ANNUAL REVIEW master Final3a - St Vincent's University Hospital

ANNUAL REVIEW master Final3a - St Vincent's University Hospital

ANNUAL REVIEW master Final3a - St Vincent's University Hospital


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Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited<br />

incorporating<br />

<strong>St</strong> <strong>Vincent's</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

<strong>St</strong>. Michael's <strong>Hospital</strong>

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Contents<br />

Reports<br />

Mission Committee 6<br />

Ethics and Medical Research 8<br />

Health and Safety Review 10<br />

Report from Clinical Audit Department 12<br />

Education and Research Centre 14 - 73<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> Report 74 - 83<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong> 84 - 109<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> 110 - 299<br />

Report from the Director of Operations 112<br />

Reports<br />

Report from Chaplaincy/ Pastoral Care Department 116<br />

Report from Library and Information Service 120<br />

Report from Medical Records 123<br />

Allied Health Professionals and Support Services<br />

Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering Department 124<br />

Medical Social Work Department 126<br />

Nutrition and Dietetics Department 129<br />

Occupational Health Department 131<br />

Occupational Therapy Department 137<br />

Pharmacy Department 140<br />

Physiotherapy Department 145<br />

Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion Department 148<br />

Speech and Language Therapy Department 152<br />

Report from the Director of Nursing 158<br />

Bed Management 161<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> <strong>St</strong>erile Services Department 162<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> Hygiene Services 163<br />

Report from the Professor of Medicine 168<br />

Report from the Chairman Physicians Subgroup 171<br />

Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine 172<br />

Department of Cardiology 181<br />

Department of Dermatology 185<br />

Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus 187

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Medical Oncology incorporating<br />

Lios Aoibhinn Cancer Support Centre 194<br />

Department of Medicine for the Elderly 196<br />

Department of Nephrology 199<br />

Department of Neurology 200<br />

Department of Clinical Neurophysiology 205<br />

Department of Palliative Medicine 207<br />

Department of Respiratory Medicine 209<br />

Bone & Joint Unit 212<br />

Department of Rheumatology 213<br />

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine 220<br />

Report from the Professor of Surgery 224<br />

Reports from the Chairman Surgeons Subgroup 227<br />

Liver Transplant Programme and Liver Unit 228<br />

Department of Ophthalmology 229<br />

Operating Theatre Department 232<br />

Department of Orthopaedics 235<br />

Department of Plastic Surgery 238<br />

Department of Urology 240<br />

Department of Vascular Surgery 245<br />

Department of Medical and Surgical Gastroenterology<br />

incorporating the Centre for Colorectal Disease 250<br />

Report from the Emergency Department 256<br />

Report from the Pathology Department 258<br />

Report from the Radiology Department 262<br />

Report from the Clinical Director of Psychiatry 266<br />

Department of Old Age Psychiatry 267<br />

Report from the General Services Manager 272<br />

Department of Catering 274<br />

Department of Fire Safety 276<br />

Department of Household Services & Cleaning 277<br />

Department of Portering Services 278<br />

Department of Security 278<br />

Department of Technical Services 279<br />

Department of Telecommunications 281<br />

Report from the Human Resources Department 284<br />

Reports from Information and Communication Technology Department 289<br />

Report from Purchasing and Procurement Department 293<br />

Report from the Quality, Risk and Consumer Affairs Department 295<br />

2007 Healthcare Group Committees 297

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Mission Effectiveness<br />

Mission & Values Committee<br />

As we face the many challenges today we maintain the philosophy of caring which is the very essence of<br />

our mission.<br />

Mission Committee<br />

Our thanks to all the members who gave so generously of their time and shared their creative ideas in<br />

seeking ways to promote the mission. The committee met every two months.<br />

Mission Education Programmes<br />

Units 1 & 2 of the Mission Effectiveness programmes were held on a regular basis throughout the year, all<br />

departments were represented with a total of 208 in attendance.<br />

It was evident from the responses from the groups that there was strong support for the mission and efforts<br />

made in all areas to integrate the values.<br />

Feedback was collated and presented at the Mission Committee and at Heads of Departments meetings.<br />

Mission <strong>St</strong>atement<br />

The new Group Mission <strong>St</strong>atement is now on display in the three hospitals. In addition laminated cards (credit<br />

card size) displaying our core values were prepared in-house and distributed to staff at Heads of<br />

Departments meetings.<br />

Accreditation<br />

In preparation for accreditation, quality standards based on evidence in relation to Mission Integration were<br />

prepared for the Leadership and Partnership Team who are working on “Developing the Organisation’s<br />

Culture”. With strong emphasis on the delivery of high quality care we realise that quality and mission have<br />

much in common and are the foundation for all the services we provide.<br />

Role of a Clinical Ethics Committee<br />

Meetings were held for all staff in the Group with the Professor of Health Care Ethics, RCSI starting a<br />

process of consultation, which hopefully will result in the setting up of a committee that would address ethical<br />

concerns.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


Celebrations<br />

• There was a great attendance at the Mass celebrating our Foundation Day on the 23rd<br />

January. Many enjoyed the refreshments and the interactions afterwards.<br />

• On the feast of <strong>St</strong> Vincent de Paul, Mass was celebrated at 5.00pm for our deceased<br />

and bereaved staff. This celebration was much appreciated.<br />

Oratory<br />

The Oratory was refurbished this year. <strong>St</strong>aff from Health & Safety, Infection Control and Chaplaincy were<br />

involved. Thanks to all in Technical Services who completed a splendid job.<br />

Long Service Awards<br />

Long service awards were presented to staff from the three hospitals on 23rd October following the launch<br />

of the annual report. It is hoped that this celebration will now take place each year on Foundation Day.<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> Choir<br />

The Choir performed in a wonderful and professional way at all our important celebrations. <strong>St</strong>aff provided<br />

the music playing - organ, violin, flute & viola.<br />

A wonderful selection of both carols and music was also performed for staff and patients for the Christmas<br />

season. Lunch breaks were given over to practice and recitals took place in the Atrium with excellent<br />

acoustics. It is indeed an event worthy of note in this report. Thanks to all who were so generous with their<br />

time and talents.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Ethics and Medical Research Committee<br />

The <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Ltd., (SVHG) Ethics and Medical Research Committee (EMRC) operated<br />

as a designated recognised ethics committee acting for the whole state in compliance with the EU directive<br />

entitled: “European Communities Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products for Human Use”(Regulations 2004).<br />

In September 2007, the Department of Health & Children extended our recognition as a designated<br />

committee for a period of one year.<br />

Following the implementation of the EU directive (2004) the purpose of which was to harmonise and<br />

standardise approval for clinical trials by regulatory authorities and ethics committees across all EU member<br />

states. The revised document entitled “Guidance on the application for recognised ethics committee opinion<br />

and the ethical review of clinical trials on medicinal products for human use” was issued in July 2007. It is<br />

a requirement that each clinical trial must obtain one single ethics committee opinion for the conduct of the<br />

trial within the state in keeping with Directive.<br />

Committee<br />

Throughout the year there were a number of changes in committee membership and new members were<br />

duly appointed. Dr. Brian Kirby was appointed Chairman of the committee in September 2007 following the<br />

completion of Professor Douglas Veale’s three year term of office.<br />

Meetings<br />

There were a total of 11 Committee Meetings held from 1st January 2007 to 31st January 2008<br />

Clinical Trials Reviewed<br />

Number of New Clinical Trial Proposals Considered: 14<br />

Number Issued a Favourable Opinion: 14<br />

Total 14<br />

SVHG EMRC are the responsible Ethics Committee for the following:<br />

Pharmaceutical Sponsored Trials 24<br />

Investigator Led Trials 11<br />

Pharmaceutical/Investigator Led, External Sites only 11<br />

Total 46<br />

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Research <strong>St</strong>udies<br />

Total Research <strong>St</strong>udies Reviewed 99<br />

Total Approved 99<br />

Amendments<br />

Total Number of Clinical Trial Amendments Reviewed and Approved 60<br />

Quarterly/Annual/Termination Reports<br />

Total Number of Reports Reviewed and Noted 110<br />

Copies of all application documents are available electronically and in hard copy from Ms Joan<br />

McDonnell/Ms Anna Brennan, Ethics Office, ext: 4117 (joan.mcdonnell@ucd.ie). (anna.brennan@ucd.ie).<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Health and Safety Review<br />

<strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> recognises its obligations and duties as an employer, to direct, manage and<br />

ensure, as far as is reasonable practicable the safety, health and welfare of all employees, contractors and<br />

members of the public who may attend our premises as required under Safety, Health and Welfare at Work<br />

Act 2005. The goal of the hospital is not only to meet our legislative obligations but also to exceed them<br />

through the pursuit of best practices in all areas.<br />

Health & Safety is co-ordinated by Regina Rooney and is facilitated through a number of structures. The Health<br />

and Safety committee co-ordinates and monitors our safety management programme and acts as a platform to<br />

address matters pertaining to health, safety and welfare of all staff. It is representative of all major stakeholders.<br />

The <strong>St</strong>aff Safety Representative co-ordinates the process at local level and is further supported by a Safety<br />

Risk and Quality Improvement Group which reviews and address issues on a weekly basis.<br />

Training<br />

There is an ongoing and comprehensive mandatory training programme for Health and Safety. This was<br />

supplemented with department or role specific training for example Medical Gases, CPI training and Train<br />

the Trainer workshops during 2007.<br />

Two Dangerous Goods Safety audits were carried out this year and the department has implemented<br />

relevant staff training to address the audit recommendations.<br />

European Health and Safety Week<br />

In October the hospital participated in the European Health and Safety Week. The theme of this year’s event<br />

was" Lighten the Load", primarily targeting musculoskeletal disorders. The Annual Health and Safety<br />

Breakfast event was organized by Health and Safety and Ergonomics and Back Care with assistance of Risk<br />

Management, Preventive Medicine, Infection Control, Occupational Health, Security and Fire Safety. External<br />

partners represented were the Gardai, Dublin Fire Brigade, Oxigen and BOC Gases. This event is an<br />

excellent way for all staff to update themselves on topical issues in a relaxed and informal manner. It also<br />

helps to maintain the profile of Health & Safety within the hospital.<br />

During the event the hospitals Patient Handling Risk Assessment form “Easymove” was launched. The<br />

‘Easymove’ form aims to assist in providing the best care to patients in relation to manual handling and to<br />

minimize the risk to staff. Overall the event was a great success and thanks to all who participated. In<br />

particular, thanks to all who contributed to the stands and who assisted in making the day happen.<br />

The past year has seen a further roll out of safety statements and handouts including notification regarding<br />

the new General Applications regulations.<br />

The department is also progressing with General and Chemical Risk assessments in various departments.<br />

This programme includes training sessions for staff on how to complete assessments for their indiduvual<br />

areas. Other areas in which Health & Safety has been involved during 2007 are:<br />

• Accreditation • Working at Heights • Patient Restraint Policy<br />

• Internal Disaster Plan • Decontamination Audit • Health and Safety Module leader<br />

- FETAC HCA support Certificate<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Clinical Audit Department<br />

2007 was a productive year, with more awareness of the principles of clinical audit across the three hospitals<br />

in the group. The department continues to support staff in the inclusion of audit within their daily practice.<br />

This necessary mindshift seeks to get away from the idea that audit is an add-on to our daily workload.<br />

Amassing evidence of good practice has been the central tenet of the audit function and we continue to<br />

successfully achieve this goal. Another 35 audits completed in the year highlight the excellent level of care<br />

and service that our hospitals provide to patients. Whether through surveys of patient satisfaction, measures<br />

of clinical outcomes or the adherence to national or international standards, these audits highlight an<br />

overwhelming level of excellence. Where issues for improvement have been identified at local level, the<br />

impetus that drove the staff to audit their work in the first place becomes the enthusiasm to make the<br />

necessary changes for the better.<br />

Concern centres on the blunt instruments enacted for control of expenditure and recruitment at national<br />

level. Such approaches can be detrimental to patient safety and excellence of care, where it has been clearly<br />

shown that additional resources would not just benefit organisational delivery of healthcare but would<br />

enhance efficiency or have a higher return on investment in the longer term. This blanket ban approach on<br />

expenditure has had an arresting effect on the closure of some audit loops in our hospitals.<br />

The Board of the hospital and the clinical governance committee continue to stand four square behind the<br />

rollout of clinical audit across the hospitals. In a new development, a book containing all the poster<br />

presentations at the audit <strong>master</strong>class was presented to each board member after the event. Copies of these<br />

posters were also hung in the foyers of the hospitals, where other staff, patients and visitors could witness<br />

examples of the high quality of healthcare being delivered across the group.<br />

The group chief executive’s support in funding summer projects by medical students has been very effective<br />

in driving forward the audit agenda. These students, some of which were at a very early stage in their medical<br />

training, produced clear and effective audits under the supervision of consultants with significant learning for<br />

the speciality and the organisation. This project had the added benefit of exposing undergraduates to the<br />

principles of clinical audit and adding to the skills of medical students in preparation for employment as<br />

qualified doctors. It is hoped to expand this project approach in following years, through greater linkages<br />

with the relevant schools of <strong>University</strong> College Dublin.<br />

Clinical audit is now established as a component of medical induction for junior doctors. This is very much<br />

due to the re-engineering of the induction process by medical HR. This new approach has been highly<br />

evaluated by our new medical staff and may serve as a model for other hospitals.<br />

We continue to explore newer, different and more effective ways of educating staff in the practice of clinical<br />

audit. We hosted another successful Clinical Audit <strong>St</strong>udy Day and Masterclass with speakers from the<br />

National Indicator Project in Denmark sharing their experience of clinical indicators with us. National and UK<br />

leaders in quality and governance outlined possible ways forward for the group and helped set the scene for<br />

even more audits at even higher standards of achievement. In house, having presentations from Internal<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Report from the Clinical Audit Department<br />

Audit, Clinical Audit and Library Services provided a basis for showing how these three functions could work<br />

in collaboration and this work enabled us to carry out joint audits subsequently.<br />

The attendance took us somewhat by surprise, exceeding our expectations by almost one third. The day was<br />

an enormous success with staff presenting posters of clinical audits conducted during the course of the year.<br />

Attendees voted for the winning posters with the conundrum of having a tie for first place being addressed<br />

by the CEO in providing two first prizes.<br />

The department had the pleasure of assisting the Pharmacy Department in organising a study day on<br />

medication safety. Again, attendance was more than expected and the format of having external and internal<br />

speakers, promoting excellence, is one that warrants repeating.<br />

Whereas we were unsuccessful in getting abstracts for national and international meetings accepted in our<br />

first year of existence, we had a much better return during 2007. More importantly, the high rate of<br />

acceptance for such conferences and peer- reviewed journals testifies to the learning that has been brought<br />

about by conducting such audits. Presenting at speciality meeting and ISQUA meetings offers the hospitals<br />

the opportunity to share our learning within wider international healthcare systems. Several audits were<br />

further recognised externally, winning awards at national and international conferences.<br />

Some of our audit findings relating to primary were published in Forum magazine, again emphasising the<br />

hospital’s goal of working closely with primary care and our local GPs.<br />

Our approach to clinical audit is not confined to the usual topics. Nursing practice development, as well as<br />

auditing the learning environment for student nurses at the behest of the university, also evaluated the<br />

optimal length of shift and preceptors attitudes for gaining the maximum effect for nursing education. The<br />

psychiatrist multidisciplinary meeting was evaluated for its effectiveness, using a variety of audit tools and<br />

the meeting format and structure has changed as a result.<br />

Likewise, a focus groups in cardiac rehabilitation lead to further enhancement of the printed literature<br />

provided to patients following their heart attack and allowed us to increase our experience in patient<br />

engagement.<br />

We delivered lectures on clinical audit practice, clinical governance and patient involvement to students on<br />

MBA courses, as well as <strong>master</strong>s in quality and diploma students and more general audiences throughout<br />

the year.<br />

Finally 2007 saw the launch of the clinical audit newsletter within the group where a synopsis of recent<br />

audits is shared with staff and public alike fostering a culture of openness, transparency and sharing of<br />

learning that we feel is a significant element of the mission of <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s Healthcare Group.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


14<br />


Education and Research Centre<br />

Reviews and Personnel<br />

Research Activities:<br />

Inflammation, Infection & Immunity<br />

Cancer<br />

Suicide & Depression<br />

Postgraduate Department<br />

Academic Activities<br />

Publications<br />

Grants Active<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Contents<br />

Reviews and Personnel<br />

Review by E.R.C. Medical Director 17<br />

Principal Investigators - 2007 19<br />

Research Laboratories – Personnel 2007 20<br />

Research Activities:<br />

Translational Medicine Research Group Inflammation, Infection & Immunity 21<br />

Rheumatology 22<br />

Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution 29<br />

Innate Immunity 31<br />

Liver Research 33<br />

Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus 38<br />

Thyroid Eye Disease 39<br />

Obesity 40<br />

Respiratory Sleep 40<br />

Neurology Research in Multiple Sclerosis 41<br />

Cancer<br />

Centre for Colorectal Disease 47<br />

Breast Cancer 51<br />

Suicide & Depression<br />

Psychiatry & Mental Health Research 52<br />

Postgraduate Department 53<br />

Academic Activities 57<br />

Research Course 58<br />

Workshops 58<br />

Lectures/Journal Club/Education & Outreach 59<br />

Prestigious Invitations/Honours 60<br />

Awards/Prizes & Degrees 62<br />

Publications<br />

Papers in International Peer Reviewed Journals 63<br />

Chapters in Books 69<br />

Grants Active<br />

Grants Active in 2007 70<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Review by Medical Director, Education & Research Centre,<br />

Prof. Doug Veale & Director, Research Laboratories, Prof. Cliona O’Farrelly<br />

In 2007, we continued the significant momentum for development which had been<br />

established in 2006. This included a number of very positive developments in<br />

Translational Medicine research at SVUH, including:<br />

• Development of research strategy; & prioritisation;<br />

• Infrastructural Development<br />

• Funding<br />

• Administration<br />

which all involve and impact on the Education and Research Centre of <strong>St</strong><br />

Vincent’s Healthcare Group, the Clinical Research Centre (previously known as<br />

the Genomics Research Unit), the Conway Institute at UCD, the broader<br />

academic community within UCD and its associated teaching hospitals.<br />

It is with great regret that Professor Cliona O’Farrelly was recruited by Trinity<br />

College, leaving the ERC after 16 years of complete dedication and loyal service,<br />

as the ERC’s Scientific Director to the students, researchers, PI’s and<br />

administration which undoubtedly made the ERC a vibrant and enthusiastic<br />

research institute. It is hoped by all that we can be inspired by her example and<br />

continue to ensure the ERC is active and successful as a leading research unit<br />

in Ireland<br />

Research Prioritisation and <strong>St</strong>rategy<br />

The 3 thematic areas of research prioritised through the Research Advisory Board/International panel review<br />

were endorsed at the final meeting of the Research Advisory Board:<br />

• inflammation and infection, • cancer • suicidal depression.<br />

The further development and outcome of this process has now led to the important and exciting step of the<br />

formation of the Dublin Academic Healthcare Centre - groups from the Mater <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>, <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and UCD together in a single academic and clinical entity which will bring<br />

significant benefits for the organisation, infrastructure and governance and will allow for a clear and<br />

comprehensive research strategy.<br />

Infrastructural Development<br />

The third floor of the Education & Research Centre vacated in 2006 is now being refurbished with Research Laboratory<br />

Co-ordinator - Dr. Emer Bairéad, responsible for significant advances in this area. We have established dedicated<br />

research space with clearly defined functional areas – hypoxic laboratory, tissue preparation, immunohistochemistry,<br />

digital image analysis suite and PCR preparation laboratory.<br />

The combined ERC/CRC management team under the joint chairmanship of Risteárd Ó Laoide, Chairman of the<br />

Medical Board and Prof William Powderly, Prof of Medicine and Head of the School of Medicine & Medical Science, has<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

made significant strides which are intimately interwoven with the establishment of the DAHC. We are pleased that Prof.<br />

William Powderly has been appointed as the interim Chief Academic Officer. Dr Peter Doran was appointed as the<br />

Scientific Director of the UCD Clinical Research Centre in November 2007. Significantly, the CRC received its first<br />

research participants on the 1st of March 2007, and now a number of research studies are underway. The<br />

Rheumatology group have commenced arthroscopic procedures in the unit as part of the Translational Medicine<br />

Programme study which was awarded by the HRB in 2006.<br />

Funding<br />

The new Translational Medicine Research group has been established with a Health Research Board award worth over<br />

€1.5 million. This multidisciplinary group brings together rheumatology, colorectal and the vascular biology researchers,<br />

based at SVUH and The Conway Institute has established a solid platform for collaborative and interdisciplinary<br />

translational research. Researchers from the ERC obtained further major funding for Translational Medicine €1.3 million<br />

entitled ‘Immune targeting strategies: improving the response rate to IFN-alpha/ribavirin therapy in chronic Hepatitis C<br />

Virus infection’ in 2007. In addition the colorectal group have been shortlisted for a prestigious HRB Health Research<br />

Centre Award worth up to €5 million over the next five years.<br />

All principal investigators, senior scientists, post-doctoral scientists, clinical fellows, post-graduate students and<br />

research assistants deserve huge congratulations as the Education and Research Centre have achieved over 70<br />

publications in peer reviewed journals and 6 higher degrees were awarded. This could not be achieved without the<br />

dedicated enthusiasm and hard work from each and every researcher, as well as the superb support of the Laboratory<br />

Co-ordinator, Dr. Emer Bairead; the administration team of Ger Lanigan Ryan & Louise McCormack; as well as the ever<br />

helpful Alan Garton.<br />

The future continues to provide significant challenges for our research community with further integration and<br />

rationalisation of space within the ERC and the CRC and the Conway Institute. We believe that there is currently a very<br />

positive momentum in this regard. This poses a number of challenges in terms of:<br />

• Permanent career track appointments for senior scientists in line with the International Review of Research<br />

remains an unresolved and urgent priority<br />

• Dedicated funding for research support and activities from the hospital and the <strong>University</strong>.<br />

• Coordination, space infrastructure and personnel.<br />

• Development of a DAHC research strategy<br />

• Establishment of core resources especially technical and IT/bioinformatics staff.<br />

These aspects are actively being reviewed and it is hoped that the PI’s, hospital management and UCD, through the<br />

DAHC will support a cohesive strategic plan within a realistic time frame.<br />

Prof. Doug Veale,<br />

Medical Director,<br />

E.R.C.<br />

Prof Cliona O’Farrelly.<br />

Director, Research Laboratories<br />

E.R.C.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Principal Investigators - 2007<br />

Prof. Barry Bresnihan<br />

Prof. Aongus Curran<br />

Prof. Joe Duffy<br />

Prof. Douglas Veale<br />

Prof. Oliver FitzGerald<br />

Dr. Charles Gallagher<br />

Mr. Justin Geoghegan<br />

Prof. John Hegarty<br />

Prof. Kevin Malone<br />

Dr. Donal O’Shea<br />

Prof. T.J. McKenna<br />

Prof. Walter McNicholas<br />

Dr. Hugh Mulcahy<br />

Prof. Diarmuid O’Donoghue<br />

Prof. Cliona O'Farrelly<br />

Mr. Denis Evoy<br />

Dr. Ursula Fearon<br />

Dr. Jacintha O’Sullivan<br />

Dr. Kieran Sheahan<br />

Dr. Tom Smith<br />

Dr. Niall Tubridy<br />

Mr Enda McDermott<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Research Laboratories – Personnel 2007<br />

Director, Research Laboratories: Prof. Cliona O'Farrelly (until Aug 2007)<br />

Research Technology Facilitator: Dr. Emer Bairead<br />

Senior Scientists & Post Doctoral Fellows<br />

Jacintha O’Sullivan Andrew Lloyd Ursula Fearon<br />

Sinead Nic an Altaigh Kieran Meade Elizabeth Ryan<br />

Jean Fletcher Wei Gao Aisling Pierce<br />

Eadaoin McKiernan<br />

Nigel <strong>St</strong>evenson<br />

Research Assistants<br />

Anna Kwasnik Emma McGrath Jennifer McCormick<br />

Sarah Cahalane Catherine Keogh Fernando Narciandi<br />

Miriam Tosetto Monika Biniecka Anna Maria McCrohan<br />

Jorge Ruiz de la Fuente Dermot Bowden<br />

M.D.<br />

Zaman M Badar Tariq Tajuddin Chin Teck Ng<br />

Juliette Sheridan Ceara Walsh Eliza Pontifex<br />

Gavin Rush Garret Cullen Joe Marry<br />

Dave Kevans Jean O’Connell Kavin Nanda<br />

Peter Barry Orla Young Bernadette Lynch<br />

Research Associates<br />

John Garvey Marion Rowland Silke Ryan<br />

PhD <strong>St</strong>udents (Post Grads)<br />

Aisling Kennedy Lydia Lynch Patricia McGowan<br />

Ronan Shaughnessy Lucille Kavanagh Sheeona Gorman<br />

Paul Cormican Aoife O’Donovan Tom Cawood<br />

Martina Gogarty Ellen Moran Mary Connolly<br />

Eszter Nemeth<br />

Aspinas Chapwanya<br />

MSc.<br />

Julie Gorman<br />

MCh.<br />

Mohammad R. Zaman<br />

Chin Lim Hong<br />

Under Graduate <strong>St</strong>udents<br />

Owen Sullivan Aoife Murphy Jannie Michielsen<br />

Research Nurses<br />

Blathnaid Nolan Catherine McEvoy Helen Vaughan<br />

Lisa Gribbin<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Research Activities 2007<br />



• Rheumatology<br />

• Bioinformatics & Molecular Evolution<br />

• Innate Immunity<br />

• Liver Research<br />

• Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus<br />

• Thyroid Eye Disease<br />

• Obesity<br />

• Respiratory - Sleep<br />

• Cystic Fibrosis Research<br />

• Neurology Research in Multiple Sclerosis<br />

CANCER<br />

• Centre for Colorectal Disease<br />

• Breast Cancer<br />


• Psychiatry & Mental Health Research<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Rheumatology<br />

Principal Investigators<br />

Professor Barry Bresnihan<br />

Professor Douglas Veale<br />

Specialist Registrar<br />

Registrar<br />

Professor Oliver FitzGerald<br />

Dr Ursula Fearon (Senior Scientist)<br />

Dr Ceara Walsh<br />

Dr. John Paul Doran<br />

Clinical Research Fellows Dr Chin Teck Ng Dr Laure Brulhart<br />

Dr Eliza Pontifex<br />

Dr Bernadette Lynch<br />

Dr Taj Saber<br />

Post Doctoral fellow Dr Sinead NicUltaigh Dr Wei Gao<br />

Dr Monika Biniecka<br />

Dr Emily Collins<br />

Research Assistants Jennifer Mc Cormick Jorge Lirola<br />

Graduate <strong>St</strong>udents Mary Connolly Martina Gogarty<br />

Aisling Kennedy<br />

Ellen Moran<br />

Research Activities<br />

The coordinated Rheumatology Research group includes four Principal Investigators - Prof Barry Bresnihan,<br />

Prof. Doug Veale, Dr Ursula Fearon and Prof Oliver FitzGerald This truly translational research group has a<br />

primary clinical focus on early, inflammatory arthritis (RA, PsA and juvenile arthritis) and a scientific focus on<br />

mechanisms of inflammation and joint damage. The group has developed and established novel models of<br />

analysis using serum, synovial fluid, synovial tissue and cartilage to search for biomarkers of disease, examine<br />

mechanisms of angiogenesis, novel mediators/cytokines and cartilage destruction in the study of<br />

pathogenesis of arthritis.<br />

The research plan for the next five years is to develop the current expertise and extend our local, national<br />

and international collaborations to elucidate predictors of response to therapy, predictors of remission and to<br />

examine the mechanisms of disease. We have consolidated our use of novel human models of disease, in<br />

partnership with GlaxoSmithKline and Cambridge Antibody Technology, which funded drug development<br />

studies for novel monoclonal antibodies and small molecular inhibitors.<br />

We have in 2007 embarked on a major state-of–the-art clinical research programme to identify clinical<br />

biomarkers of therapeutic response, to identify therapeutic remission for early arthritis, to examine<br />

mechanisms of disease, and identify novel targets for new therapies for inflammatory disease. We have also<br />

developed our imaging techniques with MRI, Confocal and electron microscopy. We have established new<br />

collaborations with colleagues in SVUH, UCD (The Conway Institute, School of Public Health and<br />

Epidemiology) and the wider DMMC. Our vision, shared with our patients, medical and scientific colleagues,<br />

is to develop a centre of excellence for Inflammation and Immunotherapeutics Research funded through<br />

partnership with industry, HRB, SFI.<br />

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Specific ongoing projects<br />

(1) THERAPI Translational Medicine Group<br />

Hypoxia and altered mitochondrial bioenergetics in the inflamed joint.<br />

This major programme funded by a Translational Research Award from The HRB (2006-2011) to Prof Doug<br />

Veale, Dr Ursula Fearon, Dr Jacintha O’Sullivan and Dr Cormac Taylor, hypothesizes that vascular morphology<br />

and synovial invasiveness within the inflamed joint and response to therapy, may be dependent on activation<br />

of mitochondria-derived, hypoxia-induced transcriptional and non-transcriptional pathways and alterations in<br />

genome stability. By incorporating novel techniques, we are measuring for the first time the oxygen tension<br />

directly in lining membrane of inflamed synovial joints using a special probe to measure pO2 and<br />

temperature. We also record the macroscopic vascular changes, and we intend to measure blood flow and<br />

glucose metabolism by dynamic imaging (MRI and PET), while parallel cellular changes in mitochondrial<br />

respiration will be analysed. Dr Vincent Ng, clinical research fellow has successfully established a clinical<br />

protocol to recruit patients (n=29) commencing biologic therapy to undergo arthroscopic examination and<br />

hypoxic measures. He has demonstrated that tissue pO2 levels correlate with macroscopic synovitis and<br />

vascularity. Currently he is examining proliferation and apoptosis markers in paired synovial tissue (Ki67 and<br />

TUNEL) to examine correlations between tissue invasiveness, macroscopic assessments and in vivo hypoxia<br />

measurements. In future work, Vincent is going to examine the effects of graded hypoxia on proliferation,<br />

apoptosis and cell cycle using primary synovoa fibroblasts from patients undergoing arthroscopy. The results<br />

will be related back to the clinical status of the patient.<br />

In parallel, Aisling Kennedy, graduate PhD student, is examining the effect of hypoxia on the<br />

angiopoietins/Tie2 pathway, blood vessel morphology and cell survival in the joint. Preliminary data has<br />

demonstrated differential expression of Angiopoietin 2 and VEGF from different synovial cell types. She has<br />

also shown strong expression of 8oxo-dG in the synovial tissue reflecting that of the in vivo environment.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aining is mostly localised to the lining layer and peri-vascular regions but varies depending on the severity<br />

of inflammation (Fig1A). Aisling has shown that exposure of cells to graded hypoxia induces VEGF and<br />

MMP-1 production, in contrast Ang 2 showed minimal change. Further studies have shown that Ang2<br />

sensitises synovial cells to TNF· induction of synovial cell proliferation and invasion, suggesting that adjuvant<br />

therapy may be a novel future approach. Synovial fibroblast cells have been isolated from six of the patients<br />

in this study and are currently growing. We plan to expose these cells to the same level of hypoxia as was<br />

measured in vivo in the patient’s synovial tissue at arthroscopy. Protein and mRNA levels of growth factors<br />

and their downstream targets NFκB, HIF1α, NOTCH and 8-oxodG will be measured.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Dr Monika Binecka started with us Nov 2007 as a post-doctoral fellow and is examining the role of genomic<br />

instability in the joint and the effect of hypoxia. She has demonstrated high oxidative damage in the synovial<br />

(A) 8-oxo DG Nuclear <strong>St</strong>aining<br />

(B) Anaphase Bridging<br />

Lining Layer<br />

Endothelial cells<br />

Fig 1: Demonstrates oxidative damage in the endothelial cells and lining layer in RA synovium (stained with<br />

8-oxo-dG) (A) and (B) demonstrates Anaphase Bridging in primary synoviocytes and chondrocytes<br />

tissue of patients with low pO2 levels. Currently she is examining the level of synovial infiltrate and blood<br />

vessel stability in the tissue and relating this to patient in vivo pO2 levels. In parallel, Monika is examining the<br />

effect of graded hypoxia on anaphase bridging, telomere lengths and proliferation in primary fibroblasts and<br />

chondrocytes (Fig 1B).<br />

2: Cytokines, angiogenesis and invasion<br />

Arthroscopy and dynamic imaging (MRI/PET) will be used to determine macroscopic vascularity, microscopic<br />

angiogenesis measures to predict cartilage degradation in arthritis patients - pre/post biologic therapy.<br />

Recent targeted biologic therapies, including anti-TNF and IL-1 blocking drugs are effective, but may not be<br />

effective in 30% or more patients. The increasing evidence shows that complex cytokine networks do not<br />

operate in isolation to promote new blood vessel formation, synovial hyperplasia and joint destruction. The<br />

effects of TNFα and IL-β‚ ?alone and in combination with novel cytokines and growth factors, including<br />

Oncostatin M (OSM), IL-17, acute serum amyloid A (A-SAA), IL-22, GMCSF, TLRs and Angiopoietins is<br />

being examined in the inflammatory process, lead by Dr Ursula Fearon and Dr Douglas Veale<br />

(i)Oncostatin M, IL-17, IL-22<br />

OSM and IL-17 work synergistically in human cells and co-culture models of disease, to promote adhesion,<br />

angiogenesis, cell migration and matrix degradation in primary synovial cultures. Using whole tissue synovial<br />

explants and co-culture cartilage models (which more closely reflect the in vivo environment) a dramatic<br />

synergistic reaction between OSM and IL-17 in promoting matrix degradation and cartilage degradation was<br />

found. Ellen Moran, a graduate PhD student is examining the role of IL-17 alone and in combination with<br />

TNFα and OSM on cartilage degradation and matrix turnover. Ellen has demonstrated high expression of IL-<br />

17 in the serums, synovial fluids and synovial tissue lysates of patients with inflammatory arthritis.<br />

Furthermore the expression of IL-17 in the inflamed joint was shown to correlate with disease activity and<br />

duration and to be regulated by anti-TNF therapy. IL-17 alone was shown to regulate MMP-1,-2, -9 and -13<br />

production and shift MMP/TIMP ratios in explants, RA fibroblasts, cartilage and chondrocytes and cause<br />

cartilage proteoglycan depletion. Furthermore Ellen has demonstrated that IL-17 synergistically acts with<br />

TNFα and OSM in the regulation of MMP production and proteoglycan depletion. Preliminary work carried<br />

out by Ellen has shown IL-17 up-regulates the production of chemotactic cytokines and chemokines by RA<br />

fibroblasts, explants and human endothelial cells. This will be investigated further to elucidate the role of IL-<br />

17 on cell migration in the arthritic joint.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Dr Bernadette Lynch (Clinical fellow) is examining the role of IL-22 in the joint. She has demonstrated high<br />

levels of IL-22 in synovial fluid compared to serum. Currently she is examining IL-22 mRNA in synovial tissue<br />

pre/post biologic therapy and is examining the effect of IL-22 on cytokine production, cell proliferation and<br />

invasion and on downstream signalling pathways. Using synovial explant cultures Bernadette will examine<br />

the of anti-IL-22 in comparison to Humira, as a potential therapeutic target. Dr Taj Saber (Clinical Fellow)<br />

has only started with the group and will be examining the effects of IL-22 and OSM alone and in combination<br />

on synovial invasion. Using primary fibroblasts, explants and chondrocytes Taj will examine the effect of<br />

these two cytokines on MMP production, proteoglycan release and invasion. Furthermore she will examine<br />

the downstream signalling pathways involved, specifically the JAK-STAT pathway.<br />

(ii) Serum Amyloid A (A-SAA)<br />

The role of A-SAA in the pro-inflammatory response is an on-going project theme of the unit over the past<br />

10 years continued by Dr Ronan Mullan and Mary Connolly, graduate PhD student under the direction of Dr<br />

Ursula Fearon, Prof Doug Veale, Prof Barry Bresnihan. Dr Ronan Mullan’s paper demonstrating that A-SAAinduces<br />

adhesion molecule, angiogenesis and matrix metalloproteinase expression through the NFκB<br />

pathway was published in Arthritis and Rheumatism, January 2006 and won the best Rheumatology paper<br />

at the IJMS awards 2007. Furthermore Ronan has demonstrated increased matrix turnover in whole<br />

cartilage explants, along with correlation of A-SAA with serum biomarkers of cartilage breakdown in patients<br />

pre/post biologic therapy, suggesting that targeting A-SAA, or its signaling pathways, may represent a<br />

realistic therapeutic approach. Mary Connolly continues to progress this work, specifically examining the<br />

effect of A-SAA on cell migration and invasion, cartilage metabolism and the related transcriptional<br />

pathways. Currently we are examining GFP tagged monocyte migration in vivo using a novel human RA<br />

synovial tissue/SCID mouse chimera model. Mary has demonstrated high A-SAA levels in serum and<br />

synovial fluid of RA and PsA patients. In addition A-SAA and its receptor FPRL-1 mRNA was demonstrated<br />

in RASFC, chondrocytes, neutrophils, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, endothelial cells and synovial<br />

tissue. Mary has also shown that A-SAA upregulates a number of MMPs and GAG in human primary<br />

chondrocytes, synovial fibroblasts and synovial tissue. Furthermore, Mary has elucidated that A-SAA<br />

specifically alters cytoskeletal rearrangement in RA synoviocytes producing filopodia protrusion and<br />

migration. She has also shown that A-SAA regulates avB3, B1-integrins and viculin. Currently she is<br />

examining the effect of A-SAA on specific cytoskeletal proteins involved in cell migration and cartilage<br />

invasion such as PAX, FAK and the GTPases (RhoA, CDC42, RAC1).<br />

Intact Actin<br />

Filaments<br />

Disassembly of actin<br />

cytoskeleton and Induction<br />

of filopodia formation<br />

Fig 2 A-SAA induces disassembly of actin filaments in primary synovial fibroblast<br />

(iii) Endothelial cell survival and blood vessel regression. One of the main interests of the group is the role<br />

of angiogenesis in the pro-inflammatory response, with specific interest in the pathways of blood vessel<br />

maturity and survival. This work will provide novel insights into the complex mechanisms mediating growth<br />

factor activation within a synovial EC model. Dr Wei Gao, Jennifer Mc Cormick and Dr Catherine Sweeney<br />

have demonstrated expression of VEGF and Ang2 in the joint, and demonstrated they have synergistic<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

effects on cell proliferation, MMP2/9 production and tubule formation. Furthermore Wei has demonstrated<br />

that VEGF +Ang2 synergistically induces NOTCH 1IC, 3IC and 4IC signalling pathways. Currently we are<br />

using an RA human synovial /SCID mouse model (in collaboration with Prof. Costantino Pitzalis, London) to<br />

examine the effect of blocking either the NOTCH signalling pathway or the Tie-2 receptor on blood vessel<br />

regression Wei was awarded Seed funding through the UCD scheme to travel to the American College of<br />

Rheumatology Boston to present his work.<br />

Fig 3: (above) Dual immunoflourescent staining with<br />

Factor VIII (red) and ·SMA (GREEN). Blood vessel<br />

staining red are immature and those staining for red and<br />

green are mature. This figure shows there is a mixture<br />

of immature and mature vessels in the joint.<br />

(iv) GMCSF and TLRs<br />

Dr. Sinead Nic An Ultaigh has been examining the role of Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony <strong>St</strong>imulating<br />

Factor (GM-CSF) as part of our continuing work on cytokine networks in inflammatory arthritis. GM-CSF is<br />

found at higher levels locally in the joints of patients with inflammatory arthritis, while levels in serum were<br />

practically undetectable. Anti-GM-CSF may inhibit pro-inflammatory cytokines in our ex-vivo explant model<br />

from patients with inflammatory arthritis. Preliminary data also indicates that GM-CSF receptor alpha is<br />

expressed in the lining layer of the synovial tissue and in the endothelial cells of blood vessels of arthritis<br />

patients. Sinead is also examining the role of Toll-Like Receptors (TLRs) in inflammatory arthritis. TLRs have<br />

been implicated in autoimmune diseases, and TLR expression has been found in joint tissue and at the sites<br />

of invasion into cartilage/bone of patients with RA and PsA. Sinead has shown that cytokines and<br />

chemokines are increased in PBMCs, primary fibroblasts and novel ex-vivo synovial explants from patients<br />

with inflammatory arthritis when stimulated with TLR 2 and 4 agonists. Prelimiary data has also<br />

demonstrated induction of NOTCH 1 in synovial fibroblasts in response to TLR-2 and TL-4 stimulation.<br />

Future work will focus on the interaction of Notch and NFκB in response to TLR signalling.<br />

(v) Proof of Concept <strong>St</strong>udies<br />

Jennifer Mc Cormick is an integral part of the team and is involved in a number of projects in the group. In<br />

particular Jenny works on the signalling pathways and matrix invasion using zymography with Mary, Aisling<br />

and Ellen. She processes the tissue, cells, serums/ synovial fluids from all of the arthroscopies which are<br />

vital to all of the research carried out in the group. We have developed a number of partnerships with the<br />

drug discovery and translational teams within industry led by Prof Veale. Jenny, Ursula and Sinead carry out<br />

these studies using synovial explant cultures, MSD multiplex assays and transcriptomics to establish preclinical<br />

and ‘proof of concept’ drug development studies of novel bio therapeutics and small molecular weight<br />

candidates.<br />

(2) Remission study and Rituximab therapy for resistant arthritis<br />

Withdrawal of anti-TNFα therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in clinical remission: can maintenance<br />

of remission be predicted? The primary goal of this trial is to determine if clinical remission can be maintained<br />

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in patients with RA following withdrawal of their anti-TNFα therapy, by substituting optimal DMARD therapy.<br />

We propose to identify predictive markers of relapse and identify a genetic profile associated with relapse.<br />

Dr Ceara Walsh (clinical fellow), led by Prof Barry Bresnihan and Dr Ursula Fearon, is examining the role<br />

NK/NKT/NKR+ cells in the patients with active RA compared with those in remission following anti-TNFα<br />

therapy. To date results have shown an expansion of inhibitory receptor CD94/NKG2A in remission<br />

associated with an increase in the CD8+ T cell population. Loss of this expansion may predict disease<br />

relapse and therefore allow modification of dosing schedule with important health-economic and patient<br />

related benefits. Furthermore we are showing a distinct population in the joint of RA and PsA patients<br />

compared to the peripheral circulation with expansion of CD56high NK cells with an activated phenotype<br />

(upregulation of activatory CD69 and HLA-DR and inhibition of CD158 KIR and apoptotic CD57). This<br />

upregulation of CD56high NK cells has increased immunomodulatory function with a significant increase in<br />

proinflammatory cytokine release (interferon-gamma and tumour necrosis factor-alpha) from T cells and<br />

increased cytotoxicity of synovial fluid derived CD3+ cells against the leukaemia cell line K562 compared<br />

with matched peripheral blood. Furthermore we are also examining the immunological effects of kineret<br />

monotherapy and kineret in combination with anti-TNF· therapy (SPECTRA) and comparing this to anti-TNFα<br />

monotherapy.<br />

Rituximab is a recently licensed therapy, targeting CD20+ B cells, which is increasingly used in the treatment<br />

of refractory RA. We have demonstrated the presence of CD20+ cells in the synovium of patients with RA<br />

resistant to anti-TNFα therapies. Complete depletion of synovial B cells following treatment with rituximab is<br />

associated with an excellent clinical response. Early depletion of synovial B cells precedes a decrease in local<br />

inflammation leading to clinical improvement.<br />

Biomarkers and predictors of disease<br />

OMERACT project is an international study examining changes in synovial sublining CD68 in RA as a<br />

biomarker of treatment response. This work is being carried out by Dr Eliza Pontifex and lead by Prof Barry<br />

Bresnihan. 22 patients with RA have undergone synovial biopsies pre and post treatment with rituximab.The<br />

slides obtained from this tissue have been stained for CD68 and are being quantitatively scored by digital<br />

image analysis (DIA) in 2 different centres – AMC in Amsterdam (Prof PPTak) and SVUH in Dublin (Prof B<br />

Bresnihan). Each of these centres uses slightly different staining and DIA techniques.These same slides will<br />

then be swapped and sent to the centre in which they were NOT stained to be reanalyzed by DIA.The aim is<br />

to determine the degree of correlation between the results of the 2 different centres, and thus possibly<br />

validate the method of staining and quantification of sublining CD68 in RA despite the use of slightly<br />

different techniques in different centres. Eliza is also examining if change in CD3 positive cell infiltration in<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

psoriatic arthritis (PsA) synovial tissue correlates with change in DAS28 following initiation of biologic<br />

therapy. Finally Eliza is examining the role of TLRs in patients with PsA. Eliza has demonstrated expression<br />

of TLR-2/4 in the endothelial and lining layer regions of the synovium. Currently she is stimulating primary<br />

fibroblasts from patients with PsA with TLR-2 and 4 +/- cJun inhibitors and assessing regulation of<br />

chemokines.<br />

(3) Psoriasis/Psoriatic Arthritis<br />

(i) Biomarkers of Biologic Treatment Response: As part of investigator-originated lead by Prof<br />

FitzGerald, single-arm protocols looking at mechanisms of effect of biologic therapies, 6mm skin<br />

biopsy (uninvolved at baseline only; leading edge of Ps lesion at baseline and follow-up) and synovial<br />

membrane (obtained under local-anaesthetic at mini-arthroscopy pre-and post-biologic therapy)<br />

samples are available for study following infliximab (n=15), IL-1Ra (n=12) and etanercept (n=15,).<br />

Comparisons of immunohistochemical (IH) changes will be made with standard clinical measures and<br />

with MRI changes in the affected knee joint. The IH and semi-quantitative MRI (collaboration with Dr.<br />

Robin Gibney) analysis has now been completed and comparisons are being made with clinical<br />

response markers. In addition, with Prof Patrick Brennan’s group from Imaging UCD, a more<br />

quantitative measure of synovitis is being developed. Finally, funded by Abbott, a new post doctoral<br />

scientist has been appointed who will be analysing differential protein expression in these patientderived<br />

samples together with Prof <strong>St</strong>eve Pennington from UCD.<br />

(ii) Expression and Regulation of Transcription factors in Ps/PsA: This work is lead by Dr. Evelyn<br />

Murphy and Dr. Brian Kirby, the expression and regulation of NURR proteins pre-and post-treatment is<br />

being explored. Findings have established the aberrant expression and distribution of the orphan<br />

nuclear receptor NURR1 in psoriasis and suggest that clinical benefits of TNF-α inhibition may be<br />

mediated through altered NURR1 activity. In addition, a recent paper suggests a key regulatory role for<br />

the AP-1 transcription complex in Ps/PsA.<br />

(iii) T cell Receptor Phenotype: Following on previous publications in PsA, the observations are<br />

currently being extended, in collaboration with Prof Bob Winchester, to ankylosing spondylitis where the<br />

patients are carefully HLA-matched. Preliminary results indicate significant clonal expansion within both<br />

the CD4 and CD8 populations.<br />

(iv) Synovial Proteomics Dr Emily Collins is examining proteomic profiles in PsA patients pre/post<br />

biologic therapy. We are aiming to identify molecular biomarkers which predict response to anti-TNF·<br />

therapy which are present in the synovium at an early stage of treatment. This project is led by Prof<br />

FitzGerald and Dr Ursula Fearon in collaboration with the P.P. Tak group in Amsterdam, and S.<br />

Pennington and M. Dunn of the Proteome Research Centre, UCD. Synovial tissue has been obtained<br />

via arthroscopy at baseline and 1 month from a cohort of patients, half of whom were receiving<br />

Adalimumab and half placebo injections, before beginning Adalimumab after 1 month. We are using<br />

proteomics technology (2D- DIGE and mass spectrometry) to analyse the proteome of these synovial<br />

tissue samples and identify differentially expressed proteins and potential biomarkers. These potential<br />

biomarkers will then be validated using various molecular biology methods. A pilot study on a smaller<br />

cohort has allowed us to optimise the experimental methodology and identify several interesting<br />

proteins.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

<strong>St</strong>udent Awards and Oral Presentations:<br />

Dr Ronan Mullan; IJMS Awards Best Published Paper – Rheumatology 2007 Research Awards. Mullan RH,<br />

Golden Mason L, Markham T, O'Hara R, FitzGerald O, Bresnihan B, Veale DJ, Fearon U. A novel role for<br />

Serum Amyloid-A (A-SAA) in Angiogenesis and Adhesion Molecule expression through an NFÎB-dependent<br />

signal transduction pathway.<br />

Aisling Kennedy; SIAR Award/Oral presentation - American College of Rheumatology Boston 2007.<br />

Kennedy A, Ng C, Mc Cormick J, Fearon U, Veale DJ. Oxidative Damage and Hypoxia in Inflammatory<br />

Arthritis: Evidence from in vivo and ex vivo studies of Inflammatory Arthritis.<br />

Mary Connolly; SIAR Award - American College of Rheumatology, Boston 2007<br />

Mary Connolly, Jennifer McCormick, Ronan Mullan, Barry Bresnihan, Oliver FitzGerald, Douglas Veale, Ursula<br />

Fearon. Acute Serum Amyloid A Upregulates TNFα Expression in RA Synovial Tissue Explants & Induces<br />

Cell Migrational Processes<br />

Mary Connolly: Eular Travel Award– European Rheumatology Meeting, Barcelona 2007. M.C. Connolly, J.<br />

McCormick, R. Mullan, O. FitzGerald, B. Bresnihan, D.J. Veale, U. Fearon.Acute serum amyloid a stimulation<br />

of RA synovial tissue ex vivo upregulates chemokine expression, TNFα and MMP production via theNFÎB<br />

pathway<br />

Thesis Submission<br />

Dr Ronan Mullan submitted his PhD thesis (UCD) examining the role of A-SAA in the pathogenesis of<br />

inflammatory arthritis, under the supervision of Dr Ursula Fearon and Prof Douglas Veale<br />

Bioinformatics and Molecular Evolution<br />

Principal Investigator:<br />

Senior scientists:<br />

Graduate student:<br />

Professor Cliona O’Farrelly, PhD<br />

Andrew T. Lloyd PhD<br />

Paul Cormican M.Sc.<br />

The FIRM III project, funded by the Department of Agriculture, continues to investigate innate immunity in<br />

chickens by characterising the genes mobilised after Campylobacter jejuni infection. We have further<br />

developed the bioinformatic discovery pipeline for analysing the frequency of Single Nucleotide<br />

Polymorphisms (SNPs) in chickens and classifying SNP-rich genes in its genome. We have made a start at<br />

defining the Immunome (those genes that are involved in immunological processes) by comparing the<br />

contents of immunological gene lists. The two projects, started in 2006, investigating the response to<br />

Campylobacter infection in chickens and the response to the diseases of mastitis and metritis in cattle<br />

continue. We were centrally involved in a community project to sort out the nomenclature of avian defensins.<br />

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The bioinformatics group moved with Professor O’Farrelly to Trinity College Dublin in September 2007. This<br />

means that collaborations with other SVUH groups and consultancy about bioinformatics matters will be<br />

difficult or impossible in the future. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work in the dynamic environment<br />

of the ERC over the last 7 years.<br />

Invited talks<br />

May 2007 Bovine & Avian Immunogenomics Workshop. “Comparative Immunomics: Integrated approaches<br />

to analyzing immune reactivity to microbes” Cliona O’Farrelly<br />

May 2007 Bovine & Avian Immunogenomics Workshop. “Novel antimicrobial peptide discovery in chickens<br />

and cattle” Paul Cormican<br />

International Visits<br />

May 2007 Wellcome Trust, London. ImmunoGO consortium meeting. Cliona O’Farrelly and Andrew Lloyd<br />

June 2007 European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK. ImmunoGO consortium meeting. Cliona<br />

O’Farrelly and Andrew Lloyd<br />

Posters<br />

September 2007. Irish Society of Immunology. Dublin. “β-defensin evolution – a broader perspective” Paul<br />

Cormican<br />

September 2007. Conway Festival of Research. UCD. “β-defensin evolution – a broader perspective” Paul<br />

Cormican<br />

Education and outreach.<br />

February 2007 We ran a half day course in Essential Bioinformatics for researchers at the ERC. Andrew<br />

Lloyd, Paul Cormican, Kieran Meade.<br />

May 2007. “Genetics key to healthy chickens” Relay eNewsletter (www.relayresearch.ie) Andrew Lloyd.<br />

Consultancy and collaboration<br />

The Bioinformatics Group was available to consult with and advise other research groups in the ERC about<br />

all aspects of bioinformatics and molecular evolution. Andrew Lloyd continued his collaboration with the<br />

Colon Cancer Group in analysing Microarray Comparative Genome Hybridisation (Array CGH) data. He also<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

worked with Shay Fanning and the UCD Veterinary School on the bioinformatics analysis of artiodactyl<br />

viruses. Paul Cormican has helped the Rheumatology and Breast Cancer groups with DNA sequence<br />

analysis. The group has helped supervise undergraduate project students. Andrew Lloyd continued to<br />

develop and teach a 60 contact hour web-based course in bioinformatics at Carlow Institute of Technology,<br />

which is available for workers at SVUH.<br />

Innate Immunity<br />

Principal Investigator:<br />

Professor Cliona O’Farrelly, PhD<br />

Senior scientists: Andrew T. Lloyd PhD, Kieran Meade PhD<br />

Graduate students: Paul Cormican M.Sc. Aspinas Chapwanya,<br />

Ronan Shaughnessy,<br />

Cormac Whelehan<br />

(started October 2007)<br />

Research Associates: Sarah Cahalane, Fernando Narciandi.<br />

The FIRM III project, funded by the Department of Agriculture, continues to investigate innate immunity in<br />

chickens by characterising the genes mobilised after Campylobacter jejuni infection. We have further<br />

developed the bioinformatic discovery pipeline for analysing the frequency of Single Nucleotide<br />

Polymorphisms (SNPs) in chickens and classifying SNP-rich genes in its genome. We have made a start at<br />

defining the Immunome (those genes that are involved in immunological processes) by comparing the<br />

contents of immunological gene lists. The two projects, started in 2006, investigating the response to<br />

Campylobacter infection in chickens and the response to the diseases of mastitis and metritis in cattle continue.<br />

The Innate Immunity group moved with Professor O’Farrelly to Trinity College Dublin in September 2007. This<br />

marks a change in the nature of a long, stimulating and productive association with SVUH and the ERC. We<br />

will continue to collaborate with key personnel in the hospital.<br />

Awards and prizes<br />

November 2007. We were one of eight selected from the 200 funded under this measure to submit<br />

contributions to a display being prepared for the Minister of Agriculture at the Royal Iris Academy. We were<br />

awarded a €1000 prize for the best outreach presentation. At the same ceremony, Ronan Shaughnessy was<br />

awarded a €2000 travel bursary to progress his research.<br />

Invited talks<br />

March 2007. School of Veterinary Medicine, UCD entitled “The innate immunity pipeline; from receptors to<br />

effectors, and back again?”. Kieran Meade<br />

May 2007 Bovine & Avian Immunogenomics Workshop. “Comparative avian innate<br />

immune responses between commensal and pathogenic bacteria” Kieran Meade<br />

May 2007 Bovine & Avian Immunogenomics Workshop. “Comparative Immunomics: Integrated approaches<br />

to analyzing immune reactivity to microbes” Cliona O’Farrelly<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

May 2007 Bovine & Avian Immunogenomics Workshop. “Novel antimicrobial peptide discovery in chickens<br />

and cattle” Paul Cormican<br />

September 2007. WCUR Plenary Session. “The Immune System as Enemy: how immune mechanisms<br />

contribute to pathology”. Cliona O’Farrelly.<br />

October 2007 Teagasc Ashtown. “Comparative immunomic responses to Salmonella and Campylobacter<br />

infection in chickens: Towards novel diagnostic aids and breeding tools” Kieran Meade<br />

October 2007 Teagasc Ashtown. “Commensal Campylobacter organisms stimulate specific and regulated<br />

innate immunity within hours of infection” Ronan Shaughnessy<br />

December 2007 Royal Veterinary College, London “Discovery and Immune Response Profiling of Novel<br />

Bovine Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs)”. Kieran Meade.<br />

International Visits<br />

March 2007 VIDO, Saskatoon, Canada. Collaborative research visit. Kieran Meade and Fernando Narciandi<br />

May 2007 Wellcome Trust, London. ImmunoGO consortium meeting. Cliona O’Farrelly and Andrew Lloyd<br />

June 2007 EADGENE and SABRE joint meeting, Genomics for Animal Health, Utrecht. Kieran Meade.<br />

June 2007 European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, UK. ImmunoGO consortium meeting. Cliona<br />

O’Farrelly and Andrew Lloyd<br />

December 2007 Royal Veterinary College, London. Collaborator meeting. Cliona O’Farrelly and Kieran<br />

Meade.<br />

Posters<br />

July 2007. NUIM Immunology Masterclass. Maynooth. “Comparative avian innate immune response between<br />

pathogenic and commensal bacteria” Ronan Shaughnessy<br />

July 2007. NUIM Immunology Masterclass. Maynooth. “Profiling innate immune genes for resistance to<br />

bovine metritis causing bacteria in post-partum dairy cows” Aspinas Chapwanya<br />

September 2007. Irish Society of Immunology. Dublin. “Directed alteration of a novel bovine antimicrobial<br />

peptide improves efficacy against Methicillin Resistant <strong>St</strong>aphylococcus aureus” Sarah Cahalane<br />

September 2007. Irish Society of Immunology. Dublin. “Profiling expression of bovine antimicrobial peptide<br />

(AMP) genes in response to post-partum uterine infection” Aspinas Chapwanya<br />

September 2007. Irish Society of Immunology. Dublin. “β-defensin evolution – a broader perspective” Paul<br />

Cormican<br />

September 2007. Irish Society of Immunology. Dublin. “Comparative innate immune gene expression in<br />

chicken intestine after in vivo challenges with commensal (campylobacter) & pathogenic (salmonella)<br />

bacteria” Ronan Shaughnessy<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

September 2007. Conway Festival of Research. UCD. “Directed alteration of a novel bovine antimicrobial<br />

peptide improves efficacy against Methicillin Resistant <strong>St</strong>aphylococcus aureus” Sarah Cahalane<br />

September 2007. Conway Festival of Research. UCD. “Profiling expression of bovine antimicrobial peptide<br />

(AMP) genes in response to post-partum uterine infection” Aspinas Chapwanya<br />

September 2007. Conway Festival of Research. UCD. “β-defensin evolution – a broader perspective” Paul<br />

Cormican<br />

September 2007. Conway Festival of Research. UCD. “Comparative innate immune gene expression in<br />

chicken intestine after in vivo challenges with commensal (campylobacter) & pathogenic (salmonella)<br />

bacteria” Ronan Shaughnessy<br />

December 2007. School of Agriculture, Food Science & Veterinary Medicine Research Day, UCD. “Profiling<br />

expression of bovine antimicrobial peptide (AMP) genes in response to post-partum uterine infection”<br />

Aspinas Chapwanya<br />

Education and outreach<br />

May 2007. “Genetics key to healthy chickens” Relay eNewsletter (www.relayresearch.ie) Andrew Lloyd.<br />

October 2007. Introduction to Core Research Skills Conway, UCD. Talks: 1. Communicating Science, 2.<br />

Laboratory Work - Organisation & Management, 3. Good Laboratory Practice. Cliona O’Farrelly & Andrew Lloyd.<br />

November 2007. “Die Hard MRSA” The Irish Scientist. Sarah Cahalane.<br />

Liver Research<br />

The Liver Research Group operates a four-stranded research programme based on Liver Transplantation,<br />

Hepatic Malignancy, Hepatitis C Viral Infection and Basic Immunology of the Liver.<br />

Principal Investigators:<br />

Prof. Cliona O'Farrelly & Prof. John Hegarty<br />

Senior Scientists: Elizabeth Ryan Nigel <strong>St</strong>evenson<br />

Margaret O'Brien<br />

Research AssistantS: Emma McGrath Catherine Keogh<br />

Research Fellows: Tariq Tajuddin, Kavin Nanda<br />

Postgraduate <strong>St</strong>udents:<br />

Eszter Nèmeth<br />

Liver Transplantation<br />

The Liver Transplant team at <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s hospital performs 50-60 transplants per year. A successful<br />

transplantation program depends on a steady supply of donor organs. Our research is focused on trying to<br />

find out ways of preventing damage to the donor organ due to a lack of oxygen. We have found that a<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

transcription factor, NRF2 that regulates cytoprotective pathways is up-regulated in the livers of younger<br />

donors and that increased expression of this transcription factor means a better outcome post-transplant.<br />

Badar Zaman, Martin Leonard (Conway Institute, UCD), Elizabeth Ryan, Cormac Taylor (Conway<br />

Institute, UCD), Justin Geoghegan, Cliona O’Farrelly.<br />

Hepatic Malignancy<br />

CD1d is a restriction element for natural killer (NK) T cells, a sub-population of lymphocytes expressing a T<br />

cell receptor together with NK cell markers. CD1d molecules bind and present lipids to these NKT cells<br />

resulting in activation and production of cytokines. Immune regulatory functions such as development of<br />

tolerance, regulation of autoimmunity, and potent antitumour and antiviral activities have been ascribed to<br />

NKT cells. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of CD1d isoforms in regulating immune responses<br />

to malignancy.<br />

Margaret O’Brien, Emma McGrath, Cliona O’Farrelly<br />

HCV & It’s effect on Bone Metabolism<br />

Does chronic HCV infection increase the risk for the development of Osteoporosis?<br />

Osteopenia (thin bones) and osteoporosis (brittle bones) are common among patients with chronic liver<br />

disease. The purpose of this study is to investigate the frequency of bone disease in a group of women<br />

infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV) via contaminated anti-D. The underlying mechanisms by which chronic<br />

HCV may cause osteoporosis are not fully understood, but individuals chronically infected with HCV have<br />

ongoing inflammation. We want to determine if this inflammation causes an increase in bone breakdown.<br />

Bone mineral density and markers of inflammation in individuals with persistent infection will be compared<br />

to those who have cleared the infection.<br />

Kavin Nanda, Elizabeth Ryan, Barbara Murray, Malachi McKenna, John Hegarty, Cliona O’Farrelly<br />

IL-10 and TGF-‚ mediated suppression of antigen-specific Th1 and Th17 responses during HCV infection<br />

We have shown that antigen-specific IL-10-secreting regulatory T (Treg) cells are induced in patients<br />

chronically infected with HCV. We found that HCV nonstructural protein 4 (NS4) induces IL-10, and inhibits<br />

IL-12 production by monocytes. We also found that PBMC from HCV infected patients secreted significant<br />

concentrations of IL-10, but low concentrations of IFN-γ and IL-17 in response to NS4. Addition of a<br />

neutrailizing antibody to IL-10 significantly enhanced NS4-specific IFN-γ, but not IL-17 production. In<br />

contrast, IL-17 was enhanced by neutralisation of TGF-β. Our findings suggest that HCV subverts virusspecific<br />

Th1 responses through the induction of IL-10 from monocytes and Treg cells and suppresses Th1<br />

and Th17 cells through TGFβ‚ production. This may in part explain the failure to clear the chronic infection.<br />

Aileen Rowan (TCD), Elizabeth Ryan, John Hegarty, Cliona O’Farrelly, Kingston Mills (TCD)<br />

Cytokine and chemokine signatures predictive of the response of HCV patients to therapy<br />

IFN-α in combination with Ribavirin is the current standard treatment for chronic HCV infection. However,<br />

more than 50% of patients do not respond to this combination therapy and suffer significant side effects<br />

unnecessarily. We propose to design an assay based on these characteristic signatures that will be used to<br />

predict the potential efficacy of IFNα/Ribavirin therapy on an individual patient basis, prior to commencement<br />

of treatment. Chemokines and cytokines that are over- or under-expressed in non-responders will be potential<br />

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targets for the rational development of novel therapies. Analysis of variations (polymorphisms) in the IFNα<br />

and IFNα response genes and the resulting difference in response to interferon alpha may help us determine<br />

patients who are most likely to respond to therapeutic interferon alpha.<br />

Tariq Tajuddin, Emma McGrath, Elizabeth Ryan, John Hegarty, Cliona O’Farrelly.<br />

Regulation of DC-SIGN by IFN-α<br />

DC-SIGN is a C-type lectin receptor expressed by dendritic cells (DC) that binds to a HCV envelope protein.<br />

DC-SIGN expression can be reduced following exposure to IFN-·. In this study we aim to determine the<br />

importance of the expression of this receptor to the outcome of IFN-·/Ribavirin therapy.<br />

Elizabeth Ryan, Cliona O’Farrelly, John Hegarty<br />

The characterisation of T cell subsets in normal and diseased liver<br />

T regulatory cells (CD4+CD25+FoxP3+) that secrete anti-inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-10 and TGFβ<br />

can prevent effective cellular responses. By carefully characterising this population in normal and diseased<br />

human liver tissue we aim to determine their importance in controlling the immune response in the liver.<br />

Previous work in Prof. Kingston Mills’ Laboratory has shown that Fasciola hepatica infection of mice can<br />

lessen the severity of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalitis (EAE). We aim to characterise liver T regulatory<br />

cells in this model to determine their role in mediating the suppression of inflammation.<br />

Eszter Nèmeth, Miriam Brady (TCD), Cliona O’Farrelly, Kingston Mills (TCD)<br />

How does HCV inhibit Interferon-alpha (IFN-·) treatment?<br />

A significant percentage of the Irish population are infected with HCV and IFN-· is the current standard<br />

treatment. However, more than 50% of patients do not respond to this therapy and suffer significant side<br />

effects unnecessarily. The anti-viral action of IFN-α depends on a cellular cascade of proteins known as the<br />

JAK/STAT pathway. We are investigating how HCV affects this pathway and the subsequent anti-viral<br />

response. Our initial results have discovered that a number of proteins of the JAK/STAT pathway are absent<br />

in patients who fail to respond to therapy. We plan to determine how this virus destroys such important<br />

proteins and in doing so we hope to provide clinicians with a predictive tool of response and identify potential<br />

targets of for future therapy.<br />

Nigel <strong>St</strong>evenson, Catherine Keogh, Elizabeth Ryan, Tariq Tajuddin, John Hegarty, Cliona O’ Farrelly,<br />

Aideen Long (TCD), Christine Biron (Brown <strong>University</strong>), Jim Johnston (Queen’s <strong>University</strong>, Belfast),<br />

Charlie Rice (Rockefeller <strong>University</strong>)<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

HCV Research Consortium<br />

The cohort of Irish women infected in 1977 with HCV contaminated anti-D provide an important opportunity<br />

for analysis of host genetic factors in HCV as this group is homogenous for time of infection, route of<br />

infection, racial background, gender and viral subtype. Resolution rates in this cohort have been significantly<br />

better than the average reported rates of approximately 20% and several preliminary studies of these<br />

patients have suggested genetic influences including association between HLA and viral clearance and also<br />

an association between MMP3 and chronicity. The Consortium will investigate the contribution of KIR<br />

genotype and/or phenotype to resolution of HCV in the Irish population.<br />

The HCV Research Consortium was established to conduct research into different aspects of HCV infection<br />

in this cohort. Profs O’ Farrelly and Hegarty coordinate the HCV Research Consortium; which includes Irish<br />

clinicians who have a research interest in HCV infection.<br />

Prof. Cliona O'Farrelly, Chairperson, Trinity College Dublin<br />

Prof. John Hegarty, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Dr. John Crowe, Mater Misericordeae <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Dr. Orla Crosbie, Cork <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Dr. Frank Murray, Beaumont <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Dr. Suzanne Norris, <strong>St</strong>. Jame’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Prof. Dermot Kelleher, <strong>St</strong>. James <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Dr. Aideen Long, <strong>St</strong>. James <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Dr. Lelia Thornton, National Disease Surveillance Centre<br />

Grants<br />

The group has been awarded a Translational Programme grant from the HRB of €1,302,467.40 for ‘Immune<br />

targeting strategies: improving the response rate to IFN-alpha/ribavirin therapy in chronic Hepatitis C Virus<br />

infection.’ With the help of HCV patients being cared for by the Irish HCV Research Consortium, a primary<br />

aim of this study is to develop a test for predicting responsive and non-responsive patients. We have<br />

preliminary evidence that the IFN-alpha activated JAK/STAT signalling pathway is compromised in nonresponsive<br />

patients and this defect can be detected in vitro prior to treatment. Using samples from our cohort<br />

of anti-D infected women, we propose to identify an IFN-alpha response gene signature predictive of<br />

treatment<br />

outcome.<br />

We have demonstrated that the envelope protein from HCV, E2, can inhibit the protein kinase C (PKC)<br />

signalling pathway. Inhibition of classical PKC has previously been associated with attenuation of IFN-alpha<br />

signalling. Thus, we will investigate the role of PKC in the molecular mechanisms of IFN-alpha resistance in<br />

HCV and the impact of G-CSF on these pathways. We thus aim to provide a rationale for its inclusion in the<br />

treatment regimen of the sub group of patients which demonstrate HCV induced inhibition of JAK/STAT<br />

signalling.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

We have also been awarded a grant from the HRB of €299,379 for “Suppressor Of Cytokine Signalling<br />

(SOCS) Protein Involvement In ChronicHepatitis C Virus (HCV) Infection and Failure to Respond to Interferon<br />

Alpha Therapy”. We have observed that PBMC’s from patients with sustained virologic response (SVR)<br />

produced higher levels of growth factors than non-responding patients after IFN-alpha/ribavirin treatment.<br />

These findings indicate that an intracellular blockade of IFN-alpha signalling occurs in PBMC’s from some<br />

HCV infected patients. We propose to define the molecular basis for this blockade.<br />

SOCS proteins control cytokine signalling and have been documented to regulate IFN-alpha signal<br />

transduction and be triggered by HCV infection. Therefore, plan to focus on SOCS proteins and their effects<br />

on ISG and growth factor expression levels. Using siRNA technology, we aim to identify the downstream<br />

molecular targets of SOCS interference. This will be the first study of its kind to compare the cellular<br />

response to IFN-alpha/ribavirin treatment using primary human haematopoietic cells in healthy, recovered<br />

and chronic HCV patients. We also aim to determine whether the failure to respond to IFN-alpha treatment<br />

is mediated primarily in hepatocytes or immune cells. A primary outcome of this study will be a novel<br />

signature of response to treatment, based on SOCS, ISG and growth factor expression by PBMC’s.<br />

Identification of non-responding patients prior to treatment will avoid unnecessary side effects<br />

Oral Presentations<br />

M. B. Zaman. Activation of the transcription factor NRF-2 in donor liver during ischemia reperfusion is<br />

associated with less inflammatory damage and lower trasaminase levels post-transplant. International Liver<br />

Transplant Society (ILTS) June 20-23 2007 – Brazil<br />

C. O’ Farrelly. The Liver: A Sentinel of Danger. International Liver Transplant Society (ILTS) June 20-23 2007<br />

– Brazil<br />

E. Ryan, J. Hegarty, C. O’Farrelly. GMCSF may modulate the response to IFN-alpha in Chronic Hepatitis C<br />

Virus (HCV) infection. Keystone Viral Immunity Conference Jan 20-25 2008 – Colorado.<br />

A. G. Rowan, E. J. Ryan, J. E. Hegarty, C. O’ Farrelly, K. H. G. Mills. IL-10 and TGF-β mediated suppression of<br />

antigen-specific Th1 and Th17 responses during hepatitis C virus infection. British Society of Immunology.<br />

Feb 20-23 2007 Glasgow<br />

Poster Presentations<br />

T. Tajuddin, E. Ryan, C. Keogh, S. Norris, C. O’ Farrelly, J. Hegarty. Suppressed Granulocyte Colony <strong>St</strong>imulating<br />

Factor Production in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients on Interferon –Alpha (IFN-α) Therapy; Possible Role in<br />

IFN-· Induced Neutropenia. Irish Society of Gastroenterology Nov 29-30 2007 – Clontarf Castle, Dublin<br />

T. Tajuddin, E. Ryan, L. Gallagher, E. McGrath, J. Hegarty & C. O’ Farrelly. Expression of G-CSF in Chronic<br />

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection; implications for the outcome of IFN-α/Ribavirin therapy. Irish Society of<br />

Gastroenterology April 19-20 2007 – Killarney, Kerry<br />

T. Tajuddin, E. Ryan, J. Hegarty & C. O’ Farrelly. GM-CSF may modulate the response to therapeutic IFN-· in<br />

Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection. American Association for the <strong>St</strong>udy of Liver Diseases (AASLD)<br />

