Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press


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Zohar ®rst made its appearance in Castile toward the end of the thirteenth<br />

The<br />

Passages from it are included in works by Castilian and Catalonian<br />

century.<br />

writingat about that time. In some cases these are presented as quotations,<br />

kabbalists<br />

attributed to ``Yerushalmi'' (usually referringto the Jerusalem Talmud,<br />

sometimes also to other work originating in the Holy Land) or to Midrash,<br />

but<br />

``the Midrash of Rabbi Shim'on son of Yoḥai.'' Some refer to it as<br />

particularly<br />

ancient work. In other cases, including passages in the writings of wellknown<br />

an<br />

Castilian kabbalist Moses de LeoÂn and the Barcelona author Baḥya ben<br />

pieces identical to sections of the Zohar are simply absorbed within<br />

Asher,<br />

writings and presented as their own. By the second decade of the four-<br />

their<br />

century, the Zohar is referred to (by the author of Tiqqunei Zohar) asa<br />

teenth<br />

or completed document. Large portions of it are by then available to<br />

``prior''<br />

authors as David ben Judah he-Ḥasid, who paraphrases and translates<br />

such<br />

sections, and the Italian kabbalist Menaḥem Recanati, who quotes<br />

various<br />

from the Zohar in his own commentary on the Torah. Recanati<br />

copiously<br />

to be the ®rst one to regularly refer to this group of sources by the<br />

seems<br />

Zohar.<br />

term<br />

question of the Zohar's origins has puzzled its readers ever since its<br />

The<br />

appearance, and no simple and unequivocal statement as to the question<br />

®rst<br />

its authorship can be made even in our own day. There is no question that<br />

of<br />

work was composed in the decades immediately precedingits appearance.<br />

the<br />

responds to literary works and refers to historical events that place it in the<br />

It<br />

following1270. The 1280s seem like the most likely decade for composition<br />

years<br />

of the main body of the Zohar, probably preceded by the Midrash ha-<br />

and possibly certain other sections. Indeed it is quite possible that the<br />

Ne'lam<br />

was still an ongoing project when texts of it ®rst appeared, and that<br />

Zohar<br />

of it were beingwritten even a decade later. Because the question of the<br />

parts<br />

origins has been so hotly debated by readers and scholars over the<br />

Zohar's<br />

it is important to offer a brief account here of the history of this<br />

centuries,<br />

discussion.<br />

about the Zohar's origins began in the very decade of its appearance.<br />

Debate<br />

of the Zohar were ®rst distributed by Rabbi Moses de LeoÂn, who<br />

Fragments<br />

that they were copied from an ancient manuscript in his possession.<br />

claimed<br />

was a classic technique of pseudepigraphy, the attribution of esoteric<br />

This<br />

to the ancients, to give them the respectability associated with hoary<br />

teachings<br />

While some naive souls seem to have believed quite literally in the<br />

tradition.<br />

of the text and the existence of such a manuscript, others, including<br />

antiquity<br />

of De LeoÂn's fellow kabbalists, joined with him in the pretense in order<br />

some<br />

Introduction<br />

IV<br />

l<br />

heighten the prestige of these teachings. While they may have known that<br />

to<br />

LeoÂn was the writer, and may even have participated in mystical conversa-<br />

De<br />

tions that were re¯ected in the emerging written text, they did believe that the

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