. . Mrs. . Grace . . . Vacationers . . Jim . . Harry . . The . . Jack . . Sam I 1 NEW HAVEN Rutins news: The 20th-Fox Family club is buying pickles and mustard for a big time at Double Beach July 30 . . . Herman Levy has no news yet on the annual lilm golf tournament of Connecticut MPTO, suspended during the war years . . . MGM Peo club plans its own outing, also in mid-July, as do most local filmites. Looks like no event will embrace the whole film district this year. Ben Simon and the 20th-Fox staff were shocked at the passing of the eastern division sales manager. C. E. Peppiatt. and the area division manager. Sam Gross, both of Philadelphia, killed in a plane crash near Leesburg. Va. Peppiatt was a speaker at one of the drive meetings last year and made a big hit. Oatdoor pop concerts in the Yale Bowl this summer promise to be a real draw with every sea.son ticket sold out well in advance The MGM boys and girls had coffee . . . and a birthday cake as a surprise for shipper Saul Schiffrin. George Worcester, 20th-Fo.x janitor, who will be 94 June 30 ii:id lives in the Elm Haven hou.sing project, journeyed to Washington to see congressmen about threatened evictions from the project . . Harry F. Shaw. . Loew-Poli division manager, was host to Senor and Senora Carlos Niebla ihe is the MGM exchange manager in Mexico City, who are visiting in the east. Saturday night a chummy party at the Waverly inn included Mayor and Mrs. William Celentano, Lou and Shirley Brown and other guests. The parly attended mass Sunday at St. Mary's church and .saw the sights at Yale. Tomasino doings: Mike Tomaslno of the White Way and Victory is receiving congratulations all around. Son Angelo is daddy of a baby girl Nora, born at St. Raphael's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro Truden of Milan. Italy, are visiting with the Tomaslnos and plan to fly back with their daughter. Mrs. Angelo Tomasino. and granddaughter. Nora, in a few weeks. Angelo files to Rome to take a position with 20th- Fox Rome exchange. Gloria Tomasino. daughter of Mike, recently was graduated with honors from Mount Holyoke college. Vacationers: Morris Rosenthal of the Poll. New Haven, is driving to Kansas City to visit relatives and see the country . . . Lee Alderman. Warners, is camping at Totem lodge . Alice Brodner of the same office is cruising . . to Bermuda and Nassau Bru- . nelll, Columbia booker, vacations around town . Martin Multer of PRC will be putting those feminine touches on her first apartment during her vacation. A Warner 9xl0-foot poster on "It Happened on Fifth Avenue." used for the opening in Bridgeport, was cut In half to be moved into Monogram exchange office as a permanent plugging fixture . . . New Haven Monogram winds up either first or second in the Harry Thomas .sales drive . . . Columbia finishes third place In the bonus drive. Pete Janu.ska of RKO looks forward vacation, desllnalion imknown . . . to Freda .i Kogen of Columbia and Belle Schiffrin of 20th-Fox plan a farm vacation in Missouri over the Fourth will include N. Brickates. manager of the Garde, New London: Merritt Lyons, Rlalto, South Norwalk, and Jean Paszko of 20th-Fox . . . Bernard Levy and family of Amalgamated are off to Narragansett Pier, R, I., for a week. College, New Haven, tried a one-day all- Polish show Tuesday, after the idea had been tried at the Lyric, Bridgeport: Strand, Waterbury: Broadway, Norwich, and Poli. Meriden. with considerable success . . . Dual of "Corsican Brothers" and "South of Pago Pago" broke house records at the Strand, Waterbury, then opened at the Bijou. New- Haven. Wednesday . Lincoln is playing "39 Steps" for the 'steenth time and will soon have "Wuthering Heights" again after many previous visits. Bob Kaufmann is heading for Detroit to help with 20th-Fox exploitation on the premiere of "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now" . . . Don Willins of Eagle-Lion is in from Boston to work on the Hartford's "Lost Honeymoon" opening . . . Floyd Fitzsimmons is in from Albany with a natty houndstooth jacket to pave the way for the "Fiesta" opening at the Poli houses July 2 . . . Floyd also tied up a Mexican band to play on the stage of the Poli. Bridgeport, opening night. All Carroll drugstores in Poli towns will feature Woodbury "Fiesta" makeup. At the College "The Great Waltz" inspired the Kleper-Levenson team to arrange a parade of Kaiser-Fraziers with copy. "Sweetheart of a car: sweetheart of a picture" plugging the pilot training school, the College in turn had a net ad on the picture flown over the Elm city. Music store windows, counters, restaurant table cards and special sundaes and .sodas were all lined up with the "Waltz." Conventions: It's real Milwaukee beer for the Monogram representatives who convene July 18-20 at Hotel Schroeder. Johnny Pavone will meet the Boston gang for the trip out . Darby went to Hartford for an M&P session . . . Barney Pitkin. Hugh Maguire. Bill Canelli, Sid Swirsky and Exploiteer Doug Beck will repre.sent New Haven at the RKO convention July 7-10 at the Waldorf-Astoria. New York. Sid training This and that about town: Bob Spedick of the Lincoln has moved into his new home on Westerly road, while Partner Leonard Samp- .son is still building on Benton street. Westville Dick Cohen and wife celebrated their . . . 19th anniversary and the admi.ssion of their son. Morton Harold Cohen, to Landau, the University of Connecticut . for an auditor's . . post, has left 20th-Fox. New Haven, and will continue training at Boston . . . Mrs. Earl Wright recently won several blue ribbons for gardening, but UA Salesman Earl really did the digging. Sheldon Rose of the Globe. Bridgeport, is on the dean's list at Bridgeport junior college . Shaw and Charles Kurtzman of Boston renewed acquaintance at the wedding of Bob Urdang. son of the Loew Theatre cleaning service owner, in New York. iting auditors at MGM . IrvinK Margolin and Arthur Sklar are vis- . . Anthony Bo.scardlnc of the Colonial. Canaan. Is erecting a 500-seoter at Dover Plains. N. Y. . . . Sam Seletsky of B&Q and Walter Higglns of Prudential were on Flhnrow last week. HARTFOR n * \A7alter Lloyd, Allyn manager, huddled with Bob Wile. U-I praise agent, on "Odd Man Out" . Stamaton. formerly a district manager with Fox Midwest Thea- . . . Redecoration tres, now in the merchandising business in Stamford, was here for a visit with Ernie Grecula of the Hartford Theatres has been completed at the Daly. Ernie Grecula reports installation of new screen and rugs at the south end Rialto. The circuit's Lyric has a new candy booth . . . Hartford Theatres manager vacations get under way in July, with Mrs. Kate Treske of the Lenox first on the list. Hugh Campbell of the Central. West Hartford, starts in mid-July, and Joe Ruggerio of the Lyric will go when Campbell returns. Mickey Daly of Daly Theatre Corp. is planning to take his family on a Bermuda vacation next winter . . . Jim McCarthy, Strand manager, attended a Warner A house managers exploitation meeting with Dan Finn at the zone offices in New Haven . . . Ben Lamo and Charlie Atamian of the Strand are continuing their day-off golf playing, and both are becoming pretty handy at the game. John Scanlon, manager of the Warner, Torrington, is back from a fishing trip . . . Joe Miklos of the Embassy, New Britain, leaves July 10 on vacation. Martin Kelleher of the Princess has inaugurated a new Saturday morning cartoon ii, show policy. Shows start at 9:30 a. m. . . . Visiting here last week were L. A. Kahn of United Publicity Bureau. New York: Joe Spivak of Connecticut Theatre Candy Co., New Haven, and John Pavone. Monogram ^ branch manager, New- Haven. . Seymour "Rosie" Rosenberg, formerly on the Proven Pictures staff, has gone into the plastic products business Awards came fast and heavy at the . . . Loew-Poli. Manager ; Lou Cohen has received a Dollar club gold cup for exploitation from Loew's circuit. . Assistant Sam Horwitz. received an MOM

