St. Peter Catholic Church

St. Peter Catholic Church

St. Peter Catholic Church


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<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

Pastor ......................... Reverend Monsignor John M. Costello<br />

Associate Pastor ..................... Reverend Michael J. Esswein<br />

Senior Priest in Residence ........................................................................................<br />

..................................... Reverend Monsignor Gregory L. Schmidt<br />

Deacons ................................................................................. Deacon Joseph Sulze<br />

(Retired)<br />


Deacon Jimmy Broyles<br />

Deacon John Komotos<br />

Deacon Richard Renard<br />

School Principal................................................................................... John Freitag<br />

Faith Formation ................................................................................... Linda Doyle<br />

Director of Elementary<br />

Faith Formation ...................................................... Janice M. Hartmann<br />

Business Manager ..................................................................................Larry Pfile<br />

Liturgical Music Coordinator<br />

Carol Bauer<br />

Director of Youth Ministry ................................... Robby Francis<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Mission <strong>St</strong>atement<br />

Built on the rock of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>, the Apostle of faith,<br />

love and forgiveness, we are a <strong>Catholic</strong> parish<br />

dedicated to live, witness and proclaim the good<br />

news of Christ through worship, education and<br />

loving service to each other and our community.

Visit us on the Internet at<br />

www.stpeterkirkwood.org<br />

or send your comments to:<br />

info@stpeterkirkwood.org<br />

Sacrament of Baptism<br />

Please call the Rectory (966-8600) for details<br />

regarding participation in the preparation program.<br />

We encourage expectant parents to make<br />

arrangements for the preparation program at least a<br />

few months prior to the birth of their child.<br />

Sacrament of Marriage<br />

Please contact the rectory for details regarding<br />

the preparation program. In accordance with<br />

Archdiocesan policy, couples should contact a<br />

member of the parish clergy at least six months<br />

prior to their proposed wedding date.<br />

Holy Orders and Consecrated (Religious) Life<br />

If interested, please call the parish rectory or the<br />

Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 792-6460<br />

Rectory/Parish Office<br />

243 West Argonne Drive<br />

Saint Louis, Missouri 63122<br />

966-8600 (Phone)<br />

966-5721 (Fax)<br />

Saint <strong>Peter</strong> Elementary School<br />

Pre-K thru Eighth Grade<br />

215 North Clay<br />

Saint Louis, Missouri 63122<br />

821-0460<br />

Offices of Faith Formation<br />

Linda Doyle, 822-1347, ext. 3001<br />

Parish School of Religion<br />

Jan Hartmann, 822-1347, ext. 3004<br />

Office of Youth Ministry<br />

Robby Francis, Director of Youth Ministry<br />

822-1347, ext. 3003<br />

Office of Music Ministry<br />

Carol Bauer, Liturgical Music Coordinator<br />

822-1347, ext. 3005<br />

Pastoral Council<br />

Mrs. Patty Boyd, Chairperson 966-3835<br />

Mr. Don Hesse, Vice Chairperson 966-2574<br />

Ms. Angie Bernardi, Secretary 984-0519<br />

Finance Commission<br />

Mrs. Diane Hadler, Chairperson 822-0422<br />

Mr. Dave Patritti, Vice-Chairperson 835-1170<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul Society<br />

314-289-6101 Ext. 2220 (Voice Mail)<br />

Calendar Coordinator<br />

Cathy Herrmann, 822-1347, ext. 3002<br />

Parish Center<br />

821-6219<br />

Bulletin Deadline!!<br />

Articles intended for publication in the Bulletin must be<br />

submitted to the rectory by Monday, at 3:OOPM for the<br />

following Sunday’s Bulletin. All announcements must be<br />

in writing with a name and telephone number attached.<br />

Please remember <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in your will.<br />

2<br />



Lord, thank you for the rich history you have<br />

bestowed on our family of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> in Kirkwood.<br />

Blessed by your grace, we ask that you be present<br />

in our parish today. Guide us as we celebrate our<br />

gifts through worship, education and loving service.<br />

Holy Spirit, create within us a vision for the future that<br />

we live, witness and proclaim the good news of Christ.<br />

Amen<br />

Sunday Mass Schedule<br />

Saturday: 5:OOPM (Satisfies Sunday obligation)<br />

Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:OOAM, 11:OOAM and 6:OOPM<br />

Weekday Mass Schedule<br />

Monday - Friday: 6:45AM & 8:15AM<br />

Saturday: 8:15AM<br />

Holy Day Mass Schedule<br />

Consult the bulletin for Mass times<br />

http://www.stpeterkirkwood.org<br />

Sacrament of Reconciliation<br />

Saturday: 3:45 to 4:45PM or by appointment<br />

Eucharistic Adoration<br />

Monday - Friday, 6:00AM to 10:00PM<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Angela Merici Chapel in Ursuline Hall<br />

adjacent to the <strong>Church</strong> building<br />

For more information or to sign up for a weekly<br />

Holy Hour of prayer contact<br />

Kathy Fotouhi at 821-4347<br />

Baptism<br />

Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday of the month at 12:30PM.<br />

Parents are expected to participate in a Baptismal Preparation<br />

Program. Please call the rectory to arrange for<br />

the Baptismal Preparation Program and a date for Baptism.<br />

Weekly Anointing and Prayer<br />

After the 9:OOAM Mass each Sunday, we will celebrate<br />

the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, for anyone<br />

who has the need to receive this sacrament. This is meant<br />

to include such concerns as upcoming diagnostic tests,<br />

limitations of aging, anxiety, depression, undue stress,<br />

addiction, etc. for all ages.<br />

Please gather in the pews at the front of church<br />

and the priest will be with you approximately<br />

10 minutes after Mass is over.

