Basic Spotters' Field Guide - Skywarn

Basic Spotters' Field Guide - Skywarn

Basic Spotters' Field Guide - Skywarn


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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration<br />

National Weather Service<br />

NOAA PA 97050

Cover Photo - National Severe Storms Laboratory



National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration<br />

National Weather Service



SEVERE WEATHER!!! Its effects are felt by many of us during our lifetimes. To obtain critical weather information, the<br />

National Weather Service of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and<br />

cooperating organizations, have established SKYWARN Spotter Networks. Although SKYWARN spotters are essential<br />

information sources for all types of weather hazards, your largest responsibility as a SKYWARN spotter is to identify and<br />

describe severe local storms. In the average year, 10,000 severe thunderstorms, 5,000 floods, and over 900 tornadoes occur<br />

across the United States. During the past 10 years, tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, and flash floods have killed nearly<br />

2,300 people in the United States and injured thousands of others. Because of storm spotter reports, such as those you<br />

provided, plus the addition of new technology and improved warning dissemination, this death toll was reduced by more<br />

than 800 from the previous 10 years. While the figures still appear staggering, several thousand lives have been saved by<br />

reports from storm spotters.<br />

Your information, coupled with Doppler radar, satellite, and other data, has enabled the National Weather Service to issue<br />

more timely and accurate warnings for tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, and flash floods. This guide has been designed to<br />

assist you in the important task of observing and reporting hazardous weather and protecting yourself during your<br />

encounters with hostile weather situations. I am pleased that you are part of the ranks of those who form the Nation’s first<br />

line of defense against severe weather. There can be no finer reward than to know that your efforts have given a community<br />

the precious gift of time...seconds and minutes that can save lives.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Susan F. Zevin<br />

Deputy Assistant Administrator for Operations<br />


Use of this <strong>Guide</strong>:<br />

The information contained in this guide is provided as a reference to supplement the National Weather Service’s spotter training film and<br />

slide series. It is not sufficient to qualify you as a SKYWARN spotter. This guide has been compiled for use by trained spotters in the field<br />

(both fixed and mobile spotters) and communication specialists who receive and relay the reports. The safety tips contained in this guide<br />

are geared primarily for mobile spotters, but the technical concepts that are outlined are applicable to spotters of all types. This guide is<br />

not a general handout for the public. As a result of its specialized subject matter, a number of technical terms are used. Their meanings are<br />

explained in the text. Many of the photos used in this guide were taken in the Great Plains area of the United States where visibilities usually<br />

are good. Spotters in other areas of the country, especially the southern states, may have difficulty seeing some of the thunderstorm’s<br />

features because of poor visibility caused by terrain, trees, heavy rainfall, or low clouds.<br />

Definitions and Terminology<br />

Severe local storms occur in all parts of the continental United<br />

States in an average year. As part of their training, storm spotters<br />

should be aware of severe storm definitions and terminology used by<br />

the National Weather Service.<br />

Watch — Conditions are favorable for the severe weather event in<br />

or near the watch area. Watches are issued for tornadoes, severe<br />

thunderstorms, and flash floods.<br />

Warning — The severe weather event is imminent or occurring in<br />

the warned area. Warnings are issued for tornadoes, severe<br />

thunderstorms, flash floods, and river flooding.<br />

Tornado — A violently rotating column of air attached to a<br />

thunderstorm and in contact with the ground.<br />

Funnel Cloud — A rotating, funnel-shaped cloud extending<br />

downward from a thunderstorm base.<br />

Downburst — A strong downdraft with an outrush of damaging<br />

wind on or near the ground.<br />

Flash Flood — A rapid rise in water, usually within 12 hours of a<br />

period of heavy rain or other causative agent (i.e., dam break).<br />

Severe Thunderstorm — A storm that produces hail 3/4 inch in<br />

diameter or larger and/or wind gusts of 58 mph or more.

