. . Forceful . . The . . The . . Blinded . . Lineup . . Packed . . Religia " . . . . One " EXPLOITIPS Suggestions for Selling; Adlines for Newspaper and Proi SELLING ANGLES: "Crossiire" Thy theme is handled wilh stark realism. While church and civic groups and women's clubs undoubtedly will heartily endorse the film's plea lor tolerance, there are scenes of brute force and questionable morals that may not sit well with parents. There is enough action and suspense to satisfy murder mystery enthusiasts. It can be plugged in ads as a must lor every American. A special screening for the clergy may hf held. CATCHLINES: Expose of the Disease That Threatens America . is Hatred Endangering Democracy . by Hatred and Ignorance . . . Dramatic, Forceful, a Must for Americans . Dramatic Plea for Tolerance ... It Has the Impact of an Atom Bomb. > Ignorance and Hate Made Him a Murderer . With Suspense and Action . Kind of Picture Everyone Talks About . Tale of Murder and Intolerance . . . Eloquent Message for Brotherhood of Man . of Top Talent. tEP SELLING ANGLES: "The Hucksters" Playing up Clark Gable, in his first picture since "Adventure" was released early in 1946, and "The Hucksters," one of most-discussed novels in recent years, will be a guarantee of crowded houses. Also stress the attractive Deborah Kerr, the British star who has been receiving publicity in national and fan magazines for her work in "The Adventuress," and Sydney Greenstreel in a new type of role lor him. Arrange lieups with book stores for window displays of "The Hucksters." Have boys dressed as hucksters distributing handbills. CATCHLINES: Clark Gable, As You Like Him, Ridiculing His Rivals and Romancing His Way to a Lovely Lady's Heart . . . While the Sponsor Demands That the Radio Public "Love That Soap," His Advertising Agency Hates His Guts ... A Behind-the- Scenes Glimpse at a Billion Dollar Entertainment Field. While a Dozen Women Smile at Him. He Has Eyes for Only One ... A Best-Selling Novel Becomes a Vivid Realistic Gable Gets All the Gals in the Radio World. Picture . . . SELLING ANGLES: "Brute Force" SELLING ANGLES: "Pacilic Adventure" Because the story revolves around prison, dress the front of the theatre accordingly. Through newspaper tieup>s, select Blanktown's Calendar Girl, a composite of Yvonne De Carlo, Ella Raines, Ann Blyth and Anita Colby, such as appears in the picture. Have the adolescent femmes vote to choose their "favorite brute" of their school or of the screen. CATCHLINES: They Knew But One Law . Law of Brute Force , . . Caged Men, Cut Off From Their Women by a Wall of Stone and Steell . . . Smouldering Human Dynamite Expl«iding With Ruthless Fury) . . . Steel . . . Stone Walls—Shearing Them Bars—Storing From Lovel Up Their Hate If the exhibitor is in a situation where school tieups are permitted, notices should be sent that this is an authentic historical dramatization of the life of one ol aviation's heroes. Contrast stills ol his "Southern Cross" with some taken at the nearest local airport of one of the big air-liners. Stage a contest in which for a week quiz ads appear such as: "Who was the first to fly the Pacilic?" Have a model airplane display in the lobby. CATCHLINES: Drama ol the Aerial Conqueror ol Continents and the Seven Seas . ol the World's Heroic Adventure Tales . Thrill-Filled and True Story of Sir Charles Kingsford Smith'r^ Aerial Conquest of the Pacific . . Not a War Picture. . . . . Gripping Action as Caged Men Claw Their Way Toward FreedomI . . . Searing Scenes as They Give Brutal Battle lor Supremacy! Woman-Love Burning in the Hearts ol Men Behind Bars! World-Girdler, Sky Pathfinder. Peace-Time Hero . . . Closh-l Crashing Into th»j ing With Terror in Uncharted Skies . . . Unknown on Wings of Daring and a