R1-R4 ENSREG Stress Test - Summary

R1-R4 ENSREG Stress Test - Summary

R1-R4 ENSREG Stress Test - Summary


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Sekretessklass: Hemlig<br />

Ringhals AB<br />

Dokumenttyp Dokumentstatus Statusdatum Dokument-ID/Version<br />

Rapport-projekt Frisläppt 2011-10-27 2158963 / 2.0<br />

Intern dokumentägare Sekretessklass Gäller t o m Alt. dokument-ID 1<br />

PRRT Hemlig Externa händelser<br />

PSG / FSG enl dok.nr Ersätter Alt. dokument-ID 2<br />

Handläggare Granskat av Godkänt av<br />

Myhrberg Björn PRRTAS<br />

Jerregård Anders PR<strong>R1</strong>D<br />

Eckegren Lennart PRRTF<br />

Granhäll Tord PRR2T<br />

Eklöw Kajsa PRRTAS<br />

Frisläppt av<br />

<strong>R1</strong>-<strong>R4</strong> <strong>ENSREG</strong> <strong>Stress</strong> <strong>Test</strong> - <strong>Summary</strong><br />

Lövefors Daun Annette PRRQ<br />


An assessment of the site has been made at situations beyond the design<br />

bases of the units. The assessment has been performed in accordance with<br />

the <strong>ENSREG</strong> stress test specification. The stress test is focused on the areas:<br />

- Earthquake, where the stressing is made by applying an earthquake with<br />

ground acceleration about four times beyond the design value (the 10 -7<br />

earthquake vs. 10 -5 earthquake).<br />

- Flooding, where the stressing is made by applying sea-rise levels beyond<br />

design. The design basis sea-rise level is 2,65 m. The plant robustness is<br />

evaluated by applying sea-rise levels of 3, 3,3 and 4 m.<br />

- Loss of offsite power and station blackout. In this case the stressing is<br />

performed by applying a gradually increased of loss of power, ending up<br />

with only battery power as the available source.<br />

- Loss of ultimate heat sink, where the stressing is made by applying<br />

gradually decreasing availability of seawater, ending up with no seawater<br />

at all available.<br />

- Accident management, where the stressing is made by imposing potential<br />

obstacles for the accident management processes such as infrastructure<br />

destruction, unavailable facilities, loss of power, habitability issues etc.<br />

In all cases, the very beneficial impact of the containment filtered vent<br />

feature is observed.<br />

In the earthquake case, the engineering judgement is that the units will be<br />

able to withstand the design basis earthquake (DBE). Safe shutdown is<br />

judged to be feasible. The spent fuel cooling systems are not seismically<br />

qualified. At beyond design bases condition for the stress test, the applied<br />

case is an earthquake corresponding to an exceedance frequency of 10 -7 per<br />

Delgivning och distribution<br />

Delgivning för åtgärd:<br />

Delgivning för kännedom: Referensgrupp, Hans Länsisyrjä RQS, interngranskare, remissgranskare,<br />

projektmedlemmar, cRTAS, cRQ<br />

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Frisläppt Externa händelser 2158963 / 2.0<br />

site and year. At this condition, the containments, the containment filtered<br />

vents, the fuel buildings and the fuel pools and the severe accident mitigation<br />

systems are judged to be able to perform their release preventing functions.<br />

As mentioned above, the spent fuel cooling systems are not seismically<br />

qualified.<br />

In the flooding case, the assessment concludes that for the design basis<br />

flooding, a sea level rise of 2,65 m, no fuel damage will occur. Beyond<br />

design basis, flooding of the units may occur with the potential of causing<br />

fuel damage by elimination of safety functions and spent fuel cooling<br />

equipment. Robustness exists up to the ground level, which is 3 m above sea<br />

level. At a sea-level rise of 4 m fuel damages are judged to be possible.<br />

Addressing the question of an appropriate sea-level rise is required before<br />

relevant measures can be taken.<br />

In the “Loss of offsite power and station blackout” case, the assessment<br />

concludes that the limiting case is when only battery power is available.<br />

Robustness exists as long as anyone of the ordinary backup power sources<br />

(diesel generators or gas turbines) or the steam driven auxiliary feedwater<br />

systems are available. Postulating power system recovery times beyond<br />

design, exhaustion of batteries, depletion of the water sources for the steam<br />

driven systems and operation at low RCS inventory conditions will cause<br />

fuel damage. The containment filtered vent feature will contribute in keeping<br />

the releases within allowable limits. The loss of power will also cause a loss<br />

of the spent fuel cooling.<br />

Addressing the adequacy of the current battery capacities and the availability<br />

of the backup power sources is required before relevant measures can be<br />

taken.<br />

In the case of loss of ultimate heat sink, the assessment concludes that<br />

robustness exists for several days in all cases, with the exception of<br />

operation at low RCS inventory conditions at the PWR’s. Addressing the<br />

operation at low RCS inventory conditions coincident with loss of UHS is<br />

required before relevant measures can be taken.<br />

Regarding accident management, the assessment concludes robustness for<br />

events within design. The beneficial impact of the containment filtered vent<br />

is emphasised. When applying the Fukushima scenario as described in the<br />

stress test specification, a number of shortcomings are displayed. The<br />

emergency response organization can not handle four units simultaneously<br />

affected, the two existing mobile pump/generator units may not be enough,<br />

loss of cooling of the spent fuel pools can not be managed etc. Addressing<br />

the appropriate scenario to be applied is required before relevant measures<br />

can be taken.<br />

The evaluation of the Ringhals site in the light of the Fukushima accident<br />

and in accordance with the <strong>ENSREG</strong> stress test specification has revealed a<br />

number of areas subject to improvement:<br />

- The spent fuel pool cooling abilities needs to be further<br />

evaluated/reinforced<br />

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- The properties of the emergency response organization needs to be<br />

reconsidered<br />

- The flooding scenario needs to be reconsidered<br />

- The requirement for battery capacity is generally an area to analyze<br />

further.<br />

- The adequacy of the present water supplies needs to be reconsidered.<br />

The resulting potential plant improvements within each area are indicated in<br />

the referenced detailed evaluations, and summarized in this report. Before<br />

implementation of the indicated improvements is initiated, further in depth<br />

consideration is required to assure the correctness and suitability and that no<br />

jeopardizing of other plant properties will be caused.<br />

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R E V I D E R I N G S F Ö R T E C K N I N G<br />

Version<br />

Nr.<br />

Reviderade<br />

sidor<br />

Orsak<br />

Handläggare/<br />

Frisläppt av<br />

2.0 Första utgåvan B Myhrberg/<br />

A Lövefors<br />

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1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................8<br />

1.1 <strong>Stress</strong> test background information........................................................8<br />

1.2 Evaluation method of plant robustness ..................................................8<br />

1.3 Previous reporting during the process ...................................................9<br />

1.4 Other assessments of the incident..........................................................9<br />

1.5 Scope of the stress test............................................................................9<br />

2 SITE DESCRIPTION ................................................................................10<br />

2.1 The site ....................................................................................................10<br />

2.1.1 Hydrological characteristics ......................................................................10<br />

2.1.2 Seismological characteristics ....................................................................11<br />

2.1.3 Exposure to air transportation events........................................................11<br />

2.2 Applicability of the ENREG accessibility limitations of 24 hours<br />

respectively 72 hours .............................................................................11<br />

2.3 Basic design of the plants......................................................................13<br />

2.3.1 Ringhals 1 characteristics .........................................................................14<br />

2.3.2 Ringhals 2 characteristics .........................................................................14<br />

2.3.3 Ringhals 3 characteristics .........................................................................14<br />

2.3.4 Ringhals 4 characteristics .........................................................................14<br />

2.4 Safety significant differences ................................................................14<br />

2.5 Defence in depth principle .....................................................................16<br />

2.6 The containment filtered vent feature ...................................................20<br />

2.7 Performed safety enhancements...........................................................23<br />

2.8 Routine safety enhancement work ........................................................24<br />

2.9 Scope and results of PSA ......................................................................24<br />

2.9.1 Scope .......................................................................................................24<br />

2.9.2 Ringhals 1.................................................................................................24<br />

2.9.3 Ringhals 2.................................................................................................26<br />

2.9.4 Ringhals 3.................................................................................................27<br />

2.9.5 Ringhals 4.................................................................................................29<br />

3 STRESSTEST RESULTS.........................................................................30<br />

3.1 Earthquake ..............................................................................................30<br />

3.2 Flooding ..................................................................................................32<br />

3.3 Loss of offsite power (LOOP) and station blackout (SBO) ..................34<br />

3.4 Loss of ultimate heat sink without/with SBO........................................41<br />

3.4.1 Loss of ultimate heat sink without SBO.....................................................41<br />

3.4.2 Loss of ultimate heat sink with SBO..........................................................44<br />

3.5 Accident management............................................................................44<br />

4 SUMMARY ASSESSMENT......................................................................48<br />

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5 AREAS SUBJECT TO IMPROVEMENTS ................................................50<br />

6 REFERENCES .........................................................................................51<br />

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DBE<br />

CFV<br />

RCS<br />

PWR<br />

BWR<br />

Design Bases Earthquake<br />

Containment Filtered Vent<br />

Reactor Coolant System<br />

Pressurized Water Reactor<br />

Boiling Water Reactor<br />

<strong>ENSREG</strong> European Nuclear Safety Regulators<br />

SAR<br />

TMI<br />

WANO<br />

SOER<br />

LOOP<br />

Safety Analysis Report<br />

Three Mile Island<br />

World Association of Nuclear Operators<br />

Significant Operating Experience Report<br />

Loss of Offsite Power<br />

OPS Original Plant Section (Ringhals unit 1)<br />

DPS Diversified Plant Section (Ringhals unit 1)<br />

SBO<br />

UHS<br />

ICS<br />

PGA<br />

CRDM<br />

DBF<br />

Station Blackout<br />

Ultimate Heat Sink<br />

Independent Containment Spray<br />

Peak Ground Acceleration<br />

Control Rod Drive Mechanism<br />

Design Bases Flooding<br />

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1.1 <strong>Stress</strong> test background information<br />

On the 25th of March 2011, the European Council of Ministers declared that<br />

the safety of all EU nuclear plants should be reviewed on the basis of<br />

comprehensive and transparent risk and safety assessments (“stress tests”) as<br />

a consequence of the Fukushima accident. The organization <strong>ENSREG</strong><br />

(European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group), which is an expert body,<br />

composed of senior officials from national regulatory or nuclear safety<br />

authorities from all 27 member states in the EU, has thereafter agreed on the<br />

criteria for how the stress tests should be performed.<br />

The report at hand is a summary of Ringhals AB’s answer to the Swedish<br />

Radiation Safety Authority’s injunction ”Förnyade säkerhetsvärderingar av<br />

tålighet mot vissa händelser” [7], which states that Ringhals AB must<br />

perform the <strong>ENSREG</strong> stress test for all its units. The stress test specification<br />

is found in Appendix 2 in [7].<br />

1.2 Evaluation method of plant robustness<br />

Nuclear power plants are designed with large safety margins. The safety<br />

margins are related to a number of postulated events, such as pipe breaks in<br />

the primary system, steam line break, flooding, wind etc. The plants are<br />

designed to withstand these postulated conditions with satisfactory margins.<br />