Nov 2-6 2007 - Boston<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

E. Ryan, J. Hegarty, C. O’Farrelly. GMCSF may modulate the response to IFN-alpha in Chronic Hepatitis C<br />

Virus (HCV) infection. Keystone Viral Immunity Conference Jan 20-25 2008 – Colorado.<br />

M. O’ Brien, M. Exley, D. O’ Donoghue, J. E. Hegarty, C. O’ Farrelly. Alternative splicing of CD1d in colorectal<br />

cancer: implications for tumour surveillance. Irish Society of Gastroenterology Nov 29, 30 2007 – Clontarf<br />

Castle, Dublin<br />

K.S. Nanda, E. J. Ryan, L. Gallagher, M. Mc Kenna, B. Murray, C. O’ Farrelly, & J. Hegarty. Does chronic<br />

Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection contribute to bone disease by disrupting the OPG/RANKL/TRAIL<br />

pathway? Irish Society of Gastroenterology April 19-20 2007 – Killarney, Kerry<br />

Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus<br />

Consultants: Professor T.J. McKenna, Dr Malachi McKenna,<br />

Dr Donal O’Shea,<br />

Dr Ronan Canavan<br />

Lecturers: Department of Medicine, U.C.D.: Dr Gianluca Tamagno Dr Deirdre Blake.<br />

Specialist Registrars: Dr Eoin Noctor, Dr Conall Dennedy<br />

Registrars: Dr Tomás Ahern, Dr G Goawetse<br />

Research Registrar: Dr Jean O’Connell, Dr Mohammed Bashir,<br />

Dr Tom Cawood<br />

Endocrine Laboratory, Principal Biochemist: Dr. Tom Smith<br />

Research-Graduate <strong>St</strong>udents:<br />

Lucille Kavanagh<br />

Research Projects<br />

Macroprolactin (Lucille Kavanagh, Prof TJ McKenna and Dr Tom Smith)<br />

Lucille Kavanagh is supported by a grant from the Health Research Board to support her elucidation of the<br />

nature of macroprolactin. Prolactin is a hormone which comes from the pituitary gland. High levels of<br />

prolactin is the underlying cause in approximately 25% of patients who present with failure of ovulation. This<br />

affects approximately 1-2% of all women. Our studies have highlighted the fact that the laboratory finding<br />

of approximately 10-20% of measurements indicating high levels or prolactin may be misleading. This is due<br />

to the presence of macroprolactin. Macroprolactin is a form of prolactin which, although measured in the<br />

assays, is not active in patients. This department has previously published extensively on laboratory<br />

techniques which may eliminate macroprolactin and also on the clinical consequences of failure to undertake<br />

routine screening for macroprolactin. While routine screening is generally undertaken in Ireland as a<br />

consequence of this laboratory’s research and in 80% of laboratories in the United Kingdom and to a lesser<br />

extent in Europe, screening is the exception rather than the rule in the United <strong>St</strong>ates. Further publications<br />

from this laboratory in the leading American laboratory and clinical journals is attempting to address this<br />

situation. The renowned Mayo Clinic laboratories have recently announced the provision of a service which<br />

screens for macroprolactin. In launching the service, the Mayo Laboratories Communique cited six scientific<br />

articles, four of which were from this department.<br />

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Although clinical observations have been consistent with the concept that macroprolactin is not active in the<br />

body, laboratory bioassays have indicated that macroprolactin retains bioactivity. The classical bioassay for<br />

prolactin uses Nb2 cells derived from rat lymphoma which have been shown to multiply when exposed to<br />

prolactin. When macroprolactin was added to Nb2 cells, multiplication occurred over a period of 72 hours.<br />

Lucille Kavanagh has now demonstrated that during incubation with the cells, the prolactin/antibody complex<br />

dissociates freeing up prolactin in its active state, monomeric, and thus provides bioactive prolactin. This<br />

explains why macroprolactin appeared to be bioactive in the Nb2 cells and indiates that this bioassay is<br />

inappropriate for macroprolactin.<br />

In further studies, Lucille Kavanagh has demonstrated that while macroprolactin is usually due to a<br />

combination of prolactin and an antibody to prolactin, it is not associated with other disorders associated with<br />

the production of antibodies against normal body tissues i.e. autoimmunity.<br />

Dr Malachi McKenna is a member of the Editorial Board for the journal, Osteoporosis International. Professor<br />

TJ McKenna retired in August 2007, but continues with his research activities.<br />

Thyroid Eye Disease Research<br />

Personnel:<br />

Dr. Donal O’Shea & Dr. Tom Cawood<br />

Dr Cawood completed his studies on the potential role of anti-cytokine therapies in thyroid eye disease, and<br />

has also investigated the link between smoking and thyroid eye disease. This in vitro work, funded by a<br />

Clinical Research Training Fellowship from the Health Research Board, has suggested that Interleukin 1 may<br />

be an attractive therapeutic target as Interleukin promotes numerous pathological processes in thyroid eye<br />

disease (including inflammation, glycosaminoglycan production and adipogenesis). Interleukin 1 also acts in<br />

synergy with cigarette smoke extract to promote adipogenesis, which may help explain why smoking worsens<br />

thyroid eye disease. Dr Cawood was awarded the O’Donovan Medal by the Irish Endocrine Society, and the<br />

Novartis Endocrinology Registrar Research Medal for this work and was awarded his Ph.D. in 2007. In July<br />

2007 Dr Cawood moved to New Zealand to complete his specialist training.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Diabetes & Obesity Research<br />

Personnel: Dr. Donal O’Shea, Dr. Jean O’Connell, Dr. Lydia Lynch,<br />

Dr Mohammed Bashir Dr MC Dennedy.<br />

Laboratory work is underway investigating the metabolic and immunological links between obesity and its<br />

consequences, such as type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. A Newman Scholar post is<br />

being funded by Sanofi-Aventis, and the Diabetes Federation of Ireland and the Medical Research Charities<br />

group have recently awarded funding for a 3-year project entitled ‘Adipocyte size and type 2 diabetes; a study<br />

of patients undergoing bariatric surgery’. Dr.O’Connell has been awarded a HRB training fellowship to pursue<br />

this project. The group is increasingly focussing also on the link between obesity and cancer. Funding has<br />

been secured for another Newman Fellowship to start in early 2008. Dr Bashir is looking at novel urinary<br />

biomarkers and diabetes/obesity related kidney disease while Dr Dennedy plans to look at endocanabinoid<br />

regulation of adrenal and ovarian steroidogenesis.<br />

Respiratory Sleep Research<br />

Principal Investigator:<br />

Prof. Walter McNicholas<br />

Summary of Research Activities<br />

The Respiratory Sleep Research Laboratory at <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> continues a varied clinical and<br />

basic science research programme with a particular emphasis of cardiovascular interactions in obstructive<br />

sleep apnoea (OSA). Ongoing collaboration exists with the research group of Prof. Cormac Taylor in the<br />

Conway Institute at UCD and the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Prof. Conor Heneghan and<br />

Dr. Madeleine Lowery), also in UCD. Dr. John Garvey and Dr. David McSharry are the Research Fellows<br />

involved.<br />

Together with Prof. Taylor we have an ongoing translational research programme that explores the role of<br />

intermittent hypoxia (IH) in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disorders in OSA. In studies of OSA patients,<br />

and also a unique cell culture model of IH utilising bovine aortic endothelial and HELA cells, we have<br />

demonstrated that IH selectively activates inflammatory over adaptive molecular pathways through the<br />

selective activation of the inflammatory transcription factor NFκB. NFκB has been shown to predispose to<br />

atherogenesis. We have also demonstrated that the NFκB-dependent gene TNF-α is elevated in patients<br />

with OSA and falls to control levels with nasal CPAP therapy.<br />

Currently we are engaged in characterizing the numbers and activation state of circulating neutrophils in<br />

OSAS patients. Our preliminary data has indicated a significant increase in the number of circulating<br />

neutrophils in OSAS patients when compared to controls. The current project includes collating the<br />

neutrophil counts of the patients (over 1200 patients) studied to date from the sleep laboratory database in<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>. Blood samples are being collected from OSAS patients and non-apnoeaic<br />

controls in a prospective fashion and the basal activation state and response to stimulation of circulating<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

neutrophils is being assessed. We have established an in vitro model of intermittent hypoxia/reoxygenation<br />

to investigate molecular mechanisms by which intermittent hypoxia effects neutrophil activation. Finally we<br />

will correlate changes in neutrophil phenotype in OSAS patients with neutrophils exposed to IH to determine<br />

common molecular pathways which may represent novel therapeutic avenues.<br />

In collaboration with Prof. Heneghan, we have studied the ability to identify sleep apnoea from digital signal<br />

processing of the ECG signal, based on characteristic changes in the ECG that accompany apnoea. The<br />

measurement of oxygen saturations and heart rate variability has been independently proposed as screening<br />

tools in the evaluation of patients with suspected OSAS. In collaboration with Prof. Conor Heneghan’s group<br />

we have evaluated a combined electrocardiograph and oximeter recorder in patients simultaneously<br />

undergoing polysomnography. Interim analysis of the data to date shows a high correlation (0.94) of the<br />

Apnoea-Hypopnoea index by the two techniques suggesting combined holter-oximeter monitoring may<br />

provide a suitable device for home screening of OSAS.<br />

In collaboration with Dr. Lowery, we have developed new surface electrode configurations to record<br />

genioglossus EMG with a view to studying the role of skeletal muscle fatigue in the pathophysiology of OSA.<br />

Dr. David McSharry is carrying this project forward.<br />

Neurology Research in Multiple Sclerosis<br />

Consultant Neurologists Dr. Niall Tubridy, Prof. Michael Hutchinson<br />

Research Registrar<br />

Post Doc.<br />

PhD <strong>St</strong>udent<br />

Dr. Roisin Lonergan,<br />

Dr. Jean Fletcher,<br />

Cheryl Sweeney,<br />

The Department of Neurology has an international reputation in the field of multiple sclerosis (MS) and<br />

research for many years thanks to the work of Professor Michael Hutchinson and various colleagues. This<br />

research has been largely clinically based and in recent years has emphasised the use of disability scales in<br />

MS.<br />

In 2005, a collaboration was set up with the laboratory of Professor Kingston Mills in Trinity College Dublin with<br />

the help of Professor Cliona O’Farrelly of the ERC at <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> (now of TCD). The aim of<br />

the research is to establish a viable translational collaboration between the laboratory and the MS clinics at SVUH.<br />

Dr. Jean Fletcher started in August 2005 and is looking at serum samples for people with MS attending the<br />

neurology clinics. She is looking at the effect of interleukin -17 in MS in particular and the aim is to try and<br />

establish the role of T regulatory cells in this condition. It is ultimately hoped that by establishing a role for<br />

such cells in MS it may be possible to develop potential therapies. Jean is also extracting DNA from a second<br />

sample for storage which we intend to use in further work at a later stage and to share with other established<br />

groups in this area of research. Jean is working with Cheryl Sweeney who is helping with the human work<br />

but also working for her own PhD using animal models.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

To achieve this, of course, close co-operation is required with the clinical team. Dr. Lisa Costelloe was doing<br />

an MD in this area at the Dept of Neurology. Drs. Roisin Lonergan (MS research) and David Bradley<br />

(Dystonia) joined us in July 2007. A new clinic was set up in 2005 specifically for people with MS. In 18<br />

months, almost 500 patients with MS and 150 control subjects have been recruited. Lisa Costelloe, Roisin<br />

Lonergan, Niall Tubridy and Michael Hutchinson assess the patients clinically and document the disease<br />

phenotype in each individual seen. This is done in the course of ‘normal’ clinical care. The work of Katie Doyle,<br />

MS Research Nurse, Sinead Jordan, Research Nurse, and Marguerite Duggan, MS Specialist Nurse, has<br />

been integral to the smooth running of this project and the ongoing care our patients.<br />

We have also undertaken work in collaboration with Dr. Margaret O’Brien looking at OAS in MS and plan<br />

further studies in vitamin D receptor genes in 2008.<br />

In addition to immunological research, we have a long-standing interest in the evaluation of clinical outcome<br />

measures for MS drug trials. In particular, the health related quality of life of MS patients and its quantification<br />

is being examined longitudinally in a large MS cohort attending this hospital. We have established a clinically<br />

useful and psychometrically valid “minimal change score” for one of the widely used MS self–report<br />

instruments. Doctor reported MS rating scales are also being evaluated for clinimetric characteristics that<br />

would make them effective outcome measures for RCTs).<br />

In 2007 and 2008 we plan a large scale study of the epidemiology of MS in Ireland based in Dublin, Donegal<br />

and Wexford. We aim to look at immunological, genetic and vitamin D markers in a large cohort of people<br />

with MS and controls in Ireland.<br />

Current MS Clinical Research Projects of the Neurology Research group<br />

1. Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) of the Medial Longitudinal Fasiculus in Multiple Sclerosis patients<br />

with Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia<br />

To investigate the specificity of DTI, a novel MRI technique that provides information about the direction of<br />

white matter tracts, compared to conventional MRI for detecting disruption of the medial longitudina<br />

fasiculus in MS.<br />

Clinically, superior visualisation of new lesions and axonal loss may be of prognostic value and may<br />

enable us to monitor response to therapy in longitudinal studies.<br />

In collaboration with Jonathan Mc Nulty (Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging, UCD), Professor Patrick Brennan,<br />

UCD, Professor Powderly, UCD, Dr. Risteard O’Laoide, SVUH<br />

2 Cognitive Functioning in Multiple Sclerosis: a longitudinal ERP analysis to quantify the degree of<br />

mpairment due to MS<br />

In collaboration with Dr. Robert Whelan, PhD Research Fellow Departments of Psychiatry and<br />

Neurology, SVUH.<br />

Cognitive impairment (CI) in MS represents a balance between destruction, repair and<br />

adaptivefunctional reorganisation. Contrast-enhanced MRI often fails to detect diffuse pathological<br />

changes in normal appearing brain tissue. Event Related Potentials (ERP), small fluctuations of the EEG<br />

related to the processing of a relevant stimulus, measure information-processing speed and are the<br />

most robust and sensitive markers of CI in MS. They are sensitive to subtle CI, which influences daily<br />

activities and quality of life, work performance, independent coping skills<br />

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Electrophysiological characterisation of patterns and extent of cognitive impairment (CI) over time,and<br />

comparison with phenotype and MRI, may enable identification of disease pattern and progress.<br />

Clinically, this may predict disease course and guide therapeutic decisions. We are longitudinally<br />

correlating clinical and ERP findings in MS patients with findings in healthy controls.<br />

3. Epidemiology of Multiple Sclerosis in Ireland: prevalence study in Dublin, Wexford and Donegal<br />

looking at differences in clinical, genetic, immunological, and vitamin D status nationally.<br />

The aims are:<br />

a) To establish current prevalence of multiple sclerosis (MS) in three centres in Ireland.<br />

<strong>St</strong>udies suggest increasing worldwide prevalence of MS.This appears to be true in Ireland.<br />

Establishing prevalence, especially if increased, has important implications for health service<br />

planning.<br />

b) To determine any differences in vitamin D levels between people with MS in the North and<br />

South of Ireland, and controls.<br />

Vitamin D is generated in the dermal skin layer after exposure to sufficient ultraviolet radiation. During<br />

winter months at latitudes >45°, including Ireland, even prolonged sunlight exposure is inadequate to<br />

support adequate vitamin D synthesis. Past sun exposure and vitamin D supplementation have been<br />

associated with decreased risk of MS. In one study, MS patients had significantly lower serum 25(OH)<br />

D concentrations in June to September compared with controls. During MS relapses,levels were lower<br />

than in remission, suggesting that vitamin D could be involved in the regulation of the disease activity<br />

of MS.<br />

The metabolically active form of vitamin D, calcitriol (1, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3), has potent<br />

immunological properties. Earlier studies have shown that in vivo treatment with vitamin D analogs<br />

ameliorates experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) in association with the inhibition of IL-12<br />

production and Th1 differentiation.<br />

Vitamin D status has not yet been examined in MS patients living in Ireland, an area of high latitude, little<br />

sunshine and high incidence of MS. Demonstration of suboptimal levels could have important<br />

implications for future trials of vitamin D therapy, an accessible, inexpensive oral medication.<br />

c) To determine the link between vitamin D and T regulatory (Treg) cells in MS, using CD39 as a<br />

marker of functional Treg, and attempting to correlate it witH vitamin D level and other clinical<br />

parameters.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Vitamin D is thought to mediate its immunomodulatory effects via the induction of tolerogenic dendritic<br />

cells and regulatory T cells. IL-10 is also thought to play an important role in mediating the effects of<br />

Vitamin D3. CD39, a recently described marker that identifies a subset of Treg, converts ATP to<br />

adenosine, thereby mediating suppressive effects.<br />

We plan to use CD39 as a marker of functional Treg and to correlate %CD39 expressing Treg with<br />

vitamin D levels and other clinical parameters.<br />

We will also measure the concentrations of IL-10 and other cytokines in the serum and correlate these<br />

with Vitamin D levels.<br />

d) To determine any genetic differences between people with MS in the Northwest and the South of<br />

Ireland, and to compare with controls.<br />

HLA DRB1*1501 typing and examination of vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms, which have<br />

been associated with MS.<br />

Genetic susceptibility to MS is implicated on the basis of classical family and monozygotic twin studies.<br />

However the concordance rate in identical twins is only 25 to 30%, despite sharing 100% of DNA and<br />

family environment. MS does not follow a particular pattern of inheritance and is probably a<br />

multifactorial, polygenic disorder.<br />

Several reviews have discussed linkage and association studies of the well known multiple sclerosis<br />

candidate genes, the MHC, and specifically the HLA located at chromosome 6 (6p21), have long been<br />

known to be associated with MS but exact location of the locus within the HLA complex is still largely<br />

presumptive. In Northern European, and Ireland, carriage of DRB1*1501and the DQB2*0602 haplotype<br />

of the HLA class 11 molecule is associated with increased MS risk.<br />

Until recent association of IL2RA and IL7RA gene SNPs with MS, no definite links beyond MHC on<br />

chromosome 6 had been established. However, this explains only a small proportion (less than 0.2%)<br />

of the variance in the risk of the development of multiple sclerosis. As previously mentioned, vitamin D<br />

receptor gene polymorphisms may also play a role in development of MS. It is likely that susceptibility<br />

to MS probably consists of many risk alleles, each contributing a modest effect to overall risk.<br />

e) To assess the needs of people with MS in Dublin, Wexford and Donegal<br />

In collaboration with Dr. Malachi Mc Kenna, Consultant Endocrinologist; Dr. Barbara Murray, Principal<br />

Biochemist; Dr. Jennifer Brady, Senior Biochemist, Metabolism Laboratory, SVUH; Dr. M.O’Brien, PhD<br />

Genetics; Dr. J. Fletcher, Immunology, TCD; Dr. C. Dunne, IBTS; Dr. P. Fitzpatrick, UCD School of Public<br />

Health /Pop. Science; Dr. Howard Johnson, National Population Health Directorate, HSE, Dr <strong>St</strong>eevens<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong>; Dr. Peter Doran, CRC; MS Society<br />

4. Oligoadenylate synthetase (OAS) in Multiple Sclerosis: not just a haplotype association.<br />

MS is an autoimmune disease characterised by unregulated inflammation and subsequent<br />

neurodegeneration. Type 1 Interferon (IFN) therapy is effective in some, but not all, patients. Type 1<br />

interferons (endogenous and exogenous) exert anti-inflammatory effects by upregulating a number of<br />

proteins, including those of the OAS family. A number of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the<br />

OAS 1 gene have been identified. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at exon 7 in the OAS 1 gene<br />

influences OAS enzyme activity. Allele ‘G’ at exon 7 is associated with highest, and Allele ‘A’ lowest, OAS<br />

activity.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Thus, genotype may be associated with the development of MS. In addition, it may also determine<br />

response to interferon therapy.<br />

OAS genotype of 311 MS patients and 112 controls was determined using restriction fragment length<br />

polymorphisms (RFLP).A functional SNP at exon 7 in OAS1 was significantly associated with<br />

susceptibility to MS (the first study to demonstrate this).<br />

There was a significant difference in genotype distribution and allele frequency (higher levels of ‘A’<br />

allele and lower ‘G’ allele) in MS patients compared to controls.<br />

The results also suggested that AA is more common in highly active disease (in a group of patients<br />

with suboptimal response to IFN therapy). As OAS is up regulated by IFN in vivo and in vitro, OAS1<br />

SNPs may also play a role in treatment response. The clinical and economic impact would be significant<br />

if genotyping, which is relatively inexpensive and accessible, could guide treatment choice.<br />

We now plan to genotype further subgroups (i.e. benign MS cohort/ patients with suboptimal response<br />

to IFN/ relatives of affected individuals), and to correlate genotype with MRI features and disease severity.<br />

Collaboration<br />

Dr. Margaret O’Brien, MB BChBAO, PhD Genetics, UCD; Dr. Jean Fletcher, PhD, Immune Regulation Research<br />

Group, TCD<br />

5. Does IL-17 play a role in MS?<br />

A number of recent studies in the EAE model for MS have identified a key role for IL-17 in<br />

neuroinflammation. It is not yet know whether IL-17 plays a similar role in the pathogenesis of MS. We<br />

are therefore comparing the cytokines (IL-17, IL-22, IL-10 and IFN-γ) produced in response to myelin<br />

proteins by T cells from MS patients and healthy controls.<br />

We have also measured the concentrations of cytokines in the serum of patients and controls and found<br />

that IL-17 and IFN-Á were elevated in a subset of patients. Furthermore, there was a strong correlation<br />

between the levels of IL-17 and IFN-Á.<br />

In collaboration with Prof. Kingston Mills, TCD; Dr Jean Fletcher, TCD<br />

6. A reduction in thymically-derived natural regulatory T cells in patients with multiple sclerosis<br />

CD4+CD25+ Foxp3+ naturally occurring regulatory T cells (Treg) play an essential role in maintaining<br />

tolerance and preventing autoimmune disease via suppression of autoreactive T cells. It has been<br />

shown that the suppressive function of Treg is defective in relapsing remitting (RR) multiple sclerosis<br />

(MS) patients when compared to healthy controls. However, we and others have shown that the total<br />

number of Treg in MS patients is similar to that found in healthy controls, thus the reason for the defect<br />

in regulatory function in MS is unknown.<br />

It is thought that Treg specific for self antigens are thymically derived, however Treg can also be<br />

generated in the periphery, which are likely to be specific for non-self antigens. In this study we sought<br />

to compare the number of thymically derived Treg in MS patients with that of controls, by measuring<br />

CD31 expression which has been described as a marker for recent thymic emigrants.<br />

A significantly decreased percentage of CD31+ naïve Treg was observed in MS patients compared to<br />

controls.<br />

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In collaboration with Prof. Kingston Mills, TCD; Dr Jean Fletcher, TCD<br />

7. The effects of IFN-‚ on Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) induced cytokine production by dendritic cells<br />

IFNα‚ is currently the most commonly used immunomodulatory treatment for MS; however the<br />

mechanism by which it mediates these effects is still not well understood. Dendritic cells play a pivotal<br />

role in directing immune responses via their production of of cytokines, usually in response to infection<br />

via stimulation of TLRs. We are therefore investigating the ability of IFN-β to modulate the cytokine<br />

profile of dendritic cells stimulated with different TLR agonists.<br />

Treatment of DCs with IFN beta suppressed production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-12p40<br />

and IL-23, following TLR2 activation, but not in response to agonists for other TLRs. We are currently<br />

investigating whether this effect is due to induction of IL-10. These data suggest that IFN-beta may<br />

exert its protective effect in MS patients by modulating production of innate inflammatory cytokines that<br />

promote the induction of pathogenic autoreactive T cells<br />

In collaboration with Prof. Kingston Mills, TCD; Cheryl Sweeney TCD; Dr Jean Fletcher TCD<br />

8. An examination of the response shift phenomenon in relation to quality of life assessment in Multiple<br />

Sclerosis.<br />

L. Costelloe, K.O’Rourke, C. McGuigan, C Walsh, N Tubridy, M Hutchinson<br />

‘Response shift’ describes a change in the patient’s measure of self-evaluation in relation to a target<br />

construct (e.g. quality-of-life measures). It may be a source of bias in self-report studies. This paper<br />

describes the occurrence of a ‘response shift’ in patients with MS of varying severity.<br />

From this cohort we plan to re-assess a group of 100 patients with significant disability, observing for<br />

further evidence of the ‘response shift’ phenomenon, comparing clinical findings with patient perception<br />

of the impact of MS on their physical and psychological well-being (MSIS-29 scale).<br />

Meetings attended<br />

ABN London 2007 ECTRIMS – Prague, October 11th-14th 2007<br />

AAN Boston 2007<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Centre for Colorectal Disease<br />

Personnel:<br />

Consultant Gastroenterologist<br />

Diarmuid O’Donoghue<br />

(Director of Centre for Colorectal Disease)<br />

Consultant Surgeon John Hyland Des Winter<br />

Consultant Pathologists<br />

Kieran Sheahan<br />

Consultant Gastroenterologists<br />

Hugh Mulcahy<br />

Consultant Oncologist<br />

David Fennelly<br />

Senior Research Scientist<br />

Jacintha O’Sullivan<br />

Consultant Pathologist<br />

David Gibbons<br />

Consultant Radiation Oncologists John Armstrong Michael Moriarty<br />

Genetic Nurse Specialist<br />

Denise Keegan<br />

Cancer Nurse Co-ordinator<br />

Anne White<br />

Nurse Specialists Nikki Smith Grace McEvoy<br />

Senior Medical Scientists<br />

Robert Geragthy<br />

Research Nurse<br />

Blathnaid Nolan<br />

Senior Scientists<br />

Dermot Leahy<br />

Research Assistant<br />

Miriam Tosetto<br />

Postdoctoral Fellow (joint fellow with Rheumatology) Monica Biniecka<br />

Postdoctoral Fellow (NCI/HRB fellow)<br />

Edward Fox<br />

MD research fellow Alan Coss Dave Kevans<br />

Garret Cullen<br />

Joe Marry<br />

Ph.D students Sheeona Gorman Juliette Sheridan<br />

Maciej Milewski<br />

MSc. <strong>St</strong>udents<br />

Julie Gorman<br />

MCh fellow<br />

Chin Hong Lim<br />

Changes to our research team in 2007:<br />

In 2007, Maciej Milewski joined our group as a Ph.D student and is analysing the molecular features<br />

associated with familial colorectal cancer. Maciej is funded by a HRB project grant. Monika Biniecka has<br />

embarked on postdoctoral studies in collaboration between our group and the Department of Rheumatology,<br />

<strong>St</strong> Vincents <strong>Hospital</strong>. Monika is investigating how genomic instability events may be altered in the hypoxic<br />

joint and how this in turn may control disease progression and treatment sensitivity in rheumatoid arthritis<br />

patients. Monika is funded for 3 years by a HRB Translational research grant (PI: D. Veale, co-applicants: J<br />

O’Sullivan, U Fearon and C Taylor). Also in 2007, Edward Fox a postdoctoral fellow was awarded a prestigious<br />

joint HRB/NCI grant to spend one year in the Joesph Gottesin laboratory in Seattle with Prof. Larry Loeb<br />

and the second year in <strong>St</strong> Vincents <strong>Hospital</strong>. Edward is currently in Seattle learning new technologies to<br />

assess the levels of random nuclear and mitochondrial mutations in adenoma and colorectal cancer tissue.<br />

These technologies will be translated back to our laboratory later this year.<br />

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Education & Research<br />

Poster Presentations in 2007<br />

Fox E, Bielas J, Hyland J, O’Donoghue D, Sheahan K, O’Sullivan J and Loeb L.<br />

Mutator phenotype in colon cancer. AACR Special Conference in Cancer Research: Advances in Colon<br />

Cancer Research. Nov, 2007; Boston, USA.<br />

Cullen G, Tossetto M, Gorman S, Mulcahy HE, O’Donoghue DP, O’Sullivan J.<br />

Reduction of interleukin-1ß by cigarette smoke extract – a possible mechanism for disease protection in<br />

ulcerative colitis. Poster presentation, ISG Winter Meeting 2007<br />

Milewski M, Moss C, O’Donoghue DP, Sheahan K, Leahy DT.<br />

Detection of BRAF mutation in colorectal cancer. 7th Annual UCD Conway Festival of Research, Dublin,<br />

September, 2007.<br />

E Fox, D Leahy, R Geraghty, H Mulcahy, J Hyland, D Fennelly, D O’Donoghue, K Sheahan<br />

Transcriptomic profiling may be useful in predicting recurrence in <strong>St</strong>age II colorectal cancer. Irish<br />

Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Cork, March, 2007.<br />

Coss A, Sheahan K, Sullivan S, Fox E, Hyland J, O'Donoghue D, Leahy D, Mulcahy H, O'Sullivan J<br />

Alterations of the topoisomerase II alpha gene and protein in colorectal cancer. Irish Association for<br />

Cancer Research Annual Meeting, Cork, March, 2007.<br />

A Coss, K Sheahan, S Sullivan, E Fox, J Hyland, D O'Donoghue, D Leahy, H Mulcahy, J O'Sullivan.<br />

Amplification of Topoisomerase II· Occurs in Colorectal Cancer and Its Expression Is Associated with<br />

Aggressive Disease. (Poster Presentation), Annual Meeting of the American Gastroenterological<br />

Association Institute and Digestive Disease Week, Washington, May, 2007.<br />

Sheridan J, Wang L, Tosetto M, Dave Kevans, Hyland J, Sheahan K, O’Donoghue D, Mulcahy H & O’Sullivan<br />

J. High levels of 8-Hydroxyguanine, a marker of oxidative DNA Damage predicts overall survival in<br />

sporadic colorectal cancer. AACR conference on colorectal cancer, Boston, Nov, 2007.<br />

S. Gorman, M. Tosetto, H. Mulcahy, O. Howe, F. Lyng, D. O’Donoghue, J. Hyland, D. Fennelly, Gibbons D, Winter<br />

D, K. Sheahan & J. O’Sullivan. Gamma ray-induced bystander effects in colorectal cancer: a specific study<br />

on cell cycle alterations, cytokine release and early genomic instability events. AACR, Boston, Nov 2007.<br />

S. Gorman, M. Tosetto, H. Mulcahy, O. Howe, F. Lyng, D. O’Donoghue, J. Hyland, D. Fennelly, K. Sheahan & J.<br />

O’Sullivan. Radiation and chemotherapy bystander effects in ex vivo tumour and matching normal<br />

colorectal explants; possible role in secondary tumour formation. IACR, Cork, March 2007.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

S. Gorman, M. Tosetto, H. Mulcahy, O. Howe, F. Lyng, D. O’Donoghue, J. Hyland, D. Fennelly, Gibbons D, Winter<br />

D, K. Sheahan & J. O’Sullivan. Gamma ray-induced bystander effects in colorectal cancer: a specific study<br />

on cell cycle alterations, cytokine release and early genomic instability events. ISG, Nov 2007.<br />

J Marry, R O’Cearbhaill, J Mackarel, J Crown , D Fennelly. Increased Incidence in Gastrointestinal<br />

Perforation associated with Bevacizumab. Irish Association for Cancer Research, Cork, 2 March 2007.<br />

Joseph Marry and David Fennelly. Management of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer in a Dublin Teaching<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> Irish Society of Gastroenterology Spring 2007.<br />

J Marry, M Tosetto, H. Mulcahy, J. Hyland, D O’Donoghue, K.Sheahan, D Fennelly, JO’Sullivan. Assessing the<br />

effects of monoclonal antibody therapies and telomerase inhibition on pro-angiogenic growth factor<br />

secretions in individual human colorectal cancer explants. AACR Special Conference on Advances in<br />

Colorectal Cancer, Boston MA, Nov 2007.<br />

LM Wang, D Kevans, DP O’Donoghue, HE Mulcahy, J Hyland, J O’Sullivan and K Sheahan. Tumour budding<br />

as a prognostic factor in <strong>St</strong>age II, pT3N0 colorectal cancer. ISG, April 2007.<br />

Kevans D, Foley J, O’Donoghue DP, Hyland JH, Sheahan K, Mulcahy H, O’Sullivan J. High Clusterin<br />

expression is associated with poorer prognosis in a cohort of stage II Colorectal Cancer patients. AACR<br />

Special Conference “Advances in Colon Cancer Research”Boston November 2007 and Irish Society of<br />

Gastroenterology Dublin, November 2007<br />

Kevans D, Wang LM, O’Donoghue DP, Hyland JH, Mulcahy H, Sheahan K, O’Sullivan J. Epithelial-<br />

Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) protein expression and mismatch repair profiles in <strong>St</strong>age II colorectal<br />

cancer with tumour budding status Irish Society of Gastroenterology, Dublin, November 2007.<br />

Published Abstracts<br />

A Coss, K Sheahan, S Sullivan, E Fox, J Hyland, D O'Donoghue, D Leahy, H Mulcahy, J O'Sullivan (2007)<br />

Gastroenterology 132: Suppl. 1, A-293 Amplification of Topoisomerase II· Occurs in Colorectal Cancer<br />

and Its Expression Is Associated with Aggressive Disease<br />

Cullen G, Keegan D, O’Donoghue DP. Infliximab in Crohn’s Disease: step-up or top-down?<br />

Gastroenterology 2007 April; 132:Supplement S1.Poster DDW Washington DC May 2007<br />

Invited Talks<br />

Jacintha O’Sullivan. Radiation induced bystander events in colorectal cancer. Irish Society of Radiology<br />

Annual Conference, Dublin. October 2007.<br />

Jacintha O’Sullivan. Oncologic Therapies for late stage CRC. International CRC meeting. <strong>St</strong>. Vincents<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong>, Dublin. Sept 2007.<br />

Juliette Sheridan. Levels of DNA damage in normal mucosa following radiation. Radiation Conference,<br />

Belfast. April 2007.<br />

Sheeona Gorman. Examination of Bystander effects using an ex vivo colorectal cancer explant model, ISG,<br />

April 2007.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Joesph Marry. A Case of Reversible Cortical Blindness. Irish Society of Medical Oncology Education<br />

Meeting, Dublin, Feb 2007.<br />

Joesph Marry: Assessing the effects of monoclonal antibody therapies and telomerase inhibition on proangiogenic<br />

growth factor secretions in individual human colorectal cancer explants. Irish Society of<br />

Gastroenterology Winter Meeting Plenary Session, Dublin, December 2007 and at the Irish Society of<br />

Medical Oncology Education Meeting, Dublin, December 2007<br />

Alan Coss. Overexpression of topoisomerase II alpha in CRC is associated with resistance to etoposide<br />

and irinotecan. Irish Society of Gastroenterology Winter meeting, Dublin, November 2007<br />

Alan Coss. Medical management of inflammatory bowel disease. School of Nursing, Midwifery & Health<br />

Systems, <strong>University</strong> College Dublin, January 2007.<br />

<strong>St</strong>udents Graduated in 2007<br />

Edward Fox, Ph.D. Thesis Title: Molecular analysis of colorectal cancer and its role in detecting familial cancer.<br />

Julie Gorman, MSc. Thesis title: The effect of telomerase inhibition in regulating treatment response in<br />

colorectal cancer cell lines.<br />

Current National & International Research Collaborators<br />

Prof. Peter Rabinovitch, <strong>University</strong> of Washington, Seattle, Prof. Larry Loeb, <strong>University</strong> of Washington, Seattle,<br />

Prof. Martin Tenniswood, Notre Dame, Indiana, Dr Oliver Zierau, Dresden, Dr. Cal Harley, Geron Co. Califormia,<br />

Dr. Walter Kloch, Glasgow, Dr Orla Howe, Dr. Fiona Lyng, DIT, Kevin <strong>St</strong>reet, Dr. Cormac Taylor, Dr. Katrina<br />

Comerford, Amanda Mc Cann, Conway Institute, UCD, Prof. Kevin Malone, Dr. Douglas Veale, Dr. Ursula<br />

Fearon, <strong>St</strong> Vincents <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>, Dublin, Dr. Dermot Leahy, Conway Institute, UCD, Dr. Elizabeth Ryan<br />

and Prof. Cliona O’Farrelly, Trinity College Dublin, Prof. Alan Baird, Vet School, UCD, Dr. Paul Walsh, National<br />

Cancer Registry for Ireland, Cork.<br />

Our current translational research projects<br />

Role of genomic instability and hypoxia in governing response to therapies using in vitro and ex vivo explant<br />

models (Joe Marry & Miriam Tosetto)<br />

Role of oxidative stress and DNA damage in CRC (Juliette Sheridan).<br />

Molecular classification of familial colorectal cancer (Maciej Milewski &Dermot Leahy).<br />

Bystanders effects and tumour recurrence in colorectal cancer (Sheeona Gorman)<br />

Analysis of chromosomal instability patterns in non-metastatic and metastatic CRC using array comparative<br />

genomic hybridization, and validation of novel gene alterations using fluorescent in situ hybridisation<br />

(Alan Coss).<br />

Timing and rates of random nuclear and mitochondrial spontaneous mutations in colorectal cancer:<br />

implications for early detection and chemotherapy resistance (Edward Fox).<br />

Examination of prognostic gene signature in <strong>St</strong>age II good and poor survivors (Dave Kevans).<br />

Cigarette smoking and genomic instability: factors controlling disease progression and treatment sensitivity<br />

in inflammatory bowel disease patients (Garret Cullen)<br />

Examination of Immune modulators involved in laproscopic and open colorectal cancer surgery<br />

(Chin Hong Lim)<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Breast Cancer Research<br />

Principal Investigator:<br />

Professor Joe Duffy<br />

Researchers:<br />

Patricia McGowan, Dr Aisling Pierce, Dr Eadaoin McKiernan,<br />

Dr Brid Ryan,<br />

Dr Neil O’Brien (currently visiting scientist in the lab of Drs Denis Slamon, <strong>University</strong> of California at Los Angeles)<br />

Collaborators (Local):<br />

Professor John Crown, Mr Enda McDermott, Mr Denis Evoy,<br />

Dr Liam Gallagher, Professor <strong>St</strong>eve Pennington, Professor F Martin (UCD),<br />

Dr Norma O’Donovan (DCU)<br />

Collaborators (International):<br />

Drs Denis Slamon/Gottfried Konecny, <strong>University</strong> of California at Los Angeles;<br />

Dr <strong>St</strong>an Krajewski, Burnham Institute, La Jolla; Prof Fred Sweep, Nijmegen;<br />

Prof Nils Brunner, Copenhagen, Prof Manfred Schmitt, Munich.<br />

Research Focus<br />

The overall aim of the Breast Cancer Research Group is to develop new molecular markers to aid the early<br />

diagnosis of breast cancer, help with prognosis and predict likely response or resistance to specific therapies.<br />

Patricia McGowan is working on TACE (ADAM17), a multidomain protein possessing both a protease and<br />

an adhesion domain. Using both breast cancer cell lines and human tumors, Patricia has shown that TACE<br />

is involved in the progression of breast cancer. TACE is thus a potential new target for the treatment of breast<br />

cancer. During 2007, Patricia also carried out research on a new breast cancer biochip<br />

Aisling Pierce is involved in using proteomics and glycomics for the early detection of breast cancer. She is<br />

also investigating the potential role of the breast-specific gene, mammaglobin, in the formation of breast cancer.<br />

Eadaoin McKiernan is attempting to identify new markers for predicting the metastatic potential of newly<br />

diagnosed breast cancers. This work is being carried out as part of a HRB-funded Programme Grant<br />

Recognition of Work<br />

In 2007, the American Society of Clinical Oncology recommended clinical use of uPA for determining<br />

prognosis in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer. The first demonstration of the clinical value and<br />

indeed much of the early work on this biomarker was carried out in the Education and Research by<br />

researchers working under the supervision of Professor Duffy. These researchers included Pauline O’Grady,<br />

David Reilly and Catherine Duggan<br />

Higher Degrees/Fellowships<br />

Patricia McGowan received her PhD in 2007 for her research on “ADAM17 in Breast Cancer”. During the<br />

year, Brid Ryan began a Health Research Board/National Cancer Institute (USA) Fellowship in Preventative<br />

Oncology. This Fellowship will allow Brid to work at the world famous National Cancer Institute in the US.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Mental Health Research<br />

The Department has established a leading National Programme on Suicide Research including projects in<br />

basic and applied clinical neuroscience, clinical epidemiology projects as well as leading national community<br />

projects in the area of new knowledge and understanding around the problem of suicide in Ireland. This work<br />

is being conducted in collaboration with the Department of Electronic Engineering in UCD as well as the<br />

Department of Radiology in <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s. Other neuroscience projects include molecular genetic studies of<br />

patients with suicidal depression. This collaborative research project is being led by Dr Maria Ryan and<br />

includes a study of cases from all the Dublin Teaching <strong>Hospital</strong>s in collaboration with the Dublin Molecular<br />

Medicine Centre. Clinical epidemiology projects include a national study of all suicides by drowning as well<br />

as a ten-year study of all deaths on Irish railways over the past decade. This work is being conducted in<br />

conjunction with the Irish Water Safety Association and Iarnród Éireann respectively with significant<br />

consultation and collaboration with Professor Cecily Kelleher, UCD. New projects include a National Survey<br />

of Suicide in Ireland, which is being led by Professor Malone at <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s. This project involves detailed<br />

interviewing of families who have been bereaved by suicide as well as the treating clinicians of those who<br />

have died.<br />

In addition to the suicidal depression projects we have established an exciting interdisciplinary collaborative<br />

research programme in psychobiology. The psychobiology group are currently engaged in a programme of<br />

research examining the relationship between depressive illness and physical health and are being conducted<br />

by Dr. Gavin Rush who is looking at the anti-inflammatory effects of some of our anti-depressant treatments.<br />

This research is based on the fact that recurrent depression is related to an increase in cardiovascular and<br />

cancer deaths. A further study examining the immune system in depression to explore the relationship<br />

between the immune system, stress and depression with a focus on exploring the mechanism of action of<br />

electroconvulsive therapy one of the strongest anti-depressant treatments we have.<br />

These projects are being led by the Multidisciplinary Psychobiology Research Group at SVUH. Members of<br />

MPBG include Dr Gavin Rush, Professor Kevin Malone and Ms. Aoife O’Donovan from the Department of<br />

Psychiatry, as well as Professor Cliona O’Farrelly and Dr Jacinta O’Sullivan from the ERC.<br />

Our collaborative partners in <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s include Professor Cliona O’Farrelly, Professor Cecily Kelleher, Dr<br />

Jacinta O’Sullivan, Dr Douglas Veale, Dr Dónal O’Shea, Dr Hugh Mulcahy, Professor Michael Hutchinson from<br />

Neurology, and Dr Seán Connolly from Neurophysiology<br />

External and international collaborators include Professor Andy Seakin from Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical<br />

Centre, Professor John Mann from Columbia <strong>University</strong>, New York, Professor Annette Beautrais from the<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Otago in New Zealand, Professor Madelyn Gould from the Department of Public Health in<br />

Columbia <strong>University</strong>, New York, Dr Tom Foster and Dr Chris Kelly from Queen’s <strong>University</strong> Belfast, and<br />

Professor Richard Reilly from Electronic Engineering, UCD<br />

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Postgraduate Department<br />

The Postgraduate Department once again had a very successful and busy year. The meetings organised at<br />

postgraduate level for the hospital staff still continue to attract a large attendance from <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and are a vital contact for all the NCHDs.<br />

Annual <strong>Hospital</strong> <strong>St</strong>udy Day<br />

It was agreed by the members of the GP Committee that the Annual <strong>Hospital</strong> <strong>St</strong>udy Day be held this year<br />

on Saturday 3rd March on a trial basis as November and December are busy months for everybody. This<br />

proved to be very successful. The educational format was similar to that of 2005 and consisted of four<br />

Poster Sessions as follows:<br />

How to Manage the Patient with Palpitations - Dr. David Keane<br />

Common Endocrine Tests - Dr. Donal O’Shea<br />

The Full Blood Count - Dr. Gerry Connaghan<br />

Interpretation of Auto Antibody & Related Serology - Prof. Oliver FitzGerald<br />

There were 2 Interactive Sessions as follows:<br />

The GP and Radiology - Dr. Conor Collins<br />

Abnormal Liver Function Tests - Prof. P. A. McCormick<br />

There was also a Minor Surgery Workshop as follows:<br />

Common Dermatological Procedures in General Practice<br />

At 6.30pm there was a Panel Discussion on “Services in SVUH with New Developments”<br />

Later that evening the reception and dinner was held in the atrium of the New Ambulatory Care Centre and<br />

was attended by about 100 guests. This was the first time that the atrium was used for such a function and<br />

proved to be a very attractive option for the occasion.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Medical and Surgical Meetings<br />

The Postgraduate Lunch Time Meetings include:<br />

Respiratory Gastroenterology Nephrology<br />

Rheumatology<br />

Intern Report<br />

The Breakfast Meetings include:<br />

Colorectal Meeting<br />

Surgical Audit<br />

Grand Rounds<br />

Respiratory SpR Conference<br />

Cardiology Meeting<br />

Tuesday at 7.30am<br />

Wednesday at 7.00am<br />

Thursday at 8.00am<br />

Friday at 8.00am<br />

Friday at 7.30am<br />

All of the above meetings are organised by the Postgraduate Department. Lunch or breakfast is provided.<br />

Intern Lunch Time Seminars<br />

Monday<br />

Lunch Time Seminars for Interns consist of Clinical Skills Sessions and Data Interpretation.<br />

Tuesday<br />

The Tuesday Lunch Time Seminar is organised by the Medical Intern Tutor in conjunction with the<br />

Postgraduate Department. Each week an Intern presents a case to the class with a discussion of same<br />

afterwards.<br />

Wednesday<br />

Wednesday conferences can be either surgical or medical.<br />

Thursday<br />

Thursday Lunch Time Lectures are on matters relating to all aspects of Surgery and are given by Consultant<br />

Surgeons within the hospital.<br />

Friday<br />

Friday Lunch Time Seminars for the Interns are presented by guest speakers and include Career Guidance,<br />

Risk Management, <strong>St</strong>ress Management and a wide variety of other topics.<br />

SHO Teaching<br />

Formal Clinical Teaching<br />

We run a five week intensive programme of bedside tutorials three times per year, January/February,<br />

May/June, October/November. These courses are aimed primarily, but not exclusively at the MRCPI<br />

examination. These tutorials are all consultant provided and take place at 5.00pm to maximise attendance<br />

and to allow SHOs in peripheral jobs to attend. Consultants are asked to focus on a short case format (see<br />

page 8 of the Postgraduate Medical Training Booklet).<br />

At the end of the course feedback from SHOs as to how the course could be improved is analysed. We use<br />

the Pyramid discussion method which has recently been successfully implemented for our undergraduate<br />

students.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

International Meeting<br />

In addition to the large number of in-house meetings, the Postgraduate Department helped organise the<br />

Centre for Colorectal Disease 14th International Meeting which was held on Friday 14th September 2007.<br />

The programme was as follows:<br />

Session 1<br />

Session 2<br />

Session 3<br />

Session 4<br />

Session 5<br />

The Past and the Present : Improved Outcomes<br />

Colorectal Cancer – The National Picture – Dr. H. Comber<br />

Colorectal Cancer – The <strong>Hospital</strong> Picture – Prof. D. P. O’Donoghue<br />

Colorectal Cancer Screening : Improving National Outcomes<br />

Screening Average Risk Individuals – The European Perspective –<br />

Prof. C. O’Morain<br />

Alternative Screening Modalities – Dr. P. MacMathuna<br />

Screening in Scotland – Prof. A. Mowat<br />

The Multidisciplinary Team Meeting – Improving Local Outcomes<br />

Introducing the Multidisciplinary Team – Mr. J. Hyland<br />

The Excelicare Database System – Mr. S. Thompson<br />

Case Presentations – Ms. A. White<br />

The Future : Improving Individual Outcomes<br />

Targeted Molecular Therapies – Dr. J. O’Sullivan<br />

<strong>St</strong>ate of the Art Lecture<br />

Colorectal Cancer : More than One Disease – Prof. J. Jass,<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Mark’s <strong>Hospital</strong>, London.<br />

There were 120 attendees at the meeting.<br />

A dinner was held afterwards in the Shelbourne Hotel and was attended by 70 guests.<br />

Sponsorship for this event was provided by the following pharmaceutical companies:<br />

Astra Zeneca Healthcare 21 Johnson & Johnson<br />

Merck Serono<br />

Sanofi Aventis<br />

“Get to Know you Function” for Incoming NCHDs<br />

In 2007 the welcoming lunch was held on Wednesday 11th July and as usual was very enjoyable. This event<br />

is an important opportunity to give incoming NCHDs the relevant information about ongoing lectures /<br />

conferences and welcome them to the hospital. It is now an annual event held every year in early July.<br />

The <strong>St</strong>udent Summer Project<br />

As in other years this is an important part of the hospital’s academic year and in 2007 it was held on Monday<br />

12th November. As you are aware the aim of the project is for the student to develop an interest in research<br />

so that he / she will continue to develop this interest at postgraduate level. The judging panel of physicians<br />

and surgeons were Dr. John Seery (Chairman), Prof. Michael Keane, Prof. Ronan O’Connell, Mr. Enda<br />

McDermott and Dr. Cecily Quinn. The winner was A. C. McArdle whose project was entitled “The Effects of<br />

Nicotine on Atherogenesis in a Genetic Mouse Model”.<br />

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Education & Research<br />

Pharmaceutical Representatives<br />

The link for the pharmaceutical companies in <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> is the Postgraduate<br />

Department. The companies sponsor the medical and surgical lunch and breakfast meetings and in turn the<br />

representative meets the consultants and NCHDs to discuss their products. This link is important for both<br />

doctors and medical representatives.<br />

The Library<br />

The Library and Information Service (LIS) facilitates the staff of the three hospitals in <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare<br />

Group and all students, resident or on placement. The LIS supports the information needs of its users and<br />

therefore the clinical practice, education and research activities of the Group.<br />

The LIS collections comprise print and electronic resources including books, journals, reports, databases etc.<br />

The electronic resources can be accessed through the SVUH IT network and intranet and are also available<br />

remotely with an Athens account, which all staff may apply for. UCD’s electronic collections are available on<br />

the 17 PCs in the Library. These are strictly for research or hospital business (e.g. patient care) only. We<br />

offer basic and advanced training on all our electronic products, by appointment.<br />

Other services include: lending service, document delivery, photocopying, scanning and printing (b/w and<br />

colour).<br />

Postgraduate Medical Training Booklet<br />

This booklet is compiled and circulated bi-annually by the Postgraduate Department. It contains valuable<br />

information re conferences / meetings / tutorials that occur in the hospital.<br />

Prof. Walter McNicholas<br />

Co-ordinator of Postgraduate Education.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Academic Activities<br />


Immunobiology Course 2007<br />

10th January – 7th March 2007<br />

Venue: Education & Research Centre<br />

The aim of this course is to introduce students to the basic concepts and terminology required to understand<br />

immunology. At the end of the course, participants should be familiar with the terms and models of innate<br />

and adaptive immunity and be conversant with the names and functions of the organs, cells, molecules and<br />

genes involved in initiating and mediating immune responses. Participants should be able to explain<br />

fundamental immunological concepts and discuss the roles of key components of the immune system<br />

including acute phase proteins, complement, haematopoietic cells, immunoglobulins and cytokines in<br />

protecting against disease. The course will also provide an understanding of some basic concepts of<br />

immunological dysregulation seen in inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, allergy, malignancy and<br />

immunopathogenesis and appreciate genomic influences on these processes.<br />

Recommended Text<br />

Immunobiology (6th Ed). C.A. Janeway, P. Travers, M. Walport, M. Shlomchik (Garland / Churchill Livingstone).<br />

Course Leader<br />

Prof. Cliona O’Farrelly, Education & Research Centre, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Contributors<br />

Prof. Denis Reen, Our Lady's <strong>Hospital</strong> for Sick Children<br />

Dr Elizabeth Ryan, E.R.C., <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Dr John Baugh, UCD Conway Institute of Biomolecular & Biomedical Science<br />

Dr Jean Fletcher, School of Biochemistry & Immunology, TCD<br />

Prof. Doug Veale, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Careers Workshop<br />

A snapshot of some possible career paths for PhD graduates<br />

Chair: Professor Cliona O’Farrelly<br />

5.00pm Thursday 29th March 2007<br />

Venue: Lecture Hall, E.R.C.<br />

5.00 – 5.05 Welcome<br />

5.05 – 5.15 Patrick Corley Ph.D Cancer Research Officer,<br />

Cancer Research Ireland,<br />

Irish Cancer Society<br />

5.15 - 5.20 Questions<br />

5.20 – 5.30 Mairead O’Driscoll Ph.D Acting Director of Research<br />

Funding, Health Research Board<br />

5.30 – 5.35 Questions<br />

5.35 – 5.45 Mary O’Connell, Ph.D Lecturer, School of Biotechnology,<br />

Dublin City <strong>University</strong><br />

5.45 – 5.50 Questions<br />

5.50 – 6.00 Edel Healy Ph.D Head of the Hazardous Substances<br />

Assessment Unit,<br />

Health and Safety Authority<br />

6.00 – 6.05 Questions<br />

6.05 – 6.15 Gordon Elliott Ph. D Head of Research & Development, Biotrin<br />

6.15 – 6.20 Questions<br />

followed by RECEPTION<br />

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Education & Research<br />

Lecture Series 2007<br />

7th February 2007<br />

“Sharing Immunological Knowledge with Gene Ontology” Evelyn Camon, Senior Scientific Curator & Gene<br />

Ontology Annotation Database Co-ordinator, European Bioinformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK<br />

28th June 2007<br />

Translational Research Seminar: Update on current research by Obesity, Rheumatology and Innate<br />

Immunity Research Groups<br />

22nd November 2007<br />

Informal translational Research update with Respiratory, Rheumatology and Cardiology Groups on current<br />

research.<br />

ERC Journal Club 2007<br />

Schedule:<br />

Venue:<br />

Thurs mornings 9.00-10.00am<br />

Seminar Room, E.R.C.<br />

Education & Outreach<br />

S.V.U.H. Schools One Day Seminars:<br />

Laboratory staff in the E.R.C. contribute by giving talks on the workings of the research laboratories to<br />

secondary school students.<br />

Healthwise Newsletter:<br />

Articles from E.R.C. researchers appear regularly in Dept. Preventive Medicine Healthwise Newsletters.<br />

In 2007 several UCD undergraduates carried out research for their theses at SVUH, students from TCD<br />

Molecular Medicine Science course and several Secondary school students were also accommodated.<br />

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Prestigious Invitations/Honours<br />

for E.R.C. Researchers<br />

Prof. Barry Bresnihan<br />

Co-Chairman, EULAR Synovitis <strong>St</strong>udy Group<br />

Co-Chairman, OMERACT Synovial Tissue Analysis <strong>St</strong>udy Group<br />

Chairman, Arthritis Ireland –October 2007<br />

Italian Society of Rheumatology, Catania<br />

Royal Society of Medicine, London, June<br />

Chairman scientific session, EULAR, June<br />

British Bone Society, Aberdeen, July<br />

Prof. Joe Duffy<br />

Invited Plenary Lecture, International Society for Oncology and Biomarkers Conference, Prague,<br />

Title of Presentation: “Personalised Treatment for Cancer: How Biomarkers Can Help”.<br />

Prof. Oliver FitzGerald<br />

Chairman, Arthritis Ireland (Oct-present)<br />

Member of HSE working group on Arthritis and Allied conditions representing the Irish Society of<br />

Rheumatology<br />

<strong>St</strong>eering committee member for GRAPPA (Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis and<br />

Psoriatic Arthritis)<br />

Member of Abbott International Immunology Advisory Board<br />

<strong>St</strong>eering committee member of OMERACT Biomarkers Group<br />

Scientific committee member 3e Initiative in Rheumatology<br />

Rochester <strong>University</strong>, Visiting Speaker<br />

Progress and Promise, Munich<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Prof. Walter McNicholas<br />

Visiting Professorship at <strong>University</strong> of Sydney, August 2007.<br />

Invited lecture at Seventh Annual Ludwig Engel memorial lecture. <strong>University</strong> of Sydney Aug 2007<br />

Invited lecture at World Sleep Conference, Cairns Australia Sept 2007<br />

Invited lecture at 10th International Sleep and Breathing Symposium Palm Cove Australia, Sept 2007.<br />

Invited lecture at ERS Research symposium on chronic co-morbidities Feb 2007<br />

Invited lecture at <strong>St</strong>ate of the Art Respiratory Symposium, <strong>University</strong> of Athens, April 2007<br />

Prof. Douglas Veale<br />

Adjunct Professor of Medicine, UCD awarded 2007<br />

Medical Director, Education & Research Centre, SVUH<br />

Chairman, SVGH Ethics & Medical Research Committee Vice-president, International Scleroderma<br />

Clinical Trials Consortium<br />

International Advisor, The <strong>St</strong>rategic Scientific Committee, Arthritis Research Campaign, UK<br />

Medical Director, Education and Research Centre, SVHG<br />

Director of THERAPI - Translational Medicine Research Group, SVUH<br />

HRB Infection & Immunity Grant Committee<br />

Irish Medicines Board, Medicines Committee<br />

Chairman, SVHG Ethics & Medical Research Committee<br />

Medical Executive, SVHG<br />

Seed Funding Committee, UCD<br />

Postgraduate Degree Programme Committee, UCD<br />

International Advisor to Wyeth (Global), Wyeth (Europe), Schering-Plough (Global), Centocor (Global)<br />

and GlaxoSmithKline (Global)<br />

IJMS Awards Best Published Paper – Rheumatology 2007<br />

Joint Irish and British Society of Rheumatology - Best Oral presentation 2007<br />

SIAR Award - American College of Rheumatology 2007<br />

Visiting Speaker<br />

Swiss Rheumatology Society<br />

British Society for Rheumatology<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Newcastle<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Awards & Prizes 2007<br />

Mr. Muhammad Badar Zaman: International Liver Transplant Society Rising <strong>St</strong>ar Award 2007 at the 13th<br />

Annual Congress of the LITS (International Liver Transplantation Society) in Sheraton Rio Hotel, Rio do<br />

Janeiro, Brazil, June 2007. Zaman received this award on June 21st 2007 in recognition of his work<br />

investigating the activation of NRF-2 and other mechanisms of cytoprotection against reactive oxygen<br />

species and their clinical implications.<br />

Aoife O’Donovan: Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship 2007-2008 to Dept. of Psychiatry, <strong>University</strong> of<br />

California, San Francisco. Fulbright <strong>St</strong>udentship 2007-2008<br />

Tom Cawood: Awarded the O’Donovan Medal by the Irish Endocrine Society and the Novartis<br />

Endocrinology Registrar Research Medal.<br />

Jane Foley (4th year medical student): HRB summer project fellowship<br />

David Kevans: Irish Cancer Society Oncology Scholars Travel Award<br />

David Kevans: ISG Poster presentation prize<br />

Sheeona Gorman: UCD Seed Funding Travel Award<br />

Juliette Sheridan: UCD Seed Funding Travel Award<br />

Dr. Ronan Mullan: IJMS Awards Best Published Paper – Rheumatology 2007<br />

Aisling Kennedy: SIAR Award/Oral Presentation – American College of Rheumatology, Boston 2007<br />

Mary Connolly: SIAR Award – American College of Rheumatology, Boston 2007<br />

Mary Connolly: EULAR Travel Award – European Rheumatology Meeting, Barcelona 2007<br />

Degrees Awarded<br />

PhD<br />

Lydia Lynch Tom Cawood Edward Fox<br />

Patricia McGowan<br />

Sinead Nic an Ultaigh<br />

MSc<br />

Julie Gorman<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Publications<br />

Published or Accepted for Publication in International Peer Reviewed Journals 2007<br />

Balcer LJ, Galetta SL, Calabresi PA, Confavreux C, Giovannoni G, Havrdova E, Hutchinson M, Kappos<br />

L, Lublin FD, Miller DH, O'Connor PW, Phillips JT, Polman CH, Radue EW, Rudick RA, <strong>St</strong>uart WH,<br />

Wajgt A, Weinstock-Guttman B, Wynn DR, Lynn F, Panzara MA.<br />

Natalizumab reduces visual loss in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis.<br />

Neurology. 2007; 68:1299-304. PMID 17438220<br />

Bresnihan B, Gerlag DM, Rooney T, SmeetsTJM, Wijbrandts CA, Boyle D, FitzGerald O, Kirkham BW,<br />

McInnes IB, Smith M, Ulfgren AK, Veale DJ, Tak PP.<br />

Synovial macrophages as a biomarker of response to therapeutic intervention in rheumatoid arthritis:<br />

<strong>St</strong>andardization and consistency across centres. J. Rheumatol 2007 Mar;34(3):620-6 PMID 17343309<br />

Brennan DJ, Kelly C, Rexhepaj E, Dervan PA, Duffy MJ, Gallagher WM Contribution of DNA and tissue<br />

microarray technology to the identification and validation of biomarkers and personalised medicine in breast<br />

cancer. Cancer Genomics Proteomics 2007 May-Jun;4(3):121-34 PMID 17878516<br />

Burgoyne CH, Field Sl, Brown AK, Hensor FM, English A, Bingham SL, Verburg R, Fearon U, Lawson<br />

CA, Hamlin JP, <strong>St</strong>raszynski L, Veale D, Conaghan P, Hull MA, van Laar JM, Tennant A, Emery P, Isaacs<br />

JD, Ponchel F. Abnormal T-cell differentiation persists in rheumatoid arthritis patients in clinical remission<br />

and predicts relapse. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007 Jul 20 PMID 17644540<br />

Cawood T, Moriarity P, O’Farrelly C, O’Shea D. Smoking and thyroid associated ophthalmopathy; a novel<br />

explanation of the biological link. J. Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007 Jan;92(1):59-64 PMID 17047020<br />

Chua CP, Garvey J, Redmond S, Heneghan C, McNicholas WT.<br />

Towards Automated Sleep <strong>St</strong>ate Estimation using a Holter-Oximeter.<br />

Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2007;1:3998-4001. PMID: 18002876<br />

Colonna-Romano G, Akbar AN, Aquino A, Bulati M, Candore G, Lio D, Ammatuna P, Fletcher JM, Caruso<br />

C, Pawelec G. Impact of CMV and EBV seropositivity on CD8 T lymphocytes in an old population from West-<br />

Sicily. Exp Gerontol. 2007 Oct;42(10):995-1002. PMID 17611062<br />

Costelloe L, O’Rourke K, Kearney H, McGuigan C, Gribbin L, Duggan M, Daly L, Tubridy N, Hutchinson M<br />

The patient knows best: significant change in the physical component of the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale<br />

(MSIS-29 physical). J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2007 Aug;78(8):841-4. PMID 17332049<br />

Costelloe L, O’Rourke K, McGuigan, C, Walsh C, Tubridy N, Hutchinson M.<br />

The longitudinal relationship between the patient-reported Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale and the clinicianassessed<br />

Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite. Mult Scler. 2007 Oct PMID: 17942522<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Costelloe L, Hutchinson M. Is a 20% change in MSFC components clinically meaningful?<br />

Multiple Sclerosis 2007; 13:1076. PMID 17895297<br />

Cullen G, O’Donoghue D. Constipation and pregnancy. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol<br />

2007;21(5):807-18. PMID 17889809.<br />

Cullen G, O’Toole A, Keegan D, Sheahan K, Hyland JM, O’Donoghue DP. Long-term clinical results of<br />

iloececal resection for Crohn’s disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2007 Nov;13(11):1369-73. PMID 17600379<br />

Culleton J, O’Brien N, Ryan BM, Hill ADK, McDermott E, O’Higgins N, Duffy MJ. Lipophilin B: a gene<br />

preferentially expressed in breast tissue and upregulated in breast cancer. Int J Cancer 2007 Mar<br />

1;120(5):1087-92. PMID 17163411<br />

Denton CP, Merkel PA, Furst DE, Khanna D, Emery P, Hsu VM, Silliman N, <strong>St</strong>reisand J, Powell J,<br />

Akesson A, Coppock J, Hoogen F, Herrick A, Mayes MD, Veale D, Haas J, Ledbetter S, Kom JH, Black<br />

CM, Seibold JR, Cat-192 <strong>St</strong>udy Group: Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium. Recombinant human<br />

anti-transforming growth factor beta 1 antibody therapy in systemic sclerosis: a multicenter, randomized,<br />

placebo-controlled phase I/II trial of CAT-192. Arthritis Rheum 2007 Jan;56(1):323-33. PMID 17195236<br />

Doherty LS, Kiely JL, Deegan PC, Nolan G, McCabe S, Green AJ, Ennis S, McNicholas WT Late-onset<br />

central hypoventilation syndrome: a family genetic study Eur Respir J 2007;29:312-316 PMID 17264323<br />

Doherty LS, Cullen JP, Nolan P, McNicholas WT The genioglossus response to negative airway<br />

pressure:stimulus timing and route of delivery. Exp Physiol. 2007 Oct 19 PMID 17951328<br />

Duffy MJ, van Dalen A, Haglund C, Hansson L, Holinski-Feder E, Klapdor R, Lamerz R, Peltomaki P,<br />

<strong>St</strong>urgeon C, Topolcan O. Tumour markers in colorectal cancer: European Group on Tumour Markers (EGTM)<br />

guidelines for clinical use. Eur J Cancer 2007 Jun;43(9):1348-60 PMID 17512720<br />

Duffy MJ Role of tumour markers in patients with solid cancers: A critical review. Eur J Intern Med 2007<br />

May;18(3):175-184. PMID 17449388<br />

Duffy MJ, O’Donovan N, Brennan DJ, Gallagher WM, Ryan BM Survivin: a promising tumour biomarker.<br />

Cancer Lett 2007 Apr28;249(1):49-60 PMID 17275177<br />

Fearon U, Veale DJ. Angiogenesis in arthritis: methodological and analytical details.<br />

Methods Mol Med 2007;135:343-57. PMID 17951670<br />

Fitzgerald DC, Meade KG, McEvoy AN, Lillis L, Murphy EP, Machugh DE, Baird AW. Tumour necrosis<br />

factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) increases nuclear factor kappaB (NFkappaB) activity inand interleukin-8(IL-8)<br />

release from bovine mammary epithelial cells. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 2007 Mar 15;116(1-2):59-68<br />

PMID 17276517<br />

Flanagan E, Walsh C, Tubridy N. Neurophobia: attitudes of Irish doctors and medical student to teaching<br />

neurology. Eur J Neurol 2007; 14(10): 1109-12. PMID 17880566<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Galbraith S, Wells G. Definitions and Validation Criteria for Biomarkers and Surrogate Endpoints:<br />

Development and Testing of a Quantitative Hierarchical Levels of Evidence Schema. J. Rheumatol 2007<br />

Mar;34(3):607-15 PMID 17343307 Omeract 8 2006. In Press<br />

Garvey JF, McElwaine P, Monaghan TS, McNicholas WT Banning smoking: Confessions of an accordion<br />

cleaner. BMJ 2007 Sep 29;335(7621):630. PMID 17901481<br />

Gladman DD, Imman RD, Cook Rj, Maksymowych WP, Braun J, Davis JC, Landewe RB, Mease P,<br />

Brandt J, Vargas RB, Chandran V, Helliwell P, Kavanagh A, O’Shea FD, Khan MA, Pipitone N, Rahman<br />

P, Reveille JD, <strong>St</strong>one MA, Taylor W, Veale DJ, van der Heijde D. International spondyloarthritis<br />

interobserver reliability exercise – the INSPIRE study: II. Assessment of peripheral joints, enthesitis and<br />

dactylitis. J. Rheumatol 2007 Aug;34(8):1740-5. PMID 17659754<br />

Gladman DD, Imman RD, Cook RJ, van der Heijde D, Landewe RB, Braun J, Davis JC, Mease P, Brandt<br />

J, Vargas RB, Chandran V, Helliwell P, Kavanagh A, O’Shea FD, Khan MA, Pipitone N, Rahman P,<br />

Reveille JD, <strong>St</strong>one MA, Taylor W, Veale DJ, Maksymowych WP. International spondyloarthritis<br />

interobserver reliability exercise – the INSPIRE study: I. Assessment of spinal measures.<br />

J. Rheumatol 2007 Aug;34(8):1733-9. PMID 17611985<br />

Gladman DD, Mease PJ, Healy P, Helliwell PS, Fitzgerald O, Caula A, Lubrano E, Krueger GG, van der<br />

Heijde D, Veale DJ, Kavanaugh A, Nash P, Ritchlin C, Taylor W, <strong>St</strong>and V. Outcome measures in psoriatic<br />

arthritis. J. Rheumatol 2007 May;34(5):1159-66. PMID 17477479.<br />

Gladman DD, Mease PJ, <strong>St</strong>rand V, Healy P, Helliwell PS, Fitzgerald O, Fottileb AB, Krueger GG, Nash<br />

P, Ritchlin CT, Taylor W, Adebajo A, Braun J, Cauli A, Carneiro S, Choy E, Dijkmans B, Espinoza L, van<br />

der Heijde D, Husni E, Lubrane E, McGonagle D, Qureshi A, Soriano ER, Zochling J. Consensus on a<br />

core set of domains for psoriatic arthritis. J. Rheumatol 2007 May;34(5):1167-70. PMID 17477480.<br />

Gogarty M, Fitzgerald O. Immunohistochemistry of the inflamed synovium. Methods Mol Med 2007;135:47-<br />

64. PMID 17951651.<br />

Golden-Mason L, Castelblanco N, O’Farrelly C, Rosen HR Phenotypic and Functional Changes of<br />

Cytotoxic CD56pos NT Cells Determine Outcome of Acute HCV Infection. J. Virol 2007 Sep;81(17):9292-<br />

8. PMID 17553896<br />

Goulding C, O'Brien C, Egan H, Hegarty JE, McDonald G, O'Farrelly C, White B, Kelleher D, Norris S.<br />

The impact of inherited prothrombotic risk factors on individuals chronically infected with hepatitis C virus<br />

from a single source. J Viral Hepat. 2007 Apr;14(4):255-9. PMID 17381717<br />

Greethan D, Ellis CD, Mewar D, Fearon U, Ultaigh SN, Veale DJ, Guesdon F, Wilson AG Functional<br />

characterisation of NF-{kappa} B inhibitor-like protein 1 (NR{kappa}BIL1), a candidate susceptibility gene<br />

for rheumatoid arthritis. Hum Mol Genet. 2007 Dec 15;16(24):3027-36. PMID 17855452<br />

Higgs R, Lynn DJ, Cahalane S, Alana I, Hewage CM, James T, Lloyd AT, O’Farrelly C. Modification of<br />

chicken avian beta-defensin-8 at positively selected amino acid sites enhances specific antimicrobial activity.<br />

Immunogenetics 2007 59(7):573-80. PMID 17483936<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Kenna T, O'Brien M, Hogan AE, Exley MA, Porcelli SA, Hegarty JE, O'Farrelly C, Doherty DG. CD1<br />

expression and CD1-restricted T cell activity in normal and tumour-bearing human liver.<br />

Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2007 Apr;56(4):563-72 PMID 16924493<br />

Kirwan JR, Minnock P, Adebajo A, Bresnihan B, Choy E, de Wit M, Hazes M, Richards P, Saag K,<br />

Suarez-Almazor M, Wells G, Hewlett S. Patient perspective: fatigue as a recommended patient centered<br />

outcome measure in rheumatoid arthritis. J. Rheumatol 2007 May;34(5):1174-7 PMID 17477482<br />

Lau TY, O’Connor DP, Brennan DJ, Duffy MJ, Pennington SR, Gallagher WM. Breast cancer proteomics:<br />

clinical perspectives. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2007 Feb;7(2):209-19 PMID 17250459<br />

Low M, Nicholls K, Tubridy N, Hand P, Velakoulis D, Kiera L, Mitchell P, Becker G. Neurology of Fabry<br />

disease. Intern Med J. 2007 Jul;37(7):436-47. PMID 17547722<br />

Lynch L, Eogan M, O’Herlihy C Golden-Mason L, O’Farrelly, C. Cells with haematopoietic stem cell<br />

phenotype in adult human endometrium: relevance to Infertility? Human Reproduction 2007 Arp;<br />

22(4):919-26 PMID 17208945<br />

Lynn DJ, Higgs R, Lloyd AT, O’Farrelly C, Herve-Grepinet V, Nys Y, Brinkman FS, Yu PL, Soulier A, Kaiser<br />

P, Zhang G, Lehrer RI. Avian beta-defensin nomenclature: a community proposed update.<br />

Immunol Lett 2007 110(1):86-9. PMID 17467809<br />

Marzo-Ortega H, McGonagle D, Rhodes LA, Tan AL, Conaghan PG, O’Connor P, Tanner SF, Fraser A,<br />

Veale D, Emery P. Effcacy of infliximab on MRI-determined bone oedema in psoriatic arthritis.<br />

