<br />

the exit.<br />

The exhaust is, in this case,<br />

directed sharply downward into<br />

the wake, which should fur ther<br />

reduce any remaining heat and<br />

effectively prevents any “sighting”<br />

of the hot gases in the exhaust<br />

system by an IR seeker or search<br />

and track system.<br />




The “DRES Ball” diffuser was<br />

developed for the Canadian<br />

Armed Forces, and is used on<br />

the “Halifax” class Frigates. Its<br />

construction can clearly be seen<br />

in the adjacent diagram, from<br />

Davis Engineering of Canada.<br />

A reduction of 95% in the IR<br />

detection of the Gas Turbine<br />

exhaust is claimed for this<br />

pattern of diffuser, and it has<br />

the additional advantage over<br />

conventional eductors of a<br />

reduction in the temperature of<br />

the central core of the exhaust<br />

plume. This results from the<br />

induction of air into the centre<br />

of the stack through the central<br />

“ball” and the hollow struts.<br />

With a conventional eductor,<br />

the core of the exhaust plume<br />

is not cooled, and the ship<br />

can be detected by IR sensors<br />

from above.<br />

The manufacturers, who are also<br />

responsible for the Infra-Red<br />

modelling system NTCS used by<br />

the RAN, claim the DRES Ball to<br />

be the most advanced<br />

suppression system available for<br />

marine gas turbine engines.<br />

Although the USN did not fit any<br />

form of Infra-Red suppression to<br />

their FFG class ships, their larger<br />

The Canadians, much of whose<br />

c o a stline is located towa rd and<br />

b eyond the Arctic Circle, have a<br />

c o n s i d e rable incentive to consider<br />

IR emission ve ry seri o u s ly. Curre n t<br />

te chnical developments in IR<br />

s e e ker head design mean th a t<br />

Navies in wa rmer climates need<br />

to make the same ch a n ges as<br />

h ave the Canadians.<br />


A more complex system of IR<br />

suppression has been developed<br />

by the Norwegian company<br />

MECMAR, for use on the Swedish<br />

“Visby” class frigates and also on<br />

the South African A200 class<br />

frigates.<br />

This involves the use of stainless<br />

steel manifolds and titanium<br />

exhaust ducting, into which salt<br />

water is sprayed to reduce the<br />

exhaust temperature. The<br />

remaining exhaust is ducted t o<br />

the stern and directed at the<br />

wake to further reduce its IR<br />

signature.<br />

The Norwegian manufacturers of<br />

this system, Mecmar, claim a<br />

reduction to 60 degrees Celcius<br />

from the approximate 1000<br />

degrees Celcius expected from a<br />

gas turbine like an LM2500. This<br />

The major part of the exhaust<br />

system is made from titanium,<br />

certainly all of it downstream of<br />

the water injectors. The upstream<br />

section is stainless steel.<br />

It is clear that the some very<br />

corrosive chemicals will be<br />

formed in the cooling process by<br />

reaction with the water at the<br />

primary injector, and while the<br />

titanium ducting will resist these,<br />

they are disposed of through a<br />

drain into the sea. The<br />

manufacturers indicate that they<br />

have had no problems with<br />

corrosion at the drains, which<br />

suggests that the majority of<br />

corrosive products are entrained<br />

in the exhaust plume. This does<br />

suggest to the author that the<br />

temperature reduction at the first<br />

injector is not quite as g reat as<br />

claimed by the manufacturer.<br />

These exhausts are to be<br />

m a n u fa c t u red locally by Mari n e<br />

& Engineering Indust ri e s ,<br />

p ro b a b ly for fa st cata m a ra n<br />

fe rries intended for No rth e rn<br />

E u ropean markets, where th i s<br />

s ystem is used to re d u c e<br />

a t m o s p h e ric pollution fro m<br />

diesel and gas turbine exhaust s ,<br />

ra ther than as an infra - re d<br />

s u p p ression syste m .