At the stress test according to <strong>ENSREG</strong>, the plant properties at conditions<br />

beyond the postulated design conditions are evaluated. This will result in an<br />

evaluation of to what extent the plant can withstand conditions beyond<br />

design without fuel damage occurring.<br />

The stress test principle is that the plant safety functions gradually are<br />

assumed to fail, regardless of redundancy properties. This will finally display<br />

a level of degradation where fuel damage is unavoidable.<br />

The stress test specification frequently addresses the point at which “fuel<br />

damage is unavoidable”. In the evaluations this point generally is when the<br />

core exit thermocouples indicate 650C (PWR) or the water level has<br />

decreased to the top of the core (BWR). In some cases, emptying of water<br />

sources is applied as criteria, however somewhat conservative. Concerning<br />

fuel pool discussions, the point is applied as the point when the water level<br />

has decreased to the top of the fuel assemblies.<br />

The base for the evaluation is the current unit analyses in the SAR’s,<br />

supplemented by descriptive discussions and engineering judgements where<br />

we are beyond the scope of the SAR.<br />

The stress test according to the <strong>ENSREG</strong> specification has an endpoint when<br />

fuel damage is unavoidable. However, the Swedish plants are designed to<br />

cope with a scenario even after severe fuel damage and vessel melt-through<br />

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has occurred. This scenario, the containment filtered vent scenario, was<br />

introduced at the Swedish plants in 1988 in accordance with government<br />

decision 11, 1986 [27]. The purpose of this government decision, derived<br />

from the TMI accident, was among others to prevent a ground deposition at<br />

severe accidents that in the long term will prevent the utilization of extensive<br />

land areas. The containment filtered vent feature is described in section 2.6.<br />

1.3 Previous reporting during the process<br />

The evaluation of the units according to the <strong>ENSREG</strong> stress test<br />

specification was initiated by the regulator SSM via the injunction<br />

2011/2065, ”Förnyade säkerhetsvärderingar av tålighet mot vissa händelser ”<br />

[7].<br />

The prerequisites for the stress test was reported by Ringhals AB in 2011-06-<br />

08 [8], additional prerequisites were reported 2011-07-12 [9]. The<br />

prerequisites were reviewed by SSM in a review report 2011-07-29 [10].<br />

The progress of the work was reported to SSM in 2011-08-15 [11],<br />

contributing to the national progress report submitted to the EU in 2011-09-<br />

15.<br />

1.4 Other assessments of the incident<br />

Shortly after the accident, the regulator SSM emphasized the importance of<br />

initiating plant specific evaluations, aimed at identifying potential<br />

reinforcements [12]. A dedicated project was established within the Ringhals<br />

site organization [13]. This project was later adapted to the requirements of<br />

the regulatory injunction [7].<br />

The WANO SOER’s 2011-2 and 2011-3 are addressed within the site<br />

organization.<br />

WANO SOER 2011-2, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear station fuel damage<br />

caused by earthquake and tsunami, was addressed and reported [30].<br />

WANO SOER 2011-3, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear station spent fuel<br />

pool/pond loss of cooling and makeup, is being addressed at the moment.<br />

1.5 Scope of the stress test<br />

The extent of the stress test according to the <strong>ENSREG</strong> specification results<br />

in an evaluation of the plant in the following perspectives:<br />

- The earthquake perspective, meaning that an evaluation is performed by<br />

applying an earthquake more severe than the design earthquake. The<br />

plant possibilities to fulfil the release preventing functions at theses<br />

conditions are evaluated.<br />

- The flooding perspective, meaning that an evaluation is performed of the<br />

magnitude of a flooding the plant can withstand before fuel damage is<br />

unavoidable.<br />

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- The loss of power perspective, meaning that an evaluation is performed<br />

of the plant long term properties during a gradual loss of power sources<br />

until only battery power remains. The available range of time until fuel<br />

damage is unavoidable is evaluated.<br />

- The ultimate heat sink perspective, meaning that an evaluation is<br />

performed of the plant long term properties during a gradual loss of sea<br />

water for plant cooling. The available range of time until fuel damage is<br />

unavoidable is evaluated.<br />

- The accident management perspective, meaning that an evaluation is<br />

performed of the adequacy of the accident management procedures, and<br />

of the emergency response organization.<br />

A common feature of the evaluations is that potential cliff-edge effects are<br />

identified. Cliff-edge effects may be e.g. exhaustion of batteries, lack of<br />

diesel fuel, emptied water supplies etc. A cliff edge effect causes the<br />

sequence of events to change in a significant way, and based on this, areas<br />

subject to improvements, further evaluations or reinforcements can be<br />

identified.<br />

The stress test specification frequently addresses the point at which “fuel<br />

damage is unavoidable”. In the evaluations this point is defined as when the<br />

core exit thermocouples indicate 650C (PWR) or the water level has<br />

decreased to the top of the core (BWR). Concerning fuel pool discussions,<br />

the point is defined as the point when the water level has decreased to the top<br />

of the fuel elements.<br />


2.1 The site<br />

The Ringhals plant is situated along the west coast of Sweden on the Värö<br />

peninsula within the Varberg municipality in the province of Halland.<br />

Contiguous cities are Varberg 25 km south of and Gothenburg 60 km north<br />

of Ringhals.<br />

The site has four units, one BWR and three PWR’s. The site is operated by<br />

Ringhals AB, who is the license holder.<br />

2.1.1 Hydrological characteristics<br />

The site is situated by the sea, and is consequently exposed to events<br />

originating from the sea. In the vicinity of the site, there are no dams or<br />

rivers constituting potential sources of flooding. The single source of<br />

flooding with the potential to cause a sequence of events resulting in fuel<br />

damage is a sea-level rise.<br />

The assumed highest flooding level is a sea level rise of 2,65 m [3].<br />

Tsunami<br />

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A tsunami is created by seismic events or underwater landslides.<br />

During an underwater earthquake a large amount of energy is added to the<br />

water. Since these events often occurs in the Pacific at large depths, the<br />

energy addition does not result in a significant level increase in the open sea.<br />

The result is a minor level increase of 0,5 – 1 m moving at large velocity<br />

away from the area. The energy is transmitted as a long wave, at the velocity<br />

C = (g * h) 1/2 ,<br />

Where the depth h often is of the magnitude 4000m. This results in a wave<br />

velocity of » 200 m/s (700 km/h). When reaching the shore the wave will be<br />

retarded by the decreasing depth, resulting in an increasing height.<br />

In the seas surrounding Sweden no tsunami has been registered. Even if<br />

tsunami initiating events should occur, the impact would be small since the<br />

depth of the surrounding sea is limited. The average depth in the Baltic is 60<br />

m and is assumed to be similar in the Kattegatt, resulting in a wave velocity<br />

of 25 m/s. This concludes that the waves will not generate any larger waves<br />

with the potential to cause any major damage [18].<br />

Tide<br />

Water level variations due to tide are usually insignificant, but may add up to<br />

an extra 30 cm to the water level variations due to atmospheric pressure and<br />

wind load [18].<br />

2.1.2 Seismological characteristics<br />

In Scandinavia seismic activity is generally low. The region is generally<br />

considered as being seismically stable. Only a few incidents have been<br />

registered in historic time, which might have damaged an industrial plant of<br />

today. The risk of a nuclear accident in Sweden, caused by an Earthquake,<br />

may thus be considered to be low. The bedrock conditions at the site are<br />

further discussed in [20]<br />

The design basis earthquake is an earthquake with the occurrence frequency<br />

of 10 -5 /year [21].<br />

2.1.3 Exposure to air transportation events<br />

The probability of an airplane incident in the vicinity of the Ringhals site is<br />

estimated to be very low, 2E-8 [22]. The air transportation is further<br />

discussed in [29].<br />

2.2 Applicability of the ENREG accessibility limitations of 24 hours<br />

respectively 72 hours<br />

In the <strong>ENSREG</strong> document a footnote states that:<br />

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“All offsite electric power supply to the site is lost. The offsite power should<br />

be assumed to be lost for several days. The site is isolated from delivery of<br />

heavy material for 72 hours by road, rail or waterways. Portable light<br />

equipment can arrive to the site from other locations after the first 24 hours.”<br />

Application of the stated timeframes of 24 respectively 72 hours requires is<br />

required to be further motivated.<br />

Within the site, it has to be credible that the generated amount of debris in<br />

the plant yard can be handled in such a way that transportation activities are<br />

possible.<br />

In order to credit portable light equipment after the first 24 hours, access to<br />

the site area has to be made credible, i.e snow obstacles and other obstacles<br />

should be made credible to be removed. Further, the assessed light<br />

equipment, has to be available within transportation range. Light equipment<br />

is assumed to be equipment transportable by off road vehicles or<br />

bandwagons.<br />

In order to credit heavy material first 72 hours, access to the site area has to<br />

be made credible, i.e snow obstacles and other obstacles should be made<br />

credible to be removed. Further, the assessed heavy material, has to be<br />

available within transportation range. Heavy material is basically assumed to<br />

be equipment requiring truck transportation by road.<br />

The site organisation capabilities regarding clearance of the site area in case<br />

of bad weather conditions or other events is managed by the on shift rescue<br />

team. At their disposal, the team has a fully equipped fire truck and an off<br />

road vehicle. At emergency situations, the site heavy vehicles such as front<br />

loaders and lifting trucks are also available. Based on the presence of the on<br />

shift rescue team and the available equipment, it is judged that the site area<br />

can be cleared for transportation purposes within 24 hours following bad<br />

weather conditions or other events.<br />

The transportation possibilities by road at bad weather or other difficult<br />

situations are managed by Trafikverket (Department of Transportation) and<br />

its local subcontractors. The experiences from previous bad weather<br />

conditions is that the roads are cleared well within 24 hours. Should the<br />

situation reach a societal emergency level, the First Commander of Rescue<br />

Service disposes all of the resources of the society.<br />

Based on the experience of historical bad weather situations, and the<br />

availability of the total society resources in emergency situations, it is<br />

reasonable to site specifically apply the timeframes of 24 hours respectively<br />

72 hours as described in the footnote of the <strong>ENSREG</strong> document.<br />

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2.3 Basic design of the plants<br />

The plants are designed to confine the radioactive material by physical<br />

barriers. There are dedicated systems intended to protect and maintain these<br />

barriers.<br />

The barriers are the fuel pellet structure, the fuel cladding, the reactor<br />

coolant pressure boundary and the containment.<br />

The protective functions included in the plant design in order to maintain the<br />

barrier integrity are characterized of design according to the single failure<br />

criterion, i.e. one single failure in the protective function does not jeopardize<br />

the purpose of the function.<br />

The plants were originally designed with two main trains of safety functions.<br />

The supporting power system was divided into four sub trains, each one with<br />

a dedicated emergency diesel generator. Two sub trains are supporting each<br />

main train.<br />

The two train design has during the years been reinforced. Additional reactor<br />

trip systems have been installed on all units. On Ringhals 1 an entire diverse<br />

plant section (DPS) has been installed in addition to the original plant section<br />

(OPS). Measures to strengthen the physical and functional separation of the<br />

trains have been taken.<br />

The parallel trains may in some cases perform the intended functions by<br />

different methods such as steam driven and motor driven pumps,<br />

diversification.<br />

The plant is designed to protect the barriers with automatically taken<br />

measures or by permitting reasonable time for consideration of manual<br />

actions. The latter is often called "Grace time" or "Time for reflection".<br />

All units are equipped with steam driven systems to provide core cooling<br />

capabilities, either directly to the reactor vessel (BWR) or via the steam<br />

generators (PWR).<br />

The power supply to the unit during normal operation consists of two<br />

alternative sources; the national 400 kV grid and the national 130 kV grid.<br />

