St. Peter Catholic Church

St. Peter Catholic Church

St. Peter Catholic Church


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<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

Pastor ......................... Reverend Monsignor John M. Costello<br />

Associate Pastor ..................... Reverend Michael J. Esswein<br />

Deacons ................................................................................. Deacon Joseph Sulze<br />

(Retired)<br />


Deacon Jimmy Broyles<br />

Deacon Richard Renard<br />

Deacon John Komotos<br />

School Principal................................................................................... John Freitag<br />

Assistant<br />

School Principal........................................................................................ Mary Rath<br />

Director of Adult<br />

Faith Formation ................................................................................... Linda Doyle<br />

Director of Elementary<br />

Faith Formation ...................................................... Janice M. Hartmann<br />

Business Manager ................................................................................ Jim Gerdes<br />

Liturgical Music Coordinator<br />

Carol Bauer<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Mission <strong>St</strong>atement<br />

Built on the rock of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>, the Apostle of faith,<br />

love and forgiveness, we are a <strong>Catholic</strong> parish<br />

dedicated to live, witness and proclaim the good<br />

news of Christ through worship, education and<br />

loving service to each other and our community.

Visit us on the Internet at<br />

www.stpeterkirkwood.org<br />

or send your comments to:<br />

parishsitemanager@stpeterkirkwood.org<br />

Sacrament of Baptism<br />

Please call the Rectory (966-8600) for details<br />

regarding participation in the preparation program.<br />

We encourage expectant parents to make<br />

arrangements for the preparation program at least a<br />

few months prior to the birth of their child.<br />

Sacrament of Marriage<br />

Please contact the rectory for details regarding<br />

the preparation program. In accordance with<br />

Archdiocesan policy, couples should contact a<br />

member of the parish clergy at least six months<br />

prior to their proposed wedding date.<br />

Holy Orders and Consecrated (Religious) Life<br />

If interested, please call the parish rectory or the<br />

Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 792-6460<br />

Rectory/Parish Office<br />

243 West Argonne Drive<br />

Saint Louis, Missouri 63122<br />

966-8600 (Phone)<br />

966-5721 (Fax)<br />

Saint <strong>Peter</strong> Elementary School<br />

Pre-K thru Eighth Grade<br />

215 North Clay<br />

Saint Louis, Missouri 63122<br />

821-0460<br />

Offices of Faith Formation<br />

Linda Doyle, 822-1347, ext. 3001<br />

Parish School of Religion<br />

Jan Hartmann, 822-1347, ext. 3004<br />

Office of Youth Ministry<br />

<strong>St</strong>ephanie Rheinheimer, 822-1347, ext. 3003<br />

Office of Music Ministry<br />

Carol Bauer, Liturgical Music Coordinator,<br />

822-1347, ext. 3005<br />

Pastoral Council<br />

Mr. Bill Carmody, Chairperson 984-0534<br />

Mrs. Sue McAtee, Vice Chairperson 965-5203<br />

Mrs. Patty Boyd, Secretary 966-3835<br />

Finance Commission<br />

Mr. Tim Figge, Chairperson 835-3533<br />

Mrs. Marie Appelbaum, Vice-Chairperson 966-1053<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul Society<br />

314-289-6101 Ext. 2220 (Voice Mail)<br />

Calendar Coordinator<br />

Cathy Herrmann, 822-1347, ext. 3002<br />

Parish Center<br />

821-6219<br />

Bulletin Deadline!!<br />

Articles intended for publication in the Bulletin must be<br />

submitted to the rectory by Monday, at 3:OOPM for the<br />

following Sunday’s Bulletin. All announcements must be<br />

in writing with a name and telephone number attached.<br />

Please remember <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in your will.<br />


CALLED<br />

TO<br />

Give and it will be given to you.<br />

(Luke 6:38)<br />

SERVE<br />

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have.<br />

(Hebrews 13:16)<br />

What Does God Want?<br />

God simply wants you to be thankful for the gifts<br />

and blessings of your life... and to reflect your gratitude<br />

in your daily way of life. Think about what’s possible.<br />

Listen to your heart. Challenge yourself to grow.<br />

That’s what God wants.<br />

Sunday Mass Schedule<br />

Saturday: 5:OOPM (Satisfies Sunday obligation)<br />

Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:OOAM, 11:OOAM and 6:OOPM<br />

Weekday Mass Schedule<br />

Monday - Friday: 6:45AM & 8:15AM<br />

Saturday: 8:15AM<br />

Holy Day Mass Schedule<br />

Consult the bulletin for Mass times<br />

Sacrament of Reconciliation<br />

Saturday: 3:45 to 4:45PM or by appointment<br />

Eucharistic Adoration<br />

Monday - Friday, 6:00AM to 10:00PM<br />

Angela Merici Chapel in Ursuline Hall<br />

adjacent to the <strong>Church</strong> building<br />

Please call Peg Brady, 966-8333 or<br />

Kathy Fotouhi, 821-4347 for questions or<br />

to sign up for a weekly Holy Hour of prayer.<br />

Baptism<br />

Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday of the month at<br />

12:30PM. Parents are expected to participate in a Baptismal<br />

Preparation Program. Please call the rectory to arrange for<br />

the Baptismal Preparation Program and a date for Baptism.<br />

Weekly Anointing and Prayer<br />

After the 9:OOAM Mass each Sunday, we will celebrate<br />

the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, for anyone<br />

who has the need to receive this sacrament. This is meant<br />

to include such concerns as upcoming diagnostic tests,<br />

limitations of aging, anxiety, depression, undue stress,<br />

addiction, etc. for all ages.<br />

Please gather in the pews at the front of church<br />

and the priest will be with you approximately<br />

10 minutes after Mass is over.<br />


18th Sunday in Ordinary Time August 1, 2010<br />

Q & A: Always at Mass? Is the wedding always at Mass?<br />

The <strong>Church</strong>’s Rite of Marriage, published in 1969 as part of the<br />

