Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press


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generally viewed through the Lurianic prism. Only as Enlightenment ideas<br />

was<br />

to spread in the early twentieth century, partly through the arrival of<br />

began<br />

Jews in the Colonial era, did the authority of the Zohar come into<br />

European<br />

question.<br />

writings of Scholem, Tishby, and the scholars following in their wake<br />

The<br />

done much to make the Zohar intelligible to moderns and to renew<br />

have<br />

in its study. Tishby's Wisdom of the Zohar, translatingselected passages<br />

interest<br />

Aramaic into Hebrew, was a highly successful attempt to make the Zohar<br />

from<br />

accessible to an educated Israeli readership. The interest aroused among<br />

more<br />

of religion by Scholem's highly readable and insightful essays, espe-<br />

scholars<br />

those ®rst presented at the Eranos conferences, served to kindle great<br />

cially<br />

in Kabbalah within the broader scholarly community. This interest is<br />

interest<br />

today thanks to the profound and sometimes provocative studies of<br />

maintained<br />

Liebes and Elliot Wolfson. The important writings of Moshe Idel<br />

Yehuda<br />

to bringKabbalah to the attention of the scholarly and intellectual<br />

continue<br />

The availability of English and other translations, including the selec-<br />

world.<br />

in Tishby and anthologies by both Scholem and Matt, have also served<br />

tions<br />

Zohar well in creatingreaderships outside of Israel. In more recent dec-<br />

the<br />

this intellectual interest in Kabbalah has spread to wider circles, including<br />

ades,<br />

who are concerned with questions of symbolism, philosophy of lan-<br />

many<br />

and related issues.<br />

guage,<br />

the same time, two other seemingly unrelated phenomena have come<br />

At<br />

to greatly increase the interest in Zohar studies at the turn of the<br />

together<br />

century. One is the broad interest throughout the Western world<br />

twenty-®rst<br />

works of mysticism and ``spirituality.'' Our age has seen a great turn toward<br />

in<br />

of wisdom neglected by two centuries of modernity, partly in hope of<br />

sources<br />

them a truth that will serve as a source of guidance for the dif®cult<br />

®ndingin<br />

complex times in which we live. Recently, an interest in the Zohar and<br />

and<br />

has emerged as part of this trend. As is true of all the other wisdoms<br />

Kabbalah<br />

in the course of this broad cultural phenomenon, the interest in<br />

examined<br />

includes both serious and trivial or ``faddist'' elements. This revival of<br />

Kabbalah<br />

is a complicated phenomenon within itself, containingexpressions of<br />

Kabbalah<br />

hunger for religious experience and personal growth, alongside the<br />

great<br />

quest for wisdom.<br />

broader<br />

interest has come to be combined with a very different renewal of<br />

This<br />

primarily in Israel, after the 1967 and 1973 wars. It is manifest in the<br />

Kabbalah,<br />

of kabbalistic yeshivot or academies, the publication of many new<br />

growth<br />

of kabbalistic works, and a campaign of public outreach intended to<br />

editions<br />

the teachings of Kabbalah more broadly. This new emphasis on Kabbalah<br />

spread<br />

is partly due to the reassertion of pride in the Sephardic and Mizraḥi<br />

where Kabbalah has an important place. It is also in part related to<br />

heritage,<br />

dif®cult and tryingtimes through which Israel has lived, resultingin both a<br />

the<br />

Introduction<br />

lxxvi<br />

resurgence of messianism and a turn to ``practical Kabbalah''Ða long-standing

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