Ann Rheum Dis. 2007 Jun;66(6):778-81. PMID 17185324.<br />

McCormack O, Chung WY, Fitzpatrick P, Cooke F, Flynn B, Harrison M, Fox E, Gallagher E, McGoldrick<br />

A, Dervan PA, McCann A, Kerin MJ. Progesterone receptor B (PRB) promoter hypermethylation in sporadic<br />

breast cancer Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2007 PMID 17896177<br />

McHugh JC, Bradley D, Hutchinson M, Brett F, Heffernan J, Howley R, Farrell M, Tubridy N. Variant<br />

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: first two indigenous cases in Republic of Ireland. Case report and perspective.<br />

Eur J Neurol. 2007 Apr;14(4):467-9. PMID 17389001<br />

McGowan PM, Ryan BM, Hill AD, McDermott E, O’Higgins N, Duffy MJ. ADAM-17 expression in breast<br />

cancer correlates with variables of tumour progression.<br />

Clin Cancer Res. 2007 Apr 15;13(8):2335-43 PMID 17438092<br />

McNicholas WT, Bonsignore MR, Sleep Apnoea as an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease:<br />

current evidence, basic mechanisms and research priorities<br />

Eur Respir J 2007 Jan;29(1):156-78 PMID 17197482<br />

McNicholas WT Cardiovascular outcomes of CPAP therapy in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome<br />

Am J Physiol Regul Integ Comp Physiol 2007 Oct;293(4):R1666-70 PMID 17634199<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

McSharry DG, McElwaine P, Segadal L, McNicholas WT All that wheezes is not asthma.<br />

Lancet 2007 Sep1;370(9589):800. PMID 17765530<br />

Meade KG, Gormley E, Doyle MB, Fitzsimons T, O’Farrelly C, Costello E, Keane J, Zhao Y, Machugh DE.<br />

Innate gene repression associated with Mycobacterium bovis infection in cattle: toward a gene signature of<br />

disease. BMC Genomics 2007 Oct 31;8(1):400 PMID 17974019<br />

Morrissey C, Brown M, O’Sullivan J. Weathered N, Watson RW, Tenniswood M Epigallocatechin-3-gallate<br />

and bicalutamide cause growth arrest and apoptosis in NRP-152 and NRP-154 prostate epithelial cells.<br />

Int J Urol 2007 Jun;14(6):545-51 PMID 17593102<br />

Mullan RH, Mathews C, Bresnihan B, FitzGerald O, King L, Poole AR, Fearon U, Veale DJ<br />

Early changes in serum type II collagen biomarkers predict radiographic progression at one year in<br />

inflammatory arthritis patients after biological therapy.<br />

Arthritis Rheum 2007 Sep;56(9):2919-28 PMID 17763421<br />

Murphy AM, Meade KG, Hayes PA, Park SD, Evans AC, Lonergan P, Machugh DE. Transmission ratio<br />

distortion at the growth hormone gene (GH1) in bovine preimplantation embryos: An in vitro culture-induced<br />

phenomenon? Mol Reprod Dev. 2007 Oct 18. PMID 17948248<br />

Nolan G, Doherty LS, McNicholas WT Auto-Adjusting Versus Fized Positive Pressure Therapy in Mild to<br />

Moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Sleep 2007 Feb 1;30(2):189-94 PMID17326544<br />

O’Brien SL, Fagan A, Fox EJ, Milikan RC, Culhane AC, Brennan DJ, McCann AH, Hegarty S, Moyna S,<br />

Duffy MJ, Higgins DG, Jirstrom K, Landberg G, Gallagher WM CENP-F expression is associated with poor<br />

prognosis and chromosomal instability in patients with primary breast cancer.<br />

Int J Cancer 2007 Apr 1;120(7):1434-43 PMID 17205517<br />

O’Connor CM, Lowery MM, Doherty LS, McHugh M, O’Muircheartaigh C, Cullen J, Nolan P, McNicholas<br />

WT, O’Malley MJ. Improved surface EMG electrode for measuing genioglossus muscle activity. Respir<br />

Physiol Neurobiol 2007 Oct 15;159(1):55-67 PMID17707698<br />

O’Rourke K, Walsh C, Hutchinston M. Bayesian analysis. J Neurol 2007 Nov;254(11):1547-1554.<br />

Outcome of beta-interferon treatment in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a Bayesian analysis.<br />

J Neurol. 2007 Nov;254(11):1547-54. PMID 17694348<br />

Patterson AM, Cartwright A, David G, Fitzgerald O, Bresnihan B, Ashton BA, Middleton JF. Differential<br />

expression of syndecans and glypicans in chronically inflamed symovium.<br />

Ann Rheum Dis. 2007 Jul 13. PMID 17545191.<br />

Plunkett FJ, Franzese O, Finney HM, Fletcher JM, Belaramani LL, Salmon M, Dokal I, Webster D, Lawson<br />

AD, Akbar AN. The loss of telomerase activity in highly differentiated CD8+CD28-CD27- T cells is<br />

associated with decreased Akt (Ser473) phosphorylation. J Immunol. 2007 Jun 15;178(12):7710-9. PMID<br />

17548608<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Quinn A, Doody C, O’Shea D. The effect of a physical activity education programme on physical activity,<br />

fitness, quality of life and attitudes to exercise in obese females. J. Sci Med Sport 2007 Sept 12 PMID<br />

17869182<br />

Ralph J A, Zocco D, Bresnihan B, FitzGerald O, McEvoy A N, Murphy E P. A role for Type 1· CRH<br />

receptors in mediating CRH-induced vascular changes in chronically inflamed tissue.<br />

Am J Pathol 2007 Mar;170(3):1121-33 PMID 17322394<br />

Roberts K. Costelloe, D. Hutchinson, M. Tubridy N. What difference does a neurologist make in a general<br />

hospital? Estimating the impact of neurology consultations on in-patient care.<br />

Ir J Med Sci. 2007 176(3):211-214; PMID 17593329<br />

Rooney T, Bresnihan B, Andersson U, Gogarty M, Kraan M, Schumacher HR, Ufgren AK, Veale DJ,<br />

Youssef PP, Tak PP. Microscopic measurement of inflammation in synovial tissue: inter-observer agreement<br />

for manual quantitative, semiquantitative and computerised digital image analysis.<br />

Ann Rheum Dis 2007 Dec;88(12):1656-60. PMID 17604286.<br />

Rudick RA, Miller D, Hass S, Hutchinson M, Calabresi PA, Confavreux C, Galetta SL, Giovannoni G,<br />

Havrdova E, Kappos L, Lublin FD, Miller, DH, O’Connor PW, Phillips JT, Polman CH, Radue E-W, <strong>St</strong>uart<br />

WH, Wajgt, A, Weinstock-Guttman B, Wynn DR, Lynn F, Panzara M, for the AFFIRM and SENTINEL<br />

Investigators. Health-Related Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis: Effects of Natalizumab.<br />

Ann Neurol 2007;62 PMID 17696126<br />

Ryan S, McNicholas WT, Taylor CT A critical role for p38 map kinase in NF-kB signalling during intermittent<br />

hypoxia/reoxygenation Biochem Biophys Res Comm 2007 Feb 9 PMID 17316568<br />

Ryan S, Nolan GM, Hannigan E, Cunningham S, Taylor C, McNicholas WT Cardiovascular risk markers<br />

in obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and correlation with obesity Thorax 2007 Jan 24 PMID 17251313<br />

Ryan S, Ward S, Heneghan C, McNicholas WT Predictors of decreased spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity<br />

in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Chest 2007 Apr;13(4):1100-7 PMID 17426215<br />

Slattery E, Theyventhiran R, Cullen G, Kennedy F, Ridge C, Nolan K, Kidney R, O’Donoghue DP, Mulcahy<br />

HE. Intravenous proton pump inhibitor use in hospital practice.<br />

Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2007 Jun;19(6):461-4. PMID 17489055.<br />

Smith T P, Kavanagh L, Healy M L, McKenna T J. Technology Insight: measuring prolactin in clinical<br />

samples. Nature Clinical Practice: Endocrinology & Metabolism 2007 (3); 279-289 PMID 17315036<br />

Smith FM, Fox E, Gallagher WM, <strong>St</strong>ephens R, Gaffney E, Hollywood, D, Whitely G, Petricoin E, Liotta L,<br />

Kennedy MJ, Reynolds JV. Combination of SELDI-TOF and data mining provides early-stage response<br />

prediction for rectal tumours undergoing multimodal neoadjuvant therapy.<br />

Ann Surg 2007 Feb;245(2):259-66. PMID 17245180<br />

Spain L, Tubridy N, Kilpatrick TJ, Adams S, Holmes A. Illness perception and health-related quality of life<br />

in multiple sclerosis. Acta Neurol Scand 2007; 116 (5): 293-9. PMID 17850407<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Tuthill A, Quinn A, McColgan D, McKenna M, O’Shea D, McKenna T.J. A prospective randomized<br />

controlled trial of lifestyle intervention on quality of life and cardiovascular risk score in patients with obesity<br />

and type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab 2007 Nov; 9(6):917-9 PMID 17451423<br />

Walsh CA, Minnock P, Slattery C, Kennedy N, Pang F, Veale DJ, Bresnihan B, FitzGerald O. Quality of<br />

life and economic impact of switching from established infliximab therapy to adalimumab in patients with<br />

rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2007 Jul ;46(7):1148-52. PMID 17478471.<br />

Walsh R, Hutchinston M. Molding the sensory cortex: Spatial acuity improves after botulinum toxin<br />

treatment for cervical dystonia. Mov Disord. 2007 Dec 15;22(16):2443-6. PMID 17960812<br />

Walsh R, O’Dwyer JP, Sheikh IH, O’Riordan S, Lynch T, Hutchinson M. Sporadic adult onset dystonia:<br />

sensory abnormalities as an endophenotype in unaffected relatives.<br />

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2007; 78:980-983. PMID 17702779<br />

Waterhouse DF, McLaughlin AM, Walsh DC, Sheehan F, O’Shea D. An examination of the relationship<br />

between normal range thyrotropin and cardiovascular risk parameters: a study in healthy women<br />

Thyroid 2007 Mar;17(3):243-8 PMID 17381358<br />

Zaman M, Leonard M, Ryan E, Nolan N, Hoti E, Maguire D, Mulcahy Hugh, Traynor O, Taylor C, Hegarty<br />

J, Geoghegan J, O'Farrelly C. “Lower expression of Nrf2 mRNA in older donor livers: a possible contributor<br />

to increased ischemia-reperfusion injury?” Transplantation 2007 Nov 27;84(10):1272-8. PMID 18049112<br />

Zhao Y, Terron-Kwaitkowski A, Liao H, Lee SP, Allen MH, Hull PR, Campbell LE, Trembath RC, Capon<br />

F, Griffiths CE, Burden D, McManus R, Hughes R, Kirby B, Rogers SF, Fitzgerald O, Kane D, Barker JN,<br />

Palmer CN, Irvine AD, McLean WH. Filaggrin null alleles are not associated with psoriasis.<br />

J. Invest Dermatol. 2007 Aug;127(8): 1878-82. PMID 17410197<br />

Chapters in Books<br />

1. U Fearon, DJ Veale. Angiogenesis in arthritis. Humana Press, London 2007.<br />

2. DJ Veale, U Fearon. Angiogenesis in Arthritis: Potential for therapeutic targeting. In: Baillieres<br />

Rheumatology, New Perspectives. Eds. Buckley C & Bresnihan B. 2007<br />

3. Philip de Chazal, Conor Heneghan, Chern-Pin Chua, Redmond Shouldice, Liam Doherty, Silke Ryan<br />

and Walter T. McNicholas. Home-based assessment of sleep apnoea using simultaneous<br />

electrocardiogram and oximetry signals. In: Progress in Sleep Apnea Research. Editor:<br />

Robert T. Ferber, Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2007; 115-139.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

Grants Active in 2007<br />

P.I. Name of <strong>St</strong>udy Source of Fund <strong>St</strong>art Finish<br />

Grant Amount Date Date<br />

Prof. Walter McNicholas Cell and molecular mechanisms of cardiovascular HRB Project Grant €220,000 2005 2008<br />

disease in obstructive sleep apnoea.<br />

Prof. Walter McNicholas Non-invasive low cost measurements of sleep,<br />

(with Prof C. Heneghan UCD) sleep disruption and sleepiness. Enterprise Ireland €300,000 2005 2008<br />

Prof. Walter McNicholas Research in sleep apnoea AstraZeneca €75,000 2007 2009<br />

Prof. Joe Duffy Clinical evaluation of a breast cancer chip Randox Laboratories €35,000 2007 2007<br />

Prof. Joe Duffy Breast Cancer Metastasis: Biomarkers Health Research Board €1,063,000 2005 2010<br />

(with W. Gallagher, F. Martin and Functional Mediators Programme Grant 2005<br />

& P. Dervan)<br />

Prof Cliona O’Farrelly/ Identification of genes responsible for natural host Dept. Agriculture FIRM €935,039 2006 2009<br />

Dr. Kieran Meade resistance to Campylobacter colonisation tools to Grant 2006<br />

identify and breed genetically resistant chickens<br />

Prof. Cliona O'Farrelly/ <strong>St</strong>ructural and functional identification of candidate Research <strong>St</strong>imulus Fund €770,735 2006 2009<br />

Dr. Kieran Meade immune genes for resistance to mastitis and metritis 2006 Dept. Agriculture<br />

Prof. Cliona O’Farrelly Immune targeting strategies: improving the response HRB Translational Research €1,331,820 2007 2012<br />

rate to IFN-alpha/ribavirin therapy in chronic Award<br />

Hepatitis C Virus infection<br />

Prof. Cliona O’Farrelly Suppressor of Cytokine Signalling (SOCS) Protein HRB Project Grant 2007 €299,379 2007 2010<br />

Involvement in Chronic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)<br />

Infection and Failure to Respond to Interferon<br />

Alpha Therapy.<br />

Prof. Cliona O’Farrelly Functional immunogenomics in the chicken: Dept. Agriculture FIRM €691,286 2004 2007<br />

relevance to campylobacter jejuni infection. Grant 2004<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

P.I. Name of <strong>St</strong>udy Source of Fund <strong>St</strong>art Finish<br />

Grant Amount Date Date<br />

Prof. Cliona O’Farrelly SFI Research Frontiers Programme 2005 Role of CD1d isoforms and €229,766 2005 2008<br />

reactive cells in regulating<br />

immune responses to<br />

malignancy<br />

Prof. Cliona O’Farrelly/ HRB Research Project Grant – General 2005 Investigation of KIR genotype €234,473 2005 2008<br />

Dr. Clair Gardiner<br />

in the resolution of HCV<br />

infection<br />

Dr. Jacintha O’Sullivan Genomic instability and severe depression UCD Seed Funding €9,000 2006 2007<br />

Dr. Jacintha O’Sullivan Establishment of a colorectal ex vivo biopsy UCD Seed Funding €15,000 2006 2007<br />

culture model to examine responses to neo-adjuvant<br />

radiation therapy in advanced rectal cancers.<br />

Dr. Kieran Sheahan/ Molecular characterisation of familial colorectal HRB €174,400 2006 2009<br />

Dr. Dermot Leahy cancers<br />

G Dr. Edward Fox The frequency of random mutations and genomic NCI/HRB €88,000 2006 2008<br />

instability in colorectal cancer progression<br />

Centre for Colorectal Disease HRB Project Grant €165,000 2006 2009<br />

Dr. Jacintha O’Sullivan/ The role of genomic instability in promoting Health Research Board €185,000 2004 2007<br />

Prof. Diarmuid O’Donoghue/ colorectalcancer development in Ulcerative<br />

Dr. Kieran Sheahan Colitis patients<br />

Dr. Jacintha O’Sullivan The role of telomeres and telomerase in colorectal Cancer Research Ireland €145,000 2004 2007<br />

cancer growth, progression and metastasis.<br />

Dr. Garret Cullen Cigarette smoking and genomic instability: factors Altana – Newman Fellowship €80,000 2006 2008<br />

controlling disease progression and treatment<br />

sensitivity in inflammatory bowel disease patients.<br />

Dr. Joseph Marry The effect of genomic instability on monoclonal Merck – Newman Fellowship €138,000 2006 2008<br />

antibody therapy response in colorectal ex vivo<br />

explants.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

P.I. Name of <strong>St</strong>udy Source of Fund <strong>St</strong>art Finish<br />

Grant Amount Date Date<br />

Dr. Jacintha O’Sullivan & Frequency of random mutations and genomic HRB NCI Cancer €110,000 2007 2009<br />

Prof. L. Loeb (Seattle) instability events during colorectal Prevention Grant<br />

Post Doctoral Fellow cancer progression.<br />

Edward Fox<br />

Prof. D. O’Donoghue, Independent validation of a prognostic gene Almac Diagnostics €177,000 2006 2008<br />

Dr. Jacintha O’Sullivan, signature for <strong>St</strong>age II colorectal cancer<br />

Prof Johnston & Prof. Harkin<br />

Dr. U. Fearon/ A-SAA regulates cytoskeletal rearrangement and HRB Project Grant 2005 €140,000 2005 2008<br />

Prof. D. Veale/<br />

cell matrix interactions to promote cell migration<br />

Prof B. Bresnihan and cartilage invasion in inflammatory arthritis.<br />

Prof. D. Veale/Dr. P. Cahill/ The role of angiopoietins in driving angiogenesis Health Research Board €160,000 2004 2007<br />

Dr. U. Fearon<br />

in inflammation<br />

Prof. D. Veale/Dr. U. Fearon/ Hypoxia and altered mitochondrial bioenergetics HRB Translational €1,500,000 2006 2011<br />

Dr. J. O’Sullivan/ Dr. C. Taylor results in cellular transcriptional and metabolic Programme Award<br />

profiles to drive angiogenesis and the<br />

inflammatory response<br />

Dr. U. Fearon/Prof. D. Veale The mechanistic role of cytokines in regulating SFI €162,000 2004 2007<br />

angiogenesis and cartilage metabolism<br />

Prof. O. FitzGerald Differential expression of VEGF and PIGF and VEGF HRB Project Grant €165,000 2004 2007<br />

receptors in inflammatory arthritis<br />

Prof. D. Veale/ Biomarkers and Novel cytokines Wyeth €350,000 2006 2007<br />

Prof. O. FitzGerald/<br />

Dr. U. Fearon/<br />

Prof. B. Bresnihan<br />

Prof. D. Veale/Dr. U. Fearon <strong>St</strong>udies of novel cytokines using synovial/cartilage GSK €750,000 2006 2008<br />

explant cultures<br />

Prof. D. Veale/Dr. U. Fearon Proof of Concept <strong>St</strong>udies GSK €680,000 2006 2008<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Education & Research<br />

P.I. Name of <strong>St</strong>udy Source of Fund <strong>St</strong>art Finish<br />

Grant Amount Date Date<br />

Prof. B. Bresnihan/ Curing Autoimmune Disease – translational approach EU 6th Framework €800,000 2006 2011<br />

Prof. D. Veale<br />

Prof. O FitzGerald<br />

Prof. D. Veale Novel therapeutic antibody study Cambridge Antibody €100,000 2006 2007<br />

Technology<br />

Prof. D. Veale (co-applicant) Biopharmaceutical/Pharmaceutical PRTLI Cycle 4 €4,600,000 2007 2012<br />

Science Programme<br />

Prof. D. Veale A Cellmax Artificial Capillary System and UCD Research Support €35,000 2007 2007<br />

Flexercell <strong>St</strong>rain Unit<br />

Schemes<br />

Dr. U Fearon Hypoxia Chambers and Luminometer HRB Equipment Grant €75,000 2007 2007<br />

Dr. U. Fearon In vivo Hypoxic probes and monitor UCD Seed Funding €20,000 2007 2007<br />

Prof. O. FitzGerald Effcacy of switching anti-TNF therapies in patients Abbott €64,000 2007 2007<br />

with rheumatoid arthritis.<br />

Prof. O. FitzGerald Differential Protein expression in psoriatic arthritis Abbott €100,000 2007 2007<br />

synovial tissue following anti-TNF therapy<br />

Prof. O. FitzGerald Development of Inflammatory Arthritis database Abbott €240,000 2007 2007<br />

Dr. Donal O’Shea/ Clinical Research Training Fellowship Health Research Board €192,000 2005 2007<br />

Prof. Cliona O’Farrelly/<br />

Dr. Tom Cawood<br />

Dr. Donal O’Shea Adipocyte size and type 2 diabetes; a study of Diabetes Federation of Ireland €180,000 2006 2009<br />

patients undergoing bariatric surgery.<br />

& Medical Research Charities<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Radiology<br />

Pharmacy<br />

I.C.T.<br />

Laboratory<br />

Library<br />

Human Resources<br />

Nursing<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

<strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

I am pleased to report on the on-going developments in <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> during 2007. As part of the<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group the policy of developing and integrating services continued. The Health<br />

Service Executive continued to rollout its Transformation Programme in respect of service delivery.<br />

As in previous years, <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> prepared and submitted a Service Plan in conjunction with <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> to the Health Service Executive. The Service Plan detailed the <strong>Hospital</strong>’s<br />

projected expenditure, activity and Capital Funding requirements for 2007. The Service Plan and activity in<br />

the <strong>Hospital</strong> formed the basis for discussion at the Monthly Monitoring Performance Meetings held with the<br />

Health Service Executive.<br />

While the Budget position was difficult, the <strong>Hospital</strong> did maintain expenditure within allocation and is carrying<br />

forward a small deficit in respect of previous years.<br />

In 2007 the <strong>Hospital</strong> was allocated Capital Funding in respect of Phase II of Fire Safety Works and the<br />

upgrade of the water mains system. The upgrade of the water mains system was completed in September<br />

2007 and the Fire Safety Works will be completed in February 2008. Upgrading of the <strong>Hospital</strong>’s<br />

infrastructure, following the Hygiene Audit continued throughout the year.<br />

Following the Decontamination Audit it was agreed that the <strong>Hospital</strong> Theatres, Day Ward and TSSD Unit<br />

needed to be re-located. An application was submitted to the HSE for Capital Funding. The <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

received sanction to proceed with the project. The tender process has commenced and is proceeding in<br />

conjunction with the Planning Unit of the HSE.<br />

Radiology<br />

In 2007 the RIS/PACS System, which links <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

radiology systems went live. Clinicians can view images from either <strong>Hospital</strong> as soon as the examination is<br />

completed. Another advantage for Clinicians is the ability to view C.T. and M.R.I. examinations performed in<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Rosaleen Walshe retired from the position of Radiography Services Manager in April and has been<br />

succeeded by Patricia Radebe who is warmly welcomed. Mary Hughes retired as Senior Radiographer and<br />

Gibson Gundidza is the new Senior Radiographer in charge of the DXA Service. We also welcomed<br />

Thushara Alias and Timea Zandoky to the Radiology Department.<br />

Pharmacy<br />

The Pharmacy department has continued to update its guidelines and processes aiming to provide a more<br />

efficient medication delivery service and prescription review service. The aim is to deliver medication in a<br />

timely way for patients and improve medication safety.<br />

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A new drug kardex was designed, piloted and reviewed and will be introduced across the <strong>Hospital</strong> shortly.<br />

New guidelines on insulin storage and labelling were introduced, to improve safety and stability of insulin.<br />

The new medication policy is near completion. Pharmacy staff have had input into a wide array of new<br />

hospital policies/ guidelines with medication issues.<br />

Future plans include medication audits (e.g. another antibiotic audit) and further development of the<br />

temperature monitoring system.<br />

I.C.T.<br />

2007 was a busy year for the ICT Department in <strong>St</strong> Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong>. The largest technological<br />

development undertaken in the hospital was the roll out of the Radiology Picture Archiving System commonly<br />

known as RIS/PACs. This system is a major departure from traditional radiology systems and has already<br />

proven to be of immense benefit to both patients and clinicians. Another major development in 2007 was<br />

the implementation of Healthlink online in <strong>St</strong> Michaels <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Other projects included the rollout of a digital CCTV security system, the development of the hospital website<br />

and the rollout of the latest software for managing large groups of Windows-based computer systems.<br />

The year also saw the continuous improvement and consolidation of ICT in the hospital. This included<br />

updating the network infrastructure, updating servers and desktops, implementing improvements on ICT<br />

security and maintaining high-speed links to <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>. These ongoing activities<br />

improve critical ICT services, which support the day-to-day activities of the <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

During the year the department bid a temporary farewell to David Hogan, who is currently on sabbatical for<br />

a year. In turn we were very happy to welcome John Ginanne to the team.<br />

Laboratory<br />

This was another busy year in the Pathology department. There were a total of 152,661 samples received<br />

in the laboratory over the year consisting of 1,305,815 individual tests.<br />

There were two retirements during the year. Betty White retired from the Clerical staff and Finan Hayes<br />

retired after 26 years service to the <strong>Hospital</strong>. <strong>St</strong>aff resignations during the year included Dr Mary Crowe,<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Sarah Jane Slattery and Basker Sathiyanthan. We wish them all the best in their new careers.<br />

We welcomed Lindsay Jones and Maria Kane to Microbiology, Dr Lilian Rajan as locum Consultant<br />

Microbiologist and Sinead Impey to our Clerical staff. Congratulations to Geraldine Lunney who was<br />

appointed as our Quality Coordinator during the year.<br />

15 staff attended 25 training courses during the year. In addition Catherine Fitzpatrick trained as a manual<br />

handling facilitator. Nicola Flaherty successfully completed her traineeship and obtained full Academy<br />

membership. Orla Donaghue commenced a Masters programme and Sinead Impey commenced the Medical<br />

Records course in D.I.T. Catherine Doherty and Michael Carey completed their second year on the Skillvec<br />

program.<br />

A number of internal and external Audits were carried out in the department during the year. The external<br />

Audits included the H.S.A., The Hygiene Audit and the Dangerous Goods Advisor. Internal audits included<br />

an audit of equipment folders, horizontal audits of individual tests, armband audits and a complete audit of<br />

transfusion of a unit of blood. Every quarter a review of the incident book was presented at the Quality<br />

Meetings and Safety Meetings.<br />

Look-up facilities were rolled out throughout the hospital in January so that all Wards and Clinics can now<br />

view their pathology results electronically. The Healthlink software interface was purchased during the year.<br />

This enables the electronic downloading of results to GP practice management systems.<br />

Validation of the special software for the Warfarin dose monitoring was completed and the new system for<br />

running the warfarin clinic commenced. The system is similar to the one used in <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>Hospital</strong>. An average of 94 patients were dose-monitored at the clinic each week. This clinic has doubled in<br />

size in the last two years and is now at its maximum capacity.<br />

The Blood Transfusion department is preparing for the full implementation of the E.U. Directive on Blood,<br />

which comes into force in November 08. The first annual report from this department on behalf of the<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> was submitted in January to the IMB. During the year the Blood Transfusion Department introduced<br />

a system for transferring units of blood to <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>, which are short dated and have<br />

not been transfused prior to expiry. The <strong>St</strong>rategic Planning group met to discuss how best the Blood<br />

Transfusion department in <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> could meet the ISO15189 standards, which is the<br />

requirement of the EU Directive. It was decided that because of the small volume of work and the lack of<br />

space in the department, the best option was to transfer the serology testing to <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>Hospital</strong>. A working group was set up to implement this. A Blood Transfusion Area Network group was set<br />

up during the year to include <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>, <strong>St</strong>. Michaels <strong>Hospital</strong>, Holles <strong>St</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Columcilles <strong>Hospital</strong> for the implementation and auditing of the transfusion services. A Network Quality<br />

Officer was also appointed to work between the networked hospitals.<br />

Library<br />

In July 2007 the joint catalogue of <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group went live on-line. <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

library continues to provide a loan service, study space, Internet access, printing and copying facilities to all<br />

staff and students on placement in the hospital. The Librarian is involved in the Accreditation project, the<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> Newsletter and orientation for new staff and students.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Human Resources<br />

2007 was a difficult year for HR. As a <strong>Hospital</strong> we continued to experience increased demand for services<br />

while we still tried to operate within our tight employment ceiling. We also had the Nursing ‘campaign of<br />

action’, followed by a ‘recruitment pause’ imposed on us in September, combined with continuous and<br />

increased information demands from various sources for more reports and more information. All these<br />

factors contributed to a very difficult balancing act for the HR Dept given our limited resources and this<br />

challenged us throughout 2007. Thankfully we continued to experience a low turnover rate among our staff<br />

and low absenteeism, which mitigated the effects of the ‘recruitment pause’.<br />

In October the first SVHG Annual Service Awards were held in the ERC at <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

and 40 staff from <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> received an award for 20 years service.<br />

The HR Forum meetings with Department Heads and Line Managers continued to be popular and were well<br />

attended. These regular meetings take place throughout the year, are hosted by the HR Department and<br />

help managers to exchange information and to share experience in dealing with staff issues and to learn<br />

about and discuss best HR practice and HR developments within our Group.<br />

Our investment in Training and Development focused on extending Team Based Performance Management<br />

in line with national policy and in supporting Continuous Professional Development and training in People<br />

Management Skills. Over 250 staff participated in over 700 training and development days.<br />

We continued to monitor HR activity across a range of indicators. We also continued to collaborate with our<br />

HR colleagues at SVPH and SVUH on policy and practice development and in harmonising existing HR<br />

policies and practice.<br />

Some of our longer serving staff retired in 2007, including Rosaleen Walsh (Radiography Services Manager),<br />

Finian Hayes (Senior Medical Scientist), Betty White (Medical Laboratory Office) and Pat McNally (Nursing<br />

Manager). The Catering Department will miss Josephine Murphy and Hilda Denny who also retired, as did<br />

Ruth Matheson, our night-telephonist/receptionist and Angela O’Callaghan (Phlebotomy). To each and every<br />

one of them we say thank you for your service and dedication to <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> and to our patients<br />

and we wish you all a long, happy and healthy retirement.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Nursing<br />

The Nursing <strong>St</strong>aff at <strong>St</strong> Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> continue in their endeavours to give holistic care to the patient<br />

population from Dun Laoghaire, the surrounding areas and the many visitors that have crossed the threshold<br />

over the past year.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff said a sad and fond farewell to Ms. Robyn Henderson who resigned following leave of absence. She is<br />

missed for her vibrant buzz but will remain an encouraging support. Pat McNally CNM 2, retired after 27<br />

years at the hospital as manager and person responsible for the establishment of the Diabetes Unit, which<br />

she has left in the capable hands of Ber Lynch CNM 2.<br />

There were many new Nursing initiatives during the year, including:<br />

Diabetes:<br />

Insulin Pump Therapy introduced, insulin treatment correction sliding scale cards,<br />

carbohydrate counting / insulin treatment sheets for the ward patients and the<br />

unit continues to work with a multidisciplinary team.<br />

Respiratory: The introduction and development of the Omalizumab/Xolair clinic and the research on the<br />

outcomes for these Xolair patients and the oxygen assessment clinic. There is a research / project planning<br />

for End of Life study for Lung Fibrosis and preparation for the development of Non Invasive Ventilation <strong>St</strong>udy<br />

Day to start February 2008.<br />

Cancer Care / Urology: Male Urethral Catheterisation for nurses wishing to include male catheterisation in<br />

their scope of practice and facilitating the education of Public Health Nurses in the changing of Supra-pubic<br />

catheters in the community.<br />

Cardiac Rehabilitation: A conference was held for all past patients in the local Royal Marine Hotel at the end<br />

of 2007. Invited speakers from group such as Active Retirement contributed to the success of the day. Due<br />

to the overwhelming positive feedback, it was decided that this would be an annual event.<br />

Palliative Care: Funded by the National Council, a Palliative Care Facilitator for a period of one year has<br />

proved invaluable. Jeanette Barber not only educates but also takes an active part in Palliative Care.<br />

A Palliative Care folder was introduced in Clinical Areas which includes information and references on the<br />

various aspects of palliative care and relevant policies where updated including “Care of the Deceased” and<br />

information packs for relatives.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Infection Control: 2007 was a very busy year for the infection control team with the HIQA Hygiene Services<br />

Quality Review and the changes in National Hygiene <strong>St</strong>andards. Patient information leaflets and a comment<br />

section on hygiene were introduced into the patient satisfaction survey.<br />

The Nursing <strong>St</strong>aff in <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> continue to be advocates for our patients and strive to deliver<br />

efficient, effective and focused care.<br />

To conclude, I would like to thank Mrs. Ann Riordan, Chairperson of the Fund Raising Committee and all her<br />

team, for their dedicated work in organising functions and raising funds on behalf of <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Sadly, in 2007, the committee decided to disband. I would like to thank all members of the Fund Raising<br />

Committee and volunteers who participated on the Fund Raising Committee over the years.<br />

I thank the Religious Sisters’ Of Charity and the Board of Directors’ for their commitment to developing <strong>St</strong>.<br />

Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

I acknowledge and thank the members of the Executive Council, The Medical Forum and members of the<br />

various other committees within <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong>, for all their assistance and support during 2007.<br />

I would also like to thank the Group Chief Executive Officer and the HSE for their support during the year.<br />

Finally, I would like to thank <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> staff for their contribution in caring for our patients and<br />

their families. Their dedication and the professionalism shown in their work is acknowledged and highly<br />

appreciated.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Organisation <strong>St</strong>ructure<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Consultant’s Forum<br />

Nursing Division<br />

Allied Health Division<br />

Support Services Division<br />

Human Resources Division<br />

Corporate Services Division<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Overview<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong> increased it’s surplus from €2.6m in 2006 to €3.3m in 2007. Total income of<br />

€63.7m was 1% ahead of target for the year. The hospital continued to expand its day care activity which<br />

contributed to the overall financial outcome. I would like to thank our Heads of Departments, consultants and<br />

staff who contributed to the various improvements made during the year, which are outlined in this report.<br />

Agreements were successfully concluded with VHI, Quinn-Healthcare, Vivas and other medical insurers for<br />

2007. Negotiations took place with the Health Services Executive in relation to the provision of radiotherapy<br />

treatment for public patients.<br />

The hospital currently has 164 in-patient beds, 36 day care spaces (including day care oncology), operating<br />

theatres for major and minor surgery, endoscopy, diagnostic imaging which includes general radiography, CT,<br />

ultrasound and MRI and comprehensive oncology and radiotherapy services. Patient satisfaction with the<br />

hospital’s services remains high as evidenced by the results of the Patient Satisfaction Survey (Overall<br />

satisfaction rating of 98.8% for In-Patient and 99% for Day Care Services as outlined in the Corporate<br />

Services Report). Management continued to implement the strategic action plan, which contains a number<br />

of quality improvement initiatives. I would like to thank Professor Diarmuid O’Donoghue and the members of<br />

the Consultants Forum for their support in relation to a wide range of issues during the year<br />

Patient Activity<br />

In-Patient admissions for 2007 amounted to 9,517 an increase of 5.4% over 2006. However due to changes<br />

in clinical practice the average length of stay reduced from 5.32 to 4.88 days which is reflected in in-patient<br />

occupancy of 82.06%. Day cases were 13% up on 2006 as was day care oncology (6.2%). Radiotherapy<br />

activity is 1.3% higher than activity in 2006 and pathology tests are up 5.8% overall. A summary of the<br />

Patient Activity for the year is contained in the Report.<br />

General Improvements<br />

A number of infrastructural improvements were made in 2007 as follows:<br />

• Upgrading of Air Conditioning System in Radiotherapy and Day Care Oncology<br />

• New Air Conditional Unit in MRI Unit<br />

• New <strong>St</strong>erilisers were installed in Hawthorn and Rowan Wards<br />

• A second Pulmonary Function Lab was established to meet growing demand.<br />

• Replacement of Endoscopy <strong>St</strong>erilising Equipment<br />

• The Catering Department received their certificate for ISO 22000 (Food Safety Management System)<br />

in October.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

A more detailed list of improvements is set out in the reports from the Divisional Managers.<br />

Management Team<br />

The Management Team continued to meet on a weekly basis throughout the year to review and monitor<br />

progress in relation to the budget and service plan. The Management Team also participated on the Best<br />

Practice Group, which is responsible for quality and risk management at the hospital.<br />

Regular meetings were held with the Heads of Departments and staff during the year. At these meetings the<br />

Management Team provided updates on the hospital’s clinical and financial performance and on relevant<br />

internal and external factors affecting the hospital.<br />

The Management Team also provides an induction programme for new staff to familiarise them with the<br />

hospital and its policies and procedures. They also produced a number of Newsletters to keep all staff<br />

updated on developments during the year.<br />

New Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Work is progressing with the Design Team in relation to the design, construction and commissioning of the<br />

new 260 bed private hospital on the <strong>St</strong>. Anthony’s Site. Full Planning Permission was granted by An Bord<br />

Pleanala in 2007 and during the last quarter of 2007 those services which were based in <strong>St</strong>. Anthony’s were<br />

decanted to the main <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> site. Senior management participated on the user<br />

groups with the Design Team to finalise the detailed design aspects of the hospital. The Design Team<br />

comprises of Scott Tallon and Walker, Architects, Bruce Shaw, Quantity Surveyors, Buro Happold, Mechanical<br />

and Electrical Engineers and ARUP, <strong>St</strong>ructural Engineers. Following a tender John Paul Construction was<br />

selected as the Main Contractor for the project.<br />

Michael Redmond<br />

Chief Executive<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Consultant’s Forum<br />

The Consultants Forum met on a monthly basis throughout the year with hospital management. The Forum<br />

includes representation from Medicine (3), Surgery (3), Anaesthetics (1), Diagnostic Imaging (1), Pathology<br />

and Board nominations (3). Thanks are due to all of the consultants who participated on the Forum during<br />

the year and to Mr. Donal Maguire who resigned from the Forum in 2007. Among the issues considered by<br />

the Forum were the following:<br />

• Claims processing working group • Development of a New Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

• Expansion of Radiotherapy Services • Development of New Consulting Rooms<br />

• Admitting Privileges • Radiology Reporting<br />

• Review of <strong>Hospital</strong> Activity Levels • Development of PACS<br />

• Report on Week End Pharmacy Services • Launch of Summer Bed Initiative<br />

• Theatre Survey undertaken • Revised Patient Consent Guidelines introduced<br />

• Guidelines re Peri-operative • Patient Medical Record<br />

use of Oral Medications<br />

• NTPF • Out of Hours Pathology Tests<br />

• Needle <strong>St</strong>ick Injury Policy<br />

Professor D. O’Donoghue, Dr. P. Quigley and Mr. D. Quinlan represent the Forum on the Executive Committee<br />

and Professor W. McNicholas and Mr. E. McDermott represent the Forum on the Best Practice Group.<br />

Thanks are also due to Ms. Yvonne Farnan who continues to provide secretarial support to the Forum.<br />

Professor Diarmuid O’Donoghue<br />

Chairman, Consultants Forum<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Nursing Division<br />

Overview<br />

The Annual Review of Nursing Division encompasses the contributions of staff in all of the following areas:<br />

• Patient Care areas (8) • Operating Theatres<br />

• Day Care including Day Care Oncology • Endoscopy<br />

• Day Surgery • Urodynamics<br />

• Pastoral Care/Chaplaincy • Portering Service<br />

• Admissions • Nursing Education<br />

• Clinical Nurse Specialists<br />

Thanks to a high level of commitment and dedication of staff every effort was expended to continue providing<br />

quality patient care while facing the many challenges with vigour and enthusiasm. The New <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Development provided opportunities to review long term strategies while remaining true to our traditional<br />

values, knowing and believing that we must uphold these values in our new hospital.<br />

Activity levels in all patient care areas showed a steady increase in 2007 with a shift from inpatient to day<br />

case management occurring in certain specialties. Much effort was spent in Day Care Oncology to allow for<br />

increased patient throughput with a resulting decrease in waiting time from referral to first treatment. The<br />

Cardiac <strong>St</strong>ep Down Unit on Redwood Ward proved a successful development with evidence of continuous<br />

efficient bed utilization.<br />

The nurses ‘work to rule’ in April provided a challenge to senior management and nurses in SVPH in terms<br />

of ensuring the safe provision of patient care, management of staff relations and the threat of revenue loss.<br />

Fortunately the organizational culture facilitated a smooth navigation throughout the course of the industrial<br />

dispute.<br />

We welcomed twelve new graduate nurses in July whose orientation to SVPH was facilitated by a<br />

comprehensive programme developed by Ms. Rita Leamy (Clinical Nurse Facilitator). Many of these graduate<br />

nurses were students of <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Una Nicholson (Clinical Nurse Specialist – Infection Control) provided guidance on infection control issues<br />

and facilitated a Hygiene Audit, which took place in November. The audit tool was similar to that used by<br />

H.I.Q.A. for public service facilities. A multi disciplinary group with senior management membership has been<br />

formed to systematically carry out all report recommendations.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Much energy was expended on recruitment during the year. We were able to replace nurses resigning as<br />

well as fill some deficits.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff Recruited:<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff Nurses 33<br />

Care Assistants 5<br />

TSSD Technicians 3<br />

Clinical Nurse Managers II 3<br />

Clinical Nurse Manager I 1<br />

Clinical Nurse Specialists 2<br />

Phlebotomist 1<br />

Porters 6<br />

Resignations<br />

In 2007 we said goodbye to a number of staff members<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff Nurses 23<br />

Porters 3<br />

Care Assistants 2<br />

Theatre Attendants 1<br />

TSSD Technicians 2<br />

Service Developments/Activities<br />

Committee Activities:<br />

The Mission Committee comprises of representatives of all divisions. Chaired by Ms. Orla Fitzgibbon<br />

(Assistant Director of Nursing) the Committee met monthly and engaged in many activities designed to<br />

incorporate the mission, philosophy and values of the Religious Sisters of Charity into our work practice. Fund<br />

raising events took place including: staff barbeque in July; quiz night in October and a very successful staff<br />

children’s party was held in December.<br />

The <strong>St</strong>aff Development Committee met throughout the year and developed a professional education and<br />

development programme consisting of a hospital based in- service education programme. Mr.Nelson Lebogo<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

was appointed Nurse Education officer in September and immediately carried out a skills and education<br />

needs analysis to predict any current staff training requirements as well as that needed for the new hospital<br />

development.<br />

Courses Undertaken in 2007<br />

• MSc in Nursing x 7 • MSc in Pain Management x 1<br />

• Maters in Clinical Practice x 1 • Graduate Diploma in Nursing <strong>St</strong>udies – Breast<br />

• MSc in Nursing Education x 2 Care x 1<br />

• Diploma in Management <strong>St</strong>udies x 1 • MSc in Healthcare Management x 1<br />

• Diploma in First Line Management x 2 • BSc in Information Technology x 1<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff members from Nursing Division participated in SVPH Committees including Health and Safety,<br />

Nursing/ Pharmacy /Finance, Bed Management, Best Practice, etc.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff members from Nursing Division also participated in SVHG Committees including Clinical Audit<br />

Committee, Group Nutrition Committee, Drugs and Therapeutics Committee and Group Infection Control<br />

Committee.<br />

Outstanding/Significant Achievements<br />

In October ten of our Health Care Assistants graduated having successfully completed the FETAC Level 5<br />

Health Care Support course under the auspices of Dun Laoghaire College of Further Education. Justyna<br />

Pizytulska received the ‘<strong>St</strong>udent of the Year’ accolade.<br />

Future Plans<br />

H.A.N.U.<br />

A quality improvement initiative was commenced on Hawthorn Ward with plans for the opening of the<br />

H.A.N.U. (Hawthorn Acute Nursing Unit) in early 2008. Refurbishment commenced in December of a fourbedded<br />

bay to allow for the cohorting of patients post major abdominal surgeries following return to SVPH<br />

from ITU and HDU. A nurse education programme was developed in collaboration with the Outreach<br />

Programme co-ordinator Denis Wedgwood.<br />

Multi disciplinary meetings took place clarifying roles and responsibilities. A trigger alert system together with<br />

a decision tree algorithm was developed to allow for appropriate and timely interventions to prevent patients<br />

returning to ITU with complications.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Allied Health Division<br />

Introduction<br />

The Allied Health Division incorporates Administration, Cardiology, Dietetics, Diagnostic Imaging (Radiology),<br />

Medical Physics, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Radiotherapy, Respiratory, and Social Work.<br />

Departments provide clinical and/or non-clinical support services to in-patient wards and offer a range of<br />

outpatient services.<br />

The overall objective of the Division is to provide and develop services to meet the needs of patients and<br />

their relatives.<br />

The following contains a general overview of key issues, service enhancements and events that took place<br />

in 2007.<br />

2007 – An Overview<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff throughout the Division are to be thanked for their hard work, flexible attitude and overall commitment<br />

to meeting an increasing number and range of patient needs. This has been particularly challenging in some<br />

areas where there have been limitations in staff numbers and treatment facilities.<br />

A difficult time was also felt in September, with the loss of our colleague and Senior Pharmacist, Mary Cogan.<br />

Her contribution to services during her years at <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s was significant and she is dearly missed.<br />

General<br />

The year presented various challenges and opportunities throughout the Division. An overview of key issues<br />

that affected Allied Health services are detailed below.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff in all departments (with the exception of Radiotherapy) participated in User Groups with architects to<br />

work on the design of departments in the New <strong>Hospital</strong>. The project offers numerous opportunities and<br />

challenges for the development of services in the purpose built facility.<br />

Work continued with Accreditation as staff from across the Division joined with colleagues from <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> in the various care teams.<br />

Heads of Department from Allied Health and Support Services took part in Management Development<br />

training. Feedback on the course run by an external company was excellent and all departments gained from<br />

covering a range of subjects from goal setting to running effective meetings.<br />

In an effort to improve documentation for training, individual training cards were introduced for all staff in the<br />

Division. These allow staff to keep track of all training they have attended, including mandatory training such<br />

as manual handling and fire safety.<br />

CT activity increased by over 10%. A key factor in this rapid expansion in activity was as a result of a VHI<br />

agreement to reimburse oncology patients who require CT scans as part of a review of their condition.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

National issues raised in relation to mammography led to a dramatic increase in demand for services towards<br />

the end of the year. Demand for ultrasound also rose with the ongoing development of the Triple Assessment<br />

Clinic (TAC) and symptomatic breast services.<br />

Chemotherapy activity rose by a further 18% in 2007 demonstrating an ongoing growth in demand for<br />

oncology services. This places particular pressures on staffing levels and the physical infrastructure/facilities.<br />

Service Enhancements<br />

In addition to the above, a number of service developments were delivered for the benefit of patients:<br />

• VHI agreed to direct payment for Echo tests, significantly reducing the financial burden on patients<br />

requiring this service.<br />

• MDA, night sedation and pre-medication stock management systems on the wards were changed,<br />

improving access without compromising security.<br />

• An improved satellite pharmacy was introduced on Redwood ward, comprising a drugs cupboard and<br />

fridge. Out-of-hours back up via an agreement with a local pharmacy was also put in place.<br />

• A laser machine was acquired in physiotherapy for the faster resolution of inflammatory response and<br />

reduction of pain.<br />

• Upgrade of CT Scanner (to 16 slice), which improves the standard of imaging in Radiotherapy and<br />

also provides a back-up facility for Diagnostic Imaging.<br />

• Revised Consent form introduced for Radiotherapy patient.<br />

• Further development work carried out on a new Radiation treatment – IMRT.<br />

• Successful negotiations with HSE for treatment of public patients requiring Radiotherapy treatment<br />

(first patients to be treated in Quarter 1, 2008).<br />

• Additional Social Work resources made permanent.<br />

• Development of a Patient Information Pack.<br />

• A second Pulmonary Function Lab was opened almost doubling capacity.<br />

• A new full-time Dietician Manager was appointed.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

• In conjunction with Nursing, TPN guidelines were developed and several ward based training<br />

sessions carried out.<br />

• Introduction of Admission Medication Record – used to more accurately record patient medication.<br />

Summary Training/Education & Conference Attendances<br />

Education and training is key to the retention and development of staff. Some of the courses/events<br />

undertaken in Allied Health over the 12 months include:<br />

General – Induction, Manual Handling, Fire Safety and Fire Evacuations, CPR, Clinical Audit, European<br />

Safety Week, Management Development, Waste Management.<br />

Diagnostic Imaging – Certificate courses in Intravenous Administration, postgraduate certificate in<br />

Computed Tomography, ESGAR meeting in Lisbon, Cardiac MRI course, Annual Mater International Breast<br />

Imaging.<br />

Medical Physics – Irish Radiotherapy Physics Conference, Royal Marsden Radiotherapy training course,<br />

Varian Brachytherapy systems and advances in Treatment Planning Systems and Algoritms. One member of<br />

the department was invited to present at the European Elekta users Group.<br />

Physiotherapy – Breast research, Shoulder assessment and management, lymphodema, arterial blood<br />

gases, Acapella demonstration, Tracheostomy study day.<br />

Cardiology and Respiratory – junior staff completing compulsory Physiology Degree.<br />

Respiratory – Irish Sleep Society Conference.<br />

Pharmacy – Computer skills, clinical skills (HPAI), chemical risk assessment training.<br />

Dietetics – BAPEN conference, Diabetes <strong>St</strong>udy Day, Annual Clinical Nutritions Seminar, Nutrition and Peak<br />

Performance Conference, Nephrotic Syndrome and Renal <strong>St</strong>ones.<br />

Radiotherapy – Postgraduate Diploma in Radiotherapy (Sheffield), Diploma in Management, CT anatomy<br />

course, Iview interpretation and matching.<br />

The above represents an overview of activities across Allied Health Departments during 2007. Further<br />

information is available within individual departmental action plans.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Support Services Division<br />

The Support Services Division incorporates Reception, Security, Hygiene Services, Household Services,<br />

Maintenance, Projects, Patient and <strong>St</strong>aff Catering.<br />

Reception<br />

Margaret English and a staff of nine provide reception and front of house services throughout the hospital.<br />

As reception is the first point of call for both patients and visitors the primary function is to promote a friendly<br />

and efficient environment.<br />

Some of the service improvements during the year were:<br />

A new shift is now in place on Saturdays to facilitate the checking in of day care patients.<br />

Security improvements included a new procedure for the registration of visitors and contractors and also our<br />

nightly surveillance and lock up procedures were updated.<br />

A system is now in place at reception for the dissemination of pathology reports. This system is working well<br />

since March of last year.<br />

In August a new system for contacting the cardiac team was put in place. There is also a tested contingency<br />

link with the switchboard team in <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

A welcome is also extended to the new members of the team Andrew Reilly, Maureen Finnigan and Liz<br />

Murphy.<br />

Household Services<br />

Yvonne Gleeson, Household Services Officers has a team of 5 who provide a six-day service. The team<br />

provides support in relation to hygiene, laundry, and hotel services throughout the hospital.<br />

Some of the Improvements during the year were:<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Laundry Service<br />

As part of improving the hygiene services throughout the <strong>Hospital</strong> there are now smaller trolleys in use to<br />

deliver linen to and from the ward areas. The linen contractor now washes the new trolleys each day.<br />

Household service staff in conjunction with infection control visited the linen company and reviewed the<br />

procedures in place. The linen delivery time has also been changed to 7.30am to facilitate congestion in the<br />

back yard delivery area. New scrub suits were rolled out to the required clinical areas in June.<br />

Recycling<br />

The household team also did some very good work in supplying recycling bins to 87 areas throughout the<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong>. There have been huge improvements in the level of recycling taking place.<br />

Cleaning and Hygiene<br />

A revised cleaning specification was issued in July. Additional hours were allocated to daycare and patient<br />

floors.<br />

A representative from BSAP Ltd carried out two audits during the year. The audits were in March and<br />

November and covered areas listed in the national hygiene services assessment scheme. Action plans were<br />

compiled to meet standards.<br />

The team continues to work closely with general refurbishment and facility enhancement projects that are<br />

carried out.<br />

Maintenance Department<br />

There are a total of 87 external contractors who service and maintain equipment on a regular basis. There<br />

are two on site personnel who work over six days. Non-routine work and projects are organised separately<br />

by using reputable outside firms who continue to complete the majority of our project work. Approximately<br />

2,684 requisition dockets were completed in 2007. In keeping with Health and Safety Regulations an<br />

External Contractors Form is completed by all contractors and kept in the relevant project files.<br />

Projects<br />

External contractors carried out a total of 17 projects. All projects are monitored through our maintenance<br />

administration office.<br />

Some of the projects completed last year include:<br />

• A new Dishwashing System was put in place in the tray room.<br />

• Air Conditioning Units installed in Admissions.<br />

• Newbridge Engineering installed a ladder to the lift motor room.<br />

• Gents changing room enhancement.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

• Maple Unit room 136 refurbishment to PFT Lab.<br />

• Hawthorn Ward new sluice <strong>St</strong>erilizer.<br />

• Rowan Ward new sluice <strong>St</strong>erilizer.<br />

• External storage area in place for finance documentation.<br />

• CT upgrade in Radiotherapy.<br />

• Air Conditioning Units installed in Day Oncology.<br />

• Car park exit and entrance barriers replaced.<br />

• Refurbishment of Chaplains office, Pastoral care office.<br />

• New storage area put in place for BOC oxygen supply.<br />

• Air conditioning units installed in Radiotherapy.<br />

• In the MRI room new Air Conditioning Units were installed.<br />

• <strong>St</strong> Joseph’s Air Conditioning Units installed.<br />

• 4th Floor Air Conditioning Units installed in bedrooms and treatment rooms.<br />

• Extensive work was carried out in the coffee shop in January. The sandwich bar was relocated<br />

to enhance customer flow.<br />

• William Farrell & Co carried out exploratory work on the electrical board in the kitchen in July.<br />

Fire Prevention<br />

Apex Fire have completed the following upgrade works:<br />

The Fire alarm sound was checked to comply with the 65 decibels regulation.<br />

The Fire Register & Fire Service folders were reviewed and have been updated.<br />

Michael Slattery Associates Fire Advisor, Brendan Kavanagh assisted the <strong>Hospital</strong> in carrying out 4<br />

Fire Evacuations in patient areas, Theatre and Day care.<br />

Fire training sessions were available for all staff through the year.<br />

Catering Department<br />

The Catering Department services the needs of 162 in-patients, 30 day-care patients and approximately<br />

400 staff and visitors daily here in the <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

The Department also caters for various functions throughout the year as well as in-house meetings. The<br />

team consists of 68 staff lead by Yvonne Byrne and Geraldine O’ Nolan.<br />

The Catering Department has a fully implemented HACCP system and an ISO 22000: 2005 and IS 343<br />

accreditation.<br />

The Kitchen prepares and cooks the food on the day for all areas and is supervised by our Senior Chef<br />

Michele Pounch. The Coffee Shop opens from 7.00am – 5.00pm and seats 110 people.<br />

This department is very quality focused and promotes a culture of continuous improvements through out the<br />

year.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Some of last year’s activities:<br />

• The catering department held their Management Review Meeting’s in April and October.<br />

• A Healthy Eating week took place on the 4th June.<br />

• A New coffee machine was installed in the 2nd floor day room.<br />

• The 3 Marco boilers were serviced on the 9th July.<br />

• Gerard Kelly from CIR was on site on the 8th of August to verify corrective actions from last audit<br />

and then submit approval for certification to ISO 22000.<br />

• A coffee morning was held on the 19th September in the coffee shop and raised €286 for the Hospice.<br />

• The Catering Department received their certificate for ISO 22000 (Food Safety Management System)<br />

in October.<br />

• Complete Laboratory solutions carried out analysis on food products and hygiene swabs within<br />

the kitchen and coffee shop.<br />

• In December a raffle was held in the coffee shop for Focus Ireland and €3000 was raised.<br />

Audits<br />

ISO 22000 <strong>St</strong>age 2 Audit was carried out by Centre for International Registration (CIR) out on the 9th<br />

January.<br />

Gerard Kelly from CIR was on site on the 8th of August to verify corrective actions from last audit and then<br />

submit approval for certification to ISO 22000.<br />

Michele Pounch and Denise Ryan carried out 5 supplier audit visits in August (Barbeque Foods, Old<br />

McDonnells, Traditional Cheese, Euro Frozen Foods and Pierres/Cusine de France).<br />

Michele Pounch and Denise Ryan carried out a follow up audit in November with Euro Frozen foods to close<br />

out an issue previously raised.<br />

Joe Carroll of QMS carried out a systems audit to ISO 22000 on the 16th October.<br />

Surveys<br />

Four surveys were carried out in the catering department two in the patient catering area and two in the<br />

coffee shop.<br />

Patient Catering: on the beverage service and on the sandwiches at evening mealtime.<br />

Coffee Shop: New layout as a result of moving the sandwich bar and on selection of breads available<br />

at the sandwich bar.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Training<br />

Thornton’s Recycling Training took place from the 16th – 19th January.<br />

The Quantum training finished on the 2nd March. Ger O’Nolan, Denise Ryan, Michele Pounch attended from<br />

the catering department.<br />

Denise Ryan and Yvonne Gleeson attended a minute taking course with the Irish Times on the 27th April.<br />

Conor Devlin and Leona Dowd attended a Waste Minimisation course on the 14th June.<br />

Yvonne Byrne attended an Attendance Management course on the 26th June.<br />

In July there was ISO 22000 training for the Food Safety Team and the kitchen staff.<br />

7 people attended.<br />

Yvonne Byrne and Sinead Conroy attended Failte Ireland’s Training Techniques course during September.<br />

Failte Ireland Food costing training took place on the 15th and 27th November 10 staff attended from the<br />

kitchen, coffee shop and the patient area.<br />

Quantum Training carried out a management training programme March, May and November, Keith Wickham,<br />

Helen Dowd, Barbara McMullen, Jennifer Calton, Yvonne Byrne, Ger O’Nolan, Tina Purcell, Sinead Conroy,<br />

Denise Ryan, Margaret English, Siobhan Kelly and Michele Pounch attended.<br />

Yvonne Byrne attended Legal Framework 1&2 in SVUH during November.<br />

Waste Management training day took place on the 15th November for all staff.<br />

Janet Murray<br />

Support Services Manager<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Human Resources Division<br />

Mission / Vision<br />

“The Mission of the HR Division is to design and deliver innovative HR services in partnership with the<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> and the Healthcare Group to ensure a progressive, equitable and challenging environment for staff,<br />

and a quality service for patients.”<br />

Our Vision is to lead the way in HR expertise, creating a unique environment for our people that will generate<br />

success for the <strong>Hospital</strong> and the Healthcare Group.<br />

Our Values include:<br />

• Being the guardian of fairness and equity<br />

• Valuing all our staff<br />

• Listening and responding appropriately<br />

• Balancing people and business needs<br />

• Learning from our successes and our mistakes<br />

• Communicating intentions and expectations clearly<br />

• Advising Managers on how to manage performance fairly and firmly.<br />

Overview<br />

The HR Division continues to manage all of the activities relating to the personnel function, namely - to assist<br />

management to enhance the individual and collective contributions of staff in achieving the Mission and<br />

Objectives of the <strong>Hospital</strong>; to advise and assist all line managers on matters relating to staff; to provide<br />

information to staff on all employment matters and to carry out the Employee Relations function of the<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong>. The volume of employment legislation continues to grow and the HR Division ensures that the<br />

hospital complies with all employment legislation enacted over the last number of years.<br />

The main activities that derive from these roles are recruitment and selection; staff development and training;<br />

employee relations, implementation of policies and procedures, manpower planning, benefits administration,<br />

personnel administration and organisation development. The wide span of activities places an onerous<br />

burden on staff and I would like to thank Ms Erin Fitzgerald and Ms Barbara Power for their commitment and<br />

support during the year. Erin joined the staff of the HR Division in July 2007 and Barbara in December 2007.<br />

After nearly seven years service Ms Marian Murphy left the Department in September 2007. I would like to<br />

thank Marian for her major contribution to the <strong>Hospital</strong> during that time. Earlier in the year Ms Colette<br />

McNamara left the Department for pastures new and I would like to thank Colette for her service to the<br />

Department and the <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Occupational Health Service<br />

<strong>St</strong> Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong> has entered into an agreement with <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> for the<br />

purchase of Occupational Health Services for Private <strong>Hospital</strong> staff. This service commenced on March 1st<br />

2005, and the main elements of the service are:<br />

• Treatment of inoculation injuries and risk management follow up<br />

• Immune status evaluation<br />

• Pre-employment assessment<br />

• Flu vaccination<br />

• Management referrals<br />

• Pregnancy Risk Assessments<br />

• Occupational Psychologist<br />

The provision of this service supports our duty of care to staff under Health & Safety legislation, and also<br />

assists with Best Practice initiatives. During the year ‘Be Sharp Be safe’ workshops were held on all Nursing<br />

floors and Theatre. All were well attended by staff. The Occupational Health Department also participated in<br />

Health & Safety Week, orientation days and also at Health Promotion events. Advice was given to managers<br />

and staff on issues concerning Health & Safety matters. The feedback from staff has been very positive.<br />

During 2007 the service was expanded to include Pregnancy Risk Assessments and the services of the<br />

Occupational Health Psychologist (Ms Nuala Gannon). I would like to thank Nuala for her support to staff<br />

during the year.<br />

I would also like to thank Ms Ann O’Reilly and all the staff of the Occupational Health Department for their<br />

assistance and support throughout the year.<br />

Training & Development.<br />

A Management Development Programme was provided for Department Heads in the Support Services and<br />

Allied Health Divisions. A total of 30 staff attended workshops in Feb / March, May & November. Feedback<br />

from staff that have participated in the programme is very positive This programme will continue in 2008.<br />

The Training was provided by Quantum Training.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

The Management Team also undertook Management Development training in September and this<br />

programme will continue in 2008 Induction training was provided on five occasions during the year for new<br />

staff and 60 employees attended. Seminars were held in May on ‘Dignity at Work’, dealing with the whole<br />

area of bullying and harassment and 45 staff attended. It is planned to continue with this programme in<br />

2008. Four staff attended Retirement Planning courses. Customer Care training was provided in May and<br />

September and a total of 17 staff attended two courses.<br />

Support was given to a number of staff for courses of study in their own time. This support took the form of<br />

financial support and study leave. A number of staff completed the ‘Diploma in First Line Management’,<br />

which was provided by the National College of Ireland. 10 Care Assistants completed the FETAC Level Five<br />

course.<br />

Seminars on Pensions and Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVCs) were also held for staff and delivered<br />

by representatives from Mercer and Irish Life.<br />

Recruitment, Selection & Retention<br />

Recruitment and retention of staff remains a challenge and difficulties continue in sourcing a number of<br />

grades of staff including Radiographers, Doctors, Nurses, Pharmacy and experienced Administration staff.<br />

Recruitment of staff from overseas continues on an ongoing basis as required.<br />

The HR Division assisted other Divisions with the selection of candidates for internal promotion vacancies.<br />

Below is a summary of HR activity in respect of Recruitment<br />

Detail Jan Feb March April May June July August Sept Oct Nov Dec TOTAL<br />

No. of Ads<br />

placed 5 11 4 4 3 6 3 1 3 1 6 1 48<br />

No. of<br />

Applications 60 140 63 27 10 28 15 22 7 1 29 10 412<br />

No of HR<br />

Interviews 2 3 7 3 3 3 5 4 6 1 6 1 44<br />

No. attended<br />

for interview 6 15 33 11 14 6 10 7 22 3 15 3 145<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Personnel Administration<br />

In 2007 improvements were made in processes for measuring absenteeism and<br />

also for staff census / employment control<br />

The Chart illustrates the starters and leavers for each division<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

23<br />

29<br />

Number of <strong>St</strong>arters/Leavers by Division<br />

71<br />

49<br />

13<br />

9<br />

Allied Health Nursing HR Support Services Finance SVUH<br />

24<br />

20<br />

8 6<br />

Joiners<br />

Leavers<br />

3 2<br />

Employee Relations<br />

Discussions on various issues took place with trade unions and staff<br />

representatives throughout 2007. A work to rule was put in place by the INO as<br />

part of a dispute with the HSE. However, due to the high level of co-operation<br />

received from all staff the impact of this dispute was minimised as much as<br />

possible.<br />

• A number of individual staff grievances were resolved by agreement with the<br />

staff members concerned.<br />

• The HR Division represented the <strong>Hospital</strong> at various meetings with Rights<br />

Commissioners, the Labour Relations Commission and the Labour Court.<br />

Throughout the year we worked closely with our colleagues in the salaries office<br />

- Ms Dorothy Nolan and Ms Yvonne Casserly. I would like to thank Dorothy and<br />

Yvonne for their valued assistance.<br />

Medical Records<br />

The HR Division also has responsibility for Medical Records (including Floor<br />

Secretary staff), and Patient Focus. <strong>St</strong>orage space for charts and x-ray films<br />

continues to be in short supply, and Day Surgery files are now being stored in the<br />

Department. Arrangements with ‘Medrex Systems Ireland Ltd’ continue to assist in<br />

providing solutions. Three new staff joined the Department in 2007. I would like to<br />

thank Ms Caitriona O’Connor, Ms Aoife O’Connor, Ms Phoebe Kenny O’Neill, Ms<br />

Mary Wolfe, Ms Geraldine Pender, Mr Ciaran O’Callaghan, Ms Ann Pender, Ms<br />

Katie Thompson-Chadwick and Ms Ann Cavey for the consistently high level of<br />

service they provide to patients and staff.<br />

Neil Twomey<br />

Human Resource Manager<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Corporate Services Division<br />

A number of key elements are encompassed in the Corporate Services Division brief. These include Quality<br />

& Risk Management, Information Technology, Capital Development and <strong>St</strong>atistics. During 2007 each element<br />

was progressed.<br />

Quality and Risk Management<br />

Quality and Risk Management are key elements of the normal work of all divisions and departments in the<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong>. The Best Practice Group provides an overarching framework for same. It also draws together the<br />

work of the Health & Safety Committee, the Radiation Protection Committee and the Infection Control Group.<br />

In 2007 the Best Practice Group received regular reports from the Group Clinical Audit Committee and the<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> participated in a number of the audits undertaken through the year.<br />

The Best Practice Group membership comprises the senior management team and two representatives of<br />

the Consultants Forum. In 2007 the participation of an external advisor was interrupted but this element will<br />

be re-established in 2008.<br />

The work programme of the Best Practice Group for 2007 included:<br />

Development, review and approval of <strong>Hospital</strong> policies in conjunction with the Health & Safety Committee.<br />

BP003<br />

BP006<br />

BP007<br />

BP008<br />

BP010<br />

BP011<br />

BP014<br />

BP016<br />

BP017<br />

GH01<br />

VDU / DSE policy<br />

Smoke Free Policy<br />

Review of Existing Policies<br />

Incident Reporting Policy<br />

Facilities & Maintenance Safety Arrangements<br />

Fire Safety Policy<br />

Waste Management Policy<br />

Environmental Management Policy<br />

Pregnant Workers Policy<br />

Procedures for lone working<br />

The <strong>Hospital</strong> Safety <strong>St</strong>atement (BP000) is reviewed annually and was updated in December 2007. The<br />

<strong>St</strong>atement was approved by the Best Practice Group and distributed to staff.<br />

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The <strong>Hospital</strong> Internal emergency and contingency plan was again reviewed, augmented and approved by the<br />

Best Practice Committee. The plan was tested with a programme of planned evacuations and desktop<br />

exercises.<br />

Incident Reporting system progress<br />

A report on incidents was presented monthly to the Best Practice Group, Team Leaders and Heads of<br />

Departments.<br />

A monthly report of all Medication Incidents was presented to the Best Practice Group.<br />

A monthly report of all incidents rated as medium or high risk by the Grading Group was presented to the<br />

Best Practice Group.<br />

Information sessions for staff were provided in October to raise awareness of the process and the<br />

importance of staff participation.<br />

Patient Satisfaction<br />

The ongoing satisfaction survey, for in-patients, continued in 2007 and was extended to include patients<br />

attending on a day basis. 240 in-patient submissions were received with an overall satisfaction rating of<br />

98.8%. 329 day care submissions were received with an overall satisfaction rating of 99%. A monthly report<br />

including statistical analysis and commentary was presented to the Best Practice group and actions taken<br />

where appropriate arising from patients comments.<br />

Complaints and Legal Cases<br />

The management of patient complaints consumed a considerable amount of the time and resources of the<br />

Corporate Services Division in 2007. Forty formal complaints were dealt with and concluded with a<br />

combination of letters, telephone calls and direct meetings with the complaining parties. At the<br />

commencement of 2007 seventeen legal cases were active. During the year nine cases were cleared and<br />

four new cases were initiated against the hospital, leaving twelve active cases at year-end.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Accreditation<br />

Due to the changes in the IHSAB and HIQA structures and system of accreditation, the scheduled<br />

accreditation survey did not take place in 2007. <strong>St</strong>aff members and accreditation teams continued to work<br />

on quality improvement plans through the year. At year end the <strong>Hospital</strong> is reviewing its strategy with regard<br />

to accreditation with a view to ensuring that the quality improvement programme continues and that a<br />

creditable external validation process is in place.<br />

Infection Control<br />

The Group Infection Control Committee provides infection control guidance for the three hospitals in the <strong>St</strong><br />

Vincent’s Healthcare Group. The private hospital is well represented on the committee. A number of key<br />

infection control issues were actioned including two external audits of the transport of dangerous goods and<br />

a hygiene audit. Action plans were developed from the audit findings and the risk issues closed out or<br />

reduced. From Board level through the organisation a culture is fostered to control and reduce infection and<br />

this goal is driven through the Best Practice Group. During 2007 our Clinical Nurse Manager in infection<br />

control has worked closely with the Group and has made a formal presentation to the Group outlining the<br />

infection control programme and the education sessions for staff.<br />

Health & Safety Committee<br />

The Health & Safety Committee prepared a plan for 2007 and completed same during the year. Two key<br />

developments involved the establishment of a Waste Management Group and a Water Safety Group. These<br />

groups achieved a programme of work to ensure that the hospital complies with legislation and safeguards<br />

patients and staff.<br />

The Health & Safety Committee membership in 2007 was<br />

Ms Janet Murray<br />

Ms Annette O’ Neill<br />

Ms Una Nicholson<br />

Ms Catherine Mehigan<br />

Mr Vincent Lane<br />

Ms Jennifer Calton<br />

Ms Helen O’Hare<br />

Ms Yvonne Gleeson<br />

Ms Gerada Warnes<br />

Mr Neil Twomey<br />

Ms Mary Connolly<br />

Ms Ger O’ Nolan<br />

Mr Denis Scannell<br />

Mr Peter Sheehan<br />

Ms Barbara Power<br />

Ms Anne Carolan<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Information Technology<br />

Major progress was achieved in the IT area in 2007. An IT users group was formed to steer the overall<br />

progression of IT and to approve and monitor the development of the service. The group comprises members<br />

of the senior management, staff from key departments and senior management from the ICT department of<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

The <strong>Hospital</strong> entered a service level agreement with the ICT department of <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

during the year. An integral part of the agreement was the employment of three new staff to augment the<br />

pool of expertise in the ICT department. In this way both <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong> and the Healthcare<br />

Group have gained; the Private <strong>Hospital</strong> can now develop with the significant expertise of the department<br />

while the Group has gained new staff and skills in a time when such development has been restricted in the<br />

public sector.<br />

Considerable work has been achieved in bringing the infrastructure of ICT up to a new level and in providing<br />

a secure and robust platform for future development. This has enabled the hospital to develop the network<br />

and expand it to additional staff and departments – both clinical and non-clinical. Work has also commenced<br />

on introducing new applications in both clinical and financial areas. These projects will be completed in 2008.<br />

Planning for ICT in the new <strong>Hospital</strong> has commenced with plans being developed for hardware and<br />

applications. This work will continue to be refined in the next year.<br />

Capital Development<br />

Together with the other Divisional Managers, Corporate Services has embraced the planning and<br />

development of the new <strong>Hospital</strong> with enthusiasm. This exciting project has been progressed with the design<br />

team and the commitment will continue through the design and build stages to completion in 2009 / 2010.<br />

In 2007 capital expenditure continued on major and minor developments to ensure the continued high level<br />

of service in the period prior to the opening of the new hospital.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Headline <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

Jan to Jan to Variance Variance<br />

December December %<br />

2006 2007<br />

Patient Discharge<br />

Inpatients 9,033 9,517 484 5.4%<br />

Inpatient Occupancy 84.95% 81.83% -3.1% -3.7%<br />

Inpatient Bed days 48,038 46,336 -1,702 -3.5%<br />

Av. Length of stay(Days) 5.32 4.87 -0.45 -8.4%<br />

Day cases 5,592 6,320 728 13%<br />

Oncology Day cases 5,477 5,816 339 6.2%<br />

Operating Theatres<br />

SVPH Theatres 3,778 3,941 163 4.3%<br />

Theatre SVUH 810 779 -31 -3.8%<br />

Minor Operating Theatre 4,399 4,979 473 10.5%<br />

Endoscopy unit 5,417 5,760 343 6.3%<br />

Diagnostic Imaging<br />

No of <strong>St</strong>udies 30,393 29,397 -996 -3.3%<br />

Radiotherapy<br />

No of Treatments 14,570 14,764 194 1.3%<br />

Cardiology<br />

No of Procedures 6,688 6,478 -210 -3.1%<br />

Respiratory Medicine<br />

No of Procedures 2,749 3,029 280 10.2%<br />

Pathology Tests<br />

No of Procedures 441,053 466,476 25,423 5.8%<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Organisation <strong>St</strong>ructure<br />