At accident conditions, the power is supplied by four dedicated diesel<br />

generators and gas turbine plant common for the site. Ringhals 1 has in<br />

addition to this another two air cooled diesel generators installed within the<br />

diversified plant section. The unit is also equipped with house load operation<br />

feature, according to the national grid requirements. Furthermore, an<br />

additional full capacity mobile diesel generator is available at the site. The<br />

power supply to the filtered vent systems has independent battery capacity<br />

and a dedicated mobile generator set.<br />

The spent fuel is stored in the spent fuel pools at the unit for an average time<br />

of one year, prior to transportation to the national spent fuel storage facility.<br />

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2.3.1 Ringhals 1 characteristics<br />

Ringhals 1 is an ASEA-Atom design BWR with a rated thermal power of<br />

2540 MW. The first criticality was achieved by august 20, 1973.<br />

2.3.2 Ringhals 2 characteristics<br />

Ringhals 2 is a Westinghouse design three loop PWR with a rated thermal<br />

power of 2660 MW. The first criticality was achieved by June 19, 1974.<br />

2.3.3 Ringhals 3 characteristics<br />

Ringhals 3 is a Westinghouse design three loop PWR with a rated thermal<br />

power of 3151 MW. The first criticality was achieved by July 29, 1980.<br />

2.3.4 Ringhals 4 characteristics<br />

Ringhals 4 is a Westinghouse design three loop PWR with a rated thermal<br />

power of 2783 MW. The first criticality was achieved by May 19, 1982.<br />

2.4 Safety significant differences<br />

The safety significant properties and differences regarding the areas of the<br />

stress test scope (earthquake, flooding, LOOP/SBO, UHS, severe accident<br />

management) are discussed below.<br />

All units are finalising programs to improve the safety of the plants as<br />

requested in regulations that have been implemented for that purpose<br />

(SSMFS 2008:17). These requirements encompass the ability of the units to<br />

cope with external events.<br />

Earthquake<br />

With regard to the safety properties during earthquake conditions, there are<br />

no significant structural differences between the units.<br />

The four units at the site are exposed to the same seismic conditions.<br />

Originally, the units were not designed with seismic considerations since<br />

Sweden is a zone with low seismic activity.<br />

The modern national regulations require seismic upgrading of the units,<br />

which is an ongoing work.<br />

The BWR unit is divided into two parts regarding the safety features, OPS<br />

(Original Plant Section) and DPS (Diverse Plant Section), where the DPS is<br />

seismically qualified.<br />

The I&C-system on Ringhals 2 was recently replaced and seismically<br />

qualified.<br />

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The essential safety feature with regard to radioactive releases, the filtered<br />

vent of the containments, was originally designed with seismic<br />

considerations.<br />

Flooding<br />

With regard to the safety properties at flooding conditions, there are no<br />

significant differences between the units.<br />

The four units are erected at the same ground level, 3 meters above sea level,<br />

and are consequently equally exposed to flooding. Other potential flooding<br />

sources such as dams or rivers do not exist in the vicinity of the site.<br />

Loss of offsite power/Station blackout (LOOP/SBO)<br />

With regard to the safety properties at LOOP/SBO conditions, there are<br />

differences between the units.<br />

All units are equipped with four diesel generators, supplying redundant<br />

equipment. The durability of the diesel generators is further discussed in the<br />

LOOP section of the report.<br />

Ringhals 1 is further equipped with two additional diesel generators,<br />

supplying the DPS. (At Ringhals 1, a physically and functionally separated<br />

and diversified reactor protection system called DPS (Diversified Plant<br />

Section) has been installed. The DPS works in parallel with the Original<br />

Plant Section, OPS.)<br />

All units have steam driven systems supplying cooling capacity at loss of<br />

power situations.<br />

All units are supplied with battery capacity for the SBO case. The durability<br />

of the batteries is further discussed in the SBO section of the report.<br />

Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS)<br />

With regard to the safety properties of the UHS, there are no significant<br />

differences between the units.<br />

The UHS is the sea. The seawater canal system is similar for all units.<br />

The properties of the seawater canal system are further discussed in the UHS<br />

section of the report.<br />

Severe accident management<br />

With regard to severe accident management, there is no significant difference<br />

between the units.<br />

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The severe accident management is based on the presence of the filtered vent<br />

feature of the units. The severe accident scenario resulting in a reactor vessel<br />

melt-through trained in similar ways for the BWR and the PWR’s.<br />

The accident management organisation is common for the site.<br />

2.5 Defence in depth principle<br />

As described above the plants are designed with the safety objective of<br />

confining the radioactive material by physical barriers, maintained by<br />

dedicated protective systems and the management of the plant. This<br />

philosophy is described in the defence in depth principle.<br />

In order to meet the principal safety objectives, the concept of defence in<br />

depth is one of the most fundamental principles guiding the design of the<br />

plant and the principles for administrative control of the operation, providing<br />

an overall strategy for safety measures and features of nuclear power plants.<br />

When properly applied, the defence in depth concept ensures that no single<br />

human or equipment failure would lead to harm to the public, and even<br />

combinations of failures that are improbable would lead to little or no harm.<br />

Defence in depth helps to establish that the basic safety functions;<br />

- Controlling the power,<br />

- Cooling the fuel, and<br />

- Confining radioactive material,<br />

are preserved, and that radioactive material do not reach people or the<br />

environment.<br />

The principle of defence in depth is implemented primarily by means of a<br />

series of barriers which would in principle never be jeopardized, and which<br />

must be violated in turn before harm can occur to people or the environment.<br />

These barriers are physical, providing for the confinement of radioactive<br />

materials at successive locations.<br />

The concept of defence in depth, as applied to all safety activities, whether<br />

organizational, behavioural or design related, ensures that they are subject to<br />

overlapping provisions, so that if a failure were to occur, it would be<br />

detected and compensated for or corrected by appropriate measures.<br />

Application of the defence in depth concept throughout design and operation<br />

provides a graded protection against a wide variety of transients, anticipated<br />

operational occurrences and accidents, including those resulting from<br />

equipment failure of human action within the plant, and events that originate<br />

outside the plant.<br />

With the publication of INSAG-3, 1988 five levels, as presented in the list<br />

below, were defined<br />

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Levels of<br />

defence in<br />

depth<br />

Level 1<br />

Level 2<br />

Level 3<br />

Level 4<br />

Level 5<br />

Objective<br />

Prevention of abnormal operation and<br />

failures<br />

Control of abnormal operation and<br />

detection of failures<br />

Control of accidents within the design<br />

basis<br />

Control of severe plant conditions,<br />

including prevention of accident<br />

progression and mitigation of the<br />

consequences of severe accidents<br />

Mitigation of radiological consequences<br />

of significant releases of radioactive<br />

materials<br />

Essential means<br />

Conservative design and high<br />

quality in construction and<br />

operation<br />

Control, limiting and<br />

protection systems and other<br />

surveillance features<br />

Engineered safety features and<br />

accident procedures<br />

Complementary measures and<br />

accident management<br />

Off-site emergency response<br />

Application of the concept of defence in depth in the design of the plant<br />

provides a series of levels of defence (inherent features, equipment and<br />

procedures) aimed at preventing accidents and ensuring appropriate<br />

protection in the event that prevention fails.<br />

The aim of the first level of defence is to prevent deviations from normal<br />

operation. This leads to the requirement that the plant should be soundly and<br />

conservatively designed, constructed, maintained and operated in accordance<br />

with appropriate quality levels and engineering practices, such as the<br />

application of redundancy, independence and diversity in order prevent<br />

equipment failures.<br />

The aim of the second level of defence is to detect and intercept deviations<br />

from normal operational states in order to prevent anticipated operational<br />

occurrences from escalating to accident conditions. This is in recognition of<br />

the fact that some postulated initiating events are likely to occur over the<br />

service lifetime of a nuclear power plant, despite the care taken to prevent<br />

them. This level necessitates the provision of specific systems as determined<br />

in the safety analysis and the definition of operating procedures to prevent or<br />

minimize damage from such postulated initiating events.<br />

For the third level of defence, it is assumed that, although very unlikely, the<br />

escalation of certain anticipated operational occurrences or postulated<br />

initiating events may not be arrested by a preceding level and a more serious<br />

event may develop. These unlikely events are anticipated in the design basis<br />

for the plant, and inherent safety features, fail-safe design, additional<br />

equipment and procedures are provided to control their consequences and to<br />

achieve stable and acceptable plant states following such events. This leads<br />

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to the requirement that engineered safety features be provided that are<br />

capable of leading the plant first to a controlled state, and subsequently to a<br />

safe shutdown state, and maintaining at least one barrier for the confinement<br />

of radioactive material.<br />

The aim of the fourth level of defence is to address severe accidents in which<br />

the design basis may be exceeded and to ensure that radioactive releases are<br />

kept as low as practicable. The most important objective of this level is the<br />

protection of the confinement function. This may be achieved by<br />

complementary measures and procedures to prevent accident progression,<br />

and by mitigation of the consequences of selected severe accidents, in<br />

addition to accident management procedures. The protection provided by the<br />

confinement may be demonstrated using best estimate methods.<br />

The fifth and final level of defence is aimed at mitigation of the radiological<br />

consequences of potential releases of radioactive materials that may result<br />

from accident conditions. This requires the provision of an adequately<br />

equipped emergency control center, and plans for the on-site and off-site<br />

emergency response.<br />

A relevant aspect of the implementation of defence in depth is the provision<br />

in the design of a series of physical barriers to confine the radioactive<br />

material at specified locations. The number of necessary physical barriers<br />

depends on the potential internal and external hazards, and the potential<br />

consequences of failures. Interaction between the defence in depth concept<br />

and the barrier concept can be illustrated with the following figure.<br />

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Fig 2-1, Defence in depth vs barriers<br />

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2.6 The containment filtered vent feature<br />

A common characteristic of the units is the containment filtered vent feature.<br />

<strong>R1</strong>-<strong>R4</strong> started commercial operation 1975-1983 and were designed a decade<br />

earlier, with a clear focus at prevention of core damage (i.e. level 1-3 of the<br />

defence in depth principle). Due to the TMI-2 accident 1979 the interest for<br />

mitigating actions increased (i.e. level 4-5 of the defence in depth principle)<br />

and as a result some mitigating systems were implemented in Ringhals in the<br />

late 1980:s:<br />

- Containment Filtered Vent (CFV, system 362)<br />

- Independent Containment Spray (ICS, system 367/365 injecting via<br />

system 322)<br />

The filtered containment venting feature was installed in the Swedish power<br />

plants as a result of new requirements stipulated by the Swedish government.<br />

