. . . Milton CHICAGO Dodney Bush. 20th-Fox exploitation chief, Is In town ready to wrap up all arrangements for the world premiere of Georgle Jessel's picture. "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now," at the Oriental July 3, June Haver. Martha Stewart, and Mark Stevens, who star in the picture, will be here for the premiere, together with Jes.sel. Joe Howard and others. Shots of the old LaSalle Tlieatre appear In the picture, which concerns the life of Joe Howard, the song writer. Howard, now about 80. lives in New York. The last time he worked locally was in Barney Franklin's Rathskeller on Clark near Madison, which was around the corner from the LaSalle Theatre, where many of his big staKP hits were produced. Paul ,Muni and his wife, pausing here between trains, hastily grabbed a sandwich and talked to the press boys, then dashed across the street to see "The Jolson Story" at the Apollo. "In Hollywood, we never get a chance to see pictures." explained the star Smith Is now representing Irving Mack In Los Angeles, as they are trying to find a suitable location to open a branch office for Filmack Trailers. Maurice Bergman, eastern advertising manager for U-I. was in town for a confab with Ben Katz. local exploiteer. Bergman was en route to Wawasee. Ind.. to speak before the convention of Associated Theatre Owners of Indiana June 24th Orr. western divi.sion . manager of . . Morrie UA was In for a conference at local headquarter.s and returned east. The Pump room at the Amba.s.sador hotel took on all the aspects of a Hollywood set last weekend for the filming of a Technl- JOE WEISS 1

. screened . . Florence . . Laura . . Hilda . . "The . . . . William NDIANAPOLIS Joy Bales, operator of the Main nl Ehvood, •^ "ind., sold that house to Syndieate Thearrs, Inc., of Franklin, Ind. The purchaser ilso operates the Vogue and Ehvood in Elv( od Iva Moore, operator of the Orpheuni. . . . vl;tchell, Ind., attended the funeral of her unit in Detroit. Herman HeUberg:, 20th-Fox booker, has has wen promoted to head booker, succeeding :;iArence Ritzier, who has returned to St. Louis, his home . . . Oscar Fine of the Fine •ircuit at Evansville, is the father of a baby iirl, born at St. Vincent's hospital. Evansville. Charles Spargur jr., manager of the adsnles department. 20th-Pox, is confined to his home with pneumonia. His condition Erwin Rau. of the Alice IS reported fair . . . Theatre, Leitchfield, Ky., booked and bought Salesmen recently visiting Columbia, Ky., . report that rain is urgently needed to save the tobacco crop. Indianapolis could spare a little and not miss it. Tim Dooley, formerly with 20th-Pox at Cinc'.nnati. has been appointed booker at the local branch . . . Joan Miller is the new biller at Republic, and Philip Nesbit, manager's secretary, resigned and is leaving for Los Angeles . tjooked . . E. H. ... Ed Austin. Brauer, Republic Austin, Versailles, manager, visited exhibitors in the Evansville area. Tom Dillon, MGM cashier's clerk, reports the birth of a baby boy at Methodist hospital here . . . Paul Meloy. Strand, Shelbyville. was a Filmrow^ visitor . . . H. M. Sparks, encountered on Pilmi-ow, says he will open his Strand Theatre at Edmonton. Ky., July 1. Mrs. Ben Van Borssun, widow of the late Ben Van Borssun, has acquired the Lyceum Theatre. Terre Haute, from Boyd R. Bell, and will completely remodel and redecorate the 415-seat neighborhood house. Mrs. Van Borssun will manage the house and do the baying . . . B. Bennett, Bennett circuit. Port Branch, was on the Row buying and booking . . . "Possessed," 'WB production, w^as trade- Monday. Claude McKean, WB manager, and Charles Rich, district manager, went to Chicago for a session with the Gregory circuit, and to LouisviUe for a meeting with Fred Dolle of the Fourth Avenue Amusement Co. . . . Philis Warriner of Warners' contract department is on vacation Two . Mrs. Carrolls" moved from the Indiana to Keith's for an extended run. Elmer Donnelly, UA manager, spent several days in Chicago calling on circuit heads ... Harry Hays, UA salesman, and Ray Thomas, office manager, were the guests of Milton M. Kreuger at a Cincinnati ball game . . J. B. Stine. Garfield. Terre Haute, booked Whelan. manager's secretary at U-I. returned from her west coast jaunt . Bruce Kixmiller, Colonial and Indiana. Bicknell. booked and bought. IN DIFFERENT KIND OF FIGHT— Six Indianapolis ex-servicemen, all officers in World War II and most of them boasting medals, have pledged ""\7"P''»'-i '"^J;^,;; Warner anniversary drive now in progress. The husky Uneup from 'e" "Kht. "">'«'^' f" Gaines. John Forsha. Ned B. Tilman. Jack Dowd, Jules F. Goldman and Jim H. Kaylor. reporting the weather somewhat dewy during his stay . . . Mary Wehrling, secretary to Manager George T. Landis of 20th-Fox, confined to his home by illness, is reported improving. George Lefko succeeds Ralph Peckham, as Film Classics manager here. Peckham becomes manager at Atlanta Passen, Amuzu, Jasonville, Ind., booked and . bought . . . Shirley Servaas of the S&S Theatres, and Ethel Bess, are spending their vacation in the Great Lakes region. Members of the ATO of Indiana are urged in a letter from William A. Carroll, executive secretary, to promote the Indiana State fair by the use of a special trailer supplied by the fair board. Members are urged to run the trailer for a week between July 28 and August 30. To Open Mokane House MOKANE, MO.—Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mc- Call expect to open then- Kingdom Theatre, a 250-seater, some time next month. They are remodeling the old Farmer's Bank Bldg. as a theatre and will show five nights a week, w^ith matinees on two of those days. The McCalls operated a grocery store before the war. Harry Lusgarlen Winner Of B&K Golf Tourney CHICAGO—Undaunted by months of daily rain nearly a hundred members of the Balaban & Katz Employes club and guests turned out for the golf tournament last week at Mount Prospect. Harry Lustgarten of the B&K booking department turned in the best card among the club members with an 89, followed by Jack DeWiggins and Ted Regelin with 90 and 92, respectively. There were 16 other prizes, among which was a golf bag won by Jack DeWiggins, and a pair of golf shoes which went to Jim Ellis. Crystal Theatre assistant manager. A Hollywood broiler won by Ted Regelin made his wife very happy and Mrs. Ray Thompson carried home a Flint cutlery set in token of her man's prowess on the links. After golfing, dinner was served and the remainder of the evening spent in dancing and card playing. Hexer Company Licensed INVEST NOW ST. LOUIS—Flexer Drive-In Theatres, a Delaware corporation, has been authorized by the secretary of state in Jefferson City to operate in Missouri. The company has received a permit to erect a drive-in theatre in St. Louis county. in "THE ARISTOCRAT of the POPCORN WORLD" MANLEY'S Style 47 POPCORN MACHINE ^ Watch Your Profits Grow Milton Ettinger, former U-I salesman, is •..ow office manager and head booker at the exchange Grimme. secretary to . Manager Elmer Donnelly at UA. is vacationing at Atlantic City Long, Hippodrome, Sheridan, . booked. ". Daniel Rosenberg, PRC-Eagle-Lion special representative, is at the local branch on Abe H. Kaufman, Fountain business . . Theatre, Terre Haute, booked on the Row . . Frank Carter of Theatres, returned S&S from an extended vacation on the west coast. It will pay you to learn more from A. T. ROWE DIVISION MANAGER 1920 Wyandotte. Phone HArrison 6155. Kansas City, Mo. 1611 Davenport, Omaha, Neb. — 3138 Olive, St. Louis, Mo. 812-824 Mulberry St., Des Moines, Iowa BOXOFFICE :: June 28, 1947 71