liturgical reforms following the Second Vatican Council (1962 -<br />

1965), actually provides three forms for a <strong>Catholic</strong> wedding<br />

liturgy. “The Rite for Celebrating Marriage During Mass” is<br />

normally used when two <strong>Catholic</strong> marry. “The Rite for<br />

Celebrating Marriage Outside Mass” is used when a <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

marries a baptized person from another Christian church. “The<br />

Rite for Celebrating Marriage Between a <strong>Catholic</strong> and an<br />

Unbaptized person” is used when a <strong>Catholic</strong> marries someone<br />

who is not a baptized Christian, including a catechumen.<br />

In the first form, the wedding (the rite of marriage) is celebrated<br />

within Mass – between the liturgy of the word and the liturgy of<br />

the eucharist. In the second and third forms, the marriage rite is<br />

celebrated after the liturgy of the word, which ends with a<br />

concluding rite instead of being followed with the liturgy of the<br />

eucharist. Each of these forms is equally valid and holy.<br />

A wedding is a holy celebration. Whenever a <strong>Catholic</strong> marries a<br />

baptized person, whether that person is <strong>Catholic</strong> or from another<br />

Christian church, the marriage is considered a sacrament.<br />

(When a <strong>Catholic</strong> marries someone who is not baptized, the<br />

marriage is recognized and blessed by the <strong>Church</strong>, but is not by<br />

definition a sacrament because sacramental marriages involves a<br />

covenant between two baptized persons).<br />

The different forms of celebration are an attempt to respect the<br />

consciences of all involved and to enable a celebration in which<br />

all can participate.<br />

Why might it be a good idea to celebrate one of the two forms of<br />

the wedding liturgy that do not include Mass? Even if only one<br />

partner is <strong>Catholic</strong>, shouldn’t she or he “receive communion” on<br />

the wedding day? It would, of course, be good for the couple to<br />

be able to share in the Eucharist after exchanging their vows.<br />

But if both bride and groom cannot (and this also may mean that<br />

many friends and family members of either bride or groom<br />

cannot), it is often better not to celebrate the Eucharist. The<br />

Eucharist is our ultimate sacrament of unity - of communion. To<br />

celebrate the Eucharist in a situation where a large number of<br />

those present cannot share in it, especially where the bride or the<br />

groom is noticeably unable to share in it, runs the risk of turning<br />

this very sacrament of communion into a sign of something that<br />

divides instead of unites us. This is why the <strong>Church</strong> gives us<br />

three forms with which to celebrate marriage.<br />

Preparing Yourselves to Celebrate Marriage….<br />

The months before a wedding are usually a time of intense<br />

planning for the “big day.” Here are three things not to overlook<br />

in preparing for a <strong>Catholic</strong> Wedding:<br />

1. In the Roman <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>, the couple is the minister of<br />

the sacrament of marriage…not the priest. The bride and groom<br />

exchange vows to each other. The priest or the deacon serves as<br />

the <strong>Church</strong>’s chief witness; he does not “pronounce them<br />

husband and wife.” Other roles in a <strong>Catholic</strong> wedding include<br />

two additional witnesses ( the “best man” and the “maid or<br />

matron of honor”), lectors to proclaim the scripture readings and<br />

intercessions, music ministers to lead the assembly’s singing,<br />

and , if the wedding takes place within Mass, additional<br />

ministers of communion (as needed).<br />

2. Some things are essential for a <strong>Catholic</strong> wedding; others are<br />

not. Essential things include the scripture readings, homily,<br />

statement of intentions (“Have you come here freely and without<br />

3<br />

reservation….?”), consent or exchange of vows, and nuptial<br />

blessings. Things that are not essential include seating guests of<br />

the bride and guests of the groom on separate sides of the aisle,<br />

keeping the bride and groom apart before the wedding, unrolling<br />

a white aisle runner before the entrance procession, lighting a<br />

unity or wedding candle, and placing flowers before the statue of<br />

the Blessed Mother.<br />

3. There are no spectators at a <strong>Catholic</strong> wedding. The bishops at<br />

the Second Vatican Council made “full, conscious, and active<br />

participation” by all worshippers “the aim to be considered before<br />

all else” in liturgy (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 14). Just<br />