Severe Weather Reporting Criteria<br />

Many types of weather information are needed from storm<br />

spotters; however, some types of information are much more<br />

important than others. Strict adherence to the reporting criteria<br />

allows vital information to be communicated as soon as possible.<br />

Also, some of the reporting criteria should receive higher priority<br />

communication than others. You should report the following weather<br />

events.<br />

Urgent Priority<br />

Tornado<br />

Funnel cloud<br />

Rotating wall cloud<br />

Flash flooding<br />

High Priority<br />

Hail 3/4-inch diameter or larger<br />

Wind speed greater than 58 mph<br />

Persistent non-rotating wall cloud<br />

Rainfall 1 inch or more per hour<br />

Lower Priority<br />

Hail 1/2-inch diameter or larger<br />

Wind speed greater than 40 mph<br />

Cloud features suggesting storm organization<br />

Other locally-defined criteria<br />

Receiving Hazardous Weather<br />

Information<br />

Spotters, both point and mobile, should have access to reliable<br />

hazardous weather information. Many spotters have access to<br />

amateur radio networks. These networks will likely have one or more<br />

radio operators stationed at NWS offices for providing radar and other<br />

meteorological information to the net. Spotter networks not affiliated<br />

with amateur radio groups should consider having one or more<br />

members monitor NOAA Weather Radio and other outlets for weather<br />

information. These networks may wish to select a liaison person who<br />

could work with nearby amateur radio groups or the local NWS office.<br />

Another means of receiving hazardous weather information is the<br />

Emergency Managers Weather Information Network (EMWIN). EMWIN<br />

is a low-cost, low-speed data stream of NWS products (warnings,<br />

observations, etc.) provided as a service to local emergency managers.<br />

The signal may be received directly from the GOES weather satellites,<br />

processed for local use, and/or rebroadcast to the surrounding area on<br />

VHF radio. Numerous EMWIN systems are coming on line across the<br />

country, which should allow both point and mobile spotters access to<br />

critical NWS information. This in turn should allow for more efficient<br />

operation of spotter networks in the area.<br />

NOTE: When reporting 1/2-inch diameter hail, do not use the term<br />

“marble” since marbles can come in a variety of sizes. In areas prone<br />

to severe weather, some offices may not need reports of 1/2-inch hail.<br />

Contact your local NWS office for specific adjustments to the criteria<br />

suggested above.<br />


Thunderstorm Hazards and<br />

Safety Tips<br />

Flash Floods<br />

Flash flooding is a major killer. Many flash floods occur at night,<br />

which makes them more difficult to see. As a storm spotter, you may<br />

encounter flash floods at any time. Heeding the following flash flood<br />

safety rules may save your life.<br />

• DO NOT attempt to drive or walk across a flooded roadway<br />

or low water crossing. Nearly half of all flash flood deaths are<br />

vehicle-related. Moving water 2 feet deep will carry away<br />

most cars.<br />

• If your vehicle becomes caught in high water and stalls, leave it<br />

immediately and seek higher ground if you can do so safely.<br />

Rapidly rising water may sweep a vehicle and its occupants<br />

away.<br />

• Be especially careful at night when flash floods are harder<br />

to recognize.<br />

Lightning<br />

Lightning occurs in all thunderstorms and is also a significant<br />

threat to life (figure 1). Storm spotters are especially vulnerable to<br />

being struck by lightning since they are often in prime strike<br />

locations, such as in open fields or on hilltops. The following<br />

lightning safety rules are important.<br />

• Lightning tends to strike the tallest object in an area...make sure<br />

it is not you. Remain in your vehicle or an indoor location<br />

whenever possible.<br />

• If you must go outside, crouch down to make yourself a poor<br />

lightning target. Do not lie flat on the ground since you will<br />

be more likely to be severely shocked if lightning strikes<br />

close to you.<br />

Figure 1: Cloud-to-ground lightning. Photo - Courtesy Roger Edwards.<br />


Hail<br />

Although large hail rarely causes fatalities, it is the most destructive<br />

element associated with severe local storms and can cause considerable<br />

property damage (figure 2). If the storm you are observing produces<br />

a tornado, it will likely form very near the shaft of large hail.<br />

• Keep a firm grip on your vehicle’s steering wheel to maintain<br />

control. Wind speed and direction can change rapidly in a<br />

downburst.<br />

• Blowing dust or heavy rain may accompany downbursts. Be<br />

prepared for sudden changes in visibility that may create<br />

hazardous spotting conditions.<br />

• Point spotters observing from a substantial building should<br />

move away from windows as the downburst approaches.<br />

Figure 2: Hail Damage. Photo - Courtesy James Purpura.<br />

These hail safety tips can help minimize damage to your vehicle and<br />

possible injury to you.<br />

• Substantial structures and highway overpasses (out of traffic<br />

lanes) offer the best hail protection.<br />

• Hard-top vehicles offer fair protection from hail up to about golf<br />

ball sized, but significant windshield and auto body damage can<br />

result with hail larger than golf balls.<br />

Tornadoes<br />

Tornadoes pose a significant threat to all spotters. High winds and<br />

flying debris can result in hazardous spotting conditions and<br />

significant damage to vehicles and buildings (figure 3). Be especially<br />

alert for tornadoes when storm spotting. These safety rules could<br />

save your life.<br />

• Mobile spotters in high visibility areas, such as open rural areas,<br />

may be able to drive away from an approaching tornado.<br />




OR MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Spotters should be<br />