The Ringhals specific requirement is referred to as “Regeringsbeslut 11,<br />

1986” [27].<br />

The design requirements of the filtered vent are i.a (according to<br />

regeringsbeslut 11)<br />

- In the case of core damage, prepared plant specific strategies shall exist<br />

in order to protect the reactor containment function and to reach a stable<br />

condition where the core is cooled and covered by water.<br />

- It is vital that the reactor containment function remains intact during the<br />

first 10 to 15 hours after a core damage.<br />

- In order to protect the reactor containment against damage from<br />

overpressure during severe accident events, a controlled depressurization<br />

of the reactor containment shall be feasible. The pressure relief devices<br />

shall be independent of operator actions and independent of other safety<br />

systems. The pressure relief devices shall also be possible to operate by<br />

the operators.<br />

- The releases shall be limited to maximum 0.1 % of the reactor core<br />

content of cesium-134 and cesium-137 in a reactor core of 1800 MW<br />

thermal power, provided that other nuclides of significance, from the use<br />

of land viewpoint, are limited to the same extent as cesium.<br />

The chosen design scenario is station blackout (SBO, loss of all AC) and loss<br />

of steam-driven pumps, with no manual actions credited during the first 8<br />

hours. Without actions or mitigating systems such a scenario will typically<br />

give serious core degradation within 1-2 hours, vessel failure within 2-4<br />

hours followed by containment overpressurization and somewhat later gross<br />

failure of containment with large releases of fission products, unless<br />

mitigating measures are taken.<br />

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The requirement is to mitigate the design scenario so that the release of<br />

134 Cs and 137 Cs will be no more than corresponding to 0.1% of the core<br />

inventory of a 1800 MW th core.<br />

After 8 hours the ICS is assumed to be available, which will reduce the containment<br />

pressure and temporarily terminate the filtered release (or delay the<br />

initiation).<br />

In the design scenario for BWR (<strong>R1</strong>) the pressure in the containment will not<br />

reach the design pressure within 8 hours, why the actuation of ICS at this<br />

time will significantly delay the overpressurization of the containment until<br />

more than 24 hours. Somewhat later at a certain pressure the CFV is assumed<br />

to be actuated manually, but in case of no manual actions the CFV will be<br />

automatically actuated through the bursting of a rupture disk.<br />

In the design scenario for PWR (R2-<strong>R4</strong>), the pressure in the containment typically<br />

will reach the design pressure after 4-6 hours. Since no manual<br />

actions are credited during the first 8 hours the CFV will be automatically<br />

actuated through the bursting of a rupture disk and will reduce the<br />

containment pressure through a filtered release. After 8 hours the ICS is<br />

available which will reduce containment pressure and terminate the current<br />

CFV-release.<br />

However, (for both BWR and PWR) if no other means of cooling of the containment<br />

becomes available the ICS injection cannot continue “forever” since<br />

it will fill up the containment and has to be terminated at a certain level after<br />

approximately 30 hours. The pressure will then rise and there will be repeated<br />

activations of the CFV with an energy balance established with “feedand-boil”<br />

with the ICS intermittently injecting water and the CFV dissipating<br />

energy through a filtered release of steam.<br />

The possibility to passively (no operator decision required) prevent a<br />

containment over-pressurization is an important feature when answering the<br />

<strong>ENSREG</strong> questions about protecting containment integrity.<br />

All plants have chosen the FILTRA/MVSS concept to fulfill the<br />

requirements.<br />

FILTRA/MVSS stands for Filtered Containment Venting – Multi Venturi<br />

Scrubber System. The major component is a scrubber system comprising a<br />

large number of small venturi scrubbers submerged in a water pool. A<br />

venturi scrubber is a gas cleaning device that relies on the passage of the gas<br />

through a fine mist of water droplets. The design of the venturis is based<br />

upon the suppliers wide experience in this area gained in designing venturis<br />

for cleaning polluted gases from various industrial plants.<br />

Separation of aerosols and gaseous iodine takes place in the venturis and the<br />

radioactive matter is transferred to the pool water.<br />

Since the venturis are located on different levels and are sealed off by the<br />

internal water level, the number of engaged venturis is proportional to the<br />

pressure in the containment and thereby the total relief flow. Consequently,<br />

each venturi always operate close to the optimal flow and high<br />

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decontamination factors are therefore achieved over a wide flow range. The<br />

activation of venturis is inherently automatic and no external flow control is<br />

required.<br />

A moisture separator collects the entrained pool water droplets efficiently.<br />

The basic design requirement in Sweden was that depressurization of the<br />

reactor containment shall be possible without relying on operator action. This<br />

required activation by means of a rupture disc and efficient separation over a<br />

very wide flow range. Further, a sturdy design operating at low pressure was<br />

preferred, in order not to have the filter function jeopardized by dynamic<br />

effects such as hydrogen explosions.<br />

A principal figure of the filter is shown below.<br />

Fig 2-1, Containment filtered vent principal design<br />

A = Pressure relief line<br />

from the containment<br />

D = Pool<br />

G = Pressure vessel<br />

B = Venturi distribution E = Moisture H = Manhole<br />

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system<br />

C = Venturis including<br />

riser pipe<br />

separator<br />

F = Release to<br />

atmosphere<br />

I = Liner<br />

A principal sketch of the connection to the containment is shown below.<br />

Figure 2-2, FILTRA/MVSS connection to the containment<br />

2.7 Performed safety enhancements<br />

At Ringhals, safety enhancing plant modifications have been performed<br />

during the lifetime of the units. The major modifications are:<br />

- Modifications triggered by the TMI accident<br />

- The severe accident mitigation systems and procedures (including i. a.<br />

the containment filtered vent feature)<br />

- Steam generator replacements<br />

- Recirculation strainer reinforcements<br />

- Replacement of the I&C equipment on Ringhals 2, including a diverse<br />

protection system<br />

- Installation of a diverse protection system on Ringhals 3 and 4<br />

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- Installation of a functionally and physically diverse protection section<br />

(DPS) on Ringhals 1<br />

- Installation of passive hydrogen recombiners<br />

- Localizing the plant specific simulators on site, achieving increased<br />

training opportunities and efficiency.<br />

- Development and training of the emergency response organization, based<br />

on experiences from drills and events such as TMI and the Chernobyl<br />

accident.<br />

2.8 Routine safety enhancement work<br />

Safety evaluations are a part of the daily work tasks. The plant technical<br />

specification controls the safe operation of the units, and each deviation from<br />

this is subject to a safety evaluation in the resulting licensee event report.<br />

The experience feedback system of site supplies potential safety<br />

enhancements based on information from suppliers and organizations.<br />

The safety level of the units is also continuously developed driven by the<br />

development of the national regulations. Revised regulations requires<br />

backfitting of the units to fulfil the new requirements.<br />

At present, such a backfit program is in progress . The program is extensive,<br />

with a time schedule of several years [14-17].<br />

Periodic safety reviews are made each 10 year and in addition (safety)<br />

reviews are made by external expertise from IAEA and WANO.<br />

2.9 Scope and results of PSA<br />

2.9.1 Scope<br />

2.9.2 Ringhals 1<br />

The PSA models for Ringhals 1, 2, 3 and 4 are plant specific. The focus is on<br />

the frequency of core damage, PSA level 1, and the frequency of release of<br />

radioactive substances, PSA level 2. The PSA models constitute an<br />

important tool for many risk-informed applications and the results are<br />

described in the Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for each plant. However it is<br />

important to bear in mind that the results of a PSA are valid only given<br />

certain conditions and assumptions. This also implies that the numerical<br />

values for different plants (including the four units at Ringhals) are not<br />

directly comparable due to differences in the modelling.<br />

The results for Ringhals 1 are taken from the Ringhals 1 SAR [23].<br />

Results PSA level 1 for power operation<br />

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The mean value of the core damage frequency from all initiating events<br />

which are modelled for power operation is 2.2E-5 /year. The contributions to<br />

this value from different initiating event types are shown in figure 2.9.2-1.<br />

Figure 2.9.2-1. Contribution to the core damage frequency during power<br />

operation from different types of initiating events<br />

Results PSA level 2 for power operation<br />

Releases exceeding 0.1 % of the core inventory of radioactive materials for a<br />

reactor of 1800 MW are defined as releases which corresponds to 0.072% of<br />

the core inventory for Ringhals 1.<br />

The result is a release frequency for Ringhals 1 of 2.8E-6 /year.<br />

Results PSA level 1 for low power operating modes<br />

The mean value of the core damage frequency from all initiating events,<br />

which are modelled for the low power operating modes, is 2.0E-6 / year.<br />

The contributions to this value from the different initiating event types are<br />

shown in figure 2.9.2-2.<br />

Figure 2.9.2-2. Contribution to the core damage frequency during low<br />

power operating modes from different types of initiating events<br />

Results PSA level 2 for low power operating modes<br />

The release frequency for the low power operating modes is estimated to be<br />

1.8E-7/year.<br />

Results PSA level 1 for refueling outage<br />

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The mean value of the core damage frequency from all initiating events,<br />

which are modelled for a refueling outage, is 5.9E-5 / year.<br />

The contributions to this value from the different initiating event types are<br />

shown in figure 2.9.2-3. External events are analysed but the contribution is<br />

shown to be small enough to neglect.<br />

Figure 2.9.2-3 Contribution to the core damage frequency during refuelling<br />

outage from different types of initiating events<br />

2.9.3 Ringhals 2<br />

Results PSA level 2 for refueling outage<br />

The release frequency is defined in the same way as for power operation.<br />

This is estimated to be 1.2E-6 /year. 1.5.3<br />

The results for Ringhals 2 are taken from the R2 SAR, Part 8.7 Probabilistic<br />

Safety Analyses [24].<br />

Results PSA level 1 for power operation and the low power operating<br />

modes<br />

The mean value of the core damage frequency from all initiating events,<br />

which are modelled for power operation and the low power operating modes,<br />

is 3.6E-5 /year.<br />

The contributions to this value from the different initiating event types are<br />

shown in figure 2.9.2-4.<br />

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Internal Events<br />

46%<br />

Area Events<br />

52%<br />

External Events<br />

2%<br />

2.9.4 Ringhals 3<br />

Figure 2.9.2-4. Contribution to the core damage frequency during refuelling<br />

outage from different types of initiating events<br />

Results PSA level 2 for power operation and the low power operating<br />

modes<br />

The large early release frequency for Ringhals 2 is estimated to be 7.5E-7<br />

/year.<br />

Results PSA level 1 and 2 for refueling outage<br />

A plant specific analysis of the shutdown states has been developed but is<br />

not yet included in the R2 SAR. However an indication of the risk<br />

distribution can be achieved by studying the results from the corresponding<br />

analyses for Ringhals 3 and Ringhals 4.<br />

The results for Ringhals 3 are taken from the R3 SAR Chapter 15.9 –<br />

Probabilistic Safety Analysis [25].<br />

Results PSA level 1 for power operation and the low power operating<br />

modes<br />

The mean value of the core damage frequency from all initiating events<br />

which are modelled for power operation and the low power operating modes<br />

is 3.6E-5 /year.<br />

The contributions to this value from the different initiating event types are<br />

shown in figure 2.9.2-5.<br />

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Internal Events<br />

47%<br />

Area Events<br />

48%<br />

External Events<br />

5%<br />

Figure 2.9.2-5. Contribution to the core damage frequency during power<br />

operation from different types of initiating events<br />

Results PSA level 2 for power operation and the low power operating<br />

modes<br />

The release frequency for Ringhals 3 is 9.3E-7 /year.<br />

Results PSA level 1 for refueling outage<br />

The mean value of the core damage frequency from all initiating events,<br />

which are modelled for a refueling outage, is 1.5E-5 /year.<br />

The contributions to this value from the different initiating event types are<br />

shown in figure 2.9.2-6. External events are analysed but the contribution is<br />

shown to be small enough to neglect.<br />

Area Events<br />

31%<br />

Internal Events<br />

69%<br />

Figure 2.9.2-6. Contribution to the core damage frequency during refuelling<br />

outage from different types of initiating events<br />

Results PSA level 2 for refueling outage<br />

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2.9.5 Ringhals 4<br />

The release frequency is defined in the same way as for power operation.<br />

This is estimated to be 1.6E-6 /year.<br />

The results for Ringhals 4 are taken from the <strong>R4</strong> Förnyad SAR Systemdel<br />