Group Chief Executive<br />

Chief Executive<br />

Nursing Division<br />

Director of Nursing<br />

Assistant Director of Nursing (3)<br />

Patients Floors<br />

Theatres (2)<br />

Endoscopy<br />

Daycare<br />

Minor Operations<br />

Pastoral Care/ Chaplaincy<br />

Portering<br />

Admissions<br />

Nursing Education<br />

Nurse Specialists<br />

Allied Health Division<br />

Allied Health Manager<br />

Diagnostic Imaging<br />

Radiotherapy<br />

Pharmacy<br />

Dietetics<br />

Cardiology<br />

Medical Social Worker<br />

Physiotherapy<br />

Pulmonary Laboratory<br />

Other Allied Health Services<br />

Medical Physics<br />

Human Resource<br />

Human Resources Manager<br />

Administrative Assistant<br />

Recruitment<br />

Ward Clerks<br />

Medical Records<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff Training & Development<br />

Employee Relations<br />

Medical Administration<br />

Finance Division<br />

Financial Controller<br />

Patients Accounts<br />

Debtors Accounts<br />

Creditors<br />

Salaries<br />

Materials Manager<br />

Administrative Assistant<br />

Management Accounts<br />

Support Services Division<br />

Support Services Manager<br />

Deputy Services Manager<br />

Reception<br />

Catering<br />

Coffee Shop<br />

Housekeeping<br />

Cleaning<br />

Maintenance<br />

Security<br />

Grounds<br />

Corporate Services<br />

Head of Corporate Services<br />

Administrative Assistant<br />

Risk Management<br />

Information Technology<br />

Accreditation<br />

<strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

Patient Complaints<br />

HIPE<br />

Capital Projects<br />

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Report from the Director of Operations<br />

Reports<br />

Report from Chaplaincy/ Pastoral Care Department<br />

Report from Library and Information Service<br />

Report from Medical Records<br />

Allied Health Professionals and Support Services<br />

Medical Physics and Clinical Engineering Department<br />

Medical Social Work Department<br />

Nutrition and Dietetics Department<br />

Occupational Health Department<br />

Occupational Therapy Department<br />

Pharmacy Department<br />

Physiotherapy Department<br />

Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion Department<br />

Speech and Language Therapy Department<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Report from the Director of Operations<br />

I would like to thank all staff across the organisation for making me feel so welcome in my new role. Since<br />

taking up post in October 2007, I have been impressed by the hard work and dedication off all our staff in<br />

delivering high quality patient care in a challenging financial environment and under much public scrutiny.<br />

My approach has been to support our clinical services, reduce bureaucracy where we can, improve our<br />

processes and systems to support patient care, review and streamline our committee structures and meeting<br />

arrangements and empower staff at all levels – I hope you are starting to notice some differences.<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong>s are part of the broader healthcare system and cannot work in isolation. A significant part of my<br />

role, along with my senior management colleagues, is to liaise with the HSE and Primary Care to develop<br />

services, improve patient pathways and secure funding. I hope <strong>St</strong> Vincent’ <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> continues to<br />

play a leading role in modernising services and this will be a key area for me in 2008.<br />

This report gives a brief overview of key developments across a number of areas. I hope you find it both<br />

useful and familiar; the themes have formed a key part of our new communication strategy and are now<br />

being embedded in the organisation.<br />

<strong>St</strong>rategic Plans<br />

Development of Performance Management Approach and Systems<br />

In October 2007, and building on the foundations established through 2007 and previous, we introduced a<br />

new approach to performance management based on:<br />

• An agreed indicator set • Clear targets<br />

• Effective reporting • Providing staff with the tools and information<br />

to deliver such targets<br />

Effective indicators are those which can be measured, clearly understood, owned by the respective<br />

stakeholders and most importantly, are not merely monitored, but lead to improved performance.<br />

The agreed indicator set are integrated and have been compiled with regard to the key factors impacting on<br />

the efficiency and efficacy of the organisation in delivering its mission statement. This mirrors the HSE<br />

approach and provides consistency with our externally reported position, alerting the organisation to any<br />

areas of risk.<br />

The nine indicators below are deemed the most critical at present and as such their progress will be followed<br />

on a monthly basis.<br />

1. ED Waiting Time 2. In-patient Waiting List 3. Outpatient Waiting List<br />

4. <strong>Hospital</strong> Acquired Infections 5. Average length of stay 6. Day case rate<br />

7. <strong>St</strong>affing levels 8. Financial Position 9. Delayed Discharge<br />

By tracking the progress of these nine indicators, we intend to stimulate discussion and agree the aspirations<br />

of the organisation. A simple traffic light monitoring system is used, showing red, amber and green lights to<br />

denote how close we are to delivering out identified target.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Report from the Director of Operations<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff should now be familiar with the report we circulate on a monthly basis showing our current position and<br />

identifying actions needed to deliver our targets – see diagram<br />

Clearly there are a number of other<br />

indicators that could be considered, and<br />

indeed will be developed in time with<br />

reference to, and consultation with,<br />

appropriate internal and external<br />

stakeholders.<br />

Each Indicator is defined in turn, in terms of what is being measured, the proposed target and timescale, the<br />

context and interrelatedness with other indicators and the parameters that trigger the red, amber, green<br />

(RAG) status of the traffic light.<br />

This is consistent with the approach used by HSE and is likely to become a feature of HIQA’s reporting<br />

methodology.<br />

We have presented this approach at a number of staff and Heads of Department meetings and the feedback<br />

thus far has been very encouraging. I hope that all staff see this as a useful approach to keeping everyone<br />

informed of where we stand as an organisation and our key areas of focus.<br />

In 2008 I intend to roll this out across the organisation using the same methodology, to develop specific<br />

indicators relevant to each department.<br />

Review of our committee structures and communications<br />

As part of the communication’s strategy planned for 2008 and in line with the principles of Team Based<br />

Performance, we reorganised and reviewed our current committee structures and communications.<br />

Outlined below are some examples of how we evolved our current communication’s structures:<br />

• Replaced weekly management meeting with a Senior Management Meeting twice per month<br />

• Merged Executive Council Meeting with one of those senior management meetings per month<br />

• Moved monthly staff briefing to quarterly in order to drive high attendance<br />

• Re-launched the Heads of Department Meeting<br />

I hope you have found this new approach helpful and as always would welcome feedback. We have also relaunched<br />

Newsround – our monthly Newsletter. My thanks to Claire Finnan for this and all of her efforts on<br />

our Communication's <strong>St</strong>rategy.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Report from the Director of Operations<br />

Estates <strong>St</strong>rategy<br />

The Estate <strong>St</strong>rategy Group was established in November 2007. This group has developed a structured and<br />

transparent process for future campus developments, ensuring where possible that the development is<br />

carried out in a planned, effective, efficient and progressive manner.<br />

Frank Smyth is the driving force behind this group and provides a monthly update on all projects. There is a<br />

considerable amount of building development underway to develop our services, improve our infrastructure<br />

and support patient care. Frank covers this more in his section of the annual review in terms of how projects<br />

are identified, proposed, evaluated and taken forward.<br />

A number of major capital projects have been completed in 2007 and further ones launched. The ADCC is<br />

now fully operational and is an impressive achievement, delivering 21st Century facilities for our patients and<br />

staff.<br />

Work has commenced on the New Private <strong>Hospital</strong> and should be complete in the first quarter of 2010.<br />

The new Day Care Ward is on track for delivery in June 2008 and we now have planning permission for a<br />

new 120 bed ward Block.<br />

2008 will be an exciting year for SVUH and a further example of our progressive approach to healthcare<br />

delivery.<br />

Services Initiatives<br />

Specialty Specific Admissions<br />

In order to improve utilisation of the <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> bed base, provide consultant delivered<br />

integrated care to patients, enhance access to hospital services for primary care providers, create<br />

streamlined care pathways for local patients and reduce both attendance and waiting times in the<br />

Emergency Department (E.D.), we have developed a Speciality Specific Admissions policy. Developed by the<br />

Medical Executive Committee, this approach is now been rolled out across SVUH.<br />

In order to allow specialty specific admissions and a consultant provided service, work practices in the<br />

hospital are and have changed to follow the model outlined by Hanly (Hanly Report; DOCH 2003). It is<br />

particularly relevant that this proposal should stem from <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>, as this was one of<br />

the core hospitals studied by Hanly and colleagues.<br />

Considerable progress has been made in establishing a protected bed base, which promotes effective clinical<br />

management and helps reduce length of stay. Coupled with a fundamental review of our discharge planning<br />

process, we are starting to see some benefits to this approach. We are also reviewing interfaces with Primary<br />

Care to provide whole system services. Respiratory, Neurology and Care of the Elderly multidisciplinary<br />

project teams have been established and have made significant progress in reengineering services in the<br />

short term and outlining a long-term vision for the service.<br />

This will continue to be a key part of our approach for 2008, with rollout across all specialties and a<br />

fundamental review of our catchment areas and bed base.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Report from the Director of Operations<br />

Future Plans<br />

Development of Effective Reporting Tool<br />

We are currently implementing a new Management Information System (MIS) called Health Diver. The<br />

system initially covers the Patient Administration System (in-patient, outpatients and waiting list), Emergency<br />

Department, HIPE and Social Work systems. While this data mining tool provides comprehensive reports and<br />

adhoc queries internally and externally one of its main advantages is its portal and dashboard capability. We<br />

are using this to deliver the SVUH Key Performance Indicator dashboard via the Intranet and Email. This<br />

currently consists of nine KPIs which Diver will automatically update from legacy systems. It uses thresholds<br />

to determine and illustrate (traffic lights) the status of these indicators. Users can then move beyond the KPI<br />

to see a detailed report, graph or speedometers giving further information on the indicator. Users with<br />

appropriate security access can then dive further into the data for example from KPI to specialty to<br />

consultant and patient level. Because Diver draws the information into a common pool you are not restricted<br />

to one silo of data but can explore information from a number of systems.<br />

This will be rolled out in 2008 and I hope staff find it useful and informative as a key part of our approach<br />

to Performance Management.<br />

GP Liaison<br />

We are currently in the process of developing links with our colleagues involved in local Primary Care.<br />

Communications initiatives such as a quarterly GP Newsletter and reformation of the GP Liaison Committee<br />

will be rolled out as part of the communication’s strategy 2008.<br />

Waiting List Management<br />

Waiting times for services are key from a patient’s perspective.<br />

Waiting times across outpatients, diagnostics and inpatients have all been reviewed in 2007 and continue to<br />

be an area of focus for the organisation and a key national target.<br />

We have made considerable progress in developing reporting systems and processes and further work is<br />

planned in 2008.<br />

We have also introduced more effective validation processes to ensure our waiting lists are accurate and<br />

made further use of the National Treatment Purchase fund to reduce the number of long-term waiters.<br />

A new Waiting List Policy was also introduced in 2007, outlining our aspirations, roles and responsibilities and<br />

improved processes to ensure waiting times are kept to a minimum within the financial constraints we<br />

operate.<br />

Summary<br />

2007 has seen a consolidation and review of all our major systems and processes, aimed at streamlining<br />

pathways and supporting patient care with the aim of providing clear and consistent approach and<br />

empowering staff at all levels.<br />

I hope you have felt part of this approach and that I can further count on your support.<br />

2008 has a number of challenges, it will see further developments and it will build on the foundations that<br />

we have laid.<br />

Bill Maher<br />

Director of Operations<br />

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Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care Department<br />

Chaplaincy Department<br />

The Chaplaincy Department like every other department within the hospital represents a very specific and<br />

professional discipline. It works with other professional disciplines in providing an overall or holistic service<br />

that is geared to total patient care and ministry to the family.<br />

The Department is interdenominational in character and all members are professionally trained for their work.<br />

The Department has two main functions:<br />

• To provide Pastoral & Sacramental Service to patients, their families and staff.<br />

• To provide Educational Programmes for the ‘In-Service Training’ of student chaplains.<br />

Chaplaincy <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Since the last annual review, there have been no changes in personnel.<br />

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Department - Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care<br />

Service<br />

When patients are admitted to hospital in need of healing for a physical or emotional illness, they often bring<br />

with them other concerns that range over the psychological and spiritual dimensions of their lives. Being<br />

aware of their many concerns the Chaplaincy Department responds at different levels:<br />

• In the administration of the sacraments and in providing appropriate spiritual care and counselling to<br />

patients.<br />

• The need for this care is acutely felt at times of great anxiety such as major surgery and especially<br />

terminal illness.<br />

• Much time is spent with families of patients, supporting those shattered by the terminal illness of those<br />

closest to them and later in consoling the bereaved.<br />

• The Chaplaincy Department continues to provide a twenty-four hour service in the hospital. The team<br />

consists of three full time Roman Catholic priests, five part time priests, one Church of Ireland ordained<br />

Minister, three chaplains from the Religious Sisters of Charity and two lay chaplains. The Department<br />

is very fortunate to have over forty lay volunteers who serve as Ministers of the Eucharist and assist in<br />

bringing the Blessed Sacrament to patients on a daily basis.<br />

During the past year the chaplains attended at over seven hundred deaths and made 60-80 pre-operation<br />

visits per week to patients who had requested a visit. Added to these were the pastoral visits made on a<br />

daily basis to the wards.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff Support<br />

The members of the Chaplaincy Department work closely with the other health care professionals and are<br />

available to provide counsel and support to staff when the need arises.<br />

Outstanding/Significant Achievements<br />

The Chaplains provide liturgical services in the main hospital chapel, on the wards and in the oratory during<br />

Advent, Lent and on special occasions. One memorable occasion was the special Mass in February to<br />

commemorate the World Day of the Sick. A large number of patients attended with the kind assistance of<br />

many staff and volunteers. The Sacrament of the Sick was administered during a very prayerful and moving<br />

liturgy.<br />

Five Masses were held during the month of November for deceased patients. The next of kin and family<br />

members of over seven hundred patients who died during the past year were invited and it gave bereaved<br />

families an opportunity to come together and remember their loved ones in a 'Candle Ceremony of<br />

Remembrance'. There was a very large attendance at the Masses and bereaved families were very<br />

appreciative of the support and consolation they received. For many families, it was their first time back in<br />

the hospital since the death of their loved one and they found it brought a sense of closure to their<br />

experience.<br />

On Friday 21st December, as most people were making their last minute preparations for the approach of<br />

Christmas, the Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care Department hosted the first official Pastoral visit of Bishop<br />

Raymond Field. Bishop Field is an Auxiliary to the Archbishop of Dublin and Diocesan representative for<br />

Healthcare.<br />

After his visit, in a letter of appreciation to the <strong>Hospital</strong>, Bishop Field said, “I was impressed to see the<br />

important spiritual and caring ministry which you bring to patients, relatives and staff throughout the hospital.<br />

The hospital facilities, along with the deep commitment and dedication of the nursing and ancillary staff, is<br />

most impressive”.<br />

Seminars<br />

During the year seminars on pastoral care were given to the student nurses at the in-service training<br />

programmes for Overseas Nurses and at induction programmes for new nurses and for new employees.<br />

The chaplains attended the Annual Conferences of the National Association of <strong>Hospital</strong> Chaplains and of<br />

the Dublin Diocesan Committee of <strong>Hospital</strong> Chaplains as well as other relevant study days.<br />

Professional Bodies<br />

At present a member of our Chaplaincy team sits on the Executive Committee of the Dublin <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Chaplains’ Association.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Chaplaincy/Pastoral Care<br />

Clinical Pastoral Education<br />

There were three units of Clinical Pastoral Education in SVUH CPE Centre during 2007: January 15 through<br />

April 5; April 30 through July 20; September 17 through December 7.<br />

Eight students participated in the January – April programme. They were graduates of the Milltown Institute<br />

and of the Mater Dei Institute of Education. One was a CPE supervisor-in-training with a graduate degree<br />

from Boston College. Mr. Nicholas Jermyn presented certificates at the completion of the unit.<br />

Six students participated in the April – July programme. Four were graduates of the Milltown Institute and<br />

one a graduate of Mater Dei Institute of Education. Mr. Cormac Maloney presented certificates on behalf of<br />

Mr. Jermyn at the completion of the unit.<br />

Ten students participated in the September – December programme. They were graduates of the Milltown<br />

Institute, the Western Theological Institute and the Pontifical <strong>University</strong> at Maynooth. Mr. Nicholas Jermyn<br />

presented certificates at the completion of the unit.<br />

<strong>St</strong>udents benefited from presentations by hospital staff and by presentations from visiting lecturers. Visiting<br />

lecturers included Fr. Michael Drumm, Monsignor Paul Tighe, and Mr. Alan Kearns, from Mater Dei Institute;<br />

Dr. Pat Walsh from the Granada Institute; and Dr. Patricia McCarthy. Visits to <strong>St</strong>. John of God <strong>Hospital</strong>,<br />

Childrens’ <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>, Temple <strong>St</strong>reet, and The National Maternity <strong>Hospital</strong>, Holles <strong>St</strong>reet, were also<br />

important curriculum events.<br />

One student was admitted to Supervisory training for Clinical Pastoral Education.<br />

One student completed her training as a CPE Supervisor and engaged the certification process.<br />

Seven graduates of the 2007 programme engaged the certification process with the Healthcare Chaplaincy<br />

Board.<br />

Sr. Pat O’Donovan gave the address at the presentation of certificates by the Healthcare Chaplaincy Board<br />

in December 2007. The address will be published in the April 2008 issue of Intercom.<br />

Graduates have become staff chaplains at The Mater <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>, <strong>St</strong>. Luke’s <strong>Hospital</strong> and the Royal<br />

Victoria <strong>Hospital</strong> in Belfast. One is doing further studies in the USA and others are doing mission work.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Library & Information Services Department<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

The staff complement in SVUH remained at 3 full time posts and 1 part time. Mary Flynn resigned her post<br />

of Evening Library Assistant in May and was replaced by Julia Christopher in September to provide late<br />

opening hours for the academic year 2007/8.<br />

Breda Bennett continued to provide a one-person-operated professional library and information service in <strong>St</strong><br />

Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Service Developments/Activities<br />

SVUH Library recorded 19,757 visits in 2007. The introduction of swipe-card access to the corridors of the<br />

ERC in September has reduced the number of visitors slightly but has provided secure access to the<br />

premises for authorised users.<br />

Update<br />

SVHG Libraries launched Update in March. This occasional newsletter aims to provide news and information<br />

about the library and information services to the Group and was published 3 times in its first year. Responses<br />

have been very favourable and a full review including customer satisfaction surveys will be carried out in<br />

2008.<br />

Heritage Library Management System<br />

The online public access catalogue was made available on the Intranet in July and formally launched by Mr<br />

Murtagh in <strong>St</strong> Michael's <strong>Hospital</strong>. Group staff are now able to search the joint SVHG catalogue, reserve items,<br />

extend their loans, gain electronic access to databases and journals and contact the library at their<br />

convenience.<br />

<strong>St</strong> Michael's <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Usage of the library was constant during the year. There are 456 library members. The Librarian participated<br />

in Orientation meetings for NCHDs and nursing students, the IHSAB Accreditation scheme and the hospital<br />

newsletter. She participated in Group Library & Information Services Committee and the Department Heads<br />

meetings.<br />

2 printers were upgraded. All PCs were upgraded and there are 6 available for public use. A binding machine<br />

and a scanner were acquired for the library.<br />

<strong>St</strong> Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Mr Peter Sheehan continued to represent the <strong>Hospital</strong> on the Group Library & Information Services<br />

Committee.<br />

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Department - Library & Information Services<br />

Collection Development<br />

Print Journals: SVUH Library subscribed to 123 journal titles in the areas of medicine, surgery, nursing and<br />

allied health at a cost of €62,337.07. This is joint funded by the hospital and UCD. Over 60 titles were also<br />

received on donation. SMH Library subscribed to 57 journal titles at a cost of €30,000. Journals were<br />

donated by the Biochemistry Laboratory.<br />

Books: This year SVUH Library doubled its spend on new books to €8,023.20 and purchased some titles on<br />

leadership and management in support of HR and senior management initiatives. SMH spent €3826 and<br />

books were donated by the Respiratory Department.<br />

Electronic Resources: The main focus for the SVHG library service in 2007 was in developing its electronic<br />

resources. The SwetsWise system, which allows staff to log in to one website and then link out to all the<br />

Group’s electronic journals and databases, proved problematic over the year and was replaced in December<br />

with Ebsco AtoZ. The implementation of the Athens system in February was of much greater success and<br />

allows SVHG staff remote access to the electronic journals and databases. To date over 400 staff have<br />

registered for an Athens account.<br />

Library staff trialled a number of additional electronic resources in the summer and identified three new<br />

products which they hope to get funding for in 2008: MD Consult, Cinahl Full Text and UpToDate. Many<br />

thanks to all the clinical staff who participated in the trials.<br />

The Group provided access to over 80 electronic journal titles. The UCD/ERC server located in SVUH<br />

Library provided access to most healthcare databases and 15,000 fulltext journals.<br />

Interlibrary Loans<br />

SVUH Library: 565 journal articles and books were requested from other libraries: 65 were from the British<br />

Library; 332 were from Subito; and 168 from the network of Irish Healthcare Libraries (IHL). The Library<br />

supplied 285 to other <strong>Hospital</strong> libraries nationwide. The overall cost of ILLs for the year was €3,052.76.<br />

SMH Library requested 31 journal articles from various libraries. 18 were requested from members of the<br />

IHL network and 13 from the British Library. SMH supplied 12 articles to other libraries during the year.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Library & Information Services<br />

Library & Information Services Committee<br />

Due to significant changes in the membership, the Committee met only 3 times this year. The Committee<br />

wish to thank Professor Aongus Curran, who resigned as Chair for his hard work and support during his<br />

tenure and to welcome the new Chair, Dr Ed McKone, who took up the mantle in November.<br />

Niamh Lucey continued as joint Team Leader in the Information Management team for IHSAB’s<br />

Accreditation scheme.<br />

Outstanding/Significant Achievements<br />

Training events:<br />

Advanced PubMed<br />

Evidence Based Practice for Library & Information Professionals (FOLIO Online Course)<br />

Getting to the Right Answer<br />

Heritage training (Dublin) and workshops (Oxford, UK)<br />

Identifying the Evidence for Systematic Reviews<br />

Library Advocacy (FOLIO Online course)<br />

Managing Electronic Journals<br />

Conferences/Seminars<br />

Electronic Resources Seminar – Buswell’s Hotel, Dublin<br />

Health Sciences Libraries Group Annual Conference – Hodson Bay Hotel, Athlone<br />

LIR Annual Seminar – Trinity College, Dublin<br />

European Association for Health Information and Libraries (EAHIL) Workshop – Krakow, Poland<br />

SVHG Clinical Audit <strong>St</strong>udy Day - Niamh Lucey gave a short presentation entitled Information Sources<br />

for Clinical Audit<br />

Future Plans<br />

The following are projects the Library & Information Services Departments will be working on in 2008:<br />

• Provide additional electronic resources: Cinal with Full Text, MD Consult, UpToDate, HaPI<br />

• Review Collection Development Policy<br />

• Develop interactive medium for communication between staff and library in <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

• Pilot training and education programmes on information literacy skills (with HR Learning &<br />

Development unit) - April<br />

• Work with UCD in developing Adjunct Lecturer roles (and access to UCD E-Library) and in relation<br />

to Dublin Academic Healthcare<br />

• Participate in the development of the SVHG Intranet to prepare for prompt loading of content<br />

when completed<br />

• Marketing of Library & Information Services to Private <strong>Hospital</strong> staff<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals<br />

Medical Records / Patient Services<br />

<strong>St</strong>affing<br />

Two new Grade V posts were approved for the service, with the following appointments made in 2007:<br />

• Nicola Maddock, Supervisor, ADCC<br />

• Tadhg Keating, Supervisor, Filing Room<br />

Service Developments / Activities<br />

• The National <strong>Hospital</strong>s Office (NHO) launched a new Code of Practice for Healthcare Records<br />

Management in April. A review was carried out by the NHO in July and the overall audit score for<br />

SVUH was 77%. During the remainder of the year workshops were held by the NHO in preparation<br />

for introduction of a national Healthcare Record and implementation of the Code of Practice.<br />

Implementation of the Code of Practice will have a major impact on records management.<br />

• A Group Medical Records Committee was formed including representation from <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> and <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

• The move of outpatient clinics into the new Ambulatory Day Care Centre (ADCC), which began in<br />

2006, was completed during 2007. The new ADCC allowed for additional clinic sessions, introduction<br />

of sub-speciality clinics in some services and an overall increase of 9.6% in patient activity from 2006.<br />

• Collection of Day Case Activity was a focus during the year and a noteworthy increase of 103%<br />

was the result. This was made possible by the combined efforts of HIPE, <strong>St</strong>atistics & Registration<br />

staff in accurately capturing these attendances.<br />

• Phase 2 refurbishment of the filing room took place. <strong>St</strong>aff temporarily relocated to a portacabin to<br />

facilitate work being carried out. The mobile shelving unit was replaced and a much-improved<br />

working environment for staff was provided.<br />

• An audit of HIPE data was undertaken with results presented at the Clinical Audit day. Results<br />

showed a very positive outcome of a 94% accuracy rate for the recording of diagnoses and<br />

procedures by the HIPE Department.<br />

• A working group was formed to introduce a hospital wide Digital Dictation System.<br />

Future Plans<br />

During 2008 a major emphasis will be placed on introducing the new national Healthcare Record. This will<br />

be driven by Medical Records staff with involvement of clinical staff in all patient areas.<br />

Work will progress on action required from recommendations highlighted in reviews carried out by AON<br />

Healthcare & the National <strong>Hospital</strong>s Office in relation to Healthcare Records Management.<br />

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be rolled out to all Senior Managers in the services early in the New<br />

Year.<br />

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Medical Physics and Clinical<br />

Engineering Department<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff Members<br />

Chief Clinical Engineer<br />

Principal Clinical Engineering Technician<br />

Senior Clinical Engineering Technician<br />

Tom Smyth AENG, AMIEI<br />

Derek Farrell<br />

Frank Kelly AEng, AMIEI; IENG, MIHEEM<br />

David Farrell BSc<br />

John Harte<br />

Aidan O’Connor<br />

Declan Murray MSc<br />

Service Developments/Activities<br />

• Preparation for forthcoming projects, equipping<br />

• Compiling comprehensive equipment specifications<br />

• Advising on and evaluating new equipment purchases<br />

• Continuously updating information on EEC Directives<br />

• Continuous liaison with health and safety including product alerts<br />

• Quality control, liaising with Irish Medicines Board<br />

• Technical Specifications for all new electro-medical equipment<br />

• We welcome the appointment of David Farrell as part of the team<br />

Academic Achievements<br />

Tom Smyth was awarded the title of Associate Engineer with Engineers Ireland. We currently have some<br />

members of staff registered with The Institution of Engineers which is the professional representative body<br />

for Clinical Engineering in Ireland and as such by act of the Oireochtas in 1969 are entitle to award the title<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals<br />

of Chartered Engineer, Associate Engineer, and Engineering Technician of the Institution, confined to suitably<br />

qualified candidates. We also have applied for CPD Accreditation with The Institution of Engineers and are<br />

at an advanced stage of the award..<br />

Publications:<br />

Poster<br />

“Poster Project Management of a New Dialysis Centre” BEAI Annual Scientific Meeting Tullamore. Frank<br />

Kelly, Derek Farrell<br />

“Profile of SVUH Clinical Engineering Department” BEAI Spectrum<br />

Tom Smyth et al.<br />

Meetings attended:<br />

Frank Kelly attended EDTNA/ERCA Florence Italy<br />

Aidan O Connor attended the Irish Cardiac Society Meeting Belfast.<br />

John Harte attended the Critical Care Meeting UK<br />

Tom Smyth attended Medica Düsseldorf<br />

Departmental <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

The Department has continuously succeeded in producing considerable savings in equipment repairs and<br />

planned preventative maintenance by adopting the policy of only outsourcing maintenance when absolutely<br />

necessary.<br />

We plan to introduce a new I.T. solution to our method of equipment management. This will be in place by<br />

April 08 and will also serve to greatly assist the task of equipping all new projects.<br />

The Equipment Library is at an advanced stage and we hope to be in a position to offer this service soon.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals<br />

Medical Social Work Department<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Firstly, we have had a number of new personnel who joined the service during the year. The positive news<br />

was that there were 3 extra posts approved in the areas of Emergency Medicine, Old Age Psychiatry and<br />

Cystic Fibrosis.<br />

Rita Evrony took up a Senior Social Work part time position at the beginning of the year. Linda Groenewald<br />

began in the area of Cystic Fibrosis in May 2007.<br />

Nicola Flynn, Eimear Scahill and Jeanette Meany, all new graduates, joined the Department in the summer<br />

period. Jennifer Allen obtained a permanent position in the area of Old Age Psychiatry in August. Alina<br />

Popoescu also became a permanent member of the team the same month after being with us in a temporary<br />

capacity for over a year. She provides a service to Medicine for the Elderly. Emer Bissett came to us as a<br />

holiday locum for the months of June, July and August and got a temporary post in the Emergency<br />

Department in October.<br />

Enara Etxebarria Itaxso rejoined the department in March 2007 much to the delight of us all. Louise Morgan<br />

also resumed her work in the Emergency Department in January after being on maternity leave. Those who<br />

left for various reasons include Mary O’Connell, Eileen Ni Shulleabhain, Anne Marie O’Boyle and Ann<br />

O’Donoghue. Others who also contributed handsomely to the service during the year were Amy Walter and<br />

Olive Logan. We thank them for all the hard work and dedication given during their time with us.<br />

Service Developments/Activities<br />

2007 was a very busy and challenging year for our service both in terms of demand and the impact of both<br />

internal and external factors. The provision of Delayed Discharge Initiative beds for most of the year enabled<br />

us to successfully place 143 elderly patients in approved private nursing home care. The availability of Home<br />

Care Grants also ensured that patients who needed a lot of care at home managed to leave the hospital. We<br />

also utilised the 13 Intermediate Care Beds that exist both in Kiltipper Woods Nursing Home and Our Lady’s<br />

Manor to maximum advantage both for “step down” from the acute hospital or diversion from the Emergency<br />

Department. There were 80 patients who benefitted from this arrangement in 2007.<br />

The role of the profession of Social Work was promoted extensively during the year in the hospital by all the<br />

staff after much work from a sub committee devoted to the topic .The educating of hospital staff about our<br />

role is vital in ensuring that we are used effectively in the care of patients. This work is ongoing.<br />

We also contribute to the Schools Programme that is run in SVUH and this is invaluable in alerting secondary<br />

students to opting for the profession as a career.<br />

The Bereavement Service delivered by the department to all relatives/friends of patients who died in SVUH<br />

continues to thrive. It is in its fourth year of operation and works very well. The feedback from the participants<br />

has been overwhelmingly positive.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Medical Social Work Department<br />

Training in clinical supervision was undertaken in the year by 5 of the Senior Social Workers. At this stage<br />

all of the Senior Team have been trained in the Morrison Model which has been tried and tested in the NHS<br />

in the UK.<br />

The 3 Social Workers in Old Age Psychiatry have been holding information briefings for carers since the<br />

autumn of 2007. They plan to develop this model further by giving relatives an opportunity now and again, in<br />

a structured forum, to ventilate their feelings/frustrations etc and build mutual support.<br />

Several of the Social Work Team were involved in the pilot phase of the “Fair Deal” initiative for Older People<br />

in Dublin Mid Leinster. They provided valuable feedback about the clinical decision making process to the<br />

HSE.<br />

Eileen O’Donnell, Senior Social Worker, has played a key role in the “Care to Drive” project funded by the<br />

Irish Cancer Society in conjunction with our hospital. It will be directed at Cancer patients who because of<br />

their circumstances require someone to drive them to and from <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> for treatment.<br />

It hopefully will be up and running in 2008. She has also been involved with a research project being<br />

operated by the National Cancer Registry Office on the “Financial implications of a diagnosis of cancer.”<br />

Departmental <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

The graph shows the number of cases opened and closed in the social work department from 2005-2007.<br />

The nature of the referrals to Medical Social Work.<br />

As can be seen assessment is the predominant request with discharge planning coming second. Other can<br />

incorporate placement either short term or long term, housing issues and other practical help, child<br />

protection, elder abuse to name a few.<br />

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Allied Health Professionals - Medical Social Work Department<br />

The Tasks of Medical Social Work<br />

As one can note from the chart “other” is the predominant piece which incorporates liaison and linkage work<br />

as well as reporting and recording. Direct work with patients and families combined comes to 47%.<br />

Future Plans<br />

Our first aim is to continue to improve upon our delivery of service to the patients and their families as well<br />

as stimulating and motivating the team. We shall be again rolling out the presentations concerning our role<br />

to all the relevant staff in the hospital. We will also be promoting our profession in the next edition of<br />

Newsround. This work coupled with the national launch of a position paper by the Head Medical Social<br />

Workers Group on our profession and its contribution to the development of the HSE transformation project<br />

should have a positive impact.<br />

We will also be utilising our new premises in 2008. There will be a family/conference room as well as 2<br />

interview rooms available for use.<br />

This will make a fundamental difference to our service delivery to patients and families. In the summer of<br />

2008 we plan to do a review of our clinical supervision process with an external facilitator both from the<br />

supervisees as well as the supervisors perspective. We intend to embrace the Team Based Performance<br />

model once more in order to refocus on targets. Finally we are planning a new training needs analysis in May<br />

2008 to be completed by the whole team.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals<br />

Nutrition and Dietetics Department<br />

Departmental <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

There was 18% increase in in-patient consults and 15.5% increase in OPD consults. Day Care activity<br />

increased by 67% due to increased staffing in Haemodialysis. Patient group education grew significantly due<br />

to an additional staff member being appointed to Diabetes allowing expansion of our DAFNE programme.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Total staff compliment at the end of 2007 was 16 WTE. Lynda O’Shaughnessy (Senior Dietitian in Cystic<br />

Fibrosis), Natalie Wallace (Entry-level Dietitian) and Aoife McFarlane, Jenny Caffrey and Yvonne Hickey<br />

locum Dietitians joined the Dept throughout the year.<br />

Service Developments/Activities<br />

In 2005 a structured, accredited education programme for patients with Type 1 Diabetes (DAFNE) was<br />

introduced into SVUH. 2 accredited DAFNE tutors facilitated the programme. 8 patients participated in a<br />

weeklong intensive education programme learning about carbohydrate counting and matching insulin to the<br />

food consumed. 110 patients have participated in the programme with a further 145 on our waiting list with<br />

the capacity to include a maximum of 64 patients per year.<br />

The Department introduced a flexi-time policy in 2007. This has greatly facilitated the extended ambulatory day<br />

care clinics that run from 08.30 – 18.00 Monday – Friday.<br />

A pilot project of managerial professional supervision was undertaken in 2005 in association with our DATHs<br />

colleagues. 7 members of the department were involved in this process. However the model of supervision<br />

has had to be revised due to the structure of the departments. 6 members of the department have been<br />

trained and participate in peer supervision. In collaboration with our DATHs colleagues we hope to offer<br />

further training which is being financially supported by the HSE through our professional body.<br />

Outstanding/Significant Achievements<br />

In May the Department facilitated the major examination for 14 final year B.Sc. (Human Nutrition and<br />

Dietetics) students. This undertaking was made possible with tremendous support and co-operation from our<br />

Medical and Nursing colleagues. The examination was co-ordinated by Orla O’Connor and Aisling Glynn,<br />

Dietitians.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Department of Nutrition and Dietetics<br />

In 2007 the Department facilitated a final year thesis for a BSc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics. The student,<br />

Orla Brady completed her thesis entitled ‘Lactose Intolerance in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis’. Lactose<br />

Intolerance is frequently sited as a cause of gastrointestinal symptoms in patients with Cystic Fibrosis.<br />

Although Lactose Intolerance has been studied in paediatric patients with CF, prior to this it has never been<br />

investigated in adult patients with CF. Orla investigated Lactose Intolerance using a hydrogen breath test and<br />

completed a questionnaire to examine dairy product avoidance practices among adult CF patients. This study<br />

suggests that Lactose Intolerance is not more frequent in Irish adults with CF than in the normal Irish adult<br />

population. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) was suspected in 65% of the subjects. The<br />

presence of SIBO may be a contributing factor to gastrointestinal symptoms or discomfort in patients with<br />

CF and will require further investigation. A calcium rich diet is recommended in adults with CF with a<br />

recommended intake of 1300mg – 1500mg of calcium per day (Cystic Fibrosis Trust, 2007). The<br />

questionnaire revealed 83% of subjects include dairy products in their diet on a regular basis with an average<br />

dietary calcium intake of 1600mg and 1250mg in males and females respectively.<br />

A multidisciplinary pilot programme for cancer survivors was facilitated jointly by UCD and SVUH between<br />

February and May of 2007. The curriculum for the 8-week pilot-programme was developed based on the<br />

literature, interviews, focus groups and survey data. It is recommended that interventions should address<br />

multiple behaviours thus the programme combined a psycho-educational module (Hope Therapy) with<br />

physical activity and dietary modules. 39 survivors agreed to take part in the study (32 females; 7 males).<br />

The treatment group (22) consisted of one group of breast cancer survivors and a mixed gender group of<br />

breast, prostate and colorectal survivors (age range 47-65yrs). The comparison group (n=17) consisted of<br />

breast, prostate and colorectal cancer survivors (age range 46-65yrs). All participants were 2-10 years posttreatment.<br />

Analysis of the results is on going, but it is hoped that if the results are positive that long-term<br />

funding for such a programme could be secured.<br />

Significant Publications<br />

O’Reilly, M. Tully, O. Houlihan, G. Sugre, S. Gallagher,<br />

C. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy in patients with Cystic Fibrosis.<br />

Proc Nut Soc 2007; Vol. 66:90A<br />

Catherine Lamont presented a poster on behalf of the Nutrition Sub-Committee entitled<br />

“Protected Mealtime: Does it Work?” at the Irish Gerontological Society Conference, September 2007.<br />

Edel Caples, Acting Senior Dietitian, presented at the UK and Ireland Liver Transplant Meeting, hosted by<br />

SVUH, at the SAS Radisson Hotel, Dublin. The title of her presentation was<br />

"The Role of the Dietitian in the Care of Liver Transplant Recipients" 22nd – 23rd November 2007.<br />

Lynda Parke submitted an article for the Irish Kidney Association (IKA) support magazine, summer 2007<br />

entitled “Cooking Al Fresco”<br />

Future Plans<br />

Having reviewed our pilot weight management clinic we have reverted to a general OPD clinic as objectives<br />

were not achievable within this clinic structure.<br />

We are exploring the feasibility of facilitating a structured education programme for patients with Type 2<br />

Diabetes to compliment the DAFNE programme for Type 1 patients.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals<br />

Occupational Health (OH) Department<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff members of the OH Department<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff members during 2007<br />

Occupational Physician<br />

Dr. Paul Guéret<br />

Dr. Jacintha More-O’Ferrall<br />

Dr. Robert Ryan<br />

Dr. Fiona Graham<br />

Occupational Psychologist<br />

Nuala Gannon<br />

Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)<br />

Siobhan Bulfin (Up to June 2007)<br />

Justine McGrane<br />

Orla Seale (Up to September 2007)<br />

Ann O’Reilly<br />

Aisling Purcell<br />

Administrative support<br />

Áine Yap Ciarán Reilly (Up to March 2007)<br />

Barbara Sheridan (From September 2007 part-time).<br />

Other hospital staff that contributed to OH included the Health and Safety Co-<br />

Ordinator and personnel from Risk Management, Infection Control, Preventive<br />

Medicine (Health Promotion), Ergonomics, Human Resources and Dietetics areas.<br />

OH continued to provide professional services to Health and Safety, Risk<br />

Management, Infection Control, Preventive Medicine (Health Promotion),<br />

Ergonomics, Human Resources and to UCD.<br />

Service Developments/Activities<br />

Three thousand, nine hundred and fifty appointments were issued to staff in 2007,<br />

compared to 3150 appointments in 2006. <strong>St</strong>aff did not attend 628 appointments<br />

issued.<br />

There was an average of 44 documented telephone calls relating to client specific<br />

queries each month in 2007. This figure is not inclusive of general queries or<br />

queries relating to hospital departments.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Occupational Health (OH) Department<br />

OHD appointment statistics<br />

3 % 3 % 1 %<br />

3 % 2%<br />

2 %2%<br />

5 %<br />

3 %<br />

9 % 8 % 12 % 47 %<br />

Vaccination = 1906 47%<br />

Infection Control = 487 12%<br />

Psychosocial = 318 8%<br />

Fitness to Work review = 350 9%<br />

Inoculation Injury = 119 3%<br />

Back = 181 5%<br />

Health surveillance (VDU/Skin) = 78 2%<br />

Occupational Injury = 116 3%<br />

Pre-employment Review = 64 2%<br />

Pregnancy Risk Assessment = 119 3%<br />

Alcohol = 104 3%<br />

Misc (GP/Musculoskeletal/Absenteeism) = 31 1%<br />

• There was further development of the OH webpage to aid the dissemination<br />

of information about OH services and activities;<br />

• Action has been initiated and developed in the following areas:<br />

i.) Policy matters:<br />

• A suite of policies and standard operating procedure’s (SOP) were<br />

approved and implemented in 2007.<br />

• The following policies were approved;<br />

- Hepatitis B: Protection of Patients and <strong>St</strong>aff <strong>Hospital</strong> Policy<br />

(Incorporating the Hepatitis B Vaccination Programme)<br />

- Management of staff exposed to potential Blood Borne Viruses by<br />

the Occupational Health Department and Emergency <strong>St</strong>aff.<br />

- Administration of the Influenza Vaccination to hospital staff.<br />

• The following SOP’s were approved;<br />

- The management of food handlers with symptoms of<br />

gastroenteritis.<br />

- The management of staff with symptoms of gastroenteritis.<br />

- Surveillance and screening of BSc nursing students for MRSA and<br />

the management of hospital staff who colonise MRSA in a Carrier<br />

Site.<br />

- A management protocol for the administration of Lyclear or other<br />

appropriate medication to hospital staff exposed to the Sarcoptes<br />

Scadei.<br />

- The management of the medication used in the treatment of<br />

hospital staff exposed to Pediculus Humanus Capitis<br />

- The Administration of Rifampicin or other appropriate medication to<br />

hospital staff exposed to the Meningococcal Meningitis Bacterium.<br />

- The management of staff exposed to the measles virus.<br />

- The management of staff exposed to the mumps virus.<br />

- The management of staff exposed to the rubella virus.<br />

- The management of staff exposed to the varicella zoster virus.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Occupational Health (OH) Department<br />

- The management of individuals attending the OHD for Nicotine<br />

Replacement Therapy.<br />

- The management of individuals who attend the Occupational Health<br />

Department as part of the Working Backs Programme.<br />

- Pre-Employment Health Assessment.<br />

- The management of individuals attending the Occupational Health<br />

Department with a skin condition.<br />

- Vision Screening for users of display screen equipment.<br />

- Pregnancy and Work-Risk Assessment for pregnant employees.<br />

- The management of staff requiring the MMR vaccination in the Occupational Health<br />

Department.<br />

- The management of staff requiring the varicella-zoster virus vaccination in the Occupational<br />

Health Department.<br />

- Responsibilities of Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) in charge.<br />

- Management of a vaccination clinic in the Occupational Health Department.<br />

- Occupational Health Department managing clinic appointments.<br />

- Filing System for the Occupational Health Department.<br />

- Client confidentiality and Occupational Health information.<br />

- The management of complaints – OHD approach.<br />

- The response of Occupational Health Department staff in Emergency Situations.<br />

- Managing stress at work.<br />

- The Occupational Health Psychology service referral procedure.<br />

ii.) Evaluation matters: the following audits were undertaken:<br />

• An audit of the levels of verbal and physical assaults towards staff<br />

• An audit of the usage and uptake of the Working Backs Programme (WBP);<br />

• A study to investigate the role of interferon-gamma immunological testing in contact tracing of<br />

healthcare workers following significant exposure to TB in the course of their work.<br />

• An audit of the Hepatitis B immune status of the Dialysis Unit nursing staff<br />

• An audit of the Hepatitis B immune status of the research staff in the ERC<br />

• An audit of pregnant staff reporting to OHD.<br />

• An audit of staff attitudes towards awareness and practice of needlestick injuries in the acute<br />

areas within the hospital<br />

Significant Achievements<br />

The development and implementation of a comprehensive suite of OH clinical and psychological<br />

policies and SOP’s.<br />

The successful completion of MSc studies in Quality in Healthcare, Royal College of Surgeons Ireland<br />

by Ann O’Reilly.<br />

The delivery of post-graduate education to:<br />

• UCD post-graduates by J. McGrane;<br />

• TCD and UCD post-graduate by N. Gannon.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Occupational Health (OH) Department<br />

Departmental <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

Three thousand nine hundred and fifty appointments were issued to staff in 2007.<br />

This represents an increase of 800 appointments on 2006<br />

Needlestick injury prevention<br />

An ongoing educational campaign has continued into 2007 to encourage all staff<br />

to avoid and report inoculation injuries as early as possible.<br />

A number of “Be Sharp Be Safe” workshops were held and a total of 175 staff<br />

members attended. Specific sessions on the prevention and management of<br />

inoculation injuries were also provided for approximately 156 nursing staff as part<br />

of the cannulation and venepuncture study day. Informal sessions took place in<br />

the Emergency Department on the ‘Management of Blood Borne Virus exposure’;<br />

40 staff members attended. 62 medical staff attended education sessions. A<br />

special programme was given to general operatives as part of a safety initiative.<br />

Medical and psychological assistance was<br />

provided to the 103 staff members who<br />

sustained inoculation injuries in 2007. An<br />

additional 12 staff members sustained splash<br />

injuries.<br />

The prompt reporting of needlestick injuries<br />

was emphasised. This facilitated the OHD in<br />

monitoring and controlling associated risks.<br />

The incidence of such injuries has fallen steadily in recent years – however with<br />

the increase of acute procedures and the opening of the new acute facility within<br />

the hospital there has been a slight increase in the numbers reported this year.<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

104<br />

83<br />

24 18<br />

Needlestick and splash injuries<br />

sustained by staff 2002-2007<br />

85<br />

28<br />

24 16 12<br />

2003 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007<br />

70<br />

85<br />

Series 1<br />

Series 2<br />

103<br />

‘Working Backs Programme’ (WBP) for staff<br />

WBP began in 2004. <strong>St</strong>aff who sustain a back injury are assessed by the OHD<br />

and followed up by a physiotherapist and/or orthopaedic referral if necessary.<br />

178 staff attended the OHD for this service in 2007.<br />

Information packs are provided on the intranet for managers and clinicians on the<br />

evidence-based management of Lower Back Pain (LBP). Information stands<br />

detailing the WBP was provided during the 2007 European Safety Week.<br />

Influenza vaccination programme<br />

Influenza vaccinations were provided to 543 staff in 2007.<br />

Infection Control activities<br />

Contact tracing procedures were carried out on the conditions listed on the next<br />

page: A total of 676 staff were contact traced.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Occupational Health (OH) Department<br />

Contact Tracing<br />

• Brucella contact tracing: One case involving 10 staff in the microbiology<br />

laboratory, which necessitated follow up every 2 weeks for 3 months.<br />

• Meningococcal meningitis contact tracing: One case involving 16 staff.<br />

• Tuberculosis contact tracing: Two cases involving 110 staff.<br />

• Varicella-zoster virus contact tracing: This was the largest contact<br />

tracing done by the OHD in 2007, which included 19 clinical areas<br />

and 540 staff.<br />

• Norovirus: Eighty-nine staff contacted the OHD during 3 confirmed<br />

Norovirus outbreaks in 2007.<br />

• One hundred and ninety-eight staff contacted the OHD outside of<br />

Norovirus outbreaks with gastro-intestinal problems. Infection control<br />

advice was given.<br />

• A total of 306 appointments were offered to UCD student nurses for<br />

MRSA screening pre-placement, this is a significant increase since<br />

2006, 160 staff were offered appointments.<br />

Contact Tracing<br />

1 % 2 % 16 %<br />

81 %<br />

Contact Tracing<br />

TB = 10<br />

Varicella = 540<br />

Brucella = 10<br />

Meningoccoccal meningitis = 16<br />

<strong>St</strong>ress Management Activities<br />

Counselling support was provided to staff who are experiencing a range of<br />

emotional difficulties including stress as well as skills training in order to support<br />

ongoing personal and professional<br />

development.<br />

The aim of the Manager support service is to<br />

provide accessible, effective support to<br />

Managers in the management of their duties<br />

or if they have personal concerns.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff Education and Training<br />

OHD contributed to and provided education and training in the following areas:<br />

• Induction to new staff members including general induction, overseas<br />

nurses and NCHD’s.<br />

• FETAC Programmes;<br />

• Safety Management programmes viz.:<br />

• ‘Be Sharp, Be Safe’;<br />

• Management of inoculation injuries presented to Emergency Department<br />

staff and NCHD’s and general operatives.<br />

• ‘The Management of Blood Borne Viruses’;<br />

350<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

• Blood Borne Virus, Cannulation and Venepuncture.<br />

28<br />

60<br />

17<br />

No of Appointments<br />

225<br />

1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />

Individual Appointments<br />

Manager Appointments<br />

126<br />

171<br />

196<br />

52 49<br />

44<br />

55<br />

318<br />

2007<br />

No. of appointments = 318<br />

Provided to individuals = 89<br />

Provided to Managers = 131<br />

131<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Occupational Health (OH) Department<br />

<strong>St</strong> Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong> (SVPH)<br />

The service continues to expand. In excess of 200 staff availed of the following services in 2007:<br />

• Pre- Employment Health Assessments;<br />

• Immune status evaluation and vaccination– Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps,<br />

Rubella, Varicella and Tuberculosis;<br />

• Management of inoculation injuries (15 needle stick injuries and 1 blood splash);<br />

• Management referrals;<br />

• OH Psychology;<br />

• Cytotoxic Surveillance.<br />

It is planned to expand the service further in 2008.<br />

Future Plans<br />

1. <strong>St</strong>rategic<br />

• Continuation of the implementation of a computerised software programme (Healthcare Manager)<br />

for OH data management;<br />

• Addressing the opportunities for improvement in the delivery of OH services highlighted in A) the HR<br />

strategy and B) the external review of OH services currently underway.<br />

• Continuation of the development of the policy and operational review process.<br />

• Continuation of the efforts to restore OH to its full staffing compliment.<br />

2. Information, training, education<br />

• To further develop the webpage designed to disseminate relevant information;<br />

• To extend and continue to develop a training and education plan in the light of HR and OH priorities;<br />

• To collaborate with Health & Safety about how best to influence health and safety behaviours and<br />

share good OH practice around the organisation.<br />

3. Quality Assurance<br />

• Use the Quality Assurance framework (Accreditation and Hygiene Services Assessment Scheme) to<br />

address common themes to ensure the provision of a safe and healthy work environment for staff.<br />

• Completion of a final review of the effectiveness of the Working Back’s Programme<br />

• Undertake audits in the following areas:<br />

• The OH process for managing work-related stress;<br />

• Needlestick injury statistics;<br />

• Flu vaccination uptake.<br />

• The pregnancy risk assessment process, ongoing audit for completion.<br />

• It is proposed to introduce the use of CORE (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation) in 2008. The<br />

CORE system is a standardised quality evaluation, audit and outcome benchmarking system for the<br />

psychological therapies.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals<br />

Occupational Therapy Department<br />

Overview<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Public and Private Occupational Therapy Services<br />

2007 was another busy year for the Department and the last quarter marked the merge of Saint Anthony’s<br />

Outpatient Occupational Therapy staff with the <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Inpatient staff to form a main Occupational<br />

Therapy Department situated on the first floor in the Allied Therapy Suite.<br />

In 2007 the Occupational Therapy staff continued to review communication methods with service users.<br />

Efforts concentrated this year on Patient Information. This resulted in the formation of two strands of patient<br />

information leaflets; one of which includes general service information and the second provides more<br />

detailed information on specific specialist Occupational Therapy services for example hands and plastics,<br />

adult mental health.<br />

<strong>St</strong>affing<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s<br />

We were fortunate to receive 1 pilot discharge facilitation post in Occupational Therapy in 2007. The aim of<br />

this post holder is to provide urgent Occupational Therapy (OT) intervention to those patients medically stable<br />

and only awaiting OT for discharge purposes. This resulted in our being able to access the particularly urgent<br />

cases in a more timely manner.<br />

<strong>St</strong>affing remained relatively stable in the following areas<br />

- Medicine for the Elderly<br />

- Hands and Plastics<br />

- <strong>St</strong>roke and Neurology<br />

- Pain Management<br />

There was some internal movement within the Department namely in the areas of Orthopaedics and Pain<br />

Management. We also had 1 successful staff member going from acting to permanent senior member of<br />

staff and one of the staff grades acting in a senior capacity .<br />

We also are very lucky to have recruited two senior therapists to Adult Psychiatry with strong mental health<br />

backgrounds and another senior Occupational Therapist to Orthopaedics with a strong acute and hands<br />

background.<br />

Service Developments/ Activities<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Occupational Therapy Department<br />

2007 was a very active time from an Occupational Therapy perspective. We achieved our service goal of<br />

reviewing our standards and commencing internal audits of our service.<br />

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Occupational Therapy <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

In reviewing our activity statistics from 2005 – 2007 some interesting trends have emerged. OT activity with<br />

regard to in-patients shows there are increases in the returns and attendances yearly whilst outpatient<br />

activity continues to show significant increases yearly.<br />

In-patients Totals 2005 - 2007<br />

Year New Return No. Of Units of<br />

Attend.<br />

Contact<br />

2005 1007 722 6147 21210<br />

2006 897 1065 8851 25742<br />

2007 993 917 9468 25806<br />

Outpatients Totals 2005 – 2007<br />

Year New Return No. Of Units of<br />

Attend.<br />

Contact<br />

2005 1385 1295 4351 18813<br />

2006 1296 1342 4931 14119<br />

2007 1548 1267 6399 20143<br />

138<br />

Units<br />

30000<br />

25000<br />

20000<br />

15000<br />

10000<br />

5000<br />

0<br />

Total Outpatients 2005 - 2007<br />

2005 2006 2007<br />

Return to Contents

Allied Health Professionals - Occupational Therapy Department<br />

Units<br />

30000<br />

25000<br />

20000<br />

15000<br />

10000<br />

5000<br />

0<br />

Total In-patients 2005 - 2007<br />

2005 2006 2007<br />

Significant Publications<br />

We had key members of staff acting as National Representatives and providing key pieces of work on behalf<br />

of our professional body (AOTI) on the following National <strong>St</strong>rategies;<br />

- <strong>St</strong>rategy to Prevent Falls and Fractures in Ireland’s Ageing Population.<br />

- National <strong>St</strong>roke Audit and <strong>St</strong>rategy<br />

- Arthritis Needs assessment<br />

In terms of SVUH Accreditation one of the OT team is a team leader on the Bone and Joint team. In addition<br />

we have active input on the Neurology/ Care of the Elderly and Rehabilitation teams and the Adult and Old<br />

Age Psychiatry teams.<br />

Future Plans<br />

The Occupational Therapy Department has the following service plans for 2008<br />

- Audits to be completed in a number of key areas within the<br />

Occupational Therapy Department<br />

Working groups to actively target improved communication ideas between staff and Patients/ Clients.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals<br />

Pharmacy Department<br />

Service Developments / Activities<br />

Major service developments and activities were:<br />

• Appointment of Medication Safety Co-ordinator<br />

• Clinical pharmacy service started in ED<br />

• 5th Edition of SVHG Medicines Guide published<br />

• SARI (<strong>St</strong>rategy for the Control of Antimicrobial Resistance in Ireland) pharmacist appointed<br />

• Dedicated CF clinical pharmacist appointed<br />

Dispensary Service<br />

There was a 13% increase in the number of items issued (average 28,737 items dispensed per month) as<br />

a result of increased service demands from clinical areas.<br />

Clinical Service<br />

The following appointments were made:<br />

Claire Keane, specialist CF clinical pharmacist and Zulema Gonzalez Sanchez, antimicrobial (SARI)<br />

pharmacist.<br />

A clinical pharmacy service commenced in ED.<br />

In 2007 clinical audits were completed on Antibiotic Use in General Surgery Patients and Venous<br />

Thromboprophylaxis in General Surgery Patients.<br />

Education<br />

Pharmacy staff provided lectures and workshops for undergraduate and postgraduate medical, nursing and<br />

pharmacy educational programmes.<br />

SVHG Prescriber’s Guide and Formulary<br />

The 5th edition of the SVHG Medicines Guide was circulated in September 2007.<br />

It includes Guidelines for the Peri-operative Use of Oral Medicines, Anticoagulant Guidelines and Clinical<br />

Nutritional Management Guidelines. It is also available on the hospital intranet and a PDF version was<br />

distributed to NCHDs.<br />

Aseptic Service<br />

In 2007 a total of 7956 items were prepared in the Aseptic Unit (ASU), a small decrease (~1%) on 2006.<br />

The number of chemotherapy items manufactured remained the same. <strong>St</strong>aff in the ASU dispensed medicines<br />

for 17 oncology research trials.<br />

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Allied Health Professionals - Pharmacy Department<br />

Activity in the Aseptic Unit 2000-2007<br />

No. Units Manufactured<br />

9000<br />

8000<br />

7000<br />

6000<br />

5000<br />

4000<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

0<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007<br />

No. of Items 5706 6023 7276 6777 6845 7845 8107 7956<br />

50<br />

% Change in Activity in the Aseptic Unit 2000-2007<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007<br />

No. of Items (1,000’s) 5.706 6..023 7276 6.777 6.845 7.845 8.107 7.956<br />

% increase on 2000 0 6 28 19 20 37 42 32<br />

% annual increase 0 6 21 -7 1 15 3 -2<br />

-10<br />

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007<br />

Medicines Information (MI)<br />

In August 2007, MI Databank®, a custom-built database package used in Medicines Information services in<br />

the NHS was implemented.<br />

The number of enquiries received increased (up to 1090 from 1049 in 2006). Enquiries, by source, are<br />

represented below. Figures are shown from August 2007 to the end of the year (from the time the new<br />

database was installed).<br />

Complex medication related enquiries increased to 69% (up from 62% in 2006).<br />

Most common types of enquiries received included administration/dosage (24%), adverse effects (17%),<br />

choice of therapy (11%), availability/supply (7.5%) and drug interactions (7%).<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Pharmacy Department<br />

No. Queries by Source Aug-Dec 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong> Agnes<br />

Microbiology/infection control<br />

Our Lady's Ward<br />

<strong>St</strong> Annes<br />

Emergency Dept<br />

Psychiatry<br />

HDU<br />

<strong>St</strong> Vincents<br />

Outpatients<br />

Pharmacy<br />

Lukes 3<br />

Dermatology<br />

CCU<br />

<strong>St</strong> Brigids<br />

<strong>St</strong> Michaels<br />

<strong>St</strong> Pauls<br />

<strong>St</strong> Annes Day Centre<br />

<strong>St</strong> Josephs<br />

<strong>St</strong> Johns<br />

<strong>St</strong> Laurences<br />

Dietetics<br />

ICU<br />

Theatres<br />

<strong>St</strong> Charles<br />

Other<br />

9<br />

5<br />

9<br />

22<br />

44<br />

16<br />

7<br />

5<br />

24<br />

53<br />

8<br />

10<br />

13<br />

22<br />

6<br />

22<br />

10<br />

27<br />

11<br />

5<br />

5<br />

42<br />

8<br />

5<br />

34<br />

0 10 20 30 40 50 60<br />

Medication Safety<br />

In August 2007, Niamh O’Hanlon was appointed as Medication Safety Co-ordinator for SVUH. The role<br />

involves working to ensure optimal patient outcomes from drug therapy by identifying risk in the medication<br />

management process and by making recommendations for process improvements designed to prevent or<br />

minimise error.<br />

The Medication Incident Report (MIR) database was interfaced with Diver®, a management information system,<br />

which enhanced information and feedback on drugs and processes involved in medication incidents. The MIR<br />

form was revised and the process of medication incident reporting was simplified. In addition to reporting via<br />

paper MIR form, e-reporting of incidents is now possible and is being undertaken in certain clinical areas.<br />

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Allied Health Professionals - Pharmacy Department<br />

The SVHG Drugs & Therapeutics committee identified heparin and insulin as two high-risk drugs requiring<br />

priority attention. Multidisciplinary work is being undertaken to review, standardise and update guidance in<br />

relation to these drugs.<br />

The Irish Medication Safety Network (IMSN) was reconvened, facilitated by the Clinical Indemnity Scheme<br />

and SVUH is an active participant of this group.<br />

SVHG Drugs and Therapeutics Committee<br />

A multidisciplinary subcommittee developed a new in-patient prescription sheet for the hospital group. This<br />

is due to be launched in early 2008. The principal changes include a highlighted allergy section and inclusion<br />

of the intravenous fluids prescription.<br />

A subcommittee was also convened to facilitate the nurse prescribing initiative.<br />

Achievements<br />

Congratulations to staff who successfully completed the following courses:<br />

• Carmel Donnelly, MSc <strong>Hospital</strong> Pharmacy from TCD<br />

• Elizabeth Barry and Adele Flynn, Diploma First Line Management.<br />

• Claire Keane, Diploma Healthcare Management by the IPA<br />

• Elaine Hammond, Pharmaceutical Technician Course<br />

• Niamh O’Hanlon, Graduate Diploma Risk Management<br />

• Kathryn Feeley, Certificate Clinical Pharmacy<br />

• Maeve Moran, Diploma Clinical Pharmacy<br />

• Laura McCabe, American Health System<br />

Pharmacists (ASHP) patient care impact program: Introducing an<br />

Emergency Pharmacist into your institution.<br />

Publications and Posters<br />

McCabe L. Introduction of a Clinical Pharmacy Service into the Emergency Department, SVUH.<br />

Donnelly C, Fitzgerald S, McDermott E. Audit of Antibiotic Use in General Surgery Patients on a Surgical<br />

Ward.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Pharmacy Department<br />

Kennedy F, Donnelly C. The Electronic Clinical Pharmacy Worksheet (Ecpw).<br />

O’Sullivan M. Development of Guidelines for the Peri-operative Use of Oral Medicines in SVUH.<br />

Crawford AM, Hammond E. An Audit of Supplier Errors in Deliveries to the Pharmacy Department of a<br />

Large Dublin Teaching <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Hammond L, Kavanagh D, McDermott E. Audit of Venous Thromboprophylaxis in General Surgery Patients<br />

on a Surgical Ward.<br />

Walker SL, Kennedy F, McCormick PA. Drug-induced Fulminant Hepatic Failure Leading to Liver<br />

Transplantation. How Safe is Nimesulide?<br />

Flanagan M, O’Hanlon N, <strong>St</strong>rawbridge J. Documentation of Clinical Pharmacy Activity in <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Kennedy F, Kingston C, Marsden E. Survey of Clinical Pharmacy Services in the DATHs <strong>Hospital</strong>s.<br />

Conferences<br />

All Ireland CF Meeting, Killarney, February 2007. C. Keane.<br />

Update on Coagulation <strong>St</strong>udy Day; SJH, March 2007. M. O’Sullivan<br />

HPAI Annual Educational Conference, Dublin, April 2007.<br />

British Renal Society Conference; London, June 2007. K. Feeley.<br />

Guide to Reducing Clostridium difficile, Manchester, July 2007. Z. Gonzalez Sanchez.<br />

UKCPA Critical Care <strong>St</strong>udy Day; London, September 2007. M. O’Sullivan, K. Feeley.<br />

ECCO 14 (European Cancer Conference), Barcelona, September 2007. AM. Defrein.<br />

BOPA Annual Conference, Glasgow, October 2007. E. Marsden, L. Hammond.<br />

UKCPA Infection Management Group, Birmingham, October 2007. Z. Gonzalez Sanchez.<br />

UK & ROI Liver Pharmacists Group Meetings, Dublin and London. F. Kennedy.<br />

Joint Conference of the AMRAP and SARI Groups, Belfast, November 2007. Z. Gonzalez Sanchez.<br />

Hepatology Conference; Dublin, November 2007. K. Feeley.<br />

ASHP Mid Year Clinical Meeting; Las Vegas, December 2007. L. McCabe, N. O’Hanlon.<br />

RCPI Focus on Infection, Dublin, December 2007. Z. Gonzalez Sanchez.<br />

Future Plans<br />

• Review Intravenous Potassium Guidelines in 2008.<br />

• Review Unlicensed Medicines Policy.<br />

• Commence electronic ordering of medicines<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals<br />

Physiotherapy Department<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Deputy Manager: Orla Daly commenced as Deputy Manager in November following successful Acting<br />

Deputy Manager terms by Karen Cradock and Martina Fitzpatrick.<br />

Cystic Fibrosis: an additional 2.5 WTE Senior Physiotherapists were assigned to the department as part of<br />

national developments in the provision of service to patients with cystic fibrosis.<br />

Tutoring: 0.5 WTE physiotherapy tutor was assigned to the department by the National <strong>Hospital</strong>s Office. This<br />

increased the department’s ability to accommodate undergraduates for their clinical practice training. The<br />

department is now committed to providing clinical placement to 12 UCD undergraduate physiotherapy<br />

students at a time from August to June each year.<br />

ITU: 0.5 WTE Senior was granted towards provision of service to expanding bed numbers in ITU.<br />

Service Developments/Activities<br />

Cystic Fibrosis<br />

Increase in capacity to provide higher standards in in-patient and outpatient care was developed in<br />

accordance with increases in staffing to the service. In-patients are now treated twice daily in accordance<br />

with international standards. Patients on home IV therapy are reviewed twice following discharge and all<br />

outpatients are reviewed every three months. Two pieces of research were conducted for publication in<br />

2008.<br />

New Allied Therapy Suite<br />

With the close of <strong>St</strong> Anthony’s Rehabilitation Centre, a new treatment area was designed and built in 2007.<br />

Physiotherapy services in Rheumatology, Pain Management, GP Direct Access and outpatient neurology\<br />

rehabilitation were re-housed in the Allied Therapy Suite in the main building. The move brings greater<br />

opportunities for combined care to be arranged for patients attending more than one therapy and allows<br />

therapists greater opportunities for collaborative work. Presence of the <strong>St</strong> Anthony’s physiotherapy team in<br />

the main hospital building enhances communication and teamwork within the Physiotherapy Department.<br />

IT / <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

The existing package was upgraded to allow greater speed of input and importing of episode information<br />

from the PAS system.<br />

Critical Care<br />

Enhanced provision of early physical rehabilitation to ITU patients has resulted from increases in space<br />

available in the new unit. Joanne Barry presented on the role of physiotherapy in liver transplantation at the<br />

'U.K. and Ireland Liver Transplant Meeting' hosted by SVUH.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Physiotherapy Department<br />

Multi-disciplinary Education<br />

In collaboration with Nursing Practice Development, Joanne Barry Senior Physiotherapist in Critical Care,<br />

commenced teaching a module in suctioning and humidification as part of the bi-annual the multi-disciplinary<br />

tracheostomy-training day.<br />

Ergonomics<br />

10 bariatric patients were admitted to SVUH in 2007. The small library of bariatric equipment maintained by<br />

ergonomics was extended and a bariatric policy was drafted for circulation in 2008. An evaluation of electric<br />

beds was completed to aid selection for purchase in 2008. Theresa Flynn is currently working with the HSA<br />

to develop FETAC standards for Manual Handling training and to develop video training clips on MH risk<br />

assessment for the HSA web site. An Eight day in-house course was provided in May to train 7 staff<br />

members to become Instructors in Moving and Handling. Course participants came from Nursing, Portering,<br />

Physiotherapy and Catering. A hospital wide patient handling risk assessment form (Easymove form) was<br />

launched in October 2007 after a gradual rollout process over the last few years.<br />

Management<br />

A 2 day course in business planning was developed and provided to seniors in September and October.<br />

Topics covered included the business planning framework in an Irish context, service and client analysis,<br />

process mapping, measuring throughput capacity, service evaluation and effective communication in the<br />

planning process. Each team developed a service plan for their area and identified changes that might<br />

enable a more streamlined provision of service. The aim with management training for seniors would be to<br />

enable them to implement modifications to their service as patient’s needs change.<br />

Outstanding/Significant Achievements<br />

Martina Fitzpatrick, Clinical Specialist:. A literature review on Exercise in Ankylosing Spondylitis was awarded<br />

the Irish Rheumatology Health Professional Abbott Educational Bursary to fund attendance at the 2007<br />

American College of Rheumatology Conference in Boston, U.S.A.<br />

Keith Smart commenced his Health Research Board funded PhD at <strong>University</strong> College Dublin, entitled, 'The<br />

development and preliminary validation of a mechanisms-based classification of musculoskeletal pain'.<br />

Joanne Barry graduated from the National College of Ireland with a Diploma in Supervisory Management in<br />

November 2007.<br />

Significant publications<br />

Smart K, Doody C. The clinical reasoning of pain by experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapists. Manual<br />

Therapy 2007; 12:40-49.<br />

Brulhart L, Fitzpatrick Martina, Bresnihan B, FitzGerald O, Kane D, Veale DJ. Musculoskeletal ultrasound in<br />

the rheumatology outpatient clinic: Experience from a single centre in Ireland. Poster presentation at<br />

American College of Rheumatology Conference 2007.<br />

An Investigation Into The Factor Which Motivates Patients To Attend For Outpatient Physiotherapy. Eimear<br />

O'Sullivan, Riona Murtagh, Marese Cooney;Trinity College Dublin, School of Physiotherapy, Dublin, Ireland<br />

Presented at WCPT, Canada, June 2007<br />

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Allied Health Professionals - Physiotherapy Department<br />

Ivers, M., Dooley, B., Bates, U., Barnes, E., Craddock, K., Reilly, C., Slevin, M., Toole, C., and Malone, K. (2007).<br />

The CANSURVIVOR Project Development and Evaluation of a Bio-psychosocial Rehabilitation<br />

Programme for Post-treatment Survivors to Maximise Quality of Life and Quality Cancer Care. Poster<br />

presented at 9th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology (IPOS), London, September 18th, 2007. Psycho-<br />

Oncology, 16(9) supplement:S273.<br />

Departmental <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

Patient Referrals<br />

Patient Attendances<br />

12000<br />

11000<br />

10000<br />

9000<br />

8000<br />

7000<br />

6000<br />

5000<br />

4000<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007<br />

85000<br />

80000<br />

75000<br />

70000<br />

65000<br />

60000<br />

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007<br />

Future Plans<br />

Investigate the feasibility of introducing a computerised out-patients scheduling system.<br />

• Develop definition of physiotherapy services for placement on SVUH Intranet.<br />

• Implement the use of KPIs within the department.<br />

• Develop outpatients services in neurology and respiratory.<br />

Catherine Toole,<br />

Physiotherapy Manager<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals<br />

Department of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Head of Department<br />

Professor Cecily Kelleher MD, FRCPI, MPH, FFPHM, MFPHMI<br />

Health Promotion Officer Ms Jacinta Barnewell RGN, SCM, ADV. DIP. MONTESSORI ED (until Nov 2007)<br />

Dr. Anna Clarke LRCP&SI, MB, MPH, FRCPI, FFPHMI, FFPH<br />

Dr. Kirsten Doherty BSC, MPH, PHD<br />

Ms. Marion Fitzgerald BNS, RSCN, RGN (until December 2007)<br />

Ms Irene Gilroy BSc<br />

Ms. Carol Pye RGN, RM<br />

Ms. Tina Mooney RGN, DIP MGT, HDIP HP (until April 2007)<br />

Health Promotion Coordinator<br />

Ms. Denise Comerford RGN, RM<br />

Health Promotion Nurse Ms. Veronica O’Neill RGN, RM Ms. Brenda Whiteside RGN, RM<br />

Clinical Specialist Dietitian<br />

Secretary<br />

Ms. Vivien Reid MSC, DIP DIET.<br />

Ms. Frances Conlan<br />

Allied UCD staff<br />

Professor Leslie Daly, MSc, PhD, FFPH<br />

Dr. Patricia Fitzpatrick MD, MPH, FRCPI, FFPHMI.<br />

Service Developments/Achievements<br />

Service to Patients<br />

Cardiac Services<br />

• 24 Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Service<br />

This service is provided for both in-patients and outpatients of hospital consultants and general practitioners.<br />

There has been a 15% increase in the number of referrals to the service in 2007.<br />

2500<br />

24 Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring Service<br />

Referrals and Total Attendances<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

