31 - Свобода

31 - Свобода

31 - Свобода


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MOTlON:<br />

Al Kachkowski 2nd vasyl Luchkiw<br />

Regarding Section 17 B. in order for the Convention By-Laws Committee to be<br />

able to consider any changes recommended by the Standing В у-Laws Committee<br />

those changes must be circulated to Branch Secretaries at least 6 months prior to date<br />

of the Convention.<br />

DlSCUSSlON:<br />

Taras Szmagala, Barbara Bachynsky, Nick Diakiwsky, Al Kachkowski, Taras<br />

Szmagala Sr., vasyl Luchkiw, Alex Chudolij<br />

9<br />

There are in fact 2 By-Laws Committees, the standing By-Laws Committee that<br />

has been working during the year and the Convention By-Laws Committee that is<br />

appointed prior to the Convention<br />

9<br />

By-Laws Committee at the Convention is made up of delegates to that<br />

Convention and they are elected 1 week prior to the Convention<br />

9<br />

Delegates are selected 60 days prior to the Conventions therefore the Convention<br />

By-Laws Committee could be elected approximately 40-50 days prior to the Convention.<br />

9<br />

The Convention By-Laws Committee receives all the recommendations of the<br />

Standing By-Laws Committee and they have the power to accept or reject the recom–<br />

mendations and present them to the Convention<br />

FOR: 3<br />

AGA1NST: 10<br />


MOTlON:<br />

Al Kachkowski 2nd vasyl Luchkiw<br />

Regarding Section 17-B.ln order for the Convention By-Laws Committee to be able to<br />

consider any changes recommended by the Standing By-Laws Committee those changes<br />

must be circulated to Branch Secretaries at least 60 days prior to the date of the Convention.<br />

FOR: 11<br />

AGA1NST: 1<br />


MOTlON:<br />

Alex Chudolij, 2nd Anya Dydyk-Petrenko<br />

Regarding Section 17- C. Eliminate the phrase " . salaries of members of the<br />

Board of Trustees - ".<br />

DlSCUSSlON;<br />

Alex Chudolij, Al Kachkowski, vasyl Luchkiw<br />

The Finance Committee should not be setting salaries, if any, for the Board of<br />

Trustees, since this committee is appointed by the Board of Trustees, this could be a<br />

conflict of interest.<br />


AGA1NST;<br />

MOTlON:<br />

Martha Lysko 2nd Taras Szmagala<br />

Any individual who is interested in running for the Board of Trustees may declare<br />

his^her candidacy in our publications, including a basic ВІО, in a manner to be pre–<br />

scribed by the Board of Trustees no less than 60 days prior to the Convention.<br />

DlSCUSSlON:<br />

Taras Szmagala, Martha Lysko, Wasyl Szeremeta, Myron Kuropas, vasyl Luchkiw,<br />

Al Kachkowski, Stefko Kuropas, Taras Szmagala Sr., Ulana M. Diachuk,<br />

9<br />

This concept eliminates the possibility of making a spur of the moment decision<br />

at the Convention to run for office.<br />

9<br />

We could suggest that individuals do this but not make it obligatory.<br />

9<br />

it causes difficulties for new delegates who are not as aware of how the<br />

Convention really runs. They may not be as prepared, and these are the candidates<br />

that may be swayed and decide to run at the Convention.<br />

9<br />

We should ask interested persons who want to run for office to submit their<br />

resumes 60 days prior to the Convention and within 30 days before the Convention all<br />

their resumes will be published in our newspapers. This will give all our members and<br />

delegates a good overview of the qualifications of the persons running for office.<br />

9<br />

Serving on the Board of Trustees should not be something that one is suddenly<br />

moved to do at the Convention, these should be people who are qualified, dedicated<br />

and have given much thought beforehand to serving on the board.<br />

9<br />

At most Conventions the candidates are identified well before the Convention,<br />

why should these candidates not declare themselves to the membership and the delegates<br />

before hand, allowing the delegates to think ahead of time who may be the best<br />

choice.<br />

9<br />

is it too much to ask a proposed candidate who wishes to serve on the highest<br />

body of this organization, as one of the 11 members, who will be meeting 4 times a<br />

year for four years to announce his candidacy 60 days prior to the convention?<br />

9<br />

We should make it easier on delegates and identify candidates with their qualifications<br />

9<br />

We must point out that under the new By-Laws the Board of Trustees will have<br />

much more authority and much more responsibility than the General Assembly mem–<br />

bers have now. That is why it is very important to have qualified individuals running<br />

for office, individuals who have given much thought to the idea of running, not spur<br />

of the moment reflex. They should be identified before the Convention.<br />

FOR: 18<br />

AGA1NST: 1<br />


MOTlON:<br />

Taras Szmagala, 2nd Alexander Serafyn<br />

Any individual who is interested in running for office on the Board of Trustees<br />

must declare his7her candidacy to be printed in our publications including a basic<br />

ВІО, 30 days prior to the Convention, in a manner to be prescribed by the Board of<br />