Kapitel 15.9 – Probabilistic Safety Analysis [26].<br />

Results PSA level 1 for power operation and the low power operating<br />

modes<br />

The mean value for the core damage frequency from all initiating events<br />

which are modelled for power operation and the low power operating modes<br />

is 4.2E-5 /year.<br />

The contributions to this value from the different initiating event types are<br />

shown in figure 2.9.2-7.<br />

Internal Events<br />

35%<br />

External Events<br />

4%<br />

Area Events<br />

61%<br />

Figure 2.9.2-7. Contribution to the core damage frequency during power<br />

operation from different types of initiating events<br />

Results PSA level 2 for power operation and the low power operating<br />

modes<br />

The release frequency for Ringhals 4 as 1.1E-6 /year.<br />

Results PSA level 1 for refueling outage<br />

The mean value of the core damage frequency from all initiating events,<br />

which are modelled for a refueling outage, is 4.4E-5 /year.<br />

The contributions to this value from the different initiating event types are<br />

shown in figure 2.9.2-8. External events are analysed but the contribution is<br />

shown to be small enough to neglect.<br />

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Internal Events<br />

49%<br />

Area Events<br />

51%<br />

Figure 2.9.2-8. Contribution to the core damage frequency during<br />

refuelling outage from different types of initiating events<br />

Results PSA level 2 for refueling outage<br />

The release frequency is defined in the same way as for power operation and<br />

estimated to be 1.8E-6 /year.<br />


3.1 Earthquake<br />

This summary of the earthquake evaluation is a summary of [28]. The<br />

summary is at an overall level, presenting the main areas for improvement.<br />

An assessment has been performed of the properties of the plant at elevated<br />

earthquake conditions. The severity of the earthquake assumed has been<br />

increased from the design basis level of a 10 -5 earthquake to a 10 -7<br />

earthquake. This results in an increase of the accelerations of about four<br />

times. The engineering judgement is that the containments, fuel buildings,<br />

spent fuel pools and containment filtered vents will be able to fulfill their<br />

functions. Further analysis are required regarding the spent fuel pool cooling<br />

equipment, the Control Rod Drive Mechanisms of Ringhals 2/3/4, the<br />

Ringhals 1 scram system and the Ringhals 1 reactor building roof.<br />

In the original design, seismic loads were not included as design basis since<br />

the loads from earthquakes were considered small. The robustness of the<br />

structures called on for other reasons was considered enough to withstand<br />

the possible earthquakes.<br />

Thereafter, seismic requirements have been applied.<br />

Seismic loads have originally been applied for the Containment Filtered<br />

Vents (CFVs) and mobile units for water and power supply. The CFVs were<br />

installed during the late 80’s in accordance with the Swedish government<br />

decision 11 [27]. The ground response spectra for the CFVs were chosen in<br />

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accordance with US NRC Regulatory Guide 1.60 scaled to a PGA of 0.15 g<br />

horizontally and 0.10 g vertically.<br />

Further, seismic events with a probability of 10 -5 per year have been<br />

considered at plant modifications performed since the beginning of the 90’s,<br />

concerning equipment important for reactor safety. The ground response<br />

spectra used are valid for a typical Swedish hard rock site and are based on<br />

[21].<br />

The assessment is that the units can reach safe shutdown at a 10 -5<br />

earthquake. The spent fuel cooling systems are not seismically qualified.<br />

The stress test is performed by applying a more severe earthquake than the<br />

Swedish 10-5 earthquake. The applied case is an earthquake corresponding<br />

to an exceedance frequency of 10 -7 per site and year, based on [21]. The<br />

resulting peak ground acceleration is 0,41g, i.e. about four times higher than<br />

the DBE acceleration of 0,11g.<br />

Based on this earthquake level, the release preventing features of the plant<br />

and the spent fuel pools are evaluated. The release preventing features in this<br />

context are the containment with isolation provisions and the mitigation<br />

systems below:<br />

- Redundant water supply to the containment. Water supply is<br />

available from the mobile unit for water and power supply.<br />

- Controlled pressure relief of the reactor containment is performed via<br />

the MVSS (Multi Venture Scrubber System) connected to the reactor<br />

containment with a pipe.<br />

- Non-filtered pressure relief of the reactor containment at LOCA in<br />

combination with degraded pressure suppression function. (Only for<br />

BWR.)<br />

- Also other systems credited at severe accidents are evaluated, such as<br />

trip systems, pressure relief systems<br />

It has further been evaluated if an earthquake could cause a flooding of the<br />

plant. The evaluation shows that this is not a realistic combination at the<br />

Ringhals site.<br />

The engineering judgement is that the containment integrities will be<br />

maintained, the containment filtered vents will be able to fulfill their<br />

functions, and the mitigation systems will be able to fulfill their functions in<br />

case of an earthquake with frequency level 10 -7 annual at site.<br />

The fuel storage pools and the fuel racks of Ringhals 1 are judged to be able<br />

to fulfill their functions in case of an earthquake with frequency level 10 -7<br />

annual at site.<br />

The fuel storage pools of Ringhals 2-4 are judged to be able to fulfill their<br />

functions in case of an earthquake with frequency level 10 -7 annual at site,<br />

while the fuel racks needs further consideration.<br />

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3.2 Flooding<br />

The spent fuel cooling equipment on all units are not seismically qualified<br />

and needs further analysis regarding their possibility to maintain the cooling<br />

function after an earthquake. The roof of the reactor building of Ringhals 1<br />

needs further analysis.<br />

The CRDM’s of Ringhals 2-4 and the scram system of Ringhals 1 also needs<br />

further analysis.<br />

This summary of the flooding evaluation is a summary of [6]. The summary<br />

is at an overall level, presenting the main areas for improvement.<br />

The Ringhals site is situated on the Swedish west coast, utilizing the sea as<br />

ultimate heat sink. In the vicinity of the site, there are no dams or rivers<br />

constituting sources of flooding. The single source of flooding with the<br />

potential to cause a sequence of events resulting in fuel damage is a sea-level<br />

rise.<br />

The phenomena tsunami is not assumed to occur in Sweden. This<br />

assumptions is motivated by the requirement of large seismic activities<br />

combined by large depths of the sea in order to create a tsunami. The seismic<br />

activity in the Scandinavian area is low and the waters are relatively shallow.<br />

Historically, no tsunamis have ever been registered in Swedish waters [1].<br />

A sea-level rise is the considered source of a flooding event. The design<br />

bases flooding, DBF, is a sea-level of 102,65 m. The normal sea-level is<br />

specified as 100 m and the ground level at site is 103 m.<br />

The design bases flooding is based on statistics during the period 1887 to<br />

2006 [2]. The original DBF was 101,43 m, a so-called 100-year value that,<br />

as the name indicates, was the highest water level measured during a 100-<br />

year period. In accordance with the regulations stated in § 14 of SSMFS<br />

2008:17, this was reconsidered in order to reflect a flooding with a frequency<br />

of 10 -4 to 10 -6 /year. The flooding level of 102,65 m has been determined to<br />

have the frequency 10 -5 /year [3].<br />

The design basis is judged to be adequate, based on the large number of<br />

measurements of the sea level available.<br />

In accordance with the <strong>ENSREG</strong> stresstest specification an evaluation of the<br />

margins have been performed. In the flooding case, the robustness of the<br />

plant when exceeding the DBF has been evaluated. The evaluated scenarios<br />

and results are:<br />

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Scenario Sea water level Comment Fuel<br />

damage<br />

1 Below +102,65 m DBF which the plant is<br />

designed to handle<br />

2 +102,65 m - +103 m Flooding above DBF but<br />

not above ground level<br />

3 +103 m - +103,3 m Flooding above ground<br />

level, manageable<br />

amounts of water<br />

entering the buildings<br />

4 +103,3 m - +104 m Flooding significantly<br />

above ground level,<br />

large amount of water<br />

entering the buildings<br />

5 Above +104 m The main doors break<br />

and all buildings are<br />

internally flooded up to<br />

this level.<br />

No<br />

No<br />

Unlikely<br />

Possible<br />

Yes<br />

In scenario 1, the sea-level is within the DBF which is discussed above.<br />

In scenario 2, the sea-level is above the DBF but below ground level. In this<br />

situation the cooling water tunnels will be the affected part of the plant as<br />

discussed above.<br />

In scenario 3 manageable amounts of water will enter the plant and severe<br />

damage to the fuel is therefore deemed to be unlikely. Water will enter the<br />

plant through leakages in doors and pipe/cable penetrations, e.g. in the intake<br />

buildings. The leakage will be limited and no catastrophic failure will occur.<br />

The probability of a sea-level above +103 m has not been calculated but, as<br />

a comparison, a flood of +103,1 m is according to report [2] assumed to have<br />

a frequency of 10 -6 /year.<br />

In scenario 4 large amounts of water will enter the plant through various<br />

openings. It is difficult to predict whether or not this level of water will lead<br />

to severe damage to the fuel since that depends on a number of factors such<br />

as which rooms are flooded and the duration of the flooding. The probability<br />

of a sea-level above +103 m has not been calculated but, as a comparison, a<br />

flood of +103,1 m is according to report [2] assumed to have a frequency of<br />

10 -6 /year.<br />

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In scenario 5 the water reaches a level where the doors break. When the<br />

doors break the water will flood the entire plant instantly up to the level the<br />

flood was before the doors broke. Components of safety significance will be<br />

flooded and core damage (as well as spent fuel storage damage) will occur.<br />

The cliff edge effects identified at the evaluation of the flooding event are<br />

summarized:<br />

- As the DBF will not lead to internal flooding no cliff edge effects are<br />

identified within the DBF scenario.<br />

Beyond the DBF, i.e. with a postulated sea level rise of 4 m, cliff edge<br />

effects have been identified:<br />

- The significant cliff edge effect is the water level at which the outer<br />

doors will break and the buildings instantaneously will be flooded.<br />

Based on the identified cliff edge effects, the following area will be subject<br />

to reinforcements or in depth evaluations:<br />

- The ultimate cliff edge effect is when the doors break and the plant<br />

becomes flooded with core and spent fuel damage as a result.<br />

3.3 Loss of offsite power (LOOP) and station blackout (SBO)<br />

This summary of the cases loss of offsite power and station blackout is a<br />

summary of [4]. The summary is at an overall level, presenting the main<br />

areas for improvement.<br />

The onsite power system is designed with several alternate AC-power<br />

sources and emergency diesel generators that can be used if offsite power is<br />

lost. From a functional perspective, the power supply can be illustrated as<br />

shown in the figure below.<br />

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Fig 3.3-1, Functional design of power supply system<br />