0<br />

721 886 1022 1442 1772 2044<br />

2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Department of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion<br />

• Cardiac Rehabilitation<br />

This department’s involvement in cardiac rehabilitation continues. The monthly cardiac lifestyle information<br />

session is open to patients and the general public.<br />

Smoking Advice Service<br />

This service continued to be delivered to in-patients, outpatients and staff who were interested in stopping<br />

smoking. The increase in reviews seen in 2007 reflects the need to regularly reassess patients’ nicotine<br />

requirements for efficacy while in hospital. In July 2007, a pilot workshop was held for CNMs and Senior <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Nurses to explore ways of dealing with patients and relatives who smoke in a smoke free campus<br />

environment. SVUH was awarded the European & National Network for Smoke Free <strong>Hospital</strong>s Silver award<br />

and the Tom Hurst Award from the International Network for Smoke Free <strong>Hospital</strong>s in recognition of its<br />

smoking cessation programmes.<br />

Smoking Advice Service Activity 2005 - 2007<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

0<br />

268 450 392 572 570 587 1699 1634 2189<br />

2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007 2005 2006 2007<br />

Group Attendance Initial Interventions Reviews<br />

Culinary programme for overweight cardiac patients: a randomised controlled trial.<br />

This programme is run by this department and is a co-operative initiative with the National Nutrition<br />

Surveillance Centre, UCD, Community Dietetic Services of the HSE, Dublin Mid-Leinster Bray and the<br />

Cardiac Rehabilitation Coordinator, SVUH. It is partially funded by a Noel Hickey Bursary which was awarded<br />

by the Irish Heart Foundation (IHF).<br />

Overweight and obese patients were invited into the study from a census of all cardiac patients who<br />

completed the rehabilitation programme in 2006/07 (n =172). To date 62% have agreed to participate. Half<br />

of these people have been systematically randomised into a cookery skills course, with an 80% participation<br />

rate. The first of three courses in this pilot phase of the study took place in autumn 2007.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals - Department of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion<br />

Nutrition<br />

The Clinical Specialist Dietitian provides an integrated clinical and health promotion service, including inpatient<br />

and outpatient services and group sessions. “Behaviour Change Skills (Level 2): Motivational<br />

Interviewing” training course was provided for Community Dietitians in association with the UCD School of<br />

Public Health and Population Science. 14 Dietitians attended in total with the majority from the HSE, Dublin<br />

Mid-Leinster area.<br />

Safe and Moderate Alcohol consumption (SMAC) Policy development.<br />

The multidisciplinary committee met to discuss the development of a comprehensive policy which would<br />

include staff education and training and the development of patient referral pathways, with community links<br />

being vital in this regard. As a result, the importance of accurate assessment and charting of patients’ alcohol<br />

consumption is now covered in the nursing and medicine induction days. A focus stand, “Pour yourself a<br />

drink”, was developed to provide education to patients, staff and visitors on what a unit of alcohol is. Alcohol<br />

workshops were facilitated by Denise Comerford at the International Health Promoting <strong>Hospital</strong>s (HPH)<br />

meeting and the All Ireland HPH meeting.<br />

Service to <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

• Bi-monthly health promotion education sessions were provided to departments, including medical<br />

interns, nursing and general staff induction programmes.<br />

• “Healthwise SVUH” was published with contributions from staff and distributed quarterly.<br />

• Launch of a “Slí na Sláinte” route for National HPH <strong>Hospital</strong> Challenge Day (HCD), focused on<br />

increasing physical activity. 736 people signed up to do 15 minutes physical activity, take part in the<br />

“DART Challenge” (how long it took to walk from the DART to SVUH) and guided walks on the day.<br />

A ‘No Chip Day’ continues now every Thursday. SVUH received an award for the highest number of<br />

participants taking part in HCD in an organisation of over 2,000 staff.<br />

• A smoking advice service was provided to the estimated 18% of staff who smoke.<br />

Service to the Community<br />

• 1,000 transition year students from schools in the catchment area of the hospital attended our<br />

seminars on alcohol awareness (x2), cancer awareness, smoking active and passive, bugs,<br />

superbugs and preventing infection and healthy eating. This year a session on “Road Safety<br />

Awareness”, in conjunction with the Road Safety section of An Garda Síochána, was also offered.<br />

• Four stop smoking courses were run in 2007, attended by patients and other members of the public.<br />

• A smoking awareness stand was set up in the hospital for “National No Smoking Day”. Carbon<br />

monoxide testing was offered to all who wanted to avail of it on the day.<br />

Health Promoting <strong>Hospital</strong>s<br />

Denise Comerford and Dr Anna Clarke are members of the Executive of the National HPH Network.<br />

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Allied Health Professionals - Department of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion<br />

Significant Publications<br />

Clarke A, Comerford D, Gilroy I, Fitzpatrick P, Tan LM, Pathmadevan R, Daly L, Kelleher CC,<br />

Mulcahy R. (2007).<br />

Secular trends in smoking in <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> 1977 – 2006 – Support for an outright<br />

campus wide ban?<br />

Proceeding of the International Health Promoting <strong>Hospital</strong>s Conference, Vienna, April 2007.<br />

Gilroy I, Tan LM, Pathmadevan R, Daly L, Clarke A, Fitzpatrick P, Ulmer H, Kelleher CC.<br />

How useful a predictor of gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) is alcohol consumption in a hospital<br />

population?: Findings of a census survey at <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Proceedings of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine Summer Scientific Meeting, Dublin, May 2007. In Press.<br />

Reid V, McDonagh M, Moloney M, Quinn M, Clarke A, Daly L and Kelleher C. (2007)<br />

Are lifestyle changes maintained 5 years after participation in a cardiac rehabilitation programme?<br />

Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 20, p365 (abstract).<br />

Doherty K, Daly L. (2007)<br />

Irish tobacco legislation increases smoking cessation in hospital patients.<br />

Abstracts from the UK National Smoking Cessation Conference, 14-15 June 2007, London.<br />

Journal of Smoking Cessation, 2 Supplement p 12-27.<br />

Comerford D, Gilroy I, Doherty K, Clarke A, Conlan F, Daly L, Fitzpatrick P, O’Neill V, Kelleher CC.<br />

Smoking prevalence and attitudes to smoking among student nurses 10 years on: Cross-sectional followup<br />

study.<br />

Proceedings of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine Winter Scientific Meeting, Dublin, December 2007. In<br />

Press.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals<br />

Speech and Language Therapy Department<br />

1.Move to the Allied Therapy Suite<br />

In December’07, the Department moved from <strong>St</strong>. Anthony’s Rehabilitation Centre to the newly renovated<br />

Allied Therapy Suite on the first floor. It is a major development for the Department to have a base in the<br />

main hospital so close to many of our key service areas ENT, Neurology and the <strong>St</strong>roke & Care of the Elderly<br />

services. This move has resulted in many positive benefits for our patients, staff and overall service.<br />

2.<strong>St</strong>affing<br />

Eavan McSweeney joined the department on 08/01/07 as a staff grade therapist. In July 2007, Karen Kirke<br />

commenced working in the department after graduating from the <strong>University</strong> of Limerick with a postgraduate<br />

<strong>master</strong>s in Speech and Language Therapy.<br />

In September’07, Deirdre Kidney our senior therapist in Neurology went on maternity leave and Caoimhe<br />

McDermott took over this position in an acting capacity.<br />

3. Current Level of Service Delivery:<br />

The Speech and Language Therapy Department provides both an in-patient and outpatient service to over<br />

60 consultants, 23 wards, Carew House and <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong>. The following is a breakdown of the<br />

speech and language therapy treatment units by clinical specialities for 2007.<br />

Clinical Specialities/Speech and Language Therapy Treatment units 2007<br />

3000<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

Medicine for the elderly<br />

ENT / Plastics<br />

Oncology<br />

Surgical<br />

Respiratory<br />

Gastroenterology<br />

Neurology<br />

Cardiology<br />

Endocrinology<br />

Rheumatology<br />

Nephrology/Psychiatry<br />

0<br />

1,928 1,541 359 803 1,235 1,176 2,411 159 208 382 645<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals- -Speech and Language Therapy Department<br />

Clinical Specialities<br />

Treatment Units<br />

Medicine for the Elderly 1,928<br />

ENT / Plastics 1,541<br />

Oncology 359<br />

Surgical 803<br />

Respiratory 1,235<br />

Gastroenterology 1,176<br />

Neurology 2,411<br />

Cardiology 159<br />

Endocrinology 208<br />

Rheumatology 382<br />

Nephrology / Psychiatry 645<br />

4. Specialised Clinics – Swallowing and Voice<br />

Digitalfluoroscopy<br />

This specialised clinic is run jointly by the Speech and Language Therapy Department and Dr. Dermot<br />

Malone, Consultant Radiologist. It continues to be the only digital fluroscopy service in the East Coast Area.<br />

Referrals are accepted from <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong>, <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong>, the National Rehabilitation<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> and the Royal <strong>Hospital</strong> Donnybrook. The clinic takes place in the Flursoscopy Unit on the 2nd floor<br />

of the Ambulatory Day Care building. Two weekly clinics are scheduled on Wednesday and Friday mornings.<br />

No. of patients<br />

200<br />

180<br />

160<br />

140<br />

120<br />

100<br />

80<br />

60<br />

40<br />

20<br />

0<br />

-25 % +12 %<br />

+40 %<br />

28 46 75 82 97 152 159 148 111 124<br />

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals- -Speech and Language Therapy Department<br />

Fees<br />

The Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) assessment clinic is<br />

conducted jointly by the Speech and Language Therapy Department and the ENT<br />

team. This service commenced in July’04 and is completed either at the patient’s<br />

bedside or in the Voice Lab room in the ENT OPD suite on the first floor.<br />

50<br />

45<br />

40<br />

36<br />

38<br />

No of patients<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

12<br />

0<br />

2004 2005 2006 2007<br />

Digital <strong>St</strong>roboscopy<br />

This service has been running for the past five years and is part of our weekly<br />

voice clinics. It provides accurate information on the shape, condition and<br />

functioning of the vocal cords. It also allows the team to make a permanent record<br />

of the vocal cords vibratory patterns, which may be used to monitor progress and<br />

treatment outcomes measures.<br />

No of patients<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

25<br />

78<br />

82<br />

71<br />

74<br />

53<br />

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals- -Speech and Language Therapy Department<br />

Training and Development<br />

• Throughout 2007, the Department was involved in a number of presentations both within and outside<br />

the hospital.<br />

• We continue to provide input to nursing and physiotherapy students.<br />

• The Department provided several placements for speech and language therapy students.<br />

• We also continued our extensive in service training programme which was particularly useful given the<br />

number of new staff in the department.<br />

• In August’07 the department was also involved in the Tracheostomy <strong>St</strong>udy Day organised in<br />

conjunction with the nursing practice development staff.<br />

Significant Courses/Conferences<br />

Fionnuala Duffy and Ruth Maxwell both graduated from TCD with their M.Sc. degrees.<br />

Caoimhe McDermott and Eavan McSweeney both successfully completed their postgraduate dysphagia<br />

training.<br />

Caoimhe McDermott also completed the Lee Silverman Voice Training (LSVT) Programme.<br />

Special Thanks<br />

I would like to thank all the staff in the Department for their support and help with our major move. I would<br />

also like to thank all the other staff throughout the hospital who helped to make our move so successful,<br />

hospital management, Mr. John McDonagh, portering and IT services.<br />

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156<br />


Report from the Director of Nursing<br />

Bed Management<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> <strong>St</strong>erile Services Department<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> Hygiene Services<br />


Department of Nursing<br />

The Department of Nursing continued to demonstrate its commitment to the delivery of quality and safe<br />

patient care throughout 2007. It is important to acknowledge the continued contribution made by nurses to<br />

the provision of evidence based nursing care locally, nationally and internationally through poster<br />

presentations, journals and conference presentations. Many nurses have lead out on various projects and<br />

initiatives involving service developments, clinical audit, education and training developments. Welcome to all<br />

those who joined our nursing department and good wishes to all those who retired during the year following<br />

a long and dedicated service. It was with great sadness we report that one of our nurses passed away during<br />

the year.<br />

Service developments<br />

The following is an example of the many initiatives:<br />

• The nurse led ICU Outreach Service project, supported by the National Council for the Professional<br />

Development of Nurses and Midwives commenced in June 2007.<br />

• Management of patients with dermatological conditions were enhanced with the introduction of new<br />

nursing led services such as phototherapy, cryotherapy, nurse monitoring and skin surveillance<br />

clinics. The increased activity in the Cardiac Cath Lab presented many staffing challenges and a<br />

system of staff rotation between CCU and the unit was successfully introduced and supported with<br />

education and skills development.<br />

• Nurse led initiatives in cardiac rehabilitation included education sessions for newly diagnosed heart<br />

failure patients and a home follow-up by the Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Heart Failure for<br />

discharged low-risk heart failure patients.<br />

• Nursing staff facilitated the opening of the DXA Osteoporosis Unit in Jan 2007.<br />

• The colorectal and stoma care-nursing specialists continued to develop prevention and management<br />

educational strategies for patients with pelvic floor disorders.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department- Nursing<br />

• Nursing teams conducted audit within service areas, clinical practice and education with many<br />

quality improvements to be introduced locally and hospital wide. The Emergency Department staff<br />

focused on triage activity and nursing documentation. The Infection, Prevention and Control and the<br />

HSSD nursing teams actively participated in the two national audits conducted within the hospital:<br />

the National Hygiene Services Audit and the Decontamination Audit. The results demonstrated that<br />

the hospital featured as one of the top hospitals in the country in compliance with both sets of<br />

standards. Evaluations in Undergraduate BSc Nursing examined changes to nursing students shift<br />

patterns in the clinical settings and their impact on their learning experience.<br />

Education, Training and Skills Development<br />

The Nurse Education Centre continued its provision of education and professional development programmes<br />

for staff in <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s Healthcare Group and the East Coast Area. During the year, Intensive Care, Cardio<br />

Vascular, Emergency and Oncology Post Registration Diploma programmes were facilitated in partnership<br />

with <strong>University</strong> College Dublin. Foundation Skills courses in Intensive Care and Peri-Operative Nursing were<br />

developed in conjunction with the associated areas. In-service training programmes were provided for SVUH<br />

staff such as: nurse orientation, administration of intravenous medications, intravenous cannulation and<br />

venepuncture, intravenous assessors and preceptorship. LEO programme and FETAC programmes for<br />

Healthcare Assistants were provided to staff within the group and the East Coast Area.<br />

Nurse Practice Development (NPD) facilitated and lead numerous projects and initiatives. The management<br />

of patients with chest drains and tracheotomies were of particular focus, with NPD coordinating and<br />

developing a multidisciplinary tracheostomy study day in August. The Department’s development of a specific<br />

orientation programme for nursing students making the transition to qualified nurses continued to prove a<br />

huge success amongst participants as were the guidelines developed by NPD to support CNMs and<br />

registered nurses on conducting staff probation assessments.<br />

The National Nurse Prescribing initiative, which is being coordinated locally through NPD, is a major<br />

advancement for the delivery of quality patient care. Six nurses within the organization successfully<br />

completed the RCSI nurse-prescribing programme and graduated in October, which will facilitate the<br />

introduction of nurse prescribing.<br />

The Resuscitation Department provided in-service education and training for over 1,000 staff including a<br />

“hands free” defibrillation initiative in ADCC.<br />

Nurse Bank<br />

The Nurse Bank was established in July 2007 as part of a DATH’s two-year value for money project. All<br />

requests for additional registered nurse staffing resources are now centralised and managed through the<br />

bank office. The primary objective is to recruit bank only nurses who will be allocated to cover shifts that<br />

historically were covered by agency staff.<br />

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Department- Nursing<br />

Nursing Graduation<br />

The annual graduation ceremony took place on the 5th of July. Congratulations to all the BSc nursing<br />

students who graduated and to those who were presented with awards. All of the graduates took up<br />

employment in the hospital.<br />

Plans for 2008<br />

• Continue with the introduction of nurse prescribing.<br />

• Introduction of in-house hygiene audit tool.<br />

• Centralization of requests for additional HCA through the Nurse Bank office.<br />

• Clinical Learning Environments audit in line with An Bord Altranais <strong>St</strong>andards.<br />

• Participate in the implementation of integrated care models across the continuum of care.<br />

• Commence implementation of recommendations of An Bord Altranais Assessment (2007)<br />

• Preparation for the BSc nursing students new internship programme.<br />

• Roll out of the revised medication administration record designed for use across the organisation.<br />

• Launch of CPAP policy, and provision of CPAP education and training.<br />

• Establishment of a training programme for procedural sedation in line with policy development in areas<br />

such as Cardiac Cath lab and Radiology.<br />

• Introduction of Clinical Information System in ICU in line with planned “go-live” date.<br />

• Development of business cases for Advanced Nurse Practitioner posts in specialities based on patient<br />

and service needs.<br />

• Introduction of DNA CPR Guidelines.<br />

• Participate in the implementation of the National Report on Post Graduate Nurse Education.<br />

Mary Duff<br />

Director of Nursing<br />

Ms. S. Brennan<br />

ADON Coordinator<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Bed Management<br />

Bed Management<br />

The function of the Bed Management Department is to oversee all daily admissions, transfers and discharges<br />

to and from the hospital. In doing so we aim to balance the demands of the Emergency Department (ED)<br />

with those of urgent/ non-urgent elective work with available beds.<br />

<strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>’s in-patient bed capacity is currently 514. The focus of the Bed Management<br />

Department for 2007 was to move away from the traditional bed allocation role and to focus on a more<br />

strategic approach to capacity management. In doing so a number of new initiatives were introduced and<br />

are part of an on going approach:<br />

• Reconfiguration of <strong>St</strong> Raphael’s, <strong>St</strong>. Teresa’s Wards and the old I.C.U into a combined protected<br />

surgical unit, <strong>St</strong> Luke’s. This new arrangement facilitates speciality specific referral and admission<br />

from the ED. This area will also pilot documenting the Estimated Date of Discharge (EDD) on all<br />

patient’s notes.<br />

• Designated wards for all patients under the care of respiratory physicians allocated. The EDD<br />

will also be piloted here.<br />

• Escalation Policy revised. The key feature being that if there are in excess of 20 patients in the<br />

ED at 0730 hrs awaiting beds, a minimum of ten patients must move to the wards by 0930, to<br />

facilitate throughput.<br />

• Weekly Key Performance Indicators relating to Bed Management are now distributed (e.g. Length<br />

of <strong>St</strong>ay, Turn Over, Activity etc).<br />

• Collaboration with the Social Work Department to address delayed discharges.<br />

• On occasions 11 emergency beds opened on <strong>St</strong> Clare’s Ward (Former ED) to relieve pressure in<br />

the ED.<br />

• Task force group formed to address use of semi private beds resulting in optimising bed use on<br />

<strong>St</strong> Michael’s Ward and other designated semi-private areas.<br />

• Task force established to address discharge planning and work is ongoing.<br />

• IT systems up-dated within the department.<br />

• All policies updated relating to Bed Management<br />

• Comprehensive research on best practice in bed management (on-going)<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department- Nursing<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> <strong>St</strong>erile Services Department - HSSD<br />

Activities<br />

The National <strong>Hospital</strong>s Office has undertaken a national review of standards and practices for decontamination<br />

of reusable invasive medical devices in all public acute hospitals.<br />

The review was to be carried out by an independent company, Healthcare Science Ltd., who has vast<br />

experience in this field. The HSSD manager, Ms Ita Balfe, was the ‘link person’ between the NHO and the<br />

hospital, in order to facilitate a comprehensive consultation process throughout the organization. Prior to the<br />

official review Ita and the infection control team undertook an internal audit of all departments and wards<br />

using reprocessed medical devices. This proved very beneficial to all concerned as it highlighted areas that<br />

were meeting standards and those that needed some additional attention. The formal Decontamination<br />

review took place over 4 days It was intensive and thorough through out the organization. Congratulations to<br />

all involved in preparing staff and areas for the review. The organization scored highly and came in the top 5<br />

hospitals in the country. Well done to Ita and all concerned.<br />

Education<br />

Sinead Moran and <strong>St</strong>ephen Newman commenced their BSC, in <strong>St</strong>erile Services; at the Institute of<br />

Technology; Tallaght. September 2007.<br />

Maribel Franco is undertaking a Masters in <strong>St</strong>erile Services (distance learning) from The <strong>University</strong> of<br />

Scotland. October 2007.<br />

5 members of the technical staff are completing the skills programme in decontamination.<br />

It is proposed to look at competency based training for all technical staff in the year ahead.<br />

<strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

2007 saw further increases in activity levels for reprocessing medical devices in HSSD. The department has<br />

taken on the decontamination and reprocessing of flexible scopes from Theatre. This is a major undertaking<br />

and has been successfully integrated with only 5 additional staff. Thank you to all concerned for your<br />

cooperation in this transfer.<br />

Due to lack of capacity for sterilizing its own medical devices at <strong>St</strong>. Columcille's <strong>Hospital</strong> Loughlinstown the<br />

HSSD at SVUH has also taken on work from there. Each day sets are received, reprocessed and dispatched<br />

back sterile to <strong>St</strong>. Colmcille's <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

There are many positive projects happening in our HSSD, thanks to a dedicated and hard working group of<br />

people, nurtured and supported by their manager Ita Balfe. Unfortunately Ita leaves us at the end of January<br />

2008. She will be greatly missed by her friends in HSSD because that is what she is to each of them. Ita’s<br />

background is Theatre where she worked for most of her professional career .It was here she gained her<br />

knowledge and developed her interest in decontamination and sterilizing of medical devices. Her colleagues<br />

in theatre will miss her and wish her well in all her future undertakings’. Good luck and best wishes for a long<br />

and happy retirement Ita.<br />

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<strong>Hospital</strong> Hygiene Services<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> continued its commitment to providing a clean and safe environment for<br />

patients, visitors, staff and members of the general public in 2007.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> participated in the Annual National Hygiene Audit facilitated by the Irish<br />

Health Services Accreditation Board in 2007. A team of four assessors spent two and a half days in the<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> and arrived unannounced on the 28th March 2007. The Assessment Team included two Directors<br />

of Nursing, an Environmental Health Officer and an Independent Food Hygiene Consultant.<br />

The Assessment team focused on issues such as hand hygiene, laundry management, contract cleaning,<br />

waste and facilities management. Members of staff and several patients were interviewed during the facility<br />

tours. A documentation review, including policies, training records, catering and waste management records<br />

was also undertaken. The Assessors also met with members of the <strong>Hospital</strong> Hygiene Quality Improvement<br />

Group and members of the Senior Management Team.<br />

No high-risk issues were identified during the survey and the general feedback to the hospital was good.<br />

They complimented staff on their friendliness and openness during the facility tours. <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> received an overall rating of ‘Good’. 60.71 % of scores were A ratings (Exceptional Compliance)and<br />

39.29 % were B Ratings (Extensive Compliance).<br />

The report identified a number of priority improvement plans regarding minor capital upgrade of clinical areas,<br />

improved storage facilities, greater input from patients/clients in hygiene issues and the identification and<br />

monitoring of Key Performance Indicators.<br />

An independent external hygiene audit was also carried out in March 2007. It covered clinical and nonclinical<br />

areas, kitchens, receptions, public areas and toilets. Departmental action plans were drafted as a<br />

result of the audit findings.<br />

Work began in the fourth quarter of the year to develop a Hygiene Audit Tool. The tool encompasses the<br />

seven core criteria within the service delivery section of the Hygiene Services <strong>St</strong>andards. The tool will be<br />

rolled out across the hospital early in 2008.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department- <strong>Hospital</strong> Hygiene Services<br />

The Infection Prevention & Control team continued a hospital-wide education and training programme in<br />

2007. The Infection Prevention & Control Liasion programme was evaluated and relaunched. A range of<br />

patient information leaflets were introduced and a web page on the SVUH Intranet was designed and<br />

launched.<br />

Ongoing refurbishment of exisiting facilities continued across the site, notably a new Allied Therapy suite was<br />

commissioned on the 1st floor of the main ward block. Redevelopment of the Emergency Department is also<br />

underway. A refurbishment programme was approved for toilet/bathroom facilities within the exsisting ward<br />

block, this work is due to commence in 2008. An Estates <strong>St</strong>rategy Group was established and will review all<br />

developmental requests.<br />

Household Services have developed a curtain changing procedure for all clinical areas, which will be be<br />

issued early in 2008.<br />

The waste management process has been consolidated and is now contracted to a single operator Oxigen<br />

Environmental Ltd.<br />

The Theatre Infection Control sub group continued to meet monthly to monitor hygiene standards in the<br />

theatre complex.<br />

The new Irish <strong>St</strong>andard I.S. 340: 2007 – ‘Hygiene in the Catering Sector’ published this year has been<br />

incorporated into the practices and procedures of the Catering Department. A range of food hygiene and<br />

HACCP training was delivered to both Nursing <strong>St</strong>udents and clinical staff in clinical areas. An induction<br />

training package for part-time/locum staff was developed covering all aspects of hygiene in the catering<br />

department.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> continued its partnership with Noonan Services Contract Cleaning Limited.<br />

The company introduced its own auditing system using a PDA tool, the new Clinical Services building was<br />

incorporated into this in July 2007.<br />

The <strong>Hospital</strong> Hygiene Quality Improvement Group continued to meet on a monthly basis, chaired by the<br />

Director of Nursing. The membership of the group was expanded early in the year to include<br />

Sheridans(Catering), Spring Grove(Laundry) and Cannon(Hygiene). The group reviewed and reissued a<br />

number of hygiene related policies and procedures and continue to address the requirements of the National<br />

Hygiene <strong>St</strong>andards. Many thanks to all staff for their participation and support in implementing the National<br />

Hygiene <strong>St</strong>andards.<br />

Return to Contents<br />



Health<br />

Report from the Professor of Medicine<br />

Report from the Chairman of Physicians Subgroup<br />

Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine<br />

Department of Cardiology<br />

Department of Dermatology<br />

Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes Mellitus<br />


Department of Medical Oncology incorporating Lios Aoibhinn<br />

Cancer Support Centre<br />

Department of Medicine for the Elderly<br />

Department of Nephrology<br />

Department of Neurology<br />

Department of Clinical Neurophysiology<br />

Department of Palliative Medicine<br />

Department of Respiratory Medicine<br />

Bone & Joint Unit<br />

Department of Rheumatology<br />

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Report from the Professor of Medicine<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Consultants Professor Michael Keane Dr Huzaifa Adamali<br />

Registrars Dr David O’Dwyer Dr Yusef Vapra<br />

Special Lecturers Dr Boon Beng Shu Dr Paul McElwaine<br />

Dr Ijaz Kamal<br />

Administration Manager/<strong>St</strong>udent co-ordinator<br />

Barbara Cantwell<br />

<strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

Inpatients<br />

Admissions 453 Discharges 435 Day Care 54<br />

Outpatients<br />

New patients 121 Return visits 1382<br />

Service Developments<br />

Professor Michael Keane took up his appointment as Professor of Medicine and Consultant Respiratory<br />

Physician on September 1st. He replaced Professor Muiris FitzGerald who retired after many years of<br />

dedicated service to <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and <strong>University</strong> College Dublin (UCD). Dr Seery was<br />

appointed as a permanent College Lecturer/Consultant Physician.<br />

Curricular reform continues at UCD with significant changes being implemented in the undergraduate<br />

teaching programme as it moves towards a fully modular programme. 2007 was the last year when students<br />

would follow the old format of “Res Year” and they will also be the last group to follow the traditional Final<br />

Med structure. Graduate entry to Medicine was approved for<strong>University</strong> College Dublin (UCD) and the first<br />

group of students will commence in 2008.<br />

The unit continues to provide a busy clinical service as evidenced by the in-patient and outpatient activities.<br />

The unit continues its tradition of providing a national referral centre for interstitial lung disease. The unit<br />

continues with its academic activities with both Professor Keane and Dr Donnelly being active investigators<br />

at the Conway Institute in UCD. Professor Keane is on the editorial board of the American Journal of<br />

Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, American Journal of Physiology; Lung Cellular and Molecular<br />

Physiology, Fibrogenesis and Tissue Repair and is an Associate Editor for the Journal of Immunology.<br />

The Dublin Academic Health Centre (DAHC) was established to foster greater collaboration and interactions<br />

between the <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>, Mater Misericordiae <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and the Medical School<br />

Return to Contents<br />


Department - Medicine<br />

at UCD. This follows the model of academic medical centres, which have been established internationally<br />

and will potentially represent a major advance in how health care is delivered in Ireland.<br />

UCD continues its links with Penang Medical College and Dr Donnelly travelled to Penang in June as an<br />

examiner in the Final Medicine Examination.<br />

Significant Publications<br />

Keane MP, Gomperts BN, Weigt S, Xue YY, Burdick MD, Nakamura H, Zisman D, Ardehali A, Saggar R, Lynch<br />

JP, Hogaboam C, Kunkel SL, Lukacs NW, Ross DJ, Grusby MJ, <strong>St</strong>rieter RM, Belperio JA.<br />

IL-13 is pivotal in the fibro-obliterative process of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome.<br />

J Immunol. 178(1):511-9, 2007.<br />

Mehrad B, Burdick B, Zisman DA, Keane MP, Belperio JA, <strong>St</strong>rieter RM.<br />

Circulating peripheral blood fibrocytes in human fibrotic interstitial lung disease.<br />

Biochem Biophys Res Comm. 353(1):104-8, 2007.<br />

Mohsenin A, Burdick MD, Molina JG, Keane MP, Blackburn MR.<br />

Adenosine mediated CXCL1 production and angiogenesis in the lung. FASEB J. 21(4); 1026-36, 2007..<br />

<strong>St</strong>rieter RM, GompertS BN, Keane MP.<br />

The role of CXC chemokines in pulmonary fibrosis. J Clin Invest. 117(3): 549-56, 2007.<br />

Gomperts BN, Belperio JA, Fishbein MC, Keane MP, Burdick MD, <strong>St</strong>rieter RM.<br />

Keratinocyte growth factor improves airway repair in injured tracheal epithelium.<br />

Am J Resp Cell and Mol Biol. 37(1): 48-56, 2007.<br />

Mehrad B, Keane MP, <strong>St</strong>rieter RM.<br />

Chemokines as mediators of angiogenesis. Thromb Haemostat. 97(5):755-62, 2007.<br />

Hong KM, Belperio JA, Keane MP, Burdick MD, <strong>St</strong>rieter RM.<br />

Differentiation of human circulating fibrocytes as mediated by transforming growth factor-beta and<br />

peroxisome proliferators activated receptor-gamma. J Biol Chem. 282(31): 22910-20, 2007.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Zisman DA, Karlamangla AS, Ross DJ, Keane MP, Belperio JA, Saggar R, Lynch JP 3rd, Ardehali J, Goldin J.<br />

High resolution chest computed tomography findings do not predict the presence of pulmonary<br />

hypertension in advanced idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.<br />

Chest. 132(3):773-9, 2007.<br />

Chappell S, Daly L, Morgan K, Baranes TG, Roca J, Rabinovich R, Millar A, Donnelly SC, Keatings V, Macnee<br />

W, <strong>St</strong>olk J, Hiemstra PS, Miniati M, Monti S, O'Connor CM, Kalsheker N.<br />

Variation in the tumour necrosis factor gene is not associated with susceptibility to COPD.<br />

Eur Respir J. 2007 Oct;30(4):810-2. No abstract available.<br />

Gantier MP, Baugh JA, Donnelly SC.<br />

Nuclear transcription of long hairpin RNA triggers innate immune responses.<br />

J Interferon Cytokine Res. 2007 Sep;27(9):789-97.<br />

Cedervall T, Lynch I, Foy M, Berggård T, Donnelly SC, Cagney G, Linse S, Dawson KA.<br />

Detailed identification of plasma proteins adsorbed on copolymer nanoparticles.<br />

Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2007;46(30):5754-6<br />

Govender P, Baugh JA, Pennington SR, Dunn MJ, Donnelly SC.<br />

Role of proteomics in the investigation of pulmonary fibrosis.<br />

Expert Rev Proteomics. 2007 Jun;4(3):379-88.<br />

Bucala R, Donnelly SC.<br />

Macrophage migration inhibitory factor: a probable link between inflammation and cancer.<br />

Immunity. 2007 Mar;26(3):281-5.<br />

Martos R, Baugh J, Ledwidge M, O'Loughlin C, Conlon C, Patle A, Donnelly SC, McDonald K.<br />

Diastolic heart failure: evidence of increased myocardial collagen turnover linked to diastolic dysfunction.<br />

Circulation. 2007 Feb 20;115(7):888-95.<br />

Foley SC, Hopkins NO, Fitzgerald MX, Donnelly SC, McLoughlin P.<br />

Airway nitric oxide output is reduced in bronchiectasis.<br />

Respir Med. 2007 Jul;101(7):1549-55. Epub 2007 Jan 17.<br />

Plant BJ, Ghani S, O'Mahony MJ, Morgan L, O'Connor CM, Morgan K, Baugh JA, Donnelly SC.<br />

Sarcoidosis and MIF gene polymorphism: a case-control study in an Irish population.<br />

Eur Respir J. 2007 Feb;29(2):325-9. Epub 2006 Sep 27.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Report from the Chairman Physicians Subgroup<br />

Chairman of Physicians Subgroup<br />

Honory Secretary to Physicians Subgroup<br />

Dr Martin Quinn<br />

Professor Douglas Veale<br />

This year was a busy year for the Department of Medicine in <strong>St</strong> Vincents <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>. The numbers<br />

of patients seen and treated continues to increase. The move to the new hospital building has been<br />

completed. The move to subspecialty admission has begun with the centralization of respiratory patients on<br />

<strong>St</strong> John’s and <strong>St</strong> Paul’s wards and gastroenterology medical and surgical patients on <strong>St</strong> Lukes 1 and 2. The<br />

formation of the Dublin Academic Health Centre has led to significant collaboration between the Mater<br />

Misericordiae <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

New Developments<br />

Plans for the development of a dedicated high intensity medical observation unit have been agreed. It is<br />

hoped that work on this unit will start in the first half of 2008. This will provide significant improvements in<br />

the delivery of care to critically ill medical patients within the hospital.<br />

Retirements<br />

Professor T J McKenna and Dr Michael Moriarty retired in 2007 after many years of service to SVUH.<br />

Appointments<br />

Professor Michael Keane joined the consultant staff as Professor of Medicine and Consulant Respiratory<br />

physician.<br />

Dr Ronan Canavan joined the consultant staff in Endocrinology.<br />

Dr Seery was appointed as a permanent College Lecturer/Consultant Physician.<br />

Research and Teaching<br />

The research output of many departments is of the highest quality with many publications in international<br />

peer reviewed journals and numerous international distinctions.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Dept. of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine<br />

2007 was characterised by ongoing shortages of consultant staff, which was particularly evident in the area<br />

of Intensive Care Medicine and the Liver On-Call rosters. Although the number of Consultant Anaesthetists<br />

working in the hospital had dropped slightly from 27 to 26, the number of full time permanent staff had<br />

increased slightly from 8 to 9 with the appointment of Dr Paul Murphy. The complement of staff at this time<br />

therefore consists of 9 permanent, fulltime consultants and 2 fulltime locum consultants. There are 15 parttime<br />

consultants. Of the 15 part-time consultants, 5 posts are currently filled by locums. The difficulty in<br />

advancing the respective consultant posts has been exacerbated by two main problems. Firstly, the ongoing<br />

negotiations for new contracts with consultants has resulted in an embargo on all posts, both new or<br />

replacement. The situation is likely to continue until the end of 2008. Secondly, the department has<br />

undergone an external review. Throughout this time we have been unable to advance any new permanent<br />

posts.<br />

The external review has brought about a number of changes. Articles of Association were formulated. An<br />

internal Implementation Body has been set up which oversees the day-to-day running of the department and<br />

answers directly to the full department. In time we will see the appointment of Clinical Directors who will<br />

have special responsibility and expertise in their particular area. Teaching and training has improved<br />

significantly and we had good success in recent exams. I would like to acknowledge the input of a number<br />

of individuals for their hard work in improving the teaching programme in the department. Dr Dara Breslin,<br />

our Senior Lecturer, was appointed in 2007. Dr John Boylan, Dr Ingrid Brown, Dr Juliette McAleese and Dr<br />

Kieran Crowley in the Intensive Care Unit.<br />

The external review has also resulted in the production of a new schedule and this will take into consideration<br />

additional areas of activity such as in the X-Ray Department. A pre-assessment clinic is due to begin in April<br />

2008. In addition to this an Acute Pain Service for post operative pain is also to be put in place by June<br />

2008.<br />

The number of operating theatres has remained as in previous years. Namely there are 15 theatres in all<br />

but this does not take into consideration the additional areas of activity outside of the operating theatre which<br />

have to be covered, namely acute pain, radiology, pre-assessment and ECT.<br />

I would like to welcome Dr Paul Murphy, Consultant Anaesthetist with a special interest in Pain Medicine, as<br />

a permanent member of staff. Dr Murphy is a replacement for Dr Vincent Hannon who retired. I would like<br />

to congratulate Dr Paul Murphy and extend to him our heartiest congratulations and welcome him into our<br />

department and wish him a successful and fulfilling career in <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Department - Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine<br />

Service Development /Activities<br />

Activity Report – Operating <strong>St</strong>atistics 2007<br />

Category SVUH <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s<br />

Annexe Public Private<br />

Dental 29 1<br />

Dermatology 7 0<br />

E.N.T. 251 99<br />

Eswl (Lithotripsy)<br />

General 2373 719 483<br />

G.U. Endo 1459 89<br />

G.U. Open 161 15<br />

Gynaecology 262 1<br />

Local 316<br />

Nerve Block + Sedation 15<br />

Ophthalmology 369 0<br />

Orthopaedic 1800 62<br />

Pain 440 43<br />

Plastic 1154 68<br />

Thoracic 187 102<br />

Vascular 323 91<br />

TOTALS 8815 1050 1398 1054<br />

Outstanding / Significant Achievements<br />

Our congratulations are extended to Dr Juliette McAleese, Dr Mohd Attia, Dr Tom Owens, Dr Hugh Gallagher<br />

and Dr Pat Benson who presented a paper at the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland<br />

which was held in Dublin in 2007. The paper won a medal which was well deserved.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine<br />

Resident Merit Awards<br />

The following residents received medals as follows:<br />

Dr Catherine Nix - Dr. Gerry Dorrian Award for best SpR in Anaesthesia<br />

Dr Caroline Larkin – Dr. Dick Nolan Award for best BST in Anaesthesia<br />

Dr Denise McCarthy - Dr Seamus O’Donnell Award for best SpR in ICU<br />

Intensive Care Unit<br />

Medial Director<br />

Dr. Kieran Crowley<br />

Consultants Dr. Pat Benson D. Caroline Hickey<br />

Clinical Nurse Manager III<br />

Ms Geraldine Carey<br />

Service workload<br />

628 patients were admitted to the ICU in 2007, a record number. 39% of patients stayed 1 day, while 45%<br />

stayed 3 days or more, similar to recent years. Average length of stay was 4 days. Average occupancy for<br />

the year was 91%. The ICU continued to provide the critical care component of the liver transplant<br />

programme. The year saw another equal record with 65 transplants.<br />

Organ failure rates and organ support rates were similar to recent years: 71% of patients received<br />

mechanical ventilation. Overall ICU survival was 77%, with hospital survival of 76%. There is a continuing<br />

trend of increasing post-ICU discharge hospital survival.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> supplied an ICU nurse and registrar to staff the transfer of critically ill<br />

patients by MICAS (mobile intensive care ambulance service) on a 1:4 roster. The ICU is contributing to a<br />

national HSE study on organ procurement (the link nurse for organ donation is Mary Galligan).<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

The ICU ran two Foundation Courses, 8 nurses having completed the first course (all remaining on staff) with<br />

11 on the current course. This course promises to greatly assist in providing adequate numbers of suitably<br />

trained nursing staff, which remains an issue. Maureen Flynn left her post as DNM to work with the HSE,<br />

Maureen Darcy filling the DNM position. Anne Donegan and Mark Jeffrey were appointed CNM2; Aisling<br />

Vickers was appointed Acting CNM2.<br />

There are two attendants, one shared orderly, one shared technician and three secretaries. The ICU is staffed<br />

by a registrar or specialist registrar rotating from the Department of Anaesthesia. The aim of achieving outof-hours<br />

cover by consultant intensivist staff has not yet been met: this is now achieved for 2/4 of weekends.<br />

Service developments<br />

Of the total of 16 beds in the new ICU initially 8 were opened, increasing to 10 in July, with overflows to 13<br />

beds at times. Efforts are being made to open further beds. Edwina Beirne was appointed to oversee the<br />

introduction of a Clinical Information System, with a planned “go-live” date mid 2008. Edwina previously<br />

oversaw such a project in Amsterdam. After a successful application to the National Council for the<br />

Professional Development of Nurses, Dennis Wedgeworth took up a post studying the feasibility of an<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine<br />

Outreach Service for patients after ICU discharge. Thanks to the work of Liam McGann and Joey Gormly,<br />

the Purchasing Department took over stock management in ICU, freeing up ICU staff time for patient care<br />

and saving money. As part of the commitment to continuing education, the ICU Nursing <strong>St</strong>aff hosted their<br />

annual educational conference in February 2007 with an attendance of over 100. Intermittent Haemodialysis<br />

is now available to patients in the ICU with the support of the Renal Service. The ICU marked its first year<br />

in the new premises with an international lunch.<br />

Significant achievements<br />

At the SVUH poster competition on “Quality in Healthcare” Dr. Hani and Dennis Wedgeworth won 1st and<br />

2nd prizes respectively.<br />


2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999<br />

Admissions 628 595 613 516 450 471 421 469 556<br />

Average length<br />

of stay (days) 4 2 4 6 6 6 5 5 3.4<br />

Average occupancy 91% 91% 92% 93% 90% 85% 89% 85% 64%<br />

Elective surgical 29% 34% 38% 36% 27% 30% 32% 35% 36%<br />

Emergency surgical 25% 25% 30% 30% 39% 31% 31% 35% 31%<br />

Medical 46% 43% 32% 34% 34% 39% 37% 30% 33%<br />

Mechanical ventilation 71% 80% 82% 69% 70% 75% 68% 67% 58%<br />

Central venous access 77% 73% 77% 64% 73% 81% 69% 78% 75%<br />

Vasoactive infusions 31% 19% 24% 20% 18% 25% 33% 33% 26%<br />

Acute renal failure 18% 14% 10% 10% 17% 25% 23% 24% 14%<br />

Continuous renal<br />

replacement therapy 18% 14% 10% 10% 16% 21% 16% 14% 10%<br />

Tracheostomy 10% 7% 6% 6% 13% 11% 13% 6% 6%<br />

Unplanned ICU<br />

discharge - 17% 21% 21% 25% 1.5% 11.4% 6% 5%<br />

Readmissions 9.7% 8.1% 12% 8.3% 2.9% 0.9% 6.3%<br />

ICU survival 77% 78% 80% 79% 82% 75% 73% 75% 81%<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> survival 78% 76% 78% 75% 78% 70% 68% 70% 71%<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine<br />

Liver Transplantation<br />

2007 was a very busy year for the Liver Transplantation Group. 59 Orthotopic Liver transplants took place.<br />

The results for 2007 were very good. Transplantation is demanding work for all concerned. All credit to the<br />

Anaesthesia Team:<br />

Consultant Anaesthetists Liver Fellows Anaesthetic Nurses<br />

Dr Neil McDonald Dr Mohammad Zafruddin Sr. Jean McCarthy<br />

Dr. John Boylan Dr. Shaikh Subani Billie <strong>St</strong>afford<br />

Dr. Aly Karim Aly<br />

Karl Perocillo<br />

Karen Ann Keating<br />

The transplant anaesthesia group provided coverage for 59 liver transplants, including 52 primary elective<br />

transplants during 2007. The 60-day survival for primary isolated elective transplants was 96%, with median<br />

ICU stay and hospital stay of 1 and 21 days, respectively. Outcome for primary elective liver transplantation<br />

at SVUH continues to be one of the best in the UK and Ireland.<br />

Peer-reviewed papers<br />

J.J. Magner, K.J. Crowley, J.F. Boylan. Fatal fibrinolysis during orthotopic liver transplantation in patients<br />

receiving solvent/detergent-treated plasma (Octaplas®).<br />

Journal of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Anesthesia 2007; 21: 410-3<br />

Abstracts<br />

A.D. Nichol, F. Naughton, D. Ó Cróinín, J.F. Boylan, P. McLoughlin.<br />

Buffered hypercapnia worsens lung injury in endotoxin induced pneumonia.<br />

American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine 2007 A785<br />

A.D. Nichol, D. Ó Cróinín, F. Naughton, J.F. Boylan, P. McLoughlin.<br />

Hypercapnic acidosis attenuates oxidative reactions in endotoxin induced acute lung Injury.<br />

American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine 2007 A785<br />

Three former Conway research fellows, Dr. Finola Naughton, Dr. Ahtsham Niazi and Dr. Alistair Nichol, took<br />

up posts as staff anaesthesiologists at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> Network, Toronto, Canada (Drs. Naughton and<br />

Niazi), and as Senior Lecturer at Monash <strong>University</strong>, Australia (Dr. Nichol). Dr. John Boylan was a contributing<br />

author for the Irish Critical Care Trials Group (ICCTG), and a manuscript reviewer for Chest.<br />

Vascular Access<br />

Director<br />

Consultant<br />

Dr. Alan McShane<br />

Dr. Neil McDonald<br />

The Vascular Access service continues to meet the constants demands from a variety of healthcare groups.<br />

The requests include placement of a variety of vascular access devices, and increasingly, the provision of a<br />

consultation service. While the oncology and haematology services continue to be frequent users of the<br />

service, the number of referrals of patients with cystic fibrosis for portacath placement also continued to rise.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine<br />

Training in the use of ultrasound devices to aid the placement of central venous access devices has<br />

continued, and there is increasing willingness of all to embrace this technology.<br />

Formal training in central vascular access is now a training requirement of the College of Anaesthetists. Drs<br />

McShane and McDonald again organized the Vascular Access <strong>St</strong>udy Day in the College. This course<br />

continues to be popular and oversubscribed. It provides didactic lectures, live and cadaveric demonstrations<br />

and tuition in the use of ultrasound.<br />

South East Dublin Department of Anaesthesia<br />

Again in 2007 consultant recruitment to the SEDDA hospitals was severely curtailed. This was due to a<br />

combination of reasons but mainly to uncertainty about the new consultant contract and uncertainty about<br />

what hospitals were to be built up. Consequently, we again relied, heavily on locum consultant services.<br />

These enabled the comprehensive anaesthesia services in the group to be maintained. We are again grateful<br />

to the contribution made by these doctors. We were happy to welcome one new Consultant to the SEDDA<br />

group, Dr. Paul Murphy, who will be joining the liver transplantation anaesthesia team and will also work with<br />

the Pain Service. We wish him well in his career here.<br />

The SEDDA training scheme retains its popularity, with a constantly increasing number of applications. This<br />

reflects on the individual teaching done by consultants and the facilities and varied clinical experience<br />

available in the constituent hospitals.<br />

Pain Medicine<br />

2007 was another year of immense development in the Pain Service in <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> with<br />

the appointment of a new Consultant in Pain Medicine, Dr Paul Murphy. Dr Murphy did his Pain Fellowship<br />

training in the world famous North Shore <strong>Hospital</strong> in Sydney, Australia, under the guidance of Prof Michael<br />

Cousins. We also had the project of planning a new pain suite, and the commencement of the transfer of<br />

our clinical activities from <strong>St</strong> Anthony’s Rehabilitation Centre to the main SVUH building.<br />

Outpatient Activity<br />

Number New Return Total<br />

Of Sessions Patients Patients<br />

Tues 51 250 2,244 2,494 Dr O'Keefe<br />

Tues 46 23 264 287 Dr Victory<br />

Wed 51 112 886 998 Dr O'Keefe<br />

Pain Unit 148 3 370 373<br />

Total 296 388 3,764 4,152<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine<br />

The Wednesday Clinic has been taken over by Dr Paul Murphy as his basic OPD assessment access for new<br />

patients, this commences at 3 p.m and finishes at 6 p.m . We have continuted with the initiative which was<br />

introduced in 2006, of the Wound Clinic and the Walk In OPD Service for emergencies and urgent referrals.<br />

This had a huge impact in emergency admission avoidance and prolonged stay at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Vincent's</strong> <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Publications and Presentations<br />

Presentations<br />

National 5<br />

International 4<br />

Publications 1<br />

2 Papers were presented by Dr Zuberi and Dr Hannsman. INSUKI Meeting in York in October 2007.<br />

There were 5 poster presentations at the Irish Pain Society Meeting in UCD in October 2007, which were<br />

jointly authored by Dr O’Keeffe and Dr Murphy. With presentations from Dr Zuberi, Dr Hannsman, Dr Idrees,<br />

Dr Kamraj on a variety of topics, including Audits of Electronic Neuromodulation Practice, and the use of<br />

Pharmacologic Neuromodulation using a novel new drug, Ziconatide.<br />

There were also 2 presentations from the Unit at the North American Neuromodulation Society in Acapulco,<br />

Mexico, in December 2007, given by Dr Zuberi. One of which was a case report and the second was an audit<br />

of our Electronic Neuromodulation Practice.<br />

Dr Philip Hu commenced and successfully completed a year in the Dept of Functional MRI and the <strong>University</strong><br />

of Oxford, under the guidance of Prof Eileen Tracey, where he is investigating the ‘Impact of Subcutaneous<br />

Electrical <strong>St</strong>imulation on Brain psycho-physics.’<br />

The Pain Programme, under the joint Clinical Directorship of Dr. Rosemary Walsh and Dr Declan O’Keeffe,<br />

continued with its cognitive behavioural therapy programme, 3 week programme for patients with chronic<br />

pain and new innovations including tailored programmes for patients with special needs.<br />

Publications<br />

Audit of Neuromodulation: Our Experience of 83 Implanted Systems.<br />

Hu P, Majedi Max P, Illynski O, Al Majedi A, O’Keeffe D.<br />

Neuromodulation Vol 10 Issue 2. Page 195-201<br />

April 2007.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine<br />

Finally the total patient interaction in the department was over 5,200 for 2007<br />

Director Dr. Declan O’Keeffe 11 sessions<br />

Consultants Dr. Paul Murphy 7 sessions<br />

Dr. Ray Victory<br />

2 sessions<br />

Dr Oleg Illynski<br />

4 sessions<br />

Pain Fellows<br />

Senior Clinical Psychologist<br />

Dr. Michael Hannsman<br />

Dr. Aamir Zuberi<br />

Dr Kamraj<br />

Dr. Rosemary Walsh<br />

0.5 WTE Physiotherapist Miss Aoife Caffrey<br />

1.0 wte Occ Therapist Miss Shannon Barr<br />

Pain Management Co-ordinator/<br />

PA to Director<br />

Neuromodulation Co-ordinator Locum<br />

Niamh Clohessy<br />

Activity<br />

Outpatient Clinics<br />

Day Consultant Total No. of Patients<br />

to visit OPD Pain Clinic<br />

Tuesday Dr. O’Keeffe 2492<br />

Wednesday Dr. Victory 287<br />

Tuesday Dr. O’Keeffe 998<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Clare’s Pain Unit<br />

Procedure Room<br />

Wound Clinic 1319<br />

Extramural Theatre<br />

Bone&Joint Unit<br />

Pain Management Programmes<br />

Type Programme No. of Courses in 2007 Total Number of Patients on Course<br />

3 week 9 81<br />

1 Day 2 8<br />

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Department - Anaesthesia, Intensive Care & Pain Medicine<br />

Distinguished Guests<br />

The department was honoured by the presence of the world famous Pain Physician / Scientist, Prof Michael<br />

Cousins of the <strong>University</strong> of Sydney in October 2005. Prof Cousins visited the unit and delivered the<br />

Anaesthesia grand round lecture on Chemotherapy Analgesia. Given Prof Cousins’ background, this was a<br />

view into the future of pain medicine and he explained to us the new goal of attempting to achieve periods<br />

of remission from pain of patients with unrelenting chronic pain. Prof Cousins was also accompanied by Dr<br />

Damian Finess, (Chairman of the IASP Group on Placebo), who is attached as a Physiotherapist /<br />

Neuroscientist to the famed North Shore <strong>Hospital</strong> facility in Sydney, Australia.<br />

Prof Cousins also gave an address on Pain Relief as a Human Right at the Royal College of Physicians as<br />

part of the Irish Pain Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting. It was a great pleasure to have Prof Cousins visit<br />

our unit and I on behalf of the MDT in <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> Pain Clinic would like to thank our new<br />

colleague Dr Paul Murphy for facilitating this wonderful experience for our group.<br />

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Department of Cardiology<br />

The demand for outpatient based clinical cardiological services continues to increase. A total of 6,965<br />

patients were seen at cardiology clinics during 2007 – an increase of 10% over the previous year. This was<br />

also reflected in the 13% rise in non-invasive investigative tests (ECG, echocardiography, stress testing,<br />

rhythm monitoring) to 19,266 procedures – almost 400 per week. In-patient activity as evidenced by<br />

admissions / discharges / bed days used remains generally unchanged (~1% rise) understandably due to<br />

saturation of available resources. For similar reasons the number of invasive cath lab based procedures were<br />

unchanged at 2,453 however there was clearly an increase in the need for emergency out-of-hours<br />

procedures – particularly direct coronary angioplasty / stenting for evolving acute myocardial infarction – a<br />

need which is certain to continue to grow and place a substantial extra burden on already strained resources.<br />

Cardiac Arrhythmia Service<br />

The Cardiac Arrhythmia Service now provides the following services:<br />

Implantation of Cardiac Arrhythmia Devices:<br />

Implantable loop recorders, use of selective Para-Hisian high septal pacing in order to reduce cardiac<br />

dysynchrony for patients with bradycardias, ICD therapy, and biventricular cardiac resynchronization therapy.<br />

The development of the cardiac arrhythmia services at <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> has been facilitated<br />

by the subspecialisation of cardiac technicians with dedicated arrhythmia interests. The follow-up of<br />

implantable loop recorders, pacemakers, implantable cardioverter defibrillators and resynchronization therapy<br />

devices has been greatly enhanced by the high level of expertise by our cardiac technicians and has allowed<br />

the service become less dependent on technical support from industry for the interpretation of error<br />

messages, alarm signals and optimization of programmable features. 2007 has seen a grown concern for<br />

device advisories and recalls. Such problems require increasing vigilance for adverse trends in electrical<br />

parameters (impedance, voltage, high frequency noise) on follow-up visits and subsequent communications<br />

with patients, referring physicians, device extractions (in selected patients in conjunction with our cardiac<br />

surgical colleagues) and replacements. The more sophisticated implantable device technology becomes the<br />

greater the potential for technology defects and device recalls.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Cardiology<br />

Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia and SVT’s: Catheter ablation is performed by<br />

endocardial ablation and in selected patients by percutaneous epicardial ablation. The development of<br />

catheter ablation services of both complex as well as common tachycardias at SVUH has been facilitated by<br />

the acquisistion of 3-D electroanatomical mapping systems (Carto, Navex, Ensite and Loca-Lisa) and by the<br />

use of customised pulmonary vein isolation catheters such as the 36 strand mesh ablation catheters.<br />

Cardiac Rehabilitation<br />

The Cardiac Rehabilitation Service continues to offer four phases to patients recovering from a Myocardial<br />

Infarction, Angioplasty and Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery/Valve Surgery.<br />

463 patients received Phase 1, at Phase II, all patients were phoned after their event and 227 patients<br />

attended group meetings throughout the year. Some were also seen individually. One hundred and forty one<br />

patients attended the six-week Phase III programme. Approximately seventy patients attended our Phase IV<br />

refresher sessions.<br />

Heart Failure Service<br />

The Heart Failure Unit continues to provide in-patient and outpatient services. At outpatient level there were<br />

in excess of 4,000 patient contacts last year. Services include a dedicated clinic for potential new diagnoses<br />

of heart failure, annual review for those with established heart failure to ensure continued optimal<br />

management, same day review for clinical deterioration as well as in-patient care and immediate post<br />

discharge care. In 2007 three new services were established:<br />

a) Outreach services for those patients not capable of attending <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> for clinical<br />

review. This service is provided by Mary Ryder, the first Advanced Nurse Practitioner in<br />

heart failure in Ireland. She maintains close contact with the General Practitioner and<br />

the hospital heart failure unit where required.<br />

b) Home Telemonitoring. In conjunction with the HSE the Heart Failure Unit has developed<br />

an I.T. based interactive program for general practitioners in helping to facilitate referral<br />

and clinical opinion.<br />

c) The Hypertension Unit was established in late 2007 to provide specialist services for<br />

Hypertension and to co-ordinate with the Heart Failure Unit in formulating optimal<br />

strategies for prevention of heart failure.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


Papers Published & Accepted<br />

Ponikowski P, Anker S, Szachniewicz J, Okonko D, Ledwidge M, Zymlinski R, Ryan E, Wasserman S, Baker<br />

Nigel, Rosser D, Rosen S, Poole-Wilson P, Banasiak W, Coats A, McDonald K.<br />

Effect of Darbepoetin alfa on exercise tolerance in anaemic patients with symptomatic Chronic Heart<br />

Failure: a randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-controlled trial.<br />

J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007. 49:7: 753 – 762.<br />

McDonald K, Conlon C, Ledwidge M.<br />

Disease management programs for heart Failure: Not just for the ‘sick’ heart failure population.<br />

Eur J Heart Fail. 2007. 9: 113 – 117.<br />

Travers B, O’Loughlin C, Murphy N.F., Ryder M, Conlon C, Ledwidge M, McDonald K.<br />

Fluid restriction in the management of decompensated heart failure: no impact on time to<br />

clinical stability.<br />

J Card Failure 2007. 13: 2: 128 – 132.<br />

O’Hanlon R, O’Shea P, Ledwidge M, O’Loughlin C, Lange S, Conlon C, Phelan D,Cunningham S, McDonald<br />

K. J.<br />

The biological variability of B-type natriuretic peptide and N-Terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in<br />

stable heart failure patients.<br />

J. Card Failure 2007. 13: 1: 50 - 55<br />

Martos R, Baugh J, Ledwidge M, O’Loughlin C, Conlon C, Patle A, Donnelly S, McDonald K.<br />

Diastolic Heart Failure: Evidence of increased myocardial collagen turnover linked to diastolic<br />

dysfunction.<br />

Circulation 2007.115: 888 –8 95<br />

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Department - Medicine<br />

Department of Dermatology<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Consultants Dr Paul Collins (9+2 sessions) Dr Brian Kirby (11 )<br />

Dr. Sarah Rogers (11 )<br />

(31 sessions at <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> , 2 at <strong>St</strong> Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong>)<br />

NCHDs<br />

Sp Registrar<br />

Dr Jane Barry<br />

Registrar Dr Maeve Mc Aleer Dr Catriona Ryan<br />

SHO<br />

Dr Aisling Ryan<br />

Research Registrar Dr Agnieszka Zawirska<br />

Nursing <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

CNS Ms Sheila Ryan Ms Nicola Mahon (acting)<br />

CNM2<br />

Ms Nora Tracey<br />

Nurses 11 (full and part-time)<br />

Care assistant<br />

Ms Maria del Pillay<br />

Nurses<br />

13.39 WTE<br />

Administrative Ms Caroline Lehane Ms Eileen Cusack<br />

Ms Maria Pongraz<br />

Ms Brenda Harte part time<br />

Ms Niamh Spain part time WTE 3.8<br />

Patients seen and treated 2007 <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> + (<strong>St</strong> Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong>)<br />

New patients<br />

Return patients<br />

Clinics 2345 + (292)=2637 6,163 + (443)= 6606<br />

Total patients = 8508 + (735)<br />

Phototherapy unit 15,491 Patch tests 283 Skin biopsies 635 + (33)<br />

Skin excisions 429<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Dermatology<br />

Inpatient consults 434 + (62)<br />

Consult review not measured but most reviewed at least once 496<br />

Nurse led services have increased this year and full details are contained in the annual Nursing Report.<br />

Outpatient waiting list February 2008 combined <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

New patients<br />

Return patients<br />

758 2,154<br />

Publications<br />

Narrowband UVB and psoralen UVA in the treatment of mycosis fungoides:A retrospective study.<br />

Ahmed K, Rogers S, McNicholas P, Collins P. Acta Dermatologica Venereologica 2007;87:413-417.<br />

Randomised, double-blind, prospective study to compare topical 5- aminolaevulinic acid methylester with<br />

topical 5-aminolaevulinic acid photodynamic therapy for extensive scalp actinic keratosis.<br />

Moloney FJ, Collins P British Journal of Dermatology 2007;157:87-91.<br />

Two years experience with etanercept in recalcitrant psoriasis.<br />

Ahmad K, Rogers S. Br J Dermatol 2007 ; 156 : 1010-1014<br />

Filaggrin null alleles are not associated with psoriasis.<br />

Zhao Y, Terron-Kwiatkowski A, Liao H et al. J Invest Dermatol 2007; 127 : 1878-82.<br />

A retrospective review of azathioprine treatment for recalcitrant atopic dermatitis.<br />

Hughes R, Collins P, Rogers S. Accepted Clinical and Experimental Dermatology<br />

The department has presented over 20 presentations at national and international meetings<br />

Service Developments<br />

A once monthly multidisciplinary team meeting for melanoma has been started. This incorporates specialists<br />

from Dermatology, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, General surgery, Oncology and Histopathology.<br />

Achievements<br />

Dr Paul Collins was appointed Chairman of the Southern Group of the IAD.<br />

Dr Brian Kirby has been appointed Chairman of the <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> Research Ethics<br />

Committee<br />

Nurse Eimear Ennis and Nurse Sheena Killarney have completed their BSc degrees in nursing.<br />

Acting CNS Ms Nicola Mahon completed the Higher Diploma in Dermatology course at <strong>St</strong>irling <strong>University</strong><br />

CNS Sheila Ryan is Honorary Secretary of the Irish Dermatology Nurses Association and the British<br />

Dermatology Nursing Groups.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus<br />

Personnel<br />

Consultants: Professor T.J. McKenna, Dr Malachi McKenna, Dr Donal O’Shea,<br />

Dr Ronan Canavan<br />

Lecturers:<br />

Department of Medicine, U.C.D.: Dr Deirdre Blake Dr Gianluca Tamagno<br />

Specialist Registrar:<br />

Dr Conall Dennedy<br />

Registrars: Dr Maeve Hutchinson, Dr Gadintshware Gaoatswe,<br />

Dr Eoin Noctor<br />

Research Registrars: Dr Tom Cawood, Dr Mohammed Bashir, Dr Jean O’Connell<br />

Secretary:<br />

Geri Daly<br />

Diabetes Centre<br />

Nurses: Deirdre Gleeson, Nora Collis, Moira Haran,<br />

Joanne Kildunne, Jean O’Brien, Claire Dingle<br />

Dieticians: Maeve Moran, Carmel Quinn, Natalie Wallace<br />

Primary Care<br />

Liaison Team: Deirdre Hall, Diabetes Nurse Specialist Yvonne Ryan, Dietician,<br />

Secretarial <strong>St</strong>aff: Fiona Whelan, Patricia Sinnott, Joyce Doyle,<br />

Maura Mahony,<br />

Florence Mhandu<br />

Endocrine Laboratory<br />

Principal Biochemist:<br />

Dr. Tom Smith<br />

Senior Medical Scientist: Anne Dickinson<br />

Acting Senior<br />

Medical Scientists: Martina Cassidy, James Connolly, Nicola Faherty<br />

Laboratory Aide:<br />

Amy Wallace<br />

Research-Graduate<br />

<strong>St</strong>udents:<br />

Lucille Kavanagh<br />

Weekly Departmental Academic Events<br />

Diabetes Team Meeting - Monday lunchtime<br />

Endocrine Conference - Tuesday 1pm<br />

Multi-Disciplinary Thyroid Cancer Group Meeting (Quarterly)<br />

Departmental Journal Club - Friday – 8.00am<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus<br />

Out-patient Clinics<br />

3 Diabetes Clinics per week<br />

1 Endocrinology Clinic<br />

Weekly multi-disciplinary group education sessions for newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes.<br />

Monthly Patient Group Education Session on cholesterol management and diet.<br />

Quarterly Group Education Sessions for patients with newly diagnosed impaired glucose tolerance.<br />

Endocrine Clinical Services<br />

The Endocrine Team provides a comprehensive outpatient and in-patient consultation service. By its nature,<br />

the combined Endocrinology/Diabetes Service is predominantly outpatient orientated with the essential goal<br />

of avoiding hospital admission and this is particularly the case in avoiding the long-term complications of<br />

diabetes mellitus.<br />

In the field of thyroid cancer, the development of a quarterly Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting, (Medical<br />

Endocrinology, Surgical Endocrinology, Histopathology, Radiotherapy and Radiology) ensures the provision of<br />

a co-ordinated service working to approved international guidelines. At this conference patients who have<br />

been reviewed by any of the groups are presented and their management discussed and presentations and<br />

key aspects of the management of thyroid cancer are reviewed. A similar multi-disciplinary team approach to<br />

the management of gut endocrine tumours was established in September 2007. This meeting occurs quarterly.<br />

The Endocrine Team provides a national consultation service in the areas of reproductive endocrinology,<br />

adrenal disease, obesity, hypoglycaemia, gut endocrine tumours, gender identity disorder, calcium metabolism<br />

and metabolic bone disease.<br />

Endocrine Laboratory<br />

Overall workload in the Endocrine Laboratory remained relatively static during 2007. However, this overview<br />

masked a significant increases in the number of manual tests requested and a fall in the automated<br />

workload, particularly from the Coombe <strong>Hospital</strong> as they expanded in-house endocrine testing.<br />

The laboratory was again inspected during the course of a two day surveillance visit from Clinical Laboratory<br />

Accreditation UK Ltd. in 2007. The inspector’s report was very positive and the laboratory maintained its<br />

accreditation status.<br />

Dr. Tom Smith is the Association of Clinical Biochemist’s representative on the Irish EQA <strong>St</strong>eering Committee.<br />

James Connolly has been promoted to acting Senior Medical Scientist in place of Anne Dickinson who is<br />

currently on maternity leave.<br />

Martina Cassidy resigned her post in 2007 to take up a Medical Scientist position in Temple <strong>St</strong>. Children’s<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong>. She was replaced by Nicola Faherty.<br />

Gordon Dixon took up a position as trainee Medical Laboratory Scientist in June 2007.<br />

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Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus<br />

Diabetes Service<br />

The official opening of the Diabetes Centre was held on the 21st April 2007. Special guests included Dr<br />

Garret FitzGerald and Mr Albert Reynolds. The opening ceremony was preceded by a seminar for healthcare<br />

professionals and a patient workshop for patients and their families.<br />

The goal of the Diabetes Service is to keep well patients well through the linked processes of information,<br />

education, counseling and empowerment. The Diabetes Service is probably unique in the extent to which<br />

the patients play the central role in the management of frequently complex situations. This service is<br />

supported by time committed to telephone contact with patients and the provision of various individual and<br />

group educational sessions.<br />

For insulin dependent patients, there is the “Dose Adjustment For Normal Eating” (DAFNE) programme. This<br />

is a detailed continuous five day course for small groups of patients to empower them to tightly link insulin<br />

adjustment with carbohydrate intake, exercise and general health status to ensure tight blood glucose levels<br />

with the aim of avoiding long-term diabetes complications, while at the same time avoiding the serious<br />

consequences of low blood glucose levels, hypoglycaemia. Detailed training and accreditation in DAFNE for<br />

doctors, nursing staff and dietitians continues as resources allows.<br />

Cystic Fibrosis (C.F.) related Diabetes Mellitus<br />

As we in <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> are the national referral centre for adults with Cystic Fibrosis and<br />

allied with medical advances in treatment, we have seen a large increase in the number of patients<br />

presenting with cystic fibrosis related diabetes mellitus as their life expectancy increases. The treatment and<br />

education of this group form a complex and demanding facet of the caseload of the Diabetes Nurse<br />

Specialist and Endocrine Medical Team.<br />

A further aspect of the Diabetes service in <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> is Liver Transplantation related<br />

Diabetes, which continues to increase our expertise and workload.<br />

The Shared Care Programme in which a group of General Practitioners work in partnership with the Diabetes<br />

Centre to agreed treatment protocols and facilitated by Liaison Diabetes Nurse Specialists and Dieticians<br />

has expanded further this year. This programme at once expands the base and the provision of expert<br />

diabetes care, facilitates the provision of that care nearer to the patient’s home and relieves demands on the<br />

hospital based Diabetes Service.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus<br />

Research Projects<br />

Thyroid Eye Disease Research Group<br />

Personnel:<br />

Dr Donal O’Shea and Dr Tom Cawood<br />

Dr Cawood completed his studies on the potential role of anti-cytokine therapies in thyroid eye disease, and<br />

has also investigated the link between smoking and thyroid eye disease. This in vitro work, funded by a<br />

Clinical Research Training Fellowship from the Health Research Board, has suggested that Interleukin 1 may<br />

be an attractive therapeutic target as Interleukin promotes numerous pathological processes in thyroid eye<br />

disease (including inflammation, glycosaminoglycan production and adipogenesis). Interleukin 1 also acts in<br />

synergy with cigarette smoke extract to promote adipogenesis, which may help explain why smoking worsens<br />

thyroid eye disease. Dr Cawood was awarded the O’Donovan Medal by the Irish Endocrine Society, and the<br />

Novartis Endocrinology Registrar Research Medal for this work and was awarded his Ph.D. in 2007. In July<br />

2007 Dr Cawood moved to New Zealand to complete his specialist training.<br />

Diabetes & Obesity Research Group<br />

Personnel: Dr Donal O’Shea, Dr Jean O’Connell, Dr Lydia Lynch,<br />

Dr Mohammed Bashir Dr Conall Dennedy.<br />

Laboratory work is underway investigating the metabolic and immunological links between obesity and its<br />

consequences, such as type 2 diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. A Newman Scholar post is<br />

being funded by Sanofi-Aventis, and the Diabetes Federation of Ireland and the Medical Research Charities<br />

group have recently awarded funding for a 3-year project entitled ‘Adipocyte size and type 2 diabetes; a study<br />

of patients undergoing bariatric surgery’. Dr. O’Connell has been awarded a HRB training fellowship to<br />

pursue this project. The group is increasingly focussing also on the link between obesity and cancer. Funding<br />

has been secured for another Newman Fellowship to start in early 2008. Dr Bashir is looking at novel urinary<br />

biomarkers and diabetes/obesity related kidney disease while Dr Dennedy plans to look at endocanabinoid<br />

regulation of adrenal and ovarian steroidogenesis.<br />

Clinical <strong>St</strong>udies (Dr Eoin Noctor, Dr T Smith)<br />

For the last ten years that Endocrine Laboratory has screened all blood samples with an elevated prolactin<br />

level for the presence of macroprolactin. When macroprolactin was found to account for<br />

hyperprolactinaemia, the interpretation was made that when corrected for the presence of macroprolactin,<br />

the prolactin level was normal. We have now commenced a study to review the subsequent clinical course<br />

of patients whose doctors received this result and interpretation. Questions to be addressed include what<br />

additional investigations were undertaken for these patients? What treatments did they receive? What were<br />

the final diagnoses? What was the diagnosis?<br />

Achievements and Distinctions<br />

Professor T J McKenna retired in August 2007 having been associated with <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

since the 1960’s and on the staff as a Consultant since 1978. His retirement was marked by a day given<br />

over to reviewing the developments in Diabetes and Endocrinology over that time, with a particular emphasis<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus<br />

on his areas of interest. Former colleagues in <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s including Professor Frank Muldowney and Dr<br />

Andrew Heffernan were among the speakers as was Dr Frances Hayes, who has been appointed to take up<br />

Professor McKenna’s position in July 2008. Professor McKenna will maintain his academic links with the<br />

department. He has been appointed Chairman of the Irish Committee for Higher Medical Education and is a<br />

member of the Editorial Boards for the journals Clinical Endocrinology (Oxford) and The Endocrinologist<br />

(United <strong>St</strong>ates).<br />

Dr Donal O’Shea completed his four year term as Secretary of the Irish Endocrine Society. He was a member<br />

of the National Taskforce on Obesity and Chairman of the Detection and Treatment Subgroup. Dr O’Shea is<br />

Chairman of the Nutrition Council of the Irish Heart Foundation and Chairman of the <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s Healthcare<br />

Group, Drugs and Therapeutics Committee. He received a UCD Premier Award for Undergraduate Teaching<br />

Excellence in 2007.<br />

Dr Malachi McKenna is a member of the Editorial Board of Osteoporosis International.<br />