Nativity of John the Baptist June 24, 2012<br />

Finding Our Place<br />

Why do we fill up the seats in church from the back<br />

to the front? Maybe it’s piety: We sit in the back<br />

because, aware of our many failings, we don’t feel<br />

worthy to draw near. Maybe it’s culture: We sit in the<br />

back because our mothers taught us never to claim<br />

the best seats or make ourselves the center of<br />

attention. Maybe it’s selfish: We want to be able to<br />

skip out early. Whatever the reason, it causes a<br />

practical problem: The front seats are always empty,<br />

creating a gulf between the Lord’s table and the<br />

Lord’s people. And latecomers stand in the back<br />

rather than march up to the front where everyone can<br />

see that they’re late.<br />

Let’s show some hospitality here! Let’s fill the church<br />

up from the front to the back, leaving the back rows<br />

for those who come later or late. And let’s fill each<br />

row from the center: If you’re the first one in a row,<br />

don’t hug the end (unless you’re a minister and will<br />

need to get in and out). Move into the middle so that<br />

others may come and sit beside you.<br />

Filling in the front seats first isn’t proud or arrogant.<br />

It’s part of the ministry of hospitality that all of us who<br />

are baptized are called to exercise. It’s a simple act<br />

of kindness that helps the church to gather better<br />

around its Lord, so that we may give God thanks and<br />

praise.<br />

Copyright © 1997 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1800<br />

North Hermitage Avenue, Chicago IL 60622-1101; 1-800-933-1800. Text by David<br />

Philippart. Art by Annika Nelson.<br />

We Bow Before You<br />

How do we show reverence and love for Christ when<br />

we enter and leave the church? First, we greet each<br />

other as we would greet Christ. (“Where two or three<br />

of you gather, there I am.”) Then, we bow to the altar.<br />

Why? On this altar we place our bread and wine that<br />

becomes Christ’s body and blood: This is the place of<br />

sacrifice. At this altar we sit with God to dine in<br />

eternity: This is Easter’s banquet table.<br />

The altar of the Most High is this table in our midst—<br />

the table of every grace and blessing! And more. The<br />

Rite of Dedication of an Altar (#4) says, “Because it is<br />

at the altar that the memorial of the Lord is celebrated<br />

and his body and blood given to the people, the<br />

church’s writers see in the altar a sign of Christ<br />

himself—hence they affirm: ‘The altar is Christ.’”<br />

Christ is the Anointed One, baptized, anointed with the<br />

Holy Spirit and robed in light. We are Christians,<br />

anointed ones, baptized, anointed with chrism and<br />

robed in white. Just like Christ, just like us, our altar<br />

was washed, anointed and robed. On its dedication<br />

day, it was sprinkled with holy water. The bishop<br />

rubbed holy chrism into its top, and ministers robed it<br />

in a white cloth.<br />

So let’s bow to Christ at the altar before taking our<br />

places. And let’s bow again when we depart. Christ<br />

the offering. Christ the meal. Christ the altar of<br />

sacrifice. Christ the paschal banquet table. Holy<br />

Christ, we bow before you!<br />

3<br />

Copyright © 1997 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications, 1800 North<br />

Hermitage Avenue, Chicago IL 60622-1101; 1-800-933-1800. Text by David<br />

Philippart. Art by Annika Nelson


with a daily Mass intention. <strong>St</strong>op by the rectory office to<br />