as at Sunday Mass, certain individuals fulfill various ministries<br />

within the wedding liturgy but the entire assembly of worshippers<br />

celebrates the liturgy. When you go to a wedding, listen<br />

attentively to the scriptures the couple has chosen, sing the music<br />

they have selected, respond to the prayers in a strong voice. The<br />

enthusiastic participation of the entire assembly of worshippers is<br />

the best gift anyone can give to the couple on their “big day.”<br />

Blessed are You, Lord, our God, who daily gifts us with<br />

Time…From Prayers for the Domestic <strong>Church</strong> by Edward<br />

Hays….<br />

“You who are Lord and Creator of Space and Time yet who lives<br />

beyond them, we praise you and honor you for the gift of<br />

minutes, hours, days and years.<br />

Each second of life that You give is precious and profound.<br />

We pause now so as not to take these gifts for granted -<br />

so that we may remember in a holy way that all time is holy,<br />

a gift which calls forth songs of gratitude from our hearts.<br />

We pause to gratefully remember those holy persons of ages past<br />

who call us to measure time in a godly way.<br />

We call to mind:<br />

Noah, counting forty rainy days and nights,<br />

Job, waiting with longing in prayerful patience,<br />

and Mary of Nazareth, numbering her nine months.<br />

For those persons today who call us to take time for work and<br />

play,<br />

to make time for love and praise, to create time for rest<br />

and the leisure necessary for creation, we lift up our hearts in<br />

thanks.<br />

We who live in the present, recall the past so that by our<br />

remembrance we might more fittingly prepare for the future<br />

time.<br />

We who stand in the middle of a trinity of time -<br />

past, present, and future –<br />

do bless You, Source and Sustainer of all seasons.”<br />

Bless this one now…the gift of summer.<br />

“Blessed are You, Lord our God who daily gifts us with time.<br />

Amen.”<br />

Don’t look now but the calendar says, August 1 st ! That means<br />

“Back-to-School” sales in stores. Yikes! Slow down,<br />

Summer! Enjoy this great season while you can, folks. I’ll see<br />

you in church! Please remember in your prayers Monsignor<br />

Alphonse Westhoff, our former pastor and parish priest for<br />

44 years and the builder of our church, on the occasion of the<br />

16 th anniversary of his death on Saturday, July 31 st .<br />

Monsignor Jack<br />


August 1, 2010<br />


Monday, August 2<br />

6:45AM Clarence Adler<br />

8:15AM Maurice J. Killian<br />

Tuesday, August 3<br />

6:45AM Carol Bamert<br />

8:15AM William Monafo<br />

Wednesday, August 4<br />

6:45AM James Lang, Sr.<br />

8:15AM Dr. Bill Haynes<br />

Thursday, August 5<br />

6:45AM Theresa Bernsen<br />

8:15AM Gary Schmiedeskamp<br />

Friday, August 6<br />

6:45AM Roger Morse<br />

8:15AM Daniel Mohs<br />

Saturday, August 7<br />

8:15AM Frank Ulrich<br />

5:00 PM Mary Margaret Probst<br />

Sunday, August 8<br />

7:30AM Bill Mason<br />

9:00AM Dorothy Cunningham<br />

11:00AM People of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong><br />

6:00PM Ken Davies<br />


Saturday, August 7<br />

5:00PM Nathan Pence, Maggie Hennessey,<br />

Nicholas Wojciechowski<br />

Sunday, August 8<br />

7:30AM<br />

9:00AM<br />

11:00AM<br />

6:00PM<br />

Jake Eschbacher, Alex Molner,<br />

Josh Simon<br />

Grace Rogers, Mary Claire Rintoul,<br />

Edward Bottom<br />

Albert Reinwart, Anna Hesse,<br />

Joe Mueller<br />

Haley Williams, James Sly,<br />

Jack Morris<br />


A C T S<br />


We are called to be a community of faith, the people of God. It is<br />

through one another and through participation in the community<br />

of Christ that we grow, receive support and forgiveness, and bring<br />

Christ to the world.<br />

Is this what you’re looking for??<br />


Women’s Weekend: February 3-6, 2011<br />

Men's Weekend: February 24-27. 2011<br />



4<br />


Scheduled Eucharistic Minister - August 7/8<br />

Note: Shut-in visitors are indicated in parentheses ( )<br />

Interested in being a Eucharistic Minister?<br />

Call Jim Meady 314-849-1810.<br />

Saturday, August 7<br />

5:00PM: M. Bender, R. O’Meara, D. Imig, K. Renard,<br />

L. Hollabaugh, P. Baker, R. Ross, S. Imig<br />

Sunday, August 8<br />

7:30AM: M. C. Krusing, M. A. Shepard, Sr. M. Kleffner,<br />

B. Lauber, M. Brown, J. Shea, K. Miller,<br />

E. Bante<br />

9:00AM:<br />

11:00AM:<br />

6:00PM:<br />

P. Byorth, R. Zoellner, K. Morgan, G. Pfeffer,<br />

(B. Doyle), (J. Meady), (L. Etzkorn),<br />

(H. Bernsen)<br />

G. O’Grady, M. K. Drexler, M. Raizman,<br />

R. Young, (M. O’Grady), (R. Medley),<br />

(G. Meesey), (S. Randall)<br />

S. Jensen, N. Judge, M. Wilson, B. Biele,<br />

G. Jensen, L. Baebler, J. Enslin, B. Menousek<br />


Time First Lector Second Lector<br />

Saturday, August 7<br />

5:00PM Edd Jennings Marion Blanchfield<br />

Sunday, August 8<br />

7:30AM Jim Haas Martha Broyles<br />

9:00AM Colleen Pence John Behl<br />

11:00AM Roy Mueller Diane Cantwell<br />

6:00PM<br />

Kathy Thames<br />


Are you a parent with young children who'd like to meet more<br />

of your peers? The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Young Families Group offers<br />

social, spiritual and service activities for families with children<br />

under school age. Visit www.stpeteryoungfamilies.com or e-<br />

mail stpeteryoungfamilies@gmail.com to be added to our e-<br />

mail distribution list for notification of upcoming events.<br />


Have you ever wanted to say the<br />

rosary as a family but just<br />

thought your kids were too little<br />

or would not pay attention?<br />

Maybe you don't even remember how to say the rosary but might<br />

if you were reminded. The Young Families group at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong><br />

Parish has decided to make saying the rosary a true family event!<br />

We will meet in church the 4th Monday of each month from<br />

6:30-7:00PM and say the rosary for a special intention. All you<br />

need to bring is a rosary and your family. There is no need to<br />

worry that your kids might be loud or not pay attention, all will<br />

add to the overall meaningful prayer our families can offer.<br />

Our next monthly rosary will be on<br />

Monday, August 23rd at 6:30PM!

