31 - Свобода

31 - Свобода

31 - Свобода


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1. Soyuzivka is necessary to the Ukrainian Community and UNA<br />

2. UNA should continue to take an active part in Soyuzivka's existence<br />

3. Must bring Soyuzivka up to standards - repair and improve buildings, improve<br />

programming, staffing and entertainment<br />

4. Need new capital. We will finalize a new business plan within 6 months,<br />

around June.<br />

Taras Szmagala Jr.:<br />

1. Business Plan<br />

a. Renovate and upgrade the facility<br />

b. Resolve some of the staffing issues<br />

c. Programming issues<br />

d. Costs and Projection<br />

2. Raising Funds<br />

a. There are many possibilities one of which is transferring part of Soyuzivka into<br />

a separate Company, sell shares of this new company to investors, while having UNA<br />

maintain control.<br />

DlSCUSSlON:<br />

Martha Lysko, Al Kachkowski, Alex Chudolij, Taras Szmagala, Ulana Diachuk,<br />

Andre Worobec<br />

9<br />

How will we find funding for Soyuzivka if verkhovyna had so much difficulty in<br />

finding funds. Why should it be easier for us?<br />

9<br />

verkhovyna's mistake was to ask for funds, without specifically explaining how<br />

the funds will be used.<br />

9<br />

Soyuzivka needs an administrative staff specifically for Soyuzivka.<br />

9<br />

Soyuzivka should have a full time experienced fund raiser staff member, who is<br />

salaried and not working on commission.<br />

9<br />

We should have extensive mailing campaigns.<br />

9<br />

We should promote an annual giving program to benefit Soyuzivka.<br />

9<br />

Soyuzivka should be established as a charitable cause, it promotes Ukrainian cul–<br />

ture and preserves Ukrainian identity. The community will support a charitable cause.<br />

9<br />

We should suggest bequests and wills to benefit Soyuzivka.<br />

9<br />

A lottery to benefit Soyuzivka.<br />

9<br />

Consider an annual membership fee.<br />

9<br />

Possibility of time sharing.<br />

9<br />

Also, the possibility of another aspect: capitalization, issuing securities in the<br />

company that owns SSQ. There are various tax benefits that could be a selling point.<br />

9<br />

We should be able to come up with a couple of packages that we could present to<br />

the public who is interested in saving Soyuzivka.<br />

9<br />

UNA cannot afford to subsidize Soyuzivka at 3400,000 a year any longer<br />

9<br />

We should try to be involved in a wide spread approach in obtaining funds<br />

9<br />

We should approach Americans for funding. Anyone who wants to invest in this<br />

business plan should be able to.<br />

9<br />

An outline with a time table as to how the committee will proceed should be pre–<br />

sented to the Executive Committee as soon as possible, also the General Assembly<br />

will be immediately advised as to the progress of this committee.<br />

MOTlON:<br />

Alex Chudolij, 2nd vasyl Szeremeta<br />

Soyuzivka Standing Committee is empowered to develop a working business plan<br />

in the next 6 months. We will be seeking assistance from anyone with expertise in<br />

coming up with this business plan. The plan will be presented to the Executive Board<br />

immediately.<br />

FOR: 21<br />

AGA1NST:<br />



Ulana Diachuk:<br />

There are various points in the Manual that should be changed. For example, the<br />

manual states that increasing subscription rates can be made only at the Convention.<br />

This is not reasonable, increase in postage, in cost of paper these increases cannot<br />

wait for 4 years. We should be able to increase subscription rates gradually if needed<br />

and be able to do this at a General Assembly Meeting.<br />

Changing the wording in the Manual will be adjusted and presented by Taras<br />

Szmagala Jr. and Ulana Diachuk tomorrow morning.<br />



MOTlON:<br />

Alex Chudolij, 2nd vasyl Luchkiw<br />

We should increase subscription rates across the board by 35.00 to both Svoboda<br />

and The Ukrainian Weekly. Subscription rate for UNA members raised to 345.00 -<br />

and non members 355.00 from renewal period beginning March 1.<br />

DlSCUSSlON:<br />

Myron Kuropas, Roma Hadzewyez, irena Jarosewich<br />

9<br />

How many subscribers were lost due to the last increase in subscription rates.<br />