Woman's Prayer . Soaring Thrills That Give Wings to Your Heart. SELLING ANGLES: "A Lady Surrenders The cast oilers substantial draw lor art house audiences. Stewart Granger rapidly is becoming a favorite with the ladies. Emphasis on the musical score and the appearance of the National Symphony Orchestra should draw classical music enthusiasts. You may secure a list of subscribers to a local concert hall arid mail heralds. By contacting music appreciation teachers and securing their sponsorship you may increase juvenile attendance. CATCHLINES: C'orniL;h Rhapsody" Played by the National Symphony Orchestra . . . Your Favorite Stars Return in a New Kind ol Love Story . . . She Surrendered to Fate . . . What Tragic Secret Kept Them Apart? . . . Can a Woman's Love Save a Man's Soul? Loving Today, Fearing Tomorrow . . . You'll Thrill to the "Cornish Rhapsody" . . . Two in Love and Afraid of Loving . . . The Kind ol Love Story You Can't Forget ... A Lady Surrenders Her Heart . . . Together They Defeated Their Secret Fears. rKis old i *n - SELLING ANGLES: "The Millerson Case" Take full advantage ol Phillip Morris's Crime Doctor radio show on CBS. Have radio plugs spotted belore and after the broadcast. Use co-op counter cards and window cards in stores selling Phillip Morris cigarets, and co-op ads with the sthtion on newspaper radio pages. Dr. Ordway's hunting trip suggests a lieup with sporting goods stores. Plant Nancy Saunders stills in beauty shops and women's clothing stores. CATCHLINES: A Backwoods Borgia Brews a Beverage Brimming Will Hatred and Death . . . The Symptoms Said Typhoid but thi Crime Doctor said Murder . . . And He Was Right—a Poison Murder, by a Poisoned Brain, in a Little Town Poisoned With Hate. The Vacation the A Rural Romeo's Crime .Doctor's Romance Wrecked by Ratbane . . . Ends When Murder Comes to Hills . . . Radio's Doctor Pits Himsell Against Cruel Crime Animal Cunning, Crazed by Fear. I SELLING ANGLES: "Black Gold' SELLING ANGLES: "For the Love of Rusty" For ballyhoo have a rider in jockey's silks ride through the streets bearing a sign reading: "I'm Getting an Early Start to See 'Black Gold' at the Blank Theatre." Make a display ol Kentucky Derby winners of the past 20 years with Black Gold the conlorpioco. Take advantage ol the tolerance angle by staging a special show lor tho American Legion and other groups interested in fostering tolerance. CATCHLINESi Thoroughbred Horses and Thoroughbred Humans . . . The Groat Story Behind the Greatest Race In the World . . . Pulse Pounding Drama From Rugged Oklahoma to Churchill Downs . . Three Champions—a Father and Son and the Slout-Hoartod Colt That Stormed Out ol the West to Win the Greatest Kentucky Derby of Them All. An American Adventure— Big. Bold. BoomlngI ... He Was Only Indian Charlie But His LiJe Was a Lesson In Toloroaco lor Latter-Day Americans. t Fl- 4sr 'f ca Dog lilms have a certain loUowing in all localities and by now the exhibitor should know where his advertising lor such pictures gets the best results. The boy-and-his-dog contest may be used to advantage, whether it concerns p«N.J sonal appearance of both at the theatre or asking potronaT to vote a new collar to tho dog most resembling Rusly.^'" Another contest which brings interest in the picture is one fa the best essay on a true story of how a dog saved a life. CATCHLINES: Boys Will Be Boys, Dogs Will Be Dogs . . . And Parer>U Will Always Be—Parents . . . Two Wonderful Pals Who Wa to Make Friends With You . . For the Love ol Mike Don!^ Miss "For the Love of Rusty" . . . Love Me, Love My Dog. A picture About a Boy and His Dog—and His Father Learned to Understand Them ... A snobbishly Plonns Dinner Where the Guest Out-Dressed Them . . . Running Away From Home—and What Happened Then.