N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B U LL ET I N F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />

5 9<br />


However, being able to claim<br />

improved emissions will help the<br />

public relations aspect should the<br />

RAN equip any surface vessels<br />

with this system.<br />

South Africa has been the first to<br />

obtain the Blohm&Voss A200<br />

class Frigate, a development of<br />

the MEKO 200, which in its<br />

200ANZ version forms the RAN<br />

ANZAC class. Since the ships are<br />

still under construction, there has<br />

been little publicity regarding the<br />

details of its novel propulsion<br />

arrangements, discussed<br />

elsewhere in this report. However,<br />

from these drawings, it can be<br />

seen that the LM2500 gas<br />

turbine has been moved aft of<br />

the cruise diesel engines, since it<br />

drives a water jet directly rather<br />

than using the propeller shafts.<br />

The arra n gement is inte re sting in<br />

that a secondary ve rtical turbine<br />

e x h a u st is provided in the aft port<br />

qu a rter of the superst ru c t u re, next<br />

to the hanga r. This could be to<br />

a l l ow use of the turbine fo r<br />

m a n o e u v ring in harbour, where<br />

a transom exhaust might be<br />

re ga rded as unsuita b l e .<br />

The South African Blohm und Vo s s<br />

A200 fri ga te uses conve n t i o n a l<br />

s h a fts and controllable pitch<br />

p ro p e l l e rs, dri ven dire c t ly by th e<br />

c ruise diesels.<br />

While generally similar to the<br />

ANZAC, the Blohm & Voss MEKO<br />

A 200 has an entirely different<br />

means of getting the gas turbine<br />

“sprint” power into the water.<br />

Instead of using the shafts and<br />

controllable pitch propellers still<br />

used by the diesel engines for<br />

cruise, a separate water jet,<br />

mounted on the transom, is<br />

used. In particular, this allows the<br />

diesel and gas turbines to run at<br />

the same time, allowing a<br />

(slightly) higher top speed,<br />

estimated at 29 knots.<br />

. . . being able to claim imp rove d<br />

emissions will help the public re l a t i o n s<br />

aspect should the RAN equip any<br />

s u rface vessels with this syste m .

6 0 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL LE T I N FE B R U A RY 2 0 0 2<br />


