Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development


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services liberalization in these agreements, particularly as many new opportunities are<br />

not provided for the short-term movement of persons (GATS Mode 4).<br />

FTAs with the North<br />

From the perspective of national development strategy, the advantages and<br />

disadvantages of FTAs differ considerably according to the choice of partners. In FTA<br />

negotiations with developed countries, developing countries often find themselves<br />

confronted with requests for commitments that may undermine their WTO rights<br />

and/or include commitments in areas which developing countries have not accepted<br />

as part of the WTO agenda. Thus, where the main objective of developing countries in<br />

FTAs is to obtain free access for their key export products, and avoid or preempt<br />

negative margins of tariff preferences in favour of their competitors, they find<br />

themselves subject to commitments of an even wider scope and deeper intrusiveness<br />

than those in WTO agreements. Some developed countries appear to be pursuing a<br />

parallel trade agenda in their FTAs, aimed at achieving commitments form their FTA<br />

partners that they have been unable to achieve in the multilateral context. In some<br />

cases, the developed partner follows a set “template” which it seeks to apply in each<br />

FTA it negotiates. 109<br />

…and the South<br />

The expanding FTAs among developing countries generally adopt a different format.<br />

They may contain an “early harvest” of items to be liberalized immediately, with<br />

many issues left to be negotiated in subsequent stages. In some cases, this early<br />

harvest includes textiles and horticultural products normally considered as sensitive in<br />

North South FTAs. Commitments on services follow the GATS positive list format,<br />

adding regional and bilateral commitments to the multilateral schedules. 110 The<br />

proliferation of bilateral FTAs with regional trading partners is often conducted under<br />

a broad framework agreement inte nded to eventually lead to extensive regional<br />

integration. Individual countries and groupings of developing countries are entering<br />

into FTAs with ext ra regional developing partners. These usually contain considerably<br />

flexibility and are aimed at gaining a foothold in new, and growing markets.<br />

109 See www.ustr.gov/<strong>Trade</strong>Agreements/bilateral (USA FTAs), and www.ecdpm.org (EU FTAs), and<br />

www.bilaterals.org for overview of all FTA negotiations and links to many sources .<br />

110 See Marconini, Mario, Acordos Regionais e o Comercio de Servicos: normativa internacional e<br />

interesse brasiliero (Sao Paulo: Aduanieras 2003).<br />


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