DA Grimes, J Benson, S Singh, M Romero

DA Grimes, J Benson, S Singh, M Romero

DA Grimes, J Benson, S Singh, M Romero


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Avortement à risque<br />

d’après: « Unsafe abortion:<br />

the preventable pandemic »<br />

<strong>DA</strong> <strong>Grimes</strong>, J <strong>Benson</strong>, S <strong>Singh</strong>, M <strong>Romero</strong>,<br />

B Ganatra, FE Okonofua, IH Shah<br />

Lancet 2006; 368: 1908–19; Published Online, Nov 1, 2006 ©<br />

IFMT-MS.Sémin.Mère-<br />

Enft.déc.2006<br />


Avortement à risque : définition<br />

• Procédure qui vise à interrompre une grossesse<br />

• Il s’agit d’une grossesse non désirée<br />

• La procédure est pratiquée par :<br />

– un personnel non qualifié, souvent la femme elle même<br />

– ou un professionnel, mais dans un environnement à risque :<br />

instruments non stériles, absence d’hygiène et moyens techniques<br />

élémentaires<br />

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Avortement à risque : définition<br />

• Fréquence très sous estimée par les statistiques de santé<br />

(en Inde par ex.: 10-25% des femmes seraient concernées)<br />

• L’Impact de l’avortement à risque est majeur aux plans<br />

– psychologique<br />

– sanitaire : morbidité / mortalité non négligeables<br />

–social: contexte d’ignorance, solitude, pauvreté<br />

– juridique : dans certains pays ou l’avortement est jugé criminel<br />

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UA, world perspective<br />

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Avortements<br />

non médicaux<br />

répartition<br />

mondiale<br />

lois pro / anti-avortement:<br />

effets sur natalité et sur<br />

mortalité maternelle<br />

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IFMT-MS.Sémin.Mère-<br />

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Avortements non médicaux<br />

et décès maternels<br />

Causes de décès maternels :<br />

rôle de l’avortement non médical<br />

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Unsafe Abortion Methods<br />

1.Treatments taken by mouth<br />

Toxic solutions<br />

• Turpentine<br />

• Laundry bleach, bluing, detergent solutions<br />

• Acid<br />

• Cottonseed oil<br />

• Arak (a strong liquor)<br />

• Teas and herbal remedies, strong tea<br />

• Tea with apio, avocado bark, ginger, etc<br />

• Tea made of livestock manure<br />

• Assorted herbal medications<br />

• Boiled and ground avocado or basil leaves<br />

• Wine boiled with raisins and cinnamon<br />

• Black beer boiled with soap, oregano, and<br />

parsley<br />

• Boiled apio (celery plant) water with aspirin<br />

• “Bitter concoction”<br />

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Enft.déc.2006<br />

Drugs<br />

• Uterine stimulants, such as misoprostol<br />

or oxytocin (used in obstetrics)<br />

• Quinine and chloroquine (used for malaria)<br />

• Oral contraceptives (ineffective for abortion)<br />

2. Intramuscular injections<br />

• Two cholera immunisations<br />

• And many others….<br />


Unsafe Abortion Methods (contin.)<br />

3. Foreign bodies inserted into the cervix<br />

4. Inserted in the vagina or cervix<br />

• woodden stick, sometimes dipped in oil<br />

• hard green bean, plant root, or leaf<br />

• piece of sugar<br />

•metallic : knitting needle , wire, coat hanger ,<br />

bicycle spoke<br />

• rubber catheter<br />

• intrauterine contraceptive device<br />

• ballpoint pen<br />

• chicken bone<br />

• air blown in by a syringe<br />

• Potassium permanganate tablets<br />

• Herbal preparations<br />

• Misoprostol<br />

5. Enemas (intra vaginal-cervical)<br />

• Soap<br />

• Shih tea (wormwood)<br />

6. Trauma<br />

• Abdominal or back massage<br />

• Lifting heavy weights<br />

• Jumping from top of stairs or roof<br />

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Enft.déc.2006<br />


1. hémorragie<br />

2. sepsis, choc<br />

3. péritonite, gangrène<br />

Complications<br />

pouvant nécessiter<br />

hystérectomie<br />

4. traumatisme col, vagin, utérus, organes abdominaux<br />

5. Infection génitale haute et stérilité (20-40%)<br />

6. intoxication aigue<br />

Ces complications sont fréquentes : 20-50% des femmes doivent être<br />

hospitalisées pour complication après avortt<br />

le risque augmente avec l’âge de la grossesse<br />

(après le 1er trimestre)<br />

et avec le caractère invasif (intra-utérin) de la procédure<br />

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Complications : mécanismes<br />

1. Rétention placenta (avortt incomplet) hémorragie<br />

2. Abortifs chimiques (quinine, chloroquine..) Intoxication aigue<br />

3. Infections systémiques : tétanos,<br />

Clostridium perfringens, BGN<br />

sepsis, choc, décès<br />

4. Perforation d’organes creux péritonite, gangrène<br />

5. Infection loco régionale<br />

1. endométrite synéchies utérus, stérilité<br />

2. péritonite<br />

6. Injection / insufflation (air, savon) embolie gazeuse<br />

7. corps étranger local ulcère, nécrose, fistule<br />

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Enft.déc.2006<br />


Quelles sont les procédures « safe » ?<br />

1. Méthode médicale : prostaglandines<br />

1. mifepristone<br />

2. misoprostol (cytotec ©)<br />

2. Aspiration<br />

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Aspiration<br />

Prostaglandines<br />

(vaccum abortion)<br />

Medical Non-Surgical Abortion<br />

Buy Mifepristone , Mifegyne , RU 486 online<br />

IFMT-MS.Sémin.Mère-<br />

Enft.déc.2006<br />


Medical abortion by Misoprostol (MO) (Cytotec*)<br />

in Brazil<br />

• MO (prostaglandin) introduced in Brazil in 1986, rapidlly became available over the counter<br />