An alternative approach to<br />

reducing the temperature of<br />

exhaust gases is shown in the<br />

Northrop Grumman/Rolls Royce<br />

WR21 gas turbine. This uses an<br />

approach vaguely analogous to<br />

the addition of a turbochar ger to<br />

a diesel engine, or a superheater<br />

in a marine boiler, in that<br />

otherwise waste energy is<br />

recovered for use in the engine.<br />

In this case the heat energy is<br />

re c ove red from the exhaust<br />

st ream as it is passed th rough a<br />

heat exch a n ger arra n ged above<br />

the power turbine, which is used<br />

to heat air already comp ressed by<br />

the gas ge n e ra tor immediate ly<br />

b e fo re the combustion ch a m b e r<br />

w h e re fuel is added and burn t .<br />

Since the gas turbine cycle is<br />

m a i n ly dependent on th e<br />

d i ffe rence in te mp e ra t u re betwe e n<br />

inlet and outlet, this re c ove re d<br />

e n e rgy can signifi c a n t ly incre a s e<br />

e ffi c i e n c y, part i c u l a rly at lowe r<br />

p owe rs where the specific fuel<br />

c o n s u mption of a turbine is wo rst .<br />

The manufacturers claim that the<br />

temperature reduction involved at<br />

full power (400 deg.F, about 200<br />

deg C) compared to a simple<br />

cycle turbine is sufficient that no<br />

eductors, of the type illustrated<br />

earlier, would be required. The<br />

temperatures quoted are a<br />

significant reduction, but<br />

continuing improvement in IR<br />

technology would suggest that<br />

some form of exhaust cooling<br />

be maintained.<br />

T h e re is a considerable we i g h t<br />

i n c rease due to the re c u p e ra to r,<br />

about 50 tonnes, but this is fa i rly<br />

l ow in the ship. It is claimed th a t<br />

the fuel consumption imp rove m e n t<br />

would allow the elimination of<br />

c ruise diesel engines, which are<br />

even heav i e r, but this perfo rm a n c e<br />

is so far th e o re t i c a l .<br />

The <strong>Royal</strong> <strong>Navy</strong> Type 45 is the<br />

first vessel currently proposed to<br />

use the WR21, but the USN is<br />

interested in using them in the<br />

DD-X Prototype Destroyer.<br />

About the author Peter Clark works for the<br />

Directorate of Naval Platform Systems<br />

within <strong>Navy</strong> Systems Branch, and is the<br />

Project Liaison Officer for Amphibious and<br />

Afloat Support Projects He has previously<br />

worked with Naval Aviation Engineering, the<br />

RAAF Tactical Fighter Project and the<br />

Guided Missile Frigate Project.<br />
















N A VY EN G I N E E R I N G B U LL ET I N F E B RU A RY 20 0 2<br />

6 1<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering<br />

Professional Development<br />

Program<br />





<strong>ENGINEERING</strong>)<br />

Implementation of the ADF Aerospace Engineers Professional<br />

Development Program, announced in the June 2001 edition of the<br />

Naval Engineering Bulletin, is progressing very well with over 70% of<br />

currently serving <strong>Navy</strong> Aerospace Engineer Officers (AEOs) registering<br />

with IEAust on the Graduate Development Program (GDP). Several<br />

senior AEOs have already achieved Chartered Professional Engineer<br />

[CPEng, (Degree qualified)], status with IEAust under the GDP and<br />

Chief Naval Engineer (CNE) – CDRE Ken Joseph has been awarded<br />

‘Fellow’ membership of the Institution.<br />

Beginning January 2002,<br />

re g i st ration for the GDP will be<br />

c o mp u l s o ry for gra d u a te AEOs<br />

commencing AEO Application<br />

C o u rse at NAS Now ra. On joining<br />

the course, gra d u a te AEOs will<br />

c o mp l e te the re g i st ration fo rm<br />

and be issued their Comp e te n c y<br />

J o u rnal containing both the IEAu st<br />

and <strong>Navy</strong> specific comp e te n c i e s .<br />

The journal will then become th e<br />

gra d u a te’s wo rk histo ry log fo r<br />

re c o rding experience and<br />

c o mp e tency comp l e t i o n<br />

th roughout their Naval care e r. Two<br />

of the six IEAu st re qu i red units of<br />

c o mp e te n c y, and most of th e<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> specific comp e tencies, will<br />