schedule a date.<br />


Monday, June 25<br />

6:45AM Anita Funke<br />

8:15AM Clare Elizabeth Burgett<br />

Tuesday, June 26<br />

6:45AM Mary A. Reilly<br />

8:15AM Rocco Meoli<br />

Wednesday, June 27<br />

6:45AM Fr. George Galovich<br />

8:15AM Dr. Bill Haynes<br />

Thursday, June 28<br />

6:45AM Anthony Ahrens<br />

8:15AM Geraty Family<br />

Friday, June 29<br />

6:45AM Beumel Family<br />

8:15AM Edward Druhe<br />

Saturday, June 30<br />

8:15AM William Garesche<br />

5:00 PM Kathleen Moore<br />

Sunday, July 1<br />

7:30AM Frank Schifko<br />

9:00AM Dale, Douthit & Krupp Families<br />

11:00AM People of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong><br />

6:00PM Marvin Keown<br />

Saturday, June 30<br />

5:00PM<br />

Sunday, July 1<br />

7:30AM<br />

9:00AM<br />

11:00AM<br />

6:00PM<br />


Laura Nobel, Cooper Thompson,<br />

Sophia Andreatta<br />

Daniel Schu, Emily Morrison,<br />

Pauly Morrison<br />

Isabella Council, Molly Greenley,<br />

Emily LaValle<br />

<strong>Peter</strong> Charles, Brendan Charles,<br />

<strong>Peter</strong> Bambini<br />

Haley Williams, Maggie O’Brien,<br />

Matt Cavanaugh<br />


Sr. Mary Jacqueline Pratt, OSU can be reached at 314-686-1781<br />

or mj.pratt@att.net.<br />


We are happy you decided to worship with us today. Please<br />

introduce yourself to Father following Mass in the Gathering<br />

Area in the back of church. If you would like information about<br />

registering as a new parish member please call Jay Ryan at 822-<br />

1339 or contact the parish office (966-8600) for a registration<br />

form.<br />

The Welcoming Committee<br />

4<br />


Scheduled Eucharistic Minister - June 30/July 1<br />

Note: Shut-in visitors are indicated in parentheses ( )<br />

Interested in being a Eucharistic Minister?<br />

Call Bob & Trish Martin 821-3303<br />

Saturday, June 30<br />

5:00PM: M. Bender, D. Connell, S. Schoelch, L. Schrock,<br />

L. Hollabaugh, E. Jennings, A. Spears, J. Temme<br />

Sunday, July 1<br />

7:30AM:<br />

9:00AM:<br />

11:00AM:<br />

6:00PM:<br />

E. Bante, M. Elli, R. Girard, G. Prante,<br />

K. Kelley, Sr. M. Kleffner, C. Behl, J. Shea<br />

D. Cantwell, J. Meady, H. Bernsen, K. Morgan,<br />

(M. Brown), (B. Gosser), (B. Nordmann),<br />

(S. Minowitz)<br />

M. E. Campbell, M. K. Drexler, J. Kindschuh,<br />

R. Young, (B. Martin), (G. Meesey), (L. Pfile),<br />

(S. Randall)<br />

T. Barber, L. Baebler, C. Henke, L. Jensen,<br />

S. Jensen, C. Mahoney, P. Jacober, M. Wilson<br />


Time First Lector Second Lector<br />

Saturday, June 30<br />

5:00PM Luke Hagerty Bob Barrett<br />

Sunday, July 1<br />

7:30AM Kathy Mannion Jim Einspanier<br />

9:00AM John Behl Jane Jensen<br />

11:00AM Charles Nigh Sharon Hartman<br />

6:00PM<br />

Paul Byorth<br />

June 24, 2012<br />


If you suffer from celiac disease, or have any wheat allergies<br />

that prevents you from receiving the Body of Christ at Mass,<br />

please send an e-mail to the address below with your contact<br />

information so that we can inform you of how we are able to<br />

provide low gluten hosts for you.<br />

Please send an email to this address with “Eucharist” on your<br />

Subject Line: Info@stpeterkirkwood.org.<br />


Sunday: Vigil: Jer 1:4-10/1 Pt 1:8-12/Lk 1:5-17<br />

Day: Is 49:1-6/Acts 13:22-26/Lk 1:57-66, 80<br />

Monday: 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18/Mt 7:1-5<br />

Tuesday: 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36/Mt 7:6,<br />

12-14<br />

Wednesday: 2 Kgs 22:8-13; 23:1-3/Mt 7:15-20<br />

Thursday: 2 Kgs 24:8-17/Mt 7:21-29<br />

Friday: Vigil: Acts 3:1-10/Gal 1:11-20/Jn 21:15-19<br />

Day: Acts 12:1-11/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/<br />

Mt 16:13-19<br />

Saturday: Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19/Mt 8:5-17<br />

Next Sunday: Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24/2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15/<br />

Mk 5:21-43 or 5:21-24, 35b-43<br />

©Liturgical Publications Inc

June 24, 2012<br />


In the May 18th issue of the <strong>St</strong>. Louis Review, there was an article about a <strong>Catholic</strong> from Phoenix, Arizona who was deeply concerned<br />

about the United <strong>St</strong>ates. While praying the rosary, he realized that the 50 Hail Mary prayers could be said for our 50 <strong>St</strong>ates. He<br />

designated the first three decades as prayers intended for the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches of our government. The<br />

fourth is dedicated to state and local government as well as police and firefighters. The fifth decade is devoted to the U.S. military<br />

personnel.<br />

Please join your fellow parishioners every Sunday at 4:45 (except holidays) in front of Mary’s statue to say the Rosary for our<br />

country and our populace. The Gathering Area is available if the weather is not favorable.<br />


