. . Bonnie . . Bob r DBS MOINES . Relayed by the housing shortage and Iowa marriage laws, the marriage of Arnie Shartln, Columbia booker, to Dorothy Dion of Minneapolis was finally performed June 21. The Shartins are honeymooning at Clear lake. They will return to their apartment her? . . Another Columbia employe. Rose Mazza, was married June 22 to Joe Villirillo. They are also on a honeymoon. Eddie Forrester, owner of the theatre at Massena, Iowa, was a visitor on the Row last week. Forrester says his town h?s not been bothered by the floods, but was hit a couple of weeks ago by a tornado that damaged one end of the theatre. It was necessary for him to replace the screen as a result of the damage. . . . Helene Esther Marilyn Shelden, NSS. has resigned to return to her home in Maryland Jacobs, Universal, is on vacation Huston, Universal, spent the . . . weekend in Minneapolis . . . Jane Frye, Universal inspector, is on leave of absence. Thelma Washburn, RKO booker, has many reasons to smile these days. Her daughter, son-in-law and grandchild arrived this week from Florida to visit—and on top of that, the Washburns boast a new car. Raymond Cook, owner of the State in Hedrick, Iowa, has found a home for his family and will move them here from Arkansas . . . Tim Evans of Lyons, and Charles Niles, Anamosa, were on the Row last week. J'/f aclvcince ot iiA limed Carol Fuhrman, assistant manager of thf State. Cedar Rapids, was married this montl to Kenneth M. Foley. After a wedding tri' to South Dakota, the Foleys will live in Del Moines where he is a salesman for the Skelli Oil Co. r Dorman Bundling, Newton theatre owneil played in the state Kiwanis golf tournamen' at the Newton country club last week . . Ray Nolan. RKO district manager, spent th weekend here working with the circuits . . Bob Boots, RKO shipper, has moved into hi new home . Breeze is now commuting from her home in Curamings, lowi^ to the RKO exchange. Morrie Smead, owner of the Strand !);. Council Bluffs, and an executive of ViWnj- Popcorn Co.. was married June 12 to Grac! Abbott of Santa Barbara. Calif.. formerU of Omaha. The wedding culminated a ro! mance of 20 years. W. J. Whaley of Deep River has liougbt n, restaurant for his daughter in Boone, Iowa) and is spending much of his time there . . , Joe Smith, Laurens exhibitor, was on the Ro\', last week . Fridley and Beverley Ma< hon. owners of the theatre at New Sharon have opened the "Starlight Room," adjoin [, ing the theatre. The new room will providtl; i' after-theatre lunches for patrons. \ \ k Sam Watson of Grettinger was in towiv last week . . . Dave Nelson. Republic manager, attended meetings in brand- Kansas Clt: . . . Lucille from a Avery, vacation .' inspector, has been ill for over a week . . Maxine Bird and Raymond Thompson wer-;^ married Sunday in Mount Ayr. and Masin> is now on vacation from her duties at MOM. Roles in "High C , Warners has tagged John Alvin and WUT liam Bakewell for roles in "Romance 1)!, " High C." I r i j ATTENTION! Drive-In •j^ Theatre Operators -^ * For special trailer copy (or your opening write to Motion Picture Service Co 125 Hyde St. San Francisco ; Producers of Showmanship Trailers .1' 2 1. 1 ttn A* The new Motiograph MODEL "AA^ * 'The Golden Anniversary Pro/ecfor' Upholstery materials from four I leading manufacturers. S1.65 yard F.O.B. Let us have your extra rcnecr backs and bottoms AMERICAN DESK MFG. CO. I y Des Moines Theatre Supply Co. 1121 High Street Des Moines, Iowa Telephone 3-6520 COMPLETELY NEW HORKY'S CAFE Bigger and Bailor Than Ever — Featuring 'Delish' Steak* 1202 High Si. Des Moine.. Iowa V.'hore Filmrow Friends Gather Open Dally at 4 p. m- 82 BOXOFFICE :: June 28. 19' hi