August 1, 2010<br />

Prayer List: Please pray for the following parishioners<br />

who are in need of God’s healing presence:<br />

Walter Dayhuff, Marie Lavin, Karen Eichholz, Dorothy Puleo,<br />

Liam Kocher, Agnes Droppelman, Jack Morris, Joshua Beck, Bob<br />

Hutcheson, Mary Bauer, Bud Voegtli, Mary Fuegner, Colleen<br />

Barrett, Mary Brueggeman, Clare Greenley, Jim Felling, Dorothy<br />

Friedrich, Judy Collins, Olga Marden, Blake Schoenberg,<br />

Cornelia Schindler, Charlene Henke, Scott Goddard, <strong>St</strong>ephanie<br />

Baer, Darrell LaChance, Christopher Day, Addie Neal,<br />

Jesse Kinslow, Lou Harms, Sue Perry, Peg Brady, Sally Chenot,<br />

Mary Dykstra, Kristie Winnett, Denise O’Rourke, Rev. Gerald<br />

Palcheck, Wendel Folks, Mary McIntosh, Julie Simpson, Doris<br />

Templemeyer, Cameron Elias, Dana Kras, Jane Dubois, Maggie<br />

Brennan, Kevin Kundert, Jessica Colter, David Shea, Patrick<br />

McNamara, Bill Walborn, Dr. James O’Rourke, Virginia Saputo,<br />

Allen Chott, Donna Friskel and Allegra Ladendecker.<br />

Please pray for the safety and well being of the following loved<br />

ones of our parishioners who have been called to military service:<br />

Charles E. Williams II, US Army Warrant Officer, Cpl. John R.<br />

Weber, III, USMC, Major Matthew Kelly, Pvt. Donald Robert<br />

Marschall, Jr., Michael C. Wood, Army, Cpl. Patrick Barry, USMC,<br />

Airman Joseph Sidlo,M/Sgt Don Haga, A/C Christine Haga, 1 st Lt.<br />

Colin Moran, Army, Sgt. Erik Thompson, Warrant Officer Alicia G.<br />

Mejia-Adkins, Sgt. 1 st Class Michael Adkins, U.S. Army Capt.<br />

Nicholas Jablonski, USMC, L. Cpl. Mark Nitz, USMC, USAF, COL<br />

David G. Bellon, USMC, Pfc. David Schmiedeskamp, Pvt. David<br />

Michael Johnston, Capt. Mark Jackson, IV and Ltc. D. A. Sims II,<br />

US Army.<br />




TUESDAY, JULY 6,<br />

FOR THE<br />


July 6-Sept 11 Sept 13-May 31, 2011<br />

MTWF 10AM-4PM 10AM-4PM<br />

Thursday 10AM-8PM 10AM-6PM<br />

Saturday 10AM-3PM 10AM-2PM<br />

If you did not place a spring order, please come to Just Me<br />

Apparel as soon as possible to assure that your child is in uniform<br />

for the start of school. For phone orders or additional<br />

information, you may call us at 636-391-3551.<br />

If you are sure of your sizes, you may place your order on-line at<br />

www.justmeapparel.com.<br />


232 Old Sulphur Spring Road<br />

Manchester, MO 63021<br />


Sr. Mary Jacqueline Pratt, OSU can be reached at 314-686-1781<br />

or mj.pratt@att.net.<br />

5<br />

RCIA<br />

Are you ready for an exciting journey???<br />

Then come along with us on this conversion journey to<br />

Christ!<br />

Ehren Dodson, Chris Emert and Kyle Wootten<br />

are beginning the journey, and as members of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong><br />

worshiping community, we are going along. This journey begins<br />

with prayer. One of the things we do really well as <strong>Catholic</strong>s is<br />

pray!! So let’s begin our journey by remembering each one of<br />

these “inquirers” in our daily prayers.<br />

If you or someone you know is interested in learning<br />

more about the <strong>Catholic</strong> faith or you would like more<br />

information about the RCIA process, please call<br />

Linda Doyle at 314-822-1347 or e-mail her at<br />

ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org.<br />


How frequently do we pray?<br />

Have we had our prayers answered?<br />

What are our traditions when it comes to <strong>Catholic</strong> prayer?<br />

Does Liturgical prayer help us in the understanding of the<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>?<br />

At this week’s Men’s Group meeting, we’ll reflect on the Gospel<br />

readings for the day as well as use the new Compendium of the<br />

Catechism as we discuss “Christian Prayer.”<br />

Please join us. All men of the parish are welcome. The next<br />

meeting will be held this Saturday, August 7th, in the rectory<br />

basement. Schedule as follows:<br />

7:15AM Discussion<br />

8:15AM Mass<br />



For July, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> parish donated over 1,210 items of food to<br />

<strong>St</strong>s. Teresa & Bridget Food Pantry. We are helping those that<br />

need it the most. Thank you.<br />

If you are unable to deliver canned goods to our home or carry<br />

them from your car please call us and we can pick up your<br />

donation.<br />

Our next delivery will be August 16th.<br />

Candy and John Behl, 319 East Adams, Kirkwood (block and a<br />

half east of YMCA), 965-3390.<br />


OLD CARS NEEDED: <strong>St</strong>s. Teresa & Bridget parish is very busy<br />

with many projects in North city, having transportation is a<br />

necessity. Check out Fr. Gary's web site, "frgary.com".<br />

Planning to trade an old car and willing to donate it? A tax<br />

donation letter of the Blue Book value will be issued to donors.<br />

Please contact: <strong>St</strong>s. Teresa & Bridget Parish. 314-371-1190.

