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6 Site visits and interviews with local stakeholders<br />

Results about the acceptance of special wastewater treatment technologies are poor. Knowledge about<br />

technical solutions was not given, therefore no detailed questions about solutions, especially the use of<br />

constructed wetlands and the wastewatre re-use, were possible. If people were interested in solving their<br />

sanitation problems, they wanted to have more solutions presented and would like to participate in<br />

decision processes. In general, if problems occured, people were interested in solutions. Otherwise<br />

wastewater is not a pressing issue for them.<br />

6.5 Recommended sites for further investigation by GIZ<br />

For this study, ten sites have been visited in total in order to get an overview over the actual situation in<br />

rural areas of Albania and to find appropriate places where the implementation of a reference sanitation<br />

project would be possible and further investigations by a technical expert could take place.<br />

At the present moment, not all of the necessary information to assess the criteria could be gathered form<br />

the site visits. For example, the neighbourhood of Shëngjin seemed to be a very appropriate place to<br />

implement a small or medium size wastewater treatment plant. But at the beginning of 2012, it was not<br />

clear if a wastewater project for the bigger area of Shëngjin is under planning or not. Tina Eisele from the<br />

GIZ office in Tirana got inconsitstent information about this topic by different stakeholders that could not be<br />

clarified until hand-in of this thesis. If Ishull Shëngjin will be connected to a big wastewater treatment plant<br />

that will treat wastewater of the whole area, no other investigation by GIZ will be necessary.<br />

Based on the visits, some communes could be excluded from further investigations that will be done by the<br />

expert Jens Nowak as GIZ consultant in March 2012. The sites to be excluded are commune Qelez and<br />

commune Hajmel. First commune does not experience any problems concerning the wastewater situation<br />

and is too poor to do something that is not needed. In the second commune, the mayor and the people<br />

were not all at interested in improving their situation, even though they experience problems with the<br />

drinking water quality.<br />

The other sites are all more or less still interesting for further investigations. But some information are still<br />

missing or unclear and need to be gathered. A short summary of findings and reasons for recommendation<br />

for further investigation is given in the following for each site.<br />

• Dober: Can be recommended for further assessment. Area is in need for sanitation system. But<br />

commitment and responsibilities have to be clarified. Village has a good size for a small or medium<br />

size WWTP. Scattered houses could be equipped with an on-site solution. Improvement of the<br />

wastewater situation in this village would prevent pollution of the very close Shkodra Lake.<br />

• Ishull Shëngjin: Would be a very suitable area to implement sewer system and wastewater<br />

treatment plant. Area for the construction of a plant is available and commitment of people is<br />

strong. People are better situated and could effort the financial local contribution. Area is close to<br />

the coastline and therefore action to improve the wastewater situation is necessary. What has to be<br />

clarified is the plans for the area to know if neighbourhood will get a connection to another big<br />

wastewater treatment plant or not.<br />

• School in Ishull Leizhë: Site can be recommended if GIZ wants another project at a school.<br />

Problems are obvious and commitment of the responsibles seems to be given.<br />

• Mishter: Village has problems with unsealed pits and open sewerage. No infromartion about<br />

commitment of the mayor, but in general the village can be recommended for further investigation.<br />

People know about their wastewater problems and would like to improve the situation.<br />


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