Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press


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(homiletical body) of the text, he is not thought to be the only writer<br />

narrative<br />

Multiple layers of literary creativity can be discerned within the text.<br />

involved.<br />

may be that the Zohar should be seen as the product of a school of mystical<br />

It<br />

and writers, one that may have existed even before 1270 and con-<br />

practitioners<br />

into the early years of the fourteenth century. Certain texts, including<br />

tinued<br />

Midrash ha-Ne'lam (perhaps an earlier rescension of it than that which has<br />

the<br />

belongto the oldest stratum of writing. Then the main part of the<br />

survived?)<br />

includingboth the epic tale and teachings of Rabbi Shim'on and his dis-<br />

Zohar,<br />

was indeed composed in the decades claimed by Scholem. Work on the<br />

ciples,<br />

did not cease, however, with the turn of the fourteenth century or the<br />

Zohar<br />

Moses de LeoÂn. In fact, the author of the Tiqqunei Zohar and the<br />

passingof<br />

Meheimna, seen by Scholem as ``later'' addenda to the Zohar corpus,<br />

Ra'aya<br />

represent the third ``generation'' of this ongoing school. It would have<br />

may<br />

in his day, and perhaps with the cooperation of several editors, that the<br />

been<br />

of the Zohar as ®rst circulated were linked together into the somewhat<br />

fragments<br />

larger units found in the surviving fourteenth- and ®fteenth-century<br />

manuscripts.<br />

is no single, utterly convincing piece of evidence that has led scholars<br />

There<br />

this revision of Scholem's view. It is rather a combination of factors stemmingfrom<br />

to<br />

close readings of the text and a body of scholarship on it that did<br />

yet exist in Scholem's day. There is considerable evidence of what might be<br />

not<br />

``internal commentary'' within the Zohar text. The ``Secrets of the Torah''<br />

called<br />

an expansion of the brief and enigmatic Matnitin, astheIdrot comment<br />

are<br />

enlarge upon themes ®rst developed in the Sifra di-Tsni'uta. IntheZohar<br />

and<br />

whole or partial stories are told more than onceÐone version seemingly<br />

narrative,<br />

an expansion of an earlier rescension. The same is true of certain<br />

some of which are repeated in part or whole several times within<br />

homilies,<br />

text. These expansions and repetitions could be explained as the developing<br />

the<br />

of a single author; however, when taken together with other factors (the<br />

project<br />

of the Zohar and the multiple ``voices'' that speak within the<br />

differingsections<br />

they point more toward multiple or collective authorship. Historical<br />

text),<br />

has shown that closed schools or societies (ḥavurot) for various pur-<br />

evidence<br />

were a common organizational form within Spanish Jewry. The image of<br />

poses<br />

Shim'on and his followers, encounteringa series of mysterious teachers<br />

Rabbi<br />

the course of their wanderings, looks rather like a description of a real such<br />

in<br />

meetingvarious mystics from outside its ranks who were then accepted<br />

school,<br />

the school's leader as legitimate teachers of secret Torah.<br />

by<br />

is particularly intriguing to compare this ®ctionalized but historically real<br />

It<br />

of kabbalists to another that is rather more clearly described in documents<br />

school<br />

available to us. In neighboring Catalonia, the kabbalistic school of<br />

lastedÐside by side with his halakhic schoolÐfor three generations.<br />

Naḥmanides<br />

Naḥmanides' disciple Solomon ben Adret (ca. 1235±ca. 1310) carried his<br />

Introduction<br />

liii<br />

master's teachings forward to a group of disciples who then wrote multiple

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