Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development

Trade Policy Note Final-rev08 - Development


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developing countries with a few notable exceptions , such as India and the most<br />

competitive southern hemisphere exporters (e.g. Argentina and Brazil). 44 For the net<br />

food importing developing countries (NFIDCs), taken as a group, imports represent<br />

35 per cent of calorie intake. Paradoxically, those countries most dependent on<br />

agricultural exports witness higher levels of malnutrition. 45<br />

National trade policies must be designed to reflect the complexities of the agricultural<br />

sector in most developing countries. Some countries have been very successful in the<br />

export of widely traded agricultural commodities. However, in ma ny cases small scale<br />

farmers have not benefited, production of export crops has resulted in the<br />

displacement of small scale farmers and exacerbated their plight by contributing to<br />

environmental degradation posing an overall threat to food security. Large segments<br />

of the population are small scale farmers whose livelihood can be suddenly eroded by<br />

imports of cheap, often subsidized imports. Countries have adopted both “offens ive”<br />

and “defensive” strategies. On the one hand, they have pursued improved access to<br />

markets, and on the other hand, have sought to ensure protection of vulnerable<br />

segments of their populations. 46<br />

Developing counties are seeking an international regime that reflects these<br />

complexities, as well as the varying, often conflicting interests of different developing<br />

countries. They are seeking better market access and the reduction of subsidization by<br />

the developed countries, for example through the elimination of export subsidies, the<br />

drastic reduction in amber box commitments, capping and phasing out ”blue box”<br />

limits , and imposing some meaningful disciplines on “green box” subsidies. Many<br />

argue that the reduction of agricultural support in OECD countries would be the most<br />

significant pro-poor result of the Doha Round. The refusal of the United States to<br />

accept limits on its total trade distorting subsidization (amber plus blue box plus de<br />

minimis), which are lower than its actual levels of subsidization, has been given as the<br />

main reason behind the suspension of the multilateral negotiations in July 2006. 47 The<br />

resumed negotiations are aimed at achieving a breakthrough on subsidies combined<br />

with liberalization of tariffs and tariff quotas and agreement on Special Products and a<br />

Special Safeguard Mechanism (see below).<br />

Other areas of the international trade regime, which can affect the interests of small<br />

farmers, include notably sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) regulations, liberalization<br />

of distribution services (see Section 6) and intellectual property rights.<br />

44 See Stiglitz and Charlton, op. cit., pp 217-234, notably table AI.3.<br />

45 Pal, op. cit.<br />

46<br />

See for example Rahman, Abdul Aziz, “<strong>Trade</strong> in Agriculture, Food Security and Human<br />

<strong>Development</strong>: Country Case Study for Malaysia”, UNDP Asia <strong>Trade</strong> Initiative on <strong>Trade</strong> and Human<br />

<strong>Development</strong>, Phase 1, technical support document (Hanoi: 2003) (available at<br />

www.undprcc.lk/Publications/Publications.asp?C=4).<br />

47 See the statement by the EC Agriculture Commissioner, Mariann Fisher Boel, following the<br />

suspension of the WTO Doha Round negotiations: http://ec.europa.eu/commission_barroso/fischerboel/doha/index_en.htm#2407.<br />

The United States, on the other hand, claims that the proposals of the<br />

G33 on SP would effectively block meaningful access to their markets for US agricultural exports.<br />


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