AC-sources<br />

The AC system consists of a number of subsystems that ensures that the<br />

onsite power system under all operating conditions has power supply so that<br />

the safety systems can perform their safety function.<br />

In principal there are three different AC power sources for supply to the<br />

safety power systems, and these are:<br />

1. Normal supply path via the 400 kV transmission system and/or the main<br />

generator via unit auxiliary transformer and the 6 kV busbar in the<br />

preferred power supply.<br />

2. Alternative supply path from 130 kV transmission system via the start-up<br />

transformer, start-up switchgear and the 6 kV busbar in the preferred<br />

power supply. Via this supply path a connection can be established to the<br />

gas turbines when required.<br />

3. Diesel generators (1 per electrical train), which during loss of offsite<br />

power automatically takes over the supply of the safety power systems.<br />

There is also a mobile diesel generator (DG910) available at Ringhals,<br />

which can replace any of the ordinary emergency diesel generators.<br />

Normally the supply path from the 400 kV transmission system is used, but<br />

there is also fast-bus-transfer equipment to change the supply to the 130 kV<br />

transmission system. There is one fast-bus-transfer equipment for each<br />

electrical train (A, C, B, D) and these equipments are independent of each<br />

other and supplied by batteries (110 V DC).<br />

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Should the power supply according to both 1 and 2 fail, there are four diesel<br />

generators ready to automatically start up and take over the supply of the<br />

safety power systems, one diesel generator per electrical train.<br />

Further, all four units at the Ringhals NPP are designed to be able to transfer<br />

to house load operation if offsite power should be lost. During house load<br />

operation the main generators are only supplying the units onsite power<br />

system with electrical power. The main generators are no longer connected<br />

to the 400kV grid, so the electrical power that is generated only cover the<br />

need for the unit itself. It is an advantage (positive for the defense in depth<br />

strategy) to have an additional source of electrical power for safety power<br />

system equipment in a situation when offsite power is lost, especially if both<br />

possibilities (400kV and 130 kV) to feed the electrical distribution system<br />

from offsite power is lost at the same time.<br />

DC supplies<br />

In principal there are two different DC power sources and supplies for<br />

supplying the DC distribution systems.<br />

1. Rectifiers supplied by the safety power systems.<br />

The rectifiers supply connected DC loads with uninterrupted power and<br />

at the same time charge or maintain batteries in a fully charged state.<br />

2. Batteries.<br />

During loss of voltage on the preferred power supply an interruption in<br />

voltage will occur before the diesel-generators have started and<br />

energized the 6 kV safety power systems. During this time the batteries<br />

will take over and supply connected DC loads with uninterruptible<br />

power.<br />

The robustness of the unit power supply is evaluated in accordance with the<br />

<strong>ENSREG</strong> stress test specification and divided into three cases:<br />

1. Loss of offsite power, LOOP, meaning that the power from the 400 kV<br />

and 130 kV grids is lost while emergency diesel generators, gas turbines<br />

and batteries are still available.<br />

2. LOOP and loss of on-site backup power sources meaning that the power<br />

from the 400 kV and 130 kV grids is lost together with loss of<br />

emergency diesel generators, while gas turbines, batteries and diversified<br />

emergency diesel generators are still available. The diversified diesel<br />

generators intended here are two dedicated diesel generators supplying<br />

the DPS part of Ringhals 1 (Ringhals 1 safety systems are divided into<br />

two separate sections, Original Plant Section OPS and the Diverse Plant<br />

Section DPS. The sections are functionally and physically separated).<br />

3. LOOP and loss of the ordinary back-up sources and loss of any other<br />

diverse back-up sources meaning that only battery secured power<br />

systems are available.<br />

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Case 1, Loss of offsite power, LOOP, meaning that the power from the 400<br />

kV and 130 kV grids is lost while emergency diesel generators and gas<br />

turbines are still available<br />

This case constitutes a design case for the units. The grid is assumed to be<br />

lost and if house load operation fails the remaining power source for the vital<br />

equipment is the four emergency power diesel generators (Ringhals 1<br />

equipped with two additional diesels). The gas turbines also remains intact.<br />

The case is functionally described in the figure below.<br />

Fig 3.3-2, Functional design of power supply system, LOOP condition<br />

The robustness of the plant is in this situation controlled by the endurance of<br />

the emergency power diesel generators, i.e. from a practical point of view<br />

the supplies of fuel- and lube oil. A calculation of these consumables has<br />

been performed.<br />

The calculations of the consumables are based on the assumption that the<br />

initial condition is power operation, because the consumption of<br />

consumables (diesel, etc.) is highest in an emergency scenario that starts<br />

during power operation. The calculations are based primarily on the<br />

minimum allowable stored volume, according to the technical specifications.<br />

The result will be valid when all units are affected at the same time.<br />

However, if for instance only one unit is affected the consumption of fuel<br />

and lubrication oil for this unit will be the same but the endurance will be<br />

significantly longer. This because the supplies that are common for all four<br />

units can be used for the affected plant only.<br />

The result is summarized in the following figure.<br />

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Light equipment on-site<br />

Heavy equipment on-site<br />

Fuel<br />

OPS<br />

Lube oil<br />

Unit 1<br />

Fuel<br />

DPS<br />

Lube oil<br />

Unit 2<br />

Fuel<br />

Lube oil<br />

Unit 3/4<br />

Fuel<br />

Lube oil<br />

Time<br />

1 day 3 days 7 days<br />

On-site supplies – no refilling required<br />

on-site supplies – refilling required<br />

off-site supplies / refilling from other units tanks<br />

Fig 3.3-3, Usage of consumables<br />

The calculations shows that if all four units are affected simultaneously,<br />

delivery of diesel fuel is required after five days. After five days<br />

transportation to the site and within the site area is assumed to be feasible.<br />

The power supply from the gasturbines has a fuel supply enabling power<br />

delivery for a period of several weeks.<br />

The result of the evaluation is that the power supply in this case can be<br />

maintained for a long time. Hence, no fuel damage will occur in this case.<br />

Case 2, LOOP and loss of on-site backup power sources meaning that the<br />

power from the 400 kV and 130 kV grids is lost together with loss of<br />

emergency diesel generators, while gas turbines and diversified emergency<br />

diesel generators are still available.<br />

In this case the grid is assumed to be lost, the four emergency power diesel<br />

generators do not start and house load operation is not credited, resulting in<br />

that the remaining power source for the vital equipment is the gas turbines.<br />

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The case is functionally described in the figure below.<br />

Fig 3.3-4, Functional design of power supply system, LOOP and loss of onsite<br />

backup power sources<br />

The robustness of the plant is in this situation controlled by the endurance of<br />

the gas turbines, i.e. from a practical point of view the fuel- and lube oil<br />

supplies.<br />

The evaluation shows that at a simultaneous occurence of this event at all<br />

four units, the power supply from the gas turbines will have an endurance of<br />

several weeks. Rated power for one gas turbine is greater than the rated<br />

power of all emergency diesel generators in Ringhals together (the gas<br />

turbine power station consists of four gas turbines).<br />

In addition to the gas turbines Ringhals 1 is equipped with two diversified<br />

diesel generators within the DPS-section of the plant (Diversified Plant<br />

Section). These diesel generators are assumed to be operable and the<br />

evaluation shows an endurance of seven days until refueling is required.<br />

The result of the evaluation is that the power supply in this case can be<br />

maintained for a long time. Hence, no fuel damage will occur in this case.<br />

Case 3, LOOP and loss of the ordinary back-up sources and loss of any other<br />

diverse back-up sources meaning that only battery secured power systems<br />

are available<br />

In this case the grid is assumed to be lost, the emergency power diesel<br />

generators does not start, the gas turbines does not start and house load<br />

operation is not credited, resulting in that battery power remains for<br />

monitoring and control of the plant.<br />

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The case is functionally described in the figure below.<br />

Fig 3.3-5, Functional design of power supply system, LOOP and loss of the<br />

ordinary back-up sources and loss of any other diverse back-up sources<br />

In this situation, the plants are dependent on their steam driven auxiliary<br />

feedwater systems.<br />

Ringhals 1 is equipped with a steam driven auxiliary feedwater pump<br />

capable of delivering a flow corresponding to the steam released to the<br />

condensation pool. The pump is dependent of control valves, whose<br />

functional time is limited by the battery capacity.<br />

The PWR-units, Ringhals 2-4, are equipped with steam driven auxiliary<br />

feedwater pumps, cooling the units via the steam generators. The pumps may<br />

be locally operated manually. However, monitoring of the steam generators<br />

is required in this situation, which is dependent on battery power. It is<br />

possible to supply power to the monitoring function by the mobile unit for<br />

water and power supply. The survival time for the mobile unit without<br />

refueling is 1 day [4]. After 1 day it is assumed that refueling is feasible, in<br />

accordance with the <strong>ENSREG</strong> assumptions.<br />

For Ringhals 1, the evaluation shows that the time for depletion of batteries<br />

and loss of auxiliary feedwater results in an estimated time of 16 h until fuel<br />

damage occurs.<br />

For Ringhals 2-4, the evaluation shows that the time for depletion of<br />

batteries and loss of auxiliary feedwater results in an estimated time of 9 h<br />

until fuel damage occurs. Connecting the mobile unit for water and power<br />

supply enables the utilization of the steam driven auxiliary feedwater pump<br />

until the loss of RCS inventory by the RCP seal leakage causes fuel damage,<br />

which is estimated to occur after 3 days.<br />

In the scenario where the SBO occurs at low RCS inventory operation<br />

conditions in a PWR, fuel damage will be unavoidable in a shorter time<br />

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range. The evaluation shows that fuel damage will be unavoidable after 10<br />

hours.<br />

In the case of SBO at low RCS inventory conditions, or when the steam<br />

driven systems are exhausted, we enter the containment filtered vent<br />

scenario. This scenario and associated equipment was installed at Swedish<br />

units in 1988, in accordance with the government decision 11, 1986 [27].<br />

The scenario is described in chapter 2.6.<br />

The spent fuel stored in the spent fuel pools will also loose the cooling at a<br />

loss of power scenario. The spent fuel pools are evaluated in [5]. The<br />

evaluation shows that without corrective actions in order to reestablish<br />

cooling and/or feeding, fuel damage will occur after 3-5 days (PWR –BWR)<br />

in a refueling situation, i.e. maximum heat load assumed.<br />

During operation, i.e. with a heat load representative of an operating season,<br />

the evaluation shows that without corrective actions, fuel damage will occur<br />

after 13-26 days (PWR resp. BWR).<br />

The cliff edge effects identified at the evaluation of the three loss-of-power<br />

cases are summarized:<br />

- The battery depletion times decides the time period for which control and<br />

monitoring of the steam driven systems is feasible.<br />

- The feeding and cooling options for the spent fuel pools affects the time<br />

until fuel damage occurs<br />

Based on the identified cliff edge effects, the following areas will be subject<br />

to reinforcements or in depth evaluations:<br />

- The adequacy of the present mobile pump/generator resources need to be<br />

assessed.<br />

- The battery capacity is generally an area to analyze further.<br />

- Some operating procedures for SBO recovery needs to be updated.<br />

- Cooling and feeding options and strategies for the spent fuel pools.<br />

3.4 Loss of ultimate heat sink without/with SBO<br />

This summary of the cases loss of ultimate heat sink without/with SBO is a<br />

summary of [4]. The summary is at an overall level, presenting the main<br />

areas for improvement.<br />

3.4.1 Loss of ultimate heat sink without SBO<br />

The ultimate heat sink of the units is the sea. The intake of the cooling water<br />

for the units has two intake canals; one for units 1 and 2 and one for units 3<br />

and 4. The intake canals are equipped with an outer intake barrier at the<br />

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entrance of the canal, to prevent floating objects, such as timber, oil and ice,<br />

