Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press


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author stood in the process of undressingthe textual bride. Here as<br />

their<br />

everywhere, the poesis of the Zohar over¯ows the banks, thwarting<br />

almost<br />

attempt at gradation or de®nition. It is mostly within the area of ``soul''<br />

any<br />

kabbalistic readings that the assembled sages reveal layer after layer, showing<br />

or<br />

this level of readingitself is one that contains inexhaustible riches of the<br />

that<br />

There is not a single mystical interpretation of a verse or passage<br />

imagination.<br />

is the secret in the eyes of the Zohar. ``Secret'' (sod in Hebrew; raza in<br />

that<br />

is rather a method, a way of readingthat contains endless individual<br />

Aramaic)<br />

within it.<br />

secrets<br />

language of se®rotic symbolism offers the Zohar limitless opportunities<br />

The<br />

creative interpretations of Scripture. On the one hand, the Zohar's speakers<br />

for<br />

authors exult in the newness and originality of this exegesis. Rabbi<br />

and<br />

and his disciples speak glowingly of ḥiddushei Torah, novellaeinTorah<br />

Shim'on<br />

and their great value. God and the angels join in rejoicing over<br />

interpretation,<br />

new insight. But the Zohar also seeks to deny the newness of kabbalistic<br />

each<br />

Not only is the work itself allegedly an ancient one; the inter-<br />

interpretation.<br />

craft of the Zohar goes to a higher, deeper, and hence also more<br />

pretive<br />

level of the text. As the highest rung within the Godhead is some-<br />

``ancient''<br />

called Attiqa, the elder or ``ancient one,'' so does profound interpretation<br />

times<br />

Torah ``back to its antiquity,'' to its original, pristine, highest state.<br />

take<br />

Zohar stands within the longtradition of Jewish devotion to sacred<br />

The<br />

as a religious act. The faithful are commanded to ``contemplate it day<br />

study<br />

night'' (Joshua 1:8), traditionally taken to mean that the study and elaboration<br />

and<br />

of Torah is ideally the full-time obligation of the entire community of<br />

Israelites (women were exempted from the obligation to study, and only<br />

male<br />

were they offered more than a rudimentary education). This community<br />

rarely<br />

the Torah as an object of love, and an eros of Torah study is depicted in<br />

viewed<br />

passages in the rabbinic aggadah. Based on biblical images of feminine<br />

many<br />

Torah was described as the daughter and delight of God and as<br />

wisdom,<br />

bride. Study of Torah, especially the elaboration of its law, was de-<br />

Israel's<br />

by the sages as courtship and sometimes even as the shy, scholarly<br />

scribed<br />

act of love, the consummation of this sacred marriage. The<br />

bridegroom's<br />

on the Songof Songs, compiled in the sixth or seventh century,<br />

midrash<br />

a large part of its exegesis of that erotic text to discussing the revela-<br />

devotes<br />

at Sinai and the delights of both God and the sages in the study of Torah.<br />

tion<br />

Zohar is well aware of these precedents and expands upon them in its<br />

The<br />

richer and even more daringversion of amor dei intellectualis. Thelush<br />

own<br />

well-watered gardens of the Song of Songs are the constant dwelling place<br />

and<br />

the Zohar, where frequent invocation of the Canticle is the order of the day.<br />

of<br />

the kabbalists' literary imagination, the gardens of eros in the Song, the<br />

In<br />

or ``orchard'' of mystical speculation itself, and the mystical Garden of<br />

pardes<br />

which God wanders each night ``to take delight in the souls of the<br />

EdenÐinto<br />

Introduction<br />

lix<br />

righteous''Ðhave been thoroughly linked with one another. The description in

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