Psalm 92: "It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to<br />

sing praise to your name, Most High, to proclaim<br />

your kindness at dawn and your faithfulness<br />

throughout the night."<br />

Please pray and ask the Spirit to guide you in<br />

considering choosing a weekly Holy Hour of<br />

thanksgiving. And remember that God will never be outdone in<br />

generosity!<br />

The following Holy Hours are in need of an adorer:<br />

Monday 7:00PM<br />

Wednesday 1:00PM<br />

Thursday 3:00PM & 6:00PM<br />

Friday 6:00AM & 1:00PM<br />

The following Holy Hours are in need of a partner:<br />

Monday 6:00PM<br />

Tuesday 7:00AM, 2:00PM, 4:00PM & 7:00PM<br />

Wednesday 11:00AM & 9:00PM<br />

Thursday 11:00AM<br />

Friday 6:00PM<br />

For more information, please call Kathy Fotouhi, 821-4347.<br />

SAVE THE DATE! . . .<br />

The <strong>St</strong>. Louis Friends of Birthright are holding their eleventh<br />

annual Run/Walk on Saturday, September 1st, in Creve Coeur<br />

Park. Event includes a 6K Race, a 1 Mile Fun Walk, and a 1/4<br />

Mile Kids Run with Fredbird®. You can register at<br />

www.firstgiving.com/birthrightstl, and even create your own<br />

fundraising page to help birthright moms! Or call 314-808-1845.<br />

Please pray for the safety and well being of<br />

the following loved ones of our parishioners<br />

who have been called to military service:<br />

Charles E. Williams II, US Army Warrant<br />

Officer, Cpl. John R. Weber, III, USMC,<br />

Major Matthew Kelly, Michael C. Wood, Army, Airman Joseph<br />

Sidlo, M/Sgt Don Haga, A/C Christine Haga, 1 st Lt. Colin Moran,<br />

Army, Sgt. Erik Thompson, Warrant Officer Alicia G. Mejia-<br />

Adkins, Sgt. 1 st Class Michael Adkins, U.S. Army Capt. Nicholas<br />

Jablonski, USMC, Sgt. Mark Nitz, USMC, Pvt. David Michael<br />

Johnston, Capt. Mark Jackson, IV, LCPL <strong>Peter</strong> Lucier,<br />

2nd Lieut. Jeremy Reynolds, U.S. Army, Pfc. Josh P. <strong>St</strong>ack and<br />

Capt. Christopher Moskoff, U.S. Army.<br />

Prayer List: Please pray for the following parishioners<br />

who are in need of God’s healing presence:<br />

Erica Eichholz, Dorothy Puleo, Agnes Droppelman, Jack Morris,<br />

Joshua Beck, Bob Hutcheson, Mary Bauer, Mary Fuegner, Mary<br />

Brueggeman, Clare Greenley, Jim Felling, Judy Collins, Olga<br />

Marden, Blake Schoenberg, Cornelia Schindler, Scott Goddard,<br />

<strong>St</strong>ephanie Baer, Carroll Bauman, Christopher Day, Addie Neal,<br />

Sanford Mahn, Peg Brady, Sally Chenot, Mary Dykstra, Kristie<br />

Winnett, Denise O’Rourke, Wendel Folks, Mary McIntosh, Julie<br />

Simpson, Doris Templemeyer, Cameron Elias, Dana Kras, Vernon<br />

and Virginia Kohler, Maggie Brennan, Jessica Colter, Joan Killian,<br />

Linda <strong>St</strong>einer, Robert & Dorothy Helfrich, Michael Quinn, Allen<br />

Chott, Ray Wallace, Mary Corcoran, Mary Sheridan, Donna Friskel,<br />

Jean Nast and Catherine Laramie.<br />



FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2012<br />




Are you a parent with young children who'd like to meet more<br />

of your peers? The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Young Families Group offers<br />

social, spiritual and service activities for families with children<br />

under school age. Visit www.stpeteryoungfamilies.com or e-<br />

mail stpeteryoungfamilies@gmail.com to be added to our<br />

e-mail distribution list for notification of upcoming events.<br />

5<br />

June 17, 2012<br />

Corinne Annalise Thomas, daughter of William & Caroline<br />

Thomas.<br />

Please remember the deceased and their loved ones in your<br />

prayers: Helen Kassing<br />


NO Commission NO Inspection NO Hauling<br />

YES - CASH (You choose when you close)<br />


(314) 965-6477<br />

Please Support Those Who Advertise In Our <strong>Church</strong> Bulletin!