familiar with their area and have a planned escape route.<br />

Downbursts and Outflow Winds<br />

A downburst is defined as a strong downdraft with an outrush of<br />

damaging wind on or near the ground. Downbursts are responsible for<br />

most thunderstorm wind damage. Winds may exceed 100␣ mph in very<br />

strong downbursts (see figures 14 and 15). The following downburst<br />

safety rules are important.<br />

Figure 3: Tornado. Photo - © Alan Moller.<br />


• If you can’t avoid an oncoming tornado, you should take shelter<br />

in a substantial building, ditch, ravine, or other low spot (but be<br />

cautious of flash flooding).<br />

Safe Viewing Tips<br />

Mobile spotters should try to view a storm from its right flank.<br />

This will usually provide the best viewing angle, the best contrast, and<br />

it will generally keep spotters out of the storm’s path. For storms<br />

moving to the northeast, the best viewing location is from the south<br />

or southeast. With east or southeast moving storms, a viewing angle<br />

from the south or southwest (respectively) is preferred although<br />

spotters will need to be more conscious of the storm’s movement and<br />

have an escape route available.<br />

Thunderstorm Life Cycle<br />

All thunderstorms, whether they become severe or not, proceed<br />

through a 3-stage life cycle.<br />

a. Cumulus Stage (figure 4) — Occurs when thunderstorm<br />

development begins. At this stage, the storm consists only of<br />

updrafts (upward-moving air currents). These updrafts reach heights<br />

of around 20,000 feet above the ground. In the western United States,<br />

the development stage may begin as higher based altocumulus<br />

clouds. As moisture becomes more plentiful, the base of the storm<br />

may lower.<br />

b. Mature Stage (figure 5) — This is the strongest and most<br />

dangerous stage of the storm’s life cycle. At this stage, the storm<br />

contains both upward and downward moving air currents (updrafts<br />

and downdrafts) with precipitation in the downdraft area. The<br />

downdraft results from precipitation evaporating, which causes<br />

cooling. To a lesser extent, the falling precipitation itself creates<br />

downward drag. When the cool downdraft hits the ground, it spreads<br />

out and forms a gust front, which may include damaging winds called<br />

a downburst. At the top of the storm, the updraft rapidly decelerates<br />

and clouds spread out and form an anvil. If the updraft is strong, a<br />

“bubble” of cloud, called an “overshooting top,” will be pushed above<br />

the anvil. Spotters should pay particular attention to a storm with an<br />

overshooting top since the area beneath the top is a preferred area<br />

for severe weather formation.<br />

c. Dissipating Stage (figure 6) — Eventually, excessive precipitation<br />

and downdraft will weaken the updraft. Downdrafts dominate the<br />

storm and any overshooting top disappears. At the surface, the gust<br />

front will move away from the storm and cut off the inflow of energy<br />

into the storm. This is indicative of the dissipating stage.<br />

Figure 4: Towering cumulus stage of a thunderstorm.<br />

Figure 5: Mature stage of a thunderstorm.<br />

Figure 6: Dissipating stage of a thunderstorm.<br />


Depending on the type and number of cells, thunderstorms may be<br />

divided into four main categories:<br />

• Single-cell storms are generally weak, short-lived, and poorly<br />

organized. “Pulse storms” are strong single-cell storms and thus<br />

are quite rare.<br />

• Multicell cluster storms are the most common type of storm and<br />

consist of a series of cells moving along as one unit.<br />

• Multicell line storms, commonly called “squall lines,” consist of<br />

a long line of storms with a continuous gust front at the leading<br />

edge.<br />

• Supercell storms have a single updraft, are very strong, and<br />

always produce significant severe weather. (See figure 7 for<br />

additional information about each type of thunderstorm. These<br />

thunderstorm types will be discussed in more detail in the<br />

advanced storm spotter’s training program.)<br />

Visual Indications of Updraft Strength<br />

and Organization<br />

Several visual clues will help the spotter determine if a storm has<br />

severe weather potential. These clues are evident in the upper,<br />

middle, and lower levels of the storm. The spotter should pay<br />

particular attention to these clues, especially when watching more<br />

than one storm at a time.<br />

a. Upper-Level Storm Clues — These clues are best seen at a<br />

distance of 30–40 miles from the storm, so they may be difficult to see<br />

in poor visibility areas. The primary clues are a large overshooting<br />

top that persists for more than 10 minutes and an anvil with sharp<br />

and well-defined edges (figure 8). Storms with weaker updrafts will<br />

usually have an anvil that is thin, wispy, and fuzzy.<br />

Figure 7: Overview of the thunderstorm spectrum, with characteristics of each<br />

primary storm type.<br />

Figure 8: Distant supercell storm showing upper-level visual clues of storm strength.<br />

