Boyer diss 2009 1046..

Boyer diss 2009 1046..

Boyer diss 2009 1046..


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petrosal of Nannodectes intermedius has a configuration more similar to that of a<br />

paromomyid (compare “pd” and “pw” in Table 2.3). Finally, many of the features<br />

characterizing the carpolestid ear are typically thought to be primitive eutherian features<br />

(Novacek, 1986; Bloch and Silcox, 2006), while those characterizing plesiadapids and<br />

paromomyids generally appear to be more derived (Kay et al., 1992; Wible, 1993; Bloch<br />

and Silcox, 2001; Silcox, 2003). Therefore, because many features reflecting characters<br />

coded in the Bloch et al. (2007) matrix now appear to differentiate, rather than unite,<br />

Plesiadapidae and Carpolestidae, I predict that a revised characterization of plesiadapid<br />

morphology will refute the hypothesis that plesiadapids and carpolestids are sister taxa.<br />

With regard to soft anatomical inference, plesiadapid crania were previously<br />

interpreted to differ from those of their proposed sister taxon, the Carpolestidae (Bloch<br />

and Silcox, 2006; Bloch et al., 2007), in lacking a functional internal carotid artery<br />

(MacPhee et al., 1983; Bloch and Silcox, 2006). As demonstrated in the previous<br />

chapters, the posterior carotid foramen and canal exist and the internal carotid plexus has<br />

an intratympanic route in virtually all known plesiadapid specimens that are sufficiently<br />

well preserved. Even so, the diameter of the posterior carotid foramen has never been<br />

used to quantitatively assess the functionality of the artery, though this has been done for<br />

other plesiadapiforms (Kay et al., 1992; Bloch and Silcox, 2006). Therefore, this work<br />

also evaluates the hypothesis that plesiadapids lack a functional internal carotid artery in<br />

a quantitative fashion for the first time using data on posterior carotid foramen diameter<br />

and skull size.<br />


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