need to be comp l e ted prior to th e<br />

gra d u a te AEO being eligible to<br />

a t tend a Cert i fi c a te of<br />

C o mp e tency (C of C) Board. All<br />

remaining comp e te n c i e s<br />

c o n tained in the journal should<br />

be comp l e ted prior to an AEO<br />

qualifying to attend the AEO<br />

C h a rge Qualification (CQ) Board .<br />

This career milestone should<br />

occur about the same time as<br />

CPEng or Charte red Engineeri n g<br />

O fficer [CengO, Ad va n c e d<br />

Diploma (Te chnical) qu a l i fi e d ]<br />

status is ach i eved with IEAu st .<br />

A D FA has comp l e te d<br />

d evelopment of a series of short<br />

c o u rses that contri b u te towa rd s<br />

a Maste rs Degree and RAAF has<br />

p ro m u l ga ted a list of those short<br />

c o u rses to be conducted duri n g<br />

2002, with the fi rst cours e<br />

commencing in Fe b ru a ry.<br />

All short courses comp rise about<br />

10 hours pre - c o u rse wo rk, one<br />

week of residence at ADFA<br />

u n d e rtaking lectures, followed<br />

by an assessed assignment.<br />

Two positions have been made<br />

available for <strong>Navy</strong> AEOs on each<br />

course and of the twelve subjects<br />

available through the program,<br />

eight have to be completed to<br />

qualify for a Masters.<br />

DNPR(E&L) is currently in<br />

negotiations with IEAust for the<br />

development of a similar prog ram<br />

for ME and WE of ficers and it is<br />

expected that a program should<br />

commence early in 2002.<br />

Further work is prog ressing within<br />

DNPR(E&L) on other retention<br />

and professional development<br />

initiatives for <strong>Navy</strong> engineering<br />

officers to ensure wor thwhile<br />

and rewarding careers are<br />

available to our personnel,<br />

together with professional<br />

recognition within the wider<br />

ADF and civilian community.<br />

DNPR (E&L) points of contact on<br />

these matters are:<br />

• for AEOs: CMDR Chris Fealy on<br />

(02) 6266 2097 or Email:<br />

chris.fealy@defence.gov.au;<br />

• for MEOs: CMDR Andy Hamilton<br />

on (02) 6266 4793 or Email:<br />

andy.hamilton@defence.gov.au;<br />

and,<br />

• for WEEOs: CMDR Richard Jones<br />

on (02) 6266 3048 or Email:<br />

richard.jones@defence.gov.au<br />


On February 2002 CNE signed<br />

an agreement with IEAust for<br />

the Professional Development<br />

Program for ME and WE<br />

personnel. The agreement was<br />

announced by signal DGNAVSYS<br />

WBS/W3Y/W31 120650Z<br />

FEB 02. Further details are<br />

available from LCDR Tom<br />

Munneke at DNPR(E&L) on<br />

(02) 6266 3443 or email<br />

Tom.Munneke@defence.gov.au<br />

We will continue to provide<br />

updates in future issues of the<br />

<strong>Navy</strong> Engineering Bulletin.

6 2 N AVY E N G I N E E R I N G B U L LE T I N F E B R U A RY 2 0 0 2<br />





<strong>ENGINEERING</strong>)<br />

The Electronic Technical<br />

Certificate of Competence<br />

The Electronic Te chnical Cert i fi c a te of Comp e tence (ETCC) was endors e d<br />

in March, and Defence Inst ruction (<strong>Navy</strong>) – Pe rsonnel 75-43 wa s<br />

released on 18 October 2001. The function of the ETCC is to provide<br />

a vehicle for <strong>Navy</strong> to assess the ability of ET Senior Sailors across th e<br />

ra n ge of maintenance, administ ration and management re s p o n s i b i l i t i e s<br />

re qu i red to assume the duties of a Senior Te chnical Manager in the RA N.<br />