Photo - Courtesy Bill Martin.<br />


. Mid-Level Storm Clues — These clues are best seen at a distance<br />

of 10–20 miles from the storm, and again, some of these features will<br />

be difficult to see in poor visibility areas. These features are<br />

concentrated in the main storm tower area. The primary clues are the<br />

following.<br />

• A solid appearing updraft tower with a sharp, cauliflower<br />

definition in the storm tower (again, see figure 8). Some storms<br />

have a soft or “mushy” appearance indicative of a weaker<br />

updraft and therefore are a poor candidate for producing severe<br />

weather (figure 9).<br />

• A flanking line — a row of small cloud towers that build up<br />

(stair-step) into the main storm tower from the south or<br />

southwest. The flanking line does not suggest updraft strength,<br />

but it does indicate storm-scale organization necessary for<br />

persistent severe weather (figure␣ 10).<br />

c. Low-Level Storm Clues — These clues are best seen at a distance<br />

within 10 miles of the storm and are the easiest clues to detect in<br />

lower visibility areas. Low-level storm features can be the most<br />

critical in determining a storm’s severe potential but can result in the<br />

most confusion among storm spotters. The primary clues are the<br />

following.<br />

• The rain-free base — a low, flat cloud base from which little<br />

visible precipitation is falling. However, the precipitation in this<br />

area is often in the form of large hail. The rain-free base defines<br />

the primary inflow and updraft area in the storm. The preferred<br />

area for severe weather formation is near and just north/east of<br />

the rain-free base (figure␣ 11).<br />

• The wall cloud — an isolated lowering of the rain-free base. It is<br />

always attached to the cloud base. It indicates the storm’s<br />

strongest updraft area, and it is the primary location for severe<br />

weather development. Wall clouds with persistent rotation<br />

(10 minutes or more) are especially significant since they denote<br />

a very dangerous storm that may produce large hail, strong<br />

downbursts, or a tornado (figure 12).<br />

Figure 9: Non-severe multicell storm. Photo - NSSL.<br />

Figure 10: Distant supercell storm with flanking line building into main storm tower.<br />