August 1, 2010<br />


(located in Ursuline Hall)<br />

Mondays and Thursdays…9:00AM-3:00PM<br />

First Sunday of each month…8:30AM-12:30PM<br />

In our Biography section we have biographies of many of the<br />

saints, but we also have biographies of other very interesting<br />

people. Following are reviews of two books:<br />

“Iran Awakening,” by Shirin Ebodi<br />

(winner of the Nobel Peace Prize)<br />

The author describes her girlhood in Tehran, her education, and<br />

her early professional career as a female jurist…until hard-line<br />

clerics demoted her after the Islamic Revolution. One reviewer<br />

says, “A must read…may be the most important book you could<br />

read.”<br />

“The Spirit of Notre Dame,” by Jim and Jeremy Langford. This<br />

book tells stories of miraculous athletic comebacks and incredible<br />

victories against the odds, of the Notre Dame grad who survived<br />

the Bataan Death March by focusing on the university. This is an<br />

inspiring biography of many heroes.<br />

The Book Club membership is filled. We are currently reading<br />

“My Life With the Saints” by James Martin, SJ. Our next<br />

meeting will be August 19th at 3:00PM in the library. We will<br />

discuss the book and choose our next book.<br />

The STS Foundation is looking for warm, loving homes for<br />

High School Foreign Exchange <strong>St</strong>udents for the 2010/2011 school<br />

year. All family types are welcome to apply including: traditional<br />

and non-traditional, empty nesters, older couples, young couples<br />

and single parents. You would provide separate bed, family<br />

meals and a safe and nurturing environment. <strong>St</strong>udents bring their<br />

own spending money and health insurance. If you and your<br />

family would be interested in opening your home and heart,<br />

please call STS Area Rep Julie Orr at 314-298-1228.<br />


“Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the<br />

door will be opened to you.” (Luke 11:9)<br />

Jesus assures us that if we ask Him, God will take care of what<br />

we need. The problem is that in our culture we often confuse<br />

what we really need with what we simply want. We need very<br />

little. However, we usually want so much more. A good steward<br />

only asks God for what he needs.<br />

Offertory for July 25, 2010<br />

Total Parishioners Receiving Envelopes 1,911<br />

333 Envelopes Returned $17,346.<br />

Loose Donations $1,438.<br />

6<br />


YOUTH MINISTER . . .<br />

High School Youth Group is<br />

THIS Sunday and every<br />

Sunday from 4:00-5:30PM in Ursuline Hall! We have a great rest<br />

of the summer planned. Be sure to join us!!<br />


Today, August 1, a special collection will be taken up for the<br />

Latin America Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Saint Louis.<br />

This collection is the only source of funding for our 3 Priests who<br />

presently serve in Bolivia. Other than Haiti, Bolivia is the poorest<br />

country in the Western hemisphere. Our Priest Missionaries<br />

depend on us so that their missionary work may continue. Please<br />

support Bishop Casey, Father Hayden and Father Michler and the<br />

people of Bolivia whom they serve, thanks to our donations. May<br />

God reward you for your sacrificial gift and prayers!<br />


Please note Summer Office Hours (beginning June 14, 2010) for<br />

the Rectory Office, Ursuline Hall and the School Office:<br />

Rectory Office: Summer hours will be 8:30AM - 3:00PM<br />

Monday through Friday.<br />

Ursuline Hall: Summer hours:<br />

Month of July - 8:30AM - 3:00PM, Monday through Friday.<br />

Month of August - 8:30AM - 3:30PM, Monday through Friday.<br />

School Office:<br />

Month of July - school office will be closed.<br />

Month of August - will open on August 2nd , 9:00AM -<br />

3:00PM, Monday - Friday.<br />


We are happy you decided to worship with us today. Please<br />

introduce yourself to Father following Mass in the Gathering<br />

Area in the back of church. If you would like information about<br />

registering as a new parish member please call Jay Ryan at 822-<br />

1339 or contact the parish office (966-8600) for a registration<br />

form.<br />

The Welcoming Committee<br />


Sunday: Eccl 1:2; 2:21-23/Col 3:1-5, 9-11/Lk 12:13-21<br />

Monday: Jer 28:1-17/Mt 14:13-21<br />

Tuesday:<br />

Jer 30:1-2, 12-15, 18-22/Mt 14:22-36 or<br />

15:1-2, 10-14<br />

Wednesday: Jer 31:1-7/Mt 15:21-28<br />

Thursday: Jer 31:31-34/Mt 16:13-23<br />

Friday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14/2 Pt 1:16-19/Lk 9:28b-36<br />

Saturday: Hb 1:12---2:4/Mt 17:14-20<br />

Next Sunday: Wis 18:6-9/Heb 11:1-2, 8-19 or 11:1-2, 8-12/<br />

Lk 12:32-48 or 12:35-40<br />

©Liturgical Publications Inc


A committee is being formed to discuss the possibility of<br />

providing food/refreshments for bereaved families after the<br />

funeral Mass of their loved one.<br />

If you would be interested in being a part of this ministry, call<br />

Peggie Baker (821-7827) or Madeleine Whyte (909-7704).<br />


Does your middle or high school student<br />

have what they need to make his/her<br />

upcoming school year a success?<br />

Come to P.E.A.K.’s (Partnership for<br />

Educational Achievement in Kirkwood)<br />

First Annual Education Fair. All middle<br />

and high school students who live or attend school, public or<br />

private, within the Kirkwood School District boundaries are<br />

invited.<br />

Saturday, August 7th<br />

Noon to 4pm<br />

Room 200/201 in the <strong>St</strong>udent Center<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Louis Community College at Meramec<br />