' Manager ''Samuel Pinansky of M&P Theatres was a L recent visitor here, addressing a meeting of Maine, I New Hampshire and Vermont mania gers. _ Fred Engley was presented an engraved Ijv.atch at the Cumberland club luncheon. of the Star in Westbrook for ap- 20 years. Eugley is retiring after I 47 years in show business. Lawrence Carillo, Gloucester. Ma.ss.. replaces Eugley as [ manager. li proximately . . M&P . . Florence . . Leo . . . . The . . Milford June Grzeika Is Named To Perakos Circuit Post HARTFORD— Pete Perakos ot Perakos [nieatres has appointed June Grzeika, fornjerly on the circuit office secretarial staff. lo the position of executive secretary. Miss [trzeika will serve in Perakos' offices in the Palace Theatre Bldg. in New Britain. She lias been working for the Perakos interests lor a year. Exchange Union Elects NEW HAVEN— Saul Shiffrin. Metro shipper, has been elected president of local B41 t>f exchange employes. Other officers elected Bt a meeting recently include Marie Smith [if Warner Bros., vice-president: Joseph Barscansky of Warner Bros., secretary-treasliirer. and Mary Calabre.se of Universal and Iwilliam Nutile of Paramount, members of Ithe executive board. Sam Zipkin of Universal, an ex-president of the union, is the new business agent. The new officers will be installed and will serve as of August 1. >ermit Theatre Addition HARTFORD—Nick Kounaris and Apos- Itolis Tolls, owners of the suburban Newing- Iton Theatre, were given permission by the Koning board to erect an extension of 6.5 Ifeet with the provision that it be of all brick land the nearest point must be 6!i feet from la butting property. Theatre Repairs Approved HARTFORD—The Hartford field office of Ithe housing expediter has approved $2,731 Icf repairs for theatres in New London oper- Inted by the Connecticut Theatres Operating Ico. ORTLAND iTohn Ford, motion picture director and native of Portland, was awarded an honor- I' [ary master of arts degree at Bowdoin colllege commencement exercises. He also was [piven a lobster dinner by the Harold T. An- Icrews post. American Legion . . . Arthur H. Icioldstein. district manager of the Ralph E. Snider Theatres, is cooperating with local J I businessmen to protest the lack of a proper lantismoke ordinance in the city. According ltd Goldstein, operation of projection equip- [ment at the Strand Theatre has been hamniered because of grit coming in from the (surrounding air. The marquee of the Maine Theatre has 1 been redecorated . . . Harry Lawler. Itor, is on a two-week vacation . opera- State [will hitch brown and white ponies in front \cl the theatre as a tiein with "Cheyenne." . Recess Time, popular program for chil- . Fciren. completes its 1946-47 session June 25. !'lt will be resumed in the fall . . Martin ' McGurgan. chief of service, is on a trip . . . Ethel Barrymore for Role SRO has inked Ethel Barrymore for a fea- I tared part in "Portrait of Jenny.' WORCESTER /^larence Brighum, director of the American Antiquarian society here, is seeking to fill in the gaps in the .society's remarkable collection of Worcester theatre programs . A columnist in the Sunday Telegram says E. M. Loew remembers Worcester because the first theatre he ever operated was a failure here. Now he owns 70 of them. Virginia Curran has transferred from the Plymouth to the Olympia . . . Bob Bergin. assistant manager of the Elm Street, is grieving the death of his dog . Lajoie. manager of the Capitol, and his family have returned from a short visit with his brother in Mountainside. N. J. Gloria Swanson's personal appearance at the Playhouse has been set for the week of June 30 when she will appear in "A Goose for the Gander" . Costello has joined the Plymouth's staff . . . Carmen Cavallaro, the band leader, was in town. The Westboro Red Barn was the second summer stock company in this neighbrohood to open its season ... A circuit is reported negotiating for land on one of the side streets on which to build a theatre, with an entrance from Main street . . . Lawrence Rawding is new on the Elm Street's staff. Nate Goldberg got a play in the dailies when he discovered that one of the characters in "Partners in Time." playing at his Plymouth, was Tony DeMarco, former Worcester vaudevillian. Judy Canova, film actress, has contacted Thomas Sheerin of this city in regard to acquiring an antique secretary in his possession and once owned by the actress' greatgreat grandfather. Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry . . . An ice show is being featured at Ye Olde Tavern in West Brookfield. Robert Noe has left the Playhouse . . . The Champ in Spencer has been closed for three weeks while extensive alterations are being made by its new owners. The main auditorium and lobby will be renovated, the balcony will be repaired, new seats installed and new sound equipment obtained. Ray Mangaudis. manager, says the policy will be changed when the house is reopened. Gus Sun at 80 Isn't Announcement is made of the marriage of Amy Arnell. nationally known singer, to Dr. Paul O'Connor of this city. The bride formerly sang with Tommy Tucker's band, on the Abbott and Costello radio show and in films. The marriage took place in Hollywood last November. They met five years ago at Doctor hospital in New York, where she was a patient and he was a resident physician. . . . When "Life With Father" .set its record on Broadway, one of the cast was A. H. Van Beuren, who was at the Grand here in the Gus McDermott of the Plymouth The 1920s . . . has returned from his vacation Drive-In at Shrewsbui-y has made a tieup with a Westboro ga.soline station whereby a ticket is given with each dollar sale. . Marilyn Malchek, cashier at Loew's Poll, has resigned, and her succes.sor is Frances McCartin high school pupils sponsored a jinx party at the State in that town . . Patricia Horan. daughter of Bill Horan. . Warner branch manager in Boston, and Mrs. Horan. was graduated from St. Peter's high school here and will enter Regis college in September. Theatremen are convinced that one explanation of slipping grosses this summer is the broadcast of night baseball games played in Boston. This is the first time a Worcester station has aired the Braves and Red Sox games, and with both teams fighting for the leads in their respective leagues, interest is running high. Bob Portle, manager of the Elm Street, went to Boston to attend the legislative hearing on the proposed state tax on theatre admissions . Coronado has dropped shows for the summer. Manager Bill Brown of the Park and Greendale is taking preliminary steps to having air conditioning installed in both houses and expects it to be functioning for next summer . . . White City Park is playing to as many persons as ever but they're not spending as much, the park reports. Plan 30 Fairs in Maine AUGUSTA, ME.—State Agricultural Commissioner A. K. Gardner has announced that 30 fairs will be held in the state this sea- .son. the largest number since 1942. The first will be held at Presque Isle July 28-Aug. 2 and the last at New Gloucester October 20-25. at All Worried Over the Future of Show Business From Mideast Edition COLUMBUS—Gus Sun. Ohio's grand old showman, isn't worried about the future of show business-. So reported Dud Chamberlain, Marietta editor and Sunday columnist for the Columbus Citizen. Chamberlain visited Sun in Miami recently. "Show business will be different, of course," Gus says, "as it always has been. But it will still have its up and downs: be lots of fun for everyone, make good money for the good and a lot for the good and lucky." "Mr. Sun has weathered the good and bad of the business for almost 60 years, i write.? Chamberlain 1. and has enjoyed every minute of it—juggling in refined vaudeville at Tony Pastor's, bucking the long muddy Ohio roads with his own early wagon-circus, trouping the forlorn one-night opry houses with the famous Sun Minstrels and then hi.s own chain of theatres and the Gus Sun booking office. "Now Mr. Sun. nearing 80, winters in Miami and battles the surf every morning before 8. The great of the show world are guests at his gracious home. Sophie Tucker dined en famille recently. Our own too short evening was filled with fascinating remini.scence and anecdote. His is an epic story, which some bright young reporter ought to write down. But much as he relishes these latter days, Mr. Sun is sure he enjoyed the making of his first million far more than he has its ownership or .spending. " 'My only regret is that I can't do it all over again.' he said in partmg." lEOXOFFICE :: June 28, 1947 99

