Boyer diss 2009 1046..

Boyer diss 2009 1046.. Boyer diss 2009 1046..
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maxillary divisions. In this case, no foramen devoted solely to the maxillary division of the trigeminal would have existed, and thus a foramen rotundum did not exist. My observations of the original material lead me to conclude that there is no foramen rotundum [i.e., what Russell called the “t.d.a.” is in fact the suboptic foramen, as Kay et al. (1992) suggest]; however, the evidence for this conclusion must partly be gleaned from MNHN CR 965 and is discussed below. One point that can be made on MNHN CR 125, however, is that the “suboptic foramen” appears to be entirely within the orbitosphenoid, unlike the superior orbital fissure, which falls between the orbitosphenoid and alisphenoid. Notably, MNHN CR 125 has a different small foramen just posterior to the optic foramen and anterior to the “sphenorbital fissure.” This small foramen could also plausibly be considered a superior orbital fissure because it appears to open anteriorly through the junction of the alisphenoid and orbitosphenoid (Fig. 2.20: 93). However, this foramen is not bilaterally present and it is absent from MNHN CR 965, suggesting that it is simply another, variably present hole. It does, however, serve to reveal the alisphenoid/orbitosphenoid suture, which spans between said foramen (93) and the sphenorbital fissure (90). Interpretations of foramina of the basicranium have also been contentious. As discussed in the introduction, Bloch and Silcox (2001) implied that this specimen was lacking evidence of a posterior carotid foramen. However, Figure 2.19B’ shows the posterior carotid foramen perpendicular to its canal and illustrates its caliber and shape. There is no doubt regarding the interpretation of this feature given the consistency of its presence in other specimens of this species, as well as in other species (see above). The canal leading from the posterior carotid foramen through the base of the posterior septum 60

is roughly 2.8 mm long. Medial to the promontorium is a groove leading to a foramen that perforates the medial process of the bulla at its medial point of termination, and one that perforates the promontorium itself at its lateral point of termination. This feature has been interpreted as the vestibular aqueduct by Szalay et al. (1987) but it is clearly the tympanic canaliculus foramen and groove, as discussed for other specimens earlier (MacPhee, 1981) (Fig. 2.21C’: 94-95). This morphology is clearly present in most other plesiadapid specimens preserving the relevant anatomy, as discussed and illustrated above. The hypoglossal canal appears septate, and split into two foramina, as in Pronothodectes. Morphology of cranial bones.– Some of the most critical information relating to the structure of the basicranium in this specimen has been lost: What remained of the medial process of the left petrosal when Gingerich (1976: Pl. 8c) photographed the specimen sometime prior to 1974 is now gone. However, a cast recently made from an old mold housed in the MNHN, retains the medial process. This cast also reveals that MNHN CR 125 was broken at the junction of medial tympanic process with pars cochlearis even before the medial process was lost (demonstrating that this specimen was never substantially better preserved than the Pellouin skull anyway). The promontoria of MNHN CR 125 conform well to the description by Gingerich (1976). As noted above, however, neither the posterior carotid foramen nor the laterally positioned g1 groove for the internal carotid plexus has been photographically illustrated previously. Figure 2.21B shows this morphology. Unlike other P. tricuspidens promontoria (see below) and unlike many other plesiadapid petrosals (see above), 61

maxillary divisions. In this case, no foramen devoted solely to the maxillary division of<br />

the trigeminal would have existed, and thus a foramen rotundum did not exist.<br />

My observations of the original material lead me to conclude that there is no<br />

foramen rotundum [i.e., what Russell called the “t.d.a.” is in fact the suboptic foramen, as<br />

Kay et al. (1992) suggest]; however, the evidence for this conclusion must partly be<br />

gleaned from MNHN CR 965 and is discussed below. One point that can be made on<br />

MNHN CR 125, however, is that the “suboptic foramen” appears to be entirely within the<br />

orbitosphenoid, unlike the superior orbital fissure, which falls between the orbitosphenoid<br />

and alisphenoid. Notably, MNHN CR 125 has a different small foramen just posterior to<br />

the optic foramen and anterior to the “sphenorbital fissure.” This small foramen could<br />

also plausibly be considered a superior orbital fissure because it appears to open<br />

anteriorly through the junction of the alisphenoid and orbitosphenoid (Fig. 2.20: 93).<br />

However, this foramen is not bilaterally present and it is absent from MNHN CR 965,<br />

suggesting that it is simply another, variably present hole. It does, however, serve to<br />

reveal the alisphenoid/orbitosphenoid suture, which spans between said foramen (93) and<br />

the sphenorbital fissure (90).<br />

Interpretations of foramina of the basicranium have also been contentious. As<br />

discussed in the introduction, Bloch and Silcox (2001) implied that this specimen was<br />

lacking evidence of a posterior carotid foramen. However, Figure 2.19B’ shows the<br />

posterior carotid foramen perpendicular to its canal and illustrates its caliber and shape.<br />

There is no doubt regarding the interpretation of this feature given the consistency of its<br />

presence in other specimens of this species, as well as in other species (see above). The<br />

canal leading from the posterior carotid foramen through the base of the posterior septum<br />


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