Dr Ronan Canavan joined the staff as Consultant Endocrinologist in July 2007.<br />

Conferences/Courses/Meetings Attended<br />

National Cystic Fibrosis Meeting. Killarney, 21st February 2007.<br />

Annual Abracadabra Diabetes Nursing Conference. London, 2nd March 2007.<br />

International Society for Clinical Densitometry. Tampa, USA, 14th– 7th March 2007.<br />

Diabetes Federation of Ireland Multi-disciplinary Diabetes <strong>St</strong>udy Day. Croke Park, 9th March 2007.<br />

American Endocrine Society. Toronto, Canada. 2nd-5th June 2007.<br />

American Diabetes Association Annual General Meeting and Conference. Chicago, USA,<br />

22nd–26th June 2007.<br />

DAFNE Collaborative Meeting, Manchester. 5th-7th July 2007.<br />

DAFNE Peer Review and Quality Assurance. Kings College, London. 13th September 2007.<br />

Insulin Pump Therapy Training Programme. Mater Misericordiae <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>,<br />

27th-28th September 2007.<br />

American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. Honolulu, Hawaii, 16th–19th September 2007.<br />

Irish Diabetes Nurses Association Annual General Meeting. Dublin, 12th-13th October 2007.<br />

Irish Endocrine Society 31st Annual Meeting. Belfast, 2nd-3rd November 2007.<br />

DAFNE Ireland Collaborative Meeting. Galway, 1st December 2007.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus<br />

Publications<br />

Abuzakouk M, Barnes L, O'Gorman N, McKenna MJ, Freaney R, Feighery C.<br />

Dermatitis herpetiformis: no evidence of bone disease despite evidence of enteropathy.<br />

Dig Dis Sci 2007; 52: 659-64.<br />

Cawood T, Moriarty P, O'Farrelly C, O'Shea D.<br />

Smoking and thyroid associated ophthalmopathy; a novel explanation of the biological link.<br />

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007; 92(1): 59-64.<br />

Cawood TJ, McKenna MJ. The harms of risks.<br />

Brit Med J 2007; http://www.bmj.com/cgi/eletters/334/7591/437.<br />

Fahie-Wilson MN, McKenna TJ, Ahlquist JA, Smith TP.<br />

Macroprolactin and the Pituitary Society guidelines for the diagnosis and management of prolactinomas.<br />

Clin Endocrinol 2007; 67(4): 638-639.<br />

Hutchinson M, McKenna MJ. When bone strength fails – what next?<br />

Forum Focus 2007; 7(7): 35-8.<br />

Kelleher FC, McKenna M, Collins CD, Crown JP.<br />

A potential anatomic cause of mandibular osteonecrosis in patients receiving bisphosphonate treatment.<br />

Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2007; 82: 133-135.<br />

Kelleher FC, McKenna M, Collins C, Brady G, Collins I, Crown J.<br />

Bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis of the jaws: Unravelling uncertainty in disease causality.<br />

Acta Oncologica 2007: 46: 702-4.<br />

Quinn A, Doody C, O’Shea D.<br />

The effect of a physical activity education programme on physical activity, fitness, quality of life and<br />

attitudes to exercise in obese females.<br />

J Sci Med Sport. 2007; 12.<br />

Smith TP, Kavanagh L, Healy ML, McKenna TJ.<br />

Technology insight: measuring prolactin in clinical samples.<br />

Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism 2007, 3(3):279-289.<br />

Tuthill A, Quinn A, McColgan D, McKenna M, O’Shea D, McKenna TJ.<br />

A prospective randomized controlled trial of lifestyle intervention on quality of life and cardiovascular<br />

risk score in patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes.<br />

Diabetes Obes Metab. 2007; 9(6): 917-919.<br />

Tuthill A, McKenna MJ, D. O’Shea, T. J. McKenna.<br />

Weight changes in type 2 diabetes and the impact of gender. Diabetes Obes Metab, 2007; (doi:<br />

10.1111/j. 1463-1326. 2007. 00800.x).<br />

Waterhouse DF, McLaughlin AM, O’Shea D. The correlation between normal range TSH concentrations<br />

and cardiovascular risk parameters – a study in healthy women. Thyroid 2007; 17(3): 243-248.<br />

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Department of Endocrinology & Diabetes Mellitus<br />

Abstracts<br />

Gaoatswe G, McKenna MJ, Van der Kamp S, FitzGerald O.<br />

Higher Prevalence of osteoporosis at spine than femur: Preferential bone loss or reference range<br />

variance.<br />

Ir Med J 2007; 76: 378.<br />

Noctor E, Dennedy MC, Tamagno G, O’Shea D.<br />

Effects of Rimonabant induced weight loss in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) patients.<br />

Ir Med J 2007; 76: 357.<br />

Noctor E, McKenna MJ.<br />

Teriparatide treatment for osteoporosis: Superior benefit in spine compared to femur.<br />

Ir Med J 2007; 76: 371.<br />

Tamagno G, Sheahan K, Dennedy MC, Gaoatswe G, King R, Noctor E, O’Shea D.<br />

Retrospective analysis of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendorine tumours histologically diagnosed in a<br />

single Irish centre: a 14 year long experience.<br />

Ir Med J 2007; 76: 368.<br />

Tamagno G, Simo A, Celik Y, Lee BI, Murialdo G.<br />

Clinical manifestations, follow-up and outsomes of patients with Graves’ disease and encephalopathy<br />

associated to autoimmune thyroid disease.<br />

Ir Med J 2007; 76: 363.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Department Of Medical Oncology<br />

2007 was a highly successful year in the academic, clinical and educational activities of the Medical<br />

Oncology department in <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

The year saw a major and welcome re-development of the inpatient facility in <strong>St</strong>. Anne’s Ward. The everincreasing<br />

move of Oncology from the outpatient to the ambulatory setting continued with increasing<br />

numbers of patients treated in our day centre.<br />

On the personnel front, Dr. Dimitrios Tryfonopoulos took up duties as Consultant Medical Oncologist and at<br />

the end of 2007 was appointed to the new Health Research Board Investigator/Consultant post in the unit.<br />

We wish Dr Tryfonopoulos, who was a medical oncologist on the staff of the <strong>St</strong>. Savas Cancer Centre in<br />

Athens, one of Europe’s leading cancer centres, every success for a happy and productive time here in<br />

Dublin. Another major transition in the unit was the retirement of Sr Patricia Goodwillie after many years of<br />

sterling service as the Clinical Nurse manager of <strong>St</strong>. Anne’s Ward. We wish Sr. Goodwillie all the best for<br />

many years of a healthy and happy retirement.<br />

The clinical research team underwent further development. Susan Cairney and Mary Doyle joined the unit<br />

as research assistants and Ms Trish Carroll has joined as administrative assistant to the Research<br />

Department.<br />

Professor Crown lectured extensively during 2007. In addition, he presented the results of the Lapatinib/<br />

Capecitabine randomised trial at the Annual Conference of Clinical Oncology in Barcelona.<br />

Professor Crown was awarded a Health Research Board Clinician Scientist award. This scheme is designed<br />

to free up academically focused consultants from full time patient care work, to facilitate the development of<br />

research programmes. Professor Crown will take up these duties in January, 2008.<br />

Publications<br />

Martinez V, Kennedy S, Doolan P, Gammell P, Joyce H, Kenny E, Prakash Mehta J, Ryan E, O'connor R,<br />

Crown J, Clynes M, O'Driscoll L. Drug metabolism-related genes as potential biomarkers: analysis of<br />

expression in normal and tumour breast tissue. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2007 Sep 27;<br />

Doolan P, Clynes M, Kennedy S, Mehta JP, Crown J, O'driscoll L. Prevalence and prognostic and<br />

predictive relevance of PRAME in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2007 Jul 12;<br />

O'Donovan N, Crown J. EGFR and HER-2 antagonists in breast cancer.<br />

Anticancer Res. 2007 May-Jun;27(3A):1285-94. Review.<br />

Kelleher FC, McKenna M, Collins C, Brady G, Collins I, Crown J. Bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis of<br />

the jaws: unravelling uncertainty in disease causality. Acta Oncol. 2007;46(5):702-4.<br />

Kelleher FC, McKenna M, Collins CD, Crown JP.<br />

A potential anatomic cause of mandibular osteonecrosis in patients receiving bisphosphonate treatment.<br />

Mayo Clin Proc. 2007 Jan;82(1):134; author reply 134-5.<br />

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Lios Aoibhinn Cancer Support Centre<br />

2007 was a year of challenge, innovation and development for Lios Aoibhinn Cancer Support Centre. Much<br />

was achieved and targets were met. However more work is required to continue the development of Lios<br />

Aoibhinn Cancer Support Centre. Solid foundations based on the highest standards are in place upon which<br />

future services can be developed.<br />

Service Activity<br />

2007 was a time of movement within the Cancer Support Centre. In January we welcomed Paul D’Alton as<br />

Psychologist to the Oncology service. We bade farewell to Ann Marie McGrath, Complementary Touch<br />

Therapist at the end of September and wish her well with her continuing education and degree programme<br />

in Complementary Therapies . In December we said goodbye to Art Therapist, Wendy Marlatt. Wendy had<br />

facilitated 8 week courses in Creative Arts Therapies since the Centre opened in June 2004. Mary Hennigan,<br />

Administrative Assistant relocated to the hospital in March and in April we welcomed Caroline Livingstone in<br />

her place. Caroline had previously worked in the Project office.<br />

We welcomed 3 new volunteers. <strong>St</strong>ephen Dollard in May and Fiona Hedigan and Anne Douglas in October.<br />

We now have 9 volunteers who provide an invaluable “meet and greet” service to people who use Lios Aoibhinn.<br />

551 people (including 358 new clients) used the service on 4595 occasions in the first 3 years of service<br />

(2005 – 2007). This represents a steady increase in both the number of clients registering and attending<br />

and service activity. Two new courses were developed and facilitated in 2007: Men and Prostate Cancer:<br />

Keeping the Focus and Mindfullness Based Cognitive Therapy. Such was the response that these courses<br />

will now continue to be offered as part of the centre’s programme of services.<br />

Challenges<br />

At year end the challenge is to relocate the Centre. This has been necessitated by the planned construction<br />

of the new <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong> on the grounds of <strong>St</strong>. Anthony’s. Lios Aoibhinn Cancer Support<br />

Centre was set up in Herbert House in <strong>St</strong>. Anthony’s in 2004 and since then there has been a steady<br />

increase in the numbers of people using the centre. Client’s experiences tell us that as well as being a space<br />

to help them cope with and make sense of what is happening to them, the work of Lios Aoibhinn goes<br />

beyond that, beyond their experience of just being a “cancer patient”. So while the past four years have been<br />

busy and challenging they have also been very worthwhile and have afforded us the opportunity of setting<br />

up and developing a truly credible service which all of us will be working hard to transfer to our new abode.<br />

The recent announcement that <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> has been designated one of the cancer<br />

treatment centres of excellence confirms the vision and commitment by <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group to<br />

specialist cancer care. However this adds to the urgent need to commit to the parallel development of Lios<br />

Aoibhinn Cancer Support Centre in line with the development of other oncology services in the hospital to<br />

take account of increased activity.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Department of Medicine for the Elderly<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Consultants Dr. Morgan Crowe Dr. Diarmuid O’Shea<br />

Dr. J. J. Barry<br />

Dr. Rachael Doyle<br />

Nursing<br />

Ms Sinead Brennan, Divisional Nurse Manager<br />

Ms. Imelda Noone, Advanced Nurse Practitioner in <strong>St</strong>roke<br />

Ms. Hilda Markey, CNM II Our Lady’s Ward<br />

Ms. Therese Carey, CNM II, Carew House Day <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Ms. Mary Ann Furigay, CNM1, Our Lady’s Ward<br />

Ms. Hepsy John, CNM1, Our Lady’s Ward<br />

Registrars Dr. Eugene Wallace Dr. Niamh O’Regan<br />

Dr. Kit Mun Tan (SpR)<br />

Dr. Declan Byrne (SpR)<br />

Social Workers: Ms. Alina Popescu Ms. Margaret Cagney<br />

Administrative <strong>St</strong>aff: Ms. Lorraine Murray Ms. Joan Magera<br />

Ms. Cherryle Millo<br />

Departmental <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

2005 2006 2007<br />

Inpatients<br />

Admissions 445 456 414<br />

Discharges 451 503 503<br />

Outpatients<br />

New 221 282 293<br />

Review 498 602 828<br />

Carew Day <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

New 594 487 536<br />

Review 804 799 603<br />

<strong>St</strong>roke Inpatient Service 316 256 251<br />

Total Attendance<br />

New 815 771 829<br />

Review 1302 1401 1431<br />

Service Developments / Activities<br />

2007 was a busy year for the Department of Medicine for the Elderly, which continues to provide an inpatient<br />

and outpatient consultation service, treatment and rehabilitation primarily for elderly patients from the<br />

hospital’s catchment area in South East Dublin and East Wicklow.<br />

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Issues continuing to challenge the service include the lack of resources to maintain people in their home and<br />

in hospital with dignity. There is an increase in the number of people awaiting long-term continuing care.<br />

Great credit is due Ms Hilda Markey, CNM II, and the staff for their continued dedication to the patients on<br />

Our Lady’s Ward and meeting the ongoing challenges.<br />

The number of inpatients treated is gradually increasing, as are the outpatient attendances. New patient<br />

attendance is up from 665 in 2001 to 829 in 2007. This is reflected in the throughput in both outpatients<br />

and Carew House Day <strong>Hospital</strong>. Great credit is due to Ms Therese Carey, CNM II, and her multidisciplinary<br />

team for the quality of work there.<br />

In Patient Consultations<br />

In 2007 over 800 inpatient consultations were seen in <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> by the Elderly Care<br />

Team. Meetings are held weekly between Dr. O Shea, the elderly medicine registrars and the Medical Social<br />

Work Department to facilitate planning of discharge of those elderly patients on whom consultant colleagues<br />

have requested advice.<br />

Orthopaedic Liaison Service<br />

Dr. Rachael Doyle is leading the continued development of this service with our consultant orthopaedic<br />

colleagues.<br />

<strong>St</strong>roke Service<br />

Weekly multidisciplinary meetings are held and chaired by Dr. Crowe. Representatives of the nursing,<br />

physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and other medical departments attend.<br />

The recent National Audit on <strong>St</strong>roke report will guide development in this area. Ms. Imelda Noone, Advanced<br />

Nurse Practitioner in <strong>St</strong>roke, is involved in further development of this unit and the introduction of set<br />

guidelines and protocols. An active stroke follow-up clinic is now up and running in Suite 4 in the new ADCC.<br />

A once weekly-dedicated TIA (Transient Ischaemic Attack) clinic continues to facilitate assessment and<br />

treatment of patients with TIAs, who do not require hospital admission. This service requires further<br />

investment for both improved infrastructure and staffing levels.<br />

Falls and Syncope Service<br />

Space has been provided on Our Lady’s Ward for a Falls and Syncope Service for the hospital and the<br />

neurocardiovascular service which is being run by Dr. Diarmuid O’Shea. In total 130 patients were seen this<br />

year (of all age groups). Some progress has been made but the hoped for introduction of a Falls Nurse<br />

Specialist will be crucial to the further development of what is currently a rudimentary service. Carew Day<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine for the Elderly<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> developments in the future will help provide a more seamless service with the Emergency<br />

Department and the community in order to reduce or prevent hospital admission with this service.<br />

The Royal <strong>Hospital</strong> Donnybrook<br />

The Royal <strong>Hospital</strong> Donnybrook makes a very important contribution to the rehabilitation of our elderly<br />

patients. There are 40 rehabilitation beds in this unit and 12 are now dedicated to stroke rehabilitation. The<br />

Day <strong>Hospital</strong> at the Royal in Donnybrook continues to provide outstanding care and outpatient rehabilitation<br />

services to those with multidisciplinary needs. The long established links with long-term care facilities<br />

continue to evolve through the dedicated work of Dr Mary Deane, Medical Director.<br />

<strong>St</strong>affing<br />

Close liaison is maintained with <strong>St</strong>. Columcille’s <strong>Hospital</strong>, Department of Medicine for the Elderly under the<br />

direction of Dr. Morgan Crowe and Dr. Rachael Doyle with <strong>St</strong> Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> under the direction of Dr J.J.<br />

Barry. Additional consultant posts are being looked for, to improve the service delivery in <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Welcome to Ms Hilda Markey CNM II on Our Lady’s Ward and Ms Therese Carey, CNM II in Carew Day<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> who were appointed during the year. We look forward to their contribution and work in the ongoing<br />

development of these services.<br />

Achievements / Conferences Attended<br />

Congratulations to Ms. Imelda Noone who has been accredited as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in <strong>St</strong>roke<br />

Care and has also has had the position of Clinical Nurse Specialist in <strong>St</strong>roke sanctioned.<br />

Dr. Kevin McCarroll won 2nd place for his poster presentation at the 55th Annual Irish Gerontological Society<br />

meeting in Croke Park – “Acute <strong>Hospital</strong> Readmission Rates for Elderly following Discharge from <strong>Hospital</strong>”.<br />

The multidisciplinary team members attended The 2nd UK <strong>St</strong>roke Forum in Harrogate, Annual Care of the<br />

Elderly <strong>St</strong>udy Day, The Irish Gerontological Society Conference, Irish Heart Foundation <strong>St</strong>roke <strong>St</strong>udy Day and<br />

the Annual British Geriatric Society Meeting.<br />

The Fifth Annual Care of the Elderly <strong>St</strong>udy Day took place in March 2007 in the Education & Research<br />

Centre, <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>. This year it focused on more general topics and was attended by<br />

90 people. This is now be a regular study day in the teaching calendar.<br />

Publications / Abstracts<br />

Presented at Irish Gerontological Society Meeting 2007 and published in Irish Journal of Medical Science<br />

1. Acute hospital readmission rates for elderly following discharge to long-term care facilities.<br />

2. Mortality of patients discharged from hospital to long-term care.<br />

3. Role of telecare & assistive technology in facilitating home living.<br />

4. An audit on the prevalence of incontinence in the acute hospital setting.<br />

5. Atrial fibrillation as a major risk factor for stroke in patients over 80 years of age.<br />

6. <strong>St</strong>roke Activity in the acute hospital setting.<br />

7. What happens to stroke patients discharged to extended nursing care.<br />

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Department of Nephrology<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Consultant Nephrologist: Dr. Alan Watson<br />

Specialist Registrar:<br />

Dr. Gearoid Mc Mahon<br />

Registrars: Dr. Mohammad Faisal Khan Dr. James Lineen<br />

CNM I:<br />

Michelle Mc Quaid<br />

Newman Scholar:<br />

Dr. Simon Curran<br />

Principal Clinical Engineer: Frank Kelly<br />

Clinical Nurse Specialists in<br />

Peritoneal Dialysis: Bairbre Moynihan Emer Kenny<br />

Department Secretary:<br />

Jeni Messitt<br />

Significant publications<br />

Acute renal disease, as defined by the RIFLE criteria, post liver transplant: O’Riordan A, Wong<br />

V, McQuillan R, McCormick PA, Hegarty JE, Watson AJ.<br />

American Journal of Transplantation, 7, 168 – 176, 2007<br />

The effect of calcimimetic therapy and serum bone biomarkers: Curran S, O’Riordan A, Murray B, Brady<br />

J, Watson A. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 18,922a 2007.<br />

Comparison of the dosage regimens and achieved clinical targets between haemodialysis patients treated<br />

with Epoetin Beta and Darbepoetin Alpha: Curran S, O’Riordan A, Watson A.<br />

Proceedings of the Irish Nephrology Society, Irish Journal of Medical Science* 2007.<br />

Squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis after curative retro peritoneal radiotherapy for seminoma:<br />

Daly BJ, O’ Brien F, Dowling C, Crotty B, Watson A, Moriarty M, Mulvin D. Journal of Urology 70:812 2007.<br />

Future Service Developments<br />

Chronic Kidney Disease Programme. This programme has progressed and a new Clinical Nurse Specialist<br />

has been appointment.<br />

The Central Reverse Osmosis Unit has been installed in the <strong>St</strong>. Peter’s Dialysis Unit replacing individual units<br />

to allow for sufficiently pure water to be provided to enable online haemodiafiltration to be provided as a<br />

further modality of treatment of end stage renal disease.<br />

Outpatients Clinics: there are now three Outpatients Clinics a week allowing for development of speciality<br />

clinics eg: transplantation, peritoneal dialysis.<br />

Departmental <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

Total HD Treatments in 2007: 9,800 Total PD patients in 2007: 27<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Department of Neurology<br />

The Department of Neurology has continued to substantially expand in 2007. We still have only two<br />

Consultants, Professor Michael Hutchinson and Dr. Niall Tubridy and we have applied for at least two more<br />

to continue the progressive service development.<br />

Marguerite Duggan, our Multiple Sclerosis Nurse Specialist, continues to provide an excellent service for<br />

people with MS and has been joined by our CNM, Heather Kevelighan, as Parkinson’s Nurse Specialist.<br />

Heather is running the new Parkinson’s Clinics and is providing a great service for our patients in this area.<br />

Dr Graham Hughes, Consultant in Care of the Elderly with a special interest in Parkinson’s Disease, has also<br />

joined the Clinic recently and is a most welcome addition to our expanding service.<br />

Paula Halpin (Departmental Secretary) has helped bring a greater deal of cohesion and deals with a huge<br />

amount of phone calls from concerned patients and relatives daily.<br />

Katie Doyle joined us in 2007 and has done a huge amount of background work in addition to her regular<br />

work as the Neurology Research Nurse. She has been integral to our studies in epidemiology in MS and in HSP.<br />

Sinead Jordan also joined the Team in 2007 and has continued the work in MS Treatment Trials and in<br />

organisation of our research in MS. We are now participating in a number of new trials with oral therapies in<br />

MS and have gradually increased the numbers of people with MS who have access to Tysabri as a result of<br />

her work.<br />

Drs. Roisin Lonergan (MS Research) and David Bradley (Dystonia Research) have been an integral part of<br />

the Neurology Service and without them the twice-daily clinics would not have been feasible. In addition, both<br />

have been extremely productive in their first year of research with numerous presentations at National and<br />

International meetings.<br />

Dr. Margaret O’Brien has also played a critical role in developing the clinical research in MS and her work<br />

on OAS in MS has already received many plaudits.<br />

Dr. Jean Fletcher is working on a joint project in Multiple Sclerosis with the Department of Immunology at<br />

Trinity College under the supervision of Professor Kingston Mills. She has funding from the SFI for the next<br />

three years<br />

The Neurology Ward (in-patients)<br />

Eilish Funge, the Clinical Nurse Manager continues to run a great ward and shares our aims to improve all<br />

aspects of the in-patient services. Only patients with the most complex problems are admitted to the ward.<br />

These patients require skilled, high-intensity nursing and multidisciplinary care from Physiotherapy,<br />

Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy. Many can no longer be managed at home or<br />

need special advice about aids at home from these team members and from the Social Work Department.<br />

There is a great team spirit in the Department of Neurology with regular multidisciplinary meetings, radiology<br />

meetings, the Journal Club and up-date meetings about recent advances, new therapies and techniques.<br />

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Service Developments<br />

Neurology in the Ambulatory Day Care Centre (ADCC).<br />

The move to the new ADCC allowed the development of a new rota of Neurology Outpatient services in<br />

2006. This involves public neurology clinics twice a day and has already improved the service dramatically.<br />

In 2008 we will see over 6000 outpatients. We have reduced the waiting times substantially as part of our<br />

continued waiting list initiative.<br />

400<br />

Total Number of Sessions<br />

400<br />

Total Number of Sessions<br />

Total Number of Sessions<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

Total Number of Sessions<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007<br />

0 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007<br />

400<br />

Total Number of Sessions<br />

400<br />

Total Number of Sessions<br />

Total Number of Sessions<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

Total Number of Sessions<br />

300<br />

200<br />

100<br />

0 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007<br />

0 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007<br />

We now have Specialist Clinics for Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Neuroinflammation, and a<br />

Dystonia/Botulinum Toxin Clinic.<br />

We are running Special Therapy Clinics to facilitate patients who otherwise might require hospitalisation. We<br />

saw over 1000 people in the ADCC for procedures such as lumbar punctures and for administration of<br />

therapies that would previously have required the sue of Day Ward facilities and thus have contributed to<br />

huge savings for the hospital and the Health Service as a whole.<br />

We have a dedicated secretary (Orla Bannon) to (always cheerfully!) check patients in and we have a number<br />

of other initiatives planned to make sure that attendance at the clinics are less stressful. Orla has worked<br />

hard with Radiology and Niamh Gaffney to deal with the long waiting list for outpatient MRIs and we are<br />

employing the NTPF currently to obtain MRI scans for those outpatients waiting more than 3 months for a<br />

scan with great success.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Neurology<br />

All of this has been made possible only with the help of a wide variety of people but we would like to thank<br />

especially Bernadette Howard, Margaret Boland and Breege Screene.<br />

Our e-mail neurology service (called ‘Neurolink’) continues to work well and we hope to expand it. <strong>St</strong> James’<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> has now adopted the project too which is encouraging and we are grateful to Healthlink for all of<br />

their support. We are most grateful for the co-operation of the GPs who use it and it has been a successful<br />

venture in that it has helped further reduce the burden on the Emergency Department, in-patient beds<br />

required and, of course, our patient waiting times. We have now expanded the project to allow access to over<br />

120 GPs in the South Dublin area.<br />

We have also introduced a new in-patient referral service that is intranet-based and allows us to expedite<br />

review of people with neurological issues under the acre of colleagues in the hospital. This has had a great<br />

impact particularly in the Emergency Department where patients are seen rapidly and a management plan<br />

formulated to facilitate early discharge.<br />

The Neurology web-site is being developed over 2007/8 and will soon have information not just on our<br />

department, but also links regarding research in MS and clinical information on Parkinson’s, Epilepsy,<br />

Migraine and other common neurological problems.<br />

Tysabri is being administered by an intravenous infusion every month and so the amount of work required to<br />

administer this has greatly increased the demands on our service, particularly our MS Specialist Nurse. We<br />

expect the numbers to gradually increase over the next 12 months. We have already reached maximum<br />

capacity for this after three months (i.e. >50 people get a monthly infusion and each takes 2-3 hours). To<br />

continue to offer this treatment we will need another MS Specialist Nurse.<br />

We are now trying to establish an infusion unit in conjunction with other specialities to improve access for<br />

patients throughout the day.<br />

Significant Achievements in 2007<br />

Dr. Roisin Lonergan won Best MS paper at the Diaspora Meeting in Dublin in October 2007.<br />

Dr. Lisa Costelloe won Best MS paper at the INA in Belfast in 2007<br />

Other papers presented by the Team at the INA in Belfast (2007) included those by Drs. Tubridy, Eoin<br />

Flanagan, Michael Murnane, and Grainne Gorman.<br />

Significant Recent Publications<br />

Walsh R, Hutchinson M.<br />

Molding the sensory cortex: spatial acuity improves after botulinum toxin treatment for cervical dystonia.<br />

Mov Disord 2007 Dec;22(16):2443-6.<br />

Spain LA, Tubridy N, Kilpatrick TJ, Adams SJ, Holmes AC.<br />

Illness perception and health-related quality of life in multiple sclerosis.<br />

Acta Neurol Scand 2007 Nov;116(5):293-9.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Neurology<br />

O'Rourke K, Walsh C, Hutchinson M.<br />

Outcome of beta-interferon treatment in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: a Bayesian analysis. J<br />

Neurol. 2007 Nov;254(11):1547-54<br />

Flanagan E, Walsh C, Tubridy N.<br />

'Neurophobia'--attitudes of medical students and doctors in Ireland to neurological teaching. Eur J Neurol<br />

2007 Oct;14(10):1109-12.<br />

Calabresi PA, Giovannoni G, Confavreux C, Galetta SL, Havrdova E, Hutchinson M, Kappos L, Miller DH,<br />

O'Connor PW, Phillips JT, Polman CH, Radue EW, Rudick RA, <strong>St</strong>uart WH, Lublin FD, Wajgt A, Weinstock-<br />

Guttman B, Wynn DR, Lynn F, Panzara MA; AFFIRM and SENTINEL Investigators.The incidence and<br />

significance of anti-natalizumab antibodies: results from AFFIRM and SENTINEL. Neurology. 2007 Oct<br />

2;69(14):1391-403.<br />

Rudick RA, Miller D, Hass S, Hutchinson M, Calabresi PA, Confavreux C, Galetta SL, Giovannoni G, Havrdova<br />

E, Kappos L, Lublin FD, Miller DH, O'Connor PW, Phillips JT, Polman CH, Radue EW, <strong>St</strong>uart WH, Wajgt A,<br />

Weinstock-Guttman B, Wynn DR, Lynn F, Panzara MA;<br />

AFFIRM and SENTINEL Investigators.Health-related quality of life in multiple sclerosis: effects of<br />

natalizumab. Ann Neurol 2007 Oct;62(4):335-46.<br />

Costelloe L, Hutchinson M. Is a 20% change in MSFC components clinically meaningful?<br />

Mult Scler 2007 Sep;13(8):1076.<br />

Roberts K, Costelloe D, Hutchinson M, Tubridy N.<br />

What difference does a neurologist make in a general hospital? Estimating the impact of neurology<br />

consultations on in-patient care. Ir J Med Sci 2007 Sep;176(3):211-4.<br />

Walsh R, O'Dwyer JP, Sheikh IH, O'Riordan S, Lynch T, Hutchinson M. Sporadic adult onset dystonia:<br />

sensory abnormalities as an endophenotype in unaffected relatives.<br />

J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2007 Sep;78(9):980-3.<br />

Low M, Nicholls K, Tubridy N, Hand P, Velakoulis D, Kiers L, Mitchell P, Becker G.<br />

Neurology of Fabry disease. Intern Med J 2007 Jul;37(7):436-47.<br />

Hutchinson M. Natalizumab:<br />

A new treatment for relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis. Ther Clin Risk Manag 2007 Jun;3(2):259-268.<br />

Miller DH, Soon D, Fernando KT, MacManus DG, Barker GJ, Yousry TA, Fisher E, O'Connor PW, Phillips JT,<br />

Polman CH, Kappos L, Hutchinson M, Havrdova E, Lublin FD, Giovannoni G, Wajgt A, Rudick R, Lynn F,<br />

Panzara MA, Sandrock AW;<br />

AFFIRM Investigators. MRI outcomes in a placebo-controlled trial of natalizumab in relapsing MS.<br />

Neurology 2007 Apr 24;68(17):1390-401.<br />

O'Rourke K, Walsh C, Antonelli G, Hutchinson M.<br />

Predicting beta-interferon failure in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis.<br />

Mult Scler 2007 Apr;13(3):336-42.<br />

Balcer LJ, Galetta SL, Calabresi PA, Confavreux C, Giovannoni G, Havrdova E, Hutchinson M, Kappos L,<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Nephrology<br />

Lublin FD, Miller DH, O'Connor PW, Phillips JT, Polman CH, Radue EW, Rudick RA, <strong>St</strong>uart WH, Wajgt A,<br />

Weinstock-Guttman B, Wynn DR, Lynn F, Panzara MA.<br />

Natalizumab reduces visual loss in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis. Neurology 2007 Apr<br />

17;68(16):1299-304.<br />

Beetz C, Zuchner S, Ashley-Koch A, Auer-Grumbach M, Byrne P, Chinnery PF, Hutchinson M, McDermott CJ,<br />

Meijer IA, Nygren AO, Pericak-Vance M, Pyle A, Rouleau GA, Schickel J, Shaw PJ, Deufel T.<br />

Linkage to a known gene but no mutation identified: comprehensive reanalysis of SPG4 HSP pedigrees<br />

reveals large deletions as the sole cause. Hum Mutat 2007 Jul;28(7):739-40.<br />

McHugh JC, Bradley D, Hutchinson M, Brett F, Heffernan J, Howley R, Farrell M, Tubridy N. Variant<br />

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease: first two indigenous cases in Republic of Ireland. Case report and perspective.<br />

Eur J Neurol 2007 Apr;14(4):467-9.<br />

Costelloe L, O'Rourke K, Kearney H, McGuigan C, Gribbin L, Duggan M, Daly L, Tubridy N, Hutchinson M.<br />

The patient knows best: significant change in the physical component of the Multiple Sclerosis Impact<br />

Scale (MSIS-29 physical). J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2007 Aug;78(8):841-4.<br />

Future Plans<br />

GP-led Migraine Clinic – we plan to have a weekly GP-led migraine clinic for the many thousands of people<br />

with migraine in our area and require funding for the GPs sessions, a migraine registrar and a migraine nurse.<br />

Such an investment would substantially reduce attendances at the Emergency Department and thus hospital<br />

admissions. It would have a major impact for our patients in terms of waiting times and overall economic<br />

savings would be substantial.<br />

Audit<br />

Consultation service for in-patients of all services<br />

The Neurology service sees 10-20 in-patients with neurological problems each week. Over a 6-month period,<br />

254 referrals were seen. There was a significant change in diagnosis in 55%, and in management in nearly<br />

70%. Neurological referral facilitated earlier discharge for 65% patients.<br />

Neurology in the Emergency Department (ED). We previously performed an audit of the ED admissions at<br />

SVUH that had a neurological problem. Between 13and 15% of all ED admissions had a neurological<br />

problem. The most common conditions were headaches (19%), post-traumatic neurological signs (16%),<br />

seizures (10%), stroke (17%), loss of consciousness (6%), and dizzy/syncope (6%).<br />

Teaching<br />

The Department has an excellent reputation in teaching under-graduate and post-graduate students<br />

Department runs the MRCP examinations three times a year<br />

We also run an annual MRCPI course in Neurology as well as in hospital MRCP teaching sessions there<br />

times a year.<br />

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Department of Clinical Neurophysiology<br />

Clinical Neurophysiology Department<br />

The Department of Clinical Neurophysiology is part of the South Dublin Clinical Neurophysiology Service,<br />

which also includes units at <strong>St</strong> James’s <strong>Hospital</strong> and the Meath & Adelaide <strong>Hospital</strong>s, incorporating the<br />

National Children’s <strong>Hospital</strong> (AMNCH) at Tallaght. As this service is currently run by one Consultant, it is<br />

best to consider this service as a whole.<br />

The range of investigative/diagnostic services provided include routine Nerve Conduction <strong>St</strong>udies (NCS),<br />

Needle Electromyography (EMG), Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST), Electroencephalography (EEG) and<br />

Evoked Potentials (EPs).<br />

Research, currently being carried out mainly at the AMNCH and <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Departments, includes research collaborations with the department of electrical and electronic engineering<br />

at UCD and with Dr Geraldine Boylan in the department of paediatrics and child health, UCC.<br />

Clinical Neurophysiology <strong>St</strong>affing<br />

Consultant, and Head of Department:<br />

Dr Sean Connolly, MD, FRCPI<br />

[Voicemail: 2094541; E-mail: sean.connolly@ucd.ie]<br />

Neurophysiology Measurement Technologists:<br />

There are two senior technologists, one permanent (Ms Brigid Clark)<br />

and one on a fixed term contract (Ms Anne Bjerke).<br />

SVUH departmental secretary/manager:<br />

Ms Lesley Bergin<br />

Recent Developments<br />

Efforts are continuing to appoint more technologists and to provide additional departmental space.<br />

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Department of Clinical Neurophysiology<br />

Recent Publications<br />

<strong>St</strong>ephen Faul, Gregor Gregoraia, ˇ ˇ Geraldine Boylan, William Marnane, Gordon Lightbody and Sean Connolly.<br />

Gaussian Process Modelling of the EEG for Detection of Neonatal Seizures,<br />

IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering 2007;54:2151-62<br />

Murray DM, Boylan GB, Ali I, Ryan CA, Murphy BP, Connolly S. Defining the gap between electrographic<br />

seizure burden, clinical expression, and staff recognition of neonatal seizures.<br />

Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2007 Jul 11 (Epub ahead of print)<br />

McHugh JC, Murray B, Renganathan R, Connolly S, Lynch T.<br />

GAD antibody positive paraneoplastic stiff person syndrome in a patient with renal cell carcinoma.<br />

Movement Disorders 2007;22(9):1343-6<br />

Greene BR, de Chazal P, Boylan G, Reilly RB, Connolly S.<br />

Electrocardiogram based neonatal seizure detection. IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering<br />

2007;54(4):673-82<br />

Greene BR, Boylan GB, Reilly RB, de Chazal P, Connolly S.<br />

Combination of EEG and ECG for improved neonatal seizure detection.<br />

Clinical Neurophysiology 2007;118:1348-59<br />

Recent Contribution to a book:<br />

Sean Connolly is a co-author of the Oxford Handbook of Neurology (Oxford <strong>University</strong> Press). [Authors: Hadi<br />

Manji, Sean Connolly, Neil Dorward, Neil Kitchen, Amrish Mehta and Adrian Wills]<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Department of Palliative Medicine<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff:<br />

Consultant:<br />

Dr Eoin Tiernan<br />

Clinical Nurse Specialists:<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>:<br />

Ms Millie Devenish<br />

Ms Siobhan Hollingsworth<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong>:<br />

Ms. Carmel Houlihan<br />

Olga Price<br />

Ms Barbara Whyte<br />

Ms. Rachel Algar (part-time)<br />

Specialist Registrars: Dr Carol <strong>St</strong>one- 01/01/07 to 30/06/07<br />

Dr Ashling O’Gorman – 01/07/07 to 31/12/07<br />

Registrars: Dr Brenda O’Connor – 01/01/07 to 30/06/07<br />

Dr Tim Price – 01/07/07 to 31/12/07<br />

Principal Psychologist: Ms. Ursula Bates (2 sessions per week)<br />

Senior Social Worker: Ms Aine Canny<br />

Care of the Dying Project<br />

Facilitator: Ms. Pauline Ui Dhuibhir (until Nov ’07)<br />

Administrative Support: Ms Joan <strong>St</strong>okes Mr Olajide Ogidan<br />

2007 was another busy year for the Palliative Medicine Department seeing the total number of referrals<br />

across <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong> exceed 1000 for the first time<br />

(1,038 referrals in total) – this represented an increase of 12% in the total number of referrals compared<br />

with 2006. 18% of total referrals had a non-cancer diagnosis.<br />

The “Link Nurse” programme, established in 2006, was continued in 2007 supported by nursing<br />

administration. It includes a programme of monthly meetings set up for nurses interested in becoming<br />

palliative care link nurses. The role of the link nurses is to develop their knowledge in palliative care issues<br />

and to share that knowledge with other ward staff via formal and informal teaching. The aim of the<br />

programme is to promote the hospice model of excellence in end-of-life care throughout SVUH by fostering:<br />

• Knowledge about symptom management;<br />

• Skills in communicating with the dying patient, the family and the multi-disciplinary team;<br />

• Awareness of ethical issues regarding interventions and patient preferences;<br />

• Excellence in spiritual and psychological care.<br />

This programme identifies 2 nurses from each ward who act as local “champions”/resources for palliative<br />

care issues in general.<br />

The “Care of the Dying Project”, which was launched in 2004, was completed in November, with the Liverpool<br />

Care Pathway operational across all general wards in <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Palliative Medicine<br />

Education<br />

Two very successful study days titled “A Framework for End of Life Care” were facilitated by the clinical nurse<br />

specialists in conjunction with the Department of Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion.<br />

The team continues to contribute to a wide range of educational programmes for doctors, nurses and other<br />

professionals both in-house and at national meetings, as well as facilitating clinical placements for nurses<br />

undertaking the Higher Diplomas in Palliative Care Nursing and Pain Management from UCD.<br />

Courses and Conferences attended by members of the team<br />

A selection of the external educational events attended by members of the team:<br />

• Care of older people in the last days of life: A pathway to excellence. Jo Hockley, Croke Park Fri<br />

26th January<br />

• Irish Care Pathway Network Meetings: January 31st Great Southern Hotel, Dublin Airport<br />

• 7th Annual IAPC Education & Research Seminar. 1st Feb, Law Society, Dublin.<br />

• Palliative Care & Oncology-‘the odd couple?’ 23rd February 2007 Dublin Castle<br />

• <strong>St</strong> Francis Hospice. Multi disciplinary course in Palliative Care. The care pathway. March 29th 2007<br />

• Nadur/ Meitheal,Milford Hospice, Limerick April 20th<br />

• <strong>St</strong>. Francis Hospice. Palliative Care for Elderly Care Pathway. April 26th 2007<br />

• Our Lady’s Hospice, Palliative Care Update for nurses. Sedation at the end of life: whose needs?<br />

May 3rd 2007<br />

• Kaleidoscope May 2007. Dublin Castle.<br />

• EAPC Conference, Budapest, June 2007.<br />

• ‘Hope and Opportunity-Putting Hospice Principles into <strong>Hospital</strong> Practice’ Hospice friendly hospitals<br />

programme. Clontarf Castle Hotel. 14th November 2007<br />

• I.A.P.C. A.G.M. 30th November Blackhall Place, Dublin.<br />

Achievements<br />

During 2007, Ms. Barbara Whyte, Clinical Nurse Specialist, was chairperson of the Nursing Advisory Forum<br />

of the Irish Association for Palliative Care. She also sat on the steering group for the development of a<br />

<strong>St</strong>rategic Plan for the IAPC, and on the Irish Hospice Foundation group looking at ways of expanding<br />

palliative care to patients with dementia.<br />

Publications<br />

Peer-reviewed publications -<br />

O'Leary N, Tiernan E, Walsh D, Lucey N, Kirkova J, Davis MP. The pitfalls of a systematic MEDLINE review<br />

in palliative medicine: symptom assessment instruments. Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2007 Jun-Jul;24(3):181-4.<br />

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Department of Respiratory Medicine<br />

Prof. W. McNicholas, Dr. Tim McDonnell.<br />

<strong>St</strong>atistics period: January – December 2007<br />

In-patient & Day Care Activity<br />

Prof. W. McNicholas Dr T.McDonnell Total<br />

Admissions 473 1 474<br />

Sleep Laboratory Admissions 375 - 375<br />

Total 848 1 849<br />

Discharges 773 18 801<br />

Day Care 53 15 68<br />

Outpatient Activity<br />

Outpatients No of sessions New Return Total<br />

Dr W. McNicholas (Tues Respiratory) 51 179 921 1100<br />

Dr W. McNicholas (Wed Sleep Apnea) 52 233 696 929<br />

Dr T. Mc Donnell 49 68 345 413<br />

Pulmonary Function Laboratory:<br />

Total pts SMH 441 Total no. tests 925<br />

Total pts SVUH 3250 Total no. tests 6607<br />

Overall total 3,691 7,532<br />

Sleep Laboratory:<br />

Total Admissions: 375<br />

CPAP commencements: 110<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Respiratory Medicine<br />

Service Developments<br />

The pulmonary function laboratory continues in its temporary location but clear deficiencies are evident,<br />

particularly the lack of adequate space to perform patient testing and the lack of a patient waiting area. Patients<br />

are obliged to wait for testing in an open main hospital corridor, which has generated numerous complaints.<br />

The acute Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) unit in <strong>St</strong>. John’s Ward, which opened in late 2005, has provided a<br />

designated base to concentrate the skills related to managing patients in acute respiratory failure requiring<br />

pressure support. The unit is the first such dedicated facility in Ireland and has been visited by representatives<br />

from other acute hospitals in Ireland. However, an audit of activity during 2007 indicated that the majority of<br />

patients requiring NIV were started on NIV outside the unit, which reflects the lack of any protected beds in<br />

the unit to allow the immediate transfer of a patient requiring NIV to the unit.<br />

The move to the new Ambulatory Day Care Centre has allowed an expansion of outpatient services. In<br />

addition to the existing Tuesday morning clinic (which is now exclusively respiratory), there is a weekly sleep<br />

apnoea clinic on Wednesday morning, which has considerably improved the ability to assess and follow<br />

patients with sleep apnoea.<br />

Respiratory Education Centre<br />

The Respiratory Education Centre received a total of 1635 consults during 2007, which reflects an annual<br />

increasing trend. There has been a 25% increase in our involvement with Non Invasive Ventilation. <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

education re Bi Level NIV continues. 236 staff nursing and physiotherapists have been trained to date.<br />

Several audits were undertaken;<br />

Patient satisfaction survey ADCC.<br />

RNS response times to telephone enquiries.<br />

Appropriateness of calls to telephone advice line.<br />

Annual audit RNS clinical input.<br />

An evaluation of a formal referral system to the RNS Service.<br />

HF CPAP equipment audit<br />

RNS Poster Presentation at audit <strong>master</strong>class<br />

“How to catch……... a Respiratory Nurse!<br />

A survey of referrals to the Respiratory Nurse Service.<br />

The Respiratory Nurse Specialists attended the Irish Thoracic Society Annual Conference.<br />

Summary of Research Activities:<br />

The Respiratory Sleep Research Laboratory at <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> continues a varied clinical and<br />

basic science research programme with a particular emphasis of cardiovascular interactions in obstructive<br />

sleep apnoea (OSA). Ongoing collaboration exists with the research group of Prof. Cormac Taylor in the<br />

Conway Institute at UCD and the School of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (Prof. Conor Heneghan and<br />

Dr. Madeleine Lowery), also in UCD. Dr. John Garvey and Dr. David McSharry are the Research Fellows<br />

involved. Together with Prof. Taylor we have an ongoing translational research programme that explores the<br />

role of intermittent hypoxia (IH) in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular disorders in OSA. In collaboration with<br />

Prof. Heneghan, we have studied the ability to identify sleep apnoea from digital signal processing of the<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Respiratory Medicine<br />

ECG signal, based on characteristic changes in the ECG that accompany apnoea. In collaboration with Dr.<br />

Lowery, we have developed new surface electrode configurations to record genioglossus EMG with a view<br />

to studying the role of skeletal muscle fatigue in the pathophysiology of OSA.<br />

Honours and Distinctions<br />

Professor McNicholas continues as Chair of a EU COST Action (B26) on obstructive sleep apnoea and as the<br />

founding President of the Irish Sleep Society. Geraldine Nolan continues as Secretary of the Irish Sleep Society.<br />

Visiting Professorship: Prof McNicholas at the <strong>University</strong> of Sydney, August 2007.<br />

Invited Lectures<br />

Prof. McNicholas:<br />

Seventh Annual Ludwig Engel memorial lecture. <strong>University</strong> of Sydney Aug 2007<br />

World Sleep Conference, Cairns Australia Sept 2007<br />

10th International Sleep and Breathing Symposium Palm Cove Australia, Sept 2007.<br />

ERS Research symposium on chronic co-morbidities, Rome Feb 2007<br />

<strong>St</strong>ate of the Art Respiratory Symposium, <strong>University</strong> of Athens, April 2007<br />

Joint COST/ERS Research symposium on interactions of obesity and sleep apnoea, Düsseldorf , Nov 2007<br />

Dr. Silke Ryan: European Respiratory Society, September.<br />

Presentations of original research were given by members of the research team at the annual meeting of the<br />

American Thoracic Society in San Francisco in May (Dr. John Garvey), and the annual meeting of the<br />

European Respiratory Society in <strong>St</strong>ockholm in September (Dr. John Garvey and Dr. Silke Ryan).<br />

Selected Publications 2007 - Prof. McNicholas (see ERC report for complete list).<br />

McNicholas WT, Bonsignore MR; Management Committee of EU COST ACTION B26. Sleep apnoea as<br />

an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease: current evidence, basic mechanisms and research<br />

priorities. Eur Respir J. 2007 Jan;29(1):156-78. Review. PMID: 17197482 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Doherty LS, Kiely JL, Deegan PC, Nolan G, McCabe S, Green AJ, Ennis S, McNicholas WT. Late-onset<br />

central hypoventilation syndrome: a family genetic study. Eur Respir J. 2007 Feb;29(2):312-6. PMID:<br />

17264323 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

McSharry DG, McElwaine P, Segadal L, McNicholas WT. All that wheezes is not asthma. Lancet. 2007 Sep<br />

1;370(9589):800. PMID: 17765530 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

4. Ryan S, McNicholas WT, Taylor CT. A critical role for p38 map kinase in NF-kappaB signaling during<br />

intermittent hypoxia/reoxygenation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007 Apr 13;355(3):728-33. Epub<br />

2007 Feb 9. PMID: 17316568 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Ryan S, Nolan GM, Hannigan E, Cunningham S, Taylor C, McNicholas WT. Cardiovascular risk markers in<br />

obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome and correlation with obesity. Thorax. 2007 Jun;62(6):509-14. Epub<br />

2007 Jan 24. PMID: 17251313 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

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Bone & Joint Unit<br />

The <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group (SVHG) Bone and Joint Unit is comprised of specialities of Orthopaedic<br />

Surgery, Rheumatology and of Rehabilitation Medicine. The Bone and Joint Unit is the only such unit in<br />

Ireland and the Mission of the Bone and Joint Unit is fourfold.<br />

1. To provide an evidence based, multidisciplinary care programme to all patients presenting to<br />

SVHG with musculoskeletal and rehabilitation related clinical related problems.<br />

2. By linking closely with community care to devise programmes of patient management, which are<br />

designed to offer speedy access, early intervention and discharge back to the community where<br />

appropriate.<br />

3. By coordinating teaching programmes to provide a unique, educational programme for medical<br />

undergraduates, post-graduate trainees and for nurses, physiotherapists and occupational<br />

therapists wishing to develop specialist musculoskeletal expertise.<br />

4. By promoting interdisciplinary cooperation to further develop and expand the academic and<br />

research infrastructure relating to musculoskeletal disease.<br />

The Bone and Joint Unit has been operational since the summer of 2006. Clinics are provided within the<br />

Unit operating on the basis of three by three clinics per day in addition to daily fracture clinics. Members of<br />

the Bone and Joint Unit meet on a monthly basis to help plan and develop the service and to improve the<br />

delivery of care to our patients.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Department of Rheumatology<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Consultant <strong>St</strong>aff: Professor Barry Bresnihan Professor Oliver FitzGerald<br />

Professor Douglas Veale<br />

Dr. Orla Killeen<br />

Specialist Registrars: Dr. Shafeeq Alraqi Dr. Ceara Walsh (July-present)<br />

Registrars:<br />

Dr. John Paul Doran<br />

Research Registrars: Dr. Ceara Walsh (January-June) Dr. Laure Brulhart<br />

Dr. Bernadette Lynch<br />

Dr. Eliza Pontifex<br />

Dr. Chin Teck Ng<br />

Dr. Taj Saber<br />

Nursing <strong>St</strong>aff: Ms Catherine Slattery Mrs. Miriam Molloy<br />

Mrs. Phil Gallagher<br />

Mrs. Alexia Grier<br />

Mrs. Marie O’Rourke<br />

Mrs. Eileen O’Flynn<br />

Mrs. Susan van der Kamp<br />

Ms Imelda Corcoran<br />

Ms Bincy Varghese<br />

Administration <strong>St</strong>aff: Ms. Jenni Cross Ms. Mary White<br />

Mrs. Linda Collins<br />

Ms. Frances Dwyer<br />

Ms. Ann Sharkey<br />

Ms. Saibh Kelley<br />

Service Developments/Activities<br />

Specific programmes, which are operational within the Bone and Joint Unit, include the Early Arthritis Clinic,<br />

the Adolescent Transitional Clinic, the clinic designated for patients on biologic therapies and the nurse-led<br />

Methotrexate Clinic. The Fracture Liaison Nurse service (FLS) position has been in place throughout 2007<br />

funded by Eli Lilly. An audit of this service by FLS nurse Annette Whelan has confirmed that patients with<br />

low trauma fracture are being identified, fully assessed including DXA scanning and are being commenced<br />

on appropriate treatment to prevent further fracture. It is hoped that the funding of this position will be taken<br />

up by the hospital in 2008.<br />

Other significant achievements, within 2007, include the following:<br />

The Bone Density Department has expanded with two DXA scanners on site within the Bone and Joint Unit.<br />

The further coordinated development of DXA scanning within the <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group is planned.<br />

Coordinated by Dr. Bernadette Lynch and Specialist Physiotherapist Martina Fitzpatrick, musculoskeletal<br />

ultrasound continues to be available within the Bone and Joint Unit. A new state-of-the-art musculoskeletal<br />

ultrasound machine will be installed early in 2008.<br />

Work is well on the way to develop a database for inflammatory arthritis patients. It is hoped that the<br />

database will be operational by mid-2008. Significant support to develop this database has been obtained<br />

through a grant received from Abbott Immunology.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Rheumatology<br />

Needle arthroscopy continues to be available within the department. The arthroscopies are now being<br />

undertaken in the Clinical Research Centre. Professor Douglas Veale is coordinating this programme.<br />

Outstanding/Significant Achievements<br />

Consultant achievements<br />

Prof Barry Bresnihan<br />

• Co-Chairman, EULAR Synovitis <strong>St</strong>udy Group<br />

• Co-Chairman, OMERACT Synovial Tissue Analysis <strong>St</strong>udy Group<br />

• Chairman, Arthritis Ireland –October 2007<br />

• Chairman scientific session, EULAR, June<br />

• Invited Speaker<br />

Italian Society of Rheumatology, Catania<br />

Royal Society Medicine, London<br />

British Bone Society, Aberdeen<br />

Prof Oliver FitzGerald<br />

• Chairman, Arthritis Ireland (Oct-present)<br />

• Member of HSE working group on Arthritis and Allied conditions representing the Irish<br />

Society of Rheumatology<br />

• <strong>St</strong>eering committee member for GRAPPA (Group for Research and Assessment of Psoriasis<br />

and Psoriatic Arthritis)<br />

• Member of Abbott International Immunology Advisory Board<br />

• Lead Consultant Bone & Joint Unit, SVUH<br />

• <strong>St</strong>eering committee member of OMERACT Biomarkers Group<br />

• Scientific committee member 3e Initiative in Rheumatology<br />

• Invited speaker at the following:<br />

Rochester <strong>University</strong>, New York<br />

Progress and Promise Meeting, Munich<br />

Ulster Internal Medicine Association, Belfast<br />

Prof Douglas Veale<br />

• Adjunct Professor of Medicine, UCD awarded 2007<br />

• Medical Director, Education & Research Centre, SVHG<br />

• Chairman, SVGH Ethics & Medical Research Committee<br />

• Vice-president, International Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium<br />

• International Advisor, The <strong>St</strong>rategic Scientific Committee, Arthritis Research Campaign, UK<br />

• Director of THERAPI - Translational Medicine Research Group, SVUH<br />

• HRB Infection & Immunity Grant Committee<br />

• Irish Medicines Board, Medicines Committee<br />

• Medical Executive, SVHG<br />

• Seed Funding Committee, UCD<br />

• Postgraduate Degree Programme Committee, UCD<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Rheumatology<br />

• Chairman, Bone and Joint Accreditation committee<br />

• Medical Director, Rheumatology Rehabilitation Unit, Our Lady’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross<br />

• International Advisor to Wyeth (Global), Wyeth (Europe), Schering-Plough (Global),<br />

Centocor (Global) and GlaxoSmithKline (Global)<br />

• IJMS Awards Best Published Paper – Rheumatology 2007<br />

• Joint Irish and British Society of Rheumatology - Best Oral presentation 2007<br />

• SIAR Award - American College of Rheumatology 2007<br />

• Visiting Speaker<br />

Swiss Rheumatology Society<br />

British Society for Rheumatology<br />

<strong>University</strong> of Newcastle<br />

Grants<br />

Efficacy of switching anti-TNF therapies in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.<br />

Abbott: €64,000 (PI-Oliver FitzGerald)<br />

Etanercept in Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis: A pilot study in 15 patients.<br />

Wyeth: €120,000 (PI-Oliver FitzGerald)<br />

Differential expression of VEGF, PIGF and the VEGF receptors in Inflammatory arthritis.<br />

HRB Project Grant: €165,000 (PI-Oliver FitzGerald)<br />

Differential Protein expression in psoriatic arthritis synovial tissue following<br />

anti-TNF therapy. (PI-Oliver FitzGerald)<br />

Abbott: €100,000<br />

Development of Inflammatory Arthritis database.<br />

Abbott: €240,000 (PI-Oliver FitzGerald)<br />

Hypoxia-induced mitochondrial signalling pathways in inflammatory arthritis.<br />

HRB Translational Award 2006-2011, €1.5m (PI-Douglas Veale)<br />

Autocure EU 6th Framework Grant (PI-Barry Bresnihan)<br />

‘Curing Autoimmune Disease – translational approach’ €212,500 over 5 years<br />

Biopharmaceutical/Pharmaceutical Science Programme<br />

PRTLI Cycle 4, €4.6 million (Co-applicant – Douglas Veale)<br />

A CELLMAX® Artificial Capillary System and Flexercell <strong>St</strong>rain Unit<br />

UCD Research Support Schemes. €35k (PI - Douglas Veale)<br />

Hypoxia-induced mitochondrial signaling pathways in inflammatory arthritis promote<br />

angiogenesis and synovial invasiveness and may predict response to therapy.<br />

HRB Translational Award €1.4 million (PI - Douglas Veale)<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Rheumatology<br />

Hypoxia Chambers and Luminometer<br />

HRB Equipment Grant Award €75k (PI - Ursula Fearon)<br />

In vivo Hypoxic probes and monitor.<br />

UCD Seed Funding €20k (PI - Ursula Fearon)<br />

Proof of concept studies of novel biopharmaceutical and small molecular<br />

weight inhibitors using whole tissue explant cultures.<br />

GlaxoSmithKline €680k (PI - Douglas Veale)<br />

Cytokine Regulation in Synovial explant cultures and pre/post biologic therapy.<br />

Wyeth Pharmaceuticals €350k (PI - Douglas Veale)<br />

Publications:<br />

Fearon U, Veale DJ.<br />

Angiogenesis in arthritis: methodological and analytical details.<br />

Methods Mol Med. 2007;135:343-57. PMID: 17951670 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Greetham D, Ellis CD, Mewar D, Fearon U, an Ultaigh SN, Veale DJ, Guesdon F, Wilson AG.<br />

Functional characterization of NF-kappaB inhibitor-like protein 1 (NFkappaBIL1), a candidate<br />

susceptibility gene for rheumatoid arthritis. Hum Mol Genet. 2007 Dec 15;16(24):3027-36. Epub 2007<br />

Sep 12. PMID: 17855452 [PubMed - in process]<br />

Mullan RH, Matthews C, Bresnihan B, FitzGerald O, King L, Poole AR, Fearon U, Veale DJ.<br />

Early changes in serum type II collagen biomarkers predict radiographic progression at one year in<br />

inflammatory arthritis patients after biologic therapy.<br />

Arthritis Rheum. 2007 Sep;56(9):2919-28. PMID: 17763421 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Gladman DD, Inman RD, Cook RJ, Maksymowych WP, Braun J, Davis JC, Landewé RB, Mease P, Brandt<br />

J, Vargas RB, Chandran V, Helliwell P, Kavanaugh A, O'Shea FD, Khan MA, Pipitone N, Rahman P, Reveille<br />

JD, <strong>St</strong>one MA, Taylor W, Veale DJ, van der Heijde D.<br />

International spondyloarthritis interobserver reliability exercise--the INSPIRE study: II. Assessment of<br />

peripheral joints, enthesitis, and dactylitis.<br />

J Rheumatol. 2007 Aug;34(8):1740-5. PMID: 17659754 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Burgoyne CH, Field SL, Brown AK, Hensor EM, English A, Bingham SL, Verburg R, Fearon U, Lawson CA,<br />

Hamlin JP, <strong>St</strong>raszynski L, Veale D, Conaghan P, Hull MA, van Laar JM, Tennant A, Emery P, Isaacs JD,<br />

Ponchel F. Abnormal T-cell differentiation persists in rheumatoid arthritis patients in clinical remission and<br />

predicts relapse. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007 Jul 20; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 17644540 [PubMed - as<br />

supplied by publisher]<br />

Walsh CA, Minnock P, Slattery C, Kennedy N, Pang F, Veale DJ, Bresnihan B, FitzGerald O.<br />

Quality of life and economic impact of switching from established infliximab therapy to adalimumab in<br />

patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2007 Jul;46(7):1148-52. Epub 2007 May 3.<br />

PMID: 17478471 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Rheumatology<br />

Rooney T, Bresnihan B, Andersson U, Gogarty M, Kraan M, Schumacher HR, Ulfgren AK, Veale DJ, Youssef<br />

PP, Tak PP. Microscopic measurement of inflammation in synovial tissue: inter-observer agreement for<br />

manual quantitative, semiquantitative and computerised digital image analysis.<br />

Ann Rheum Dis. 2007 Dec;66(12):1656-60. Epub 2007 Jun 29. PMID: 17604286 [PubMed - indexed for<br />

MEDLINE]<br />

Bresnihan B, Gerlag DM, Rooney T, Smeets TJ, Wijbrandts CA, Boyle D, Fitzgerald O, Kirkham BW,<br />

McInnes IB, Smith M, Ulfgren AK, Veale DJ, Tak PP. Synovial macrophages as a biomarker of response<br />

to therapeutic intervention in rheumatoid arthritis: standardization and consistency across centers.<br />

J Rheumatol. 2007 Mar;34(3):620-2. PMID: 17343309 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Denton CP, Merkel PA, Furst DE, Khanna D, Emery P, Hsu VM, Silliman N, <strong>St</strong>reisand J, Powell J, Akesson<br />

A, Coppock J, Hoogen F, Herrick A, Mayes MD, Veale D, Haas J, Ledbetter S, Korn JH, Black CM, Seibold<br />

JR; Cat-192 <strong>St</strong>udy Group; Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium. Recombinant human antitransforming<br />

growth factor beta1 antibody therapy in systemic sclerosis: a multicenter, randomized,<br />

placebo-controlled phase I/II trial of CAT-192.<br />

Arthritis Rheum. 2007 Jan;56(1):323-33. PMID: 17195236 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Marzo-Ortega H, McGonagle D, Rhodes LA, Tan AL, Conaghan PG, O'Connor P, Tanner SF, Fraser A,<br />

Veale D, Emery P. Efficacy of infliximab on MRI-determined bone oedema in psoriatic arthritis. Ann Rheum<br />

Dis. 2007 Jun;66(6):778-81. Epub 2006 Dec 21. PMID: 17185324 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Ralph JA, Zocco D, Bresnihan B, Fitzgerald O, McEvoy AN, Murphy EP.<br />

A role for type 1alpha corticotropin-releasing hormone receptors in mediating local changes in chronically<br />

inflamed tissue.Am J Pathol. 2007 Mar;170(3):1121-33. PMID: 17322394 [PubMed - indexed for<br />

MEDLINE]<br />

Gogarty M, Fitzgerald O.<br />

Immunohistochemistry of the inflamed synovium.<br />

Methods Mol Med. 2007;135:47-63. PMID: 17951651 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Patterson AM, Cartwright A, David G, Fitzgerald O, Bresnihan B, Ashton BA, Middleton JF.<br />

Differential expression of syndecans and glypicans in chronically inflamed synovium.<br />

Ann Rheum Dis. 2007 Jul 13; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 17545191 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]<br />

Gladman DD, Mease PJ, <strong>St</strong>rand V, Healy P, Helliwell PS, Fitzgerald O, Gottlieb AB, Krueger GG, Nash P,<br />

Ritchlin CT, Taylor W, Adebajo A, Braun J, Cauli A, Carneiro S, Choy E, Dijkmans B, Espinoza L, van der<br />

Heijde D, Husni E, Lubrano E, McGonagle D, Qureshi A, Soriano ER, Zochling J.<br />

Consensus on a core set of domains for psoriatic arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2007 May;34(5):1167-70. PMID:<br />

17477480 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Gladman DD, Mease PJ, Healy P, Helliwell PS, Fitzgerald O, Cauli A, Lubrano E, Krueger GG, van der<br />

Heijde D, Veale DJ, Kavanaugh A, Nash P, Ritchlin C, Taylor W, <strong>St</strong>rand V. Outcome measures in psoriatic<br />

arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2007 May;34(5):1159-66. PMID: 17477479 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Rheumatology<br />

Zhao Y, Terron-Kwiatkowski A, Liao H, Lee SP, Allen MH, Hull PR, Campbell LE, Trembath RC, Capon F,<br />

Griffiths CE, Burden D, McManus R, Hughes R, Kirby B, Rogers SF, Fitzgerald O, Kane D, Barker JN,<br />

Palmer CN, Irvine AD, McLean WH. Filaggrin null alleles are not associated with psoriasis. J Invest<br />

Dermatol. 2007 Aug;127(8):1878-82. Epub 2007 Apr 5. PMID: 17410197 [PubMed - indexed for<br />

MEDLINE]<br />

Giles JT, Mease P, Boers M, Bresnihan B, Conaghan PG, Heald A, Maksymowych WP, Maillefert JF, Simon<br />

L, Tsuji W, Wakefield R, Woodworth T, Schumacher HR, Bingham CO 3rd. Assessing single joints in<br />

arthritis clinical trials. J Rheumatol. 2007 Mar;34(3):641-7. PMID: 17343312 [PubMed - indexed for<br />

MEDLINE]<br />

Kirwan JR, Minnock P, Adebajo A, Bresnihan B, Choy E, de Wit M, Hazes M, Richards P, Saag K, Suarez-<br />

Almazor M, Wells G, Hewlett S. Patient perspective: fatigue as a recommended patient centered outcome<br />

measure in rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2007 May;34(5):1174-7. PMID: 17477482 [PubMed -<br />

indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Lassere MN, Johnson KR, Boers M, Tugwell P, Brooks P, Simon L, <strong>St</strong>rand V, Conaghan PG, Ostergaard<br />

M, Maksymowych WP, Landewe R, Bresnihan B, Tak PP, Wakefield R, Mease P, Bingham CO 3rd, Hughes<br />

M, Altman D, Buyse M, Galbraith S, Wells G. Definitions and validation criteria for biomarkers and<br />

surrogate endpoints: development and testing of a quantitative hierarchical levels of evidence schema.<br />

J Rheumatol. 2007 Mar;34(3):607-15. PMID: 17343307 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Sokka T, Kautiainen H, Toloza S, Mäkinen H, Verstappen SM, Lund Hetland M, Naranjo A, Baecklund E,<br />

Herborn G, Rau R, Cazzato M, Gossec L, Skakic V, Gogus F, Sierakowski S, Bresnihan B, Taylor P,<br />

McClinton C, Pincus T; QUEST-RA Group. QUEST-RA: quantitative clinical assessment of patients with<br />

rheumatoid arthritis seen in standard rheumatology care in 15 countries. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007<br />

Nov;66(11):1491-6. Epub 2007 Apr 5. PMID: 17412740 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Chapters<br />

Professor Oliver FitzGerald, co-editor for new textbook on “Psoriatic and Reactive Arthritis”.<br />

Dr. Eliza Pontifex, Professor Barry Bresnihan for “In Palliative Medicine” on “Musculoskeletal disorders”. In<br />

Press.<br />

Future Plans<br />

To make additional appointments in Rheumatology, in particular at consultant and clinical nurse specialist<br />

levels.<br />

To continue with development of closer links with primary care services with a view to improving interface<br />

between primary and secondary care.<br />

To further develop care pathways in collaboration with Bone and Joint colleagues in Orthopaedic Surgery<br />

and Rehabilitation Medicine.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Rheumatology<br />

Department <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

7 Day 5 Day Day Care ED Other Urgent Total<br />

3 4 497 386 25 915<br />

Discharges<br />

Total 320<br />

Admissions, Our Lady’s Hospice, Harold’s Cross<br />

Total 762<br />

Day Care<br />

Bone & Joint Unit 440<br />

Extra Mural Theatre 57<br />

Total 497<br />

OPD New Patients Return Patients Total<br />

Monday Clinic 284 744 1,028<br />

Adolescent Clinic 15 37 52<br />

Tuesday Clinic 19 1,308 1,327<br />

Wednesday AM Clinic 249 910 1,159<br />

Wednesday PM Clinic 171 763 934<br />

Thursday AM 101 417 518<br />

Biologic Clinic 0 720 720<br />

Nurse Led 10 46 56<br />

Grand Total 849 4945 5794<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Department of Rehabilitation Medicine<br />

A rehabilitation consultation provides an expert opinion, offers education to staff, patients and carers/families<br />

and improves patient care. It facilitates appropriate management of individuals with complex disabilities,<br />

preventing many complications and facilitating patients’ care pathways. Typically, consultation leads to a<br />

significant contribution in the management of clinical cases in several ways: assessment and management<br />

of complex disabilities (spasticity management, splinting and special seating and 24hr positioning advice)<br />

pain management, management of agitation and altered behaviour post-acquired brain injury, pre-amputation<br />

consultations and prosthetic rehabilitation, spinal injury rehabilitation and musculoskeletal rehabilitation.<br />

In 2007, the Rehabilitation Medicine Department received 58 inpatient referrals. The most common reasons<br />

for referral are usually stroke (approx. 30% cases), traumatic brain injury (approx. 20% cases), amputation<br />

(approx. 10% cases) and the remainder various neurological and miscellaneous diagnoses. Approximately<br />

60% of referrals were from medical teams and 40% from surgical teams. There was a 60:40 ratio of male:<br />

female referrals with 51-70 year olds representing approximately 1/3 of the referrals. Approximately 50%<br />

of the patients were transferred to the National Rehabilitation <strong>Hospital</strong> (NRH) for a programme of<br />

rehabilitation, 10% went on to be followed-up in the SVUH Rehabilitation outpatient clinic and 10% attended<br />

the Prosthetic Rehabilitation Clinic at the NRH. Advice on complex disabilities was given on almost 20% but<br />

they were unfit/unsuitable for further transfer to the NRH, while the remainder were either transferred<br />

elsewhere, expatriated to home countries or died.<br />

58 new patients attended the rehabilitation outpatient clinic with 93 return patients attending. These patients<br />

included follow-up from inpatient admissions, new GP referrals and past SVUH patient who have undergone<br />

the NRH rehabilitation programme.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff within the Department:<br />

Consultants in Rehabilitation Medicine Dr. Nicola Ryall, FRCPI Dr. Aine Carroll, MD, FRCPI<br />

Specialist Registrars in Geriatric Medicine Dr. Mary Martin Dr. Kit Mun Tan,<br />

The Department provided training, six months each, for two Specialist Registrars from Geriatric Medicine.<br />

There was particular emphasis on training in the areas of spasticity management, assessment and<br />

management of complex disabled patients, amputee rehabilitation, stroke and neurocognitive rehabilitation.<br />

This proved highly successful.<br />

All members of the departments were involved with undergraduate and post-graduate teaching and<br />

education of medical and allied health professionals. The team members also participated in clinical audit and<br />

research. Dr Kit Mun Tan was awarded with a distinction for her presentation on ‘Peripartum and puerperial<br />

stroke’ at the XVI European <strong>St</strong>roke Conference, Glasgow 29/05/2007.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Allied Health Professionals<br />

Department - Rehabilitation Medicine<br />

The following outlines the various invited presentations:<br />

1. Carroll, A. Peri-partum <strong>St</strong>roke. <strong>St</strong>roke Physicians Meeting, RCPI, Dublin. 02/02/2007<br />

2. Carroll, A. Whiplash Injuries – A Mild brain Injury or just a pain in the neck? Minor Brain Injury -<br />

The Complex Presentation, Catalis Conferencing Centre, Derby. 13/03/2007<br />

3. Carroll, A. Byrne, P. The Effect of Peripartum and Puerperial <strong>St</strong>roke on Attachment in Mothers.<br />

Irish Heart Foundation <strong>St</strong>roke <strong>St</strong>udy Day. 11/05/2007<br />

4. Carroll, A. Rehabilitation in the 21st Century. Royal College of Physicians Ireland. 06/11/2007<br />

Dr. N Ryall was invited to participate in national and regional debate on the issue of Road Safety and Drink-<br />

Driving, including a live television debate on RTE’s Six-One News and The Late Late Show, as well as to<br />

provide expert advise and opinion on the Pat Kenny radio show, the Gerry Ryan radio show, and various other<br />

radio shows, and National and regional newspaper ineterviews.<br />

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222<br />


Report from the Professor of Surgery<br />

Report from the Chairman Surgeons Subgroup<br />

Liver Transplant Programme and Liver Unit<br />

Department of Ophthalmology<br />

Operating Theatre Department<br />

Department of Orthopaedics<br />

Department of Plastic Surgery<br />

Department of Urology<br />

Department of Vascular Surgery<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Surgery<br />

Report from the Professor of Surgery<br />

Professor P. Ronan O’Connell<br />

Surgical Professorial Unit<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Head of Subject:<br />

