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\ Casey,<br />

-<br />

'NAKED<br />

"<br />

'HIGH<br />

estimonial Dinner<br />

banned for Casey<br />

lOLLYWOOD— After 50 years in the larcliUioiis<br />

field, tlie last 20 with the maproducers,<br />

Pat Casey wil be honored<br />

liih a testimonial retirement dinner soon,<br />

lists planning the fiuiction are confined to<br />

li.ise Pat calls "my boys." and include 22<br />

i( llywood studio industrial relations man-<br />

(TS and their assistants.<br />

at one time a vice-president of the<br />

Inierican Federation of Labor, became asiDi-iated<br />

with the picture industry in 1926,<br />

phen two committees of motion picture pro-<br />

[iicers and international heads of craft<br />

liiions were first organized to handle inliistry<br />

labor problems. Casey became chairlian<br />

of the producers' group. He was still<br />

lerving in this capacity when he retired two<br />

feeks ago.<br />

Fred S. Meyer of 20th-Fox is to preside<br />

ft the farewell dinner as chairman of a comiittee<br />

that also includes W. R. Walsh of<br />

I/IGM and W. K. Hopkins of Columbia.<br />

3ARAMOUNT international executives who<br />

completed studio cotrferences and headed<br />

ipmeward included George Weltner, presiifnt<br />

of Paramount International: John B.<br />

J.ithan, European general manager; Stanley<br />

r'raig, general manager for New Zealand:<br />

.Villiam Hurworth jr., Australian sales repcsentative:<br />

James E. Perkins, managing<br />

lirector for Great Britain, and Fred E.<br />

i.itchinson. managing sales director for<br />

3ritain.<br />

* * «<br />

Paul Hollister, RKO Radio studio representative<br />

in Manhattan, trained out followng<br />

two weeks of studio conferences on forthxming<br />

product.<br />

Jack Osserman, RKO supervisor for Latin<br />

A:nerica. planed out on the first leg of his<br />

:np around the U.S. visiting RKO exchanges.<br />

After three weeks in Mexico City, where<br />

Ui' supervised production on "Adventures of<br />

C.isanova," shooting at the Churubusco studio,<br />

Bryan Foy, vice-president in charge of<br />

roduction for Eagle-Lion, checked back at<br />

I<br />

I<br />

s<br />

desk.<br />

Stanley Kramer, head of Screen Plays,<br />

Inc., new independent producing outfit,<br />

planed out for New York to complete releas-<br />

Irg plans for the company's 3'---year lineup.<br />

• •<br />

Producer Boris Morros trained in from<br />

New 'York for powwows with 'William Le-<br />

B iron, his partner in the United Artists<br />

sharecropping outfit. Federal Films, on their<br />

frrthcoming productions.<br />

• « *<br />

John J. Jones, president of Screen Guild<br />

P:oductions, planed out for Chicago for busint<br />

ss conferences.<br />

P. A. Bateman, general .sales manager for<br />

SG, returned to his desk after completing<br />

a series of nationwide sales conferences, the<br />

la;t two of which were held in Pittsburgh<br />

aid Washington, D. C.<br />

• » •<br />

Ed Morey, vice-president and assistant to<br />

P:esident Steve Broidy of Allied Artists and<br />

Monogram, arrived from New- York for sales<br />

huddles.<br />

[OM AND DAD." the exploitation<br />

progr.un<br />

conceived by Hygienic Produc-<br />

r^<br />

tions of Wilmington. Ohio, has been<br />

one of exhibition's financial sensations of the<br />

past two seasons. From a modest beginning, it<br />

has grown to where 15 units currently are<br />

roadshowing the attraction in four nations.<br />

Now-, rather belatedly, comes the Catholic<br />

Legion of Decency to damn the program with<br />

a "C," or condemned, classification. Says<br />

the CLOD, "It deals with a subject mo.st objectionable<br />

for presentation in entertainment<br />

motion picture theatres, the treatment of the<br />

subject as presented is most objectionable<br />

for entertainment motion picture audiences<br />

and the film ignores completely essential and<br />

supernatural values associated with questions<br />

of this nature,"<br />

M. and D. may be ignoring the "supernatural<br />

values" associated with "questions of<br />

this nature" (hush! hush! it's sexi but, as<br />

showmen w-ho have booked the feature will<br />

testify, it hasn't ignored the supernatural as<br />

concerns the black figures it left behind on<br />

the ledgers of those showmen.<br />

Now that the CLOD has decided that it<br />