SMILE!<br />


Do you ever see people and wonder what their names<br />

are? Have you ever heard an announcement<br />

regarding a member and wished you could put a face<br />

with a name? Are you a new member and wish you<br />

had something to help you put names with faces? Help is on the<br />

way! We are producing a new Parish Photo Directory! There is<br />

no cost to have your portraits taken, and you will receive<br />

a complimentary 8x10 portrait and directory just for<br />

participating.<br />

Sign-up after Masses, or through the Parish website<br />

(www.stpeterkirkwood.org) throughout June. Photo sessions will<br />

take place June 27th through July 21st.<br />

If you would like to volunteer as a sign-in host, please call Sandy<br />

Detling-Nusser at 314-822-4205 or Lyn Berglar at 314-822-0449<br />

to volunteer to help.<br />


Please submit a photo for the new Parish Directory. It can<br />

be a group shot, or one from an activity or event. Email<br />

picture, with ministry name, to salome.reynolds@gmail.com<br />

or call Sally Reynolds at 314-966-5766. Photos need to be<br />

submitted by July 8th to be included in the directory.<br />

June 24, 2012<br />



8:15 AM ONLY.<br />





Registration for new families and re-registration for current<br />

families is ongoing. Packets will be available at Ursuline Hall<br />

during summer hours Monday-Thursday 8:30-3:00 PM, and they<br />

can be mailed to you as well. Contact Secretary Cathy Herrmann,<br />

314-822-1347.<br />

Check out the PSR link from the parish website,<br />

www.stpeterkirkwood.org. Click on the link to How To Register<br />

for PSR—The Complete Guide! for everything you need to<br />

know about registering for PSR for 2012-13.<br />

For further information about PSR and/or available catechist<br />

and aide positions, please contact Jan Hartmann, 822-1347,<br />

jhartmann@stpeterkirkwood.org.<br />


Currently we have 3 driver openings on Monday, Wednesday or<br />

Thursday. If interested, please call Weezie Kennedy at 966-5744.<br />


Monday, July 23 - Thursday, July 26<br />


SCHOOL<br />

Boys & Girls<br />

Pre-K - 8th Grade<br />

6-7:30pm<br />

Non-<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Players Welcome<br />

Nightly Guest Speakers<br />

Skill Development at All Levels<br />

Players must bring own ball & water bottle.<br />

$30 per player registered before July 6 / $40 after July 6.<br />

Guaranteed T-Shirt included for all registrations before July 6.<br />

Late Registrations not guaranteed a T-Shirt.<br />

Register online today at www.stpsports.com.<br />


“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so<br />

that each one may receive good or evil, according to what he has<br />

done in the body.” - 2 Corinthians 5:10<br />

We are accountable for the gifts God has given us on Earth - our<br />

time, talent and treasure. One day each of us will be asked by<br />

God what we did with those gifts. How will you respond?<br />

Offertory for June 17, 2012<br />

Total Parishioners Receiving Envelopes 1,959<br />

336 Envelopes Returned $21,096.<br />

178 Auto Debits $25,543.<br />

Loose Donations $ 1,588.<br />

6<br />


Paul Turner<br />

When religious articles deteriorate to a point when they can no<br />

longer be used effectively, they may be disposed of with dignity.<br />

Your parish may burn old palm branches to make ashes for Ash<br />

Wednesday. But the proper disposal of other religious articles is<br />

not so clear.<br />

The Code of Canon Law says that sacred objects designated for<br />

divine worship by dedication or blessing are to be treated<br />

reverently. They are not to be employed for profane or<br />

inappropriate use (1171). Regarding large buildings, the code<br />

says they lose their dedication or blessing if they have been<br />

destroyed in large part, or if they have been turned over<br />

permanently to profane use (1212).<br />

But the code does not directly answer a very practical question<br />

many <strong>Catholic</strong>s have: “What do I do with a broken rosary, a<br />

tarnished medal, or a deteriorating statue?”<br />

In the past, the Vatican has offered several different solutions. If<br />

possible, put the object to some other sacred use. If not, burn it,<br />

melt it or bury it. Try to avoid letting the object enter secular or<br />

profane use.<br />

If you have old religious articles at home, you may bury them in<br />

the ground. When you do, you might read a passage from the<br />

bible such as Revelation 21:1-5, which speaks about the passing<br />

away of a former world and the coming of something new.<br />

Recall the occasions you have used these items. Pray the Lord’s<br />

Prayer. Do it in a spirit of thankfulness for all that these objects<br />

have meant and out of respect for the sacred realities they have<br />

represented.<br />

Copyright © 2006 Resource Publications, Inc., 160 E. Virginia <strong>St</strong>. #290, San<br />

Jose, CA 95112, (408) 286-8505, Paul Turner, pastor of <strong>St</strong>. Munchin Parish<br />

in Cameron, Mo.

June 24, 2012<br />


Please keep this important ministry in mind on your next<br />

shopping trip. Breakfast bars, granola type bars, chips, cookies,<br />

water, and soda are some of the suggested donations. The Health<br />

Department requires that all food items come prepackaged.<br />

Donations are accepted everyday. Please note the new drop off<br />

location: 450 Burns Avenue, Kirkwood. A green tub will be<br />

located on our front porch the first week of the month and will be<br />

placed on the side of our house the rest of the month. Call<br />

Jennifer Moritz 909-6756 with any questions. Thank you for<br />

supporting this ministry!<br />


Saturday, July 14th we’ll be participating in Beyond Housing’s<br />

project to landscape 10 new homes in Pine Lawn. Volunteers<br />

from <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> will join residents, community leaders and other<br />