9<br />

Regarding Svoboda, at the last Convention it was voted to change Svoboda from<br />

a daily to a weekly. Therefore subscribers were paying for a daily 375.00 and when it<br />

changed to a weekly - their payments were pro-rated.<br />

9<br />

Raising subscriptions in smaller increments does not upset the readers as much.<br />

FOR 20<br />

AGA1NST:<br />

ABSTA1NED:<br />


MOTlON:<br />

William Pastuszek, 2nd vasyl Luchkiw<br />

All General Assembly members contribute 335.00 to Soyuzivka.<br />

FOR:<br />

AGA1NST:<br />

ABSTA1NED:<br />



Sunday, December 3,2000<br />

Ulana Diachuk:<br />

Greeted everyone this morning.<br />

12. UPDATES TO THE MANUALS (continued from previous day)<br />

Taras Szmagala:<br />

The Manuals can be changed by 273 vote of the General Assembly. We wanted to<br />

change some of the wording in the manuals, where the wordings were either inaccu–<br />

rate or outdated. We will read all the changes and should there be any questions we<br />

will answer them. Then we will vote on all the adjustments. The manual including all<br />

the approved changes will be printed.<br />

Herein are the changes:<br />

Pg.52<br />

Generally її 1. Delete 1 st and 2nd paragraph.<br />

Delete - All money to .investment income thereon.<br />

3rd paragraph–The Executive Committee delete (other) on the 2nd line to<br />

read any (other) accounts.<br />

Pg.52<br />

Mortuary Fund її 2 Delete the entire section.<br />

її 3 All moneys due and payable (out of the Mortuary Fund) remove bracketed<br />

words.<br />

End of first sentence shall be retained (in the Mortuary Fund) delete and<br />

replace with shall be retained by the Association.<br />

Pg.53<br />

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Fund<br />

її 4. Delete entire її 4 section.<br />

Pg.54<br />

Fraternal Fund<br />

^5 (с)-її(2)<br />

Change the sum from <strong>31</strong>00.00 to 350.00<br />

Add to the end of this section (2) disability continues - provided, however, that<br />

the aggregate of such benefits shall not exceed <strong>31</strong>,000.00.<br />

Pg.55<br />

її 5(d)<br />

The last line beginning with as set by the (Convention), change to read as<br />

set by the General Assembly.<br />

0 5(e)<br />

Change the beginning paragraph to read - To the extent permitted by law, the<br />

Executive Committee shall transfer to the Fraternal Fund all uncollected<br />

Fund) payments delete bracketed words.<br />

in same paragraph change the 6 years to read 5 years.<br />

Pg.63<br />

Burial<br />

^8<br />

Middle of paragraph starting with<br />

(<strong>31</strong> 000 change to read not exceeding 35,000).<br />

Pg.64<br />

investigation and Report of Death<br />

її 10.<br />

(Mortuary<br />

payable under the policy, not exceeding<br />

Delete the first sentence. (Upon the death of and the circumstances of<br />

the same.)<br />

Begin її 10 with: The Secretary shall send a report and .<br />

Delete the 2nd paragraph completely (Where the death appears -is possible<br />

to<br />

obtain.)<br />

Pg.66<br />

Duties<br />

її 5 (b)<br />

Delete section (b)<br />

Delete section (c)<br />

Delete section (e)<br />

Pg.67<br />

Revenue and How Expended<br />

їїв<br />

Delete 2nd paragraph (The moneys collected by the Association Bv–<br />

Laws and Manuals).<br />

At the end of the last paragraph - All funds in among its members. Add the<br />

following sentence:<br />

A branch may not provide any member any funds for the payment or prepayment<br />

of premium on any policy issued by the Association.<br />

Pg.68<br />

Sick Benefits<br />

Change the above title to: Supplemental Aid<br />

Order of Business<br />

її 9<br />

Delete entire section<br />

Pg.71<br />


Branch Officers<br />

її 11<br />

Delete of three members, (Sergeant at arms. Board of Trustees of five membe<br />

rs. Captain, and Standard Bearer,) and any other officers<br />

Qualifications<br />

її 12<br />

Delete good standing in the Branch (for at least six months.) and shall -<br />

Pg.72<br />

Continuation of її 13 from previous page<br />

3rd paragraph<br />

Delete -A member who has not paid all dues and assessments (and has not<br />

applied for and received an advancement from his Branch for the payment of the<br />

same) shall not be entitled-<br />

Pg.73<br />

Duties of the Branch Secretary<br />

її 1S

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