I Powers Industry's Market for Purchase or Sale of Equipment, Theatres, Service siiiiod Ads 10c Per Word. Payable in Advance. Minimum SI. 00. Display Roles on Request. • cuflfiine Housf . kNERAL EQUIPMENT—USED GENERAL EQUIPMENT—NEW THEATRES FOR SAIX THEATRES WANTED Lues suriilus s"uml pnyicturs: Ni'» Ztiss Poster Cases— Siuinlt.-s .steel. 40x05 glass size, Highly equipped action theatre. Oklahoma's Sell Your Theatre Privately. Confidential corlespuiidence hulled. lleferelices, Arthur Leak, loiiira, $2T5; used ItJmm KCA. $14Si5U; equipped wlib cold cathode tube lllumuiatiun finest city; 200,000 population. 415 upholsteied :_ili 8. Wabash, Chicago 5. 111. in color, $2.50 extra, double numbering extra. In quantities. Also, popcorn machines, new and copper caramelcorn. candy kettles, peanut roasters, P*s s national headquarters for popcorn Shipping charges paid to 1,000 miles. Cash with used. Chiephone Drslribiitlng Co., 717 W, llOih display cases, lowest prices. Northside Popcorn piB. Sliver Stars. Super Stars, Corn Cribs, order. Kansas City Ticket Co., Dcpt. 9, 1819 Central, K.insas City, Mo. Sacrifice Korn King never used. Free 5 bags St., Chicago. Co., Indlanola. Iowa. ^ihir s taken in trade. Blevins Popcorn Co., >nn. popcorn, 10 gallons seasoning. 4,000 10c bags, MliaBa gains used popcorn machines. Biirch. SIGNS case salt. LIttlejohn. Box 231, Lagrange. Ga. TtorAiance. guaranteed. Poppers Supply. Box THEATRE PRINTING jy .1. Ca. Easy Way to Paint Signs. Use letter patterns. Window Cards, 3-sheets, photo offset house Avoid sloppy work and wasted time No experience needed for expert work. Write for free sam- Wpo corn machines. All models. Prunly programs, heralds, passes, etc. Cato Show Printing Co., Cato, New York, or Tribune Press, ples, .lohn Rahn, B-1329 Central Ave, Chicago New! Instruct inns—Film "Setting Sound Lens" BOOKS tfi< in Co.. 620 N. 2nd St., St. Louis 2, lliiMdI. .Vmiiro. Vlcior. MrVry. $l!i3 up: around entire case. ;!5mm lWilm« sizes, delivery in Immeiliale delivery. lu days. Literature Ail other upon reque.sl. seals. $25,000. E-7s. Halt 4 down. Star. Arthur Simplex Leak, High Theatres Lamps, Kxeluslvely, ihealres Exclusively. 3422 Kinmore. Iiallas. Tex. Ben B. Poblockl k Sons, 2159 South Kln- Will pay 3422 cash for .> Ampronrc 111. lUl'J: .|ulpmfnis, $l,2a5; Di-Vry 111 tluatrc KInmore, small-town llullaii. Tex. theatre soulhein Calliiirnia. 111- $2.4S»5; rebuilt Super Simplex out- nickmnic Ave.. .Milwaukee 7. Wis. Exhibitor desires permanent location. .No agents. \h ll'c.V sound. $3,850. S.O.S. Clnemu Supi\< 449 W. 42nd St., New York IS. Two subsequent run houses In good West Wrile .Mgr., Virginia towns Calif. 1239 Stanford St., Santa Drive-ln Theatre Projection and sound equipment. Brand new; nothing else needed, $2,974. Sli.nica. and one coal camp town In Virginia. Will sell separate. Box 2761. Boxoftlce. 825 Van Theatre muipment $2,794, and $2,280. complete Will pay cash for small town theatre California. iocJ-Lin» Tviin 111 reotifier, 65 ampere.*. Kriini Blvd.. Kansas City 1. Mo. and installed. .\ee Camera Supply, 116 N. Uargan. Exhibllur desires permanent location. Not interested city theatres. v)45; .Moliotraph K I'rojcclor Mrchanilh rlunisimpr. rebuilt. $695: Brenkerl Theatre—300 seats. Equipment and lease. Place. Kiirbank, Calif Florence. S. C Address 234 North Reese Isr.i, ewellent. J495; Century rebuilt. Low rent. County seat town of 2.500 popiilaiinn Si.iier Simplex rebuilt. $050; tieket ma- near coast. Cash price. $14,500. Theatre— Near Will buy theatre, norihern. central or western THEATRE SEATING L' unit hand operated, $09.50: 3 imit. coast. Cement building. 392 seats. Grossing New York and nortliern Ohio, north central Pennsylvania In towns 1,500 lo 4,000 population In S a.S, Cinema Supply Corp., 449 W. 42nd $1,525 month plus candy and popcorn. Total 500 Amerie.in spring edge cushion cllairs, heavy a price $20,000. $11,000 cash required. Balance Catholic community. « York For 18. particulars write Joseph panel buck, excellent. $5.45; 621 same rebuilt, $126 monlh. Interest 4%. J. C. Butler. A. B.C. Amaiid. 