Professor P. Ronan O’Connell<br />

Senior Lecturer:<br />

Mr Enda W McDermott<br />

Adjunct Professor:<br />

Professor M Joe Duffy<br />

Special Lecturers: Ms Mary Dillon Mr Farrukh Naseem<br />

Senior Research Associate: Dr Neil Docherty<br />

Research Fellows: Dr Colin Pierce Dr Michael Cunningham<br />

Dr Fiachra Rowan<br />

Ms. Karen Griffen<br />

Ms. Paulina Wojciechowska<br />

Senior Laboratory Technician: Mr Dermot Carty<br />

Clinical Research Nurse: Ms Helen Vaughan<br />

Executive Assistants: Mrs Patricia O’Shea Ms Hannah Carpenter<br />

Ms Maureen Mulhall<br />

Ms Elaine O’Sullivan<br />

2007 saw the retirement of Professor Niall O’Higgins. A Festschrift was held in January to<br />

celebrate the many achievements of his 29 years as Professor of Surgery. The keynote<br />

address was given by Professor Irvine Taylor from the Royal Free and <strong>University</strong> College<br />

Medical School, London. He paid tribute to Professor O’Higgins as an educator, a scientist, an<br />

administrator and a surgeon. The meeting was attended by many former trainees, research<br />

fellows and colleagues.<br />

Professor P. Ronan O’Connell took up post as Professor of Surgery and Head of Subject in September. Prof<br />

O’Connell had been consultant surgeon at the Mater Misericordiae <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> since 1990 and<br />

Newman Clinical Research Professor at UCD since 2002. His appointment brought a reconfiguration of the<br />

Surgical Professorial Unit to reflect his clinical interest in colorectal surgery while maintaining the Unit’s well<br />

established interest in breast and endocrine surgery under the academic leadership of Mr Enda McDermott,<br />

Senior Lecturer.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Surgery<br />

The Final Medical Year students of 2007 did spectacularly well in their Final Surgical Examination, 35%<br />

achieved honours and 5% were awarded First Class honours in surgery. The following Prizes in Surgery were<br />

awarded in 2007 - The O’Farrell Gold Medal in Surgery Dr. Romaine King, McArdle Prize in Surgery Dr. Niall<br />

Breen, Gallagher Prize in Orthopaedics Dr. <strong>St</strong>ephen Kearney, and Tobin Prize in Surgery Ms. Rebecca Fry<br />

(Resident Year).<br />

In 2007 research from the Surgical Professorial Unit was recognised by several national and international<br />

awards. Dr Ciaran Healy was awarded the ASCRS Research Prize for the best research paper presented to<br />

the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons Annual Meeting in <strong>St</strong> Louis. Dr John Burke won the<br />

British Journal of Surgery Prize for best paper presented to the Association of Coloproctology of Great<br />

Britain and Ireland Annual Meeting in Glasgow. Dr Burke also won the Sir Peter Freyer Medal for best<br />

research presented to the Sir Peter Freyer Surgical Symposium in Galway.<br />

Professor O’Connell was invited to speak at several national and international meetings. The highlights for<br />

2007 were delivery of the Sir Peter Freyer <strong>St</strong>ate of the Art Lecture in Galway, the ESR Hughes Lecture to<br />

the Colorectal Surgical Society of Australia and New Zealand in Adelaide and the Sir Alan Parks’ Lecture at<br />

<strong>St</strong> Mark’s <strong>Hospital</strong> London.<br />

2007 was a productive year in terms of publications. Representative articles are listed below. In addition<br />

numerous presentations were made at national and international scientific meetings.<br />

Books Edited<br />

1. EUROPEAN MANUAL OF COLOPROCTOLOGY, Herold A, Matzel K, Lehur PA, O’Connell PR eds.<br />

Springer, Frankfurt (publication, summer, 2008)<br />

2. BAILEY and LOVE’S SHORT PRACTICE OF SURGERY (25th Edition) Bulstrode C, O’Connell PR,<br />

Williams NS eds. Arnold, London (publication, autumn 2008)<br />

Book Chapters<br />

1. O’Connell PR<br />

ANAL CANCER in Herold A, Matzel K, Lehur PA, O’Connell PR eds,<br />

EUROPEAN MANUAL OF COLOPROCTOLOGY, Springer, Frankfurt, (in press)<br />

2. Shields C, O’Connell PR<br />

ELECTROCAUTERY in Trimbos JB, Trimbos-Kemper TC eds<br />

BASICS OF SURGERY:tools, techniques, attitude and expertise. 2007 Elsevier, Maarssen, pp67-77<br />

3. Joyce M, O’ Connell PR<br />

ANO-RECTAL STENOSIS: in Clavien JC, Mortensen NMcC eds<br />


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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Surgery<br />

Significant Publications (Colorectal)<br />

1. Burke JP, Mulsow JJ, O’Keane C, Docherty NG, Watson WG, O’Connell PR<br />

Fibrogenesis in Crohn’s disease. Am J Gastroenterol 2007; 102: 439-48<br />

2. Mahoney RT, Behan M, Daly L, Kirwan C, O’Herlihy C, O’Connell PR<br />

Internal anal sphincter injury influences continence outcome following obstetric anal sphincter injury.<br />

Am J Obstet Gynecol 2007; 196: 217.e1-217.e5<br />

3. Brennan DJ , Moynagh M , Brannigan AE , Gleeson F , Rowland M , O’Connell PR<br />

Routine mobilization of the splenic flexure is not necessary during anterior resection for rectal cancer.<br />

Dis Colon Rectum 2007; 50: 302-7<br />

4. McGuire BB, Brannigan AE, O’Connell PR<br />

Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis. Br J Surg 2007; 94: 812-23<br />

5. Eogan M, Daly L, Behan M, O’Connell PR, O’Herlihy C<br />

Randomised clinical trial of a laxative alone versus a laxative and a bulking agent after primary repair<br />

of obstetric anal sphincter injury. BJOG. 2007;114:736-40.<br />

Significant Publications (Breast Endocrine)<br />

1. Murphy IG, Dillon MF, Doherty AO, McDermott EW, Kelly G, O'Higgins N, Hill AD.<br />

Analysis of patients with false negative mammography and symptomatic breast carcinoma.<br />

J Surg Oncol. 2007;96:457-63.<br />

2. Dillon MF, Mc Dermott EW, O'Doherty A, Quinn CM, Hill AD, O'Higgins N.<br />

Factors affecting successful breast conservation for ductal carcinoma in situ.<br />

Ann Surg Oncol. 2007; 14:1618-28.<br />

3. Brennan DJ, Kelly C, Rexhepaj E, Dervan PA, Duffy MJ, Gallagher WM.<br />

Contribution of DNA and tissue microarray technology to the identification and validation of biomarkers<br />

and personalised medicine in breast cancer.<br />

Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2007;4:121-34<br />

4. Dillon MF, McDermott EW, Hill AD, O'Doherty A, O'Higgins N, Quinn CM.<br />

Predictive value of breast lesions of "uncertain malignant potential" and "suspicious for malignancy"<br />

determined by needle core biopsy.<br />

Ann Surg Oncol. 2007; 14:704-11<br />

5. O'Daly BJ, Sweeney KJ, Ridgway PF, Quinn C, McDermott EW, O'Higgins NJ, Hill AD.<br />

The accuracy of combined versus largest diameter in staging multifocal breast cancer.<br />

J Am Coll Surg. 2007; 204:282-5.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Surgery<br />

Report from the Chairman Surgeons Subgroup<br />

Chairman of Surgical Subgroup<br />

Secretary to the Surgical Subgroup<br />

Mr Sean Dudeney,<br />

Mr Denis Evoy, Hon<br />

2007 was an interesting year for the Department of Surgery. In addition to the usual workings of the group<br />

a great deal of time and effort was spent looking to the future of surgery at <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s and the future needs<br />

of our patient population, the latter increasing in both age and total number. The numbers of patients seen<br />

as outpatients and treated surgically continues to increase across the subspecialties. Much of our vision of<br />

the future revolves around increasing the available operating room space to fully accommodate current and<br />

future consultant staff to allow them to do the best they can for patients. A great deal of enthusiasm was<br />

generated by the completion of further new operating rooms in the New <strong>Hospital</strong> Building, and considerable<br />

effort has been put into preparing for the move from all parties involved.<br />

New Developments<br />

The New Theatre project continues. We continue to move toward expansion in operating room numbers from<br />

our present ten operating theates to an increased compliment of twelve. This has been an important project<br />

over many years and continues to be so.<br />

The move of outpatient services to The New Building was completed, resulting in significant improvements<br />

for patients.<br />

Future developments include the New Bed Block, the construction of a new private hospital and the<br />

formation of the Dublin Academic Health Centre between <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s and The Mater <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Retirements<br />

Professor Niall O’Higgins retired in January 2007 after many years of distinguished service. We wish him<br />

well for the future.<br />

Appointments<br />

Prof Ronan O’Connell was welcomed to the surgical staff as Professor of Surgery in September 2007.<br />

Research and Teaching<br />

Research and undergraduate teaching continue to remain key areas in the group, with many departments<br />

being highly productve with regard to their research interests. The undergraduate teaching programme was<br />

updated under the guidance of Professor Ronan O’Connell.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Surgery<br />

Liver Transplant Programme and Liver Unit<br />

The year 2007 was another very successful year for the National Liver Transplant Programme. A total of 59<br />

transplants were performed on 49 patients. This number was slightly lower than 2006 but still represents a<br />

significant increase in activity compared to previous years. During 2007, we celebrated two very important<br />

milestones in the history of the National Liver Transplant Programme. In September 2007, we performed our<br />

500th liver transplant operation and at the end of the year we celebrated the 15th anniversary of the<br />

commencement of the liver transplant programme. The overall success rate of our programme is in keeping<br />

with the best rates achieved in large liver transplant units throughout Europe and the United <strong>St</strong>ates.<br />

Organ donation continued at a very satisfactory level during 2007. A total of 80 livers were donated in Ireland<br />

during the year, a slight decrease from the 85 in 2006. However, the organ donation rate in Ireland still<br />

compares very favourably against most other countries in Europe. We are extremely fortunate to have a<br />

population who are well disposed to the concept of organ donation and who understand the great benefits<br />

of organ transplantation.<br />

The success of the National Liver Transplant Programme continues to result in an increasing pattern of<br />

referrals of patients with complex medical and surgical problems which do not necessarily require liver<br />

transplantation. Many of these patients can be treated non surgically or by types of surgery other than<br />

transplantation. This referral pattern has had highly beneficial effects on training for doctors, nurses and para<br />

medical staff at <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>. However, it has also stretched the resources of many other<br />

departments in the hospital, including the Intensive Care Unit, the Department of Diagnostic Imaging and the<br />

Allied Heathcare Departments. Furthermore, this has placed great strain on the bed availability in <strong>St</strong> Brigid’s<br />

ward.<br />

During 2007, the National Liver Transplant Programme hosted the Annual UK and Ireland Liver Transplant<br />

Meeting. This was a great success and attracted medical and nursing staff from all of the liver transplant<br />

units in the United Kingdom, who came to Dublin for the two day meeting.<br />

It was with great sadness that we note the departure of Professor Cliona O’Farrelly from her post as<br />

Scientific Director of the Education and Research Centre. Cliona has been appointed to the prestigious<br />

Chair of Immunology at Trinity College Dublin and we wish her every success in her future role there. Cliona<br />

has made a most outstanding contribution to the research programme of the National Liver Transplant<br />

Programme over the past 15 years.<br />

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Department - Surgery<br />

Department of Ophthalmology<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Consultants: Mr P Barry, Mr W Power,<br />

Dr E Chacko<br />

<strong>St</strong> James Ward: Sandra Murphy CNM2 Esther McCarthy CNM1<br />

Ophthalmic Theatre:<br />

Medical Research Ophthalmologist:<br />

Ms Annette Cullen CNM2<br />

Dr Aideen Hogan<br />

Surgical Registrars: Mr Tarik Saddiq Dr Princeton Lee<br />

Medical Registrar:<br />

Dr Magdy Nasralla<br />

Lecturers in Ophthalmology: Dr Jan Shotveld Dr Ruaidhri Kirwan<br />

Orthoptist:<br />

Unit Secretary:<br />

Vacant Post<br />

Ms Jane Caulfield<br />

The tables below summarise the department’s activity for the year 2007.<br />

Due to pressures from the Emergency Department, unfortunately some of the Ophthalmology cases have<br />

been cancelled or postponed but with the help of the National Treatment Purchase Scheme we hope to see<br />

this number diminish over the coming months and years.<br />

To challenge these erosions we have a day care cataract surgery but unfortunately a majority of our patients<br />

are in an age group with co-morbidities which makes it impossible.<br />

Our day care activity continues to expand and the provision of laser photocoagulation for diabetic retinopathy<br />

is now extremely busy. We have commenced intravitreal injection of drugs to retard exudative age related<br />

macular degeneration and hope to develop a clean room delivery service for this on the ward itself rather<br />

than utilising the operating theatres as at present.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Ophthalmology<br />

This is now the 10th year of participating in the European Audit network for cataract surgery, European<br />

Cataract Outcome <strong>St</strong>udy. This audit provides excellent benchmarking for the procedure.<br />

As last year, the consultant staff would like to express their appreciation of the heroic nursing efforts<br />

provided by Sr. Sandra Murphy, Sr. Esther McCarthy and their nursing team. We understand the stress of<br />

their jobs in today’s world. Their patient care is superb.<br />

We would also like to thank Ms. Jane Caulfield for her dedicated secretarial role in a world where<br />

administration is becoming progressively more time consuming. Finally, our lecturer Dr Jan Shotveld has<br />

returned to a consultant’s post in Holland and is replaced by Dr. Ruaidhri Kirwan Ph.D.<br />

Dr. Aideen Hogan is in her second year developing the services as a medical research ophthalmologist and<br />

Mr. Princeton Lee is our current surgical registrar. The many years experience of Dr. Magdi Nasralla as<br />

medical registrar is also much appreciated.<br />

In a changing world of care delivery, education and research we hope to continue the development of the<br />

department.<br />

Finally, Mr. William Power was elected Chairman of the Medical Board of the Royal Victoria Eye and Ear<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> and Mr. Peter Barry delivered the Choyce Medal Lecture to the United Kingdom and Ireland Society<br />

of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons in Harrogate, U.K.<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Jame’s Ward Inpatient Admissions 2007 (including transfers)<br />

Ophthalmology Other Specialities Total<br />

ELECTIVE 339 71 410<br />


OTHER URGENT 3 8 11<br />

TRANSFERS (from other wards) 2 32 34<br />

TRANSFERS (from other hospitals) 0 4 4<br />

TOTAL 344 286 634<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Ophthalmology<br />

Ophthalmology: <strong>St</strong>. Jame’s Ward<br />

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000<br />

I<strong>St</strong> James In-Patients<br />

Ophthalmology Admissions 694 845 790 738 587 488 496 487 443<br />

Ophthalmology Discharges 701 843 787 732 583 484 491 482 436<br />

<strong>St</strong> James In-Patients<br />

Cataract Procedures 283 527 396 353 374 278 333 345 308<br />

<strong>St</strong> James Day Care<br />

Admissions 188 449 788 878 1196 1406 1708 1491 1526<br />

Discharges 188 449 788 878 1196 1406 1708 1491 1526<br />

<strong>St</strong> James Day Care Orthoptic<br />

Total Attendances Done in OPD Done in OPD 611 667 598 563 575 551 573<br />

<strong>St</strong> James ED Ophthalmic Patients<br />

Total Attendances Accounted for Accounted for<br />

In ED Dept In ED Dept 754 617 746 888 1268 1229 1130<br />

<strong>St</strong> James In-Patients Referrals<br />

Total Attendances 503 462 479 437 439 388 392 325 361<br />

Ophthalmology Out-Patients<br />

New 879 821 967 965 1045 1018 928 897 702<br />

Total Attendances 2948 3360 4118 3302 3120 3015 3180 3121 2651<br />

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007<br />

I<strong>St</strong> James In-Patients<br />

Ophthalmology Admissions 461 458 458 442 365 366 344<br />

Ophthalmology Discharges 457 456 451 434 363 362 344<br />

<strong>St</strong> James In-Patients<br />

Cataract Procedures 330 324 310 299 300 331 321<br />

<strong>St</strong> James Day Care<br />

Admissions 1611 1846 1994 1729 1647 1536 1649<br />

Discharges 1611 1846 1994 1729 1647 1536 1649<br />

<strong>St</strong> James Day Care Orthoptic<br />

Total Attendances 607 502 927 777 973 283 0<br />

<strong>St</strong> James A/E Ophthalmic Patients<br />

Total Attendances 1153 1261 1016 1064 1157 1204 1333<br />

<strong>St</strong> James In-Patients Referrals<br />

Total Attendances 299 309 327 342 312 334 345<br />

Ophthalmology Out-Patients<br />

New 745 773 781 729 836 742 825<br />

Total Attendances 2372 2398 2475 2245 2262 2075 2014<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Surgery<br />

Operating Theatre Department<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Welcome to the twenty-eight new nursing staff and 6 theatre aides who joined the Operating Theatre staff<br />

during the year.<br />

Sadly on April 13th our nursing colleague and friend Liz Tully lost her fight for life, she is greatly missed by<br />

all who had the fortune to know her.<br />

Promotional appointments; Ms. Natasha Keaty, CNM1 PACU; Ms. Maura McEvoy, CNM 1, Theatres 1 & 2.<br />

Three of our senior portering staff were promoted to other posts in the hospital. One porter was appointed<br />

to a supervisory position in theatre.<br />

Retirements<br />

Two of our most senior Clinical Nurse Managers retired at the end of the year, Ms. Bernadette Farrell and<br />

Ms. Breda O’Donoghue. Ms. Maureen Flynn Assistant Director of Nursing resigned her post in September.<br />

Maureen moved to the HSE where she is coordinator for nurse prescribing for the East Coast Area. Ms<br />

Maureen D’Arcy is currently ADON for critical care areas Theatre, ICU and HSSD.<br />

Education / Conferences<br />

A series of workshops were introduced to support overseas nurses in their orientation to Irish operating<br />

department nursing, practices in anaesthetics, recovery and surgery. Six staff attended the Operating<br />

Theatre National Conference, three presenting scientific posters and one oral presentation. One staff<br />

member also attended the Anaesthetic Nursing conference in Waterford, and workshops and study days on<br />

Surgical <strong>St</strong>apling, Breast Implants Reconstruction, Wound Care and Orthopaedic Implants Regular in-service<br />

education continues in the department every Wednesday morning. The nursing journal club was further<br />

developed and each speciality group meet simultaneously on a monthly basis.<br />

Support for students (nursing and medical) is a fundamental activity for the operating team. During the year,<br />

11 staff nurses completed preceptorship training. Nursing students, 88 pre-registration students undertook<br />

four weekly placements in the department. Feedback from students on placement identified theatre as a<br />

positive experience and a good educational environment.<br />

Developments/ Activities<br />

The inaugural foundation course in perioperative nursing commenced in Nov 2007 and postgraduate<br />

students are undertaking this programme. This programme was initiated by the theatre staff and formulated<br />

in collaboration with the School of Nursing.<br />

Theatre Commissioning<br />

A multidisciplinary steering group is being formed to co-ordinate the transfer of services to the Clinical<br />

Services Building, which is anticipated in the second part of 2008.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


Department - Operating Theatre<br />

Decontamination/ Infection Control<br />

The decontamination and hygiene audits took place during the year. Theatre is now in the process of<br />

implementing recommendations from the audit and review. The Health and Safety and Infection Control<br />

Groups met on a regular basis throughout the year.<br />

Product Evaluation<br />

The Operating Department Product Committee continued to meet to streamline the introduction of new<br />

products and equipment to the department<br />

Departmental <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

During 2007 9,869 surgeries were performed, of this 7,550 were planned cases. 23.5% (2,319) of all<br />

surgery performed in the department were emergency of this 13% (1285) were performed after hours.<br />


Dental 29 1 30<br />

Dermatology 7 0 7<br />

E.N.T. 251 99 350<br />

General 2,373 483 2,856<br />

G.U. Endo 1,459 89 1,548<br />

G.U. Open 161 15 176<br />

Gyncaecology 262 1 263<br />

Ophthalmology 369 0 369<br />

Orthopaedic 1,800 62 1,862<br />

Pain 440 43 483<br />

Plastic 1,154 68 1,222<br />

Thoracic 187 102 289<br />

Vascular 323 91 414<br />

TOTALS 8,815 1,054 9,869<br />

Fifty-nine liver transplant operations were performed during the year, with 75 donor retrievals.<br />

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Future Plans<br />

It is hoped that the year 2008 will be an exciting one for the Operating Department team with the planned<br />

move to the new Clinical Services Building. The key activities will involve:<br />

• Working with the Project Team in commissioning the new facilities.<br />

• Developing and agreeing the Theatre Schedule.<br />

• Commissioning, training and introducing new equipment to the service.<br />

• Developing a detailed training and education plan for all members of the multidisciplinary team.<br />

• Completing the <strong>St</strong>andard Operating Procedure for the service in the new Clinical Services Building<br />

• Agreeing the Nurse Management <strong>St</strong>ructure for services in the new facility.<br />

• Developing a detailed Workforce Plan for the Operating Department.<br />

Planning is underway for the 2nd Foundation Course in Perioperative Nursing in the autumn.<br />

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Department - Surgery<br />

Department Orthopaedics<br />

Orthopaedic Dept. Mr. Sean Dudeney Mr. Brian Hurson<br />

Mr. Eamonn Kelly<br />

Mr. William Quinlan<br />

Mr. Garry O’Toole<br />

Mr. S. Kieran O’Rourke<br />

Admin. <strong>St</strong>aff Ms. Jenni Cross Ms. Frances Dwyer<br />

Orthopaedic Ward CNM2: Ms. Gillian Fields CNM1 Ms. Rachel Hayden<br />

CNM1 Ms. Andrea Marnell<br />

Orthopaedic Theatre CNM2: Ms. Katrina Lennon CNM1: Ms. Anna Marie Bos<br />

CNM1: Ms. Sarah Cusack<br />

Nurse Specialist CNM2: Ms. Natalie Landers CNS: Ms. Ann Camlin<br />

SN: Ms. Josephine Ubas SN: Ms. Deirdre Kelly<br />

Fracture Liason Nurse CNS Ms. Annette Whelan<br />

The Orthopaedic Department provides elective orthopaedic and trauma services to South Dublin , South<br />

County Dublin, Co. Wicklow and parts of Co. Wexford. In addition some services are provided on a national<br />

basis.<br />

Trauma Services<br />

Major trauma is delivered by ambulance direct to the Emergency Department of <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong><br />

<strong>Hospital</strong>. The Three Emergency Depts. of <strong>St</strong>. Vincents <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>, <strong>St</strong>. Columcilles Loughlinstown and<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Michaels <strong>Hospital</strong> in Dun Laoghaire all serve as portals of entry for the ambulant, and less severely injured.<br />

From there the patients are referred either directly to the Trauma Unit of <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> for<br />

operative treatment or to one of the fracture clinics for further management.<br />

There are daily fracture clinics in The Bone and Joint Unit of <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and further<br />

outlying clinics in <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> and <strong>St</strong>. Columcilles <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department Orthopaedics<br />

Elective Services<br />

There are daily elective orthopaedic clinics in The Bone and Joint unit. These include subspecialty clinics in<br />

Upper Limb and Joint Replacement. There are further specialty elective clinics in Cappagh National<br />

Orthopaedic <strong>Hospital</strong>, which includes Joint Replacement and The Bone Tumour Clinics. The Bone Tumour<br />

Service provides a national service in this area.<br />

The majority of the patients seen in the elective clinics at both <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and Cappagh<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> have the surgery carried out in Cappagh <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Activity<br />

Clinics<br />

No. Sessions New Return Total<br />

SVUH 380 3266 9367 12633<br />

SMH/SCUH 2743 4879 7622<br />

Combined 6099 14246 20255<br />

Admissions/Op<br />

SVUH 1790<br />

CNOH 725<br />

SMH 577<br />

Total 3092<br />

Nurse specialist Area<br />

They are based in the plaster area of the Bone and Joint Unit. Throughout the year the staff provide support<br />

to the fracture and orthopaedic clinics. This caters for all aspects of orthopaedic nursing including: wound<br />

management, plaster services and fracture splinting. A total of 3159 patient episodes were recorded.<br />

In addition to being a point of contact for patients under the departments care on an ongoing basis, the<br />

Plaster Service also provide educational support for other areas that use or require this type of service.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department Orthopaedics<br />

Publications<br />

Zuboviç A, Cavanagh M, Hurson B.<br />

Value of measuring subpopulations of T and B lymphocytes in patients with musculoskeletal tumours.<br />

Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2007 Aug 15; [Epub ahead of print]<br />

PMID: 17701188 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]<br />

Related Articles<br />

Vioreanu M, Dudeney S, Hurson B, Kelly E, O'Rourke K, Quinlan W.<br />

Early mobilization in a removable cast compared with immobilization in a cast after operative treatment of<br />

ankle fractures: a prospective randomized study.<br />

Foot Ankle Int. 2007 Jan;28(1):13-9.<br />

PMID: 17257532 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Related Articles, Links<br />

Flavin R, Gibney RG, O'Rourke SK.<br />

A clinical test to avoid sural nerve injuries in percutaneous Achilles tendon repairs.<br />

Injury. 2007 Jul;38(7):845-7. Epub 2007 Jan 22.<br />

PMID: 17241633 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Byrne AM, Morris S, McCarthy T, Quinlan W, O'byrne JM.<br />

Outcome following deep wound contamination in cemented arthroplasty.<br />

Int Orthop. 2007 Feb;31(1):27-31. Epub 2006 Apr 4.<br />

PMID: 16586132 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Related Articles, Links<br />

Macgiobain S, Quinlan JF, O'Malley N, Brophy D, Quinlan WR.<br />

Isolated Proximal Tibio-Fibular Joint Dislocation In An Elite Rugby Union Player.<br />

Br J Sports Med. 2007 Nov 29; [Epub ahead of print]<br />

PMID: 18048444 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]<br />

R. <strong>St</strong>effen, K. O’Rourke, H. S. Gill, and D. W. Murray<br />

The anterolateral approach leads to less disruption of the femoral head-neck blood supply than the<br />

posterior approach during hip resurfacing<br />

J Bone Joint Surg Br, Oct 2007; 89-B: 1293 - 1298.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Surgery<br />

Department of Plastic Surgery<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Consultants Mr Tom O’Reilly Mr Sean M Carroll<br />

Ms Margaret O’Donnell Dr Catriona Lawlor<br />

Registrars Ms E Fitzgerald Ms T Laing<br />

Mr P O’Sullivan<br />

Occupational Therapist<br />

Hand Therapist<br />

Unit Secretary<br />

Aine O’Reilly<br />

Catherine Cradock<br />

Alison Kelly<br />

Service Development and Activities<br />

The Department of Plastic Surgery provides a general plastic surgery service within the <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s<br />

Healthcare Group for the southeast of the country. We provide specialised services in breast reconstruction,<br />

hand surgery, skin cancer, pressure sore surgery and head and neck reconstruction.<br />

<strong>St</strong> Agnes' ward remains the nominal Plastic Surgery ward but unfortunately due to the pressure of<br />

emergency work we see little increase in the numbers of patients being admitted for elective procedures on<br />

to our ward. We never the less acknowledge the dedication and hard work of the highly competent ward staff.<br />

Out patient clinical activity increased further this year. We recognise the expertise and continued positive<br />

attitude of the OPD nurses.<br />

The hand surgery clinic has now become too busy and we need more occupational and hand therapy hours<br />

to cover the increase in patients seen.<br />

There has been a significant increase in waiting lists for skin cancers due to our inability to admit patients<br />

but a new Friday morning list run in <strong>St</strong> Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> by Ms O’Donnell has helped this immensely.<br />

An additional Wednesday afternoon list has been added and run by our Registrars and this has also helped.<br />

A new booking system for Minor Op Theatre has made the allocation of operating slots more efficient and<br />

was introduced by Ms E Fitzgerald.<br />

Unfortunately due to this high level of activity, sometimes clinical procedures have to be postponed at short<br />

notice due to inevitable unforeseen circumstances.<br />

Mr O’Reilly continues to provide a general plastic surgery service with a special commitment to skin cancer<br />

surgery as well as participating in the paediatric plastic surgery service in Crumlin Children’s <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

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Department - Plastic Surgery<br />

Dr Lawlor and Ms O’Donnell continue to provide a busy breast reconstruction service and it continues to<br />

expand with over one hundred and twenty reconstructions being performed during the year. We have a close<br />

working relationship with the Surgical Professorial Unit from where a significant number of patients are<br />

referred. We also provide a reconstructive service to Breast Check and many patients now undergo breast<br />

reconstruction at the time of their mastectomy. The majority of patients, however, are reconstructed<br />

sometime after their surgery. The service is complimented by the participation of the Breast Care Nurses and<br />

encompasses a Micro-pigmentation (Tattooing) Clinic to complete Nipple-Areolar reconstruction.<br />

A plastic surgical service continues to be provided for the National Rehabilitation <strong>Hospital</strong> (NRH) by Mr<br />

Carroll. An outpatients and ward round at NRH is provided on alternative weeks. Agreement was reached<br />

during the year that 2 protected beds were to be made available for pressure sore reconstruction in the NRH<br />

and this has been an invaluable asset over the last year.<br />

The numbers of complex micro-vascular reconstructions performed over the last year has increased<br />

significantly over previous years. We have been delighted to perform these and have been gratified by the<br />

excellent results obtained but feel that in the medium term the unit cannot continue to expand without the<br />

addition of a permanent fourth consultant.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Surgery<br />

Department of Urology<br />

<strong>St</strong>affing:<br />

Consultants Mr David Quinlan Mr David Mulvin Mr Gerald Lennon<br />

Senior Registrars Mr Gordon Smyth Mr Rowan Casey<br />

(from 01/01/07) (from 01/07/07)<br />

Registrars Dr Kevin O’Connor Mr Ivor Cullen<br />

(from 01/01/07) (from 01/07/07)<br />

Senior House Officers Dr Aisling Hogan Dr Rosemarie Fitzgerald<br />

(from 01/01/07) (from 01/07/07<br />

Interns Dr Lillian Smyth , Dr Eoin Judge, Dr Sinead Barry,<br />

Dr Mark Doherty, Dr Elizabeth Ryan, Dr Barry Hutchinson,<br />

Dr Ferdia Bolster, Dr Claire Gibson<br />

Ward Sisters Sr Mary Nevin Sr Denise Murray (<strong>St</strong> Charles')<br />

Theatre Sisters Sr Linda Mullen, Antoinette Guthrie Sr Breda O'Donoghue<br />

Urology Cancer Nurse Coordinator<br />

Urodynamics/Urology Nurse Practitioner<br />

Inpatient Clinical Coordinator<br />

<strong>St</strong> Charles Ward Secretary<br />

Helen Forristal<br />

Siobhan Gardner<br />

Nuala Kennedy<br />

Krystle Finnegan<br />

Urology Secretaries Louise Bradbury Margot Hennigan<br />

Service Developments/Activities<br />

The year 2007 was again a busy year for the Department of Urology. As in previous years <strong>St</strong> Charles' Ward<br />

continues to have a major throughput mainly due to its protection from admissions from other disciplines<br />

from the 1st of March to the 31st of December. Between the 1st of January and the end of February, <strong>St</strong><br />

Charles’ Ward is available to the Emergency Department for direct admission of patients from other<br />

disciplines. This 10-month protection is invaluable in permitting orderly and timely admissions of patients on<br />

Urological and Gynaecological waiting lists. From a Urological perspective, this permitted the treatment of<br />

patients with:<br />

• Urological malignancies,<br />

• Need of complex urological surgery<br />

• A requirement for complex urological reconstruction or other intervention<br />

• Urological complications of other malignancies (including gynaecological and colorectal malignancies).<br />

This would all not be possible without the invaluable dedication of our Admissions Coordinator, Nuala<br />

Kennedy, who has her office opposite the nurses station on <strong>St</strong> Charles’ Ward and makes herself ever<br />

available to patients on waiting lists for inpatient care.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


Cancer remains a significant focus for the Urology Department in <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and has<br />

done so for the last 4 decades. The 2005 Irish National Cancer Registry figures (the latest figures available)<br />

show that nationally prostate cancer was the commonest solid organ cancer with 2407 cases, breast cancer<br />

was second at 2379 cases and colorectal cancer third at 2184 cases. If one adds in cancers of the kidney<br />

(375), bladder (504) and testis (162) the total number of Urological Cancers numbers 3,448 cases. This<br />

figure does not include less common Urological cancers such as cancer of the ureter, urethra, penis and<br />

scrotum (Table 1).<br />

Table 1: Common Cancers in Ireland 2005 (National Cancer Registry)<br />

Cancer<br />

Number of New Cases<br />

Prostate 2407<br />

Bladder 504<br />

Kidney 375<br />

Testis 162<br />

Total Urological 3448<br />

Breast 2379<br />

Colorectal 2184<br />

<strong>St</strong> Vincent’s Urology has had a sizeable contribution to these figures. On average over the past five years<br />

434 Urological Cancers were diagnosed and treated at <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>. This comprises<br />

15.1% of all newly diagnosed Urological Cancers in Ireland. On average 300 prostate cancers are<br />

diagnosed and treated each year at <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>s. This comprises 12.96% of all newly<br />

diagnosed prostate cancers in the Republic of Ireland. On average 91 radical prostatectomies are performed<br />

per annum by <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> Urologists with an almost similar number being referred for<br />

radiation therapy. These figures do not reflect the large numbers of ongoing Urological Cancer patients<br />

undergoing continuing care at <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s. These patients require outpatient appointments and admissions for<br />

ongoing care. This group of ongoing patients are a large proportion of the patients attending outpatient clinics.<br />

Surgically 2007 has also seen the further development of Laparoscopic Urology under the direction of Mr<br />

David Mulvin. Laparoscopic nephrectomies and pyeloplasties are now a weekly occurrence with more<br />

laparoscopic nephrectomies now being performed for renal cell carcinoma. This is providing significant<br />

improvements in hospital stay and early return to work for patients. Mr Lennon has continued to expand<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Urology<br />

Urodynamics and Female Urology. Surgery for female incontinence remains strong with use of sling<br />

procedures and transobturator tape procedures for stress incontinence and injection of botulinum toxin for<br />

refractory detrusor instability.<br />

One day and five day activity remains vibrant. It must be remembered that the Department of Urology has<br />

no dedicated 5 day beds on the campus of <strong>St</strong> <strong>Vincent's</strong> <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> (having relinquished <strong>St</strong> Kevin's<br />

Ward for five day activity in 2000 in order to obtain protection for inpatients on <strong>St</strong> Charles’ Ward). Its fiveday<br />

activity continues to occur off site in the Annexe of <strong>St</strong> Michael's <strong>Hospital</strong>. One day activity occurs via<br />

<strong>St</strong> Mark’s Ward, <strong>St</strong> Michaels Annexe, <strong>St</strong> Michael’s theatre and, for the first time in 2006, the Ambulatory Day<br />

Care Unit (ADCC). Twelve patients per week are undergoing flexible cystoscopies in the ADCC.<br />

Urodynamics remains very active. Complex urodynamics under the expert guidance of Mr Lennon continue<br />

for patients with incontinence and difficult voiding problems. This has been a major advance for the<br />

department greatly improving the care of this challenging group of patients. An MSD trial on the overactive<br />

bladder continues. Urodynamics also provides a tremendous service for male patients presenting for the first<br />

time to the outpatients with Prostate symptoms. These men undergo a pre-assessment with Siobhan<br />

Gardner consisting of urinalysis, renal profile, prostate specific antigen, symptoms score, uroflow and<br />

estimation of post void residual prior to seeing their consultant in the ADCC. This provides for instant<br />

decision making at the patient’s first consultation and has been invaluable.<br />

As in 2006, the purpose built Urology Unit in the new Ambulatory Day Care Centre provides an ideal<br />

environment in which to treat Urological patients in a private and confidential setting. As has been the case<br />

now in Urology for the past five years, patients are given timed appointments for their clinic visits and every<br />

effort is made to see patients in a timely, courteous and professional manner. This provides a significant<br />

challenge for urology with only three clinics per week and the time constraints of three hours per clinic. The<br />

numbers of patients seeking Urological appointments now far outstrips the number of available<br />

appointments. For the first time, 2007 saw the referral of some new patients with lower acuity clinical<br />

problems to the National Purchase Treatment Fund for first time outpatient appointments.<br />

Departmental <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

During 2007 there were 9045 patient presentations calculated from presentation to outpatients, admissions<br />

(includes theatre, urodynamics and inpatient consults) which included:<br />

Outpatients<br />

• A total of 5,083 outpatients were seen by the Urology Department. Three Urological Outpatients<br />

occur per week on the <strong>St</strong> <strong>Vincent's</strong> Campus with 4,274 outpatient attendances. Of these 896 were new<br />

patient attendances. There were 809 outpatient attendances in <strong>St</strong> Michael's <strong>Hospital</strong> seen in one weekly<br />

outpatients of which 275 were new patient attendances.<br />

Theatre<br />

• Surgical procedures totaled 2,713 with 1,811 surgical procedures performed on the <strong>St</strong> <strong>Vincent's</strong><br />

Campus, 358 performed at <strong>St</strong> Michael's <strong>Hospital</strong> and a further 544 procedures performed in the<br />

<strong>St</strong> Michael's Annexe.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


Department - Urology<br />

Consults<br />

• 394 inpatient consultations in 2007.<br />

Urodynamics<br />

There were 855 urodynamic procedures performed.<br />

Teaching<br />

For the urological trainees there is a major emphasis placed on teaching with academic conferences,<br />

teaching in the operating room and research endeavours. Each day starts with an organised teaching<br />

session with weekly conferences on:<br />

• Research Conference and Journal Review (Monday 8:15AM)<br />

• Irish Society of Urology Teaching Conference (Monday 7:00PM)<br />

• Uroradiology Conference (Tuesday 8:15AM),<br />

• Surgical Conference (Wednesday 8:15AM),<br />

• Uropathology Conference (Thursday 8:15AM)<br />

• Audit (Friday 8:15AM)<br />

Monthly meetings occur as below:<br />

• Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting (Monthly, Monday 8:15 AM)<br />

• <strong>University</strong> College Dublin Urology Conference (Bi-Monthly on Thursdays 6:30PM<br />

between MMUH and SVUH)<br />

• Irish Society of Urology Clinical Case Conference (Monthly Wednesdays 7:00PM)<br />

Ongoing Clinical Trials<br />

• Atrasentan for prostate cancer (Abbott)<br />

• Merck Sharpe & Dohme Overactive Bladder <strong>St</strong>udy<br />

Publications<br />

Magill P, Jacob T, Lennon GM: A rare case of segmental testicular infarction. Urology 69:983, 2007.<br />

Floyd MS Jr, Dowling CM, Power RE, O'Bien A, Gibney RG, Quinlan DM: Ectopic splenic tissue presenting<br />

as a scrotal mass. Ir J Med Sci 176(2):141-2, 2007.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Urology<br />

Healy CE, Leonard DS, Cahill R, Mulvin D, Quinlan D: Primary endourologic realignment of complete<br />

posterior urethral disruption. Ir Med J 100(6):488-9. 2007.<br />

Quinlan MR, Teahan S, Mulvin D, Quinlan DM: Is digital rectal examination still necessary in the early<br />

detection of prostate cancer? Ir J Med Sci 176(3):161-3. 2007.<br />

Lim CH, Quinlan DM: Are doctors examining prostates in university hospital? Urology: 70(5):843-5, 2007.<br />

Connolly SS, Mulvin DW, Quinlan DM, Lennon GM: Painful hydronephrosis of pregnancy. Eur J Obst Gynecol<br />

Reprod Biol, Dec 2007<br />

O'Daly BJ, O'Brien MF, Dowling CM, Crotty TB, Watson AJ, Moriarty MJ, Mulvin DW:<br />

Squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis after curative retroperitoneal<br />

radiotherapy for seminoma. Urology 70(4):812, 2007.<br />

Future Plans<br />

The plans for 2008 must again emergently focus around improvements in ward accommodation for inpatients<br />

on <strong>St</strong> Charles’ Ward, particularly regarding privacy, shower and toilet facilities. This is an ongoing<br />

problem for the two specialties affecting women and men (Gynaecology and Urology) where the highest<br />

levels of privacy, hygiene and access to toilet and bathing/showering facilities are required. Plans have been<br />

drawn up for improvements to <strong>St</strong> Charles’ Ward but, unfortunately, we again anticipate their implementation.<br />

Urology has the potential to take advantage of its new outpatient setting with the development of “one stop<br />

shops” for:<br />

• Haematuria Clinics (with same day renal ultrasound and flexi-cystoscopy)<br />

• Prostate Clinics (with same day urodynamics, PSA testing etc)<br />

• Dysfunctional Voiding / Incontinence Clinics (with same day urodynamics and flexi-cystoscopy)<br />

For the first time in 2007 the Ambulatory Day Care Unit started its service for patients undergoing flexible<br />

cystoscopies. The plans for 2008 are for this to occur during outpatient clinics to facilitate a “one stop shop”<br />

for patients with haematuria and voiding dysfunction.<br />

The application for a fourth Urological Consultant has now been submitted following the resolution of the<br />

new consultants’ contract.<br />

Outpatient numbers pose a difficult problem. The numbers per clinic must be reduced to provide a higher<br />

quality service to each individual patient. Demand far outstrips supply of appointments. A fourth Urological<br />

appointment would certainly help. Novel solutions such as private practice Urologists being contracted for<br />

outpatient sessions may need to be looked at to cope with the growing volumes of patients.<br />

Unfortunately, the Post Graduate Diploma in Urology Nursing was stalled this year by <strong>University</strong> College<br />

Dublin due to a lack of candidates. Discussions are afoot to plan the future of the course.<br />

2008 will see the introduction of an annual “Visiting Professor” with Dr Alan Partin, Chief of Urology at Johns<br />

Hopkins arriving in July 2008.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Surgery<br />

Department of Vascular Surgery<br />

<strong>St</strong>affing<br />

Consultants: Mary Barry Denis Mehigan <strong>St</strong>ephen Sheehan<br />

Hugo Prins (Locum)<br />

Senior Registrars: Tony Moloney Graham Roche Nagle<br />

Registrars: Mo Atie Bunmi Esam John McCormack<br />

Senior House Officers: Joe Baker Danielle Collins Lange Nqwena<br />

Interns: Lucy Belton Claire Leonard Elysha McGovern<br />

Mark Owens Aileen Rogers Alison Whelan<br />

Rory Whelan<br />

Assistant Director of Nursing: Margaret Cullen Maureen Flynn<br />

Clinical Nurse Managers: Mary Leamy Fionnuala McCusker Sandra Shea<br />

Theatre Sisters: Bernadette Farrell Annette Hughes Maura McEvoy<br />

Plethysmographist:<br />

Tissue Viability Nurse:<br />

Catherine Kelly<br />

Deirdre Cornally<br />

The Vascular Surgery Unit at <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> had another busy year in 2007. The department<br />

serves a population of up to 700,000 in our catchment area of Dublin and also the south east of the country.<br />

Bed shortages remain a major problem but effective cooperation with our referral hospitals has helped to<br />

maintain turnover of a satisfactory volume of elective as well as urgent and emergency work. The High<br />

Dependency Unit continues to be central to the throughput of complex and critically ill patients. The role of<br />

protected beds and their management by the ward staff cannot be overstated in the delivery of the service.<br />

Close cooperation between the departments of Vascular Surgery and Interventional Radiology has further<br />

developed the endovascular programme particularly in the area of aortic stent grafting. To date 28<br />

procedures have been successfully performed. 2007 has also seen a significant change in the management<br />

of symptomatic deep venous thrombosis through collaboration with Dr Brophy, Interventional Radiologist,<br />

producing very good results. There is an ongoing programme of haemodialysis vascular access covering the<br />

local needs of SVUH and the south east region.<br />

In March 2007 we finally moved into the new Ambulatory Day Care Centre (ADCC) facility which places the<br />

out patient clinic area in close proximity to the Vascular Laboratory and the Vascular Ulcer Clinic. The great<br />

success of the latter has already posed its own strains on resources and plans to extend its hours of<br />

operation are under consideration. The centralisation of the services in the ADCC has also allowed a certain<br />

amount of streamlining of patient attendance.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Vascular Surgery<br />

Department Activity 2007<br />

Admissions 2007<br />

Elective 244<br />

7 day 242<br />

5 day 2<br />

Urgent/Emergency 267<br />

Day Care 95<br />

Total 606<br />

Out Patient Attendances 2007<br />

Outpatient sessions 146<br />

New Patients 764<br />

Return Patients 2696<br />

Total 3460<br />

Operative Procedures 2007 2006 2005<br />

Elective 317 273 276<br />

Emergency 97 51 71<br />

Total 414 324 347<br />

Meetings Attended<br />

Meetings attended by members of the department during the year were:<br />

Cerebrovascular Meeting, RSM. January 2007<br />

Carotid <strong>St</strong>enting Course, RCSI. February 2007<br />

Pre-operative Evaluation for Endovascular Aortic Aneurysm Repair, London. April 2007<br />

Charing Cross Meeting, London, April 2007<br />

Venous Forum, London, June 2007<br />

European Society of Vascular Surgery, Madrid, Sept 2007<br />

Vascular Society, November 2007<br />

Mr. Denis Mehigan is a member of the executive of the Irish Association of Vascular Surgeons and represents<br />

that body on the Vascular Advisory Committee. He is also a member of the Court of Examiners (FRCSI).<br />

Mr. <strong>St</strong>ephen Sheehan is an instructor on the Basic Surgical Skills Course and is an examiner of the<br />

European Board of Vascular Surgery. He is a member of the executive of the Irish Association of Vascular<br />

Surgery and represents the RCSI on the Vascular Division of the UEMS.<br />

Ms. Mary Barry is Secretary of the Basic Surgical Training Committee, RCSI and a faculty member on the<br />

Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient (CCRISP) Course.<br />

Academic Activity<br />

Guest Lectures<br />

Surviving High Risk Vascular Surgery. M. Barry, Charter Day RCSI Feb 2007<br />

Major Lower Limb Amputations. M. Barry, Annual Physiotherapy <strong>St</strong>udy Day, AMANCH, Feb 2007<br />

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Department of Vascular Surgery<br />

Presentations<br />

Doctor's attitudes about prescribing and knowledge of the costs of common medications.<br />

C McGuire, S King, G Roche-Nagle, MC Barry, S Sheehan.<br />

Sylvester O’Halloran Surgical / Scientific Meeting March 2007.<br />

Elastic Compression <strong>St</strong>ockings to Prevent the Post-thrombotic Syndrome – Patient and physican<br />

practices and perceptions. G Roche-Nagle, F Chambers, MC Barry, D Mehigan, S Sheehan.<br />

Sylvester O’Halloran Surgical / Scientific Meeting March 2007<br />

Publications<br />

Roche-Nagle G, Barry MC, Ryan R, Brophy DP<br />

Considerations in the diagnosis and therapy for deep venous thrombosis Am J Emerg Med 2007 860-4<br />

Roche-Nagle G, Ryan R, Barry M, Brophy DP Effort thrombosis of the upper extremity in a young<br />

sportsman: Paget-Schroetter syndrome Br J Sports Med 2007 540-1<br />

Hughes FM, Kavanagh D, Barry M, Owens A, MacErlaine DP, Malone DE Aorto-enteric fistula: a diagnostic<br />

dilemma Abdom Imaging 2007; 398-402<br />

Neary P, Hurson C, Briain DO, Brabazon A, Mehigan D, Keaveney TV, Sheehan S.<br />

Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair and colonic infarction: a risk factor appraisal.<br />

Colorectal Dis 2007;9:166-172<br />

Roche-Nagle G, O'Donnell DH, Brophy DP, Barry MC. Primary aortoenteric fistula.<br />

Am J Surg. 2008 Apr;195(4):506-7.<br />

Roche-Nagle GM, Barry MC, Ryan R, Brophy DP.<br />

Considerations in the diagnosis and therapy for deep vein thrombosis.<br />

Am J Emerg Med. 2007 Sep;25(7):860.<br />

Roche-Nagle G, O'Donnell D, O'Hanrahan T.<br />

Visceral artery aneurysms: a symptomatic aneurysm of the ileocolic artery.<br />

Vascular. 2007 May-Jun;15(3):162-6.<br />

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248<br />


Reports<br />

Medical and Surgical Gastroenterology<br />

incorporating the Centre for Colorectal Disease<br />

Report from the Emergency Department<br />

Report from the Pathology Department<br />

Report from the Radiology Department<br />

Report from the Clinical Director of<br />

Psychiatry<br />

Report from the Department of Old Age Psychiatry<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medicine<br />

Medical and Surgical Gastroenterology<br />

incorporating Centre for Colorectal Disease<br />

Consultant Medical and Surgical staff<br />

Medical Gastroenterology: Professor DP O’Donoghue, Dr HE Mulcahy<br />

Colorectal Surgery: Mr J Hyland, Mr D Winter, Professor R O’Connell<br />

GI Pathology: Dr K Sheahan, Dr D Gibbons<br />

GI Diagnostic Imaging: Dr C Collins, Dr R Gibney, Dr D Malone.<br />

Dr D Brophy.<br />

Medical Oncology:<br />

Dr D Fennelly<br />

Radiation Oncology: Dr M Moriarty, Professor J Armstrong<br />

Non-Consultant Medical and Surgical staff<br />

Specialist Registrars: Dr E Slattery: Dr J Sheridan: Mr D Beddy:<br />

Mr F Fleming:<br />

Ms A Hanley<br />

Clinical Nurse Managers<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Luke’s Ward Ms A Smyth, Ms G O’Neill<br />

Endoscopy Unit Mr R Marshall, Ms F Kavanagh<br />

Research <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Senior Research Scientist Jacintha O’Sullivan<br />

Senior Medical Scientist Robert Geraghty<br />

Research Nurse<br />

Blathnaid Nolan<br />

Senior Scientist<br />

Dermot Leahy<br />

Research Assistant Miriam Tosetto<br />

Postdoctoral Fellow<br />

(joint fellow with Rheumatology) Monica Biniecka<br />

Postdoctoral Fellow<br />

(NCI/HRB fellow)<br />

Edward Fox<br />

MD research fellow Alan Coss Dave Kevans Joe Marry<br />

Garret Cullen<br />

Ph.D student Sheeona Gorman Juliette Sheridan Maciej Milewski<br />

MSc. <strong>St</strong>udent<br />

Julie Gorman<br />

MCh fellow<br />

Chin Hong Lim<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medical and Surgical Gastroenterology<br />

Dieticians<br />

Medical Gastroenterology<br />

Surgical Gastroenterology<br />

Ms M Doyle<br />

Ms N Bates<br />

Specialist support staff<br />

Cancer Nurse Co-ordinator Ms A White<br />

Colorectal Nurse Specialists Ms G McEvoy: Ms J McCarthy: Ms W Hillery<br />

IBD & Genetics<br />

Nurse Specialist<br />

Ms D Keegan<br />

IT/Excelicare Mr S Thompson; Mr K Curran; Ms M Ward.<br />

Secretary<br />

Ms G O’Neill<br />

Clinical<br />

In 2007 Medical and Surgical Gastroenterology completed the move to a single department with the<br />

opening of <strong>St</strong> Luke’s wards 1 & 2. Patients with acute gastrointestinal illnesses are admitted to these wards<br />

either via the Emergency Department or off the waiting lists. This relative protection has greatly improved the<br />

functioning of the unit and allows for a more rapid throughput of patients. Thus Medical and Surgical<br />

Gastroenterology now encompasses combined outpatient clinics, weekly clinical and audit meetings and a<br />

shared ward. Close to one third of all hospital admissions fit into the category of acute or chronic<br />

gastroenterological disease and these integrated services, unique in the country, are clearly appropriate. The<br />

move to the Ambulatory Day Care Centre in the new building continues to bear fruit with greater numbers<br />

undergoing procedures each year under the excellent management of Mr Richard Marshall and his team. The<br />

appointment of a half time Registrar to the unit has been of major benefit to the Endoscopy Unit but more<br />

specifically to the Emergency Department. We are now in a position to offer almost immediate endoscopy<br />

facilities to patients in the Emergency Department such that many are able to go home on the same day and<br />

thus free up badly needed beds.<br />

The dedicated <strong>St</strong> Luke’s Ward and the additional staff has allowed the early development of specialty referral<br />

whereby many patients arriving in the Emergency Department are now seen and taken over by Medical<br />

Gastroenterology, again ensuring a quicker and more focused admission. The weekly Radiology and<br />

Pathology conferences run with our colleagues in Diagnostic Imaging and Pathology allow for best practice<br />

in patient care and provide an excellent source of teaching for junior staff. We wish to acknowledge the close<br />

clinical and scientific support we receive from our colleagues in Medical and Surgical Oncology and Palliative<br />

Care.<br />

We welcomed Ronan O’Connell as Professor of Surgery at <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> in 2007. Professor<br />

O’Connell has an international reputation in colorectal surgery and, in particular, in disorders of the pelvic<br />

floor. His arrival further strengthens the reputation of the Gastroenterology Division in the hospital.<br />

We also wish to put on record our thanks to our nursing colleagues on <strong>St</strong>. Luke’s and <strong>St</strong>. Patrick’s Wards who<br />

manage our gastroenterology patients despite major involvement in general medical and surgical call. We<br />

wish to express our thanks to Ms Nuala Donnelly and staff in <strong>St</strong>. Mark’s Day ward for all their magnificent<br />

work throughout the year. We look forward to the opening of a new and expanded <strong>St</strong>. Marks in 2008.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medical and Surgical Gastroenterology<br />

Research and Education<br />

The Centre for Colorectal Disease (CCD) is an umbrella for clinicians and scientists with an interest in<br />

Colorectal Cancer, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Functional Bowel Disorders. The aims of the centre are<br />

the delivery of state of the art services for our patients, research into causes and treatment and the education<br />

of the public. However, the multidisciplinary team would be unable to function successfully without the aid of<br />

nursing co-ordinators and nurse specialists such as Anne White, Denise Keegan and Grace McEvoy who<br />

lead patients through the varied and complex pathways of diagnosis, treatment and postoperative stoma care<br />

in a way that appears seamless. Joanne McCarthy has joined the team as a nurse specialist. The Excelicare<br />

database system is now the backbone of the weekly Colorectal Cancer audit organised by Anne White,<br />

Marian Ward, <strong>St</strong>ewart Thompson and Ken Curran.<br />

The research arm of the Centre for Colorectal Disease continues to flourish under the guidance of Dr<br />

Jacintha O’Sullivan, Senior Research Scientist. The main research goals of the Centre for Colorectal Disease<br />

are to achieve a more complete understanding of which biological factors that drive colorectal cancer and to<br />

determine if different biological markers can distinguish people at high risk and elucidate which subset of<br />

patients will response to particular treatment regimes. The goal of these translational research projects based<br />

on unique and exciting explant work is to determine which cancers require additional treatment and what<br />

therapies might be most effective. Such work has the potential for huge financial savings in the management<br />

of Colorectal Cancer. The large and detailed databases for patients with Bowel Cancer and Inflammatory<br />

Bowel Disease enable many of the projects to be achieved. The unit has very productive collaborations with<br />

both national and international institutions.<br />

Along with our colleagues in the Mater Misericordiae <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and <strong>University</strong> College Dublinunder<br />

the umbrella of Dublin Academic Health Care- the Centre has received recommendation for a 5<br />

million euro grant that, at the time of writing, awaits funding confirmation from the HRB. This grant is centred<br />

on the management of bowel cancer in the elderly.<br />

Professors O’Donoghue and O’Connell represent the <strong>Hospital</strong> on the National Colorectal Cancer Screening<br />

Committee.<br />

Our Annual International Colorectal Meeting in the Education and Research Centre each September<br />

continues to draw large numbers of attendees and is an ideal platform to display the various strengths and<br />

activities of the unit.<br />

We wish to record our thanks to the many individuals and groups who raise funds for our research. In<br />

particular we would like to acknowledge foundations to the memory of Ellie Brady, Susie Byrne and<br />

Darragh Gibbons.<br />

Papers<br />

Selected papers : (21 in total 2007)<br />

O’Sullivan J, Sheridan J, Mulcahy H, Tenniswood M and Morrissey C. The effect of green tea on oxidative<br />

damage and tumour formation in Lobound-Wistar rats.<br />

(accepted Dec 2007, currently in press).<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medical and Surgical Gastroenterology<br />

Cullen G, O'Toole A, Keegan D, Sheahan K, Hyland JM, O'Donoghue DP. Long-term clinical results of<br />

ileocecal resection for Crohn's disease. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2007 Nov;13(11):1369-73.<br />

Hanly AM, Winter DC.<br />

The role of thrombomodulin in malignancy.<br />

Semin Thromb Hemost. 2007 Oct;33(7):673-9. Review.<br />

PMID: 18000794 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Feighery LM, Cochrane SW, Quinn T, Baird AW, O'Toole D, Owens SE, O'Donoghue DP, Mrsny RJ, Brayden DJ.<br />

Myosin Light Chain Kinase Inhibition: Correction of Increased Intestinal Epithelial Permeability In Vitro.<br />

Pharm Res. 2007 Dec 27; [Epub ahead of print]<br />

PMID: 18163202 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]<br />

Burke JP, Mulsow JJ, O'Keane C, Docherty NG, Watson RW, O'Connell PR.<br />

Fibrogenesis in Crohn's disease.<br />

Am J Gastroenterol. 2007 Feb;102(2):439-48. Epub 2006 Dec 11. Review.<br />

PMID: 17156147 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

McGuire BB, Brannigan AE, O'Connell PR.<br />

Ileal pouch-anal anastomosis.<br />

Br J Surg. 2007 Jul;94(7):812-23. Review.<br />

PMID: 17571291 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]<br />

Book Chapter<br />

Shields C, O’Connell PR<br />

ELECTROCAUTERY in Trimbos JB, Trimbos-Kemper TC eds BASICS OF SURGERY:tools, techniques,<br />

attitude and expertise. 2007 Elsevier, Maarssen, 67-77<br />

Presentations in 2007<br />

16 abstracts were presented during 2007 at various international and national meetings. These included the<br />

American Association for Cancer Research, American Gastroenterology Association, Irish Association for<br />

Cancer Research and the Irish Society of Gastroenterology.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medical and Surgical Gastroenterology<br />

Invited Talks<br />


Professor Ronan O’Connell<br />


Fibrogenesis in Crohn’s Disease<br />

London, August, 2007<br />


“Publication in an electronic era”<br />

Sir Peter Freyer <strong>St</strong>ate of the Art Lecture<br />

Galway, September, 2007<br />



“Obstetric injury to faecal continence mechanisms” Adelaide, Australia, October, 2007<br />



“How to get published” Adelaide, Australia, October, 2007<br />



“<strong>St</strong>rictures in Crohn’s Disease” ESR Hughes Lecture, Adelaide, Australia, October, 2007<br />


“Why are research and publication important to the modern surgeon”<br />

Sir Alan Parks’ Lecture <strong>St</strong> Mark’s <strong>Hospital</strong>, London, November 2007.<br />

Sir Alan Parks Visiting Professor<br />

<strong>St</strong> Mark’s <strong>Hospital</strong>, London (November 2007)<br />


Mr John Hyland<br />

(Sept) Modern Management Colorectal Cancer<br />

Faculty of Radiology/Radiotherapy Annual Meeting Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland<br />

Laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer. Prof Peter Lee Lecture. <strong>University</strong> of Hull United Kingdom<br />

The Evidence for Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery<br />

International Laparoscopic Course RCSI/AMANCH Keynote Speaker<br />

Laparoscopic Surgery for Colorectal Cancer European Surgical Institute Hamburg. Keynote Speaker<br />

<strong>St</strong>udents Graduated in 2007:<br />

Edward Fox, Ph.D. Thesis Title: Molecular analysis of colorectal cancer and its role in detecting familial cancer.<br />

Julie Gorman, MSc. Thesis title: The effect of telomerase inhibition in regulating treatment response in<br />

colorectal cancer cell lines.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Medical and Surgical Gastroenterology<br />

Grants Active in 2007 involving members of CCD amount to approx 1.75 million euro<br />

Health Research Board 2006-2009. Co-Investigator. €174,400.<br />

Almac Diagnostics 2006-2008. Principal Investigator. €106,000.<br />

Altana Newman Fellowship 2006-2008. Principal Investigator. €80,000.<br />

Health Research Board 2004-2007. Co-Investigator. €185,000<br />

Cancer Research Ireland 2004-2007. Co-Investigator. €145,000.<br />

HRB Translational Research Grant 2006-2011.<br />

€1.5 million.<br />

HRB NCI Cancer Prevention Fellowship 2006-2008 €110,000<br />

UCD Seed Funding Multidisciplinary Funding 2006-2007 €9,000<br />

UCD Seed Funding Multidisciplinary Funding 2006-2007. €15,000<br />

Almac Diagnostics 2006-2008. €106,000.<br />

Altana Newman Fellowship 2006-2008. €80,000<br />

Merck Newman Fellowship 2006-2008 €138,000.<br />

Health Research Board 2004-2007 €185,000<br />

Cancer Research Ireland 2004-2007 €145,000<br />

Health Research Board 2002 – 2008 €630,000<br />

Health Research Board 2007 – 2010 €98,000<br />

Health Research Board 2007 – 2010 €172,000<br />

RSCI / RCS Edinburgh Research Fellowship. 2007- 2009 €160,000<br />

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Department of Emergency Medicine<br />

Introduction<br />

Department overcrowding due to admission delay continues to be the main challenge to improving efficiency<br />

and patient care. We are grateful to our in house colleagues and Bed Management for their efforts to assist<br />

us. This is a country wide problem and strong central action is required urgently. Locally we continue with<br />

innovative pathways of care and improved efficiency.<br />

Service developments<br />

Our priority continues to be streamed pathways of care while concentrating on key performance indicators.<br />

Early assessment of patients by a health care professional is pivotal and over 90% of our patients have had<br />

an assessment carried out within 10 minutes of arrival. Increasingly this is being combined with a medical<br />

assessment in an overall Rapid Treatment and Assessment programme. Alan Doyle is taking the nurse lead<br />

in this area. A proportion of patients can be directed to more appropriate care outside the Emergency<br />

Department, within the department they are directed to the most appropriate area for their care.<br />

Pathways of care continuing into the hospital are not possible without extensive cooperation with our inhouse<br />

colleagues and we are particularly grateful to Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine, Neurology,<br />

Gastroenterology, Care of the Elderly and Haematology in this regard. These links are essential if we wish to<br />

progress to Speciality Specific Admissions with emphasis on enhancement for care of the elderly and the<br />

further development of a stroke unit with a stroke neurologist and adequate rehabilitation facilities. Many<br />

pathways start in other hospitals in our region such as trauma bypass, suspected aortic rupture and fractured<br />

neck of femur and close cooperation as part of the regionalised plan for emergency care is essential.<br />

Audit related to risk management continues with emphasis on hygiene and infection prevention and control.<br />

Recent audits of clinical notes and patient satisfaction have been very valuable. We audit clinical incident<br />

reporting, patient recall, did not waits, drug related incidents and all aspects of communication that often<br />

underlie adverse incidents. A recent audit of the Chest Pain Evaluation Unit has shown results in keeping<br />

with the best international standards. There have been a number of international presentations based on the<br />

Deep Vein Thrombosis protocol and Exit Clinic and following this a Pulmonary Embolism protocol is being<br />

developed. During the year there were two activations of the Major Emergency plan. There has been<br />

extensive debriefing and audit of our response to this plan. We are very grateful to the hospital auditor Mr.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Emergency Medicine<br />

Sean Kingston for his role in preparing the debriefing audit with recommendations. Based on this internal<br />

and external trials of the plan on a regular basis are planned. We would also like to thank Ian Callanan with<br />

his audit help throughout the year.<br />

Publications and presentations<br />

“Should you play sport with a congenital or acquired abnormality of a solid abdominal organ”<br />

J Ryan<br />

Evidence Based Sports Medicine (2nd edition)<br />

Authors: Prof D MacAuley, T Best<br />

BMJ Publications 2007 ISBN 978 1 4051 3298 5<br />

“Adolescents Attending an Adult Emergency Department: Their utilisation Characteristics and Self-<br />

Reported Opinions of Care provided”<br />

Fry R, Ryan J, Salter N, Murrin C, Kelleher CC<br />

Ir Med J 2007 100(7): 525-529<br />

“Evaluation of a novel electronic algorithm for the management of paracetamol overdose”<br />

Presented at the 2007 Mediterranean conference on Emergency Medicine<br />

J Horan, A Nayeem, J Ryan<br />

“Treating Pain in the Emergency Department”<br />

Presented at the 2007 Mediterranean Conference on Emergency Medicine<br />

S Kuan, N Collins, S Kuan, J Ryan, M Boland, I Callinan<br />

"The effects of night-time closure on an urban district emergency department"<br />

Presented at the European Emergency Medicine Conference (EUSEM), Italy<br />

M Rochford, R Drew, <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

<strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

The total number of patients attending the Emergency Department was 41,531 (new 37,840).<br />

The total number of patients admitted through the Emergency Department was 9,676 (320 more than<br />

previous year).<br />

The total admission to the Clinical Decision Unit was 1,205.<br />

Future plans<br />

The emphasis for the coming year is to concentrate on our Key Performance Indicators and our Quality<br />

Improvement Plans as part of the hospital accreditation programme. This is to be combined with<br />

strengthening regionalisation with the objective of achieving efficient specialty specific admissions from the<br />

emergency departments throughout the region.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Reports<br />

Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine<br />

Service Developments/Activities<br />

During 2007 there was a further major emphasis on quality initiatives and audit. Clinical Pathology<br />

Accreditation UK Ltd. (CPA) carried out an inspection of the new facilities in conjunction with surveillance<br />

audits in Biochemistry, Haematology, Blood Bank, Nuclear Medicine, Endocrinology, Metabolism and<br />

Histopathology. The outcome of the visit was that Haematology/Blood Bank and Histopathology retained<br />

their CPA accreditation and that the other laboratories listed above were granted full CPA accreditation status.<br />

The Microbiology laboratory applied for CPA assessment in April 2007 and an assessment visit is scheduled<br />

for March 2008.<br />

In meeting the requirements of the EU Blood Directive, the Blood Bank applied for ISO15189 accreditation<br />

in November 2007 with an assessment scheduled for January 2008.<br />

In conjunction with ICT a major hardware upgrade of the laboratory information system was implemented in<br />

September 2007, which resulted in a significant improvement in the operational performance of the system.<br />

The laboratory quality management system Q-Pulse was upgraded to Version 5.0 in November and it is<br />

planned to train all staff on the new system in 2008.<br />

The level of achievement in the above projects could not have been achieved without the commitment and<br />

team effort of all the Pathology staff.<br />

Significant Developments<br />

Other significant developments in 2007 include the following:<br />

A programme to assist the management and usage of blood and blood products between <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> and <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong>s commenced in October. In 2005 a similar programme had<br />

been set up with <strong>St</strong>. Columcilles <strong>Hospital</strong>, which was successful in improving the utilisation of blood.<br />

The appointment of a blood bank network quality officer has facilitated the establishment of links between<br />

the hospital blood banks in the region. In particular, the initiative has enabled SVUH blood bank to provide<br />

support to the hospitals in the region in their efforts to achieve compliance with ISO15189 by the EU Blood<br />

Directive deadline of November 2008.<br />

Following the commissioning of new analysers and pre-analytical automation in the Biochemistry laboratory<br />

in 2006, Roche Diagnostics have now identified the laboratory as the Irish “Showcase Site” for visitors.<br />

There has been considerable expansion of the role of Biochemistry staff in the quality management of both<br />

blood gas and glucose monitoring at point of care. The number of glucose meters and gas analysers has<br />

increased and staff were involved in the validation of two new blood gas analysers for Theatre and the<br />

training of over 100 Theatre nurses.<br />

Testing for Her2 in-situ using a Fluorescence Hybridization technique was launched in Histopathology. The<br />

test is used to determine treatment in breast cancer.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine<br />

In Microbiology and in collaboration with UCD, molecular typing of cystic fibrosis pseudomonas was<br />

introduced as per the recommendations of the Pollock Report.<br />

To enhance communication with GPs a twice yearly Microbiology newsletter was launched as a quality initiative.<br />

In Haematology a new protocol was introduced for the administration of Heparin throughout the hospital. In<br />

response to requests from the Drugs and Therapeutics Committee and to facilitate the introduction of a new<br />

Heparin monitoring protocol, the APTT ratio has been added to the haematology profile.<br />

A significant new development was the instigation by the Metabolism Laboratory and Dr Malachi McKenna<br />

of joint paediatric meetings to be held quarterly with consultants and medical staff from OLHSC, Crumlin and<br />

Temple <strong>St</strong>reet Children’s <strong>Hospital</strong> and AMNCH Tallaght. The inaugural meeting was held on 7th September.<br />

The format consisted of case presentations, including bone biomarker results at baseline and on treatment,<br />

followed by interactive discussions.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

Professor McKenna retired as Consultant Endocrinologist and Director of the Endocrinology and Metabolism<br />

Laboratories in August, 2007. His career, his contribution to medical research and thirty years of clinical<br />

service to <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> was marked by tributes from friends and colleagues who attended<br />

a scientific meeting to mark his retirement.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff who achieved promotion to higher grades in 2007 included the following:<br />

Acting Senior Medical Scientist<br />

Ms. Sandra Doyle<br />

Specialist Medical Scientist (Training)<br />

Ms Jean Kavanagh<br />

Senior Phlebotomist<br />

Ms. Gay Wright<br />

Senior Phlebotomists<br />

Ms. Miriam Hogan<br />

Acting Senior Clinical Biochemists<br />

Ms. Laure McAleavey<br />

Acting Senior Clinical Biochemist<br />

Ms. Catherine Higgins<br />

Senior Medical Scientist (Breastcheck)<br />

Ms. Louise Flanagan<br />

Acting Senior Medical Scientist (Endocrinology) Mr. James Connolly<br />

Job Sharing Microbiology Consultant<br />

Dr. Kirsten Schaffer<br />

Senior Medical Scientist<br />

Ms. Maura Reynolds<br />

Grade IV Secretary<br />

Ms Chie Borlongan<br />

New staff who joined the department included:<br />

Mr Ger Noone, Mr Alan Byrne and Ms Sinead Bradshaw.(Phlebotomists).<br />

Ms. Alison Breslon, Ms. Aoife Prendergast, Ms. Sarah Carroll, Ms. Nicola Faherty, Mr. Gordon Dixon, Ms.<br />

Deirdre O’Shea, Ms. Helena Duggan, Ms. Amanda Lynch, Ms. Margaret Ann Connaughton, Ms. Aoife<br />

O’Sullivan (Medical Scientists).<br />

Ms. Mary Walsh, Ms. Ursula Fox (Senior Medical Scientists).<br />

Ms. Fiona Tamas, Ms. Mireia Giralt Cubi (Admin).<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine<br />

Ms. Michelle Cox, Vivian Cullen, Ms. Julie Rogers, Ms. Sharon Clifton, Mr. Joji Matthews, Ms. Juliette Griffin,<br />

Mr. Simon Smyth, Mr. Tom Nelluveilli, Ms. Eva Sadlier, Mr. Ben Glendon (Laboratory Aides).<br />

Ms. Elizabeth Kehoe, Ms. Susan Brady (Transfusion Surveillance Officers).<br />

Outstanding Achievements<br />

Prof. Dr. Joe Duffy continues to act as Focus Group Leader of the gastrointestinal group of the European<br />

Group on Tumour Markers (EGTM). EGTM is a European Expert Group involved in preparing guidelines on<br />

the use of tumour markers in different malignancies.<br />

Dr. Eoghan O’Neill was successful in the MRCPath.<br />

Ms Carmel Wren, Medical Scientist, presented a poster on the validation of a VRE screening medium and<br />

VRE epidemiology in SVUH at the Federation of Infection Societies in Cardiff.<br />

Ms. Deirdre Keating, Medical Scientist, gave a presentation of CF work and presented two posters at the<br />

Annual Cystic Fibrosis Conference in Killarney.<br />

Ms. Elaine O’Shea, Medical Scientist, took leave of absence from March – September to work with<br />

underprivileged children at the Sara Fox <strong>Hospital</strong> in Cape Town, South Africa.<br />

Dr. Karen Murphy, is Deputy National Specialist Director for Haematology and Education to the IMS/HAI.<br />

Mr. Ivan Shirley, is Vice Chairman of the <strong>St</strong>eering Committee of the Irish External Quality Assessment<br />

scheme.<br />

Ms. Geraldine Collier, continued her role as Chairman of the Association of Clinical Biochemistry, Republic<br />

of Ireland region.<br />

Dr. Sean Cunningham, is Chairman of the Clinical Biochemists Registration Board.<br />

Mr. Rowland Reece, continues his role as member of the Irish Expert Body on Fluoride and Health.<br />

Ms. Colette Hatton gave a presentation on “<strong>St</strong>ress in the Workplace” at the Phlebotomists Association of<br />