volunteer groups to put the finishing touches on these homes in<br />

addition to helping with other established homes in the<br />

neighborhood. The event is scheduled from approximately<br />

8:00AM until early afternoon (but you are welcome to help for as<br />

many hours as you are available). Food and drink will be<br />

provided.<br />

For more information or to volunteer for this or any of our<br />

ministry’s activities, contact Julie Bruns at 314-803-7855 or<br />

juliebruns@sbcglobal.net. To learn more about Beyond<br />

Housing’s work in our community, check out their website at<br />

www.beyondhousing.org.<br />


<strong>St</strong>s. Teresa & Bridget’s parishioners are very sad to say goodbye<br />

to Fr. Gary Meier. His last mass with them was on June17th.<br />

There is considerable concern, confusion and speculation among<br />

many at <strong>St</strong> <strong>Peter</strong> Parish regarding Fr. Gary's future.<br />

Fr. Gary is taking a year-long sabbatical which is common for<br />

priests in the Archdiocese at his age. During that year he plans to<br />

attend school in <strong>St</strong>. Louis to earn a Masters degree in counseling.<br />

At the end of the year he will receive a new assignment.<br />

As much as we love and appreciate Fr Gary, the collection of<br />

canned goods for the pantry was never about him. It was and<br />

WILL continue to be one of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>'s contributions to feeding<br />

the<br />

hungry, responding to Jesus' invitation (it was really a command)<br />

for his followers to feed the poor. It is a part of our baptismal<br />

commitment and our response to Jesus' love for us.<br />

We all wish Fr. Gary the very best and will keep him in our<br />

prayers.<br />

As further celebration of the “Year of Prayer,” <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> is<br />

providing a Prayer of the Month for our parishioners to<br />

detach and pray together as a family on a daily basis.<br />

Prayer of the Month<br />

June, 2012<br />

Give us, O Lord, a steadfast heart,<br />

Which no unworthy affection may drag downwards;<br />

Give us an unconquered heart,<br />

Which no tribulation can wear out;<br />

Give us an upright heart,<br />

Which no unworthy purpose may tempt aside.<br />

Bestow on us also, O Lord, our God,<br />

Understanding to know You,<br />

Diligence to seek You,<br />

Wisdom to find You;<br />

Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen<br />

-- Thomas Acquinas<br />


Their Commencement Mass was on Thursday<br />

evening, May 17, 2012. The following is a list<br />

of the members of the class and the schools<br />

they are planning to attend this fall.<br />

CBC: Kyle Jakubeck<br />

Cor Jesu Academy: Megan Schoelch<br />

Kirkwood High School: Kelin Artica,<br />

Edward Bottom, Maria Detling-Nusser,<br />

Gracie Fitzgerald, Olivia Loudenslager,<br />

Falon Moran, Meghan O’Connell, Lauren Peak,<br />

Anna Schaeffer<br />

Nerinx Hall High School: Abigail Carey, Isabella<br />

Council, Annie Hovater, Laura Nobel, Katie<br />

Prosser, Grace <strong>St</strong>arrs<br />

<strong>St</strong>. John Vianney High School: Tony Cadice,<br />

Jack Eisenbarger, Will Hebrank<br />

(3) Megan Elder and Brett Maltz<br />

(2) Teri Appelbaum and Paul Viano<br />

(2) Cecilia Makovec and Thomas Fuchs<br />

7<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Joseph’s Academy: Rachel Belloli,<br />

Madeline Ohlms, Emily Sindelar, Samantha Slane,<br />

Kathleen Sullivan<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Louis University High School:<br />

Joseph Bingaman, Ricky Heinlein, Leo Heinz,<br />

<strong>St</strong>ephen Hughes, James Leahy, <strong>St</strong>eve Lockwood,<br />

Patrick Pence, Daniel Schu, Isaac Smith,<br />

John <strong>St</strong>orgion


Please note Summer Office Hours for the Rectory Office,<br />

Ursuline Hall and the School Office:<br />

Rectory Office: Summer hours will be 8:30AM - 3:00PM<br />

Monday through Friday, June 4th through August 10th.<br />

Ursuline Hall: Summer hours:<br />

Month of June - 8:30AM - 3:00PM, Monday through Friday.<br />

Month of July - 8:30AM - 3:00PM, Monday through Friday.<br />

Month of August - 8:30AM - 3:30PM, Monday through Friday.<br />

School Office:<br />

Month of June - 9:00AM - 3:00PM, Monday through Friday.<br />

Month of July - school office will be closed.<br />

Month of August - will open on August 2nd , 9:00AM -<br />

3:00PM, Monday - Friday.<br />

RCIA<br />

Are you interested in learning more about the <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>?<br />

Then you might be interested in joining the RCIA process.<br />

What do the initials RCIA stand for?<br />

The initials stand for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults.<br />

What is the RCIA process?<br />

It is a process or journey for individuals who desire to establish or<br />

deepen their relationship with Our Lord, Jesus Christ and want to<br />

learn more about the teachings of the <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>.<br />