7121 Magoun Ave, / Duty blowers, ball-bearing equipped, $7.65: 200 veneer chairs, rebuilt, $3.96; 1050 Hammond. Ind. Brokerage Co.. 304 S.W. 4th Ave., Portland, Ore. ofm ii> 60.000 cfm. Air washers, lleywood-Wakefield full upholstered back, bnx- Prefer all theatre with building included. Must be iljdraulic dri»es two and four speed motors >pring cushion cllairs, exeelleni, $4.95; (rebuilt Theatre Exchange Co.. the only exclusive theatre brokers in the northwest, offer the largest 802 Albany Ave, Waycross, Ga. reasonable and on paying basis. Clifford Jordan, It 'Is. Immediate delivery. Dealers wanted. $5.95); 400 General full upholstered back, boxspring cushion, rebuilt, for list. of for sale or lease. for Wanted theatre in town of 1,400 or more. S U.S. Cinema Supply Corp., 449 W. 42nd St., list. 201 Fine Arts Bldg.. Portland 5. Ore. State in first letter .New York IS. all that would be desired $7.95. Wire selection theatres Write 1 ftijlneerine and Mfg. Co.. il3 W. 19th iL- Ls City. Mo es factory rebuilt 16mm Arc projector, Theatre Exchange Co. Listing No. 135 in Portland. Ore. 420 seats, mostly new. New carpet (Ice. 825 Van Brunt Blvd.. Kansas City 1, .Mo. by experienced theatre owner. Box 2780. Bo.xoft amplifier speaker, $660. Pair Motloleids and magazines hardly used. $100. on hand. We are headquarters fur the cream of and decoration. Soft drinks, candy and popcorn. Several thousand used upholstered opera chairs S. blect. 1840 .Morse Are.. Chicago 26, 111. Iho used chair crop. We pick the lots that we Steady family trade. Owner says $2,000 gross. think you will like. We furnish proper slope and Price $32,500. $50 week rent Including heat. HELP WANTED \i.\ projectors, arc lamps, rectifiers, sections desired to fit your theatre. Our Arts Bldg., Portland 5, Ore. ic of genuine replacement parts for United years experience in the seating business is your Wanted; Experienced, .sober, dependable, three i sound ctiuijimenl. Weber snurni equlpr I'owers projectors. Prewar prices. Bodel- Theatre Exchange Co. Listing guarantee. Write for exact photo and price. We No. 134 in shows daily, six-day permanent position lo right Washington county seat. Only theatre. Film man. have parts for all makes of chairs. Also, leatherette 25x25 in. all colors. 55c ea. Good Write Son Amusement Co.. Saiilt Ste Marie, circuited with next town. mpany, 10-38 Jackson Ate., L. I. City, New sound, carpet and Mich, quality. State st arling salary and reference. seats. Simplex HI Lamps. Owner says $1,600 Oilcago Used Chair Mart. 829 So. State St., Manager Wanted. State experience, age. gross, and increasing. references, all details and salary Bldg. included for $42,500. Chicago 5. 111. Simplex Portable Projectors. RCA Sound, Terms. expected in 201 Fine Arts answer. Bldg., Portland 5, Ore. Write Cpfiiwn Theatre, Sedalia, Mo. 3m0 upholstered ehair.s. Complete, $2,000. Fensin Chair maintenance headquarters ha£ all Theatre Exchange Co. Listing No. I 'alcagno. Box 102. Gramercy. 128 in booming Oregon lumber and farm community. New RCA La. parts and accessories for all chairs. .-Mso upholstery fabrics and theatre chair supplies. Send us Theatre manager experienced in making up live fronts for grind policy. Good opportunity for gogetter with recognized circuit. Write Associated Afitble: One pair of Cycles Projector lamps booth. 320 seats. Gross increasing 20% yearly your sample for quotation. Repair service available right in your theatre also. Fensin Seating Theatres, Inc. 1323 Dime Bldg,. Detroit. Mich. ready to operate, in .\-i condition, last 3 years. .Modern bldg. included for $22,500. iantps are now in operation :u)d can be Terms. 201 Fine Arts Bldg.. Portland 5. Ore. Co.. 62 B. 13th St., Chicago 5. III. I I'l two weeks. .\lso two A.C. Inductors Theatre for Sale; Small town, in good farming Irp-ncy use with switches, complete $500. 1.200 Used Spring cushioned theatre chairs. district in northwest Kansas. Good building, brick POSITIONS WANTED Theatre Supply Co., 2706 Colley Ave., $1.50 ea.. and $3.50 ea.. complete. Immediate front, small living quarters. Many improvements V.a. Phone 53818. delivery. Russell Chair. 2567 McClellan. Detroit. Manager: Family. added this year. 377 seats (IGO Trained all phases. cushioned!. Perfect Mich. Phone LBNox 3445. references. Future important. I'refer p ilr good late model ESF DeVry 35mm Good equipment, showing six nights a week. Showing prolit. Sickness reason (or selling. Every- Box 2763, Texas, adjoining states. Independent tlieatres. I ND-30 watt Amplifier-.Monitor. $750. Theatre Chairs, 3,000 used spring cushioned Wickes, Ark. part full upholstered back and part insert panel Bo.xoffice, 825 thing sells, price $20,000. Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City I, If interested, see or .Ala box spring cushions. Kahle, Mgr., Liberty Theatre, Brewster. hack, with spring edge and write F. M. com- many Terms. 201 Fine K.as. [es 16mm Sound Projector, like new, $350. 1.000 veneer chairs, 800 good backs, 500 spring Manager; Ten years experience. Desires good 201 University Ave.. N. Y. C. cushions and hinges. Write for prices and photographs. Immediate delivery, advise how many you For Sale; Finest small town theatre in middle connection. Write or wire Box 414. Hamlet. N. C. Ijiniplex projectors, rear shutter, late model. Ambitious young projectionist looking for need. We export chairs anywhere. Jesse Cole, 2565 west, located central Iowa. $65,000. Terms, position uimI, double channel. Strong lamps, with rectia future. Five years experience; eager McClellan Ave., Valley 2-3445, Detroit. Mich. Box 2765. Boxoffice. 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas Citv 1. Mo. to Ijol 'r rewind, etc. Low price for quick learn more. sale. Available immediately. Will go Illieatre, Akron, Ohio. Sewn Delux seat covers and sewn slip covers, any place. No bad habits. Box 2781, Boxoffice, reversible type, for all brands seats. Fredis Theatre Beautitul new theatre, east Texas town 1,300 825 Van Brunt Blvd.. Kansas City 1, Mo. Service. Vina, Ala. popu[ation. Large rural population. Near,est Projectionist, general maintenance, service, re- >aie or swap for anything I can use: One projectors and a pair of Strong 1,623 American Seats, late model, insert panel, theatre 15 miles. New sound, new cushion chairs, pairs, 23 years small town experience, steady, in.-;ty lamps with new Strong rectifiers. spring edge cushions, immediate delivery. Also new washed air cooling. Making money. Good sober, reliable. Projectionist, 2212 Orchard St., Ipe -.tre. St. .Ansgar. Iowa. 255 late model American seats, full upholstered lease. $11,000 some terms. Box 2766, Boxoffice, Chicago. 825 Van Brunt Blvd.. K.ansas Ci(y. 1. Mo. lete used booth equipment, including two back, spring edge cushions. 8 months old, ,\lso Standard projectors, two Brenkert Econo- veneer chairs. Wire, write or phone, HARrison J 6 Virginia (hea(res for sale. Reasonable terms |(ip with rectifiers, a complete Western 4219. .Ace Chair & Carpet, Inc., 1428 S. Wabash to responsible theatre operators. Located in Norfolk. BUSINESS STIMULATORS Portsmouth, Newport News. Jewel Produc- 46C sound system with Universal bases. Ave.. Chicago 5. 111. ^1 'able, film splicer, hand rewind and film For Sale; 169 Veneer seats, .all in good condition. F. M. Kahle. Brewster, Kas. Comic books again available as premiums, giveaways at tions. 165 West 46th St.. N. Y. "lood condition, going to highest bidder, your kiddy shows. Large variety latest (inii ^ement Co., Box 311. Premium Huntsville. Te!i. Co.. 1.000 American box spring, cushion panel back Only time Theatre. offered, Texas County .\ttractive front, Scat 2.300. good First equipment. 48-page newsstand editions. Comics 412B Greenwich St.. New York City. pcornplete Powers projectors. Mazda lamps. (or level floor. $4.00 each. F.O.B. Albany, N. Y. Highly profitable. Private sale. $20,000 dovra. Mil. good condition. $225 takes all. 395 Albany Theatre Supply Co.. 1046 Broadway. Albany. N. Y. Bingo with more action, $2.25 thousand cards. Arthur Leak. 3422 Kinraore. Dallas, Tex. Also other games. Novelty Games Co., 1434 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn 16. N. Y. 'e Columbus 7. Ohio. 850 fully padded metal lined back and spring Oklahoma town over 2,500. Excellent equipment, air conditioning; 350 seats, mostly cush- Bingo Games. No license necessary. Screen Cf '.Smm portable sound projector, complete cushions. A-1 condition for sloped floor, 19-20 Ci-ker and amplifier, lute model, prachJie., used very little, $500. Jos. Vasut, inches wide, $4.75 each F.O.B. Albany. N. Y. ioned, lining good business: $15,000. Box 2778, Dial $20. Cards (or 75 or 100 number game, Albany Theatre Supply Co.. 1046 Broadway, Albany. N. Y Mo. $2.50 per thousand. Premium Products, 354 Boxoffice. 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, $275 per thousand. Ten thousand or more, S(Ur|, T«. West 44lh St.. New York City. 1.400 fully padded b.icks spring cushion. 