[ jRosanek. ' Trom I Local . . Donald I MAHA f6 Metzger. owner of the Cozy Theatre nt Tyndall S. D.. had a busy week. As local chief he attended the state convention fire chiefs at Yankton . . . Two Columbia bine office representatives, Jules Neodleman &(1 Gene Sichelman, were in town from lew York. . BT. R. Thompson from Kansas City, Walt |«.'ney representative, .spent the weekend in [lis city Shane, manafier of the jaiamount Theatre, is back on the job after ijising his tonsils . . . Evelynn Cannon, head .ker at MGM, is on a Minnesota fishinfs . . . ^i]) Pat Halloran, 20th-Fox salesman, as a second son named Timothy Michael, he first was named Patrick. Kobert Kiddle, formerly with Warners, Itnie back to Omaha to attend funeral serv- Ibfs for his mother, Mrs. Cecila Riddle. He , . . Ifi now with United Artists in Denver Ildele Anderson. Warner cashier, is on vacalloa. ad agency men were invited to atjend the screening of "The Hucksters" ack Andrews. Paramount salesman, . . . was itricken on the road and had to undergo an mergencv appendectomy at St. Mary's hoslital. North Platte. Hazel (Jensen) Brown dropped a card back the RKO office saying she was honeyttooning in the Black Hills and now is en oute to Yellowstone. The Roselund Theatre, in a tiein ad with n>talling firms, tells the public it has in- Italled a new Chrysler Airtemp air conditioning Cornelia Adams, 18, clerk unit . . . In the county marriage license office, was |niirried on the RKO-Brandeis Theatre stage « start off the showing of "Honeymoon." ihe was to wear the wedding gown worn by Shirley Temple in the picture and the first fitting found no changes needed. Reinhart Paulsen. 22. is the groom. Visitors along Filmrow included: Adolph Crete iNeb.i exhibitor en route Chicago where he also owns a theatre: Roy Syfert. Ainsworth exhibitor who avoided flood areas by flying his airplane in to town: teddie Kugel. Holstein, Iowa: John McQuistan, Bloomfield; D. H. Heyne. Hooper: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Johnson. Onawa. Iowa: John Preston, Humphrey: F. Thompson, Audubon, Iowa: Elmer Swen.sen, Alta, Iowa: Cliff Sherron, Genoa; Bruce Jones. Beemer: Rob- .ert Johnson. Logan. Iowa; G. G. Griffith. Plsttsmouth. Cool Bandit Takes $60 From St. Paul Cashier ST. PAUL—A composed bandit, held up thf cashier of the Park. Minnesota Amusement Co. neighborhood theatre and relieved the frightened. 20-year old girl of $60 at the point of a gun. The man appeared at the ticket window at 8 p. m.. when there was almost a steady stream of patrons, and quietly said, "Hand lit over." enforcing his demand with a nickelpl.Ued revolver. She gave him about L5 dollar bills. Menacing her with a gun. the bandit dem.nded, "Is that all?" She then handed him three five-dollar bills and when he quietly repeated the same question she gave him three $11 bills and then pulled the drawer out to sl'.ow him it was empty. After receiving the money, the bandit turned away and walked slowly down the BOXOFFICE :: June 28, 1947 NCA Raps Adult Tax On Teen-Age Tickets MINNEAPOLIS— North Central Allied has a.sked the internal revenue bureau to re-examine its ruling that the 20 per cent theatre admission tax must be based on age instead of the price of the ticket in the case of the .special teen-age scale. With exhibitors "virtually forced" to establish teen-age admission scales to compete with downtown first runs, which recently put the special rate in effect for youngsters 12 to 16 years old. the present method of computing the admission tax is harmful to the theatre owner, unjust, and arbitrary, said