31 - Свобода

31 - Свобода

31 - Свобода


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2nd sentence: Add the word Branch He, and he only, shall receive all BRANCH<br />

assessments, and<br />

Delete the next 2 sentences (He shall immediately<br />

suffering from incur–<br />

able diseases, or deceased.)<br />

Pg.74<br />

Duties of Branch Treasurer<br />

f 20<br />

Delete the first sentence and other bracketed parts of sentences as marked: (He<br />

shall give bond to the Branch in such amount and with such survey as the members of<br />

the Branch or Executive Committee shall require.) He shall receive all moneys of the<br />

Branch (and of the Association) from the Branch Secretary (and immediately forward<br />

to the Treasurer the amount due the Association as certified by the Branch Secretary)<br />

keeping on . .All checks shall be signed by him (add) if the Branch so<br />

requires, and countersigned by the Branch President (and) or Branch Secretary.<br />

Change and for or.<br />

Last sentences: Delete A (quarterly) report of all his accounts<br />

Pg.75<br />

Duties of the Sergeant-at-arms<br />

ЇЇ22 SL Ш<br />

Delete entire section<br />

її 22 and її 23<br />

Pg.79<br />


Suspensions of a Branch for Nonpayment of Assessments<br />

ЇЇ21<br />

SL<br />

Delete entire section 28<br />

Dissolution of Suspended Branch<br />

її 29<br />

Delete entire section її 29<br />

Pg.80<br />

(Other) Causes for Suspension or Dissolution<br />

Delete the word (Other) in above title.<br />

її <strong>31</strong> (a) Add the word annual<br />

For neglect to hold regular (annual) meetings, unless some unavoidable<br />

causes; (ADD) Home Office must receive annually a current list of branch officers<br />

with correct addresses and telephone numbers.<br />

MOTlON:<br />

William Pastuszek, 2nd Alexander Serafyn<br />

All the changes to the manual that were presented be adopted.<br />

FOR: 20<br />

AGA1NST:<br />



MOTlON:<br />

Alexander Serafyn, 2nd William Pastuszek<br />

Budget for year 2001 be accepted as presented.<br />

DlSCUSSlON:<br />

Stefan Kaczaraj, Wasyl Szeremeta, vasyl Luchkiw, Alexander Serafyn, Barbara<br />

Bachynsky,<br />

9<br />

if we are showing a turn around, and we are making a profit, what are the chances<br />

of giving our members dividends.<br />

9<br />

The actuaries will advise us when we can give out dividends again.<br />

9<br />

When we stop subsidizing Soyuzivka to the tune S400,000 and year, subsidizing<br />

the papers and if we increase our sales even a little bit, we can seriously consider pay–<br />

ment of dividends.<br />

FOR: 19<br />

AGA1NST:<br />

absta1ned:<br />

motlon passed - budget accepted as presented<br />

16. miscellaneous<br />

Date for the next scheduled General Assembly Meeting is set from Friday, Nov. 30,<br />

Saturday Dec. 01, Sunday Dec. 02,2001.<br />

DlSCUSSlON:<br />

Myron Kuropas, Anatole Doroshenko, Taras Szmagala, Andre Worobec, Wasyl<br />

Szeremeta. vasyl Luchkiw, Alex Chudolij, Ulana Diachuk, Stefko Kuropas<br />

9<br />

The reason we changed the date of the General Assembly meeting from May to<br />

the end of November or early December is to be able to present a reasonable budget<br />

for the next year, if you are meeting in May it is almost counter-productive to be setting<br />

up a budget when half the year is already in progress.<br />

9<br />

Why can't we have the meeting at the end of November.<br />

9<br />

in mid November we have a deadline for the 3rd period reports to the regulatory<br />

authorities, it is impossible to prepare for that report and have reports prepared for the<br />

General Assembly and mailed to the members, per your request, 2 weeks prior to the<br />

General Assembly Meeting.<br />

9<br />

The treasurer advised us that by the end of the year we will be working with actu–<br />

al figures which will enable us to come up with a better budget for the following year.<br />

9<br />

We would like to be able to compare the proposed budget with actual figures to<br />

see where and why were over or under the budget.<br />

9<br />

We cannot change our fiscal year to any other date, because all insurance compa–<br />

ny' s have a fiscal year January-December.<br />

9<br />

if we have actual figures for 3 quarters that should suffice. We need to make as<br />

accurate a decision on our budget as possible.<br />

9<br />

it looks like vsesmikh got our data base, do we know how the editor of that mag–<br />

azine got our addresses.<br />

9<br />

The editor of vsesmikh stated that she purchased them from another association.<br />

We do not give out our data base to anybody.<br />

9<br />

Since it seems that NJ Department of Banking and insurance does not look favorably<br />

towards fraternals, maybe we should move our charter to another state, like Pennsylvania<br />

where the authorities look more favorably and are more lenient towards fraternals.<br />