19-20 Virginia theatre, modern, all-brick construction. inches wide for level floor, 66S spring seats, new Ale.x;inder-Snilth carpet. STUDIO EQUIPMENT Rochester. N. Y. .\lbany Theatre Supply Co.. projection. sound, blower system. Broadway. Albany. N. Y drawing cnmjietitlon. 1046 .Simplex Town 2.200 with RCA nice radius. No $3.50 each. F.O.B. AIR CONDITIONING I $25,000 down by appointment only. Prompt shipment, all-steel Bt-e* n-orer: magazine: free-head tripod: motor, ing. leaving state for health. Box 2779. 1^ Moviolas now available, sound, $795; 1.000 American full upholstered back spring :; 5; Ace Film Viewers, $119.50: Hollyblowers with motors. cushion. 10 years old. 19-20 inches wide, $5.50, T. E. Wilson. Bos 247. Crewe, Va. 5.500 dm. $127.80: . ri ble area recording system, $3,750; BM 8.500 c(m. $172.20; 11.000 F.O.B. Rochester. N. Y. Albany Theatre Supply cfm. uHic s'lidio single system camera with g.ilva- For Sale $15,000 profitable theiitre. central $228.90; 13.500 cfm.. $276; other sizes Co.. 1046 Broadway, .\lbany. N. Y. avail.ible. «i»fi nckover: 1,000 ft. magazines: 6 lenses Indiana town of 1.700 population with 5 to 10 Latest dual air washers. 5.000 cfm. ml 1 if il ilewfinder. $3,950: Eyemo turret. 3 Special transportation rates are now available years lease. Simplex equipment. Reason (or sed- $138: 7.000 cfm. $168: 10.000 cfm. $204: 15.000 In all exhibitors in southern states and sample cfm. Boxnd'lco. $240; 20.000 e(m. $276. DKdisers. reclrciilaling 825 Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1. Mo. pumps, exhaust (ans available. S.O.S. *f . .:;15: New Bell i Howell Ifimm sound chairs can be inspected before purchase. Write. «inti S!,250: new Mitchell 24V motors, $295: Hire or call for details. Jack McGrath, Alb.ary Cinema Supply Corp.. 449 W. 42nd St., New •« mm film phonographs, $795. Send for Thfilre Supply Co.. 1046 Broadway, .\lbany. N. Y. Theatres Denver territory; 450 seals. S.OOO York 18. 'Ift "1 Olst. S.O.S. Cinema Supply Corp., 449 800 complete rebuilt bos spring, veneer back population. Lease and equipment worth plenty, Spray Nozzles Vi in.. % In., ». i: ,>••.. New York 1? theatre Chairs. $5.50 each. 1.000 reconditioned 300 seats good mining towTi. building and equipment, nice business. Box 2782, Boxoffice, 825 H In. Have 500 left at SOc e.ach. Cap. plain veneer chairs. $3.50 each. Other lots. Ask M tn 2% gal. per min. Water broken to fine misty siiray. Can ship (or photos. Bodelson & Co.. 10-38 Jackson Ave., Van Brunt Blvd., Kansas City 1, Mo. at once. G. A. Peterson, RPD No. 2. Clinton. Mo. I.QUIPMENT WANTED Deluxe 400 seats central Illinois, town 2.500. For Sale: Tliree Buffalo fans, size 8. Double. I.. I, rilv. N. Y. seats 100 veneer in excellent condition. Answer new building 1941. Owner selling account health. Excellent fur cooling theatre. $400 each. F.O.B., quick. 2 to 400 (IS or 19 inch) spring edge Must make room (or new seats. Phone, $33,000 down. The Savereides. 1217 Blum Bldg., Rov 317. Weatherford. Tex. Theatres: wire or write Midway Theatre. 7th and Central. Chicago. HI. Kansas City. Kas. Illinois, Indiana. Missouri. Kansas, POPCORN SUPPLIES kii-io. complete booth equipment. L. B. «tlt\i , Mo. 200 good complete theatre chairs, upholstered Nebraska. Iowa. Minnesota. The Savereides, 1217 h.icks and spring bottoms. Reasonable. T. J. Blum Bldg.. Chicago, IB. Write for our special contract which giiariinlees POPCORN MACHINES .\rrington. New Haven. Ind. you more profits and greater savings on all your Texas: Small town theatre, grossing $18,000 piipcorn and popcorn supplies. RIevlns Bee Hive annually. $14,500. Box 2776. Boxoffice. 825 Van Popcorn Co,. Nashville. -Manley—Crciors—Advances—All electric Tenn. Brunt Blvd.. Kansas Cily 1, Mo. 5'fr; types. Karmelkorn Equipment, 120 THEATRE TICKETS Home of "Kiish Hour" popcorn and popcorn jMI. Chicago 6, III. supplies. Send for price list. Priinty Seed i Wit ^OBcorn Machines for sale. Fully guar- Prompt service—Special printed roll tickets, Grain Co., 620 N. 2nd St., St. Louis 2. Mo. CONFECTIONS ""' P lee from $150. Consolidated Confec- inO.OOO. $19.90; 10.000, $5.95: 2.000. $3.75. Established 1874, Each change In admission price, inrliidlng ch.ange Candy Bars, assorted mils, popcorn seasoning. All-Electric Popcorn Units, popping kettles, Fowler, Ind. HI. 51. $1.95. Wesley Trout. Enid. Okla.