Trustees no less to 60 days prior to the Convention.<br />

DlSCUSSlON:<br />

Al Kachkowski, vasyl Luchkiw, Alex Chudolij, Alexander Serafyn, Taras<br />

Szmagala<br />

9<br />

We were strongly criticized at our last Convention by our delegates and the communi–<br />

ty at large for not knowing ahead of time who will actually be running for the presidency.<br />

9<br />

Historically in our organization some good members of the board have been elect–<br />

ed at the Convention with no previous thought of running.<br />

9<br />

Some of our other well respected organizations have a requirement of announcing<br />

candidacy 90 days prior and they must obtain signatures of support. Serious candi–<br />

dates should not have a problem with this requirement.<br />

9<br />

The opportunity for candidates to advertise should be opened to them, but we<br />

should not make it mandatory to proclaim candidacy ahead of time.<br />

9<br />

We should have some sort of publicized call to our membership and the commu–<br />

nity for qualified candidates, maybe a letter to the secretaries and7or district heads.<br />

9<br />

We should expect candidates who wish to run for the highest offices in our orga–<br />

nization to have much prior thought whether they can or should run for office.<br />

FOR: 8<br />

AGA1NST: 13<br />



There should be a call made to the general membership inviting qualified members<br />

to consider running for candidacy. We should encourage as many qualified candidates<br />

as possible to run.<br />

if the General Assembly approve the changes in these By-Laws the changes will<br />

actually take effect at the 2002 Convention. The current officers remain in office until<br />

the new elected Board of Trustees is installed. At the 2002 Convention we will be<br />

electing the new Board of Trustees.<br />

Special congratulations to Taras Szmagala Jr. for his 9 years of perseverance,<br />

dedication and extraordinary amount of time dedicated to the By-Laws restructuring.<br />

At an average rate of anywhere between S200 to S700 an hour that attorneys earn,<br />

UNA would be bankrupt if we had to pay Taras for every hour that he dedicated to<br />


Barbara Bachynsky:<br />

Requests that during the spring District meetings, special sessions be devoted to the<br />

By-Laws changes with special speakers like Taras Szmagala Jr. or others well versed<br />

in the subject.<br />

Alex Chudolij:<br />

in the new By-Laws, is there a stipulation for removal of a Trustee also is it a require–<br />

ment for auditors to be attending at least some of the Board of Director's Meetings?<br />

Taras Szmagala Jr.:<br />

Auditors do come to the yearly Board of Director's Meeting.<br />

MOTlON:<br />

William Pastuszek, 2nd Alex Chudolij<br />

Chairman of the Auditing Committee, or his designee shall attend each Board of<br />

Trustees Meeting.<br />

DlSCUSSlON:<br />

William Pastuszek, Taras Szmagala Jr., vasyl Luchkiw, Alex Chudolij,<br />

9<br />

Auditors attend the meeting, but they do not vote.<br />

9<br />

Any member can attend any of the Board of Trustees Meeting except for those<br />

meetings that are specifically closed.<br />

9<br />

Even though everybody can attend the meetings, members are not reimbursed for<br />

attending.<br />

9<br />

The auditors should attend the meetings as part of their duties. Even though they<br />

cannot vote, they should be reimbursed.<br />

FOR: 20<br />

AGA1NST:<br />


Myron Kuropas:<br />

What is the schedule of informing the delegates, in the press or otherwise regarding<br />

the By-Laws changes. We must give the delegates ample time to study the changes<br />

and then vote.<br />

Taras Szmagala Jr.:<br />

We had a mandate from the previous Convention to mail out the changes to the<br />

Delegates by the end of January. From January to May have general discussions<br />

regarding the changes in the press, also have special district meetings, etc.. The delegates<br />

should vote and return their votes in a return prepaid envelope May 1,2001.<br />

MOTlON:<br />

Stefko Kuropas, 2nd Barbara Bachynsky<br />

Propose and send out the By-Laws changes to all the delegates as mandated by the<br />

previous Convention.<br />

FOR: 11<br />

AGA1NST: 7<br />



із. R E V I E W O F R E S O R T CONSULTANTS' R E P O R T O N S O Y U Z I V K A ,<br />

F O R M U L A T I N G P L A N S T O R E D U C E T H E<br />

DEFICIT.<br />

Ulana Diachuk:<br />

All General Assembly members received the detailed copy of the report of the hotel<br />

consultants. The consultants made certain recommendations, all of which were very<br />

costly. UNA will not be able to continue subsidizing Soyuzivka as it has in the past<br />

and therefore we are looking for alternatives to making Soyuzivka financially inde–<br />

pendent. We must decide is Soyuzivka important to UNA and the Ukrainian<br />

Community, if the answer is yes, our task then will be to come up with a solution. The<br />

Executive Committee hired these Hotel Consultants to review Soyuzivka's operations<br />

and to make recommendations so we could hold on to it.<br />

Soyuzivka Standing Committee had a meeting yesterday and they came up with<br />

various possibilities.<br />

Soyuzivka Standing Committee Members:<br />

Stefko Kuropas Al Kachkowski Halyna Kolessa<br />

Taras Szmagala Jr., Wasyl Szeremeta Stephanie Hawryluk<br />

Alex Chudolij John Flis vasyl Lucbkiw<br />

Stefko Kuropas:<br />

Soyuzivka Standing Committee report:

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