• Women recognised its ective abortifacient properties and began to use the drug<br />

• They self-administer the drug orally; seeking medic assistance in case of uterine bleeding<br />

• By 1990, 70% of women treated in hospital for abortion complications in reported use of<br />

MO. This led the MoHof Brazil to restrict its sale in 1991. Some states banned the drug.<br />

• However, restricting did not prevent the use : MO remained available at higher prices on<br />

the black market. Consequently, in some states of Brazil, abortion complications increased<br />

and abortion-related deaths tripled after MO restriction.<br />

• MO globally the severity of UA complications, and the hospital admissions: previously,<br />

foreign bodies inserted into the cervix, caused bleeding urging curettage & infection<br />

• The wide use of MO for abortion has been associated with improved health for women.<br />

• Women have widely accepted medical abortion because of it is similar to spontaneous<br />

abortion.<br />

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Enft.déc.2006<br />


Images<br />

(diffusées par les pro et les anti-avortements)<br />

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Enft.déc.2006<br />


Illegal abortion laws: prosecution in El Salvador<br />

• “After I came out of the coma, they moved me to the maternity hospital. My brother<br />

visited and asked me if the police had come to ask me questions. He said the police<br />

had come to our house and they had interrogated our relatives and neighbours. They<br />

had gone to where I worked. They asked everyone a lot of questions about me and who<br />

I was and if they knew whether I was pregnant and whether I’d had an abortion.<br />

• When I got home, the prosecutor came to see me, and he asked lots of aggressive<br />

questions. He talked to me like I was a criminal. I didn’t want to answer because I was<br />

scared. He said if I didn’t answer, even though I was in bad physical shape, he would<br />

put me in jail.<br />

• He wanted me to tell him who the father of the child was and the name of the person<br />

who had done this to me.<br />

• I didn’t know her name. Then he made a date for me to come to the prosecutor’s office.”<br />

Anonymous woman in El Salvador<br />

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Abortion: A Buddhist Perspective<br />

Early Scriptures of Buddhism (the Pali canon) see human life as starting with conception.<br />

If life begins at conception, then any termination following this is seen to be morally<br />

unwholesome.To have an abortion is to break the first precept - « abstain from harming or<br />

killing livings beings ». This carries negative karmic consequences which will bear fruit either<br />

in this life or future lives.<br />

It is also to deny the precious opportunity that human life affords for the attainment of enlightenment.<br />

Out of the six realms that make upBuddhist wheel of life, the human realm is seen to be the<br />

most precious.<br />

The basic position taken by Buddhism, therefore, is that abortion is wrong.<br />

But is it ever permissible?<br />

Exceptions? Buddhism recognises an abortion might be necessary - when the mother's life is at<br />

risk, for example. This seems to imply that the mother's life is of greater value than the<br />

embryo or fetus. If this is the case, it might be argued that it is less serious to terminate a less<br />

developed being than a more developed one.<br />

A Buddhist might argue that it is morally worse to kill a dog than an ant,or a holy person than a<br />

murderer. On this basis, is it morally worse to abort a three month old fetus than one at two<br />

months?<br />

IFMT-MS.Sémin.Mère-<br />

Enft.déc.2006<br />


Abortion: A Buddhist Perspective (suite)<br />

Shades of Opinion<br />

Individual Buddhists may differ in how they assess to what extent abortion is wrong in individual<br />

cases.<br />

One stance is that abortion at any stage in the pregnancy is wrong.<br />

Another stance might be that the offence is worse the more developed the fetus or embryo.<br />

Yet another might be that the seriousness of the offence can only be determined by taking into<br />

account the full circumstances surrounding the abortion.For example,would it be more morally<br />

reprehensible to have an abortion for personnal convenience than for the threat on mother health<br />

or family wellbeing ?<br />

The degree of moral culpability is always going to bedifficult to measure<br />

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Conclusions<br />

1. 19–20 million avortements à risque (AAR) sont pratiqués / an,<br />

97% dans les PED (estim.)<br />

2. 68 000 femmes meurent chaque année, et des millions ont des<br />

séquelles définitives (estim)<br />

3. En dépit de cette fréquence l’AAR, est l’un des aspects de la santé<br />

publique les plus négligés et les plus difficiles à aborder<br />

4. Causes des décès : hémorragie, infection, et intoxication aux abortifs<br />

5. L’accès à la contraception moderne peut réduire mais pas éliminer l’AAR<br />

6. La légalisation de l’A est nécessaire mais pas suffisante à éliminer l’AAR<br />

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Conclusions (2)<br />

7. La santé des femmes progresse quant l’A est légal, sûr, accessible;<br />

à inverse, elle se détériore lorsque l’accès est mauvais ou l’A illégal<br />

8. En pays développés, l’A légal est très sûr : < 1 décès / 100 000 A.<br />

9. L’A par aspiration non invasive (manuelle) du contenu utérin, ou par<br />

médicaments (mifepristone / misoprostol) ont considérablement<br />

réduit les complications<br />

10. en PED, traiter ces complications surcharge fortement des services<br />

de santé déjà pauvres, au détriment d’autres maladies curables<br />

11. La cause fondamentale de cette pandémie globale est la paresse, et<br />

le dédain vis à vis des femmes; celles ci souffrent et meurent parce<br />

qu’elles ne sont pas valorisées.<br />

IFMT-MS.Sémin.Mère-<br />

Enft.déc.2006<br />


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