. . Forceful<br />

. . The<br />

. . The<br />

. . Blinded<br />

. . Lineup<br />

. . Packed<br />

. . Religia<br />

"<br />

. .<br />

. . One<br />

"<br />

EXPLOITIPS Suggestions for Selling; Adlines for Newspaper and Proi<br />


"Crossiire"<br />

Thy theme is handled wilh stark realism. While church<br />

and civic groups and women's clubs undoubtedly will heartily<br />

endorse the film's plea lor tolerance, there are scenes of brute<br />

force and questionable morals that may not sit well with<br />

parents. There is enough action and suspense to satisfy murder<br />

mystery enthusiasts. It can be plugged in ads as a must<br />

lor every American. A special screening for the clergy may<br />

hf held.<br />


Expose of the Disease That Threatens America . is<br />

Hatred Endangering Democracy . by Hatred and<br />

Ignorance . . . Dramatic, Forceful, a Must for Americans .<br />

Dramatic Plea for Tolerance ... It Has the Impact of an<br />

Atom Bomb.<br />

><br />

Ignorance and Hate Made Him a Murderer . With<br />

Suspense and Action . Kind of Picture Everyone Talks<br />

About . Tale of Murder and Intolerance . . . Eloquent<br />

Message for Brotherhood of Man . of Top<br />

Talent.<br />

tEP<br />


"The Hucksters"<br />

Playing up Clark Gable, in his first picture since "Adventure"<br />

was released early in 1946, and "The Hucksters," one<br />

of most-discussed novels in recent years, will be a guarantee<br />

of crowded houses. Also stress the attractive Deborah Kerr,<br />

the British star who has been receiving publicity in national<br />

and fan magazines for her work in "The Adventuress," and<br />

Sydney Greenstreel in a new type of role lor him. Arrange<br />

lieups with book stores for window displays of "The Hucksters."<br />

Have boys dressed as hucksters distributing handbills.<br />


Clark Gable, As You Like Him, Ridiculing His Rivals and<br />

Romancing His Way to a Lovely Lady's Heart . . . While the<br />

Sponsor Demands That the Radio Public "Love That Soap,"<br />

His Advertising Agency Hates His Guts ... A Behind-the-<br />

Scenes Glimpse at a Billion Dollar Entertainment Field.<br />

While a Dozen Women Smile at Him. He Has Eyes for<br />

Only One ... A Best-Selling Novel Becomes a Vivid Realistic<br />

Gable Gets All the Gals in the Radio World.<br />

Picture . . .<br />

SELLING ANGLES: "Brute Force"<br />


"Pacilic Adventure"<br />

Because the story revolves around prison, dress the front<br />

of the theatre accordingly. Through newspaper tieup>s, select<br />

Blanktown's Calendar Girl, a composite of Yvonne De Carlo,<br />

Ella Raines, Ann Blyth and Anita Colby, such as appears in<br />

the picture. Have the adolescent femmes vote to choose<br />

their "favorite brute" of their school or of the screen.<br />


They Knew But One Law . Law of Brute Force , . .<br />

Caged Men, Cut Off From Their Women by a Wall of Stone<br />

and Steell . . . Smouldering Human Dynamite Expl«iding<br />

With Ruthless Fury) . . . Steel<br />

. . . Stone Walls—Shearing Them<br />

Bars—Storing<br />

From Lovel<br />

Up Their Hate<br />

If the exhibitor is in a situation where school tieups are<br />

permitted, notices should be sent that this is an authentic<br />

historical dramatization of the life of one ol aviation's heroes.<br />

Contrast stills ol his "Southern Cross" with some taken at<br />

the nearest local airport of one of the big air-liners. Stage<br />

a contest in which for a week quiz ads appear such as: "Who<br />

was the first to fly the Pacilic?" Have a model airplane display<br />

in the lobby.<br />


Drama ol the Aerial Conqueror ol Continents and the Seven<br />

Seas . ol the World's Heroic Adventure Tales .<br />

Thrill-Filled and True Story of Sir Charles Kingsford Smith'r^<br />

Aerial Conquest of the Pacific . . Not a War Picture.<br />

.<br />

. . .<br />

Gripping Action as Caged Men Claw Their Way Toward<br />

FreedomI<br />

. . . Searing Scenes as They Give Brutal Battle lor<br />

Supremacy! Woman-Love Burning in the Hearts ol Men<br />

Behind Bars!<br />

World-Girdler, Sky Pathfinder. Peace-Time Hero . . . Closh-l<br />

Crashing Into th»j<br />

ing With Terror in Uncharted Skies . . .<br />

Unknown on Wings of Daring and a Woman's Prayer .<br />