. . Mrs.<br />

. Grace<br />

. . . Vacationers<br />

. . Jim<br />

. . Harry<br />

. . The<br />

. . Jack<br />

. . Sam<br />

I<br />

1<br />


Rutins news: The 20th-Fox Family club is<br />

buying pickles and mustard for a big<br />

time at Double Beach July 30 . . . Herman<br />

Levy has no news yet on the annual lilm<br />

golf tournament of Connecticut MPTO, suspended<br />

during the war years . . . MGM Peo<br />

club plans its own outing, also in mid-July,<br />

as do most local filmites. Looks like no event<br />

will embrace the whole film district this<br />

year.<br />

Ben Simon and the 20th-Fox staff were<br />

shocked at the passing of the eastern division<br />

sales manager. C. E. Peppiatt. and the area<br />

division manager. Sam Gross, both of Philadelphia,<br />

killed in a plane crash near Leesburg.<br />

Va. Peppiatt was a speaker at one of<br />

the drive meetings last year and made a big<br />

hit.<br />

Oatdoor pop concerts in the Yale Bowl this<br />

summer promise to be a real draw with every<br />

sea.son ticket sold out well in advance<br />

The MGM boys and girls had coffee<br />

. . .<br />

and a<br />

birthday cake as a surprise for shipper Saul<br />

Schiffrin.<br />

George Worcester, 20th-Fo.x janitor, who<br />

will be 94 June 30 ii:id lives in the Elm Haven<br />

hou.sing project, journeyed to Washington<br />

to see congressmen about threatened evictions<br />

from the project . . Harry F. Shaw.<br />

.<br />

Loew-Poli division manager, was host to<br />

Senor and Senora Carlos Niebla ihe is the<br />

MGM exchange manager in Mexico City,<br />

who are visiting in the east. Saturday night<br />

a chummy party at the Waverly inn included<br />

Mayor and Mrs. William Celentano, Lou and<br />

Shirley Brown and other guests. The parly<br />

attended mass Sunday at St. Mary's church<br />

and .saw the sights at Yale.<br />

Tomasino doings: Mike Tomaslno of the<br />

White Way and Victory is receiving congratulations<br />

all around. Son Angelo is daddy<br />

of a baby girl Nora, born at St. Raphael's<br />

hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro Truden<br />

of Milan. Italy, are visiting with the Tomaslnos<br />

and plan to fly back with their<br />

daughter. Mrs. Angelo Tomasino. and granddaughter.<br />

Nora, in a few weeks. Angelo<br />

files to Rome to take a position with 20th-<br />

Fox Rome exchange. Gloria Tomasino.<br />

daughter of Mike, recently was graduated<br />

with honors from Mount Holyoke college.<br />

Vacationers: Morris Rosenthal of the Poll.<br />

New Haven, is driving to Kansas City to<br />

visit relatives and see the country . . . Lee<br />

Alderman. Warners, is camping at Totem lodge<br />

. Alice Brodner of the same office is cruising<br />

. .<br />

to Bermuda and Nassau Bru-<br />

.<br />

nelll, Columbia booker, vacations around<br />

town . Martin Multer of PRC will<br />

be putting those feminine touches on her<br />

first apartment during her vacation.<br />

A Warner 9xl0-foot poster on "It Happened<br />

on Fifth Avenue." used for the opening in<br />

Bridgeport, was cut In half to be moved into<br />

Monogram exchange office as a permanent<br />

plugging fixture . . . New Haven Monogram<br />

winds up either first or second in the Harry<br />

Thomas .sales drive . . . Columbia finishes<br />

third place In the bonus drive.<br />

Pete Janu.ska of RKO looks forward<br />

vacation, desllnalion imknown . . .<br />

to<br />

Freda<br />

.i<br />

Kogen of Columbia and Belle Schiffrin of<br />

20th-Fox plan a farm vacation in Missouri<br />

over the Fourth will include<br />

N. Brickates. manager of the Garde, New<br />

London: Merritt Lyons, Rlalto, South Norwalk,<br />

and Jean Paszko of 20th-Fox . . . Bernard<br />

Levy and family of Amalgamated are<br />

off to Narragansett Pier, R, I., for a week.<br />

College, New Haven, tried a one-day all-<br />

Polish show Tuesday, after the idea had been<br />

tried at the Lyric, Bridgeport: Strand, Waterbury:<br />

Broadway, Norwich, and Poli. Meriden.<br />

with considerable success . . . Dual of<br />

"Corsican Brothers" and "South of Pago<br />

Pago" broke house records at the Strand,<br />

Waterbury, then opened at the Bijou. New-<br />

Haven. Wednesday . Lincoln is playing<br />

"39 Steps" for the 'steenth time and will<br />

soon have "Wuthering Heights" again after<br />

many previous visits.<br />

Bob Kaufmann is heading for Detroit to<br />

help with 20th-Fox exploitation on the premiere<br />

of "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her<br />

Now" . . . Don Willins of Eagle-Lion is in<br />

from Boston to work on the Hartford's "Lost<br />

Honeymoon" opening . . . Floyd Fitzsimmons<br />