The first step in this process is called the Inquiry or<br />

Evangelization Period. It is a time for individuals who are<br />

interested in learning more about the <strong>Catholic</strong> faith to begin to<br />

explore it and surface questions. It is also a time when the Sacred<br />

Scriptures will be introduced and discussed. This initial period is<br />

very informal but provides information and formational<br />

opportunities for those individuals who are looking to acquaint<br />

themselves with the <strong>Catholic</strong> faith.<br />

Inquiry Sessions will be held this summer.<br />

If you or someone you know is interested in learning more<br />

about the <strong>Catholic</strong> faith or you would like more information<br />

about the RCIA process, please call<br />

Linda Doyle at 314-822-1347 or e-mail her at<br />

ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org.<br />

June 24, 2012<br />


(Located in Ursuline Hall)<br />

Approaching July 4 -<br />

Courage and Remembrance:<br />

Author Tom Brokaw: The Greatest Generation and The<br />

Greatest Generation Speaks: Letter And Reflections<br />

Section A<br />

The men and women came out of the Depression, won great<br />

victories and made lasting sacrifices in WWII and then returned<br />

home to begin building the world anew.<br />

He Leadeth Me: An Extraordinary Testament of Faith by<br />

Walter J. Ciszek, SJ with Daniel Flaherty, SJ<br />

Section A<br />

Captured by a Russian army during WWII and convicted<br />

of being a “Vatican spy”, Father Ciszek spent 23 agonizing<br />

years in Soviet prisons and the labor camps of Siberia. A<br />

story of incredible hardships surmounted by incredible faith.<br />

The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien<br />

Section H<br />

A novel that depicts the men of Alpha Company in Vietnam.<br />

“They carried all the emotional baggage of men who might die.<br />

Grief, terror, love, longing, shame, fear—these were intangibles,<br />

but the intangibles had their own mass and specific gravity, they<br />

had tangible weight.” It challenges the reader’s perception of<br />

fact and fiction, war and peace, courage and fear and longing.<br />

Parallel Journeys by Eleanor Ayer<br />

Section A<br />

She was a young German Jew. He was an ardent member of the<br />

Hitler Youth. This is the true story of their parallel journeys<br />

through WWII.<br />

Iranian Hostage: A Personal Diary of 444 Days in Captivity<br />

by Rocky Sickmann<br />

Section A<br />

Sickmann was born in Overland, MO, raised in Krakow and a<br />

resident of <strong>St</strong>. Louis after his Iranian ordeal. On November 4,<br />

1979, Marine Sergeant Rocky Sickmann and 64 other Americans<br />

were taken hostage in Iran. This is his personal diary kept<br />

throughout the long ordeal and smuggled out on the day of<br />

release.<br />


Can you help a fellow parishioner find work? He has 23<br />

years of experience as a skilled carpenter and is looking<br />

for full-time, part-time or temporary employment. If you<br />

have any general carpentry or handy-man work, please<br />

call 471-7141.<br />


Rely on <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Quilters. We do patchwork and<br />

embroidered tops. If necessary, we can assemble<br />

embroidered blocks into beautiful quilt tops.<br />

Also, baby quilts for sale.<br />

For more information, call Theresa at 314-821-8433.<br />

8<br />

ROOM AT THE INN: <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> hosted 7 homeless guests on<br />

Friday, June 15. Thanks to the following parish volunteers who<br />

so generously donated their time and talent this month: Marsha<br />

Bauer, Judy Jackson, Brian Fitzgerald, Erin Sullivan, Katy and<br />

Sean Muldoon, Mike and Joan Turnure, and the following Girl<br />

Scouts and their parents – Shannon Sullivan, Abby Kirtian,<br />

Claudia Zimny, Maggie Muldoon, and Allie Westphale.<br />

The Room at the Inn is a great opportunity to practice<br />

stewardship by sharing some of our time and blessings with<br />

those who are not as fortunate. Volunteers are always welcome<br />

to help cook, provide fellowship, set up mattresses and<br />

supplies, or stay overnight. If you have signed up in the past<br />

and you have not been contacted recently or you would like to<br />

inquire and possibly sign up now to become a new volunteer,<br />

please call Joan (821-2935), Sherri (966-8023) or Larry<br />

(821-7929). Thank you!