The ETCC performs a similar<br />

function for the ET category to<br />

that performed by the Marine<br />

Technical Charge Certificate<br />

(MTCC) and Aircraft Maintenance<br />

Charge Certificate (AMCC) for the<br />

MT and AT categories. It provides<br />

assurance that the sailor is<br />

prepared for and has the<br />

knowledge to perform the duties<br />

of a senior technical manger in<br />

the operational environment<br />

required in the rank of CPOET.<br />

The ETCC (EDP 420285) is a<br />

prerequisite for the CPOATT<br />

course and for promotion to the<br />

rank of Chief Petty Of ficer<br />

Electronic Technician (CPOET).<br />

Candidates for the ETCC are to<br />

have a minimum of two years<br />

six months seniority as a Petty<br />

Officer. They must have<br />

completed their POATT<br />

Competency Log (EDP 420171)<br />

and all other discretionar y<br />

qualifications for promotion to<br />

Chief Petty Officer, prior to any<br />

recommendation being made to<br />

sit an ETCC board. They must<br />

also be recommended by a<br />

charge qualified WEEO.<br />

As a discretionary qualification,<br />

the onus is on the sailor to<br />

prepare him/herself to sit the<br />

board, although WEEOs are<br />

required to hold a dummy boar d<br />

prior to the candidate presenting<br />

at the ETCC board. The syllabus<br />

is published as an Annex to DI(N)<br />

PERS 75-43, and the candidate’s<br />

knowledge is assessed by a<br />

board consisting of two char ge<br />

experienced WEEOs and a<br />

Warrant or Chief Petty Of ficer<br />

from the same employment<br />

stream as the candidate.<br />

The board will assess the<br />

application of an individual<br />

sailor’s knowledge to a range of<br />

scenarios and problems based<br />

on the syllabus. To ensure<br />

consistency of the boards, one<br />

member of the board will be from<br />

Fleet Staff.<br />

Differing cognitive skills are<br />

applied to the ETCC syllabus,<br />

depending on the impor tance of<br />

the area to the performance of a<br />

CPOET. For example all CPOETs<br />

need an excellent understanding<br />

of areas such as RADHAZ and<br />

magazine safety, but the level of<br />

systems knowledge required will<br />

depend on the sailor’s<br />

employment stream.<br />

The ETCC will not be awa rd e d<br />

re t ro s p e c t i ve ly. To permit an<br />

o rd e rly introduction, the ETC C<br />

becomes a discre t i o n a ry<br />

qu a l i fication for promotion to<br />

CPOET for sailors with seniority as<br />

a POET of 30 March 2001 and<br />

l a te r. All POET sailors with seniori t y<br />

p rior to 30 March 2001 and all<br />

CPO and WO ET sailors are<br />

e xe mp ted from the re qu i rement to<br />

o b tain the ETCC. Sailors wishing

N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B U LL E TI N F E B RU A RY 2 00 2<br />

