Boyer diss 2009 1046..

Boyer diss 2009 1046..

Boyer diss 2009 1046..


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y a pair of parallel grooves (Fig. 2.6: g1), that lead out from the posterior carotid<br />

foramen (Fig. 2.6: pcf). These grooves lose definition where the posterior septum<br />

contacts the promontorium, but another groove becomes visible more anteriorly on the<br />

lateral aspect of the promontorium itself. This grooves wraps ventromedially around the<br />

promontorium and approaches the s1 (Fig. 2.6: g2). This groove is present in many<br />

specimens, recognizeable by the relationships just described and is referred to as g2. It is<br />

also often present as a pair of parallel grooves, although not in UALVP 49105. A more<br />

dorsolaterally directed groove (Fig. 2.6: g5) that approaches the epitympanc crest, a ridge<br />

of bone that extends laterally from the promontorium, just anterior to the fenestra<br />

vestibuli (Fig. 2.6: ec). The g5 groove tends to be more broadly excavated than the g2<br />

groove.<br />

As implied in the discussion above, the remnants of s1 and s2 are preserved, as<br />

well as s3, cochlear canaliculus and posterior septum. Furthermore the posterior wall of<br />

the bulla is preserved where it contacts the posterior septum, and thus a fragment of the<br />

internal carotid canal is preserved. Although the ventral margin of the canal is broken<br />

off, its mediolateral diameter measures 0.29 mm (Fig. 2.6I). The medial tympanic<br />

process of UALVP 49105 is broken, but clearly shows a dorsal and ventral lamina of<br />

bone comprising it (Fig. 2.6: 25-26). Again, because of the historical prediction that the<br />

plesiadapid bulla has an entotympanic element in it (e.g., MacPhee and Cartmill, 1986), it<br />

is tempting to conclude that these represent two distinct bones. As with the skull, HRxCT<br />

does not reveal differentiation between these two layers (Fig. 2.6B), even though this<br />

isolated specimen was scanned at a resolution five times higher than the skull (8 m vs.<br />

40 m). The semicircular canals of the pars canalicularis surround a deeply excavated<br />


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