through<br />

through<br />

June 24, 2012<br />

Summer Scripture <strong>St</strong>udy<br />

Six Weeks with the Bible: 1 Corinthians: Living as Christians<br />

This summer Scripture <strong>St</strong>udy will be held on<br />

Thursday afternoons<br />

from 1:30 PM until 3 PM<br />

beginning on July 12 th and ending on August 16 th , 2012<br />

in Ursuline Hall.<br />

Linda Doyle will be facilitating the Scripture <strong>St</strong>udy.<br />

We will be using the Six Weeks with the Bible series<br />

from Loyola Press.<br />

The cost of the book is $8.00.<br />

Please call 314- 822-1347 or e-mail Linda Doyle at<br />

ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org to register.<br />


Would you like to be involved in enriching our children’s<br />

liturgical experience during the<br />

Liturgy of the Word on Sundays?<br />

If your answer is yes, then you may want to be a Leader of the<br />

Word at the 9:00 AM Mass on Sunday mornings. We are<br />

currently looking for adults who would be interested in being<br />

Leaders of the Word (once every five to six weeks) from<br />

September 2012 until May of 2013!<br />

If you would like more information about this wonderful<br />

ministry, please contact Linda Doyle at 314-822-1347 or e-mail<br />

her at ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org.<br />

ACTS Retreats<br />

Women’s Weekend<br />

September 6th<br />

September 9th, 2012<br />

September 20th<br />

Men’s Weekend<br />

September 23, 2012<br />

Registrations are being taken right now!<br />

You can register online on our Parish Website at<br />

http://stpeterkirkwood.org/MinistryIndex/ParishMinistries/<br />

ActsRetreat.aspx.<br />

Please call 314-822-1347 or e-mail Linda Doyle at<br />

ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org for more information or a<br />

registration form today!<br />

Spiritual Direction. . . Are you searching how to deepen your<br />

relationship with God? Consider a companion to explore your<br />

faith journey. Please call Mary Lou Bennett at 314-835-1189 or<br />

email blessing101@live.com.<br />


Person To Person volunteers are ready to assist you with special<br />

needs you may have due to illness or other emergencies. We are<br />

ready to assist with transportation, yard work, light housekeeping,<br />

grocery shopping, meals. If you could use a ride to church or the<br />

doctor, you are too ill to do laundry or fix a meal, please call us<br />

and we will try to make the necessary arrangements to assist you.<br />

We have over 100 parishioners available to assist you, or<br />

someone you know that cannot find help elsewhere. Please call,<br />

all requests will remain confidential. Phone Deacon John<br />

Komotos at 984-0054. Please leave a message if I am out and I<br />

will call you back.<br />

9<br />


(Tai-Chi and Yoga for the Brain)<br />

Interested in playing Bridge once a month, having a great time,<br />

visiting with friends, making new ones, and improving your<br />

Bridge game? The 2012-2013 session starts in September and<br />

runs through April culminating with a luncheon at one of<br />

Kirkwood’s restaurants. The fee is only $10.00.<br />

Rounds are scheduled at the convenience of the four ladies<br />

assigned to play that month by the one who will be the hostess. It<br />

is suggested that you try to play sometime during the first part of<br />

the month just to maintain the flow of this social. Scores are sent<br />

in after each monthly game is played. A tally is kept. Please<br />

contact Barb Cline at kirkwoodbac@aol.com or at 314-822-8842.<br />


JUNE 2012 SCHEDULE<br />

These yoga classes provided by Optimal Lifestyles, Inc. will<br />

build flexibility, strength, and balance. Learn stress management<br />

techniques to quiet the mind, increase concentration, and build<br />

body confidence.<br />

Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Bring your yoga mat and any<br />

props you have. This Hatha Yoga class is for all levels.<br />

Date: Tuesdays: June 5, 12, 19, 26<br />

Time: 5:30pm –6:30pm<br />

The cost will be $20.00 for a four (4) week session.<br />

Drop in classes are $8.00<br />

Location: Msgr. Deutschmann Room<br />

Scholarship money is available for those who need it. To<br />

register, please drop by Ursuline Hall or call Cathy Herrmann at<br />

314-822-1347. The $20.00 is due at the first session on June 5,<br />

2012.<br />


Come join us on Wednesday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:00 PM in<br />

Ursuline Hall in the Msgr. Deutschmann Room.<br />

This is a good hour-long workout that isn’t too strenuous. It will<br />

get you moving and keep those joints mobile. Silver <strong>St</strong>reaks is a<br />

chair-based class to benefit people with arthritis, stiffness or who<br />

just want to keep moving. Maybe you are looking for something<br />

to get you started, to go with your walking program or to add<br />

some variety. The program is designed to improve overall<br />

flexibility, balance and strength. Try it, you will like it. Cost is<br />

only $5.00 per session, payable on the day you attend. The<br />

instructor, Holly Ohmes, is certified by the Arthritis Foundation.<br />

For questions, please call 822-1347, Cathy Herrmann, Secretary.<br />

PEACE IN MOTION . . .<br />

Tai chi, qigong, mindful movement, and contemplative<br />

movement are gentle forms of exercise and stress reduction that<br />

improve balance, blood pressure, immunity and an overall sense<br />

of well being. Each class ends with a guided meditation. Classes<br />

are held Thursday mornings at 9:00AM in Ursuline Hall. Classes<br />

are $5 per person per class, pay as you go, and led by Susan<br />

Marting. Try it…you’ll be glad you did!

June 24, 2012<br />


If you are tired of writing weekly checks or forgetting your envelope, this might be just what you have been waiting for.<br />

We offer Automatic Debit Withdrawals - monthly on the 15th. If you are interested in using this service please fill out this<br />

form and return it to the rectory office. If you have any questions please feel free to call the rectory office (966-8600) for<br />

more information.<br />


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