Soaring Thrills That Give Wings to Your Heart.<br />


"A Lady Surrenders<br />

The cast oilers substantial draw lor art house audiences.<br />

Stewart Granger rapidly is becoming a favorite with the<br />

ladies. Emphasis on the musical score and the appearance<br />

of the National Symphony Orchestra should draw classical<br />

music enthusiasts. You may secure a list of subscribers to<br />

a local concert hall arid mail heralds. By contacting music<br />

appreciation teachers and securing their sponsorship you<br />

may increase juvenile attendance.<br />


C'orniL;h Rhapsody" Played by the National Symphony Orchestra<br />

. . . Your Favorite Stars Return in a New Kind ol Love<br />

Story . . . She Surrendered to Fate . . . What Tragic Secret<br />

Kept Them Apart? . . . Can a Woman's Love Save a Man's<br />

Soul?<br />

Loving Today, Fearing Tomorrow . . . You'll Thrill to the<br />

"Cornish Rhapsody" . . . Two in Love and Afraid of Loving<br />

. . . The Kind ol Love Story You Can't Forget ... A Lady<br />

Surrenders Her Heart . . . Together They Defeated Their<br />

Secret Fears.<br />

rKis<br />

old i<br />

*n -<br />


"The Millerson Case"<br />

Take full advantage ol Phillip Morris's Crime Doctor radio<br />

show on CBS. Have radio plugs spotted belore and after<br />

the broadcast. Use co-op counter cards and window cards<br />

in stores selling Phillip Morris cigarets, and co-op ads with<br />

the sthtion on newspaper radio pages. Dr. Ordway's hunting<br />

trip suggests a lieup with sporting goods stores. Plant<br />

Nancy Saunders stills in beauty shops and women's clothing<br />

stores.<br />


A Backwoods Borgia Brews a Beverage Brimming Will<br />

Hatred and Death . . . The Symptoms Said Typhoid but thi<br />

Crime Doctor said Murder . . . And He Was Right—a Poison<br />

Murder, by a Poisoned Brain, in a Little Town Poisoned<br />

With Hate.<br />

The<br />

Vacation the<br />

A Rural Romeo's<br />

Crime .Doctor's<br />

Romance Wrecked by Ratbane . . .<br />

Ends When Murder Comes to<br />

Hills . . . Radio's Doctor Pits Himsell Against Cruel<br />

Crime<br />

Animal Cunning, Crazed by Fear.<br />

I<br />


"Black Gold'<br />


"For the Love of Rusty"<br />

For ballyhoo have a rider in jockey's silks ride through the<br />

streets bearing a sign reading: "I'm Getting an Early Start<br />

to See 'Black Gold' at the Blank Theatre." Make a display<br />

ol Kentucky Derby winners of the past 20 years with Black<br />

Gold the conlorpioco. Take advantage ol the tolerance angle<br />

by staging a special show lor tho American Legion and other<br />

groups interested in fostering tolerance.<br />


Thoroughbred Horses and Thoroughbred Humans . . . The<br />

Groat Story Behind the Greatest Race In the World . . . Pulse<br />

Pounding Drama From Rugged Oklahoma to Churchill Downs<br />

. . Three Champions—a Father and Son and the Slout-Hoartod<br />

Colt That Stormed Out ol the West to Win the Greatest<br />

Kentucky Derby of Them All.<br />

An American Adventure— Big. Bold. BoomlngI ... He Was<br />

Only Indian Charlie But His LiJe Was a Lesson In Toloroaco<br />

lor Latter-Day Americans.<br />

t<br />

Fl-<br />

4sr<br />

'f ca<br />

Dog lilms have a certain loUowing in all localities and by<br />

now the exhibitor should know where his advertising lor<br />

such pictures gets the best results. The boy-and-his-dog<br />

contest may be used to advantage, whether it concerns p«N.J<br />

sonal appearance of both at the theatre or asking potronaT<br />

to vote a new collar to tho dog most resembling Rusly.^'"<br />

Another contest which brings interest in the picture is one fa<br />

the best essay on a true story of how a dog saved a life.<br />


Boys Will Be Boys, Dogs Will Be Dogs . . . And Parer>U<br />

Will Always Be—Parents . . . Two Wonderful Pals Who Wa<br />

to Make Friends With You . . For the Love ol Mike Don!^<br />

Miss "For the Love of Rusty" . . . Love Me, Love My Dog.<br />

A picture About a Boy and His Dog—and His Father<br />

Learned to Understand Them ... A snobbishly Plonns<br />

Dinner Where the Guest Out-Dressed Them . . . Running<br />

Away From Home—and What Happened Then.

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