Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development


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On the contrary, a sharp decline has been observed after the reform. SMEs and<br />

operators in the agriculture sector have been particularly affected by limited access to<br />

credit. Experience shows that countries should carefully assess the potential<br />

implications of reform on the basis of national realities, 150 designing appropriate<br />

financial services liberalization policies to suit country-specific conditions;<br />

determining the potential costs and benefits of reforms and also the appropriate pace<br />

and sequence of the process. In the absence of adequate prudential policy,<br />

liberalization may contribute to financial instability.<br />

Box 26: The Thai Experience<br />

The Thai experience and financial crisis in 1997 shows that "fast and furious" liberalization<br />

has not worked well. Liberalization should have been planned as a process and implemented<br />

in steps rather than being set out as an objective to be achieved through incoherent policy<br />

measures. The experience also demonstrates how challenging it is to adapt external fast<br />

developments to a country's needs and readiness. The rapidly growing banking system and<br />

the influx of short term foreign capital proved, for instance, to be too much and too fast for<br />

the Thai authorities to catch-up with on the regulatory front. While financial reform and the<br />

strengthening of the financial system are of paramount importance, they should be devised<br />

and implemented on a continuous basis and not only when an acute need or extraordinary<br />

circumstances force a country to undertake drastic reforms. 151<br />

150 International Monetary Fund, International Capital Markets: <strong>Development</strong>s, Prospects, and Key<br />

<strong>Policy</strong> Issues (Washington, DC: September 2000)<br />

(http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/icm/2000/01/eng/index.htm).<br />

151 WTO, Communication from Thailand - Assessment of <strong>Trade</strong> in Services , document TN/S/W/4, 22<br />

July 2002.<br />


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