. . . Milton<br />


Dodney Bush. 20th-Fox exploitation chief,<br />

Is In town ready to wrap up all arrangements<br />

for the world premiere of Georgle<br />

Jessel's picture. "I Wonder Who's Kissing<br />

Her Now," at the Oriental July 3, June Haver.<br />

Martha Stewart, and Mark Stevens, who<br />

star in the picture, will be here for the premiere,<br />

together with Jes.sel. Joe Howard and<br />

others. Shots of the old LaSalle Tlieatre<br />

appear In the picture, which concerns the<br />

life of Joe Howard, the song writer. Howard,<br />

now about 80. lives in New York. The<br />

last time he worked locally was in Barney<br />

Franklin's Rathskeller on Clark near Madison,<br />

which was around the corner from the<br />

LaSalle Theatre, where many of his big<br />

staKP hits were produced.<br />

Paul ,Muni and his wife, pausing here between<br />

trains, hastily grabbed a sandwich and<br />

talked to the press boys, then dashed across<br />

the street to see "The Jolson Story" at the<br />

Apollo. "In Hollywood, we never get a<br />

chance to see pictures." explained the star<br />

Smith Is now representing Irving<br />

Mack In Los Angeles, as they are trying<br />

to find a suitable location to open a branch<br />

office for Filmack Trailers.<br />

Maurice Bergman, eastern advertising<br />

manager for U-I. was in town for a confab<br />

with Ben Katz. local exploiteer. Bergman<br />

was en route to Wawasee. Ind.. to speak before<br />

the convention of Associated Theatre<br />

Owners of Indiana June 24th<br />

Orr. western divi.sion<br />

.<br />

manager of<br />

. . Morrie<br />

UA was In<br />

for a conference at local headquarter.s and<br />

returned east.<br />

The Pump room at the Amba.s.sador hotel<br />

took on all the aspects of a Hollywood set<br />

last weekend for the filming of a Technl-<br />


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