naughty to see the show, its business probably<br />

will become super-supernatural.<br />

Monsignor John J. McClafferty, executive<br />

secretary of the same Catholic Legion of Decency,<br />

was guest of honor at an industry<br />

luncheon at MOM with Louis B. Mayer acting<br />

as host. Most heads and executives of<br />

all studios attended.<br />

The same week Leo press previewed its<br />

"The Hucltsters."<br />

Producer Sam Katzman, who plows a<br />

sharecropping acre over Columbia way, in<br />

one w-eek added two newcomers to his already<br />

heavy schedule of features and serials.<br />

One is "The Corsair," to be based on the<br />

epic poem by Lord Byron, first published in<br />

1814. As the basis of the second, to be titled<br />

"Knights of the Round Table," two other<br />

classics of English literature will be utilized,<br />

Alfred Lord Tennyson's "Idylls of the King"<br />

and Sir Thomas Malory's "Morte d'Arthur."<br />

Looks like someone gave Producer Katzman<br />

a book of poetry for Christmas and he<br />

finally got around to reading it.<br />

Spealting of Indians. Lou Lifton, who beats<br />

the tom-toms for Monogram, took a bow because<br />

nine tribes were represented at the<br />

powwow dinner Allied Artists staged for Hollywood's<br />

hungry press prior to the screening<br />

of Jeffrey Bernerd's "Black Gold." Tribes<br />

were Yakima, Sioux. Shawnee. Mission, Ilopi,<br />

Navaho, Kalmath, Ponca and Potawatomi,<br />

Overlooked, Chief Smohawk of the .Smolensk<br />

tribe took to the warpath.<br />

Bernie (Tlie Bashful Boy Blurben Kamins.<br />

director of publicity— if any—for Je.sse L.<br />

Lasky-Walter McEwen Productions, finally<br />

managed to ring the bell. When Bashful<br />

Bernie calls members of the press these days<br />

his conversation is preceded by the sounding<br />

of chimes, which playful and time-killing<br />

pursuit is to inform the harassed listener<br />

is<br />

that the call is on behalf of Lasky-McEwen's<br />

"The Miracle of the Bells."<br />

Characteristically Kaminsian, the chimes<br />

are muffled—and off key.<br />

Because of international red tape and unsettled<br />

conditions, John Ford and Merian C.<br />

Cooper of Arko Productions have cancelled<br />

plans for an expedition to the Belgian Congo<br />

to obtain footage for their "Mr. Joseph<br />

Young of Africa," an upcoming RKO Radio<br />

relea.se. Now, the entire picture will be shot<br />

in Hollywood.<br />

From one jungle to another.<br />

Costumes for Sol Lesser's "Tarzan and<br />

the Mermaids" will be designed by Norma,<br />

Jerry Hoffman informs. The '.cript. he -says,<br />

calls for special imaginative wardrobe for<br />

more than 60 mermaids who will not wear<br />

tails.<br />

* * «<br />

Some day the magi of production<br />

Will go too far in their destruction<br />

Of myth, tradition, time-honored fable<br />

To win for films originality's label.<br />

Sweet femmes who slay, cowpokes who<br />

croon.<br />

Whodunits what answer the question too<br />

.soon,<br />

Pug-ugjy heroes with elephant's hide,<br />

All these the public has taken in stride.<br />

But be not surprised if its patience falls<br />

When it sees on the screen Lesser's mermaids<br />

sans tails.<br />

« 4> *<br />

Anyway, the tail-less mermaids may answer<br />

the traditional observation made by the<br />

Indian upon meeting one of them.<br />

Cary Grant plays a harp solo in Samuel<br />

Goldwyn's "The Bishop's Wife." Recently<br />

he revealed plans for investing his more or<br />

le.ss hard-earned bankroll in an independent<br />

production company in partnership with<br />

Alexander Korda.<br />

One way or another. Grant seems determined<br />

to be an angel.<br />

<strong>WAL</strong>L' WITH<br />



—Howard Strickling Headline.<br />

Perhaps it was anticipation of rolling with<br />

a high wall that accounts for his recent<br />

vertiginous testimony before the House<br />

Committee on un-American Activities.<br />

Title changers at Columbia decided to<br />

shorten "The Mating of Millie McGonigle"<br />

to "The Mating of Millie." and "Silverado<br />

Squatters" to "Silverado."<br />

Apparently, the studios' current economy<br />

drives will stop at nothing.<br />

CITY' CAST<br />


—John Joseph Headline.<br />

The humidity,<br />

no doubt.<br />

BOXOFFICE :: June 28, 1947 59

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