is in from Albany with a natty houndstooth<br />

jacket to pave the way for the "Fiesta" opening<br />

at the Poli houses July 2 . . . Floyd also<br />

tied up a Mexican band to play on the stage<br />

of the Poli. Bridgeport, opening night. All<br />

Carroll drugstores in Poli towns will feature<br />

Woodbury "Fiesta" makeup.<br />

At the College "The Great Waltz" inspired<br />

the Kleper-Levenson team to arrange a parade<br />

of Kaiser-Fraziers with copy. "Sweetheart<br />

of a car: sweetheart of a picture" plugging<br />

the pilot training school, the College<br />

in turn had a net ad on the picture flown<br />

over the Elm city. Music store windows,<br />

counters, restaurant table cards and special<br />

sundaes and .sodas were all lined up with the<br />

"Waltz."<br />

Conventions: It's real Milwaukee beer for<br />

the Monogram representatives who convene<br />

July 18-20 at Hotel Schroeder. Johnny Pavone<br />

will meet the Boston gang for the trip<br />

out . Darby went to Hartford for an<br />

M&P session . . . Barney Pitkin. Hugh Maguire.<br />

Bill Canelli, Sid Swirsky and Exploiteer<br />

Doug Beck will repre.sent New Haven at<br />

the RKO convention July 7-10 at the Waldorf-Astoria.<br />

New York.<br />

Sid training<br />

This and that about town: Bob Spedick of<br />

the Lincoln has moved into his new home on<br />

Westerly road, while Partner Leonard Samp-<br />

.son is still building on Benton street. Westville<br />

Dick Cohen and wife celebrated<br />

their<br />

. . .<br />

19th anniversary and the admi.ssion of<br />

their son. Morton Harold Cohen, to<br />

Landau,<br />

the University<br />

of Connecticut . for an auditor's<br />

. .<br />

post, has left 20th-Fox.<br />

New Haven, and will continue training at<br />

Boston . . . Mrs. Earl Wright recently won<br />

several blue ribbons for gardening, but UA<br />

Salesman Earl really did the digging.<br />

Sheldon Rose of the Globe. Bridgeport, is<br />

on the dean's list at Bridgeport junior college<br />

. Shaw and Charles Kurtzman<br />

of Boston renewed acquaintance at the wedding<br />

of Bob Urdang. son of the Loew Theatre<br />

cleaning service owner, in New York.<br />

iting auditors at MGM .<br />

IrvinK Margolin and Arthur Sklar are vis-<br />

. . Anthony Bo.scardlnc<br />

of the Colonial. Canaan. Is erecting a<br />

500-seoter at Dover Plains. N. Y. . . . Sam<br />

Seletsky of B&Q and Walter Higglns of Prudential<br />

were on Flhnrow last week.<br />

HARTFOR n *<br />

\A7alter Lloyd, Allyn manager, huddled with<br />

Bob Wile. U-I praise agent, on "Odd<br />

Man Out" . Stamaton. formerly a<br />

district manager with Fox Midwest Thea-<br />

. . . Redecoration<br />

tres, now in the merchandising business in<br />

Stamford, was here for a visit with Ernie<br />

Grecula of the Hartford Theatres<br />

has been completed at the<br />

Daly.<br />

Ernie Grecula reports installation of new<br />

screen and rugs at the south end Rialto. The<br />

circuit's Lyric has a new candy booth . . .<br />

Hartford Theatres manager vacations get<br />

under way in July, with Mrs. Kate Treske<br />

of the Lenox first on the list. Hugh Campbell<br />

of the Central. West Hartford, starts in<br />

mid-July, and Joe Ruggerio of the Lyric will<br />

go when Campbell returns.<br />

Mickey Daly of Daly Theatre Corp. is<br />

planning to take his family on a Bermuda<br />

vacation next winter . . . Jim McCarthy,<br />

Strand manager, attended a Warner A house<br />

managers exploitation meeting with Dan Finn<br />

at the zone offices in New Haven . . . Ben<br />

Lamo and Charlie Atamian of the Strand<br />

are continuing their day-off golf playing,<br />

and both are becoming pretty handy at the<br />

game.<br />

John Scanlon, manager of the Warner,<br />

Torrington, is back from a fishing trip . . .<br />

Joe Miklos of the Embassy, New Britain,<br />

leaves July 10 on vacation.<br />

Martin Kelleher of the Princess has inaugurated<br />

a new Saturday morning cartoon ii,<br />

show policy. Shows start at 9:30 a. m. . . .<br />

Visiting here last week were L. A. Kahn of<br />

United Publicity Bureau. New York: Joe<br />

Spivak of Connecticut Theatre Candy Co.,<br />

New Haven, and John Pavone. Monogram<br />

^<br />

branch manager, New- Haven.<br />

.<br />

Seymour "Rosie" Rosenberg, formerly on<br />

the Proven Pictures staff, has gone into the<br />

plastic products business Awards came<br />

fast and heavy at the<br />

. . .<br />

Loew-Poli. Manager<br />

;<br />

Lou Cohen has received a Dollar club gold<br />

cup for exploitation from Loew's circuit. .<br />

Assistant Sam Horwitz. received an MOM

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