9<br />

Moving to New York state would not be advisable, since NY authorities are even<br />

worse than the NJ.<br />

9<br />

Maybe the Soyuzivka Standing Committee could consider the possibility of mov–<br />

ing our Headquarters to Soyuzivka.<br />

9<br />

if we move our headquarters to Soyuzivka, we must consider where and who our<br />

office employees will be. This is not the greatest area to find employees for our partic–<br />

ular situation.<br />

9<br />

Regarding the Convention, why did Ulana Diachuk write a letter to the membership<br />

to consider Soyuzivka as a possible place for the Convention. Should Chicago<br />

members form a Chicago Convention Committee to plan our next convention.<br />

9<br />

in the very near future we will send the host city, Chicago a whole list of commit–<br />

tees that should be formed for the Convention.<br />

MOTlON:<br />

Stefko Kuropas, 2nd Alex Chudolij<br />

To have Roma Hadzewyez fill the open position of Advisor due to the untimely<br />

death of Walter Korchynsky.<br />

FOR: 14<br />

against<br />

absta1ned: 4 motlon passed<br />

Stefan Hawrysz swore-in Roma Hadzewyez in as an advisor of UNA.<br />

DlSCUSSlON:<br />

Wasyl Szeremeta, Barbara Bachynsky, Martha Lysko, Alexander Serafyn, Ann<br />

Chopek, Al Kachkowski, Maria Dushnyck, Taras Szmagala Sr., Stefan Kaczaraj<br />

9<br />

in the past two Conventions resolutions were passed to have a bust or statue of the<br />

Patriarch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Mstyslav erected at Soyuzivka.<br />

9<br />

We have good products, but we do not have a marketing plan. The Executive<br />

Committee should organize a marketing committee who could devise a marketing<br />

plan or strategy to present to all the secretaries, so they could sell all the new products<br />

that are available to us now.<br />

9<br />

We are planning to use a professional sales force<br />

9<br />

Within a few months we will be working on a marketing plan that will include the<br />

utilization of the Web page. We could include live insurance quotes.<br />

9<br />

Bound Brook is planning to raise a statue of Patriarch Mstyslav. We would like to cornmission<br />

the same artist and use a copy of his statue, this would greatly reduce our costs.<br />

9<br />

We should encourage the membership to purchase subscriptions to readers in Ukraine.<br />

9<br />

We could even entice Branches or Districts to plan a project to gather used<br />

Svoboda and mail them to Ukraine either individually or to schools or libraries.<br />

9<br />

Districts should coordinate branches to disseminate information about UNA; mar–<br />

ket information about UNA its products and benefits; aid the branches in whatever<br />

capacity that is needed; with the branches organize cultural and educational programs<br />

for the membership and community at large; encourage new membership etc.<br />

Annually each district should come up with a program of how to be active and pro–<br />

ductive in the branch, in the district and in UNA.<br />

9<br />

Districts should make up a calendar of events for the following year.<br />

9<br />

There should be more communication between the Main Office and the Districts.<br />

9<br />

At the last Convention a resolution was passed ..." have a quadrennial District<br />

Caucus for the chairperson of each District, the Caucus should commence 2 years after<br />

the Convention, the purpose of the Caucus is to provide a forum for the District chairperson<br />

to exchange ideas on activities and various methods of organizing members...."<br />

9<br />

UNA Seniors were organized 27 years ago. We have close to 100 participants at<br />

each meeting. We invite all seniors to join. We always make donations to various<br />

Ukrainian organizations. Lately we have been donating to Soyuzivka, the Gazebo outside<br />

of the main building was donated by the UNA Seniors.<br />

9<br />

When will the Chicago Convention Hotel contract be signed.<br />

9<br />

As soon as the Marriott Hotel rewrites the contract to include free parking we will<br />

sign the contract which should be within a week. Room rate 399.00 guaranteed rate<br />

including breakfast, plus taxes.<br />

9<br />

The Washington Post had an article about removing the Taras Shevchenko monu–<br />

ment in Washington. We urge everyone to write to the Post with their remarks, disap–<br />

pointment and grievances.<br />

9<br />

The General Assembly raised <strong>31</strong>50 US and <strong>31</strong>5 CDN to be donated and split to<br />

both press funds.<br />

9<br />

in the human resources department there should be a revamping of various proce–<br />

dures, including employee reviews, evaluations and rewards to employees. These<br />

evaluations and information should be documented, could be used for a basis for rais–<br />

es and other information.<br />

9<br />

Our CPA evaluated and analyzed our office system, we did this before we downsized<br />

our office staff.<br />

9<br />

Nick Diakiwsky and Stefko Kuropas will send the evaluation forms used in their offices.<br />

Ulana Diachuk:<br />

Thanked everyone for their active input, for a very successful meeting. She wished<br />

everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy and Healthy New Year.<br />

Everyone participated in singing Shche ne vmerla Ukraina.<br />

MOTlON:<br />

vasyl Luchkiw, 2nd Alexander Serafyn<br />

To adjourn the General Assembly Meeting.<br />


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