Boyer diss 2009 1046..

Boyer diss 2009 1046.. Boyer diss 2009 1046..
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(sustentacular) facet. This sulcus leads medially to the inferior astragalar foramen (which leads to the superior astragalar foramen). Medial to the inferior astragalar foramen is the proximal extension of the sustentacular facet, the medial edge of which meets the medial tibial facet. This facet is proximally concave, where it occupies the sulcus beneath a platform holding the flexor fibularis groove. Followed distally it becomes convex as it also diverges slightly laterally, wrapping around the neck of the astragalus. Because this “strip-like” facet wraps obliquely around the “cylindrical” neck of the astragalus, it is often referred to as “helical” in its shape (Szalay and Decker, 1974). Distally it meets the facets for the spring ligament and navicular bone. In dorsal view the neck of the astragalus is oriented at an angle with respect to the body, such that it projects medially. Distal to the neck is the head, which is occupied by the distal end of the sustentacular facet, the spring ligament facets and the navicular facets mentioned above on its posterolateral, posteromedial, and distal surface, respectively. In dorsal view, the head is much wider than the neck. The medial and lateral edges of its navicular facet appear to flare dorsally and proximally with respect to the middle part of the facet. Thus, in distal view, the facet appears reniform. The lateral side of the navicular facet faces distally with respect to the proximodistal axis of the lateral tibial facet. The mediolateral long axis of this side of the facet is parallel to the plane of the lateral tibial facet of the astragalus. The medial part of the navicular facet (the other half of the “kidney bean”) faces mediodistally, and its mediolateral long axis is oriented dorsomedial to plantolateral with respect to the lateral tibial facet. 342

Function.—The functional features of the astragalus have been discussed at length for plesiadapids and plesiadapiforms (Szalay and Decker, 1974; Szalay, 1984). A few observations and interpretations can, however be added here. Beard (1989) speculated on the degree and nature of mobility between the astraglus and tibia but the occurrence of these elements from a single individual allows a better constrained assessment of mobility here. It can be demonstrated by manipulation of the astragalus and tibia that at full dorsiflexion of the tibia on the astragalus, the head and neck of the astagalus project anteriorly and form an angle of slightly less than 90° with the shaft of the tibia. When the astragalus is plantarflexed by rotating it through the full 90° of arc formed on the lateral tibial facet, there are two other conjunct motions that occur because of the slanting surface of the lateral tibial facet, and laterally concave surface of the medial tibial facet (Fig. 4.30): (1) the astragalus inverts (rotates laterally on its proximodistal axis) by a full 90°. (2) The distal end of the astragalus rotates medially (around a dorsoplantar axis) by a full 90°. The angle between the astraglar neck and body changes by somewhat less than 90°. Thus the act of “plantar-flexion” of the astragalus on the tibia, results in relatively litte true plantar flexion (see discussion below for the broader significance of these features for positional behaviors). Comparison.—To compare P. cookei to other plesiadapids and other mammals, 18 linear and six angular measurements were taken on the astragalus (Table 4.20A-D; Figs. 4.31, 32). The linear measurements were standardized against absolute size in the usual way (see Materials and Methods) using a geometric mean of all 18 linear measurements. The angular measurements are reported in degrees, but were analyzed in radians. 343

Function.—The functional features of the astragalus have been discussed at length<br />

for plesiadapids and plesiadapiforms (Szalay and Decker, 1974; Szalay, 1984). A few<br />

observations and interpretations can, however be added here. Beard (1989) speculated on<br />

the degree and nature of mobility between the astraglus and tibia but the occurrence of<br />

these elements from a single individual allows a better constrained assessment of<br />

mobility here. It can be demonstrated by manipulation of the astragalus and tibia that at<br />

full dorsiflexion of the tibia on the astragalus, the head and neck of the astagalus project<br />

anteriorly and form an angle of slightly less than 90° with the shaft of the tibia. When the<br />

astragalus is plantarflexed by rotating it through the full 90° of arc formed on the lateral<br />

tibial facet, there are two other conjunct motions that occur because of the slanting<br />

surface of the lateral tibial facet, and laterally concave surface of the medial tibial facet<br />

(Fig. 4.30): (1) the astragalus inverts (rotates laterally on its proximodistal axis) by a full<br />

90°. (2) The distal end of the astragalus rotates medially (around a dorsoplantar axis) by<br />

a full 90°. The angle between the astraglar neck and body changes by somewhat less<br />

than 90°. Thus the act of “plantar-flexion” of the astragalus on the tibia, results in<br />

relatively litte true plantar flexion (see discussion below for the broader significance of<br />

these features for positional behaviors).<br />

Comparison.—To compare P. cookei to other plesiadapids and other mammals,<br />

18 linear and six angular measurements were taken on the astragalus (Table 4.20A-D;<br />

Figs. 4.31, 32). The linear measurements were standardized against absolute size in the<br />

usual way (see Materials and Methods) using a geometric mean of all 18 linear<br />

measurements. The angular measurements are reported in degrees, but were analyzed in<br />

radians.<br />


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