to enter the canal.<br />

The cooling water systems are common to Ringhals units 1 and 2 and<br />

Ringhals units 3 and 4. Each reactor pair is equipped with two intake<br />

buildings, one for main cooling water and one for auxiliary cooling water,<br />

with screening equipment for removal of debris from the seawater. The<br />

cooling water is lead back into the sea through two tunnels, one for each<br />

reactor pair.<br />

The cooling water system is designed with several sluice gates to allow<br />

different alignments in order to provide cooling water to the reactor<br />

buildings during all operation conditions (normal operation, maintenance,<br />

testing and postulated accidents). For example, if clogging of both intake<br />

buildings occurs, it is possible to provide auxiliary cooling water from the<br />

discharge water tunnel to the salt water system. If also the discharge water<br />

tunnel is clogged it is possible to re-circulate the cooling water in order to<br />

obtain cooling water to the salt water system. Also, one of the trains in the<br />

intake buildings for main cooling water is used as a backup for auxiliary<br />

cooling water.<br />

At normal operation, the cooling water flow is approximately 80 m 3 /s (to<br />

each reactor pair). In case of loss of off-site power for all units the auxiliary<br />

cooling water flow is approximately 7 m 3 /s.<br />

As mentioned above, the sea is the ultimate heat sink and the only source of<br />

water for the cooling water system. However, the probability of losing this<br />

source is low. There are also several ways to line up the cooling water<br />

depending on the situation. Events that could possibly result in a loss of UHS<br />

as a consequence are listed below.<br />

- Low water level<br />

- Clogging of intake water<br />

- Blocked discharge tunnel<br />

- Tunnel collapse<br />

The stress test is performed by, with a deterministic approach, postulating a<br />

long term loss of the UHS. Off-site power is assumed to be available. The<br />

cause of the loss of the UHS is not considered. Three different cases with<br />

different severity have been postulated:<br />

Case 1.<br />

Case 2.<br />

Case 3.<br />

Blockage of the intake buildings (possibility to use the discharge<br />

as intake)<br />

Blockage of the intake buildings and discharge tunnel (possibility<br />

to re-circulate the cooling water)<br />

Total loss of the UHS (no water available to the salt water system,<br />

715)<br />

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Case 1, Blockage of the intake buildings (possibility to use the discharge as<br />

intake)<br />

In this case the intake of the seawater is blocked. Line-up is made to use the<br />

discharge tunnel as intake.<br />

The evaluation shows that this is a feasible way of maintaining the cooling<br />

chain working. No fuel damage will occur in this case.<br />

Case 2, Blockage of the intake buildings and discharge tunnel (possibility to<br />

re-circulate the cooling water)<br />

In this case both the intake and the discharge tunnel are blocked. Line-up is<br />

made to recirculate the contained amounts of water. This amount of water<br />

will accumulate the residual heat, and after some time the cooling chain will<br />

not be usable. The cooling of the units will then rely on the auxiliary<br />

feedwater systems together with associated sources of water.<br />

The evaluation neglects the time interval for heating the contained amount of<br />

sea-water, and focuses on the consumption time for the available sources of<br />

auxiliary feedwater. With this assumption the the available water sources<br />

will be emptied after 25 days (Ringhals 1), 17 days (Ringhals 2) and 11 days<br />

(Ringhals 3/4). Fuel damage will consequently occur at the earliest after<br />

these times.<br />

Case 3, Total loss of the UHS (no water available to the salt water system,<br />

715)<br />

In this case the sea-water is not available, causing the cooling chain to be<br />

inoperable. The cooling of the units will rely on the auxiliary feedwater<br />

systems together with associated sources of water.<br />

The evaluation focuses on the consumption time for the available sources of<br />

auxiliary feedwater. The available water sources will be emptied after 25<br />

days (Ringhals 1), 17 days (Ringhals 2) and 11 days (Ringhals 3/4). Fuel<br />

damage will consequently occur at the earliest after these times.<br />

In this evaluation, the case with loss of UHS when the RCS is at reduced<br />

inventory conditions in midloop conditions is not discussed. The SG’s are<br />

not available in this condition, and consequently the loss of UHS causes a<br />

loss of the cooling chain. This case is bounded by SBO at midloop or low<br />

RCS inventory conditions, resulting in a time range to unavoidable fuel<br />

damage of at least 10 hours, since safety injection is available in this case.<br />

During a loss of the ultimate heat sink the spent fuel pool cooling will also<br />

ultimately fail. Without corrective actions boiling will occur and the water<br />

level in the pool will decrease. Fuel damage will be unavoidable after 3-5<br />

days (PWR –BWR) The evaluation shows further that with feeding from<br />

available water sources fuel damage will occur after 3 weeks (Ringhals 1)<br />

and 2 weeks (Ringhals 2-4) respectively.<br />

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The cliff edge effects identified at the evaluation of the three loss-of-UHS<br />

cases are summarized:<br />

- The water supplies will be emptied after certain periods of time.<br />

Based on the identified cliff edge effects, the following areas will be subject<br />

to reinforcements or in depth evaluations:<br />

- The adequacy of the present water supplies need to be assessed.<br />

3.4.2 Loss of ultimate heat sink with SBO<br />

This case is bounded by the SBO-case as discussed in section 3.3 above. At<br />

an SBO event, one of the effects is that the operation of the pumps<br />

circulating the UHS coolant is interrupted. The plant response to the SBO<br />

events is consequently the same whether the UHS is lost or not. Hence, the<br />

method and the results for SBO described in section 3.3 are valid also for<br />

this case.<br />

3.5 Accident management<br />

This summary of the accident management is a summary of [31]. The<br />

summary is at an overall level, presenting the main areas for improvement.<br />

The accident management of the site consists of:<br />

- Emergency operating procedures, controlling the operators managing of<br />

the units<br />

- The emergency response organization, managing measures within the<br />

site and the coordination with external authorities and external resources.<br />

The emergency response organization includes a technical support<br />

function for the operators<br />

The emergency operating procedures are based on the generic procedure<br />

packages from the respective vendor, with plant specific adaptations.<br />

Specific adaptations have been performed with regard to the containment<br />

filtered vent feature, unique for the Swedish plant design.<br />

The emergency response organization is initiated by the engineer on duty,<br />

being on site around the clock (24/7). The organization includes<br />

management of the entire site, and the affected unit. The organization further<br />

includes technical support function for the operators, radiation protection<br />

function, coordination function and recovery staff. The organization has a<br />

response time of 2 h.<br />

The accident management is initially focused on preventing fuel damage.<br />

The strategy is to assure subcriticality, water supply to the core and removal<br />

of the residual heat.<br />

If core damage becomes unavoidable, the severe accident management<br />

strategies are applied. Actions are then shifted from prevention of fuel<br />

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damage towards mitigation of the consequences to the public. Primary<br />

system pressure is reduced, in order to allow larger amounts of water to be<br />

injected into the system. Pressure reduction is also performed to avoid a high<br />

pressure melt-through of the reactor pressure vessel. Other strategies are also<br />

applied in preparation for a possible vessel melt-through.<br />

The severe accident strategies were developed as a part of the installation of<br />

the containment filtered vent. The containment filtered vent was installed in<br />

1988 as a result of a government decision (government decision 11, 1986),<br />

triggered by the TMI accident. The filtered vent is further described in<br />

section 2.6.<br />

If all measures to recover the core cooling fails, vessel melt-through will<br />

occur and the strategy is focused on maintaining the integrity of the<br />

containment.<br />

The containment integrity is challenged by:<br />

- An overpressure situation that may occur as a consequence of a hydrogen<br />

detonation, or as a consequence of steam formation due to vessel meltthrough.<br />

- Basemat melt-through as a consequence of ex-vessel core after a vessel<br />

melt-through.<br />

- Containment bypass by severe accident induced steam generator tube<br />

rupture in PWR<br />

These phenomena are taken into account within the safety systems and<br />

accident management of the units.<br />

The hydrogen detonation in BWR-containment is prevented by keeping an<br />

inerted atmosphere in the containment (nitrogen filling of the containment).<br />

The hydrogen detonation in PWR containments is prevented by the installed<br />

passive autocatalytic hydrogen recombiners, PAR.<br />

Overpressure of the containments is normally prevented by containment<br />

spraying. In the case of a station black-out it is still possible to spray the<br />

containment by use of mobile independent pump units. If spraying is not<br />

successful the pressure relief will be performed by the filtered vent feature<br />

described in section 2.6. The evaluation shows that the site has two mobile<br />

independent pump units, which may be inadequate if four units are affected<br />

simultaneously.<br />

For the PWR’s, preventing a base-mat melt-through is made by filling the<br />

containments with water to a certain level. The BWR always have the<br />

condensation pool filled with water underneath the reactor pressure vessel.<br />

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These measures can be taken independently of power supply from<br />

emergency power diesel generators and batteries. Two dedicated mobile<br />

pump/generator units are available for the purpose.<br />

The evaluation further includes the management of the spent fuel pools at a<br />

loss of cooling event. At the loss of cooling, the radiation shielding achieved<br />

by the water level will decrease. The radiation shielding has decreased to an<br />

unacceptable level when the water level has decreased to 2 m above the fuel.<br />

This will with maximum heat load occur after 2-3 days (PWR – BWR) if no<br />

countermeasures are taken.<br />

As long as the radiation shielding is maintained, it is possible to restore the<br />

fuel pool cooling provided power is available. If power is not available,<br />

feeding of the pools by the use of firewater is possible.<br />

The adequacy of the existing accident management measures have been<br />

assessed:<br />

- Containment filtered vent system<br />

In the context of the Fukushima disaster the CFV system appears to be<br />

an important last line of defense capable of significantly mitigate<br />

accident scenarios with loss of several safety functions and core damage.<br />

The system is designed for earthquake, is unlikely to be affected by<br />

flooding and will retain most of its capability even without supporting<br />

actions.<br />

The system will be activated passively by a rupture-disc at excessive<br />

containment pressures, and hence no decision-making is required.<br />

- Hydrogen risk in PWR<br />

The PAR-system (Passive Autocatalytic hydrogen Recombiners) in the<br />

Ringhals PWR:s appears to be a robust and reliable way of limiting the<br />

risk associated with hydrogen from severe core damage.<br />

The system is designed for earthquake and independent of supporting<br />

systems.<br />

Hydrogen risk in BWR<br />

In the context of the Fukushima disaster the ability to vent the<br />

containment through the CFV-system appears to be an important<br />

possibility to reduce the hydrogen risk. The system is designed for<br />

earthquake, high radiation and high hydrogen concentrations, and have<br />

only minor dependencies on supporting systems. Purging containment<br />

with nitrogen might be difficult to do due to high radiation.<br />

The ability to handle hydrogen/oxygen without venting is less reliable for<br />

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severe accident conditions, and may require further actions within a<br />

week.<br />

- Independent pump/generator<br />

The system 367 consists of 2 fire-trucks equipped with independent<br />

diesel-driven pump and generator.<br />

The pump can take suction at various sources including the sea, and can<br />

feed the containment spray system as well as feed-and-boil of the spentfuel<br />

pool.<br />

The generator charges the batteries in the 362-system. At PWR it can<br />

charge parts of the DC-batteries.<br />

The system is designed for earthquake and is fairly independent of<br />

supporting systems.<br />

Since there are 2 fire-trucks for 4 units the availability might be limited if<br />