Photo - Courtesy Roger Edwards.<br />


Figure11: Rain-free base. Photo - NSSL.<br />

Non-Tornadic Severe Weather Events<br />

There are other types of severe weather events that spotters<br />

should report besides tornadoes. These include downbursts and large<br />

hail. Spotters should continue to report these phenomena even if a<br />

tornado is in progress since this information is important to the NWS,<br />

public, and aviation interests.<br />

A downburst is defined as a strong downdraft from a thunderstorm<br />

with an outrush of damaging wind on or near the ground. Damaging<br />

downbursts, although relatively rare themselves, are much more<br />

common than tornadoes. Because of their small size and short<br />

lifespan, it is difficult to detect and warn for downbursts. Downbursts<br />

are divided into two categories.<br />

• Macroburst — Swath of damaging wind is 2.5 miles or more wide.<br />

• Microburst — Swath of damaging wind is less than 2.5 miles wide.<br />

Figure 13 shows the life cycle of a downburst. The initial stage<br />

begins as the downburst starts to descend from the cloud base. The<br />

second stage, called the “impact” stage, occurs when the downburst<br />

makes contact with the ground and begins to spread outward. Expect<br />

the strongest wind speeds shortly after the downburst hits the<br />

ground. The impact stage is also the most dangerous stage for<br />

aviation as aircraft caught in the strong winds may see wing lift<br />

Figure12: Wall cloud. Photo - NSSL.<br />

Figure13: Life cycle of a microburst.<br />


decreased, possibly causing the plane to stall and crash.<br />

“Dissipation,” the final stage, occurs when the downburst spreads<br />

out and weakens. Beware, other downbursts may form later.<br />

One of two primary ways to detect a downburst is to spot a rain<br />

foot. The rain foot is a pronounced outward deflection of the<br />

precipitation area near the ground (figure 14), marking an area of<br />

strong outflow winds. The second identification method is the<br />

presence of a dust foot, a plume of dust raised as the downburst<br />

reaches the ground and moves away from the impact point (figure 15).<br />

The dust foot is most common in the High Plains, western states, and<br />

over plowed fields.<br />

Large hail is a common occurrence in strong thunderstorms,<br />

especially supercells. Hail forms as supercooled water is carried aloft<br />

by the updraft and freezes. Hail size is determined by the updraft<br />

strength, i.e., the stronger the updraft, the larger the hailstones.<br />

Single cell storms can produce hail up to about nickel size, multicell<br />

storms to about golf ball size, and supercells up to about softball size.<br />

If you spot hail larger than golf balls, you are very near a supercell’s<br />

main updraft and should go quickly to a safe place as described in the<br />

Thunderstorm Hazard and Safety Tips section of this <strong>Guide</strong>.<br />

Figure 14: Microburst rain foot, visible on left side of rain area. Photo - © Alan Moller.<br />

Figure 15: Microburst dust foot. Strong winds blowing left to right away from rain area.<br />

Photo - NWS.<br />

Supercell Structure and Appearance<br />

A supercell thunderstorm is a long-lived storm containing a<br />

mesocyclone — an area of intense, storm-scale rotation extending<br />

through much of the depth of the storm. Supercell storms are usually<br />

separated from other thunderstorms or may even be isolated. This<br />

separation allows them to feed upon warm, moist air from miles<br />

around. Supercell occurrences are rare but pose a significant threat<br />

to life and property.<br />

Figure 16 is a schematic side view of a supercell as a spotter might<br />

see it when he/she is looking west/northwest at a northeast moving<br />

storm. This is the safest viewing angle for the spotter. For east or<br />

southeast moving storms, spotters should position themselves to the<br />

south or southwest (respectively) of the storm for a safe viewing<br />

angle. The storm is generally moving from left to right. The main<br />

updraft of warm, moist air is entering the storm at the cloud base<br />

below the main storm tower. Strong winds aloft are blowing from the<br />

southwest to northeast. Air in the upper portion of the updraft<br />

eventually becomes colder than the surrounding air and upward<br />

motion decelerates. The cloud spreads rapidly, forming an “anvil.”<br />

As precipitation begins to occur, downdrafts are created.<br />


Figure 16: Slide-view diagram of a “classic” supercell storm.<br />

Figure 17 is a “bird’s eye” view of the same storm and its associated<br />

weather from above, looking down. The intense updraft, which is rising<br />

out of the page, is located within the main storm tower generally above<br />

the rain-free cloud base. The “front flank” downdraft (FFD) sinks to the<br />

ground in the area where precipitation is falling in the forward position of<br />

the storm (usually north or northeast of the updraft). A second<br />

downdraft forms just southwest of the updraft. This is the area, near the<br />

intersection of the updraft and this “rear-flank” downdraft (RFD), where a<br />

tornado is most likely to occur. Large hail is likely to fall just outside the<br />

updraft core, mainly northeast of the updraft. Tornadoes also may form<br />

along the gust front and flanking line; however, these are usually weak and<br />

short-lived.<br />

As described earlier, some of the more important features associated<br />

with supercells include the rain-free base and the wall cloud.<br />

The rain-free base is an area of smooth, flat cloud base beneath the<br />

main storm tower from which little or no precipitation is falling. The<br />

rain-free base is usually just to the rear (generally south or southwest) of<br />

the precipitation area and marks the main area of inflow where warm,<br />

moist air at low levels enters the storm.<br />

The wall cloud is an isolated cloud lowering attached to the rain-free<br />

base. It is usually about 2 miles in diameter and marks the area of<br />

strongest updraft in the storm. As the thunderstorm intensifies, the<br />

updraft draws in low-level air from the precipitation area. This raincooled<br />

