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9 Conclusion<br />

9 Conclusion<br />

At the present situation, the performance of the Albanian water and wastewater sector is not satisfying.<br />

Water supply and wastewater treatment and discharge coverage are low and the sector is not working costrecovering.<br />

Baseline data of the sector is often not available or not consistent. The sector is not very well<br />

structured and an overall planning is missing – at least until the Masterplan for the sector will be finnished.<br />

Improvements of the (wastewater) situation focus mainly on the urban areas, while the rural areas lack<br />

funding for their development. Even though the Masterplan that is under development now should address<br />

the drinking water and wastewater problems, the wastewater treatment, especially in rural areas, is<br />

neglected. One component of the GIZ „Water Sector Reform“ programme aims on tackling this problem by<br />

implementing some small and medium size wastewater treatment plants in rural areas of Albania as<br />

reference sites. This shall help to gain more experience with the technical solutions for wastewater<br />

treatment in rural areas of Albania and to promote them. Local experts and companies have to be trained<br />

and supported, what could be done with this sites.<br />

Several site visits have been done between November 2011 and February 2012 in order to assess the<br />

situation in rural areas of Albania and to get first impressions for the selection of such reference sites.<br />

Nearly all the visited sites were very different, with different problems, needs and differences in people's<br />

attitude towards the problems concerning the wastewater handling. Environmental and hygiene problems<br />

due to inappropriate wastewater discharge occure mainly in dense agglomerations in the low lands, along<br />

the coastline and in sensitive areas, like in protected parks and at lakes. In these places, people mostle<br />

showed big interest in improving their sanitary situation. People in mountain areas with very scattered<br />

houses do not experience such problems and therefore the wastewater handling is not a topic with priority<br />

for local people and decision makers. Only in one out of eight visited villages, people were not interested in<br />

improving their sanitary solution even though problems were obvious. In such a case, awareness raising and<br />

training needs to come first. Technical improvement is only useful if peopel know about their current<br />

problems and want to change them for the better. Implementation of technology can only be sustainable if<br />

people see the need and accept the technology.<br />

All in all, the village and site visits could not provide sufficient information to already plan a treatment<br />

facility, but gave good insight into the current situation of rural areas in Albania. The study can be seen as a<br />

good starting point for further assessment of the rural areas and selected villages, that was done in March<br />

2012 by a German expert hired by GIZ. Results of this visit were not available at the the time this report was<br />

written. The implementation of reference small size wastewater treatment plants in selected rural areas<br />

shall take place in 2012. Depending on the local needs and conditions, several on-site and centralised<br />

intensive and extensive technologies for wastewater treatment are available that would be suitable for rural<br />

areas.<br />

To support local decision makers of municipalities and communes in their efforts to implement wastewater<br />

treatment plants, GIZ aims on publishing a guideline on how to do small size sanitation projects in rural<br />

areas. Such a guideline will be a very helpful tool to spread small size sanitation technologies for rural areas<br />

as the focus of the central government is not on this topic.<br />

Improvement of the water supply service and especially of the problematic wastewater situation is a goal in<br />

order to improve the living standard of the people, to protect the environment, especially in coastal and<br />

sensitive areas, and to move towards the implementation of EU laws in oder to prepare Albania for its<br />

application for EU membership.<br />


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