6 3<br />

to become commissioned via th e<br />

Ad vanced Diploma of Te ch n o l o g y<br />

[AD(T)] scheme for st u d i e s<br />

commencing on 1 January 2003<br />

or later are re qu i red to obtain th e<br />

E TCC prior to attending th e i r<br />

o ffi cer selection board.<br />

The official policy document for<br />

the ETCC is DI(N) PERS 75-43.<br />

This should be the initial<br />

reference for all queries<br />

concerning the ETCC.<br />


My promotion seniority is befo re<br />

30 March 2001, can I obtain<br />

an ETCC?<br />

Yes, members who were<br />

promoted to PO prior to 30<br />

March 2001 will be able to sit<br />

ETCC boards subject to the<br />

capacity for a board to convene.<br />

I haven’t been able to sit an<br />

E TCC board for service re a s o n s ;<br />

will my promotion be<br />

d i s a d va n ta ged?<br />

No, where a member has been<br />

unable to sit for the ETCC for<br />

service reasons, they can apply<br />

to DNPR(E&L) and DSCM for<br />

a waiver.<br />

Is th e re any civil accre d i tation?<br />

No, the ETCC has no dire c t<br />

c o mp a rison with civil qu a l i fi c a t i o n s<br />

( Ne i ther does the MTCC. The<br />

AMCC leads to, and fo rms part of,<br />

l a ter civil recognition, but has no<br />

a c c re d i tation or direct civil<br />

e qu i va l e n t ) .<br />

What incentive is th e re to obta i n<br />

an ETCC?<br />

The ETCC is a discre t i o n a ry<br />

qu a l i fication for promotion to<br />

C P O E T. Wi thout the ETCC, you will<br />

not have access to the pro m o t i o n<br />

ro ste r. For sailors aspiring to<br />

commissioned rank as a WE<br />

o ffi c e r, the ETCC is a pre - re qu i s i te<br />

for pursuing this via the Ad va n c e d<br />

Diploma of Te chnology sch e m e ,<br />

a l though the degree avenue of<br />

e n t ry remains open to all<br />

p e rsonnel with or without an ETC C .<br />

What happens if I fail the board?<br />

The sta n d a rd RAN policy of<br />

p e rmitting th ree atte mpts to<br />

o b tain a qu a l i fication applies.<br />

The FWEEO or DFWEEO will be<br />

m e m b e rs of the ETCC board<br />

for candidates who are sitting<br />

the ETCC for the second or<br />

th i rd time.<br />

H ow long is the board?<br />

The board will last for<br />

approximately 90 minutes.<br />

What happens if the board<br />

m e m b e rs disagree?<br />

The board has three members.<br />

In the event that the board<br />

members disagree about the<br />


An Engineering Appro a ch –<br />

The Right Tool for the Right Job<br />

A guy walks into a pet store and<br />

asks to buy a canary. The<br />

proprietor replies, “I’m fresh out,<br />

but I DO have a parakeet.”<br />

The customer insists on a canar y,<br />

until the shop owner informs him<br />

that a parakeet can be made to<br />

sound like a canary if one files<br />

the beak just so.<br />

“Be careful not to file too much<br />

off or the parakeet will drown<br />

when he goes to take a drink of<br />

water.”<br />

The potential customer decides<br />

that this is complete bullshit, but<br />

thanks the shop owner politely<br />

and leaves, sans parakeet. He<br />

goes into another pet shop and<br />

asks for a canar y; no luck.<br />

“But”, says the shop owner, “I do<br />

have a parakeet and if you file<br />

the beak just so, it can be made<br />

to sound just like a canary.”<br />

He goes on to explain that filing<br />

off too much beak will jeopardise<br />

the bird’s life, due to the<br />

potential for drowning when he<br />

takes a drink. The fellow finally<br />

decides that there is some merit<br />

to these claims and buys the<br />

parakeet. “Besides”, he thinks to<br />

himself, “parakeets are much<br />

cheaper.”<br />

result of the board, the board<br />

President is the final arbiter.<br />

Do submari n e rs have to sit<br />

the ETCC?<br />

Yes, the ETCC is common to both<br />

general and submarine service.<br />

Can I sit a dummy board?<br />

The DI(N) requires that a dummy<br />

board be sat prior to attempting<br />

the ETCC board. This should be<br />

arranged with your WEEO.<br />

His next stop is a hardware s tore,<br />

where he wanders into the file<br />

section, holding his recently<br />

purchased bird.<br />

The owner wanders by and asks<br />

of he needs some help. The new<br />

bird owner sheepishly explains<br />

how he intends to make his<br />

parakeet sing like a canar y.<br />

The hardware storeowner<br />

knowingly picks up a file and<br />

hands it to him. “Here, a Nichols<br />

#2 bastard file. Be careful not to<br />

file too much off, or the poor<br />

beastie might drown.” The bird<br />

and file owner thanks the<br />

hardware storeowner and leaves<br />

for home.<br />

A few weeks later, the bird owner<br />

wanders into the hardware store.<br />

The owner, recognising him, asks<br />

how he made out with the<br />

parakeet.<br />

The fellow looks down and sadly<br />

reports, “Bird’s dead.”<br />

The hardware store owner shares<br />

his sorrow and asks, “Filed of f<br />

too much beak and he<br />

drowned?”<br />

To which the former bird owner<br />

replies, “Nah, he was dead when<br />

I took him out of the vice.”