air is very humid, thus, the moisture in the air quickly condenses<br />

to form the wall cloud. The wall cloud is sometimes to the rear<br />

(generally south or southwest) of the precipitation area but at other<br />

times may be on the east or southwest side of the precipitation. Table 1<br />

(below) shows a list of tornadic wall cloud characteristics. Less than<br />

Figure 17: Plan-view diagram of a “classic” supercell storm.<br />

Table 1<br />

Tornadic Wall Cloud Characteristics<br />

➤␣ Persistence<br />

➤␣ Persistent rotation<br />

➤␣ Strong surface-based inflow<br />

➤␣ Rapid vertical motion (both upward and downward)<br />


half of the observed wall clouds will actually produce tornadoes, and<br />

not every tornadic wall cloud will have all of these characteristics.<br />

Nevertheless, they are good rules of thumb.<br />

Wall clouds are not rare. They can form at the base of any<br />

thunderstorm, supercell or otherwise, having a sufficiently strong<br />

updraft and adequate moisture available in the sub-cloud layer. In<br />

fact, spotters, especially mobile ones, may see several wall clouds<br />

during an average severe weather season. Your key will be to use the<br />

rules of thumb to determine which wall clouds are potential tornado<br />

producers.<br />

Typical Tornado Life Cycle<br />

The typical tornado goes through a three-stage life cycle:<br />

developing, mature, and dissipating. Figure 18 shows the developing<br />

tornado. A rotating wall cloud is evident, with tighter rotation evident<br />

in the base of the wall cloud. As the tornadic circulation continues to<br />

develop, the condensation funnel appears. It may not be a tornado<br />

yet since the visible cloud is less than half way to the ground;<br />

however, in some cases you will see a dust whirl on the ground<br />

indicating a tornado before the condensation funnel touches down.<br />

Figure 19 shows the mature tornado. The storm is still getting a<br />

good inflow of warm, moist air, and the circulation is near its<br />

maximum size and intensity. The inflow becomes disrupted a short<br />

time later, which starts the dissipating stage.<br />

Figure 20 shows a dissipating tornado. This stage is sometimes<br />

called the “rope stage.” The condensation funnel becomes tilted and<br />

shrinks into a contorted, ropelike configuration. The tornado is still<br />

dangerous even at this late stage in its life. Some tornadoes,<br />

especially larger ones, dissipate as the funnel lifts into a bowl-shaped<br />

lowering of the cloud base.<br />

Figure 18: Developing stage of a tornado.<br />

Photo - © Alan Moller.<br />

Figure 19: Tornado in mature stage.<br />

Photo - © Alan Moller.<br />

Figure 20: Tornado in its dissipating stage.<br />

Photo - Courtesy Gary Woodall.<br />


Tornado Classification<br />

Tornado intensities are classified by the Fujita Damage Scale<br />

developed by Dr. T. Theodore Fujita, a renowned severe weather<br />

researcher. The scale ranges from F0-F5, with F5 storms creating<br />

incredible damage. The NWS also uses a broader, three-level<br />

classification scale, consisting of “weak” (F0-F1), “strong” (F2-F3), and<br />

“violent” (F4-F5). Figures 21, 22, and 23 are examples of these tornado<br />

classifications. Dimensions shown in figures are upper limits, not<br />

averages.<br />

Weak tornadoes may not be associated with mesocyclones. They<br />

are difficult to detect and forecast; thus, there is a heavy reliance on<br />

spotters to identify and report these storms.<br />

Strong tornadoes are typically associated with mesocyclones.<br />

They are easier to infer from radar, but spotter reports of these<br />

storms are still a very important part of the warning process.<br />

Violent tornadoes are virtually always associated with a powerful<br />

mesocyclone. Their signatures are often easily detectable on radar,<br />

but spotter reports provide vital ground truth of actual storm<br />

conditions.<br />

Many strong and violent tornadoes develop as multiple vortex<br />

tornadoes. They consist of one large circulation (vortex) with several<br />

smaller circulations rotating around it. The smaller vortices usually<br />

are responsible for the extreme winds and damage associated with<br />

violent tornadoes.<br />

As discussed earlier, storm spotters should NOT wait for a<br />

condensation cloud to reach the ground before reporting a tornado.<br />

Instead, spotters should look for a rotating dust/debris cloud on the<br />

ground below the funnel. This rule is especially true in the western<br />

states, where storm cloud bases are relatively high and the air below<br />

the cloud base can be quite dry.<br />

Although the tornadoes pictured here are typical of the intensities<br />

shown, spotters should not attempt to judge tornado intensity based<br />

only on size. Cases have been documented of small, violent<br />

