Boyer diss 2009 1046..

Boyer diss 2009 1046..

Boyer diss 2009 1046..


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g4 –<br />

g5 –<br />

hf –<br />

ips –<br />

iof –<br />

jf –<br />

jp –<br />

lf –<br />

of –<br />

pcf -<br />

a frequently present alternative or additional groove for tympanic plexus fibers to<br />

reach routes 1-3<br />

frequently present groove that leads from a point ventral to the vestibular fenestra<br />

dorsolaterally, toward the epitympanic crest<br />

hiatus fallopii for greater petrosal nerve of CN VII<br />

inferior petrosal sinus<br />

infraorbital foramen<br />

jugular foramen for CN IX-XI<br />

jugular process of exoccipital<br />

lacrimal foramen<br />

optic foramen<br />

posterior carotid foramen (diameter). *In some cases this feature was not visible<br />

and had to be estimated from the width of the groove for the IC plexus on the<br />

petrosal. If measureable, the value is given after the condition symbol.<br />

pgf – postglenoid foramen<br />

pgp – postglenoid process<br />

ppc – postpalatine canal<br />

ppp – paroccipital process of petrosal. Also referred to as mastoid process. Serves as<br />

attachment point for posterior belly of digastric muscle.<br />

ps –<br />

rtp –<br />

s1 –<br />

s2 –<br />

s3 –<br />

posterior septum (and internal carotid canal): laterally curving septum of bone<br />

that shields the fenestra cochlea dorsally and holds a canal that leads to the<br />

posterior carotid foramen ventrally<br />

rostral tympanic process of petrosal bone<br />

first (anterior) septum: Most lateral septum extending anteriorly from<br />

promontorium. Tubal canal forms between s1 and epitympanic crest.<br />

second septum: Medial to s1, projects anteromedially from promontorium. g3<br />

typically leads to the top ventral or medial aspect of this septum. *in one case of a<br />

P. tricuspidens specimen, the septum was not actually preserved, but surrounding<br />

morphology indicated to the author that it had originally been present.<br />

third septum: projects medially between s2 and raised ridge of cochlear<br />

canaliculus, more posteriorly<br />

sab – strut from annular part to bullar part<br />

scc – semicircular canal<br />

smf – stylomastoid foramen<br />

sof –<br />

spf –<br />

tc –<br />

tca –<br />

suboptic foramen<br />

sphenorbital fissure<br />

tubal canal<br />

tympanic canaliculus: Foramina and groove on or near ridge of cochlear<br />

canaliculus in tympanic cavity marking the entrance of the tympanic nerve from<br />

extracranial space, and the re-entrance of the nerve into the promontorium as it<br />

moves laterally to contribute to the tympanic plexus. Associated canals do not<br />

communicate with cochlea.<br />

tng – tympanic nerve groove<br />

vc – vidian canal?<br />

zys – sutural surface for zygomatic on maxilla<br />


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