Ireland Conference.<br />

Dr. Tom Smith, is the Association of Clinical Biochemists’ representative on the Irish EQA <strong>St</strong>eering committee.<br />

Ms. Sheila McKeon, Grade IV Admin, successfully completed her Diploma in First Line Management.<br />

Ms Rhona Barry, Ms Marie Cantwell, Ms Miriam Hogan, Ms Ursula Keenan successfully completed the<br />

Certificate in Phlebotomy programme.<br />

Ms Miriam Hogan and Ms Sheila Fallon completed the Assessors and Mentors programme in Phlebotomy<br />

Ms Gay Wright completed the Tutor’s programme in Phlebotomy<br />

<strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

Pathology activity increased by 15.5% in 2007.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine<br />

Department - Pathology & Laboratory Medicine<br />

Publications<br />

Cullen, G., A. O'Toole, D. Keegan, K. Sheahan, J. M. Hyland and P. O'Donoghue D (2007). "Long-term clinical<br />

results of ileocecal resection for Crohn's disease." Inflamm Bowel Dis 13(11): 1369-73.<br />

Cumiskey, J., P. Whyte, P. Kelehan and D. Gibbons (2007). "A detailed morphologic and<br />

immunohistochemical comparison of pre and postmenopausal endometriosis." J Clin Pathol<br />

Roe, B., S. Coughlan, J. Hassan, A. Grogan, G. Farrell, S. Norris, C. Bergin and W. W. Hall (2007). "Elevated<br />

serum levels of interferon- gamma -inducible protein-10 in patients coinfected with hepatitis C virus and<br />

HIV." J Infect Dis 196(7): 1053-7.<br />

Schaffer, K., S. F. Fitzgerald, A. Flynn, F. Fitzpatrick and L. E. Fenelon (2007). "Newly qualified doctors'<br />

knowledge about MRSA: uncertainty regarding management in the community." J Hosp Infect 66(2): 190-<br />

2.<br />

Zaman, M. B., M. O. Leonard, E. J. Ryan, N. P. Nolan, E. Hoti, D. Maguire, H. Mulcahy, O. Traynor, C. T. Taylor,<br />

J. E. Hegarty, J. G. Geoghegan and C. O'Farrelly (2007). "Lower expression of Nrf2 mRNA in older donor<br />

livers: a possible contributor to increased ischemia-reperfusion injury?" Transplantation 84(10): 1272-8.<br />

Future Plans<br />

Transfer of <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s Blood Bank laboratory to SVUH ensuring compliance with the EU requirements for<br />

the Healthcare Group.<br />

Achieve GMP accreditation for the tissue bank. The validation of the tissue bank clean room and preparation<br />

for further assessments by the IMB in order to fulfil our requirements under Tissue Directive 2004/23/EC<br />

will be undertaken.<br />

Establish CF Pseudomonas typing in the molecular laboratory in SVUH.<br />

Achieve compliance with new CPA standards.<br />

Introduce BNP test for evaluation of heart failure and sweat testing for the adult Cystic Fibrosis Unit.<br />

Audit activity in Histopathology will be further developed in line with HSE, CPA and Royal College of<br />

Pathologist’s recommendations.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Reports<br />

Radiology Department<br />

Radiology Management Team<br />

Clinical Director of Radiology<br />

Radiography Service Manager<br />

Clerical Supervisor Grade VI Officer<br />

Clinical Nurse Manager II<br />

Dr Conor Collins<br />

Sharon Simpson<br />

Helen O’Reilly<br />

Sara Nicholson<br />

Service Developments<br />

Over the last year the service delivered by the Radiology Department has continued to expand and improve.<br />

The state-of-the art equipment available throughout the department has facilitated the development of a<br />

wide range of exciting new procedures such as Cardiac CT Angiography and CT Colonoscopy.<br />

Rapid advances have occurred in Interventional Radiology resulting in a large increase in the number and<br />

variety of examinations being performed.<br />

The introduction of Enterprise Wide PACS has greatly improved clinical access throughout the hospital group.<br />

New Technology<br />

Throughout 2007 the learning curve continued for radiology staff with the introduction of a large number of<br />

previously unperformed procedures.<br />

Specialist training in a wide range of new examinations and applications presented a huge challenge for<br />

Radiologists, Radiographers and Nurses in the department.<br />

All of the staff in Radiology have shown great commitment to providing the best service possible by<br />

embracing the new technology installed and adapting to the changes in workflow, which have occurred as a<br />

result.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff Movement<br />

Radiology<br />

There were no changes to the Consultant staff during 2007.<br />

Dr Amjad Iqbal returned to work as Locum Consultant during 2007.<br />

Fifth Year specialist registrar Dr. Abdul Nasser Alhajeri departed having successfully completed his fifth year<br />

of training. We wish him well in his future career.<br />

We welcome Drs. Ingrid Hesalip and Deirdre Moran as first year specialist registrars. Dr David O’Donnell<br />

commences his appointment as a fifth year specialist registrar.<br />

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Department - Radiology<br />

Radiography<br />

We were delighted to have the following Radiographers join us during 2007:<br />

Patrice Power Victoria Vatsvag Marie Hickey<br />

Maxwell Mkhandawire James Vincent Noble Abraham<br />

Sony Koshy Rebecca Kelly Eva Dowling<br />

Edel O’Hanlon Karen Purcell Anne Walsh<br />

Selina Nic Airt Sarah O’Connor Shauna Finnerty<br />

Nile O’Hagan<br />

In 2007 we said goodbye to the following group of Radiographers. We were very sad to see them go but<br />

wish them all the best for the future.<br />

Ciara Sweeney Marina Ventor Hilary Eustace<br />

Patricia O’Loughlin Lea Farrell Emma Canniff<br />

Louise Venables Emma Flanagan Angela O’Sullivan<br />

Nursing<br />

We welcomed the following new staff nurses who joined the team in 2007<br />

S/N Henry Hibaler S/N Nisha Bin Kurian S/N Ajitha Joseph<br />

S/N Cynthia Tamario<br />

Healthcare Assistants Ana Moreno Carmen Garnes<br />

We said goodbye and thank you to the nurses & hca who left in 2007<br />

S/N Janeth Ceria<br />

Laura Kenny<br />

Clerical<br />

Lindi Phakoe was successful in obtaining an Acting Grade IV in CT, which commenced in August 2007.<br />

Brendan Foy was successful in obtaining a Grade IV in Interventional Radiology, which commenced in<br />

September 2007.<br />

Angela Ormonde was successful in obtaining an Acting Grade IV position in Nuclear Medicine and<br />

commenced in December 2007.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Radiology<br />

The following staff joined us during 2007:<br />

Brendan Foy Celeste Kelly Petrutchka Jack<br />

Sander Quadros<br />

Breda Mullins<br />

The following staff left us during 2007:<br />

Emer Timony Nolan Marie Louise Kilty Eileen Mc Ginley<br />

Ann Sharkey Mary Gaughan Gillian Harmon<br />

Ann Marie Leahy<br />

Mary Peare<br />

Ancillary <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

The Radiology Aides have continued to contribute significantly to the workflow of the Radiology Department.<br />

Outstanding Achievements<br />

Administrative and Academic achievements by consultant radiologists in 2007<br />

Dr Conor Collins was elected Hon. Secretary of the International Cancer Imaging Society and delivered the<br />

keynote lecture on PET-CT in Oncology at the 7th annual meeting of the Society in Bruges, October 2007.<br />

He also delivered a state of the art lecture on PET-CT in Oncology at the European Congress of Radiology<br />

in Vienna, March 2007.<br />

Dr O Laoide was elected Dean-elect of the Faculty of Radiologists and continues as Hon. Secretary.<br />

Dr Skehan was appointed examiner to the part II Fellowship.<br />

Specialist Registrar achievements<br />

Drs Victoria Chan, Shauna McDermott, Chris Hegarty and Carol Ridge were successful in the primary<br />

examination for the Fellowship.<br />

Drs David O’Donnell and Ronan Killeen were successful in the FFRRCSI examination.<br />

Selected Publications<br />

PET CT in Oncology – for which tumours is it the reference standard?<br />

Collins CD. Cancer Imaging 2007; 7; 77- 87.<br />

Sheehan JJ, Ridge CA, Ward EV, Collins CD, Skehan S, Malone DE.. The process of evidence-based<br />

practice in radiology: an introduction. Acad Radiol 2007;14:385-388<br />

Sheehan JJ, Ridge CA, Ward EV, Collins CD, Skehan S, Malone DE. FDG PET in preoperative assessment<br />

of colorectal liver metastases combining "evidence-based practice" and "technology assessment"<br />

methods to develop departmental imaging protocols: should FDG PET be routinely used in the<br />

preoperative assessment of patients with colorectal liver metastases? Acad Radiol 2007;14:389-397<br />

O'Connor R, O'Leary M, Ballot J, Collins CD, Crown JC. A phase I clinical and pharmacokinetic study of<br />

the multi-drug resistance protein-1 (MRP-1) inhibitor sulindac, in combination with epirubicin in patients<br />

with advanced cancer. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2007;59:79-87<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Radiology<br />

Moran DE, Smith MJ, O'Sullivan MJ, Collins CD, Evoy D. Sentinel lymph node biopsy in elderly irish patients<br />

with malignant melanoma. Ir Med J 2007;100:422-424<br />

Kelleher FC, McKenna M, Collins CD, Brady G, Collins I, Crown J. Bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis<br />

of the jaws: Unravelling uncertainty in disease causality. Acta Oncol 2007;46:702-704<br />

Evidence-based practice in radiology: an introduction to the series. Malone DE. Radiology 2007:<br />

242(1):12-4.<br />

A clinical test to avoid sural nerve injuries in percutaneous Achilles tendon repairs. Flavin R, Gibney RG,<br />

O'Rourke SK. Injury. 2007 Jul; 38(7):845-7.<br />

Conferences<br />

All of the major national and international radiology conferences were attended and presentations, such as<br />

the following, were made at several of these.<br />

Dr Conor Collins delivered the keynote lecture on PET-CT in Oncology at the 7th annual meeting of the<br />

Society in Bruges, October 2007. He also delivered a state of the art lecture on PET-CT in Oncology at the<br />

European Congress of Radiology in Vienna, March 2007.<br />

Departmental <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

<strong>St</strong>atistics for the Radiology Department for 2007 are as follows:<br />

IR Rooms 8796<br />

CT 18421<br />

DR 83332<br />

Mammo 4973<br />

MRI 3965<br />

RNI 3200<br />

US 11989<br />

Total 134676<br />

This figure represents an 8% increase compared with 2006 (total no. 124653)<br />

Future Plans<br />

2008 will see further upgrades to the PACS in Radiology in addition to the introduction of electronic<br />

requesting. A review of services provided by interventional radiology will also be undertaken.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Reports<br />

Report from the Clinical Director of Psychiatry<br />

Elm Mount Psychiatric Unit<br />

Elm Mount Unit continued to provide a high standard of psychiatric care during 2007. It was the first full year<br />

under the new Mental Health Act. There were 59 patients admitted involuntarily to the unit during the year<br />

(7% of total admissions), 16 had their orders revoked within 21 days. There were 36 tribunals held on the<br />

unit in relation to admissions and renewal orders, three of which were revoked. The Act had considerable<br />

impact on the running of the unit. In addition to the tribunals, all detained patients had independent second<br />

opinions from Consultant Psychiatrists and Legal Representation by Solicitors provided by the Mental Health<br />

Commission.<br />

An Advocate from the Irish Advocacy Network visits the ward on a weekly basis. His priority is to detained<br />

patients, but he is available to all patients in Elm Mount and his input is valued by staff and patients alike.<br />

In order to maintain the high standards among the staff, the unit was part of the refocusing acute psychiatry<br />

initiative in the HSE Dublin Mid Leinster Region.<br />

Refocusing is a practice development and change management model sponsored by the Nursing/Midwifery<br />

Planning and Development Unit. The aim is to:<br />

• Foster effective team work amongst staff<br />

• Collaboration with service receivers (patients/carers)<br />

• Whole team staff training to share ideas and good practice.<br />

• Have clear targets for change<br />

• <strong>St</strong>rong leadership to manage and maintain the changes made.<br />

Refocusing began in October 2007 and the positive impact has been noted by staff and patients and we<br />

look forward to completing this exciting project.<br />

Return to Contents<br />


Department of Old Age Psychiatry<br />

The increase in clinical activity of the Department of Old Age Psychiatry year on year since the inception of<br />

the service followed the same pattern in 2007 with over 845 new referrals seen by the service. There is an<br />

ever increasing demand for and increased pressure on the service reflecting the increasing elderly<br />

population in our catchment area reaching 34,000 people over 65. The multi-disciplinary team is preparing<br />

a plan for the service to be completed in 2008 which will outline a strategy to deal with planned<br />

developments for the service.<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

The department welcomed a number of new staff to the unit including Clare Flanagan, Mental Health Nurse<br />

in the community, Gaye Robinson, Social Worker, Jennifer Allen, Social Worker, Sinead O’Brien, Senior<br />

Occupational Therapist and Desiree Letlhake, Occupational Therapy Assistant. Dr Deirdre Jackson took up<br />

post as Senior Registrar in Old Age Psychiatry. Congratulations to Dr Emma Unoh who passed her<br />

Membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.<br />

Service developments and Activities<br />

845 new referrals were seen in 2007, of which 245 (29%) were hospital consults. In addition there were<br />

1460 outpatient visits by doctors and 4170 visits by community mental health nurses.<br />

The day hospital continues to play a pivotal role in the assessment and management of patients and provides<br />

a very valuable support for patients recently discharged from hospital. There has been greater multidisciplinary<br />

team approach to the Healthy Ageing Course following an evaluation in 2007. Jennifer Allen,<br />

Social Worker and Sinead O’Brien, Senior Occupational Therapist have been involved in developing the<br />

programme with the day hospital staff. The Anxiety Management Group facilitated by the Senior<br />

Occupational Therapist and various members of the multidisciplinary team and Active Rehabilitation Group<br />

are run alongside the acute day hospital services.<br />

A model for a Rapid Response service for nursing home referrals has been developed by the Clinical<br />

Psychologists working with the multidisciplinary team. Aspects of the service have been put in place over<br />

2007. These include multi-element needs-based assessments (including newly designed assessment forms)<br />

and treatment plans for behavioural and psychological problems in dementia, formulation meetings with staff<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Old Age Psychiatry<br />

and relatives to discuss assessments and treatment plans. Research and audit of this initiative are planned<br />

to be an integral part of this programme and additional staff will be required to implement it in full.<br />

The database, developed by the Health Research Board and introduced into the Department in 2006 under<br />

the supervision of Dr. Aideen Freyne, has been successfully generating data regarding service activity. Ms<br />

Antoinette Copley has played a major role in the organisation of the programme and Ms Debbie Connolly<br />

has been trained in its use. It is planned that additional staff will be trained to manage this data base.<br />

The social workers on the team are developing a carer support programme in addition to the existing carer<br />

information groups which are run 4 times per year. They are continually updating the information document<br />

on services for older people so that it represents a comprehensive guide to community support services,<br />

long-term care options and legal issues relevant to older persons.<br />

The community mental health nurses play a pivotal role in the assessment and follow-up of our patients<br />

across the whole spectrum of the service. They are involved also in co-ordinating the effective running of the<br />

specialist Lithium Clinic with a specific nurse allocated to the service, involvement in the Anxiety and Healthy<br />

Ageing Groups and providing clinical input to the Nursing Homes of the catchment area and teaching input<br />

in the Nursing Home education programme. They have also been actively involved in training in dementia<br />

care mapping and training in the management of enduring mental illness.<br />

Dr Aideen Lewis Principal Psychologist with the team has been a member of the HSE steering group on<br />

Elder Abuse.<br />

Publications, Research<br />

Meehan, T. MacLachlan, M. (in press) Self construction in schizophrenia: a discourse analysis.<br />

Psychology and Psychotherapy: theory, research and practice.<br />

Dolan, M. Freyne A and Cooney, C. Needs Assessment of older people with dementia has been submitted<br />

to Irish Journal of Psychological Medicine.<br />

Deirdre McNally (Clinical psychologist in training) has completed her research for the Masters in Applied<br />

Psychology 2007. Her research entitled “Getting rid of demons: Older adults experiences of therapy” involved<br />

interviewing older adults about their experiences of therapy.<br />

An evaluation of the lithium clinic is being conducted with emphasis on the assessment of the potential<br />

benefits of lithium on cognitive function in older patients.<br />

Conference Presentations<br />

Meehan, T. Mental Health in late life. Paper presented at the Gerontology conference (Mental Health issues<br />

in Later Life), Our Lady’s Hospice Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6 28th September 2007<br />

Abidin Z and Jackson D. “Cognitive function in attendees at Dublin South East Lithium Clinic”. Winter meeting<br />

of the Irish College of Psychiatrists, November 2007<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Old Age Psychiatry<br />

Continuing Professional Development and Teaching<br />

Dr. Trudy Meehan (Clinical Psychologist) attended an intensive training course on Narrative Therapy and is<br />

offering Narrative therapy as part of her therapeutic repertoire for patients in the Department of Old Age<br />

Psychiatry.<br />

Jennifer Allen is undertaking professional training in Play Therapy and Psychotherapy. She is currently in first<br />

year of the four-year course accredited by HETAC.<br />

Dr Aideen Lewis continues to develop and manage the Nursing Home Education Programme which is held<br />

annually at the Education and Research Centre of the <strong>Hospital</strong> and involves multi-disciplinary teaching input.<br />

In addition, Dr Lewis and Dr Trudy Meehan co-ordinated a week-long teaching block (Older Adult Specialist<br />

Week) for doctoral students of Clinical Psychology from UCD and TCD. Feedback from the course attendees<br />

was very positive.<br />

A Challenging Behaviour Workshop for all team members was held in June 2007, presented by a nurse<br />

specialist and clinical psychologist from the Newcastle Challenging Behaviour Service.<br />

Sinead O’Brien, Senior O.T., completed a three year advanced course in group analytic psychotherapy with<br />

the Institute of Group Analysis, Dublin (The School of Psychotherapy, <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>).<br />

Dr Aideen Lewis and Dr Cooney have given lectures at the “Adult Education and Information Course for Non<br />

Clinical Professionals with an Interest in Health Care”.<br />

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Report from the General Services Manager<br />

Catering<br />

Fire Safety<br />

Household Services & Cleaning<br />

Portering Services<br />

Security<br />

Technical Services<br />

Telecommunications<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

General Services<br />

The General Services department is responsible for managing the delivery of the non-clinical support<br />

services to the hospital.<br />

In early 2007 the portfolio was restructured to include Catering and Technical Services. In February 2007<br />

Mr. Frank Smyth was appointed as General Services Manager. The General Services portfolio consists of<br />

the following departments:<br />

Catering<br />

Fire Safety<br />

Health & Safety<br />

Household Services & Cleaning<br />

Portering Services<br />

Security<br />

Technical Services<br />

Telecommunications<br />

The overall aim of the department is to ensure that the above support services are delivered in an efficient,<br />

effective and customer focused manner.<br />

General Services took the lead in setting up the Estates <strong>St</strong>rategy Group in late 2007. The Estates <strong>St</strong>rategy<br />

Group is responsible for reviewing all requests for development work in order to assess the impact on<br />

business and clinical operations, and to determine if and how projects should proceed. It is also responsible<br />

for ensuring that developments are planned in a manner that does not undermine or prohibit future<br />

developments.<br />

The department was also involved in developing a Transport <strong>St</strong>rategy for the hospital that would encourage<br />

more sustainable methods of travelling to and from the hospital. Initiatives will include the establishment of<br />

a Bicycle User Group to promote cycling, improvements in showering and changing facilities, installation of<br />

cycle friendly stands and greater awareness of public transport opportunities.<br />

Planning permission for the new Private <strong>Hospital</strong> was received in November 2007. General Services was<br />

actively involved in the planning and enabling works to decant and relocate the existing services provided in<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Anthony’s from the proposed site for the new hospital. Projects included:<br />

• Sourcing and refurbishing alternative accommodation for the Cancer Support Service.<br />

• Sourcing alternative accommodation for transplant patient’s families.<br />

• Co-ordinating the move of Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Speech & Language Therapy<br />

services to the newly refurbished Allied Therapy Suite.<br />

• Relocation of Pain Management service to a purpose designed location within the main campus.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

General Services<br />

It is expected that 2008 will bring many more challenges as several major redevelopment projects are to<br />

commence including the construction of the new 120 bed ward block and a major refurbishment programme<br />

which already includes:<br />

• <strong>St</strong>. Camillus - replacement of ceilings and lighting. Upgrading of linen room and installation of a<br />

high density storage system.<br />

• <strong>St</strong>. Monica’s – installation of a high density storage system in the store room.<br />

• Day Ward – conversion of old Radiology department into a new 23 bed day ward.<br />

• <strong>St</strong>. Monica’s – refurbishment of ward kitchen.<br />

• Outpatient’s Department – refurbishment work to improve Social Work Dept; create HIPE Offices<br />

and a refurbished Clinic Room.<br />

• Emergency Dept. modifications to create an additional 4 bedded Clinical Decision Unit.<br />

• <strong>St</strong>. Luke’s 2 modifications to improve patient environment.<br />

• <strong>St</strong>. Patrick’s – creation of a new seven bedded Medical Observation Unit.<br />

• <strong>St</strong>. Mark’s Ward modification to create an eight en-suite bedded unit.<br />

• Professor of Medicine Suite to be developed with support from UCD<br />

• Professor of Surgery Suite to be developed with support from UCD<br />

• Ward Kitchens – upgrade programme across all kitchens.<br />

• Ward Bathrooms – upgrade programme with new showers and toilets<br />

• Signage – provision of permanent external signage across campus.<br />

Each of the departments within the General Services portfolio has had a productive year. The following is a<br />

brief outline of their role and activities.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

General Services<br />

Catering<br />

We would like to welcome all new staff who joined the catering department in 2007 and hope they will enjoy<br />

being part of our team. In particular we would like to welcome Barbara Grogan who joined the hospital as<br />

Director of Catering Services.<br />

We would also like to send our good wishes to all our staff who retired in 2007 and thank them for their hard<br />

work and commitment during their employment with the hospital.<br />

Peggy Lowry, Director of Catering Services retired in November 2007 and we would like to wish her well in her<br />

retirement and acknowledge her dedication and commitment to the department during her time in the hospital.<br />

Service Developments/Activities<br />

A number of service developments and quality improvement initiatives were introduced in 2007. Key<br />

developments were:<br />

• An extended out of hours vending service for patients and visitors providing a 24hr food service.<br />

• Provision of a continental breakfast and a hot or cold main course to patients awaiting admission in<br />

the Emergency department.<br />

• Provision of Halal, Kosher and other Ethnic or religious meals on the patient menus and in the<br />

cafeteria.<br />

• Introduction of a “made to order” sandwich bar in the cafeteria with an independent cash point in<br />

order to provide a greater choice and reduce queuing time during peak periods.<br />

• Training of senior members of the catering staff to deliver the primary food hygiene course and the<br />

manual handling course ensuring that all staff can be trained and re-trained in these areas at<br />

departmental level.<br />

Outstanding/Significant Achievements<br />

The Catering Department achieved the Irish Heart Foundation – “Happy Heart at work – Healthy Eating at<br />

Work Award” in 2007. We would like to thank all catering staff members for their efforts in achieving this<br />

award for the hospital.<br />

Departmental <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

The Catering Department provides a full meal service to over 500 patients and in excess of 2,500 hospital<br />

staff and visitors. All meals are prepared fresh using the best choice ingredients from recommended and<br />

audited suppliers who are monitored to adhere to HACCP regulations, standard specifications and pricing<br />

structures.<br />

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General Services<br />

The HACCP system in place in the Catering Department ensures that all hygienic and safety standards are<br />

fulfilled during the storage, preparation, cooking and service of food to patients and customers.<br />

Healthy eating is encouraged by catering services throughout the hospital and reflected in the use of lower<br />

fat option spreads, yogurts, dressings etc in the cafeteria. High calorie and full fat items, as well as special<br />

diets, are of course also included in our patient catering service.<br />

Restaurant volumes have increased significantly in the past years with greater numbers of staff using the<br />

service.<br />

Catering services have also provided for many functions, seminars and meetings throughout the year and<br />

have put much effort into the organisation and presentation of such events for the hospital, particularly at<br />

festive periods where great creativity and innovation comes into play in terms of decoration, variety and<br />

displays.<br />

Future Plans<br />

The following key service developments and quality improvement initiatives are planned for 2008.<br />

• A programme is in place to upgrade and modernise all ward kitchens in line with HACCP regulations<br />

and standards.<br />

• The coffee and tea service in the cafeteria will be upgraded and have an extended range of<br />

beverages.<br />

• A Healthcare Food award has been planned.<br />

• The introduction of a departmental induction booklet.<br />

• A waste recycling system is due to be launched in the cafeteria in early 2008.<br />

• Team ~Based Performance will be developed further in the Catering Department reaching out to all<br />

members of staff in terms of communication and progress.<br />

• The re-introduction of a moulded food service for patients with dysphasia providing a modified<br />

consistency diet.<br />

• We hope to provide some organised food theme days in the cafeteria during 2008 taking input and<br />

ideas from staff members with a view to boasting morale and interaction.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

General Services<br />

Fire Safety<br />

Fire safety in the hospital has been further enhanced with the appointment of Clive White as a dedicated<br />

Fire Safety Coordinator. The function is responsible for overseeing the development of the fire safety<br />

management system through conducting fire risk assessments, housekeeping audits, fire equipment<br />

inspections and fire safety training.<br />

The number of fire training sessions carried out in 2007 was:<br />

General Fire Training – 20 sessions<br />

Fire Marshal Training – 6 sessions<br />

A major drive was initiated to help promote the importance of fire training and evacuation drills.<br />

Improvements were made in the availability and quantity of training sessions to help minimise any disruption<br />

to departmental resources. Additional drills were incorporated to facilitate the staff transfer to the new<br />

ADCC building.<br />

Fire evacuation sheet audits were conducted on all wards with the kind assistance of the Clinical Nurse<br />

Managers.<br />

The fire safety register was revamped with a “real-time” live register to allow for continuous works<br />

improvements occurring throughout the hospital. A contract was awarded for the design and project<br />

management of a new fire alarm system for the ward block area. This also encompassed the commissioning<br />

of new fire detection systems in areas such as the Allied Therapy Suite. Systematic fire risk assessments<br />

are being conducted to identify hazards and help improve fire prevention and control.<br />

Further developments in fire safety included the development of a fire alarm incident procedure to help clarify<br />

the roles and responsibilities of the key members of the fire team who respond to fire activations. The SOP<br />

lists the action plan switchboard staff will immediately initiate on the report of a fire; the preliminary details<br />

of the incident in which security will record; and the follow-up investigative report that the Fire Safety<br />

Coordinator will pursue.<br />

Weekly fire safety meetings are held and place a strong emphasis on improving and implementing fire safety<br />

controls. One such initiative involved the reduction of nuisance fire activations by identifying their causes<br />

and implementing strategies to help reduce or prevent re-occurrences. A complete ban on aerosols being<br />

used within the hospital was agreed as one such measure of reducing nuisance activations.<br />

Type of Activation 2007 2006<br />

Real/Actual 9 13<br />

Nuisance Activations 32 31<br />

Totals 41 44<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

General Services<br />

The main causes of fire alarm activations are categorised as follows:<br />

Cause of Activation 2007 2006<br />

Dust 12.2% 13.6%<br />

Accidental Human Activation – BGU/Panel 17.1% 22.7%<br />

Aerosol 4.9% 9.1%<br />

<strong>St</strong>eam 26.8% 6.8%<br />

Unknown 4.9% 6.8%<br />

System Fault 12.2% 11.4%<br />

Actual Activation* 21.9% 29.6%<br />

*Fire / Toaster / Microwave / Hot Work / etc.<br />

Cleaning, Hygiene and Household Services<br />

The hospital acknowledges its requirement to maintain the highest standards of cleaning and hygiene in the<br />

support of patient care. All cleaning and hygiene activities are guided by best infection control practices and<br />

national guidelines. The majority of cleaning activities are provided under a contracted service and the<br />

hospital endeavours to ensure the services provided continue to meet our ever-changing needs.<br />

Following the introduction of new recommended cleaning standards by the NHO the department undertook<br />

a total review and update of the hospitals cleaning specifications with the launch of the first phase to clinical<br />

areas completed in October.<br />

The household function also co-ordinates the management of rest, welfare and the accommodation facilities<br />

for the staff and patient relatives and is responsible for co-ordinating and monitoring contracted household<br />

services. In 2007 the department initiated many minor refurbishment projects including the relatives room<br />

and was a key stakeholder in planning the refurbishment of the hospital’s linen rooms.<br />

Household Services continued to work in conjunction with Noonan Services Group, the hospital’s cleaning<br />

service providers. The department monitors cleaning outcomes and participated in quality improvement<br />

initiatives.<br />

The staff compliment in 2007 was 4. Finally, congratulations to Ms Kathleen Gill the department’s supervisor<br />

who celebrated her 30 years of service to the hospital and also successfully completed the FETAC Level 6<br />

in Management programme. Theresa Burke completed Fetac Level 5 in Household Services and also<br />

celebrated along with her colleague Jane Purcell 20 years of service in the hospital.<br />

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General Services<br />

Portering Services<br />

The department manages the provision of Portering services to a broad spectrum of hospital departments.<br />

Departments serviced include complex areas such as Theatres, Laboratories, Pharmacy, Radiology and<br />

Ambulatory Day Care Clinics. The department continues to develop its responsibility for the provision and<br />

co-ordination of whole hospital activities such as waste management, post and patient transport.<br />

Waste management continued to be a major focus and in 2007 the department was instrumental in<br />

implementing a consolidated waste contract across all non-clinical waste streams. This saw a diverse<br />

number of waste streams such as food, domestic, paper, building, WEEE, etc being consolidated under one<br />

service provider. The new contractor Oxigen Limited had been working closely with the department in<br />

developing initiatives such as recycling at source and the segregation of food waste.<br />

The staff compliment in 2007 was 93. The Portering Services Manager is Gerry Noone. Gerry is in his 38th<br />

year of service with the hospital. Finally congratulations to Dominic Loughlin for successfully completing<br />

Fetac Level 5 and Anthony Walsh for completing Fetac Level 6 in Skills Vec.<br />

Security<br />

It is the intent of the <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> to provide a safe and secure environment for all<br />

employees, patients, visitors and contractors. Our security department plays a key role in the co-ordination<br />

and delivery of our safety and security activities and operates on a 24-hour basis with particular focus on fire<br />

and emergency response procedures.<br />

Security was a key stakeholder in the development and implementation of a number of policies such as<br />

Visiting Hours Policy, Patient Property Policy and a Restraint Handling Policy. The department participates<br />

in a number of quality improvement committees such as the Safety, Risk and Quality Improvement Group,<br />

Fire Safety Group and the Health & Safety Committee.<br />

The department continued its roll-out programme for Access Control / ID cards with extra departments<br />

coming on stream. To date all current employees have been issued with the new ID cards. This has<br />

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General Services<br />

necessitated in excess of 3,000 cards being programmed. In 2008 it is planned to integrate the issue<br />

process into the Human Resources induction programme for new employees.<br />

Key areas of the campus continue to be risk appraised for conversion to access control and it is planned to<br />

roll-out the system to all staff car parks in 2008.<br />

The department is managed by Jim Mitchell and the staff compliment in 2007 was 16.<br />

Technical Services<br />

Technical Services is responsible for the management, design, installation and maintenance of engineering<br />

services within the hospital. It is also involved in the broader areas of energy management and sustainability<br />

planning. Four key areas of activity in 2007 were:<br />

New Developments<br />

Due to the amount, complexity and cost of building services in new developments, systematic inspections<br />

and routine maintenance were devised to ensure continuity of good service and economy of resources. New<br />

maintenance schedules were planned using the manufactures specifications with O&M manuals. As most<br />

of the equipment was on a first year schedule, isolation and hazards had to be identified to ensure continuous<br />

support to the hospital. All plant equipment was identified and ranked to ascertain the impact of a failure to<br />

the hospital. Planned preventative maintenance was introduced to avoid disruption to the activities of the<br />

various areas covered, i.e. chillers were maintained in off peak hours. The new Allied Health Department<br />

Refurbishment came on stream in 2007. The process of integrating new developments into the campus has<br />

been a demanding, challenging and interesting one and we look forward to implementing the lessons learned<br />

as future projects come on stream during 2008.<br />

Estates <strong>St</strong>rategy Technical Services Projects<br />

Technical Services was a key stakeholder in the development of the Estates <strong>St</strong>rategy Group. Its Projects<br />

Team completed a substantial number of new projects with the combination of in-house technical services<br />

staff and outside contractors.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

General Services<br />

A summary of these is:<br />

• Catheterisation Laboratory Recovery Room Refurbishment<br />

• Window replacement included ward isolation cubicles and ancillary areas<br />

• Cardiology ECG Offices<br />

• Medical Records Filing Room Refurbishment & Mobile shelving Replacement<br />

• Dryer & Cleaning Room Refurbishment<br />

• Clinical Services Building Air Conditioning<br />

• Roof repairs on Ancillary Buildings<br />

• Numerous office upgrades were completed around the campus.<br />

• Bone & Joint Treatment Room<br />

• Ward Courtyard Drainage Revamp<br />

• HSSD Reverse Osmosis Plant Upgrade<br />

• <strong>St</strong>. James Ward Room Conversions.<br />

• Catering Department new main kitchen flooring and window replacement.<br />

Planned & Reactive Maintenance<br />

Day-to-day operational maintenance continued within the department, the online helpdesk - PEMAC<br />

received over 10,000 requests. All reactive maintenance was prioritised to achieve a quicker and more<br />

streamlined response. With the help of our online helpdesk all requests can be logged & tracked<br />

electronically to allow for more positive feedback. Planned preventative maintenance programmes were<br />

implemented for engineering plant and building services to eliminate failure and break downs, a brief outline<br />

of areas maintained is as follows.<br />

• Asset Plant Management • AHU’s and air conditioning<br />

• Central Plant Operations • Cleanroom validation<br />

• Carpentry Repairs • Emergency Lighting Test & Repair<br />

• Environmental Testing • Events Set-up – indoor<br />

• Electrical Maintenance & Repairs • Fire Alarm Testing/Management<br />

• Fire Hydrant & Sprinkler Testing • Flooring Repairs<br />

• Generator Maintenance • Glazing Repairs<br />

• Infection Control wall washing • Landscape maintenance<br />

• Lock Repairs & Key Replacements<br />

Energy & Utility Management<br />

Operating data recorded through a Building Management System is monitored and corrective action was<br />

initiated to ensure an efficient energy usage policy. Areas were identified for control upgrades which will<br />

allow for more automated control and decreases energy expense. Water management continued with the<br />

sampling and testing across various areas on the campus to ensure the services comply with the relevant<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

General Services<br />

standards and decrease the risk of legionella. The impact of new developments led to increased loads,<br />

notably electrical which was 2.25 KWT max demand and water which was 430,000litres daily.<br />

The Technical Services Manager is Peter Mortell and the department has a complement of 46 staff. <strong>St</strong>aff<br />

changes in 2007 were: William Hanlon, Deputy Technical Services Manager and John Hickey, Electrician<br />

who left to pursue new career paths and we wish them success. Also we would like to welcome Ciaran Ryan,<br />

Facilities Engineer, Robert Coffey and Derek Kelly, Electricians to the Department<br />

Telephone and Communication Services<br />

The telephone service provides switchboard and other communication services to internal and external<br />

customers. In 2007 a total of 3500 internal and external calls were handled per day. This figure is a<br />

decrease of 12.5% on the previous year’s figures and is part of a programme to reduce the amount of<br />

unnecessary calls handled by the switchboard staff. The objective of this is to allow the staff more time to<br />

focus on external calls thereby improving answer response times.<br />

The department is responsible for co-ordinating all internal emergency communication protocols and is<br />

responsible for maintaining the key internal telephone and paging system directories.<br />

The department continues to offer technical assistance for all departmental moves, and 2007 saw<br />

involvement in two main refurbishment projects – Allied Therapy Suite and Medical Records. The service<br />

provided in excess of 100 new extensions and numerous moves and repair faults in 2007.<br />

The Major Emergency Plan was activated in June 2007 with two major emergency alerts called on a single<br />

day. One was to standby level and another to full alert following a second unrelated incident, creating one of<br />

the busiest and most testing days in the department’s history. The department was pivotal in ensuring the<br />

deployment of the Emergency Plan went as planned.<br />

An Internal Audit review of the department recommended a number of quality and risk improvement<br />

initiatives. These have been incorporated into its 2008 service plan. A new monthly bleep testing Policy has<br />

been implemented as a result of the audit.<br />

The Telecommunications Supervisor is Bernie Deignan. The service operates on a 24-hour basis and is<br />

staffed by a team of 14 full and part time members.<br />

Finally<br />

General Services would like to express our thanks to staff in all its departments for their hard work and<br />

commitment to the team over the past year. Also to acknowledge the other departments that work in<br />

association with us in helping us to deliver a quality service in a customer focused manner.<br />

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Reports<br />

Report from the Human Resources<br />

Department<br />

Report from the Information and<br />

Communication Technology Department<br />

Report from the Purchasing and<br />

Procurement Department<br />

Report from the Quality, Risk and<br />

Consumer Affairs Department<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Reports<br />

Report from the Human Resources Department<br />

Introduction<br />

The development of a Human Resources <strong>St</strong>rategy for the Health Care Group was one of the key goals in<br />

the <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s Health Care Group’s strategic plan, ‘Framework for Development 2006 - 2010’. Prior to this,<br />

Human Resources Management in the hospital was guided by a number of key HR management plans.<br />

These were the result of engagement in a range of activities such as quality improvement through<br />

Accreditation, Modernisation and Change linked to the Performance Verification process under the Social<br />

Partnership Agreements, Partnership Service Plans, focused risk management and the development of new<br />

systems and processes to improve HR service delivery.<br />

A high level Group HR <strong>St</strong>rategy was agreed by the HR functions of the three hospitals in the Healthcare<br />

Group early in 2007. As part of a project plan agreed by the three hospitals each of them committed to<br />

developing a site specific Action Plan. <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> engaged an independent facilitator<br />

to assist in an extensive consultation process and preparation of an Action Plan. This consultation process<br />

was undertaken during 2007 to ascertain those areas which were important to staff and managers across<br />

the <strong>Hospital</strong> and the plan was finalised by year end. A launch event is planned for early 2008.<br />

Organisational Development<br />

In line with its ethos of continually improving the organisation in support of its mission a series of projects<br />

were initiated or focussed by the hospital’s senior management at the beginning of 2007 to deliver alignment<br />

of purpose throughout the hospital. Previous initiatives were incorporated and throughout the year a format<br />

for using individual, team and organisational objectives to ensure delivery of the appropriate services and<br />

service quality aligned to the governing strategies of the Board were developed. Management development,<br />

the development of a performance culture in support of the mission, team development, communications<br />

strategies and measurement communication systems were put in place. The current dashboard of metrics<br />

and board report, the “10+5” objective setting and performance review system, the management<br />

development program, the roll-out of performance management through all functional teams and the<br />

focussing of managers onto 1:1 communications and performance feedback with their direct staff are some<br />

of the outcomes to date.<br />

Partnership<br />

Management and trade unions in the hospital had agreed a 2007 Partnership Service Plan, in conjunction<br />

with the Heath Services National Partnership Forum and supported a number of key initiatives throughout<br />

the year. Principle among these was the 2-year project “Partnership Communication and Partnership<br />

Management in SVUH”. This successful project had strong backing from the committee and financially from<br />

the HSNPF and has had a very effective foundational year as can be seen in the implementation of Team<br />

Based Performance Management, in the supporting training and in a new internal communications strategy.<br />

The planned, extensive programme to support the HSE Trust in Care policy, which upholds the dignity of<br />

patients / clients, and which outlines a procedure for managing allegations of abuse, was rolled out in 2007.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Human Resources<br />

The committee and the wider partnership constituency also played a role in continuing to maintain a positive<br />

industrial relations climate in the hospital during some challenging times and played a valuable role in fulfilling<br />

the hospitals obligations in the Performance Verification Process, which forms part of the national social<br />

partnership agreement (Sustaining Progress).<br />

Learning and Development Division<br />

2007 has been a year of intensive growth and development in the provision of Learning and Development<br />

within the hospital and also to a group wide audience. The, by now, ongoing financial and operational support<br />

for an extensive range of developmental qualifications was continued and progressed through the year and<br />

the M.Sc. in Creative Leadership with the Royal College of Surgeons (with the support of the other Dublin<br />

Academic Teaching <strong>Hospital</strong>s) is a significant augmentation. The M.Sc. is a focussed tool to develop leaders<br />

for the future of the hospital and for the health service. It fills a developmental need as a part of succession<br />

planning and represents a considerable visionary investment for the hospital. This is backed up internally with<br />

a consistent focus on Developing our Managers. 2008 will see the development of a “How to” series of short<br />

workshops on the skills of managing people.<br />

Courses throughout the year have included Team Based Performance Management, Interest Based<br />

Bargaining, Trust in Care, The Legal Framework for People Management, Presentation Skills, The 7 Habits<br />

of Highly Effective People, internationally accredited Crisis Intervention Training ( for which we have now<br />

trained a team of internal trainers) and IPA Interviewing and Recruitment workshops. The hospital continues<br />

to support the national SKILL programme for support grades and support managers, which is run in<br />

conjunction with the VEC’s. Over 30 staff were on release last year to attend courses aimed at furthering<br />

the continuous improvement of professional practises in the support areas. The next stage of development<br />

of the SKILL roll-out is to move to a delivery method focussed just on the participants from our own hospital<br />

in line with the national drive for focussed “critical mass” roll-out to increase the uptake among support<br />

grades.<br />

Employee Relations Division<br />

The Employee Relations Division of the HR Department had a particularly demanding year. The Employee<br />

Relations Division continues to work closely with department heads in advising on the provisions of<br />

employment legislation, managing performance, employee grievances and managing attendance.<br />

Key activities for the Division during 2007 were:<br />

• Enhancing, promoting and maintaining good employment relations at local level through extensive<br />

communication with employees and their representatives regarding impending/ongoing change.<br />

Also, in this context, ensuring compliance with the provisions of Towards 2016.<br />

• Supporting and enhancing the competence of line managers and supervisors in employee relations<br />

with a view to enabling them to resolve employee problems quickly and informally whenever<br />

possible.<br />

• Promoting the use of mediation as a means of resolving contentious issues.<br />

• Responding to expanding body of legislation regarding employment rights.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Human Resources<br />

• Developed and implement models for workplace investigations in line with relevant policies and<br />

emulating best practice.<br />

• Conduct restructuring initiatives at departmental level<br />

• Respond on behalf of the hospital to referrals involving Equality Tribunal, Labour Court, LRC, and<br />

Rights Commissioner Services.<br />

• Developed and implemented an Employee Relations database for tracking issues<br />

• Participation in initiatives such as HR <strong>St</strong>rategy development, Partnership, Accreditation and Smoke<br />

Free Campus.<br />

• Involvement at both local and national level with issues such as Nurses Work to Rule, introduction of<br />

37.5 hour week for nurses and benchmarking.<br />

• Delivery of the reports for the Performance Verification Process Phase 2 and 3 under the terms of<br />

Towards 2016.<br />

• Monitoring and review of attendance records in line with national guidelines for Health Service<br />

Employers on Managing Attendance.<br />

• Participation in the delivery various training initiatives, e.g., FETAC programme for Health Care<br />

Assistants, People Management -The Legal Framework, Mission Effectiveness and less formal<br />

departmental workshops.<br />

Resourcing and Retention Division<br />

2007 was a very demanding year for the Resourcing & Retention Division despite the HSE recruitment<br />

restrictions which were initiated in September 2007. A total of 357 clinical (excluding medical and nursing),<br />

administrative and general support staff were recruited throughout the year filling a wide variety of temporary,<br />

permanent and locum roles.<br />

A new advertising corporate image ‘Combining Tradition and Innovation’ was launched aimed at more<br />

effective recruitment campaigns in the contest to attract quality staff. Advertising was changed from a<br />

weekly to a monthly cycle and text was also significantly reduced, which helped reduce expenditure on<br />

advertising.<br />

A significant body of work aimed at standardising recruitment activity across the hospital was commenced<br />

in conjunction with Medical and Nursing HR Divisions. A new competency framework which significantly<br />

draws on the Office for Health Management competencies was also rolled out. Feedback questionnaires to<br />

recruiting line managers were introduced in order to get their suggestions and recommendations on<br />

improvements that could be made to the recruitment process. 2007 also saw the introduction of Garda<br />

Vetting of all new employees.<br />

Nursing HR Division<br />

It has been a very busy and challenging year for the Nursing Division of the HR Department. During 2007<br />

the division worked closely with the Senior Nurse Management team to deliver on significant goals and<br />

objectives, which were designed to support the provision of high-class healthcare by all nursing staff.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Human Resources<br />

One such objective was to continue to reduce absenteeism and to achieve an overall reduction of 12% by<br />

the end of 2007 (from 2005). This target was achieved and in fact exceeded in 2007. A number of initiatives<br />

aimed at improving attendance were taken during the course of 2007 including the roll out of a revised<br />

absence-recording model.<br />

The Nurse Bank was formally established in October 2007 with the appointment of Liz Tuohy, Nurse Bank<br />

Manager and her team. This is a two-year Value for Money Initiative that aims to achieve cost savings of up<br />

to 20% and higher quality care provision through the establishment of an efficient Nurse Bank.<br />

This was a challenging year for recruitment in nursing with almost 205 appointments in 2007 including 28<br />

management level positions. A total of 38 nurses joined us from abroad following three overseas intakes<br />

during 2007.<br />

A number of key recruitment and retention initiatives took place during the year such as the following:<br />

• Two six-month foundation level courses in Critical Care and Peri-operative courses were developed<br />

by the respective specialist areas in conjunction with the Nurse Education Centre to assist with<br />

recruitment, development and retention of specialist nurses.<br />

• The Nurse Graduate Recruitment Drive was reviewed resulting in a 25% increase in applications;<br />

increase in places on the graduate programmes and the enhancement of the programme by formally<br />

offering an additional 6-month specialist placement to graduates to stimulate an interest in specialist<br />

nursing.<br />

• The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment launched new employment permit<br />

arrangements on 1st February 2007 and over 180 employees attended an Information Session by<br />

Nicky Egan, Nursing HR, on 9th March 2007 to explain the new model.<br />

Medical HR Division<br />

This was another busy year for the Medical HR Division. As always the main goal of the division is to ensure<br />

the hospital has a full complement of appropriately qualified and experienced medical staff at all times in<br />

order to provide the necessary services to our patients. In relation to recruitment 2007 saw the seamless<br />

appointment of over 250 Non Consultant <strong>Hospital</strong> Doctors, which in turn saw 250 leaving the hospital in<br />

order to pursue training elsewhere. 4 permanent consultants were also appointed. This is less than previous<br />

years, as early 2007 saw the suspension nationally of permanent consultants posts being approved due to the<br />

negotiations in relation to a new consultant contract. This obviously caused challenges for the division and<br />

resulted in the appointment of additional temporary and locum consultants. The division continued to provide<br />

comprehensive support to the Chair of the Medical Board and Medical Executive Committee of the <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Considerable developments were made in the area of electronically recording working hours of NCHDs and<br />

reducing them as required by the European Working Time Directive, whilst working in collaboration with<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong> Consultants. This related to a reduction in associated overtime costs.<br />

The division undertook a complete review of standard operating procedures, which also resulted in the<br />

streamlining, and strengthening of processes. As well as being audited by both internal and external auditors<br />

the division developed a continuous self-audit process of employee files.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Human Resources<br />

A review of the NCHD induction process took place and a new induction programme was implemented that<br />

received positive feedback from contributors and participants alike. Provisions were put in place and<br />

supported by the Medical Board in order to facilitate attendance by NCHDs. This resulted in a significant<br />

increase in attendance of approximately 50%. An induction programme was also implemented for newly<br />

appointed permanent consultants, which has received positive feedback.<br />

HR Services Division<br />

This was another active year for the HR Services Division. The division continued to develop management<br />

information on absences provided to department heads as part of managing attendance. The management<br />

of the probation review process was also implemented.<br />

There was an increase in the requirement from staff for work / life balance services such as flexible working,<br />

parental leave and leave of absence. The volume of work permit / visa renewals reflected the increase in the<br />

diversity of nationalities and cultures within the hospital.<br />

The division continued to make significant progress on an electronic document archiving project, which is<br />

allowing for more efficient retrieval of archival records.<br />

HR Services took a lead role in the development of Human Resources Policies and Procedures and these<br />

will be launched in early 2008. <strong>St</strong>aff information / standard forms continued to be set up on the SVUH<br />

Intranet.<br />

Pensions<br />

A dedicated HR Benefits Unit was established in the first quarter of 2007 to provide a comprehensive<br />

service to all current/former members of the <strong>Hospital</strong>’s Pension Schemes and its establishment has been<br />

well-received by employees. Substantial progress was made in prioritising initial key tasks and clearing<br />

historical backlogs, as well as providing a more proactive service to new and existing members. On the<br />

external front, the Unit had to contend with the challenging transfer of the management of the Pension<br />

Schemes from the Department of Health & Children in Dublin to a brand new team in the HSE HR Shared<br />

Service Division in Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim.<br />

Feedback from consultative sessions as part of the HR <strong>St</strong>rategy Review has re-confirmed that employees<br />

generally place a very high value on receiving information on their Pension Scheme entitlements. For the<br />

first time, in 2007 c. 3000 members were issued with updated Scheme Member Booklets and Annual Grade<br />

<strong>St</strong>atement, which provided invaluable summary information of potential member benefits and entitlements,<br />

complemented by a Pensions Open Day.<br />

In addition to day-to-day work and an ongoing project to assess eligibility to reckon prior part-time service<br />

for pension purposes, the unit completed preparatory work for the possible introduction of a new Pensions<br />

Management System to complement the deployment of the new Payroll System (Northgate) within the<br />

hospital. By year-end, the newly established Benefits Unit was well placed to meet ongoing challenges and<br />

to further develop the service offered at a time of growing interest and media coverage on the true value of<br />

Public Sector Pensions.<br />

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ICT Department<br />

<strong>St</strong>affing<br />

In 2007 we were glad to welcome Colin Bogle to our support team. This year we also commenced the<br />

provision of IT services to develop, support and sustain the ICT infrastructure and systems of <strong>St</strong> Vincent’s<br />

Private <strong>Hospital</strong>. We have recruited three additional staff to facilitate this service. They are Louise Allman<br />

(Project manager), Niall Currid (Operations) and Brian Lenihan (Service desk).<br />

Service Development/Activities<br />

A number of projects were completed in 2007:<br />

It was a busy year for the ICT department with the completion of existing projects and the commencement<br />

of new projects. Our strategy in recent years was to focus on consolidating our infrastructure creating a<br />

stable platform on which to build our clinical application portfolio. Having largely completed this process we<br />

are now focused on implementing and enhancing new and existing systems.<br />

We are implementing phase two of the Regional Cancer System. This cancer clinical repository is located in<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> but interfaces to a number of hospitals in the region. It uses the Excelicare<br />

application from Axsys Technology and has links to the Patient Administration System as well as diagnostic<br />

systems e.g. Pathology.<br />

We have successfully migrated our Pathology iLAB system onto an AIX and Cache environment. This new<br />

clustered hardware system operates simultaneously between two separate computer rooms. The Pathology<br />

system is now considerably more responsive and resilient with a much more advanced database backend.<br />

We commenced the extension of the Healthlink Pathology system to <strong>St</strong> Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong> go live January<br />

08. We have also implemented a Neurology requesting protocol and are testing with Siemens the provision<br />

of Radiology reports. We implemented a seamless link between the Virus Reference laboratory and Our<br />

Pathology system using a product called Medibridge. This delivers a much more efficient service to areas<br />

such as microbiology.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - ICT<br />

The Siemens Picture Archiving and Communications system and a Radiology Information system (PACS/RIS)<br />

was extended to <strong>St</strong>. Michaels <strong>Hospital</strong>. In essence this system provides a film-less radiology solution.<br />

We worked with Media One, a subsidiary of Eircom, to develop a new SVUH and Group Website. Media One<br />

has also been selected to create a new Group Intranet which is due to be completed in June 2008.<br />

We completed a review and significant upgrade of the Emergency Department and Social Work systems, the<br />

migration of the Tomcat Cardiology system and the development in-house of a number of database systems:<br />

• Accreditation database<br />

• Neurology referral form<br />

• Medication incident reporting<br />

• Nurse Bank System<br />

In cooperation with the EmotionMedia group we have developed a patient information channel on which we<br />

can transmit presentations and educational videos via the hospitals television network<br />

In progress since 2007<br />

DI DIVER - We are currently implementing a new Management Information System (MIS) called Health Diver.<br />

The system initially covers the Patient Administration System (inpatient, outpatients and waiting list),<br />

Emergency Department, HIPE and Social Work systems. While this data-mining tool provides comprehensive<br />

reports and adhoc queries internally and externally, one of its main advantages is its portal and dashboard<br />

capability. We are using this to deliver the SVUH Key Performance Indicator dashboard via the Intranet and<br />

Email.<br />

In early 2008 we will go live with our Endorad Endoscopy system. This not only digitally captures and stores<br />

endoscopy studies but also has a web client for image distribution and tracks the patient journey from<br />

scheduling to reporting.<br />

We will also complete the implementation of an integrated ICU Clinical Management system.<br />

Digital Dictation - we procured the TA+ application from DictateIT/CBay Systems this year to replace our<br />

analogue dictation system. This system is fully integrated to our Patient administration system and can<br />

therefore associate voice files with the patient record. It offers greater flexibility in terms of recording and<br />

accessing dictated records as well as higher quality digital functionality.<br />

We have developed a menuing facility add on to the Catering System in support of an initiative stemming<br />

from a recent patient satisfaction survey<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - ICT<br />

Planned Initiatives for 2008<br />

Departmental Systems<br />

We plan to develop a suite of integrated clinical departmental systems commencing in areas such as Arthritis,<br />

Cystic Fibrosis and Dermatology. These applications will form a clinical data repository with interfaces to the<br />

Patient Administration System (PAS) and diagnostic systems such as Pathology and advanced reporting<br />

tools.<br />

PAS enhancements:<br />

We will implement a number of PAS developments covering functional changes and increased data integrity<br />

measures. It will also include Patient Wristbands, a bar-coded patient wristband system. This will produce<br />

wristbands with typed rather than handwritten patient details thus reducing the risk of incorrect identification.<br />

The wristband will also include a code 39 and 2D barcode, which will be a cornerstone of initiatives in areas<br />

such as Phlebotomy, Pharmacy and Haemovigilance.<br />

iCM Clinicals and Pathology Order Communications<br />

This is a patient centred portal for clinicians and a solution for clinician requesting of Pathology<br />

investigations. OCM provides for the electronic raising/transmission of orders and the gathering/receipt of<br />

results between patient based departments or locations and ancillary departmental systems.<br />

We intend to create a Bed Management module as an add-on application to our existing patient<br />

administration system to improve patient flow from admission to discharge. This system will help to achieve<br />

this by accurately deriving bed availability by improving bed occupancy and automating key elements of bed<br />

turnaround.<br />

Infrastructure and Support<br />

2007 was a very busy year for our helpdesk; we upgraded our Touchpaper Helpdesk System to an ITIL<br />

standard to include an end user satisfaction response, end user web portal, integrated reporting, detailed<br />

auditing and remote management of all computers. There were 12,258 calls logged to our helpdesk<br />

throughout 2007 with 82.26% of them closed within the agreed SLA. This has continuously improved<br />

throughout the year. In Q4 we closed 89.1% of all calls within the agreed SLA.<br />

We continued to upgrade our Network that is now complete. We also upgraded our link to the Internet to<br />

100Mb with a second 100Mb planned for installation by the start of 2008. Our network has also been fully<br />

extended to include SMH and SVPH. Our links to other hospitals have also expanded with fast links to<br />

Beaumont, National Maternity <strong>Hospital</strong>, Our Lady’s Hospice to name but a few and these links are now being<br />

fully used for systems such as PACS. We started a campus wide Wireless Network rollout which will be<br />

finished by the end of Q2 2008.<br />

We implemented a new SAN 11Tb (<strong>St</strong>orage Area Network) with a second one being implemented in 2008<br />

for full DR/BCP. We focused heavily on designing robust systems installing two VM Servers and two Blade<br />

Server Chaises. This has allowed us to offer truly highly available solutions including LABS, Ensemble, File<br />

& Print, Regional Cancer System, SQL, Tomcat, HR Wiztec, QPulse and DI Diver to name but a few.<br />

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Department - ICT<br />

Department - ICT<br />

Other Projects Completed Include<br />

• Audio Visual System in NEC<br />

• Eight Day Security Audit<br />

• Improved Communications<br />

• Citrix Farm<br />

• Citrix Access Gateway<br />

• Improved Central Backup Solution<br />

• Link to UCD<br />

• Installed & Upgraded over 300 Computers<br />

• Network Management<br />

• AV & Malware Removal System<br />

Projects Planed for 2008<br />

• Single Sign On<br />

• Computer logon using ID Cards<br />

• New E-mail System<br />

• E-mail & File Archiving<br />

• Second SAN with real time replication<br />

• Emergency Department Upgrade<br />

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Purchasing & Procurement Department<br />

<strong>St</strong>aff<br />

There was a change of staff in the Purchasing Department during 2007. Mr. Joey Gormly took up the<br />

position of Supplies Officer A and Mr. John Byrne also joined the Purchasing team as Supplies Officer A,<br />

while Mr James Byrne has taken overall responsibility for the C.S.S.D. Supplies area. Anthony Donohoe was<br />

appointed to the position of Grade C Supplies officer.<br />

Outstanding/Significant Achievements<br />

The C.S.S.D. department was transferred from the <strong>St</strong>. Anthony’s site into the Main <strong>St</strong>ores. This entailed a<br />

rigorous reduction in some stock items to successfully accommodate the move. All stock items, both Main<br />

<strong>St</strong>ores and C.S.S.D. are now available from the one Warehouse located on the main <strong>Hospital</strong> campus.<br />

Over 280 line items were relocated and are expected to be fully integrated into the Main <strong>St</strong>ores inventory<br />

management system in 2008.<br />

Activities<br />

The Supplies Department placed approximately 21500 orders during 2007 amounting to a spend of<br />

42.5million which includes the Purchase of Capital Equipment as well as consumable supplies. All tenders<br />

for the procurement of goods, services and capital equipment are tendered using the Irish Government<br />

“e-tenders” website, which enables staff to upload tender documents for suppliers and eliminates the need<br />

to send out tender packages. The department also takes part in joint tendering procedures with the <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Procurement Services Group which covers a wide range of product categories to secure contract pricing for<br />

the coming years.<br />

While activity continues to increase for the Supplies Department, staff are performing well and continue to<br />

achieve best value for money for products within their remit in conjunction with user departments and<br />

suppliers.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Purchasing & Procurement<br />

The Top Up System was rolled out to the new Intensive Care Unit. This system has allowed members of the<br />

Purchasing & Procurement team to directly manage the inventory held in the I.C.U. Optimum stock holding<br />

has been achieved and maintained throughout 2007. Savings continued to be the primary goal of the <strong>St</strong>ock<br />

Management team in 2007 and savings of €428,072 were achieved through new product introduction,<br />

supplier price renegotiation and other VFM initiatives.<br />

Department <strong>St</strong>atistics<br />

Purchase Orders Placed<br />

Total number 21,455<br />

Gross Value of Purchases placed<br />

Non-stock €34,451,276<br />

<strong>St</strong>ock €5,656,660<br />

Project €1,850,019<br />

Total €41,957,955<br />

Value For Money Savings 2007<br />

New Product Introduction €223,065<br />

Renegotiated Price Increases €58,372<br />

Credit Notes €146,635<br />

Total €428,072<br />

Future Plans<br />

The Supplies Department continue to expand the amount of pre-printed requisition books to areas not<br />

presently using them. This makes it more efficient for departments to request products for purchase, as all<br />

the information required will appear on the requisition. <strong>St</strong>aff also continue to expand the use of web based<br />

ordering and Microsoft Outlook to email orders, as it provides a more efficient ordering service with our<br />

suppliers and speeds up delivery timescales for user departments.<br />

We hope to expand the use of direct deliveries in order to reduce lead times, improve service and reduce<br />

congestion in the Goods Inwards Area. The Main <strong>St</strong>ores continues to improve our stock fill ratio in<br />

conjunction with stock control by tight management of all stock items.<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Reports<br />

Quality, Risk and Consumer Affairs Department<br />

Introduction<br />

The Quality, Risk and Consumer Affairs Department was developed in 2007 and has evolved throughout the<br />

year in an effort to meet the needs of patients and staff and ensure compliance with relevant statutory and<br />

best practice requirements. The main components within the division are: Quality and Accreditation,<br />

Insurance, Risk & Legal Affairs, Communications and Consumer Affairs.<br />

Significant Developments<br />

In 2007, there was a significant change nationally with regard to the accreditation process. The Irish Health<br />

Services Accreditation Board (IHSAB) was integrated into the Health Information and Quality Authority<br />

(HIQA). <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group accreditation teams through monthly meetings completed selfassessment<br />

against the national acute care accreditation standards in October 2007. The teams identified<br />

a number of team specific and organisation wide strengths and areas for improvement. The external survey<br />

planned for November 2007 was postponed until clarification was received with regard to the status of the<br />

national accreditation scheme. A number of teams continued to meet throughout the rest of 2007 to identify<br />

opportunities for improvement and local quality improvement initiatives.<br />

The <strong>Hospital</strong> Hygiene Quality Improvement Group (HHQIG) continued to meet in 2007 to ensure compliance<br />

with the national hygiene assessment scheme. A peer review survey was carried out in March 2007 resulting<br />

in an overall score of ‘good’ for <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong>.<br />

Insurance, Risk & Legal Affairs staff strived to deliver a cohesive and collaborative risk management culture<br />

to ensure the structures are directed towards the effective management of incidents with the aim of<br />

constantly improving patient safety. By continuing to develop and expand the level of compassionate and<br />

coordinated support offered, effective compliance with risk management was ensured by implementing a<br />

number of local and organisational quality improvement initiatives. The latter quarter of 2007,a Management<br />

and Governance Review was carried out.<br />

Equally, the Communication’s division continued to grow and expand. In late 2007, the a robust and<br />

comprehensive communication’s strategy was developed that outlines <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group’s main<br />

communication projects, in line with its mission and values, for the next two years. All current communication<br />

pathways and processes were evaluated and an all inclusive action plan was then devised in conjunction with<br />

the Senior Management Team to improve and expand these practices.<br />

The Consumer Affairs division continued to facilitate the development of positive and proactive consumer<br />

engagement. This included aiming for best practice in complaints management, ensuring that complaints are<br />

investigated thoroughly and impartially, while ensuring compliance with the relevant legislation, HSE policies,<br />

and the hospital’s mission and philosophy. Quality improvement and learning are an integral component of<br />

effective complaints management and greater emphasis is now placed on quality improvement, aiming to<br />

address the issues highlighted through complaint investigation.<br />

:<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Department - Quality, Risk and Consumer Affairs<br />

Plans for 2008:<br />

• To develop and implements a Quality <strong>St</strong>rategy for SVUH and undertake external validation of the<br />

self- assessment completed in 2007.<br />

• Participation in national accreditation/quality improvement schemes and review of the accreditation<br />

/quality improvement team structure.<br />

• To develop organisation – wide quality improvement initiatives<br />

• To develop and implement a hospital Policy for the Management for Complaints and develop a<br />

Customer Care standard and programme for staff<br />

• To develop a Complaints Database – which can help us provide more meaningful reports for<br />

stakeholders<br />

• To promote <strong>St</strong>aff & Public awareness of the complaints process– posters / leaflets / internet &<br />

intranet information<br />

• To enhance Patient / Consumer engagement through patient feedback groups<br />

• To develop new patient information packs and expand the amount of patient and visitor information<br />

available via our website and other external vehicles and ensure they are accurate and up-to date<br />

at all times.<br />

• To design, develop and launch a new Intranet for <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group<br />

• To develop and foster strong links and relationships with our Primary Care colleagues.<br />

• To organise and co-ordinate a showcase of quality improvements.<br />

• To deliver Root Cause Analysis Train the Trainer Programme and a Falls Assessment Project<br />

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<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Healthcare Group Committees<br />

Board Membership<br />

Professor Noel Whelan<br />

Chairman<br />

Mr. Nicholas C. Jermyn<br />

Group Chief Executive<br />

Mr. Edmond J. Bergin<br />

Sr. Eugene Butler<br />

Ms. Louise English<br />

Mr. <strong>St</strong>ewart Harrington<br />

Mr. Joe Leydon<br />

Mr. Patrick Meade<br />

Mr. Michael Meagher<br />

Ms. Gemma McCrohan<br />

Professor<br />

Diarmuid O’Donoghue<br />

Dr. Ristard O’Laoide<br />

Professor Bill Powderly<br />

Mr. William R. Quinlan<br />

Mr. Conor Sexton<br />

Dr. Michael Somers<br />

Professor MX Fitzgerald<br />

until October 2007<br />

Sr. Anne MacEneaney<br />

In Attendance:<br />

Ms. Mary Duff<br />

Mr. Bill Maher<br />

Mr. Cormac Maloney<br />

Mr. Seamus Murtagh<br />

Mr. Michael Redmond<br />

Return to Contents<br />

Membership of the<br />

Group Executive<br />

Mr. N. Jermyn<br />

Chairman<br />

Mr. Ken Bale<br />

Ms. Josephine Barrett<br />

Ms. Mary Connelly<br />

Mr. James Crowe<br />

Mr. Dermot Cullinan<br />

Ms. Mary Duff<br />

Mr. Donal Kelly<br />

Mr. Sean Kingston<br />

Mr. Donal Maguire<br />

Mr. Ian Maguire<br />

Mr. Bill Maher<br />

Mr. Cormac Maloney<br />

Mr. John Mc Phillips<br />

Mr. Seamus Murtagh<br />

Professor<br />

Diarmuid O’ Donoghue<br />

Dr. Risteard O’Laoide<br />

Mr. Michael Redmond<br />

Mr. Peter Sheehan<br />

Ms. Mary Shore<br />

Mr. Frank Smyth<br />

Members of the Medical<br />

Executive 2007<br />

Dr. Risteard Ó Laoide<br />

Chairman<br />

Dr. Hugh Mulcahy<br />

Honorary Secretary<br />

Mr. Sean Dudeney –<br />

Chairperson of the Surgical Division<br />

Ms. Margaret O’Donnell<br />

Consultant Plastic Surgeon – Elected Member<br />

Dr. Donal McCarthy<br />

Director of Pathology<br />

Mr. Enda McDermott<br />

Oncology Committee Representative<br />

Dr. Declan O’Keeffe<br />

Chairman of the Anaesthetic Division<br />

Professor. Diarmuid O’Donoghue<br />

Consultant Gastroenterologist – Chair of Medical<br />

Forum SVPH<br />

Mr. Donal Maguire<br />

Chairman of Medical Forum, <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s<br />

<strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Dr. Malachi McKenna<br />

Consultant Endocrinologist – SMH REP<br />

Dr. Martin Quinn<br />

Chairman of Division of Physicians<br />

Professor. Kevin Malone<br />

Consultant Psychiatrist<br />

Dr. Doug Veale<br />

Consultant Rheumatologist – Elected Member<br />

Dr. Conor Collins<br />

Chairman of the Division of Radiology<br />

Mr. John Ryan<br />

Consultant Emergency Department - Elected<br />

Member<br />

Professor Michael Keane<br />

Chair of Medicine & Therapeutics<br />

Professor Ronan O’Connell<br />

Chair of Surgery<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Healthcare Group Limited - Annual Review 2007<br />

Healthcare Group Committees<br />

Mission Committee<br />

Sr Eugene Butler<br />

Chairperson - Board of Directors<br />

Ms Theresa Ward<br />

Secretary - Pathology<br />

Member of Finance<br />

Committee<br />

Conor Sexton (Chairman)<br />

Ms Gemma McCrohan<br />

Board of Directors<br />

Mr Nicholas Jermyn<br />

Group Chief Executive<br />

Sr M Angela<br />

Director of Mission<br />

Rev Ted Ardis<br />

Church of Ireland Chaplain<br />

Mr Ekundayo Badmus<br />

Medical Records<br />

Ms Margaret Barry<br />

Admissions Officer, SVPH<br />

Ms Barbara Cantwell<br />

Medical <strong>St</strong>udent Co-ordinator<br />

Dr Michael Casey<br />

Principal Physicist, Nuclear Medicine<br />

Ms Sarah Cusack<br />

CNM 1 Theatre<br />

Ms Phil Pyne Daly<br />

Psychotherapist, Cardiac Unit<br />

Audit Committee<br />

Dr Michael Somers<br />

Mr Conor Sexton<br />

Ms Siobhan Devane<br />

Catering Supervisor<br />

Mr Sean Dudeney<br />

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon<br />

Ms Orla Fitzgibbon<br />

Assistant Director of Nursing, SVPH<br />

Ms Nicola Geoghegan<br />

Secretary to General Manager, SMH<br />

Mr John Harraghy<br />

Human Resources<br />

Sr Margaret Hilliard<br />

Chaplaincy Department, SMH<br />

Ms Tanya King<br />

Assistant Director of Nursing<br />

Dr Diarmuid O’Shea<br />

Consultant in Geriatric Medicine<br />

Ms Sheila O’Toole<br />

Clinical Nurse Specialist<br />

Mr Patrick Meade<br />

Mr Michael Meagher<br />

Patrick Meade<br />

Louise English<br />

All above named are external members<br />

(board directors)<br />

Nicholas C. Jermyn<br />

Group Chief Executive<br />

Cormac Maloney<br />

Sean Kingston<br />

Bill Maher<br />

Director of Operations<br />

Seamus Murtagh<br />

General Manager, <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Ken Bale<br />

Financial Controller, <strong>St</strong>. Michael’s <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Michael Redmond<br />

CEO, <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

James Crowe<br />

Financial Controller, <strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s Private <strong>Hospital</strong><br />

Prof. Diarmuid O’Donoghue<br />

Dr. Risteard O’Laoide<br />

In attendance are<br />

Nicky Jermyn<br />

Cormac Maloney<br />

Ken Bale<br />

James Crow<br />

Bill Maher<br />

Seamus Murtagh<br />

Michael Redmond<br />

Sean Kingston<br />

Return to Contents<br />


<strong>St</strong>. Vincent’s <strong>University</strong> <strong>Hospital</strong> - Annual Review 2007<br />

Healthcare Group Committees<br />

Group Clinical<br />

Governance Committee<br />

Membership<br />

Health and Safety<br />

Committee<br />

Dr. Risteard O’Laoide<br />

Chair, Director<br />

Sr. Anne MacEneaney,<br />

Director<br />

Mr. Eddie Bergin,<br />

Director<br />

Mr. Joe Leyden,<br />

Director<br />

Mr. Nicky Jermyn,<br />

Group CEO<br />

Ms. Mary Duff,<br />

Director of Nursing<br />

Dr. Donald McCarthy,<br />

Director of Pathology<br />

Mr. John Ryan,<br />

Consultant in Emergency Medicine<br />

Dr Ken McDonald<br />

Consultant Cardiologist/ Honorary Secretary<br />

Medical Board<br />

Professor Kevin Malone<br />

Professor of Psychiatry,<br />

Dr Conor Collins<br />

Director of Radiology<br />

Chairman:<br />

Ms Mary Shore (Jan - Oct)<br />

Mr Bill Maher ( Oct - Dec)<br />

Members:<br />

Ms Elizabeth Barry<br />

Ms Eithne Culinan<br />

Mr Donal Murphy<br />

Ms Liz Barnes<br />

Mr John O'Grady<br />

Ms Denise McDonnell<br />

Mr Peter Mortell<br />

Ms Paula McNally<br />

Mr Frank Smyth<br />

Mr Anthony Walsh<br />

Mr Clive White<br />

Dr Lynda Fenelon<br />

Ms Theresa Flynn<br />

Ms Nuala Gannon<br />

Dr Paul Gueret<br />

Ms Sarah Mansfield<br />

Mr Jim Mitchell<br />

Ms Maragret Brittain<br />

Ms Regina Rooney<br />

Ms Gillian Lesware<br />

Ms Karen Clerkin<br />

Ms Sinead Brennan<br />

Mr Donal Kelly (April - Dec )<br />

In attendance<br />

Mr Peter Sheehan<br />

Mr Peter Mansfield<br />

Return to Contents<br />


Elm Park Dublin 4 Ireland<br />

Tel +353 1 221 3422 Fax + 353 1 269 1264<br />

Web www.stvincents.ie

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