Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development


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urden of tariff liberalization in North-South RTAs weighs asymmetricaly on<br />

developing countries. While it is estimated that trade among RTA and FTA partners<br />

makes up nearly 40 per cent of world trade, a much smaller amount of this trade<br />

actually benefits from preferential tariff margins as much of the trade among these<br />

countries is in items where the MFN rate is zero.. 103 On the other hand, FTAs among<br />

developing countries may result in meaningful tariff reductions and substantial<br />

margins of preference. 104<br />

More than Spaghetti!<br />

There is a need to assess the potential concrete gains from FTAs before entering into<br />

their negotiation, examining such aspects as the real improvement in access that can<br />

be achieved, the likelihood that comparable results can be obtained from multilateral<br />

negotiations and the extent to which the real access problems require a multilateral<br />

solution. 105 There is also the need to examine the objectives of the trading partner.<br />

These may have a strong political content, or may reflect positions they have taken<br />

and strategies they are pursuing at the global level. Far from being the confused<br />

“spaghetti bowl” described by some observers, FTAs are the manifestation of<br />

coherent geopolitical strategies on the part of the major trading countries.<br />

Developed countries are using FTAs as a means of furthering their multilateral<br />

agendas by locking in developing partners to commitments that reflect their positions<br />

in the WTO negotiations. One example is the treatment of GIs, where the EU FTAs<br />

impose a TRIPS plus protection, while United States FTAs impose TRIPS minus<br />

(eliminating the possibility of sui generic GI systems and replacing them with regular<br />

trademark systems of protection). 106<br />

Sectoral interests in developing countries may gain from the elimination of duties on<br />

products not covered by preferences where MFN tariff rates present a significant<br />

barrier to trade, such as in textiles or agriculture. However, duty free entry of textiles<br />

and clothing is often subject to complicated rules of origin, while sensitive<br />

agricultural products may be excluded. Furthermore, most FTAs do not establish<br />

disciplines on agricultural subsidies in the major developed countries, thus exposing<br />

farmers in the developing partner to unfair competition, even though some involve<br />

bilateral disciplines on export subsidies. 107 Furthermore, agriculture safeguard<br />

mechanisms may only be applied over the implementation period. 108 Developing<br />

countries generally do not have the competitive strengths to take advantage of<br />

103 See World Bank , Global Economic Prospects, 2005 p.41<br />

104 For example only one per cent of India’s tariff lines had M FN rates of zero, Ibid.p41<br />

105 The FTAA negotiations have not succeeded largely because the MERCOSUR countries perceived<br />

that the main barriers facing their access to the USA market (agricultural subsidies and anti-dumping<br />

measures) could not be effectively addressed at the regional level.<br />

106 See Vivas, David and Christophe Spennemann, “Dialogo Regional sobre Propiedad Intelectual,<br />

Innovación y Desarrollo Sostenible” (UNCTAD/ICTSD Project on Intellectual Property and<br />

Sustainable <strong>Development</strong>, Costa Rica, May 2006) (www.ictsd.org).<br />

107 Some attempt has been made to deal with agricultural export subsidies in the Chile/USA FTA,<br />

however.<br />

108 Bellmann, Cristophe, “Latin American Countries in Bilateral and Multilateral Agricultural<br />

negotiations”, presentation to the Andean <strong>Development</strong> Corporation,<br />

(www.caf.com/attach/11/default/Lat_am_Ag.pdf).<br />


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