The Education Fair will include:<br />

Career Choices and How to Prepare for Them: Mini-Seminars<br />

on topics such as Coursework, College Application Process,<br />

Essay Writing, Finding Ways to Finance Your Education and The<br />

Missouri A+ Program.<br />

Personnel from the Kirkwood High School Guidance Department,<br />

several Missouri Universities and the Kirkwood Fire and Police<br />

Departments will be available to answer questions and share<br />

information.<br />

Healthcare: Free Sports Physicals, Free Eye Exams, Free<br />

Scoliosis Screening, Dental Information, Resources for Health<br />

Care, Social Services, Alcohol and Drug Education, Emotional<br />

Health and Safety.<br />

Enrichment Activities: Red Cross Certified Babysitting and CPR<br />

class sign-ups, Kirkwood Parks Department, Kirkwood Human<br />

Rights Commission, Banking for Teens, Driver’s Information,<br />

KHS’s My Brother’s Keeper Club and Sign-ups for Volunteer<br />

Activities.<br />

For more information, or to contact P.E.A.K., visit our<br />

website www.PEAK63122.org.<br />



314-961-2669<br />

Aging is good….and as we face life’s transitions sometimes we<br />

need a little more information. Join us four Tuesday evenings,<br />

August 10 through 31, from 6:00-7:30PM for this series designed<br />

for seniors and/or their children. Topics covered are writing an<br />

ethical will, de-clutter and downsizing, top 10 things you need to<br />

know when living alone and local senior living options. Cost is<br />

$7 each week or $21 for all four sessions. For more information<br />

and to register call 961-2669 and enjoy the summer with us!<br />

7<br />



Thinking about joining<br />

the choir?<br />

August 1, 2010<br />

How about cantoring,<br />

ensemble, instrumental or other musical ministry?<br />

Would you like more information about how you can get<br />

involved?<br />

Come to the Music Ministry and Choir Year Kick-Off & BBQ<br />

Wednesday, August 25th<br />

6:00PM-9:00PM,<br />

103 N. Harrison Avenue<br />

(directly across from Mudds Grove)<br />

RSVP to: Carol Bauer, Liturgical Music Coordinator 822-1347,<br />

ext. 3005 or cbauer@stpeterkirkwood.org<br />


Ps 27:11 “Lord show me your way; lead me on a level path..."<br />

Prayer keeps the soul in communication with God's way. Come<br />

aside and spend some quiet time with the Lord. For Retreat<br />

information contact White House Retreat at www.whretreat.org<br />

or call Betty Nordmann at 966-4811.<br />

2010 Weekdays 2010 Weekends<br />

September 13 - 16 September 3 - 5<br />

(Labor Day Weekend)<br />

October 4 - 7 November 18 - 21<br />

October 18 - 21 (Weekend)<br />

November 15 - 18<br />



For students who are active <strong>Catholic</strong>s, who are interested in<br />

becoming <strong>Catholic</strong>, or who are still searching for their<br />

spirituality, the University of Missouri <strong>St</strong>. Louis-<strong>Catholic</strong><br />

Newman Center (CNC) offers a warm and welcoming place to<br />

study, relax, pray, play ping pong, and hang out. We have<br />

student-centered evening masses, faith sharing groups, and<br />

leadership opportunities to help college students transition into a<br />

deeper faith with active roles in the church and the world. With<br />

everything from barbeques, wiffleball, service trips, retreats, a<br />

stocked kitchen, a student computer lab, spiritual direction, and<br />

free WiFi, each young adult will find a place that they belong.<br />

Any college students taking classes in the <strong>St</strong>. Louis area are<br />

welcome! For more information or questions contact Kay<br />

Dieckmann @ kay@cncumsl.org or visit us at www.cncumsl.org.

August 1, 2010<br />

Beginning August 19th:<br />


Monday, 6:30 - 7:30PM(when PSR reconvenes)<br />

Wednesday, 1:30 - 3:00PM<br />

Thursday, 8:15 - 9:30AM<br />

Sunday, after 9:00AM Mass and before 11:00AM Mass<br />

(approximately 10:00 - 10:55)<br />

Earn and Learn will be in the gym for “Back to School” Sunday<br />

on August 22nd.<br />


On Friday, July 16, <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Parish hosted two single women for<br />

dinner, overnight, and breakfast. Thanks to the following <strong>St</strong>.<br />

<strong>Peter</strong> parishioners who generously gave of their time to help set<br />

up the accommodations, drive, cook, provide fellowship, and do<br />

laundry: Ron and Sarah Luetkemeyer, Jim, Denise and Mike<br />

Luetkemeyer, John, Maureen, Owen, Brady, Riley and Devin<br />

Luetkemeyer, Russell, Mary Beth, Cooper and Shane Thompson,<br />

Judy Jackson, Marsha Bauer, Mary Sweeney, and Jill Vogel.<br />

The Room at the Inn program is a great opportunity to practice<br />

stewardship by sharing our time and blessings with those who are<br />

not as fortunate. We will resume our normal hosting of guests<br />

next month and every third Friday of the month thereafter.<br />

If you would like additional information about the program or<br />

would like to volunteer, call Jim (965-1939), Pat (966-3165), or<br />

Larry (821-7929). We host guests on every third Friday of the<br />

month. Thank you!<br />


<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Parish School of Religion is here for you, and classes<br />

will begin on August 30th! If your children attend the Kirkwood<br />

Schools, other public schools or private non-<strong>Catholic</strong> schools,<br />

religion classes are held weekly on Monday evenings from 6:30-<br />

7:45PM in our Parish School of Religion. About 360+ parish<br />

children in Grades 1-8 gather in small classes of 15 or under led<br />

by adult catechists who are parents or parishioners. Preparation<br />

for sacraments is included in the classes at the appropriate grade<br />

levels. <strong>St</strong>udents entering Grades 2 and 8 where sacraments are<br />

received are required to attend religion classes in PSR or <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

school the year prior. One simple call to Ursuline Hall, 822-<br />

1347, will get you started with registration. For more information<br />

about the program, including contact names and numbers and<br />

e-mail, go to www.stpeterkirkwood.org and click on the link to<br />

“Parish School of Religion”. Please note the yellow<br />

informational brochures in the pamphlet rack in the gathering<br />

space. Welcome to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Parish School of Religion!<br />