6 4 N A VY E N G I N E E R I N G B UL L E T IN F E B RU A RY 2 0 0 2<br />

The Maintenance<br />

Engineering Society<br />

of Australia Inc.<br />



The Maintenance Engineering<br />

Society of Australia (MESA) is<br />

the peak professional body for<br />

reliability, maintenance<br />

engineering and asset<br />

management in Australia. MESA<br />

is a Technical Society of the<br />

Institution of Engineers Australia<br />

(IEAust). MESA is a Learned<br />

Society of like-minded people<br />

who share in the vision of MESA<br />

through the <strong>Royal</strong> Charter of the<br />

IEAust. As such, MESA is a not<br />

aligned with any commercial<br />

activity and does not engage in<br />

any commercial or consultancy<br />

activities.<br />

Membership of MESA is open to<br />

any person who has an interest<br />

in both asset maintenance and<br />

the objectives of MESA and who<br />

agrees to abide by the Code of<br />

Ethics and Rules of the Society.<br />

For membership, simply<br />

download the Application Form<br />

at www.mesa.org.au or call<br />

+61 1300 365 855 or email<br />

the Societies Secretariat at<br />

Societies@ieaust.org.au<br />

The Mission of MESA is to<br />

promote and advance all facets<br />

of the science and practice of<br />

reliability and maintenance<br />

engineering and the engineering<br />

management of assets, and to<br />

facilitate the exchange of<br />

information and ideas related<br />

thereto. The MESA objectives ar e<br />

pursued through the following<br />

action:<br />

• MESA provides most of all a<br />

facility for local, national and<br />

international networking for all<br />

members and to worldwide<br />

Maintenance practitioners,<br />

information and developments,<br />

• All members receive the quarterly<br />

professional engineering journal<br />

– The New Engineer Journal,<br />

• Active MESA Chapter<br />

programmes of meetings, visits,<br />

seminars and lectures,<br />

• The annual International<br />

Conference of Maintenance<br />

Societies (ICOMS®), widely<br />

acknowledged by leading<br />

international visitors as one of<br />

the finest of its type in the world,<br />

• Annual Eminent Speaker<br />

Programmes, in which MESA<br />

selects international speakers of<br />

renown for <strong>Australian</strong> speaking<br />

tours,<br />

• The development of a dynamic<br />

internationally recognised<br />

Capability Assurance<br />

Maintenance Model. This Model<br />

is used as the basis for the<br />

accreditation of courses at<br />

<strong>Australian</strong> educational<br />

institutions, for the <strong>Australian</strong><br />

Maintenance Engineering<br />

Excellence Award and for<br />

benchmarking Maintenance<br />

Audits,<br />

• Active participation in the<br />

development of Standards and<br />

Specific Areas of Practice under<br />

the National Engineers and<br />

Technologists Registration System<br />

(NPER and NETR) for use in<br />

<strong>Australian</strong> industry,<br />

• The conduct of annual awards<br />

for Maintenance Excellence,<br />

Maintenance Leadership and<br />

Maintenance Innovation.<br />

• Development of formal reciprocal<br />

membership links with<br />

international societies with<br />

similar interests.<br />

Currently MESA has some<br />

1250 individual and corporate<br />

members across a range of<br />

engineering and related<br />

disciplines, located in 11<br />

Chapters spread across Australia,<br />

all having international links.<br />

MESA evolved from the IEAust<br />

National Panel (later National<br />

Committee) for Maintenance in<br />

1994. Since the creation of<br />

Maintenance Engineering Society<br />

of Australia as a Technical<br />

Society of IEAust, MESA has<br />

strived vigorously to enhance<br />

the practice, science and<br />

management of reliability,<br />

maintenance engineering and<br />

asset management as the key<br />

determinants of the prosperity<br />

of <strong>Australian</strong> enterprises.<br />

The Society Objectives are:<br />

• To enhance the character, status<br />

and interests of asset and<br />

maintenance engineering and<br />

those who practice therein,<br />

• To represent the science and<br />

practice of asset and<br />

maintenance engineering to the<br />

community and all its bodies and<br />

to forge links with kindred<br />

organisations,<br />

• To lead and fos ter cooperation<br />

and a strategic approach to asset<br />

and maintenance engineering<br />

through industrial, commercial,<br />

academic, research and public<br />

organisations,<br />

• To engender and promote world<br />

class excellence and standards in<br />

the science and practice of asset<br />

and maintenance engineering,<br />

• To disseminate best practice asset<br />

and maintenance engineeri n g<br />

i n fo rmation, knowl e d ge, skills and<br />

capabilities, and<br />

• To recognise contributions and<br />

achievements in asset and<br />

maintenance engineering.

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