tornadoes and weak tornadoes with large condensation funnels.<br />

Figure 21: Typical weak tornado. Photo - © Tim Marshall.<br />

Figure 22: Typical strong tornado. Photo - NWS.<br />

Figure 23: Typical violent tornado.<br />

Photo - Courtesy Jeff Formby.<br />


Tornado Look-Alikes<br />

One of the biggest challenges in tornado spotting is determining<br />

whether you are seeing the “real thing” or a tornado look-alike. Two<br />

key features present with a tornado are a debris cloud near the<br />

ground and organized rotation about a vertical axis.<br />

Rainshafts sometimes may be located in a thunderstorm where a<br />

tornado normally would be found (figure 24). Rainshafts lack a debris<br />

cloud near the ground and organized rotation about a vertical axis.<br />

Figure 25 shows a smoke column and is one of the most convincing<br />

look-alikes ever photographed. To properly identify tougher cases,<br />

watch for a minute or so to look for rotation, both in the cloud and in<br />

the debris near the ground. Talk with your colleague. Also, talk with<br />

other spotters in the area; they may have a closer look or a better<br />

viewing angle.<br />

Scud clouds are small, detached, wind-torn clouds that often form<br />

near thunderstorms (figure 26). Scud clouds can change shape<br />

rapidly and sometimes take on the appearance of a wall cloud or<br />

funnel cloud. Remember, though, that wall clouds are always<br />

attached to the cloud base and funnel clouds always rotate. Roll<br />

clouds form along the gust front as the cool outflow lifts warm, moist<br />

air. They take on the shape of horizontal tubes, and in some cases,<br />

you can actually see a horizontal rolling motion (figure 27).<br />

Shelf clouds form in a process similar to roll clouds, but shelf<br />

clouds take on more of a wedge shape. You probably will see<br />

considerable motion in the shelf cloud’s base. The motion will be<br />

turbulent in nature, though, without the persistent, organized rotation<br />

seen in true wall clouds. Shelf clouds are more common than roll<br />

clouds and can define areas of strong downburst winds but usually<br />

are not favorable locations for tornado development (figure␣ 28). They<br />

are associated with cool outflow (downward vertical motion) while a<br />

wall cloud is associated with a warm updraft (upward vertical<br />

motion).<br />

Figure 24: Distant rain shaft. Photo␣ - © Tim Marshall.<br />

Figure 25: Distant smoke column. Photo␣ - Courtesy Brian Curran.<br />


Figure 26: Scud clouds. Photo - Courtesy Roger Edwards.<br />

Supercell Variations and Unusual<br />

Situations<br />

There are variations in the supercell model that spotters may see<br />

from time to time. The spotter should be familiar with the different<br />

types of supercells, plus other non-typical events that may occur.<br />

This guide will discuss some of these variations briefly. More in-depth<br />

discussions are included in the Advanced Severe Storm Spotters<br />

series.<br />

The Heavy Precipitation or HP supercell is quite common east of<br />

the Great Plains and may be the most common type of supercell<br />

nationwide. The HP supercell produces tremendous amounts of<br />

precipitation around the mesocyclone, especially on the west and<br />

southwest sides of the mesocyclone. Heavy precipitation can<br />

produce poor contrast under the cloud base or completely obscure<br />

important features. If a tornado or wall cloud is obscured, striations,<br />

low level inflow bands, and mid-level cloud bands may be used to<br />

infer storm rotation (figures 29 and 30). If any of these clues suggest<br />


IF A TORNADO IS PRESENT. Even without a tornado, large hail and<br />

strong downburst winds are likely, and heavy precipitation will<br />

obscure visibility and may produce flash flooding.<br />

Figure 27: Roll cloud. Photo - Courtesy Gary Woodall.<br />

Figure 28: Shelf cloud. Photo - NSSL.<br />

Figure 29: Side view diagram of an HP supercell.<br />


The Low Precipitation or LP supercell most often occurs in the<br />

High Plains but has been documented in other areas. The LP<br />

supercell produces very little liquid precipitation and outflow but is a<br />

prolific hail producer. LPs can be difficult to detect on radar but are<br />

fairly easy to identify visually. The main precipitation area will be<br />

small and light, and the storm tower will be slender, striated, and bell<br />

shaped or flared out close to the ground (figures 31 and 32). It is<br />

unusual for the LP supercell to produce a large tornado.<br />

Another non-typical event that occurs is the “gustnado” (figure 33).<br />

Sometimes vortices may develop in a gust front’s outflow as it moves<br />

across the ground. These vortices are called “gustnados.” They are<br />