considering more than one accident simultaneously, and/or considering<br />

several needs (e.g. fuel pool feeding and independent containment spray)<br />

simultaneously.<br />

Destroyed infrastructure might hinder the activation of the system.<br />

- Spent Fuel Pool (SFP)<br />

Generally the SFP:s have several possibilities for cooling, but most of<br />

them require that the SFP-building is habitable.<br />

According to [5] the time from loss of SFP cooling to onset of boiling is<br />

in some cases around 9-14 hours, and to loss of shielding around 2-3<br />

days.<br />

Once water-levels in the SFP has decreased through boiling, or because<br />

of structural failure, and caused loss of shielding, there are few severe<br />

accident management measures available.<br />

The site emergency response organization has been evaluated based on the<br />

Fukushima event:<br />

- The management of a Fukushima-size acccident requires an organization<br />

being independent of surrounding society for a relatively long period of<br />

time. This is not the design basis for Ringhals emergency response<br />

organization.<br />

- The present emergency response organization is basically designed to<br />

manage one affected unit. Training exercises have been performed on<br />

two affected units.<br />

- The emergency response organization has a response time of 2 h.<br />

However, if the infrastructure is damaged the assumed response time is<br />

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in accordance with the <strong>ENSREG</strong> assumption, i.e. 24 h. This will affect<br />

the performance of the staff being on site.<br />

- The emergency response organization is not designed with flooding and<br />

earthquake as design basis. It is judged that an earthquake does not<br />

impact the emergency response organization. At a flooding event beyond<br />

DBF, to the stressed levels above ground level, the emergency response<br />

organization premises will be flooded. (A backup emergency response<br />

location is available)<br />

- The emergency response organization has no guidance for long time<br />

management of accidents of the Fukushima extent.<br />


An assessment has been made the site at situations beyond the design bases<br />

of the units. The assessment has been performed in accordance with the<br />

<strong>ENSREG</strong> stress test specification. The stress test is focused on the areas:<br />

- Earthquake, where the stressing is made by applying an earthquake with<br />

a ground acceleration about four times beyond the design value (the 10 -7<br />

earthquake vs. 10 -5 earthquake).<br />

- Flooding, where the stressing is made by applying sea-rise levels beyond<br />

design. The design basis sea-rise level is 2,65 m. The plant robustness is<br />

evaluated by applying sea-rise levels of 3, 3,3 and 4 m.<br />

- Loss of offsite power and station blackout. In this case the stressing is<br />

performed by applying a gradually increased of loss of power, ending up<br />

with only battery power as the available source.<br />

- Loss of ultimate heat sink, where applying a gradually decreasing<br />

availability of seawater makes the stressing, ending up with no seawater<br />

at all available.<br />

- Accident management, where the stressing is made by imposing potential<br />

obstacles for the accident management processes such as infrastructure<br />

destruction, unavailable facilities, loss of power, habitability issues etc.<br />

In all cases, the very beneficial impact of the containment filtered vent<br />

feature is observed.<br />

In the earthquake case, the engineering judgement is that the units will be<br />

able to withstand the design basis earthquake (DBE). Safe shutdown is<br />

judged to be feasible. The spent fuel cooling systems are not seismically<br />

qualified. At beyond design bases condition for the stress test, the applied<br />

case is an earthquake corresponding to an exceedance frequency of 10 -7 per<br />

site and year. At this condition, the containments, the CFV’s, the fuel<br />

buildings and the fuel pools and the severe accident mitigation systems are<br />

judged to be able to perform their release preventing functions. As<br />

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mentioned above, the spent fuel cooling systems are not seismically<br />

qualified.<br />

In the flooding case, the assessment concludes that for the design basis<br />

flooding, a sea level rise of 2,65 m, no fuel damage will occur. Beyond<br />

design basis, flooding of the units may occur with the potential of causing<br />

fuel damage by elimination of safety functions and spent fuel cooling<br />

equipment. Robustness exists up to the ground level, which is 3 m above sea<br />

level. At a sea-level rise of 4 m fuel damages are judged to be possible.<br />

Addressing the question of an appropriate sea-level rise is required before<br />

relevant measures can be taken.<br />

In the “Loss of offsite power and station blackout” case, the assessment<br />

concludes that the limiting case is when only battery power is available.<br />

Robustness exists as long as anyone of the ordinary backup power sources<br />

(diesel generators or gas turbines) or the steam driven auxiliary feedwater<br />

systems are available. Postulating power system recovery times beyond<br />

design, exhaustion of batteries, depletion of the water sources for the steam<br />

driven systems and operation at low RCS inventory conditions will cause<br />

fuel damage. The containment filtered vent feature will contribute in keeping<br />

the releases within allowable limits. The loss of power will also cause a loss<br />

of the spent fuel cooling.<br />

Addressing the adequacy of the current battery capacities and the availability<br />

of the backup power sources is required before relevant measures can be<br />

taken.<br />

In the case of loss of ultimate heat sink, the assessment concludes that<br />

robustness exists for several days in all cases, with the exception of<br />

operation at low RCS inventory conditions at the PWR’s. Addressing the<br />

operation at low RCS inventory conditions coincident with loss of UHS is<br />

required before relevant measures can be taken.<br />

Regarding accident management, the assessment concludes robustness for<br />

events within design. The beneficial impact of the containment filtered vent<br />

is emphasised. When applying the Fukushima scenario as described in the<br />

stress test specification, a number of shortcomings are displayed. The<br />

emergency response organization can not handle four units simultaneously<br />

affected, the two existing mobile pump/generator units may not be enough,<br />

long time management guidance is not developed. Addressing the<br />

appropriate scenario to be applied is required before relevant measures can<br />

be taken.<br />

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The following main areas are found to be suitable subjects to improvement:<br />

- The spent fuel pool cooling abilities needs to be further<br />

evaluated/reinforced<br />

- The properties of the emergency response organization needs to be<br />

reconsidered<br />

- The flooding scenario needs to be reconsidered<br />

- The requirement for battery capacity is generally an area to analyze<br />

further.<br />

- The adequacy of the present water supplies needs to be reconsidered.<br />

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A: Validated in the licensing process.<br />

B: Not validated in the licensing process but gone through licensee’s quality<br />

assurance program.<br />

C: Not one of the above.<br />

1. Rapport över extrema väder och vattenhändelser i Sverige, SMHI,<br />

Darwin-id 981109065 (A)<br />

2. NOG Säk och Miljö – Metodik för analys av vissa yttre händelser,<br />

Darwin-id 1944610/2.0 (B)<br />

3. <strong>R1</strong>-<strong>R4</strong> Sammanställning samt händelseklassning av yttre händelser,<br />

Darwin-id 1978823/2.0 (A)<br />

4. <strong>R1</strong>-<strong>R4</strong> <strong>ENSREG</strong> <strong>Stress</strong> <strong>Test</strong> – LOOP, SBO, Loss of UHS, Loss of<br />

UHS+SBO, Darwin-id 2141878/2.0 (B)<br />

5. <strong>R1</strong>-<strong>R4</strong> <strong>ENSREG</strong> stress test - Loss of spent fuel cooling, Darwin-id:<br />

2151759/2.0. (B)<br />

6. <strong>R1</strong>-<strong>R4</strong> <strong>ENSREG</strong> <strong>Stress</strong> <strong>Test</strong> – Flooding, Darwin-id: 2146711/2.0 (B)<br />

7. <strong>R1</strong>-<strong>R4</strong> Förnyade säkerhetsvärderingar av tålighet mot vissa händelser,<br />

Darwin-id 2142379/2.0 (C)<br />

8. Svar på SSM beslut: Förnyade säkerhetsvärderingar av tålighet mot vissa<br />

händelser, Redovisning av utgångspunkter och antaganden för analyser<br />

och säkerhetsvärderingar, Darwin-id 2143627 (C)<br />

9. Antaganden för analyser och säkerhetsvärderingar vid förnyade<br />

säkerhetsvärderingar av tålighet mot vissa händelser.<br />

Kompletterande information, Darwin-id 2148889 (C)<br />

10. <strong>Stress</strong>tester – Granskning av tillståndshavarnas redovisning av<br />

utgångspunkter och antaganden, Darwin-id 2151064 (C)<br />

11. Förnyade säkerhetsvärderingar av tåligheten mot vissa händelser –<br />

Lägesrapport 15 augusti, Darwin-id 2152578 (C)<br />

12. Åtgärder med anledning av händelserna vid Fukushima kärnkraftverk i<br />

Japan, Darwin-id 2132120. (C)<br />

13. Beskrivning av uppdrag – Projekt Externa händelser, Darwin-id 2140747<br />

(B)<br />

14. Ringhals 1 – Övergångsplan för uppfyllande av SKIFS 2004:2, Darwinid<br />

1890250 (B)<br />

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15. Ringhals 2 – Övergångsplan för uppfyllande av SKIFS 2004:2, Darwinid<br />

1893247 (B)<br />

16. Ringhals 3 – Övergångsplan för uppfyllande av SKIFS 2004:2, Darwinid<br />

1891057 (B)<br />

17. Ringhals 4 – Övergångsplan för uppfyllande av SKIFS 2004:2, Darwinid<br />

1890928 (B)<br />

18. Rapport över extrema väder och vattenhändelser i Sverige, SMHI,<br />

Darwin-id 981109065 (A)<br />

19. SKI Technical Report 92:3 "Project Seismic Safety" Report NO.4 and 5,<br />

April 1992, Darwin-id 1705297 (C)<br />

20. R2 SAR part 2, Plant site, ch. 6 (A)<br />

21. SKI Technical Report 92:3 "Project Seismic Safety" <strong>Summary</strong> report,<br />

April 1992, Darwin-id 960909047 (C)<br />

22. <strong>R1</strong>-<strong>R4</strong> PSA Level 1, Detailed External Events Analysis, Darwin-id<br />

1826084/5.0 (A)<br />

23. <strong>R1</strong> Avsnitt 8.17 Probabilistisk säkerhetsanalys (PSA). FSAR/Allmän del,<br />

Darwin-id 980408029/6.7 (B)<br />

24. R2 SAR, Part 8.7 Probabilistic Safety Analyses, SplitVision-id 1217042<br />

(A)<br />

25. R3 SAR Chapter 15.9 – Probabilistic Safety Analysis,<br />

Darwin-id 1911712 / 5.0 (A)<br />

26. R2-<strong>R4</strong> PSA. Förenklad modellering och utvärdering av PAR,<br />

Darwin-id 2028648 / 2.0 (B)<br />

27. Regeringsbeslut 11, <strong>R1</strong>-<strong>R4</strong> Villkor för fortsatt tillstånd enl. 5§ lagen<br />

(1984:3) om kärnteknisk verksamhet att driva kärnkraftsreaktorer, 1986,<br />

Darwin-id 980227022/1.0 (C)<br />

28. <strong>R1</strong>-<strong>R4</strong> <strong>ENSREG</strong> <strong>Stress</strong> <strong>Test</strong> – Earthquake, Darwin-id 2146557/2.0 (B)<br />

29. R2 SAR, ch. 2.3, Split Vision id 637394 (A)<br />

30. Ringhals- Station response to WANO SOER 2011-2 Fukushima Daiichi<br />

Nuclear Station Fuel Damage Caused by Earthquake and Tsunami,<br />

Darwin-id 2140020 (B)<br />

31. <strong>R1</strong>-<strong>R4</strong> <strong>ENSREG</strong> <strong>Stress</strong> test – Severe accident management, Darwin-id<br />

2142360/2.0 (B)<br />

Hemlig 52 (52)

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