Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press

Front Matter (PDF) - Stanford University Press


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Zohar is the great medieval Jewish compendium of mysticism, myth, and<br />

The<br />

teaching. It may be considered the highest expression of Jewish literary<br />

esoteric<br />

in the Middle Ages. Surely it is one of the most important bodies<br />

imagination<br />

religious text of all times and places. It is also a lush garden of sacred eros,<br />

of<br />

to over¯owingwith luxurious plantings of love between master and<br />

®lled<br />

amongthe mystical companions themselves, between the souls of<br />

disciples,<br />

and ShekhinahÐGod's lovely brideÐbut most of all between the male<br />

Israel<br />

female elements that together make up the Godhead. Revered and cano-<br />

and<br />

by generations of faithful devotees, the Zohar's secret universe serves as<br />

nized<br />

basis of kabbalistic faith, both within the boundaries of Judaism and be-<br />

the<br />

it, down to our own day, which has seen a signi®cant revival of interest<br />

yond<br />

Kabbalah and its teachings.<br />

in<br />

Zohar is a work of sacred fantasy. To say this about it is by no means<br />

The<br />

impugn the truth of its insights or the religious profundity of its teachings.<br />

to<br />

Middle Ages are ®lled with fantasy. Angels and demons, heavenly principalities,<br />

The<br />

chambers of heaven and rungs within the soul, secret treasures of the<br />

that could be seen only by the elect, esoteric domains without endÐall<br />

spirit<br />

these were to be found in the writings of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic<br />

of<br />

throughout medieval times. All of them partake of fantasy. It may be<br />

authors<br />

that all theological elaborations, insofar as they are allowed to become pic-<br />

said<br />

are fantasy. They depict realities that have not been seen except by the<br />

torial,<br />

eye of those who describe them, or by their sacred sources.<br />

inner<br />

the case of Judaism, prohibitions derived from the second of the Ten<br />

In<br />

forbade the depiction of such sacred realms in any medium<br />

Commandments<br />

than that of words. Perhaps because of this, the literary imagination<br />

other<br />

extraordinarily rich. All those creative energies that might in other<br />

became<br />

have sought to reify sacred myth in painting, sculpture, manuscript<br />

contexts<br />

or stained glass here had to focus on the wordÐespecially on the<br />

illumination,<br />

Introduction<br />

arthur green<br />

I<br />

xxvii<br />

timeless Jewish project of commentary and exegesis. In this sense the Zohar

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