NCA Piesident Bennie Berger. Tlie government requires the 20 per cent tax on established children's and adult rates, breaking them at the age 12 years. Some years ago the Minnesota Amusement Co. and independent exhibitors joined in a protest against paying adult tax rates on junior and student admission prices, but the internal revenue department held that these street. The cashier sounded an alarm, but by the time ushers reached the booth the bandit had disappeared. D. S. Palmquist. manager, was not present at the time. Amateur Nights in Panora PANORA, IOWA—Amateur night contests are being held at the Little under the direction of Dorothy Kean, manager. Prizes in the contest include an opportunity to broadcast over radio station KSIB and a weekend trip to Chicago. Installs Air Conditioning ROCK VALLEY. IOWA—Jack Nebbin, owner, is having new air conditioning equipment installed in the Orpheum. KANSAS CITY NEWCOMER—E. J. Staton. right, is manager of the newly opened Kansas City branch of the theatre seating division of American Desk Mfg. Co.. a Temple. Tex., concern. \t left is Forrest Dunlap. western division manager, who pilots a plane between branch offices and the dozen theatres he owns in Texas and Arkansas. Staton was a first lieutenant who flew B29s in World War II. were a "special rate" and therefore .should' carry the same amount of tax as an adult admission. "This leaves the theatre owner in the peculiar position of being forced by the government to pay a tax on junior admissions which he cannot collect," .said Berger. "It is illogical as well as unjust for the government to require the same admission tax for the teen-age admission as is called for by the higher adult scale. "The price paid for the ticket, not the age. should be made the basis of the tax," He pointed out the great harm likely to result at neighborhood theatres here, which now get 40 cents for adult admissions. In order to keep their teen-age patronage, Berger .said, they might have to come down to 25 cents. Yet they will have to pay the .same 8-cent tax on these tickets as they do oii 40-cent tickets, leaving only 17 cents to cover operating costs. Folly Theatre Closed KANSAS CITY—After two weeks playing sex-angle films, the Folly Theatre has closed once more. Howard Goldin, promoter of the films, has gone to Fort Worth and Warren Irons, owner of the theatre, said that as far as motion pictures were concerned, the Folly would remain shuttered for the summer. A burlesque policy will be resumed in the fall. Water Follies Billed OMAHA—Theatres will face a new kind of competition here July 15 to 20 when Ak- Sar-Ben stages the first Water Follies of any size ever to be presented here. Peter Pick is the feature star. Quonset for Marne MARNE. IOWA—Albert Hefferan has received a permit to build a new quonset theatre here. The house will seat 450 and have a brick front. It will be completed about October 1 and will be called the Crown. WB Feature Is Retitled NEW YORK—"Need for Each Other" has been selected as the new title for the Warner Bros, production now before the cameras in Hollywood as "Love at First Sight." Zumbrota House Reopens ZUMBROTA. MINN.—The State has been reopened following redecoration and improvements. It is being operated by A. G. and O. B. Gilbertson. Modernize in Batavia BATAVIA. IOWA—Complete modernization of the Co-Ed began June 15 and is expected to be completed around the first of July. Robert Dunnuck is manager. Bob McLean Takes Over HOWARD LAKE, MINN. — Bob McLean has taken over the Howard Lake lease. David Bull relinquished the house. 83

