Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press


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eads it. This leads us closer to the real purpose of Zoharic exegesis. The<br />

who<br />

wants to take the reader inside the divine life. It wants ever to retell the<br />

Zohar<br />

of the ¯ow of the se®rot, their longings and union, the arousal of love<br />

story<br />

and the way in which that arousal causes blessingto ¯ow throughout the<br />

above<br />

This is the essential story of Kabbalah, and the Zohar ®nds it in verse<br />

worlds.<br />

verse, portion after portion, of the Torah text. But each retellingoffers a<br />

after<br />

and often startlingly different perspective. The Zohar is ever enrichingthe<br />

new<br />

narrative by means of retellingit from the vantage point of yet<br />

kabbalistic<br />

hermeneutic insight. On each page yet another verse, word, or tale of<br />

another<br />

Torah is opened or ``uncovered'' to reveal new insight into the great story<br />

the<br />

the Zohar, that which it proffers as the truth of the Torah, of the cosmos,<br />

of<br />

of the reader's soul.<br />

and<br />

the series of homilies by various speakers around a particular verse or<br />

In<br />

in the scriptural text, the Zohar takes its readers through multiple<br />

moment<br />

of understanding, reaching from the surface layer of ``plain'' meaning<br />

layers<br />

ever more profound revelations. A great love of language is revealed in<br />

into<br />

process; plays on words and subtle shadings of meaning often serve as<br />

this<br />

to a total recon®guration of the Scripture at hand. For this reason, the<br />

ways<br />

best readers, both traditional and modern, are those who share its<br />

Zohar's<br />

fascination with the mystery of words, includingboth their aural and<br />

endless<br />

(or ``spoken'' and ``written'') manifestations.<br />

graphic<br />

kabbalists contemporaneous with the Zohar were offeringmultile-<br />

Other<br />

readings of Scripture as well. Rabbi Baḥya ben Asher of Barcelona immediatelveled<br />

comes to mind. His Torah commentary, written in the 1290s, offers<br />

best example of the fourfold interpretation of Scripture in its Jewish form:<br />

the<br />

after verse is read ®rst for its plain meaning, then according to ``the way<br />

verse<br />

Midrash,'' followed by ``the way of intellect'' or philosophical allegory, and<br />

of<br />

``the way of Kabbalah.'' Rabbi Baḥya's work is in fact important as one<br />

®nally<br />

the earliest sources for quotations from the Zohar.<br />

of<br />

Zohar offers no such neat classi®cations. Insights offered by a group of<br />

The<br />

discussinga text may bounce back and forth from readings that<br />

``companions''<br />

be (and sometimes indeed are) found in earlier midrashic works to ways<br />

could<br />

readingthat belongwholly to the world of Kabbalah. Kabbalistic interpretations<br />

of<br />

are sometimes so well ``sewn'' into the midrashic fabric that the reader is<br />

wonderingwhether the kabbalistic referent might not indeed be the ``real''<br />

left<br />

a given biblical verse or rabbinic passage. In one well-known text,<br />

meaningof<br />

Zohar refers to mystical interpretations as the ``soul'' of Torah, distinguished<br />

the<br />

from the narrative that forms the outward ``garments'' and the legal<br />

that serve as Torah's ``body'' (playingon the phrase gufei Torah<br />

derivations<br />

of Torah''], that in rabbinic parlance means ``essential teachings'').<br />

[``bodies<br />

Introduction<br />

lviii<br />

text also suggests a further level of readings, the ``innermost soul'' of<br />

That<br />

that will not be fully revealed until messianic times. But when encoun-<br />

Torah<br />

teringactual passages from the Zohar, it is not easy to determine just where

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