not associated with the updraft area of the storm and generally do not<br />

extend up to the cloud base. Thus, in some aspects they are not<br />

“legitimate” tornadoes, however, they do pose a threat to life and<br />

property and should be reported.<br />

Tornadoes that occur at night are obviously much more difficult to<br />

observe and recognize than those occurring during the day (figure<br />

34). Limited assistance may be provided by lightning (although<br />

lightning may illuminate different parts of the storm at different<br />

times), power line flashes, tornado roaring sounds (although strong<br />

winds blowing through trees can produce a roaring sound similar to<br />

that of a tornado), and the presence of large hail.<br />

Figure 31: Side view diagram of an LP supercell.<br />

Figure 30: Side view of an HP supercell. Photo - © Alan Moller.<br />

Figure 32: Side view of an LP supercell. Photo - NSSL.<br />


Figure 33: Gustnado visible directly below shelf cloud lowering..<br />

Photo - NSSL.<br />

Summary<br />

This guide has given you an introductory look at severe<br />

thunderstorms, the hazardous weather they produce, and some of the<br />

visual clues available to help determine a storm’s severity. It has<br />

provided an overview of the fundamentals of severe storm spotting.<br />

Use this guide and the presentation that accompanies it as a first step<br />

in your severe thunderstorm education, not your last step. As your<br />

experience base grows, we encourage you to attend regular refresher<br />

spotter training courses and advanced spotter training programs.<br />

These continuing programs will enable you to increase your<br />

knowledge of severe thunderstorms and become an even more<br />

valuable part of the severe weather warning system.<br />

Figure 34: Lightning-illuminated supercell.<br />

Note the suspicious feature just right of the lightning.<br />

Photo - © Alan Moller.<br />


Figure Credits<br />

Cover and Title Page - Photo by National Severe Storms Laboratory<br />

(NSSL).<br />

Figure 1 - Courtesy Roger Edwards.<br />

Figure 2 - Courtesy James Purpura.<br />

Figure 3 - © Alan Moller.<br />

Figures 4 - 7 - NOAA.<br />

Figure 8 - Courtesy Bill Martin.<br />

Figure 9 - NSSL.<br />

Figure 10 - Courtesy Roger Edwards.<br />

Figure 11 - NSSL.<br />

Figure 12 - NSSL.<br />

Figure 13 - NOAA.<br />

Figure 14 - © Alan Moller.<br />

Figure 15 - NWS.<br />

Figure 16 - NOAA.<br />

Figure 17 - NOAA.<br />

Figure 18 - © Alan Moller.<br />

Figure 19 - © Alan Moller.<br />

Figure 20 - Courtesy Gary Woodall.<br />

Figure 21 - © Tim Marshall.<br />

Figure 22 - NWS.<br />

Figure 23 - Courtesy Jeff Formby.<br />

Figure 24 - © Tim Marshall.<br />

Figure 25 - Courtesy Brian Curran.<br />

Figure 26 - Courtesy Roger Edwards.<br />

Figure 27 - Courtesy Gary Woodall.<br />

Figure 28 - NSSL.<br />

Figure 29 - NOAA.<br />

Figure 30 - © Alan Moller.<br />

Figure 31 - NOAA.<br />

Figure 32 - NSSL.<br />

Figure 33 - NSSL.<br />

Figure 34 - © Alan Moller.<br />

Notes<br />

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Spotter Reporting Procedures<br />

• From radio or cellular phone-equipped vehicles, report severe weather observations to a central collection point<br />

and request them to relay the report to the National Weather Service.<br />

• Law enforcement and Emergency Management spotters—report to your dispatcher or net controller via NAWAS,<br />

radio, cellular phone, or other direct communications links as prescribed by your Emergency Operations Plan.<br />

• When the telephone is your only communications method, call your primary or alternate contact, and ask him or<br />

her to relay your report to the National Weather Service. If the call is long distance, you can make it collect.<br />

Report promptly as the storm may interrupt communications.<br />

Report Briefly:<br />

What you have seen: tornado, funnel cloud, wall cloud, waterspout, flash flooding, etc.<br />

Where you saw it: the direction and distance from a known location, i.e., 3 miles south of Beltsville. To avoid<br />

confusion, make sure you report the event location and not your location.<br />

When you saw it: make sure you note the time of your observation.<br />

What it was doing: describe the storm’s direction and speed of travel, size and intensity, and destructiveness.<br />

Include any amount of uncertainty as needed, i.e., “funnel cloud; no debris visible at the surface, but too far away to<br />

be certain it is not on the ground.”<br />

Identify yourself and your location. Give spotter code number if you have one.<br />

Report:<br />

1. Tornado, funnel cloud, waterspout, or wall cloud.<br />

2. Large hail, as defined by your local NWS office.<br />

3. Damaging winds (usually greater than 50 mph).<br />

4. Flash flooding.<br />

5. Other criteria as defined by your local NWS office.

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