. . Bonnie<br />

. . Bob<br />

r<br />


.<br />

Relayed by the housing shortage and Iowa<br />

marriage laws, the marriage of Arnie<br />

Shartln, Columbia booker, to Dorothy Dion of<br />

Minneapolis was finally performed June 21.<br />

The Shartins are honeymooning at Clear<br />

lake. They will return to their apartment<br />

her? . . Another Columbia employe. Rose<br />

Mazza, was married June 22 to Joe Villirillo.<br />

They are also on a honeymoon.<br />

Eddie Forrester, owner of the theatre at<br />

Massena, Iowa, was a visitor on the Row last<br />

week. Forrester says his town h?s not been<br />

bothered by the floods, but was hit a couple<br />

of weeks ago by a tornado that damaged one<br />

end of the theatre. It was necessary for him<br />

to replace the screen as a result of the<br />

damage.<br />

. . . Helene<br />

Esther<br />

Marilyn Shelden, NSS. has resigned to return<br />

to her home in Maryland<br />

Jacobs, Universal, is on vacation<br />

Huston, Universal, spent the<br />

. . .<br />

weekend in<br />

Minneapolis . . . Jane Frye, Universal inspector,<br />

is on leave of absence.<br />

Thelma Washburn, RKO booker, has many<br />

reasons to smile these days. Her daughter,<br />

son-in-law and grandchild arrived this week<br />

from Florida to visit—and on top of that,<br />

the Washburns boast a new car.<br />

Raymond Cook, owner of the State in Hedrick,<br />

Iowa, has found a home for his family<br />

and will move them here from Arkansas . . .<br />

Tim Evans of Lyons, and Charles Niles,<br />

Anamosa, were on the Row last week.<br />

J'/f aclvcince ot iiA limed<br />

Carol Fuhrman, assistant manager of thf<br />

State. Cedar Rapids, was married this montl<br />

to Kenneth M. Foley. After a wedding tri'<br />

to South Dakota, the Foleys will live in Del<br />

Moines where he is a salesman for the Skelli<br />

Oil Co.<br />

r<br />

Dorman Bundling, Newton theatre owneil<br />

played in the state Kiwanis golf tournamen'<br />

at the Newton country club last week . .<br />

Ray Nolan. RKO district<br />

manager, spent th<br />

weekend here working with the circuits . .<br />

Bob Boots, RKO shipper, has moved into hi<br />

new home . Breeze is now commuting<br />

from her home in Curamings, lowi^<br />

to the RKO exchange.<br />

Morrie Smead, owner of the Strand !);.<br />

Council Bluffs, and an executive of ViWnj-<br />

Popcorn Co.. was married June 12 to Grac!<br />

Abbott of Santa Barbara. Calif.. formerU<br />

of Omaha. The wedding culminated a ro!<br />

mance of 20 years.<br />

W. J. Whaley of Deep River has liougbt n,<br />

restaurant for his daughter in Boone, Iowa)<br />

and is spending much of his time there . . ,<br />

Joe Smith, Laurens exhibitor, was on the Ro\',<br />

last week . Fridley and Beverley Ma<<br />

hon. owners of the theatre at New Sharon<br />

have opened the "Starlight Room," adjoin [,<br />

ing the theatre. The new room will providtl;<br />

i'<br />

after-theatre lunches for patrons.<br />

\<br />

\<br />

k<br />

Sam Watson of Grettinger was in towiv<br />

last week . . . Dave Nelson. Republic<br />

manager, attended meetings in<br />

brand-<br />

Kansas Clt:<br />

. . . Lucille<br />

from a<br />

Avery,<br />

vacation<br />

.'<br />

inspector, has been ill for over a week . .<br />

Maxine Bird and Raymond Thompson wer-;^<br />

married Sunday in Mount Ayr. and Masin><br />

is now on vacation from her duties at MOM.<br />

Roles in "High C ,<br />

Warners has tagged John Alvin and WUT<br />

liam Bakewell for roles in "Romance 1)!,<br />

"<br />

High C."<br />

I<br />

r<br />

i<br />

j<br />


Drive-In<br />

•j^ Theatre Operators -^<br />

*<br />

For special trailer copy (or<br />

your opening write to<br />

Motion Picture Service Co<br />

125 Hyde St.<br />

San Francisco<br />

;<br />

Producers of Showmanship Trailers<br />

.1'<br />

2 1.<br />

1<br />

ttn A*<br />

The new Motiograph MODEL "AA^<br />

*<br />

'The Golden Anniversary Pro/ecfor'<br />

Upholstery materials from four I<br />

leading manufacturers.<br />

S1.65 yard F.O.B.<br />

Let us have your extra<br />

rcnecr backs and bottoms<br />


y<br />

Des Moines Theatre Supply Co.<br />

1121 High Street Des Moines, Iowa<br />

Telephone 3-6520<br />



Bigger and Bailor Than Ever<br />

— Featuring 'Delish' Steak*<br />

1202 High Si. Des Moine.. Iowa<br />

V.'hore Filmrow Friends Gather<br />

Open Dally at 4 p. m-<br />

82<br />


:: June 28. 19'<br />


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