Boyer diss 2009 1046..

Boyer diss 2009 1046.. Boyer diss 2009 1046..
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Figure 2.6 116

Figure 2.6. UALVP 49105 Pronothodectes gaoi: A, ventromedial view. B, ventral view. B’, enlargement of ventral view. C, lateral view. D, inset of medial tympanic process in ventral view. D’, enlargement of inset from D. E, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) image, medial view of medial tympanic process. F, SEM inset of medial tympanic process in medial view. F’, enlargement of inset from F. G, HRxCT slice showing that separation between the two laminae visible in B and D-F is not visible internally. H, rendering of HRxCT data. I, SEM of posterior view showing posterior carotid foramen. Anterior to top in A-D.’ 5 mm scale applies to A-C. 0.5 mm scales apply to E and I. Nerves reconstructed in yellow represent components of tympanic plexus. Neurovasculature reconstructed in red represents components of internal carotid plexus. Coarse dashed line – boundary between laminae of medial tympanic process of petrosal, fine dashed line – g3 groove. Numbers and abbreviations: 20 – medial and rostral tympanic processes of petrosal, 21 – tympanic and mastoid canaliculus foramen, 22 – tympanic and mastoid canaliculus groove, 23 – primary facial foramen, facial canal and/or stylomastoid foramen, 25 – dorsal (petrosal?) layer of bone on medial process of petrosal, 26 – ventral (nonpetrosal?) layer of bone on medial process of petrosal. av – aperture of fenestra vestibuli; cc – cochlear canaliculus; ccA - broken open aperture of cochlear canaliculus; ps – posterior septum; ec – epitympanic crest; Ect – ectotympanic; g1 – groove for internal carotid plexus; g2 – groove for distal part of internal carotid plexus; g3 - groove that leads to s2 (for a small vein?); g5 – groove that leads toward epitympanic crest; hf? – hiatus fallopii; pcf – posterior carotid foramen; ppp – paroccipital process of petrosal; s1 – first (anterior) septum; s2 – second septum; s3 - third septum. 117

Figure 2.6. UALVP 49105 Pronothodectes gaoi: A, ventromedial view. B, ventral view.<br />

B’, enlargement of ventral view. C, lateral view. D, inset of medial tympanic process in<br />

ventral view. D’, enlargement of inset from D. E, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)<br />

image, medial view of medial tympanic process. F, SEM inset of medial tympanic<br />

process in medial view. F’, enlargement of inset from F. G, HRxCT slice showing that<br />

separation between the two laminae visible in B and D-F is not visible internally. H,<br />

rendering of HRxCT data. I, SEM of posterior view showing posterior carotid foramen.<br />

Anterior to top in A-D.’ 5 mm scale applies to A-C. 0.5 mm scales apply to E and I.<br />

Nerves reconstructed in yellow represent components of tympanic plexus.<br />

Neurovasculature reconstructed in red represents components of internal carotid plexus.<br />

Coarse dashed line – boundary between laminae of medial tympanic process of petrosal,<br />

fine dashed line – g3 groove. Numbers and abbreviations: 20 – medial and rostral<br />

tympanic processes of petrosal, 21 – tympanic and mastoid canaliculus foramen, 22 –<br />

tympanic and mastoid canaliculus groove, 23 – primary facial foramen, facial canal<br />

and/or stylomastoid foramen, 25 – dorsal (petrosal?) layer of bone on medial process of<br />

petrosal, 26 – ventral (nonpetrosal?) layer of bone on medial process of petrosal. av –<br />

aperture of fenestra vestibuli; cc – cochlear canaliculus; ccA - broken open aperture of<br />

cochlear canaliculus; ps – posterior septum; ec – epitympanic crest; Ect – ectotympanic;<br />

g1 – groove for internal carotid plexus; g2 – groove for distal part of internal carotid<br />

plexus; g3 - groove that leads to s2 (for a small vein?); g5 – groove that leads toward<br />

epitympanic crest; hf? – hiatus fallopii; pcf – posterior carotid foramen; ppp –<br />

paroccipital process of petrosal; s1 – first (anterior) septum; s2 – second septum; s3 -<br />

third septum.<br />


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