Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development


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A “New Generation” of Bilateral Investment Treaties 46<br />

VIII. MNP – Access to THE World Employment Market.....................................46<br />

MNP and the MDGs 46<br />

Access for Service Suppliers 48<br />

IX.<br />

A strategy for MNP 48<br />

Intellectual Property Rights for the Poor......................................................49<br />

TRIPS and MDGs 50<br />

Health 50<br />

Competition 51<br />

Genetic resources, agriculture and bio-piracy 51<br />

GIs and Traditional Knowledge 52<br />

X. The FTA Option...............................................................................................54<br />

The Proliferation of FTAs 55<br />

<strong>Development</strong> Implications of FTAs 55<br />

XI.<br />

More than Spaghetti! 56<br />

FTAs with the North 57<br />

…and the South 57<br />

<strong>Policy</strong> Space within FTAs 58<br />

Sectoral Annexes..............................................................................................62<br />

Annex 3A: Textiles and Clothing: Still the first step to Industrialization? 62<br />

T&C and the MDGs.................................................................................. 62<br />

Market Access........................................................................................... 63<br />

Rules of Origin .......................................................................................... 64<br />

Increasing Productivity and Competitiveness ........................................... 65<br />

Equity: Sharing of Benefits....................................................................... 65<br />

Annex 3B: Fisheries, Putting the products of the poor on world markets 67<br />

Fisheries and MDGs................................................................................. 67<br />

Barriers to Exports of Fish Products........................................................ 68<br />

Annex 5A: Environmental Services 70<br />

Annex 5B: Energy services 73<br />

Enormous investment required to meet world demand ............................. 73<br />

How to ensure universal access? .............................................................. 74<br />

Annex 5C: Financial services 76<br />

Differing Commitments to Financial Reform............................................ 76<br />

Impact of Liberalization............................................................................ 76<br />

Annex 5D: Distribution services 78<br />

Strategic Role of Distribution Services ..................................................... 78<br />

Concentration of Ownership ..................................................................... 78<br />

Conditions for Liberalization.................................................................... 79<br />

Annex 5F: Health services 80<br />

X. References 82<br />


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