Sunday School classes for pre-schoolers will begin in late<br />

September. Classes are held during the 9:00AM Mass, so that<br />

parents can attend that Mass. Children who are 3 years old by<br />

July 31, 2010 through Kindergarten age may be registered to<br />

attend. Classes are held in the school building, and include a<br />

lesson, music, and crafts. Registration forms are available in the<br />

pamphlet rack in the gathering space in church. Registration<br />

forms may also be obtained at Ursuline Hall, 822-1347.<br />

DEADLINE for registration is August 27. Catechist for 3 year<br />

olds is needed for Fall 2010! If you love children, sharing your<br />

faith and close encounters with glue sticks and markers, please<br />

contact Jan Hartmann, Director of Elementary Faith Formation at<br />

Ursuline Hall, 822-1347 Ext. 3004. This is a great ministry to our<br />

young families!<br />

July 25, 2010<br />

Henry Axton Byrne, son of Brian and <strong>St</strong>ephanie Byrne.<br />

Emily Clare Drochelman, daughter of Michael Drochelman and<br />

Kathryn Ries.<br />

Keira Marie Fox, daughter of Christopher and Melissa Fox.<br />




Retreat Presenter: Heather King<br />

Friday, September 10, 2010<br />

and<br />

Saturday, September 11, 2010<br />

For more information, please contact Diane Green<br />

at 1-800-233-6264 or email: dgreen@oblatesua.org.<br />






314-966-5600<br />

Please support those who advertise in our church bulletin!<br />

8<br />


The Friends of Birthright are holding their ninth annual Run/<br />

Walk on Saturday, August 28, in Creve Coeur Park - Tremayne<br />

Shelter. Check-in begins at 7:30AM followed by a 6K Race<br />

around the Lake and 1 Mile Fun Walk at 8:30AM and a 1/4 Mile<br />

Youth Run with FREDBIRD® at 9:15AM. You can register as<br />

an individual or team at<br />

www.firstgiving.com/birthrightstl or 314-808-1845.

August 1, 2010<br />


Family Holy Hours of Adoration before the Most<br />

Blessed Sacrament are essential and beneficial to the<br />

entire family. Everyone from the very youngest to<br />

the oldest can participate.<br />

Family prayer binds its members together and carries<br />

them through life's difficulties. The purification and<br />

sanctification of each person occurs in prayerful<br />

family life.<br />

(from "Family Hours of Adoration" by Linda Bracy)<br />

This booklet is available on the chapel bookcase (in the tray<br />

where the schedules are kept) for use by families. It contains<br />

prayers and suggestions for Family Holy Hours. Consider<br />

signing up for a special weekly Holy Hour for your family...and<br />

watch the blessings flow!<br />

The following Holy Hours are available:<br />

Wednesday 7:00AM Wednesday 12:00Noon<br />

Thursday 8:00AM Thursday 11:00AM<br />

Friday 7:00AM Friday 8:00AM<br />

Friday 6:00PM Friday 7:00PM<br />

Please contact Kathy Fotouhi, 821-4347 for more information.<br />


is an opportunity for those searching for deeper meaning in their<br />

lives to meet regularly with a companion in faith. It is a<br />

conversation to find their core relationship with God and what<br />

God desires of them.<br />

Please call Mary Lou Bennett at 314-835-1189 or email<br />

maryloubennett@hotmail.com.<br />


The society of <strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul is having the raffle of raffles!!!<br />

GRAND PRIZE: Two roundtrip tickets to New York City for<br />

four days and three nights. You will stay in a hotel overlooking<br />

Central Park, go to the new Yankee <strong>St</strong>adium to see the Yanks and<br />

Tampa Bay Rays play, dinner at a trendy New York eatery, two<br />

tickets to a top Broadway play and last but not least meet Bill<br />

O’Reilly in his studio while he hosts his “O’Reilly Factor” and<br />

also get a $3,000 shopping spree in The Big Apple.<br />

SECOND PRIZE: Roundtrip airfare for two ANYWHERE in<br />

the entire continental United <strong>St</strong>ates.<br />

THIRD PRIZE: Two tickets to the 2011 Super Bowl in the new<br />

Cowboys <strong>St</strong>adium in Arlington, Texas.<br />

FOURTH PRIZE: Two tickets to the 2011 annual Major League<br />

Baseball All-<strong>St</strong>ar Game in Phoenix, Arizona.<br />

FIFTH PRIZE: A $1,000 shopping spree at the Weekends Only<br />

Furniture <strong>St</strong>ore.<br />

Tickets are $100 each and the drawing is August 30, 2010.<br />

The New York trip will be 9/20-9/23, 2010.<br />

Half of the proceeds from the $100 tickets sold here will stay in<br />

our <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Conference to serve the needy. For tickets contact<br />

