Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development


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TRIPS and MDGs<br />

The implications of the TRIPS Agreement (and of subsequent bilateral pressures on<br />

developing countries to further tighten its provisions) for the attainment of the MDGs<br />

- notably MDG 6, have already been recognized by the international community. The<br />

Declaration on TRIPS and Public Health was agreed by the international community<br />

to ensure that the TRIPS Agreement’s prioritized public health concerns. Developing<br />

countries must also draw up IPR legislation that ensures that the attainment of the<br />

MDGs will not be frustrated, while protecting the right of poor people to use their<br />

traditional knowledge and genetic resources.<br />

Developing countries are faced with policy decisions at three levels, first to ensure<br />

that the results of the current multilateral review of the TRIPS regime, and related<br />

initiatives in WIPO 83 are supportive of their pursuit of the MDGs; second, to draw up<br />

national legislation and regulations aimed at achieving these goals and targets within<br />

the framework of their international obligations ; and third to effectively thwart<br />

pressures to accept “TRIPS plus” commitments at the bilateral level. The manner in<br />

which developing countries adapt to the TRIPS regime and pressures from developed<br />

countries is crucial to their attainment not only of the MDGs directly related to health<br />

(e.g. MDG to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases, MDG8 provision of<br />

access to affordable essential drugs in developing countries), but given the relevance<br />

to the agricultural sector, that of eradicating poverty and hunger (MDG1) as well.<br />

One of the key elements of FTAs has been the inclusion of “TRIPS plus” provisions<br />

dealing with (a) restrictions on the use of compulsory licences, (b) restrictions on<br />

parallel imports, (c) greater protection of undisclosed data through market exclusivity,<br />

(d) broadening of the spectrum of patentability, (e) extension of the duration of<br />

patents and (f) links between patents and health registration.(see Section X).<br />

Health<br />

There had been concern that the TRIPS Agreement will have a negative impact on<br />

human development by resulting in higher prices for essential medicines in poor<br />

countries. It was a result of concerted action by private firms and some countries to<br />

pressure developing countries into giving up certain crucial rights under the TRIPS<br />

Agreement that provoked the negotiation of the Doha Declaration on TRIPS and<br />

Public Health. The Declaration was agreed at the Doha Ministerial Conference to<br />

confirm the right of governments to impose compulsory licenses when faced with<br />

national public health issues. However, one aspect, that of permitting countries having<br />

no domestic capacity to produce medicines to issue compulsory licenses to producers<br />

in other countries for import into the affected country, required an amendment to the<br />

TRIPS Agreement. This was finally accomplished in December 2005 after a period of<br />

protracted negotiations. 84<br />

83 Negotiations of a Substantive Patent Law Treaty have been initiated in WIPO. For an analysis of the<br />

development implications, see Correa, Carlos, An Agenda for Patent Reform and Harmonization for<br />

Developing Countries, paper presented to Open Forum, 1 March 2006, available at<br />

www.wipo.int/meetings/2006/sep_of_ge_06/presentations . See also GRAIN, “One global patent<br />

system? WIPO's Substantive Patent Law Treaty”, GRAIN briefings 2003<br />

(http://www.grain.org/briefings/?id=159).<br />

84 WTO document, Amendment of the TRIPs Agreement, Decision of 6 December 2005 (WT/L/641).<br />


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