Mary at 966-8947.<br />

Thank you for your support.<br />


The volunteers for the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> and Paul soup kitchen in Soulard<br />

served 72 hungry guests on Saturday July 3. We usually serve<br />

100-140 guests on a week night meal, but weekend meals are<br />

much more lightly attended. We had plenty of food thanks to our<br />

cooks and donors of side items.<br />

We collect men's t-shirts and socks monthly for the homeless<br />

men's shelter in the basement of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> and Paul church. If you<br />

are able to donate NEW men's t-shirts or socks for these less<br />

fortunate men, please deliver them to Mary Raizman's home at<br />

311 Weston Oaks Court in Kirkwood. You may leave them on<br />

the front porch.<br />

If you have clothing (especially men's) that you no longer need<br />

we are also able to offer it to the diners who come for a meal.<br />

Many of them are homeless and depend on the charity of others<br />

for their food as well as their clothing. These items may also be<br />

delivered to Mary Raizman's home.<br />

Questions about this ministry may be sent to Mary at<br />

mraizman@charter.net or at 314-822-2715.<br />

9<br />


GOOD NEWS . . .<br />

Fellow parishioner, Martha Caldwell, has agreed to<br />

join the Women’s Guild planning committee. Now,<br />

we still need a few other ladies to step forward.<br />

If you are able, please contact Kim Pannell ASAP at<br />

kimberlypannell@sbcglobal.net or 314-280-6808.<br />

No experience is needed, merely a desire to keep<br />

the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Women’s Guild tradition alive and<br />

continue the fellowship.<br />

“By wisdom a house is built, and by<br />

understanding it is established; by knowledge the<br />

rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant<br />

riches.”<br />

Proverbs 24:4

August 1, 2010<br />



Many parishioners have signed up to take the chalice<br />

home and display it in a place of honor, where it can be<br />

noticed by all during the week. These parishioner(s)<br />

will pray around the chalice every night for vocations to the<br />

priesthood and religious life. Prayers for vocations will<br />

accompany the chalice.<br />

Listed below are the dates and the families who will be taking<br />

home the Traveling Vocational Chalice after the Sunday<br />

11:00 Mass during the month of August:<br />

August 1<br />

August 8<br />

August 15<br />

August 22<br />

August 29<br />

Scott and Pam Debandt<br />

Doug and Martha Caldwell<br />

The Brian Gosser Family<br />

The Fotouhi Family<br />

Charlene Henke<br />

If you are interested in signing up for a week please call Cheryl<br />

Elder at 314-965-1573 for more information.<br />



<strong>Catholic</strong> Family Services, a <strong>Catholic</strong> Charities Federation<br />

Member, who provides mental health programs and services, is<br />

looking for walkers. We are looking for a family or group of<br />

individuals from your parish to register to walk on behalf of<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Family Services and/or pledge funds. This event is a<br />

great opportunity for folks to come out and show support for a<br />

wonderful cause that will help continue mental health programs<br />

and services.<br />

The Walk is a family fun oriented event perfect for all ages and<br />

abilities. Bring your dog and enjoy the entertainment, face<br />

painting, and hear the speakers as we help to raise the awareness<br />

of how Depression is a major issue for so many individuals and<br />

families. Register today to walk on behalf and show your<br />

support for <strong>Catholic</strong> Family Services. Join the “Friends of<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Family Services” Team today and help <strong>Catholic</strong> Family<br />

Services reach their goal!!!<br />

WHEN: Saturday, August 14th, 2010<br />

TIME: Walk day Registration opens at 8:00AM.<br />

The Walk starts promptly at 9:00AM.<br />

WHERE: Old Playground Shelter, at the Grand Blvd.<br />

Entrance of Tower Grove Park<br />

WHAT: 5K Walk<br />

FEE: Adult (16 & Older) $20<br />

Family (2 Adults & 2 Children ages 15 &<br />

Under) $35<br />

To register visit www.thewalkstl.org<br />

We look forward to walking with YOU on August 14th!<br />


The Knights of Columbus is a <strong>Catholic</strong> Fraternal Brotherhood.<br />

The four basic principles that guide the Knights of Columbus are<br />

Charity–Fraternity–Unity–Patriotism<br />

Fall activities planned:<br />

BBQ in August<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Elizabeth’s Fair booth<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Gerard Magella’s Fall Fest<br />

Green Tree Festival<br />

Sports Trivia night<br />

Tootsie Roll drive for Cardinal Glennon Hospital<br />

Old News Boys Day<br />

Adopt-a-Family for Christmas<br />

Adopt-a-Patrol for troops<br />

Pro-Life march in Washington<br />

If you are a <strong>Catholic</strong> man over the age of 18 and would like<br />

information about becoming a Knight, contact Dave Renard at<br />

314-581-7111 darenard@earthlink.net or Tom Dougherty at 314-<br />

422-4342 tjdougherty@sbcglobal.net<br />

Meetings for new members are the 4 th Thursday of each month<br />

from 7:00 to 9:00PM at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>’s Rectory (lower level).<br />

10<br />



You must be at least 14 years old and must<br />

complete the training program.<br />

New Referee Training:<br />

Sacred Heart in Valley Park<br />

August 3rd from 5:30 to 10:00PM<br />

and August 5th from 6:00 to 10:00PM<br />

Returning Referee Training:<br />

Sacred Heart in Valley Park.<br />

August 10th from 5:30 to 10:00PM<br />

On Field Training:<br />

<strong>St</strong>e. Genevieve Dubois<br />

August 31st from 6:00 to 9:00PM<br />

Interested? Questions? Contact Dennis Harms at<br />

dennissharms@yahoo.com or 314-471-6625.<br />


The <strong>Catholic</strong> Youth apostolate and the Fr. William Scheid Players<br />

will celebrate 30 years of performances in 2010 with Cole<br />

Porter’s “Anything Goes” on Friday, August 20, Saturday,<br />

August 21 and Sunday, August 22, 2010. All performances will<br />

be at the Florissant Civic Center. Tickets are $14 each or $12 for<br />

seniors and groups of 25 or more. Contact Sarah at 314-792-7611<br />

for tickets or ad information.

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